
bencccan I use upstart to start a python server as a daemon?02:21
benccI want to run rtmplite http://code.google.com/p/rtmplite/02:21
venugopaljodh, Thanks for reply. I am able to fix it and it is working fine for all flavours of ubuntu and not working for fedora 15 OS.15:44
venugopalWill the same upstart script works for Fedora 15?15:44
jodhvenugopal: Fedora 15 uses systemd, not Upstart.15:48
plautrbavenugopal: there is upstart-1.2-4.fc15 and you need upstart-1.3 so it won't work probably16:07
benccif I'm using upstart with a python server, I don't need something like python-daemon?17:15
benccor do I need both?17:15
jodhI don't understand your question.17:18
benccjodh: rtmplite is a server that you can run in the terminal18:32
benccI want to run it as a daemon18:32
benccI can do it with python-daemon and/or upstart18:32
benccmy question is, if I'm using upstart to start and monitor rtmplite do I still need a python daemon or is it not necessary?18:33
jodhI think that's a python question really. Upstart doesn't make a program run as a daemon: it manages daemons and other programs. You'd need to look at what python-daemon provides to your python app to see if it is appropriate to use that in your case or not.19:04
Ronnieim trying to make an upstart script for service i need to runs, but somehow i cant get it to work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/793007/19:22
benccjodh: python-daemon runs a python process in the background and manage a pid lock file for you so you can start, stop and restart the process23:08
benccisn't that what upstart does?23:08

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