
chrisccoulsonso, i'm finished with firefox / thunderbird 10 already, with the exception of updating lightning :-)00:05
micahgawesome :), now I just need to get 9 out the door :)00:07
chrisccoulsonmicahg, oh, you must have missed this bit too:00:07
chrisccoulson<chrisccoulson> excellent, i've got the new jsctypes mozvoikko working on lucid's stoneage libvoikko :-)00:07
micahgah, yes :), that's good, I assume we'll do that for 1000:08
chrisccoulsonyeah: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next/+sourcepub/2159471/+listing-archive-extra :)00:08
micahgdoes update-manager handle the arch: any -> arch: all conversion ok?00:09
chrisccoulsonyeah, it seems to work ok00:10
chrisccoulsonnow i need to try and unbreak this kde patch for oneiric :(00:15
FernandoMiguelnite folks01:08
micahgchrisccoulson: woohoo, more hung tests on amd64 in Firefox07:39
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i'd be happier if https://twitter.com/#!/slashdot/status/154571887488409601 said "Chrome almost dead in the US" ;)14:39
m_conleychrisccoulson: Some day, some day.  :)14:40
m_conleychrisccoulson: happy new year to you, btw14:40
chrisccoulsonm_conley, and happy new year to you too :)14:40
chrisccoulsonlol @ https://twitter.com/#!/simonhead/status/15456829432045568014:41
m_conleyI think 2012 is going to be a very interesting year for browser technology...14:42
chrisccoulsonheh, i look forward to it :)14:44
chrisccoulsonm_conley, did you see where the next UDS is?15:12
m_conleychrisccoulson: I did!  I was surprised - I thought you folks oscillated between US and EU...15:13
chrisccoulsonm_conley, yeah, we do normally. but i think we've swapped it around15:13
chrisccoulsonwe have a platform sprint in budapest next week, and the january one is normally in the US15:13
chrisccoulsoni'm not complaining though, it'll be nice to go somewhere other than orlando :)15:14
m_conleyYeah, Cali is nice - ever been there?15:14
chrisccoulsonnot yet15:14
chrisccoulsoni'm looking forward to it :)15:14
=== asac_ is now known as asac
jcastrochrisccoulson: hey, what do you know about the server side Firefox sync bits?18:31
chrisccoulsonjcastro, not much. how come?18:32
jcastroI want a juju charm18:32
jcastroso people can just fire up their own sync servers18:32
jcastrothe "own my own data" use case18:32
chrisccoulsonah, ok. that sounds cool :)18:32
jcastroCan I convince you to look at it and investigate if it's packageable?18:33
chrisccoulsoni'm not too sure who would be the best person to ask about that18:33
chrisccoulsonoh, possibly ;)18:33
chrisccoulsoni've got quite a lot to do already though :)18:33
jcastroor not, if there's nothing that relates to the client bit I can ask a server dude18:33
jcastroI just wanted to make sure there's no correlation there, so if you zig and the charm zags everything breaks, etc.18:34
jcastrochrisccoulson: ok so you have zero, good enough for me, at least I know I'm not stepping on toes. :)18:38
chrisccoulsonjyo, thanks20:12
chrisccoulsonjcastro ^20:12
jcastrojyo:  perfect, thanks, that page is basically gold to me.20:15
jcastrothis shouldn't be too hard20:15
dthhi, i have a problem after changing my pw in thunderbird 3.1.16 on ubuntu 11.04 there is no way to get the pw for the smtp-server in. i have try to delete the mail accout from subdir but that du not slove the problem. is there any idea?22:00
micahgdth: did you change the master password?22:04
dthyes, but after a powercile ther is no change22:05
micahgdth: if the smtp server password changed, go into the accounts settings, outgoing server, and edit the SMTP server in question22:05
micahgdeleting stuff in the profile is usually not a good idea22:05
dthmicahg, that is what i have tried the whole day, but it isnt work22:06
dthmicahg, i know that deleting isnt a good thing, but it was my last idear22:07
micahgdo you have a web interface  you can log into to make sure the password works?22:08
dthyes, thats all right22:09
dthis there any way to edit the list of the passwordmanager?22:11
micahgyou can see what's in there in Preferences -> Security -> Passwords -> Saved Passwords22:13
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
dthyes, and in there the username is incomplete22:14
dthit looks like there is a stringmanipulation in some script that isnt runnung22:14
dthor is buggy22:15
micahgdth: you're saying that what's in there doesn't match the smtp settings?22:18
dththe username is fragmented22:19
micahgdo you have non-ASCII characters in your username?22:19
dthno, it is plain ASCII22:20
dthand some time since 2 years ago it works to create the account in the mailclient22:21
micahgdth: no idea then, please try #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org22:22
dthbtw, the prob is the same on my workstation and my notebook22:22
dthok, but many thanks for your kind help!22:22
micahggood luck22:23
jyoNo problem, guys. :)22:28

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