
ShawnR__anyone here have luck with installing nvidia optimus drivers in 11.10? i'm only running on intel right now, can't seem to figure it out00:40
ShawnR__or is optimus still not supported?00:42
govatentI don't think it's supported yet. 00:46
govatentI heard they are working on it. 00:46
govatentBut I don't know 100 percent. I sat in on a session about it at UDS. 00:46
govatentI was told to avoid optimus for now. Can  you set it to nvidia only in the bios? 00:47
ShawnR__i haven't checked that in bios, i'll take a look and see00:49
ShawnR__i was really excited about this laptop, but i thought the issue was hot switching, not NOT being able to use the nvidia at all :/00:49
ShawnR__would be nicer than the built in intel video00:49
ShawnR__this laptop is great in windows, but the elantech touchpad is super senative and not configurable much (elantech mousepads are just about as supported as optimus)00:50
ShawnR__that's a /fail on my end... but it was too nice of a price on the laptop to pass up00:50
govatentI think you can set it for nvidia only. you just lose the nice power savings from the intel card. 00:55
ShawnR__nope :(00:55
ShawnR__not on this one00:55
ShawnR__i might be on asus's website right now looking for a bios update though... lol00:56
govatentoh i saw it on a thinkpad i was working with 00:56
ShawnR__this bios is really limited in features :(00:56
govatentI just found out what a grave mistake I made with my mac. they seem to have a power problem. I feel like such an idiot right now. 00:56
ShawnR__i was expecting a LOT more from ASUS00:56
ShawnR__well, the grave mistake was thinking mac would be cool00:56
govatentI was not going for cool. 00:57
govatenti was going for i hope it wont fall apart like my last laptop did 00:57
ShawnR__which one was your last one?00:57
govatenta 5 year old toshiba. Mobo was one amazing board. - the crummy gpu. but the casing was utter rubbish 00:58
ShawnR__oh, well, i've never been pleased with toshiba00:58
ShawnR__their P4 HT (desktop CPU in a laptop) blue cases were the worst design for heat and a really bad CPU for a bad thermal design00:58
govatentthe mac has been good so far. Owned it about a month. waiting for 12.04 or gonna run gentoo. but that aside, I just noticed a few mins ago there is a power problem when under a heavy load 00:59
ShawnR__i also couldn't stand the ones for a while where toshiba put the ~ key left of the space bar and Del was where the context menu button is and the windows key was up where delete was00:59
govatentyea i remember that00:59
ShawnR__i really just don't like their keys and touchpads00:59
ShawnR__if not for that, i was very envious of the macbook air01:00
govatenti just got my dad an asus for the holidays. and i agree. very limited bios options. although great ubuntu machine 01:00
ShawnR__if i wanted a smaller screen, that newer asus super thin one is REALLY nice01:00
govatentbut this is just an i5 and intel only gpu 01:00
ShawnR__yeah, i5 myself here, it is a company laptop and couldn't justify to myself getting an i7 (my father's company, don't want to take advantage)01:01
govatentI really wanted a system76. but there was no way it was in my budget. next laptop for sure will be a 76. or whatever the major linux laptop maker will be at the time. 01:01
ShawnR__never heard of system7601:01
govatentoh man look em up 01:01
ShawnR__built with HW in mind specifically for linux?01:01
govatentthey make ubuntu computers 01:01
govatentill link you01:01
mhall119govatent: zareason is the other big Ubuntu maker01:01
govatentI kind of wanna return the mac now cause of this power issue. but not sure i can cause of the discount i got. 01:02
govatentit works fine. i just don't know if this will be a major issue down the road 01:02
govatentand thanks for that info mhall11901:02
govatentShawnR__: the reason i did not get the system76 was lack of financing options. 01:03
govatentI am glad i did not use my credit card for it. they have been killing me with interest now. 01:04
ShawnR__i was about to say without the winders license, should be cheaper and def. cheaper than a mac01:04
ShawnR__i needed a windows license in case i needed windows for work (crossing my fingers i never will)01:04
govatentI got 25% off the mac price. 01:04
govatentand one year to pay it off01:04
govatenti have a friend at apple 01:05
ShawnR__so you only paid $1500? lol (just kidding.... kinda)01:05
govatent:P more like 1430 lmao 01:05
ShawnR__wow, i was close :)01:05
govatentlenovo was near the same price but 6 months to pay it off 01:05
ShawnR__you coulda got a new credit card and did a balance transfer with a year no interest and got a system76 and for cheaper :P01:06
ShawnR__sure that would be a lot of work, but worth it, eh?01:06
govatentvery much so !01:06
ShawnR__i mean, not that i've vever done that before or anything01:06
govatenti think that would work. 01:06
govatenti had not thought of that 01:07
ShawnR__yeah, so long as your credit is good, find a good "Balance transfer" deal01:07
ShawnR__buy it on your old CC, then balance transfer to the new one01:07
govatentyea. school loans have not kicked into my name yet... :P01:07
govatentWish I had thought of that option before i got the mac. 01:09
govatentwell can't have any regrets now 01:09
balloonsgovatent, what kind of mac you get?01:10
govatentI got the current gen 15" with quad i7 2.2 with 4 gb of ram. i swapped the hdd for a 7200 rpm. the problem i am having seems to be on most models though. 01:11
govatentI think it might have something to do with osx sucking though :P 01:11
balloonsi have the early 2011 model, 17 inch01:12
balloonsi'm guessing you got the hw updated one01:13
balloonssome folks have done a ton of work on making them work nicely in ubuntu..01:13
balloonsincluding things like efi booting and using vga switcheroo01:13
balloonsjust not for the faint of heart. I'm guessing Precise+1 will have very nice support for everything. Precise does everything out of the box on mine now, minus the fancy efi botting01:14
govatentI already tried the alpha 01:15
govatentso far its amazing! 01:15
govatentnot sure where we will be with the dual gpu. but i don't mind using just the amd one 01:15
balloonsit was not so cool on natty01:15
govatenti actually got 11.10 running 01:16
govatentits not tough 01:16
govatentbut unlike in 12.04 you must do a lot of things by hand 01:16
govatentmuch so for the wifi 01:16
balloonswell, if your adventerous at this point you can efi boot and set intel only graphics (on mine anyway), thereby matching the mac os x battery life01:16
govatenti did the efi boot. i just got a black screen. it was having issues with the dual gpu stuff. 01:17
govatenti guess01:17
govatentwith mbr based boot everything worked fine. just no access to the intel gpu 01:18
govatenti think dual gpus is just something that is being worked on even outside of the mac setups 01:18
balloonsgovatent, yes your right.. not much support anywhere as of yet01:19
govatenthave you had issues with your laptop showing not charging when under heavy load? 01:19
balloonsno, no power issues I'm aware of01:19
govatentlike right now mine is not charging. the mag light is green. but my battery is dead. if i kill skype it will charge just fine. 01:19
balloonsit's been my primary work pc for some time01:20
balloonswell.. since I got it in March :-)01:20
govatentill have to ring apple about it i guess. don't look forward to that call 01:20
balloonsthis under mac?01:20
govatentoh yea 01:21
govatentsorry i did not get what you were asking 01:21
govatenti won't be using ubuntu till 12.04 01:21
govatentor at least like a beta build 01:22
balloonsgotcha.. so yea, let that wonderful apple quality care take care of the not charging issue01:22
balloonsif it's new and not working, they should fix you up ;-)01:22
govatentit just started charging randomly 01:23
balloonswow.. that's pretty neat haha01:23
govatentyou should be aware of the issue in case you run into problems 01:23
govatentballoons: ping01:24
balloonswell in my case, the laptop isn't mine01:30
balloonsand I've hated it :-) But i don't have to use it anymore after tomorrow, so i'm in luck on that front01:31
balloonsi find the mac keyboards lack of essential buttons annoying and the mac os lack of sometimes basic features like window management aggravating also01:33
balloonsbut as usual, the build quality is bar none.. hardware is always touch noch from apple..01:34
govatentbrb dinner calls. 01:42
govatentgonna log off for dinner to let the machine cool off. be back in a bit01:42
=== maxh1 is now known as maxh
mhall119dang it's cold out12:52
svwilliams22 in gville12:54
svwilliamsI saw the high in miami was upper 60's which is cold for them12:54
zoopsterit's too cold12:59
zoopsterand it's only 34 here12:59
mhall11930 here13:01
mhall119well, 33 now that the sun is up13:01
zoopsterit was 38 closer to the water at dawn...love that influence!13:01
zoopsterstill to cold no matter how you look at it13:02
zoopsteror too cold even13:02
maxolasersquadI was looking to get the new year started right by biking to work.14:09
maxolasersquadThat's not happening.14:09
maxolasersquadI have my pride, but my sanity also.14:09
maxolasersquadIt was supposed to get down to the teens last night.14:12
maxolasersquadAnd my crazy cat insisted on spending the night outdoors.14:14
svwilliamsmy dog seems to find it invigorating he goes from napping to crazy after a quick trip outdoors.  I don't think he would go in side if it were for the fact that we live in a condo and I'm not staying outside with thim14:18

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