
=== chalced is now known as chalcedony
Semperfi30Hello I am trying to find out where all the boot files are located in ubuntu 11.1001:10
hamitronboot files? /boot is a good place to start looking01:16
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
Supermanintightsanyone find it jerky when moving windows around?03:24
Supermanintightslike the computer starts lagging a tad?03:24
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DJonesMorning daubers08:09
MooDoohello all08:12
* daubers spends a day in django-land08:23
danfishdaubers: legoland sounds more fun ;)08:53
daubersdanfish: Less productive though08:54
christelgood moaning!08:59
MooDoomoaning christel09:01
christelheey MooDoo :D09:02
DJonesurgh, first day back in work, at least its only a 2 day week09:08
MooDooDJones: sucks doesn't it09:08
christeli parsed 2 day as 2 hour09:09
christeli wish it was a 2 hour week09:09
MooDooi wish i didn't have to work at all and could go photograph stuff09:11
oimoni have a blanket wrapped around me...at work :-\09:16
oimonnot really suitable working conditions09:17
christelauchies, that sounds rather cold09:17
oimonrather inclement conditions...09:21
MartijnVdSoimon: health, safety?09:48
oimonMartijnVdS: public sector: tick the boxes but actually don't care when there are real issues09:48
MartijnVdSoimon: until Something Bad©® happens09:49
oimonpeople generally don't do their work properly, then go off sick for prolonged periods09:53
oimoni'm still looking for a decent MS project type app for linux - anyone recommend one?09:57
MartijnVdSoimon: org-mode?09:57
oimonto produce gantt charts09:58
MartijnVdShttp://orgmode.org/worg/code/latex/gantt.sty :)09:58
TheOpenSourcereroimon: If you can still get it try openproj (Java cross platform), or the recent(ish) fork of dotproject - web2project (php, collaborative).09:58
TheOpenSourcereropenproj does (did) open .msp files too)09:58
oimonTheOpenSourcerer: i'm trialling planner, openproj and ganttproject (latter 2 are java cross patform)09:59
AlanBellmorning all10:00
oimonbut i haven't come across anyone who's used them properly in office environment10:00
TheOpenSourcereroimon: OpenERP has a project management module too.10:00
AlanBellanyone know what one should install on windows these days to do a reverse VNC connection to a computer running a grown up operating system?10:01
AlanBellso on windows I want the user to be able to throw their screen to me so I can control it10:01
gorddoes the built in screen sharing thing not run over vnc protocol?10:01
oimonalso i thought realvnc includes the option to run vnc-reverse built into it10:02
AlanBellrealvnc can do it, just not sure if that is the state of the art, or tightvnc?10:02
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: I installed an app called TeamViewer to do that to a customer's windows desktop. Not quite what you want but it worked from here.10:02
AlanBellisn't that tied to a website or something?10:03
TheOpenSourcererI think so yes.10:03
TheOpenSourcererIt's free though, but not Free(tm)10:04
DJonesIsn't there also logmein which is tied to a website, I think, I think basic versions are free (ish) but multiple machines can cost10:07
oimonskype also does screen sharing and hence gets through firewealls, however unsure if it allows "control"10:08
DJonesAlthough logmein does have a bit of a bad reputation because it seems to have been cloned and used by the antivirus scammers10:09
AlanBellrealvnc does the job, going with that now10:10
MartijnVdSAlanBell: Windows VNC? TightVNC?10:10
MartijnVdSAlanBell: RealVNC costs ££10:10
MartijnVdSTightVNC is Free as in GPL10:10
AlanBellno, realvnc is GPL10:10
MartijnVdSAlanBell: oh there's a "Free Edition" with fewer features10:11
AlanBellonly want one feature10:11
MartijnVdSAlanBell: but it doesn't work on Win710:11
AlanBellhave just installed it on XP10:11
MartijnVdSAlanBell: OK, well, for future reference :) RealVNC + Win7 = £10:11
AlanBellgood to know10:11
AlanBellcan tightvnc do the "add client" thing and connect to a listening viewer?10:12
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I don't know. Never needed that feature myself10:12
MartijnVdSah: it works in WinXP but not Win7: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3341012&group_id=14067&atid=36406710:13
MartijnVdSaccording to that bug10:13
MartijnVdShttp://www.tightvnc.com/winst.php -> search for "reverse connections"10:14
AlanBelldoesn't work from a script according to that bug, but looks like the gui version will do it10:14
danfishAlanBell: try gitso - http://code.google.com/p/gitso/10:37
danfishoops, but late :)10:37
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:59
* daubers will be laser cutting his nano case this evening \o/11:00
oimondaubers: putting a tattoo on it?11:01
davmor2Morning Funksters11:01
oimontattooing your tech is almost a big decision as putting an indelible ink on your body11:01
Laneyback in the office, where I forgot that tea tastes weird11:02
davmor2czajkowski: Prod, proddity, prod, prod, prod, proddity prod11:02
Laneystupid water heater thing11:02
Laneythey got a posh new one but nobody ever maintains it11:02
davmor2Laney: new job for you then11:03
Laneysoon :P11:03
Laneythesis to write first11:03
daubersoimon: Meant nanode :)11:04
oimonoh lol11:04
oimonand cutting not etching11:04
dauberstook me forever to just design an enclosure. 3d cad stuff is hard :(11:04
oimonthis laser etching made me laugh http://i.imgur.com/uIx0n.jpg11:05
oimona bit overkill methinks11:06
danfishdaubers: what are you using for the case?11:06
daubersdanfish: 5mm ply (as it's cheap and readily available)11:06
daubersOnce I have the design down with that, might try acrylic11:07
danfishply looks good with lasery burny marks - like here http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/emonglcd11:09
daubersyeah, shall have to see how it comes out :)11:10
czajkowskidavmor2: good morning11:34
davmor2czajkowski: proddity, prod, tickle, how's life?11:41
czajkowskigood thanks and you ?11:42
* christel tickles czajkowski 11:45
czajkowskihello darling11:45
christelhey! how are tricks?11:45
czajkowskisort out the golfing pressie ?11:45
christeler :D11:46
DJonesczajkowski: Is it Munster you support?11:56
czajkowskiDJones: you really need to ask that question?11:57
czajkowskiclearly I need to up the ranting :)11:57
oimon /ignore rugby11:57
DJonesCouldn't remember if it was or not, just noticed a tweet about Paul O'Connell signing a new contract till the end of 2013/1411:58
oimonMicrosoft has launched an attack on beleaguered electronics retailer Comet -- stating that the British chain pirated  94,000 copies of Vista and XP recovery discs. Comet, which was recently  sold off for £2 ($3), allegedly produced the copies at a factory in  Hampshire and bundled them with PCs sold at its stores. There's been no  official response from Comet yet, but we can't imagine Microsoft would  throw this sort of statement around lightly. 11:58
czajkowskiDJones: well done talk about MS instead of something other folks enjoy talking about11:58
czajkowskiDJones: aye and he's the new .ie captain for the 6 nations11:58
czajkowskioimon: well done talk about MS instead of something other folks enjoy11:58
czajkowskilets copy n paste something about Ms instead11:59
occupy64kThese things would be an opportunity for some Linux PR11:59
oimonit's related to linux11:59
occupy64kSomeone should contact Comet and suggest that they ship Linux instead12:00
occupy64kRedhat, Canonical, etc12:00
zleapoccupy64k, i agree12:00
zleapof course one of these companies should jump on this and work out a partnership with comet to supply linux pre-installed12:01
occupy64kTreat these scandals as business opportunities for Linux12:02
zleapwell thus far no reply to my suggestion that the local charity in torquay promote open source software,  how do I construct an e-mail making things simple enoujgh but no so simple it implies I think the person at the other end is a illiterate idiot12:02
oimonit's quite an allegation against comet though12:03
KrisDouglasHello, I'm having a problem with my network config in Ubuntu today12:03
KrisDouglasLoading websites in any browser is taking an eternity, but on a VM on the same machine (windows guest) can load them absolutely fine.12:03
zleapoimon, yeah12:04
BigRedSanyone here well-versed in django/mod_wsgi?12:05
BigRedSI want to change which Python binary it uses12:05
zleapit would be a blow to MS if they either started shipping Linux or dumped windows boxes altogether and shipped macs only12:05
zleapKrisDouglas, not sure,12:06
gordonjcpBigRedS: in the config for mod_wsgi don't you have the option for setting the path to the python interpreter?12:08
BigRedSgordonjcp: nope12:08
BigRedSit's a compile-time option, but I'd rather not build it myself12:08
oimonzleap: they don't mention win7 so it must be a historical action from when xp and vista were out12:09
oimoni guess the claim is against the OEM licences?12:10
oimonrather than the actual CD disk12:10
gordonjcpBigRedS: symlink evilness?12:10
zleapwhen did ms stop shipping recovery disks12:11
oimonmy sister's PC disk failed so she was left without a recovery disk, since no CD came with the machine12:12
BigRedSgordonjcp: yeah, I was hoping for a more supported method :)12:12
BigRedSSuppose it's worth a go12:12
oimonif the allegation is simply against comet producing their own recovery disks, then that isn't pirating IMO12:12
zleapyou are meant to do this yourself from the images etc12:12
oimonwe had to install XP cos that was the only disk we had12:13
zleaphowever some places create their own recovery cd's as it contains all the pre bundled software12:13
oimonalthough the licence was for vista12:13
zleapmaybe people suggested this would be an opportunity for them to offer alternatives12:15
occupy64kOn approaching charities, it may be an idea to volunteer to help them transition to Linux.  Most charities are busy enough focussed on other things.12:15
BigRedSbah, no I need a wsgi.so that points at the right place12:15
zleapoccupy64k, well they are based in one of the more deprivedf areas of torbay,   my suggested was they simply promote the open disc and ubuntu12:15
zleapi need more people here in torbay to actually help me do that,  for when i get stuck and need help12:16
zleapa few don't use ubuntu,  one hates unity  so won't help there,   which is fine if they want to promote ,mint as long as they support it12:16
gordonjcpzleap: xubuntu?12:17
occupy64kThe thing about Ubuntu is that you don't have to use Unity.  It's easy to install Gnome shell12:17
zleapwhat i need is a few more people willing to help me just help people with ubuntu if needed12:18
occupy64kYou could form a local LUG12:18
BigRedSbah. and mod_wsgi doens't want to Just Build (tm)12:18
zleapthere is a devon adn cornwall lug,  they hardly seem interested in anything tjhese days,  which is why my ubunt posters point people to ubuntu-uk etc12:19
zleapat ;least we are active12:19
occupy64kKeep the Ubuntu flag flying12:19
zleaponce there are enough local users,  who are willing to make an effort then we can perhaps meet up locally12:19
zleapoccupy64k, i am12:19
zleapI can't fix everything and i find the ubuntu list and here very very helpful and being part of the community is what all this is about,  helping each other12:20
oimon“Comet has sought and received legal advice from leading counsel to  support its view that the production of recovery discs did not infringe  Microsoft’s intellectual property.12:20
occupy64kSuggestion:  A google/openstreetmaps site which allows people to indicate that they're Linux users12:20
oimonso this is just about recovery disks, not about counterfeit serialz12:20
zleapi remember a lcoal computer shop got clouted a few years ago for a similar thing12:20
oimonComet firmly believes that it acted in the very best interests of its  customers.  It believes its customers had been adversely affected by the  decision to stop supplying recovery discs with each new Microsoft  Operating System based computer. Accordingly Comet is satisfied that it  has a good defence to the claim and will defend its position  vigorously.”12:20
zleapoccupy64k, there is a ubuntu map site, ubuntu counter,  linux counter12:21
occupy64kHavn't seen it12:21
zleapoimon, we need to back up comet and really suggest they put Linux on the shelves, from books,  to cd's  everything12:22
zleapcan we suggest to alan he makes thast suggestion to MS12:22
zleapi mean canonical12:22
christelzleap: devon and cornwall lug was never all that active back when i lived in exeter either, i always assumed it was because it covered such a wide area :)12:22
occupy64kIf an Ubuntu PR team doesn't exist, one should be formed for these types of occasion12:22
zleapchristel, yeah that is one of the reasons12:23
zleapbut the website is hardly inspiring12:23
czajkowskichristel: surrey lug is12:23
christelczajkowski: yeah, but surrey lug is a tad out of the way of torbay ;)12:23
czajkowskichristel: you're moving...12:23
christelczajkowski: no -- i moved to surrey from devon tho, thus responding to him/her regarding devon & cornwall lug :)12:24
zleapi think perhaps what is needed a torbay Ljinux user group,  we need to find people with the tech expertise to help run a mailing list etc12:24
AlanBelloccupy64k: zleap: there is a canonical PR department, but this is not really much of a direct opportunity12:24
popeymeh, lugs are dead12:24
zleapit just sounds an opportunity,12:24
christelzleap: lug-wise tho, simon waters and tom stephenson are always keen to help out -- admittedly they are debianistas, but i suspect they'd do anything to help promote foss12:24
czajkowskichristel: ahh see making more sense now12:24
occupy64kI'd treat it as a potential opportunity12:25
AlanBellcomet are alleged to have already done bad things, they will no doubt settle out of court with an agreement to pay some discounted amount, plus a contract to be locked in even tighter12:25
zleapchristel, i think its more time or lack of12:25
zleappopey, are lugs dead, how is ubuntu-uk different to a lug except we are mainly ubuntu focussed but we still promote foss12:26
czajkowskichristel: I've met some interesting folks in the surrey lug :) but not so keen on their monthly meet ups, I prefer the social meet ups instead12:26
AlanBellzleap: lugs are local county based groups12:26
BigRedSubuntu-uk is national, for a start12:26
czajkowskiBigRedS: ah but not all locos are country specific :)12:26
christelczajkowski: yeah, i love a good pub lug meet, but i find the BaB things a tad droll12:27
christelmy lug when i lived in san diego was amazing12:27
czajkowskichristel: indeed as do I.12:27
zleapwell once there are a few people from torbay on the mailing list for the uk ubuntun list there is no reason why local meet ups can't be organised12:27
czajkowskichristel: we do seem to meet on a thursday a lot in london though as many of them work uo here12:27
christelbut it was so massive that there was something happening several times a week, from awesome talks, to installfests to social gatherings12:27
christelwe'd do like 2am pancake trips to dennys all the time12:27
AlanBellzleap: which is exactly what the happy hour thing is all about12:28
christelwhich reminds me.. we need to go to the pub alans!12:28
AlanBellwe do12:28
* AlanBell wonders if anyone else (perhaps not even called Alan) can pop along to Farnham one evening12:29
oimonare lugs dying a bit now that linux is not a clandestine club?12:30
occupy64kI've never been to a lug, but that's only because I live in a rather remote area12:30
KrisDouglasthe LUG in wolves is always busy.12:31
oimonKrisDouglas: what's their USP?12:32
oimondoes it revolve around beer?12:33
christeli find beer goes very well with linux12:33
KrisDouglasas in unique selling point? the fact they're all quite friendly, and to be honest, it's where Jono Bacon, Adam Sweet, Dave Morley e.t.c are from so it's quite "linuxy" round there.12:33
KrisDouglaschristel, alcohol and computers are never a good combination :P12:34
occupy64kpenguins congregate12:34
christelah, adam sweet12:34
christeli love adam sweet12:34
KrisDouglaschristel, he was pretty hilarious on lugradio12:35
christelyeah, he'sfunny12:36
christeltho, he sent me a rather rude happy new year text, so i have to think of a new insult for him!12:36
zleapi went to well attended lug meets in canada  2 part events,  1 part being a talk the other part social in the student bar12:37
christeli wouldnt say that lugs are dead, but i suspect that the success will vary based on location, dynamics of the group, passion and engagement of those who volunteer to get stuff done12:39
christelsomeone needs to take initiative and make stuff happen :)12:39
zleapi try to but can't on my own,  hence i made ubuntu posters etc12:40
occupy64kIt's a "doocracy"12:40
zleapif we had a decent,  commuinity who areally wanted to do something we would probably get noticed in the South west and bring more IT stuff down here12:41
oimoni'm sure you'll get a lot of interest in universities.12:41
zleapyeah,  i may see if i can find someone to put some posters up for me12:42
zleaponce one person is part of things then the word spreads12:42
christelpick a time and a place, get the word out -- see whop turns up and whether they'll be keen to help you blow some life back into d&c12:42
oimonexeter uses linux quite heavily in the science faculty AFAIK12:43
zleapchristel, www,dcglug.org.uk  this is the state of the website,  the only person that seems to update stuf fis me12:43
oimonmight be a good focal point12:43
oimonalthough  they may have their own society already?12:43
zleapyeah,   good idea,  we could then perhaps get tallks on using LInux in science12:44
christelzleap: *nod* -- email the list, hang up some fliers etc -- focus less on the poorly maintained website and more on reaching out to people, and gaining the attention of those perhaps not already on the ML :)12:44
zleapdon't people look at a website to get info on joining up though12:45
oimonmove the website to facebook/social media12:45
oimonso that updates pop into people's feed rather than searching stuff out12:45
zleapdo people need to sign up to google+ to access a page12:45
occupy64kGood idea - just don't confine yourself to Facebook12:45
occupy64kI don't think they do12:46
popey+1 on using facebook etc12:46
christelyeah, facebook is good, and blog about it -- make sure your blog is in the ubuntu uk planet feed for example, that should allow you to catch the attention of some localish ubuntu/linux users12:46
popeyWhen I promote UUPC on facebook, we get new listeners12:46
zleapi could add a dclug page to my website and link to the lug sign up page (mailman) from there, then give people a url like www.zleap.net/dclug.html12:46
zleapi need to get back in touch with the local youth centre,  see if between us we can reach out to young people who are techies12:48
zleapand perhaps using linuix or want to learn programming12:48
oimoni generally wouldn't attend a lug, but i would attend a talk from somebody. so a good way to kick it off might be a talk12:48
zleapI am keen to help,  and understand stuff,    with raspberry pi  it could change things12:48
oimoncertainly it's good idea to use popular memes such as R Pi to get interest12:49
zleapoimon, yeah i have said on our lug I want to learn stuff,  even if it is basic networking stuff,   talks can be on basics or highly complex stuff12:49
occupy64kI'm not particularly enthusiastic about raspberry pi.  There are plenty of low cost embedded computers out these.12:49
oimonif i lived in the sticks i might attend a lug12:49
oimonthe only linux user in the village etc12:49
oimonoccupy64k: the point is that other people are interested so its a possible common ground12:50
zleapwhen i was in canada i vistied hunts ville for the day,   doubled the linux user population for a few hours12:50
occupy64kindeed, raspberry pi has had far more media coverage than any similar system12:50
zleapoimon, and raspberry pi is cheap enough for young people to buy and form a community round12:50
occupy64kand small enough for novel uses, wearables, etc12:51
davmor2popey: this one is for you and the minecraft massive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgJHDPTN5gw12:51
zleapif we can get collaboration, team work around programming it is good skills for later life too12:51
zleapperhaps then arrange talks from developers on stuff like this12:51
occupy64kHack your world12:51
zleapi attended a talk by ibm in canada on software testing,  free morning,  free coffee, free muffins etc12:52
occupy64kFree stuff is always a bonus12:52
zleapthere was a long table at the back with loads of muffins, bagles etc on12:53
zleapmeanwhile out side the window there was a movie being made12:53
zleapvancouver this was12:53
zleapas is said hopefully working along side youth services I can reach out to these young people as I know a few that use linux, there has to be more12:55
AlanBellpopey: how do you promote it on facebook?12:56
occupy64kMy guess is that there are many unknown Linux users out there12:56
zleapwell there is no point me creating new groups when people can join existing groups so i could perhaps promote the ubuntu facebook group12:57
* AlanBell doesn't quite get facebook12:57
MartijnVdSAlanBell: it's like Google Plus, but blue12:58
AlanBellyeah, and has my silly cousins talking on it12:58
AlanBelland people liking odd statements and then you get comment threads full of fail from people I have never heard of and don't want to be friends with12:59
popeyAlanBell: i put it on the uupc page and we all +1 and reshare it13:06
zleapAlanBell, exactly which is why for any intellegent stuff i use google+13:06
zleapi did try and ask on facebook if anyone wanted to learn progamming,  there was a discussion with 1 lug member and interest from 1 person i know in Ohio13:07
AlanBellI guess I don't really have many friends on facebook compared to some people13:08
zleapyou get drawn in to facebook13:08
AlanBellI don't really want to introduce them to my family13:08
KrisDouglasI just unfriend everyone who I don't want to listen to.13:08
zleapas it ends up being the only way to communicate,  with people who fail to check e-mail13:08
AlanBellI think the only way I could use facebook is if I unfriended all my relations13:09
zleapor have two accounts13:09
zleapi dropped a few hints a few times,   like posted about raspberry PI and put discuss on google+13:09
oimonzleap: you know that joey from omgubuntu is from devon? could always get in touch to see if he wants to do a talk. then he could self-publicize it :)13:10
zleapand Daviey is in devon too13:10
zleapor was13:10
oimoni would be too if my wife got her own way13:11
zleapmove to torbay and u can vist penguins at living coasts13:11
zleapmind for the cost of geting in i can buy 4 of those penguin tux stress toys from amazon13:12
zleapi am off,  to work,  will see what posters i can put up or if I can leave a few flyers in the news agent near where i work13:12
zleapchat laters13:13
selinuxiumWondering if anyone knows the URL the the Landscape client tries to connect to when using the Cloud service? I think a firewall is stopping connectivity.13:19
selinuxiumthat the*13:19
* MartijnVdS points at popey 13:24
kvarleyI've installed LAMP via the tasksel package. It's configured the server to use /var/www as the sites path. Should I change this to a location in my home folder or just chmod the directory so I don't have to be root to create webpages there?13:32
bigcalmkvarley: apache will run as www-data. So if you chmod/chown, be sure that www-data still has access to things13:37
oimonit's good practice to use www-data group and add yourself to it13:39
MartijnVdSalso, suexec won't like you13:40
bigcalmI wouldn't worry about suexec for now :)13:40
monster2323I just brought a calculator13:46
KrisDouglasbrought or bought?13:46
oimonmaybe he brought it home from the shop from where he bought it13:47
davmor2monster2323: you know this thing you're typing on you know it has one built in ;)13:48
bigcalmalt+f2 calctool13:49
bigcalmThough I'm sure your physical calculator does more than that simple one :)13:49
monster2323of course13:50
oimonalt-f2 oocalc13:50
monster2323sometimes it is nice13:50
monster2323to leave the my computers13:50
monster2323for a more simplier one13:50
oimonmy calculator can make phone calls13:51
oimoni rarely use the phone feature though13:51
christel    /1313:51
bigcalmchristel: unlucky :(13:52
MartijnVdSbigcalm: a /13 is quite a bit of IP space13:55
bigcalmI never did get my head around the /8 /13 /etc thing13:58
MartijnVdSbigcalm: it's the number of bits in the netmask that are "1" :)13:58
MartijnVdSbigcalm: (those bits can only be consecutive, at the "front" of the number)13:58
bigcalmStill don't understand :)13:59
MartijnVdSbigcalm: you know numbers? :)14:00
MartijnVdSbigcalm: you know binary?14:00
czajkowskiocado is flippin brilliant!14:00
MartijnVdSbigcalm: A netmask like "" means: 11111111.11111111.11111111.0000000014:01
MartijnVdSbigcalm: so /24 -> 24 "1" bits at the front :)14:01
MartijnVdSbigcalm: that's all :)14:01
oimon= /8 . /8 . /8 . 014:01
MartijnVdSoimon: don't confuse him14:01
oimonjust realised that it's possible to do gantt charts in latex14:21
MartijnVdSoimon: I linked a LaTeX Gantt-thingy for org-mode earlier :)14:25
* oimon looks14:26
oimonwoops. i thought you were linking to org-mode emacs mode14:27
MartijnVdSoimon: well it's supposed to be used with it14:27
MartijnVdSoimon: but it should be adaptable14:27
KrisDouglasI'm gonna throw this machine out of the window in a minute :)15:21
czajkowskiDJones: christel danfish there is also #rugbyrants for future rants set up15:26
* daubers ponders a nice mug of tea15:29
daubersI have trial bags of PG Tips "The Fresh One" whatever that means15:39
* hamitron only uses Yorkshire Tea15:39
gordooh its tea time? agreed15:40
hamitron20 mins left for me15:40
davmor2belvoir ginger beer ftw15:40
hamitronwell, 5 mins till it has to be made ofc15:40
hamitronI also have 1 slice of victoria sponge left :D15:41
daubersawh.... now I want cake too15:41
oimonanyone know where i can buy this stuff in brick&mortar shop? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hazer-Baba-Turkish-Apple-250g/dp/B002O0PFCC15:42
hamitronmy town has a shop run by a dirty old man on a side street, he gets anything you want like that15:43
hamitronmaybe worth looking locally for somewhere like that15:43
davmor2czajkowski: have a hug15:44
hamitronoimon, what it taste like?15:45
hamitronapple juice?15:45
oimonapple flavoured, but not the same way as hot apple juice15:46
oimonit is granules that you add to hot water15:46
hamitrontea time anyway15:47
christeli could like that15:48
christelsince i dont drink real tea, only infusions15:48
oimondirecthex: i wondered who shopped in there :P15:48
DJonesI find Whittard fruit teas exceptionally sweet15:48
DJonesI get them every now & again, but everytime I drink it, I can feel it stripping the enamal off my teeth15:49
oimonthis isn't really infusion but a sugary drink...but it's nice15:49
gordI infuse my tea with biscuits15:49
christeloimon: hehe15:50
christelsee, normal tea still scares me15:50
christeli've only been in the uk for 12 and a half years15:50
DJonesoimon: Whittards teas are probably liquid sugar with an occasional fruit flavour :)15:50
oimontea is minging15:50
oimoni hate it more than most food/drinks15:51
gordbrought proper British tea to UDS once, some French people on my team wanted to try it, not sure they approved ;)15:51
popeyooo thanks for the reminder15:51
popeyneed to take tea to the rally next week15:51
christelczajkowski bought me some awesome weird teas once15:53
christellike strawberry and cream flavour and stuff15:53
christelthey were lush15:53
* DJones drinks peach & passinfruit tea at the minute15:54
christeli am having peppermint tea as we speak15:55
christelwith a generous dollop of honey15:55
gordonjcpI need to buy tea15:55
DJoneschristel: You'll like Whittards teas then if you're adding honey to sweeten it15:55
christeloo perhaps i will try them :D15:56
DJonesPlenty of stores for you find one near you http://www.whittard.co.uk/locations15:56
DJonesAlthough forget it if you're north of glasgow & edinburgh15:57
oimoni'm in east london. besides nandos there are no chain stores15:58
oimonwill have to send my missis on a foraging mission instead15:58
oimoni probably have 5 turkish supermarkets on my doorstep but they are invisible if not on google :(16:01
christeli am not north of glasgow no ;)16:03
christelmind, i do live in tinyville16:03
christeli also suck at maps, because i tried to click where i live and it thinks i live in essex!16:06
DJonesAnybody know how long a balloon filled with helium will stay floating before it goes limp & loses its lighter than air effect16:16
popeydepends what the balloon is made of16:16
popeyrubber ones sink in under a day16:17
oimondepends, we had some lasting a few weeks recently. however some bought from funfairs go within a day or two16:17
popeymetal ones slower16:17
DJonesJust your normal rubbery balloon16:17
oimonAccording to Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst, the biggest commercial Linux vendor is planning on hiring at least 1,000 new employees in 2012--increasing the size of its staff by 24 percent.16:17
popeynot long, they're pourous16:17
DJonesI guess that means I don't blow them up until friday then16:17
gordDJones, sounds like a question for stack exchange, you should be prepared for an answer with a lot of maths though ;)16:18
stuartThere was a darwin award to a chap who used party balloons on his deck chair, he had a air rifle to shooot the balloons in order to come down, but was afraid to use it as he went up several thousand feet.16:18
DJonesgord: There's enough maths involved already, have to set up for a joint 30th & 60th birthday party, question is, do I do double the number of 30'th balloons so that maths even out :)16:19
gord*2 is apparently too much maths then? ;)16:22
DJonesAfter a day in work, definately, and certainly not without a calculator16:23
PendulumDJones: how much space do you have?16:25
DJonesPendulum: No idea, all I know is that a rooms been hire that can take 150 people16:27
DJonesI could just leave the valve on the canister open in the room, might lead to a bit of hilarity :)16:29
oimonand ultimately, mass death?16:31
directhexdon't waste helium, we need it for airships :<16:35
bigcalmIs there a limit to the number of chars one can use for a mysql table column name?16:43
gord... that question is terrifying16:45
gordstop writing novels for column names ;)16:45
bigcalmI just want to use: marketing_opt_out_3rd_party_companies16:45
bigcalmI'll drop _companies16:46
directhexi don't think bigcalm understands relational databases16:49
directhexyou use a random 8-character string for the column name16:49
directhexthen have a table called column_names16:49
directhexwith a random column names on the left, and a full-blown freeform text field on the right16:50
directhexi@M A GENIUS16:50
oimonnot sure if joking or clever16:50
directhexand that's why it's funny!16:51
directhexone piece of your brain refuses to discard the idea as purely humour. there's a bit saying "it's retar... well it might work i guess... ARGH I'M A DEVIANT FOR CONSIDERING IT"16:51
gordi think your just describing a project of mine when i was 13 directhex, please stop infringing on my intellectual property16:52
* bigcalm goes into hiding16:57
czajkowskichristel: ahh yes from joy of chai in dublin17:06
czajkowskihmmm memories17:08
davmor2czajkowski: prod17:08
* christel hugs czajkowski 17:08
czajkowskidavmor2: heyyl my dear have a *hug*17:08
* czajkowski snuggles christel 17:09
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Today: First Videocast Of 2012 - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/04/today-first-videocast-of-2012/17:09
davmor2czajkowski: <stgraber> davmor2: congrats on being the ISO tester who submitted the most results ever (1723) I haven't done any iso testing for 2 years17:09
bigcalmCan you love your job a little too much? ;)17:10
czajkowskidavmor2: well done17:10
davmor2bigcalm: NO!17:11
DJonesbigcalm: The guy with the tasting job at the Guinness factory asks himself that every day17:11
stgraberdavmor2: you really need to start doing some again or you'll be second by the time we release the beta :)17:14
awilkinsI'm distraught at the evil inherent in the human spirit17:36
awilkinsI get back from holiday, and some naughty person has removed half the RAM from my desktop PC17:37
awilkinsSuspects include the ICT department and the teacup collector17:37
awilkinsIt would be less annoying if I hadn't upgraded the RAM on the sly... they took one of the original 1GB modules plus one of my 2GB modules.17:38
awilkinsICT claim they know nooothing17:40
popeyawilkins: do you have the box the ram came in? perhaps with the serial number on it?17:43
popeyunless of course someone took it home ⍨17:44
awilkinspopey: I have the box, although not for the module that came with the PC17:44
awilkinsI have the remaining RAM module from the pair17:44
awilkinsTechnically I suppose I'm not supposed to install additional hardware in my PC17:45
awilkinsIt's not like I took anything out...17:45
jutnuxIs your PC on 24/7 awilkins?17:45
popeyi know plenty of people who have done that17:45
popeybecause its too much effort to get IS to get more RAM17:46
awilkinsjutnux: Nope, I turn it off at night17:46
jutnuxspilt coffee everywhere17:46
awilkinspopey: Yeah, same reasoning17:46
jutnuxawilkins: Was going to say you could setup a webcam as a security camera and become a high tech ninja.17:46
awilkinsjutnux: Heh, I take the drive home at night17:47
popeyor run a cron job that runs lshw every hour17:47
awilkinsI suppose I could configure the WIndows on the box to do that though17:47
popeyyou could look in event viewer, see when it was booted while you were away17:48
popeyand see who logged in17:48
jutnuxThey wouldn't have to boot it to remove ram though would they?17:48
popeyno, but they might to see how much it had17:48
awilkinspopey: Oh, it wasn't booted ; I think ICT are an unlikely suspect17:48
jutnuxAh right.17:48
popeyso someone just randomly opened your pc and took half the ram?17:48
awilkinsThe reason I knew was because the first thing that happened when I started it up was the BIOS saying "The amount of RAM on this machine has changed, hit F1 to store new value"17:49
popeyalso, I have known of this happen before, but on a large scale17:49
awilkinsI've not actually booted the OS since then17:49
awilkinsI suppose I could and look in the event log17:49
popeyI used to work for a company which was broken into at the weekend, and they took half the ram from every desktop in the building17:49
popeyI would17:49
awilkinspopey: Yeah, on the premise that people will just think ICT installed a new virus scanner that thrashes their drive and makes things super slow...17:50
jutnuxpopey: That would be quite a task17:50
popeythey did it on a weekend17:50
popeynobody about17:50
awilkinsCorporate PC builds have screwless cases17:50
popeywell, except the stupid security guard who let them in17:50
awilkinsAnd we've just had a lengthy christmas lull17:50
jutnuxOh right.17:50
awilkinsNot heard anyone else complain though17:50
jutnuxEven if the cases weren't screwless they could probably do it semi quick17:51
awilkinsIf it was ICT they should a) have asked first b) also complained about the non-standard DisplayPort adapter and USB hub and keyboard I have attached17:51
awilkinsPah. It's annoying17:52
awilkinsMost of us have laptops in here17:52
awilkinsRight, I'm sodding off home17:53
jutnuxAdios amigo17:54
awilkinsHad to transfer all my dev work to my Windows laptop. It sucks in extremis. Slooooooooww17:54
directhexstealing RAM is like stealing CDs. you'd make more per hour working at mcdonalds, with today's prices18:02
AzelphurBuilding from src on a sempron 140, hellz yea.18:21
* Azelphur sets up camp18:21
Flashtek|mumanyone available to bounce a question regarding wifi since upgrade to oneiric ?19:02
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:08
Flashtek|mumPRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection - not performing 4 way handshake..19:10
Flashtek|mumwas working just fine before the upgrade19:10
Flashtek|mumdo I "need" to use WPA2 perchance ?19:17
Flashtek|mumoh, it's WPA and WPA2..19:19
bigcalmIt's the preferred setting19:19
Flashtek|mumon the same router..19:19
jacobwwhere did you read 'not performing 4 way handshake' ?19:19
Flashtek|mumjacobw: output of wpa_supplicant19:19
jacobwah, good :)19:19
bigcalmMost device support it. Though sadly the Nintendo DS doesn't :(19:19
Flashtek|mumgood news.. i'm not using a DS19:19
jacobwmy nick appears blank in my irssi display19:20
jacobwi seem to remember this happening before19:20
gord3ds does :D19:20
Flashtek|mumany thoughts on making this f'ing thing work ?19:20
lubotu3Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:20
Flashtek|mumwho was being abusive ?19:21
bigcalmJust the use of language19:21
gordonjcpjacobw: your nick is highlighted in your own window19:21
Flashtek|mumbigcalm: f'ing.. as in flipping ??19:21
AlanBellbug 759051 maybe?19:22
lubotu3Launchpad bug 759051 in linux (Ubuntu) "Intel 3945ABG wifi can't connect at all if 802.11a and 802.11n are both available" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75905119:22
czajkowskiAnyone coming to FOSDEM from here?19:22
bigcalmczajkowski: are you paying? :)19:22
Flashtek|mumAlanBell: not a router supporting N19:22
AlanBellok, not that then19:22
AlanBellis it a laptop?19:22
Flashtek|mumAlanBell: DG834G19:22
czajkowskibigcalm: I am not :)19:23
Flashtek|mumyes, it's a laptop19:23
bigcalmczajkowski: looks like I'll be staying at home then :(19:23
jutnuxHowdy all19:23
jacobwhi jutnux19:24
AlanBellFlashtek|mum: I am not seeing any other relevant bugs with useful information on them19:27
AlanBellthere are some you can have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux?field.searchtext=3945ABG19:27
AlanBellone thing that might be fun to try is a live CD of Precise to get a very recent kernel (it is an Alpha, but in pretty good shape)19:28
Flashtek|mumAlanBell: alas no CD burner available here..19:30
Flashtek|mumwhich is annoying, but i'll be up another day19:30
Flashtek|mumat my mothers..19:30
Flashtek|mumit's a good excuse to visit for another roast ;-)19:30
AlanBellmy customers would get more on-site support if they provided roasts19:33
Flashtek|mummy mum does..19:33
AlanBelltodays customer provided assorted fruits, which isn't really the same19:34
DJonesAlanBell: Are you ok for a pm?19:47
AlanBellsure DJones19:48
AlanBellLondon's foremost supplier of office daily fruit products19:56
AlanBellorder now to have your details entered on a Free Software CRM/ERP system http://www.fruitfuloffice.com/19:57
czajkowskiAlanBell: sweet congrats19:57
AlanBelland if you get invoiced the wrong price it is probably my fault19:58
Flashtek|mumhmm.. old kernel didn't make any difference.. however there is a stackload of updates needed..20:03
Flashtek|mumshedload of segment violations..20:04
* Flashtek|mum sighs..20:04
Flashtek|mummothers eh ?20:04
gordonjcppulseaudio strikes again20:05
gordonjcp*one shot* at recording the last couple of passes of ARISSAT-1, and pulseaudio has eaten my sound20:06
AlanBelloh noes20:06
MartijnVdS pulseaudio -k ?20:07
gordonjcpbit late now20:07
gordonjcpI have 20 minutes of silence :-/20:07
AlanBellwhat were you recording? the burnup?20:07
czajkowskianyone having skype issues lately. go to ring someone and it hangs, kill it and then restart and it works fine ?20:12
gordonjcpAlanBell: the last couple of orbits20:13
ali1234czajkowski: 64 bit? there's a bug in pulseaudio20:22
AlanBellso what is the deal with skype under unity, there is no old-style panel icon and no indicator, if I close it then I can't get it back20:22
AlanBelland can't start a new instance because it tells me it is already running, which it is20:22
DJonesAlanBell: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66579/where-are-my-tray-icons-in-the-unity-2d-panel20:22
ali1234so here's a question: which d you think does more damage to the crediblity of linux: some guy nobody has ever heard of eating toe jam, or the fact that sound still doesn't work properly in 2012?20:23
AlanBellDJones: looks like skype should be whitelisted by default20:24
* AlanBell uses 64 bit and has had no pulse audio problems for ages and ages20:24
ali1234that's nice20:25
ali1234for you20:25
czajkowskiali1234: aye 64 bot20:25
czajkowskiworks other than that tbh20:25
* DJones concurs with AlanBell, no problems with 64 bit sound20:25
czajkowskifolks who've bought tickets for London shows, which are the best sites to use?20:25
AlanBellI even do odd things like use a USB headset (hotplug soundcard) and usb plantronics communicator20:26
czajkowskithe folks are coming over in March and i need to find stuff for them to go and do20:26
ali1234czajkowski: try this20:28
ali1234edit /etc/pulse/defaults.pa20:29
ali1234find the line that says: load-module module-udev-detect20:29
ali1234change it to: load-module module-udev-detect tsched=020:29
ali1234that fixed all my problems with skype20:29
popeythere is a pulse issue in 64-bit here too20:29
ali1234also you have to reboot afterwards i guess20:29
popeyit goes at double speed / is choppy20:29
ali1234popey: ^ do that20:29
popeyso videos playback at double speed20:29
ali1234oh wait, just 64 bit in general?20:30
ali1234this is only for 32 bit binaries like skype running on 64 bit20:30
popeybug 90941920:30
lubotu3Launchpad bug 909419 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Choppy sound. Videos play double speed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90941920:30
ali1234i guess you could try it20:30
popeyi will, thanks20:30
popeyonce i reinstall pulse :D20:30
dwatkins_wow, skype still works on linux?20:30
ali1234i don't have any problems with properly open source programs20:30
czajkowskiali1234: thanks20:30
ali1234dwatkins_: sort of20:30
czajkowskivideos work fine20:31
popeyyeeah, it happens on everything20:31
popeyskype, totem, flash20:31
czajkowskijust skype stalls for a moment and hangs restart and back to normal20:31
dwatkins_I'm genuinely surprised, ali1234 - I expected they would have somehow stopped it from working by now :-/20:31
popeyanything, mplayer, the lot20:31
AlanBelloooh I have tray icons back20:31
dwatkins_what else do most people need flash for? ;)20:31
AlanBellremmina has a tray icon too, cool20:32
* AlanBell wonders why indicators don't just expose tray icons20:33
popeybah, reinstalled pulse, it works now20:33
popeystupid pulse20:34
popeybet it will break after a reboot20:34
MartijnVdSpopey: shake your fist while screaming "LENNART!!!"20:34
dwatkins_I had similar issues with pulse a couple years back, popey :(20:35
* MartijnVdS plays with reaver (WPS h4x0ring tool) on a spare ap20:35
MartijnVdSit's scary20:35
czajkowskipopey: you running O or P ?20:35
czajkowskinot seeing any jumping on any videos here on O20:36
zleaphi all20:45
mattthowzit howzit20:48
zleapgood thanks20:49
zleapyourself ?20:50
matttpretty good thanks :)20:50
diploevening all21:02
DJonesI think my eardrums have just been popped, sitting in a room with 2 newcastle fans watching Sky sports21:10
jacobwuh oh21:12
jutnuxDoes anyone here use nginx with wordpress?21:14
jutnuxAnd don't ! ask me :P21:15
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:15
* jutnux shoots jacobw 21:15
popeyjacobw: omgubuntu does :D21:16
popeyhim too21:16
Myrttihohum, powercut21:17
jutnuxFixed it.21:17
popeymy lights have been flickering tonight21:17
jutnuxWe scarcely get powercuts here21:18
jutnuxNeed to redo the splash page of my homepage, any ideas anyone? Much appreciated :-)21:20
jutnuxAt the moment I just have a fake terminal that doesn't even type anything, took me 2 minutes as I didn't have much time to do it.21:21
zleapit seems to be quiet in here tonight21:23
popeysome of us are working :D21:24
MyrttiI'm just enjoying my Harry Potter21:24
jutnuxBook or Film Myrtti ?21:25
Myrttifilms now that I've finished the books, was just looking at the extras of Chamber of Secrets on Bluray21:26
jutnuxFilms are amazing but the books are better. How did you find them?21:26
ali1234if you tell wipe to wipe a 400GB disk, it says it will take 12 weeks21:26
Myrttijutnux: books are marvellous, I'm not sure if I've seen other than the first one before21:27
ali1234the quick mode takes 1 week21:27
zleapali1234, well start now and it should be done in time for 12.04 :)21:27
Myrttiali1234: how about shred?21:27
ali1234shred is for files?21:27
jutnuxMyrtti: I've started reading the "Hunger Games".21:27
jutnuxCompletely amazing.21:27
Myrttisorry, got a power cut again21:33
Myrttiali1234: for harddrives21:33
ali1234shred seems a lot more sensible21:36
ali1234should be done in about 3 hours21:36
=== Guest74003 is now known as issyl0
Myrttithis isn't fun anymore21:42
zleaphi issyl021:45
gordupgraded to precice and am getting as good a battery life as i get in windows, fan isn't even spinning and the entire machine is cold, what a wonderful release precice will be :D22:21
bigcalmRight, that's it22:22
gordbattery indicator says 10:37 in it now22:22
bigcalmI'm buying an SSD for the laptop and Precise is going on it!22:22
bigcalmBut I will wait until pay day next week22:23
gordwaiting for pay day is so boring, roll the dice!22:23
bigcalmThat's how I got into a spot of debt22:24
bigcalmNow the only things that go on my credit card are diesel, bytemark and spotify22:25
bigcalmSSD prices aren't coming down as quickly as I'd like them to22:27
bigcalmWill 60gb be enough?22:27
gordi run my desktop on a 60gb ssd, mostly eaten up by music22:27
bigcalmI have a 60gb ssd in my desktop but it only has ubuntu on it22:28
bigcalmLaptop needs to run win7 as well22:28
gordwindows like to eat hard drive space22:30
zleapwhere ssd prices affected bythe japanese earthquake lilke hdd prices were22:30
zleapgord not to mention bank balance22:30
zleapwhere = were22:30
gordthis might be the creepiest thing i have seen in a good while http://inicons.com/22:53
bigcalmOh my22:55
gordwonder if it comes with small plastic idevices for you to put in its hands22:56
bigcalmGood photos22:57
=== dwatkins_ is now known as dwatkins
bigcalmpopey: not the cuddliest of pups :)23:12
aquariusI have a stupid hard drives question23:13
aquariusif I take a hard drive from one laptop, it'll work in another one, right?23:13
bigcalmReady for a stupid answer? :)23:13
bigcalmModern machine? Should do23:14
aquariuswhy might it not work?23:14
AlanBellaquarius: yes, hardware detection is pretty good23:14
aquarius(I am assuming they're the same physical size, here, of course :))23:14
bigcalmSame interface?23:14
hamitronand not ide23:14
mgdmaquarius: it'll only not work if there's a fault. Or if the connector is wrong. :-)23:14
bigcalmSATA not IDE?23:14
aquariuspretty sure they'll both be ide23:14
mgdmaquarius: if it's Linux, it even stands a fair chance of booting on different hardware23:14
aquariusboth fairly old laptops23:14
bigcalmStill a standard size23:15
aquariusmother in law has a screwed hdd23:15
aquariusso I'm gonna pull the one from another laptop (which is fucked, but the HDD's OK) and put that in instead and then install ubuntu on it ;)23:15
mgdmshould be fine23:15
lubotu3Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:15
mgdm<-- been there, done that23:15
aquariusbut that assumes that, y'know, hard drives work23:15
aquariusoops. cheers, bigcalm, forgot that :)23:16
bigcalmNo worries dude :)23:16
bigcalmI forget which channel I'm in at times23:16
mgdmaquarius: I gather you're in Scotland in April - see you there :-)23:16
aquariusalthough honestly you have no idea what a terrible state the second laptop is in. It doesn't have a space bar, for example :P23:16
hamitronmay want to check power requirement too, if the laptops are very different23:16
aquariushamitron, aha, you see, this is the sort of thing I don't understand, which is why I'm asking the question23:16
aquariusone's an HP and one's a Dell, if that helps :P23:16
aquariusmgdm, I am indeed!23:17
mgdmchances are it'll be OK23:17
hamitronor you could just ignore me, and it will probably work anyway23:17
hamitronlike mgdm said23:17
bigcalmaquarius: you can but try :)23:17
aquariuswhat's the worst that can happen?23:17
hamitronhouse fire23:17
bigcalmYou're not too attached to your eyebrows are you?23:17
hamitronand that lights up the whole street23:18
aquariusoi, don't wind me up. I don't know about this stuff. :)23:18
bigcalmaquarius: best nip to the pub 1st I'd say23:18
bigcalmaquarius: you're not in danger of anything silly happening23:18
aquariusgood, OK then :)23:18
bigcalmEven if the power were wired up the wrong way (which it won't be, that's what standards are for), power supplies in laptops have fuses to prevent bad things23:19
mgdmeven better, take the laptops, screwdrivers, and a Ubuntu boot medium to the pub and do it there ;-)23:19
* hamitron was just been his usual "optimistic" self23:19
bigcalmI agree with mgdm, it's the only way23:19
* aquarius laughs23:19
aquariusmy daughter's asleep upstairs. No pub for me!23:19
bigcalmAnd on that note, I think it's time to have a bottle of HPA :D23:20
aquariusnice blonde ale23:20
bigcalmHereford Pale Ale23:21
* hamitron prefers brunette23:21
bigcalmIt's what I opt for if I find it on tap23:21
bigcalmWas given a case of 12 for xmas :D23:21
bigcalmThere are 5 left23:21
* mgdm got a bottle of Highland Park, which is as yet unopened23:22
mgdmthis might change23:22
* hamitron has coffee23:22
hamitronand cake23:22
aquariusblimey, it's a bit late to start on whisky.23:22
mgdmit's never too early/late for that.23:22
mgdm(also I only want one ;-)23:22
aquariusah, right. I'm not good at having one, which is why I don't drink at home much :)23:23
hamitronit isn't midnight yet, so early for all the late night social misfits that hang around here..... ;)23:23
bigcalmaquarius: and this is why you are so much fun in the mornings after oggcamp et al ;)23:25
=== MasterComputer is now known as Guest18850
=== MasterComputer is now known as Guest59686
czajkowskiaquarius: areyou beering and dismanting harddrives, surely this is not  a wise combination23:50
aquariusno beer, just hard drives23:51
czajkowskiaquarius: wise23:52
aquariusI'm operating on limited knowledge, here. Hardware is about sixty-three abstraction layers below what I do. Having a beer in the other hand is only gonna make things worse. :)23:53
czajkowskiaquarius: you're getting sensible in your old age23:54
czajkowskiaquarius: who triages  U1 bugs?23:55
aquariusI know. It's a weakness. I shall make up for it next week.23:55
aquariusczajkowski, rye or duanedesign or whoever gets there first23:55
czajkowskiaquarius: where you off to next week ?23:55

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