
Garethnhaines: where do we stand with the rest of the UbuCon talks?02:58
raevolpleia2: you awake?08:28
raevolhmm, nevermind, will send you an email08:30
raevolphilipballew: you awake?08:41
philipballewyes i am raevol whats up?08:41
raevoldoesn't scale have a twitter?08:41
philipballewyeah. I think I follow them. ill grab the link08:41
raevolschweet thanks08:42
raevolmy google-fu is failing me08:42
raevoland by that i mean i didn't click the twitter link on their website -_-08:43
raevolthank you very much though08:43
philipballewno problem. will you be there?08:43
raevolyes :D just registered08:44
raevolalso volunteering at the ubuntu booth08:44
philipballewI will see you at the booth then08:46
philipballewScale speech accepted!19:38
philipballewim all good to go19:38
philipballewadded and everything19:38
nhainesGareth: Attempting to line up one more, and waiting for verification on the other.19:39
nhainesGareth: I just realized that I should probably just submit the lightning talk session under myself, similarly to the Q&A session.19:40
Garethnhaines: is everyone but one registered in the CFP system?19:40
Garethnhaines: yeah. that works.  Once the lightning talk session is submitted, I can approve it and post it.19:40
nhainesThe other speaker hasn't gotten back to me.  I'm sure he will be there and can do it, but I like to be sure.19:41
GarethHow many speakers haven't registered and submitted their talks yet?19:42
nhainesOne, and potentially one more if I can line up another talk.19:42
nhaines(Also known as "one, but hopefully I can make it two.")  :D19:42
Garethhm. don't see any additional UbuCon talks.19:44
GarethJust see you and pleia219:44
nhainesAnd another speaker who hasn't confirmed, and I am persuing another speaker.19:45
Garethah okay. I see.19:46
MarkDudeHere is a link to me in the flashmob http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1YxO64VgmE I am a few steps behind.22:08
akkCool! That's just rehearsal, right?22:10
akkBTW, my cape gooseberry did survive the freeze and seems fine.22:12
MarkDudeYes akk, the rest of it only sorta has me in background22:14
MarkDudeto hide my crappy danicin'22:14
MarkDudeI had 2 plants die, and one die by half22:15
MarkDudeLost about 20 cherries22:15
akkWow, gooseberrocalypse!22:16
akkGlad one's still at least partly alive.22:16
MarkDudeWell, I have 4 that are perfect22:17
MarkDudethey have very few cherries tho22:17
akkYour dancing looks like it would be fine for a flash mob.22:17
akkI think everybody lags behind a little while they're learning a routine.22:18
MarkDudesome lag more than others22:24
MarkDudeShould I get the sirt for D now?22:25
nhainespleia2: hooray for Simcoe!  \o/22:25
* MarkDude is going to Chuckie Cheese now - lol22:25
akkSure, go ahead on the shirt -- we're home now.22:28
akkChuckee cheese, woo22:28
* akk wants pizza, but preferably at a somewhat quieter place than that22:28
nhainesAlso Chuck-E-Cheeze pizza tastes like greasy cardboard.22:29

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