
bmg505good morning05:48
nuvolario/ mornings07:15
nuvolariwhy is '0' plural?07:15
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=== morgs_ is now known as morgs
=== morgs_ is now known as morgs
Kilosafternoon superfly and others10:08
Kiloshaha zeref you made it10:08
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos I say hi10:26
Maazinetpro: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode10:26
inetproMaaz: coffee on10:26
* Maaz starts grinding coffee10:26
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro!10:30
inetproMaaz: thanks10:31
Maazinetpro: No problem10:31
Kilosevening all of ya18:13
Mezenirhi kilos18:21
Mezenirhow goes18:21
Kilosgood ty and you Mezenir 18:21
Mezenirpretty good18:22
Mezenirsummoning up the willpower to install arch linux on my netbook18:22
Mezenirwillpower to read the wiki that is18:22
inetprogood evening18:44
Kiloslo inetpro 18:54
inetproheh Kilos, jy stil vanaand18:56
Kilosja man als werk weer18:57
Kilosohi superfly 18:57
superflyhi Kilos18:57
Kilosen daar by jou inetpro 18:58
superflyMezenir: Arch is actually pretty easy to install18:58
inetprosukkel om weer in werk roetine in te kom18:58
Kiloslol te veel vakansie ne18:58
inetproyep, maar ek's amper daar19:00
inetpronet weer die slaap roetine regkry19:00
inetprolekker lui gewees elke middag19:00
Kilosha ha19:01
Kilosall ok there superfly ?19:08
superflyKilos: yep, in Hermanus, my youngest brother is getting married tomorrow19:09
Kiloswhos he? not ettienne19:09
Kilossuperfly, ?19:11
superflyKilos: yes, etienne19:11
Kiloswish him the best from me please superfly 19:11
superflyek sal so maak oom19:12
Kilosnight all of ya. i go crash19:39
Kilossleep tight19:39
inetpronou al19:41
Kilosja man ek oud19:41
Kiloselke dag langer19:41
superflynight Kilos19:41
Kilosmoet eers gaan bad ook19:41
inetproKilos: ahh, ok19:42
inetpronag oom19:42
Kilosnag julle19:42

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