
Aaron0252I has a question about upgrading to 11.04, or possibly 11.1004:17
Aaron0252Can I do this without losing all my data?04:18
micahgstgraber: is 11.10 edubuntu solid enough to recommend for evaluation in a place like a library?09:36
stgrabermicahg: as long as they'll use Unity, it should be yes. We also offer the gnome fallback session as an alternative desktop at install time but that one isn't always as stable as it should be...09:46
micahgok, will recommend it then09:47
stgraberhighvoltage: ouch, that wxwidgets2.8 package is a real nightmare14:14
stgraberhighvoltage: hasn't been merged from Debian since Feisty!14:14
stgraberafter 4 hours of poking at it, I'm now done to only two Ubuntu specific deltas that are basically details, so might end up having spent all that time to just flush the remaining delta and sync from Debian14:15
stgraberjust glad I'm on a 50Mb/s connection here with 6Mb/s up, otherwise uploading the 40Mb would quickly have become a major pain :)14:17
highvoltagestgraber: ouch, 4 hours?14:23
highvoltagestgraber: at least that's the last one from what I understood14:24
stgraberyeah ... running a few test builds now, will then diff the content of the binary packages and their dependencies, then run an install test, then run an upgrade test, then test a bunch of apps using it, then push to the archive14:27
stgraberso hopefully I should be done by EOD (in 3 hours or so)14:28

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