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wgzhappy unmorning06:50
wgzbus time.07:39
vilahi all !07:56
vilamgz: hey !09:23
vilamgz: Is this the day you can tweak the pqm conf ? :-D09:23
mgz...though, did we get anything out of mthaddon about where the right place to look is?09:24
vilamthaddon: there is a config file for pqm where we can set some bzr options to avoid conflicts in our news file, we don't know where exactly but we know the settings are wrong or not recognized :)09:26
mthaddonvila: so what do you want to see?09:27
vilamthaddon: the pain point for us is that the submission fails, we merge locally (with the right settings and hence no conflicts)  and resubmit09:27
vilamthaddon: it's probably either a locations.conf or pqm.conf file which mentions the various branches09:28
mthaddonvila: sure, but what value are you interested in in the PQM config?09:28
vilamore probably locations.conf, the misunderstandings we have is which one is taken into account when the merge occurs09:28
mthaddonpqm@cupuasso:~$ cat .bazaar/locations.conf09:29
mthaddonpost_commit_to = bazaar-commits@lists.canonical.com09:29
mthaddonthat's all there is in locations.conf09:29
vilahmm, are the 2.x branches *below* thelove ?09:31
mthaddonvila: that's the entire contents of the file09:31
mgzthe one we looked at previously was https://pastebin.canonical.com/57193/09:32
mgzwhich is not the current one, then.09:33
mthaddonso that was probably from the previous server09:33
vilaright, so we need more sections there for trunk at least, and ideally for 2.4, 2.3 etc09:33
mgzokay, that's what we need to know, can bug gnuoy in a second to do the changes we want09:34
mthaddonvila, mgz: can you create an RT with what you need - we'll want to make sure the added configs are puppetised09:34
mthaddonplease don't just have it added manually, or it'll fail if we ever have to move PQM again09:34
vilaso [/srv/pqm.bazaar-vcs.org/archives/thelove/+trunk] (not sure about the + there :-/)09:34
* vila nods09:34
vilaand news_merge_files = doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt there (which will need to be updated when we start the 2.6 series, so definitely we want that to be puppetised)09:35
mgzdo we want a section per release with the right files, or how would be best to manage this vila?09:37
vilajelmer, mgz: no laughing about my ignorance for url encoding in section names for locations.conf please ;-P09:37
vilaone section per branch, I'm not sure pqm always preserve them so putting this option in branch.conf may be brittle (and I'm not even sure it's queried)09:38
vilathem == the branches09:38
mgzokay, if you file the rt vila, I'll assist as needed when making the changes09:44
vilaha, let see if I can do that with an email mentioning the right people in CC09:45
vilamgz: sent, let me know if you receive it *and* if you also get notices from rt after that09:53
mgzvila: first mail arrived10:13
vilamgz: cool, note that these settings comes from a known working laptop so apart from the section names that needs to be updated it should be good10:19
mgzI think we don't need anything before 2.3 now10:21
vilawe shouldn't10:21
vilaon the other hand... if it doesn't seem too much trouble to add them too (if only to remember where the switch from NEWS occurred)10:23
mgzthat's true, but it might be knowledge the l-osas could do without10:26
vilaup to you :)10:27
mgzis tools/http_client.py still used by anyone or anything?10:58
vilaI don't think so10:59
jelmerme neither11:00
vilablow it away, it's under version control :)11:00
mgzjelmer, can you paste whatever pqm complained about with your ssl branch to the mp?11:09
mgzseeing 'sent to pqm by email' as the last comment when nexting through approved reviews in hydrazine is slightly confusing11:09
jelmermgz: so, I tried twice11:22
jelmerand both times I got an error from subunit saying that the test runner fell over11:23
mgzfun... putting what it said in the mp certainly seems useful then11:34
jelmermgz: sure11:56
jelmervila: hmm, did we not always apply quilt patches in udd?11:56
vilajelmer: hmm, my understanding was that the packagers decided what they track... applied or unapplied12:13
vilabut to be honest I don't know where exactly this is done12:13
jelmervila: we have to have a policy on what we do when we import packages though12:16
vilashould we ? Or should we have an option so packagers can still decide ?12:17
jelmervila: we already have a policy at the moment :) I'm just trying to find out if that policy has changed at some point12:18
vilaI'd say go with whatever works for you as long as it doesn't break existing workflows12:18
vilaoh, we have ? Always apply ?12:18
jelmervila: this is about whether we version with patches applied (and create .pc/) or not12:18
jelmernevermind, found it12:19
jelmerwe only apply patches for 3.0 (quilt) packages, not for packages that use other patch systems12:19
vilaI thought .pc wasn't required if either all patches were applied or not (i.e. required only when some of them are applied)12:19
vilabut then we apply them all, right ?12:19
jelmerI think .pc is always required if some patches are applied12:20
jelmerI would like to see us move to not applying patches, but I'm not sure what the best approach to that is12:20
vilaand applying them automatically when needed ? I thought barry was preferring working with patches applied...12:23
jelmervila: yes, hooks for e.g. transform to apply them when we create a checkout or update12:23
* vila freaks a bit about conflicts...12:24
jelmerif applying one of them fails we just warn the user and let them deal with applying the patch12:25
vilaand do so (from the hook) only if not conflicts are present right ?12:26
jelmerright, or if there are no conflicts present involving the files touched by the patch12:30
vilamore delicate to get right and entering a thin ice zone12:35
vilathe usual pain point is: you have uncommitted changes, do something, and suddenly you cannot revert this 'something' and you cry12:36
* vila wishes there was an easy way to do some sort of commit-so-I-can-revert-but-dont-pollute-my-history12:37
fullermdThat's what colo is for  ;p12:40
jelmervila: you can go back since the state is tracked in .pc/12:47
vilajelmer: oh, so if quilt create conflicts you can't 'bzr resolve' them ?12:49
vilamgz: ??12:49
vilafullermd: almost ;)12:49
mgzleft a few merge proposals for you to review while I have lunch vila :)12:50
vilapfew, I would not have guessed ;)12:50
mgzwhoops, that's the problem with doing lots of merge proposals at once, I mixed up the descriptions...14:16
vilahehe, for once, may be you could have done a single one ;)14:16
vilamgz: and what is the python name ? utf-8 (lowercase ?)14:28
mgzsaves worrying about the nine billion names of ascii14:39
mgzslight hyperbole, with case and dash normalisation already done, python accepts:14:41
mgz['iso_ir_6', 'ansi_x3_4_1968', 'ibm367', 'iso646_us', 'us', 'cp367', '646', 'us_ascii', 'csascii', 'ansi_x3.4_1986', 'iso_646.irv_1991', 'ansi_x3.4_1968']14:41
vila86 or 68 ? To catch tyops ?14:43
Wiz_KeeDhey guys14:52
Wiz_KeeDcan any of you tell me how i can go back 1 revision with bzr?14:52
Wiz_KeeDi just made a pull and i think there are some bugs14:52
mgzvila: pqm news merge15:01
mgzwith your new fancy config path segment thing15:02
mgzah, nope, doesn't help for trunk...15:02
* mgz scratches thought15:02
vilaput some trust in the old one, it has worked for quite some time :)15:03
vilaerr, by old one I didn't mean me or fullermd, but the old locations.conf ;)15:03
mgzvila: where's our current document for things to do when creating a new bzr series?15:04
vilareleasing.txt but there is a losa wiki page, let me see15:04
Wiz_KeeDcan anyone tell me how i can revert to the version before i did pull?15:05
vilaWiz_KeeD: bzr pull --overwrite -r<my-precious>15:07
Wiz_KeeDwhat's my previous? :))15:07
Wiz_KeeDthe number of the former revision15:07
vilaprecious :)15:07
vilagenerally yes15:07
Wiz_KeeDhow do i find out which one was it15:07
vilaif you have the bzr-tiplog plugin installed 'bzr tiplog' will tell you,15:08
vilaotherwise, 'bzr pull' *did* tell you which version was current before the pull15:08
vilaif you didn't notice, .bzr.log should still contain it15:08
vila'bzr info' will tell you where to find it15:08
vila(the .bzr.log file that is)15:08
vilaalternatively, try 'bzr qlog' and see which one it was15:09
Wiz_KeeDunknow command15:09
vila(qlog is part of the qbzr plugin and you will love it ;)15:09
Wiz_KeeDapt-get install qbzr?15:10
vilashould do15:10
Wiz_KeeDbzr info doesn't tell me about the log15:11
vilameh, typo, I meant 'bzr version'15:12
mgzvila: was there any other reason not to use branch.conf for the news merge other than we were worried about it not working?15:13
vilaI'm not sure the branches on pqm are not scratched on occasion15:15
vilameh, too many negatives15:15
vilaI suspect, the branches on pqm can be deleted sometimes15:15
mgzthey may be, but it seems like there's config setup to populate them with the right values15:16
vilareally ?15:16
vilahow ?15:17
mgzvarious puppety thingies15:18
* mgz keeps it technical15:18
vilaall I'd like to know is whether a branch.conf file is created of if bzrlib is involved to populate it15:19
Wiz_KeeDi see no version number in the log15:20
vilaWiz_KeeD: can you find the offending pull ?15:20
Wiz_KeeDhow can i do that?15:20
vilain the log file, each command output additional info, starting with its name and the parameters used15:23
mgznews merge puppet changes made, we should try something to see if it works in a sec vila15:25
vila\o/ err, no wait -o-15:27
mgzvila: done. have you got a change we can land that would fail without news merge, but succeeds with it?15:35
vilaha !15:38
vilano :)15:38
vilahttps://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/832046-globs-store-ordered/+merge/86734 possibly :)15:39
vilaor may be I can tweak it for this purpose15:40
mgzthat would be neat.15:41
vilaWiz_KeeD: bah, I mixed uncommit, pull and a merge proposal that wanted to display the revision *before* the pull15:41
vilaWiz_KeeD: qlog is your best bet to find your previous revision now15:42
mgzbug 912344 looks like one for you vila15:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 912344 in QBzr "Bazaar explorer crashes when in browse and I try to show annotate on a file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91234415:51
mgzdid set_user_option accept numbers previously?15:52
vilait should15:55
vilameh, or not ??15:57
vilawow, so, bug #912344 is a bug in bzr that is triggered only for smart branches16:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 912344 in QBzr "Bazaar explorer crashes when in browse and I try to show annotate on a file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91234416:06
vilathe new implementation shouldn't suffer from it16:06
vilathe trick is... better explain that on the bug ;)16:07
vilamgz: got it conflicting without the setting and merging properly with16:20
vilamgz: I'll need to properly restore the right order after merge :)16:20
mgzvila: net16:23
vilacare to review it ? ;-p16:24
vilaI think I've addressed the points raised in the discussions16:25
vilamgz: ^16:29
vilajelmer: you did review my monster cleanup ! You're a hero :-D16:42
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mgzvila: what do you want reviewed sorry?16:45
mgzthe globs branch?16:45
vilaoh crap, I should push the tweak16:45
mgzapproved, let's try it out16:48
vilathe new tests shouldn't break on windows... unless local_path_from_url involves disk access ?16:50
mgzlocal_path_from_url may throw on an invalid file:/// url, which those are on windows16:52
mgzI'd test it, but I'm afh16:52
mgzso, may as well let babune tell us16:52
vilak, will monitor16:52
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vilamgz: osx slave is a bit busted but the last run add 2 more failures you may want to look at http://babune.ladeuil.net:24842/job/selftest-osx-10.6/400/17:00
mgzthanks vila, will check17:01
vilahmm, 3 even, the 8 other are weird, I should have looked sooner :-/17:02
mgzvila: the two test_locale failures are a deliberate change, just missed updating/killing the tests17:10
vilathe test_mv_dirs_non_ascii looks older17:11
mgzthe bb.test_commit failure might need a require-filessystem-that-doesn't-normalise17:11
mgzit's a new test, that just happens to hit our existing osx non-ascii filename issues17:12
mgzdo you know how this is handled elsewhere?17:12
vilathe others appear when I fix the race in revno 6337 ???? non-sense17:13
vilajustasec, I think there is a feature already for that no ?17:13
vilanope, but CaseInsCasePresFilenameFeature should give some hints17:14
mgzor I can work around by not using a character that decomposes :)17:15
mgz\xa7 is the best!17:16
vila... and lose the opportunity to fix a bug ? ;)17:16
vilaor is it really a bug in the test ?17:16
mgz...I may tackle the root issue at a future junction :)17:16
mgzit's the bug with all handling of names on OSX where NFC(s)!=NFD(s)17:17
vilawith ExpectedFailure_on_osx: :)17:18
mgzin this case it's not the issue we're concerned about, so there's no point tickling it in the test17:20
vilaI was kidding ;)17:21
mgzI'm not sure what to do about the locale tests for OSX17:24
mgzpreviously on OSX, if LANG was none, we used utf-817:25
mgznow we also use UTF-8 if LANG is C or something bogus17:25
vilasounds reasonable17:26
vilaright now, I'm connected to an osx host via ssh and locale is C17:26
mgzbut I XXXed for nix rather than doing the same change, as it's less pervasively unicode supporting17:26
vilabut it's pretty hard to get there ;) Most of the time you get some utf8 variant17:27
vilawell, when I say locale is C... http://paste.ubuntu.com/793954/17:28
* vila blinks17:34
vilagetaddrinfo doesn't recognize 'localhost' but still accept '
vilaon osx that is, but still, end of internet predicted or what ?17:34
mgzheh. well, use the number then, and be happy.17:35
mgzfix for one of the failures sent, home time now.17:36
vilaAFAIK we used the name for years... Have a safe trip !17:36
vilawgz: In case you read the logs, the merge failed with a conflict in the release notes :-/17:50
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wgzvila: any sign from pqm if the news merge was invoked at all?18:34
wgzI know that spiv tried previously to get it enabled and ran into some issue, but I don't know what it was.18:35
wgzhm, my last merge failed too, on:18:39
wgzerror: bzrlib.plugins.launchpad.test_lp_directory.TestDebuntuExpansions.test_bogus_distro [ multipart18:39
wgzInvalidHttpResponse: Invalid http response for https://xmlrpc.launchpad.net/bazaar/: Unable to handle http code 502: Bad Gateway18:39
jelmerintermittent issue with launchpad availability?18:42
jelmerit's pretty bad we have tests that connect to launchpad :-/18:42
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vila<vila> wgz: In case you read the logs, the merge failed with a conflict in the release notes :-/19:59
vilamgz, jelmer: for pqm, yes, test suites can be far more agile than what we do on pqm, we should make the launchpad tests run only when some flag is active20:01
wgzvila: I replied :)20:02
vilaha, sorry, misunderstood20:02
vilaso, the mail is pretty terse and I don't think the plugin outputs anything outside of the log so...20:03
vilaConflicts during merge: Text conflict in doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt20:03
vilais all I have ;)20:03
vilawgz: did you set the options in branch.conf or locations.conf (both should work anyway, I've checked the code)20:04
wgzvila: branch.conf20:11
vilamy little daemon giggles... but refuses to tell me why, damn it20:12
spivwgz: the issue was "turned it on but nothing happened"23:02
spivwgz: and it wasn't really worth sinking a heap of time into trying to debug it23:03
lifelessremember that pqm uses a temp dir to do the work23:03
Noldorinhi jelmer23:16
wgzspiv: well, at least that's consistent with today's observations then... :)23:27
spivwgz: we backed out the changes that attempted to turn it on23:36
spivwgz: also, we changed to the release-notes layout for news since then23:37
spivwgz: so the old config wouldn't have triggered anyway if it had been working as intended.23:37
spiv(Also, because we now have a file per release series the conflicts aren't as common/painful)23:38
wgzspiv: I still need to merge bzr.dev before writing release notes for too many of my branches, but the plugin may not be a complete panacea there23:47
wgzthe change we tried today set the location to the right place in each of the active branches' branch.conf23:48
spivwgz: well, it's easy enough to find out how much it hels23:48
spivwgz: when you find a merge that fails due to a conflict, retry it locally with the plugin configured and see if it takes care of it :)23:49
wgzwell, it seemed to not have any effect at all... how do we distinguish pqm not having the plugin enabled and the plugin not having done useful resolution?23:49
wgzvila tried the merge locally before submitting the test branch23:49
spivwgz: right, that's partly why it's a PITA to debug.  I *think* the plugin now at least logs something to .bzr.log23:49
spivThere's a bug about making it explicitly say something on stdout as part of the merge output23:50
wgzwe'll have another crack tomorrow... but stdout for merge plugins would be nice indeed.23:50
spivSomething like: M doc/release-notes/bzr-2.6.txt   [merged with news_merge]23:50
spivYou should at least be able to verify that the plugin is being *loaded* by looking at .bzr.log23:52
wgzhopefully the .bzr.log for pqm operations is straight forward to access23:56
wgzthanks for the input spiv!23:56

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