
=== Joe_CoT is now known as JoeC0T
=== JoeC0T is now known as Joe_CoT
=== Joe_CoT is now known as JoeC0T
=== JoeC0T is now known as Joe_CoT
rmg51morning JonathanD10:59
JonathanDHowdy rmg5110:59
rmg51kernel update11:05
rmg51time to reboot11:05
rmg51morning..... again13:54
InHisNamemid morning14:15
ChinnoDogmornings happen pretty often14:52
jedijfand i hope they continue15:11
ssweenythey should at least until december15:16
ChinnoDogThat gives me a good idea for a party theme....15:45
morecheeselinux (ubuntu) desktop music players of choice. go.16:06
morecheesewant a replacement for banshee16:06
morecheesefor audio? ive usually only used vlc for video.16:10
pangolinit makes coffee too16:10
morecheesemeh. healthier than mcdonalds (which i LOVE)16:12
morecheesewrong chan16:12
* rmg51 still uses rhythmbox16:21
morecheese rhythmbox was never bad to me, just had an itch for more features. the nets were all aflutter about banshee coming back for ubuntu 11 so i figured i give it a try but i am disappoint.16:47
pangolinamarok is a nice media player17:10
pangolintons of features.17:11
pangolindoesn't make coffee17:11
ChinnoDogAnyone here a regular Cyanogen user?18:16
jedijfChinnoDog: sort of, i use vegantab, which has cy base (tablet)19:12
jedijfi didn't like straight cyanogen on tab, on phone i used serendipity(captivate)19:13
ChinnoDogjedijf: what was wrong with straight cyanogen? I want to put it on my phone but not sure what I am getting into.19:19
jedijfi just didn't like the feel of it, if you use clockwork mod, you can try many...19:30
jedijfplus it's most popular, and linux user in me rebels against that automagically it seems19:31
jedijfChinnoDog: http://jedijf.blogspot.com/2011/09/gtablet-modding-journey-so-far.html19:34
ChinnoDoghmm. k.19:41
ChinnoDogWell, maybe next weekend I will install Cyanogen on my phone. I have to cram for a test this weekend19:41
ChinnoDogI'm running low on space on my phone and it could be faster.19:42
morecheeseive been planning on rooting my LG G2x lately20:14
morecheesewasnt sure about which mod to put on it, honestly know little about them20:14
morecheesehowever EVERYONE praises cyanogen mod20:14
morecheeseso probably head that way20:14
morecheesejedijf: if the linux user in you rebels against using the most popular things, how'd u end up using ubuntu? ;)20:15
morecheesesounds like you're an Arch man20:15
JonathanDI've read my phone is sort of difficult to play with.20:16
morecheeseJonathanD: after studying the process for awhile now (weeks off and on), SuperOneClick and the popular methods are the safest route usually. they usually have a few failsafes and ways to repair your phone as long as you backup during the process like the tuts say.20:17
=== Joe_CoT` is now known as Joe_CoT
JonathanDI can't risk mucking up this phone.20:29
JonathanDand I'm not reading promising things about flashing it.20:30
morecheeseanyone have experience with plesk? ##plesk is a ghost town21:00
morecheesei removed a domain, but its still in the domain list but with a red "X" next to it21:01
morecheesewhen i click on it it says its suspended, i click unsuspend and it says DNSZone error "no such row in the table"21:01
morecheesei fixed that21:40
morecheesenew problem: i created a subdomain, but when i go to subdomain.domain.net im taken to domain.net. like subdomain.domain.net doesn't exist.21:41
morecheesethis is still while RDPed into the remote server btw, so external access/firewall stuff isnt an issue21:41
jedijfwhere's mutant? i wanna see how his mod went22:43

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