
cyphermoxhey Riddell01:01
cyphermoxstill around? :)01:01
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
=== agateau_ is now known as agateau
Riddellhttp://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.8-rc2.php keeping us on our toes by announcing 4.7.98 when we only have tars for 4.7.97 :)12:02
Tm_TRiddell: none(?) of the download links work here: http://download.kde.org/download.php?url=stable/4.7.98/src/12:14
Tm_T...which in turn is linked in the announcement12:14
Riddellhe's fixing12:14
Tm_Tah, good (:12:14
* Riddell is packaging loads of 4.7.97 bits, wiki not updated yet12:21
agateauRiddell: hi, I pushed my latest Precise package for massif-visualizer on my PPA and added the link to bug #893569 . What should I do now?13:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 893569 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] massif-visualizer" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89356913:58
Riddellagateau: ask me or someone to review and upload?14:03
agateauRiddell: good idea14:03
agateauRiddell: can you review my beautiful package?14:03
agateaudone :)14:03
Riddelllet's see14:04
Riddellagateau: looks fine14:35
agateauRiddell: great!14:35
Riddellagateau: I can upload if you want but my brain isn't 100% so you might want to get a second opinion14:35
Riddellor get someone else to upload it so I can do the New processing14:36
agateauRiddell: ok, let me ask Scott, he looked at the package when it was on revu14:36
agateauScottK: hi! Riddell would like a second opinion before uploading massif-visualizer14:37
agateauScottK: see bug #89356914:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 893569 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] massif-visualizer" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89356914:37
Riddellwhen requested for similar yesterday ScottK said "Perhaps later in the week."14:37
mikecbeveryone pretend you just saw **********14:59
cmaginamikecb: haha, i feel ya. did the same thing an hour ago on another channel15:16
mikecbplugin opportunity "This looks like a password.  Do you really want to send it?"15:22
cmaginayes, that would be good15:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellgroovy all 4.7.97 compiled on my machine for precise. reviewing my packaging before uploading to PPA16:56
mikecbRiddell: that's 4.8rc2?17:57
Riddellmikecb: yes18:10
Riddellcompiling now in kubuntu-ninjas, if you want to test (needs password)18:18
mikecbI'm on 12.04, will that get it at the same time?18:19
Riddellmikecb: it is for 12.04 but we put it in a ppa for testing first, testers will be needed shortly18:19
mikecbI'm game!18:20
Riddellbut it's still compiling18:20
Riddellso don't try until you see all the packages are 4.7.9718:21
Riddellwhich may be a couple of hours or may be ages if the buildds are slow18:22
mikecbis there a guide for setting up ninjas?18:22
Riddelljust add it to /etc/apt/sources.list18:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanyofel: 4:4.7.95-0ubuntu2~ppa1~oneiric1 is the CPU hog fix?19:11
yofelQuintasan: should be19:12
QuintasanAny ideas why View doesn't work with Quassel notification?19:13
yofelthank bambee19:13
Quintasanbambee: \o19:13
Quintasanfregl: Prolly late thumbs up for AT-SPI release!19:14
bambeeyofel: hi, thanks for what? 19:16
bambeeQuintasan: yop19:16
yofelbambee: kmix19:16
bambeeyw ;)19:16
Quintasanthanks for uploading kmix magic19:16
Quintasanbeen driving me crazy19:16
bambeethis bug made me crazy xD19:17
bambee"why the **** my laptop consumes 35W suddenly ?"  --> kmix :D19:18
QuintasanIs there a thing called lightweight browser these days? Opera takes 500mb here19:21
freglQuintasan: thanks :)19:24
yofelfirefox is about the most efficient one IMO - chromium was always a mem hog, opera got worse lately, and rekonq is horrible19:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: you want lightweight?19:46
shadeslayerQuintasan: I have a test browser code thats just a QGraphicsWebView ... should be light enough19:47
Quintasanshadeslayer: As in bloody hell lightweight19:47
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch%2Fgarg%2FDemoWebViewBrowser.git&a=summary19:48
shadeslayerQuintasan: you might have to fix some stuff, but it should work :P19:48
QuintasanNo no, thanks, I need something that works :P19:48
QuintasanAnd doesnt take 700mb of memory when not playing flash19:48
shadeslayerlynk? or was it lynx ... don't remember19:50
yofelalthough chromium would also work if it's just one tab19:50
shadeslayerchrome is idling at 200 megs at 6 tabs19:51
Quintasanfirefox leaks memory even when it's not on19:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: you awake?19:54
shadeslayerseems not ....19:55
ScottKagateau: Ping me tomorrow.21:08
Riddellmikecb: it's compiled!  have you tried it?22:33
* yofel has been pulling updates for over an hour22:43
yofelstupid DC -.-22:43
mikecbabout to22:44
mikecbit's goin, I'm gonna do my desktop and then laptop22:47
Riddellmikecb: make sure one is working before you move onto another :)22:57
Riddellit also still needs the kdm theme upgrade stuff22:57
mikecbyah :)22:59
Riddellyofel: do you think it's safe if I just do dch for oneiric on the packages and upload to the ninjas PPA without building first?  or do you know if there are changes needed for oneiric?23:04
yofelfor oneiric you can just use dch, I don't remember having to change anything23:05
mikecbRiddell: up and smooth23:15
mikecbnice glassy panel23:16
mikecbactivity switching seems snappier23:17
mikecblaptop up, smooth as butter23:31

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