
=== dan is now known as Guest43294
benbloomdoes anyone know if there's a way to make aufs wait until nfs mounts complete before mounting via fstab? in fstab docs _netdev switch is for nfs only. can I somehow add it to the aufs line?01:25
SubCoolhey, lil help- got kubuntu 10.10, trying to edit my grub. I cant seem to locate boot editor in system. But then again- i dont have an advanced tab for system01:33
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jschallHaving bluetooth problems as detailed in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11587773#post11587773 - any insight appreciated.04:14
twreidI am writing a qt app that will transfer files from a windows 7 pc to my kubuntu computer.  What would be the best approach for this ftp or some other method?  Some of the files will be several gb05:39
twreidBoth machines are on the same network05:40
Torchtwreid: why do you want to write your own app for that?05:42
twreidWell the app will do more than just transfer files, but I am working on the file transfer part atm05:43
twreidIts pretty much an app to help me with my dvd collection and I rip and encode them to my local hdd first then transfer them to my server.  I am writing this app to pretty much automate the whole process.05:44
macramtwreid: perhaps you could simply set up a ftp server in your server and code a few scripts for doing it 'without pain' (nowadays is not a pain transferring files into a ftp server through your default file browser)05:45
Torchtwreid: have a look at the QTcpSocket class05:45
Torchtwreid: there's probably an example as well, it's basic stuff05:45
Torchtwreid: there's also the #qt channel05:46
twreidThe server is already setup and I have like 5 python scripts to do all of it now.05:46
twreidI'll just use ftp QT has the QFtp class I just didn't know if it was the best solution for a LAN05:47
macramtwreid: i think it is a good solution05:48
twreidOk thanks I was thinking about the QFile class and copy then remove the local file, but I think ftp is better.05:48
Torchtwreid: well, IF you only want a client implementation and IF the server is already done and IF the server does already use ftp as a protocol...05:50
Torchtwreid: you've answered the question before you even asked it ;-)05:50
twreidlol Ok thanks for the help ftp it is.05:51
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tasslehoffRunning 11.10 on a Dell with ATI Graphics, Kubuntu forgets my dual display configuration everytime I boot.06:34
tasslehoffI setup crt leftof lvds, but on next boot they are clones again06:34
Torchtasslehoff: i've never use that setup but i _think_ you have to autorun krandr on login to make that stick. or setup your own xorg.conf06:40
tasslehoffTorch: ok. my xorg.conf specifies 2 displays, but I see nothing about which one goes where, so maybe that's all I need.06:43
Torchtasslehoff: yes, i guess that's the problem, you probably cannot specify the screen setup in xorf.conf (like you could with an nvidia driver)06:43
Torchtasslehoff: thus the need for krandr06:43
tasslehoffTorch: yeah.06:46
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FloodBotK3aqw: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:52
aqwi need help please11:53
aqwchat french ubuntu-fr ,it is down??11:55
atvraqw, i dont know, i will go see i speak french if you want i will speak in french on ubuntu-fr11:55
aqwtu parle francais ??11:56
atvraqw, oui11:56
Peace-!fr| atvr11:56
ubottuatvr: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:56
aqwok enfin !11:56
Peace-!fr| aqw11:56
ubottuaqw: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:56
aqwimpossible de se connecter a ubuntu-fr pourtant y a du monde...11:56
atvraqw, join ubuntu-qc11:56
aqwc est canadien??11:57
atvraqw, yes11:57
aqwmerci  , je note ca ,,, j peus te prendre 5 min ??svp11:58
atvraqw, but we will be able to speak in french in that channel :) since the fr dosnt work11:58
aqwok atvr , tu est developpeur???11:59
atvraqw, yes but we will speak french in a french channel only so join #ubuntu-qc and i will talk to you in french11:59
aqwatvr merci12:00
atvraqw, no problem :)12:00
aqwdis moi tu es developpeur?12:01
atvraqw, no12:01
aqwtu t y connais en linux?12:02
Kronenmy kde network manager says my wired eth0 connection is unmanaged - every time i plug in my network cable (it's a laptop), i need to ifdown and ifup in the console to get my network connection running.  How can I get it to be managed by network-manager?12:02
atvraqw, little, but like i said here its a english channel only so i dont you to be kicked please talk in english or join ubuntu-qc to talk in french with me12:03
aqwok i understand12:04
aqwthaks for all , bye12:04
Kronenupdate: my nm-system-settings.conf had managed = false for ifupdown, but changing it to true didn't seem to help.  In fact, now I can't ifdown and ifup on eth0 anymore12:11
Peace-Kronen: mm?12:15
Peace-Kronen: proble wth nm?12:15
Peace-Kronen: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/05/15/network-management-disabled-after-suspend-to-ram-kubuntu-10-04/12:16
kroonrsErm, nick used to be kronen, but nickserv says it's registered - did I miss any responses to my question about my network connection?12:25
Peace- kroonrs http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/05/15/network-management-disabled-after-suspend-to-ram-kubuntu-10-04/12:26
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kroonrsPeace-: I don't have /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf , only nm-system-settings.conf .  I changed it, and tried to restart, but it didn't work.  I tried removing and re-adding the network-manager widget, and now none of my configuration shows12:38
Peace-kroonrs: ok sudo apt-get install wicd-kde12:38
kroonrsPeace-: that is, restart the network-manager service12:38
kroonrsPeace-: E: Couldn't find package wicd-kde ?12:39
kroonrsoptions are: wicd         wicd-cli     wicd-client  wicd-curses  wicd-daemon  wicd-gtk12:39
Peace-kroonrs: kubuntu 10.04?12:39
kroonrsPeace-: yeah12:39
Peace-kroonrs: you could try to purge the package12:40
Peace-i mean nm12:40
kroonrsPeace-: what package name, any idea - is the widget in the same package as the manager stuff?12:41
Peace-kroonrs:   dpkg -l | grep network12:42
Peace-kroonrs: if i was you i would upgrade12:42
Peace-but of course if you have important stuff... this could be ...12:43
Peace-kroonrs: did you try this : sudo mv /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.moved12:44
kroonrsPeace-: upgrading is dodgy - my laptop's screen doesn't work anymore12:44
kroonrsPeace-: I did try that, yeah12:44
kroonrsPeace-: the wired ethernet used to work fine a while ago - not sure when it broke12:44
kroonrsPeace-: still purging packages12:45
Peace-kroonrs: make sure to reinstall them ...12:45
Peace-remember they are on /var/cache/apt/archives12:45
Peace-if something should go wrong12:46
kroonrsPeace-: package reinstall needs a restart anyway12:49
Peace-kroonrs: be carefull without netwok manager you could be not able to get a connection12:50
Peace-kroonrs: i am not pretty sure...12:50
Peace-have you the cd?12:50
kroonrsPeace-: do you know which package has the network manager widget in? it doesn't seem to be available after I reinstalled the network-manager packages.  presumably another package was auto-purged and I didn't notice13:04
kroonrsPeace-: OK, no widget, but I ran network manager off the menu, and now it seems to be working....13:08
kroonrsPeace-: Thanks a lot for the help13:08
Peace-kroonrs: should be13:09
Peace-kroonrs:  plasma-widget-networkmanagement13:09
Peace-after you have installed13:09
Peace-kroonrs: kbuildsycoca413:10
bobweaverjoin #ubuntu-offtopic14:03
toumboGuys how to print .png files into my printer?14:07
toumboHow to create print jobs in kde?14:10
peacetoumbo: ?14:11
peacetoumbo: open the file with gwenview => print file14:12
toumbopeace Thanks a lot!!!!14:13
peacetoumbo: btw there is even a service menu...14:15
peacebut you need to install it14:15
peacei guess the most of people can use gwenview14:15
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almoxarifeatvr: keep the kubuntu specific questions here, please14:45
atvralmoxarife, okay, i cant unmount because the drive is in use14:45
almoxarifeatvr: that makes sense, sort of stuck, you need to use a livecd14:46
atvralmoxarife, okay i gues gparted should do the job14:47
almoxarifeatvr: i have never used gparted14:47
almoxarifehow do i make quassel beep on my nick? and detach the channel windows?14:51
almoxarifequassel noobee14:51
rorkalmoxarife: Settings > Notifications, modify Highlight15:00
rorkalmoxarife: you can detacht the chat & nick list by clicking the diamon on the top right of the list15:03
FarsajHello i've got error while trying run freepascal tex mode ide fp: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by fp)15:10
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droxscusate canale in italiano?15:38
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droxthis canale to speack in italian?15:51
Pici!it | drox15:51
ubottudrox: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:51
evgenyпривет народ, техподдержка здесь для kubuntu?15:56
sithlord48whats up #kubuntu16:19
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bbeckIs anyone else missing the plasmoid selection at the bottom of the context pane of Amarok 2.5?16:52
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BluesKajHowdy all17:56
peaceBluesKaj: hi :)17:57
BluesKajhi peace , just did a 12.04 clean install18:03
peaceBluesKaj: good18:04
peaceBluesKaj: worked out of the box?18:04
BluesKajpeace:  yes , mostly , even picked up my m-audio soundcard , which is somewhat rare18:10
BluesKajhaving some ssh and samba permission issues tho18:11
peaceBluesKaj: nice18:14
krabadorhi people, i'm in live with kubuntu 10.10, and i would try amarok 2.5.018:15
krabadorwhen i add the ppa18:15
krabadori can't install amarok 2.5.0 and i've a message that i've the most recent amarok versionù18:15
krabadori can't install it if i don't have the latest kubuntu?18:15
peacekrabador: did you do ; sudo apt-get update after addign the repo?18:18
krabadorpeace: yes, but only 2.3.218:18
mico12guys, can i apply kdm3 theme with kdm4?18:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
d1g1ta1How do you install programs on an external usb drive instead of the internal drive?19:10
DarthFrogd1g1ta1: Mount the USB drive.19:11
d1g1ta1DarthFrog: it's mounted19:11
DarthFrogThen just set it as the installation target.19:12
d1g1ta1DarthFrog:  How do you do that?19:12
DarthFrogWell, if it's mounted as /media/USBdrive, then tell the progam to install it to /media/USBdrive.19:13
DarthFrogIf the program lets you specify a target.19:13
d1g1ta1DarthFrog: openssl doesn't ask.  I tried ./config -prefix=/media/usb/usr/bin but make still created it on the internal drive.19:21
DarthFrogYou are compiling it from source?19:22
d1g1ta1DarthFrog: yes.  is there a precompiled version that will allow me to choose the installation location?19:27
DarthFrogNo idea.  But if you're compiling it from source, have a look at all the config options and ensure that you're choosing the correct prefix.19:28
d1g1ta1I did a ./config --prefix=/media/usb/usr/bin but make didn't write a single file to the usb drive19:28
DarthFrogI presume that directory exists.  Well, if it won't follow config directives, I'm of no help to you, I'm afraid.  Sorry.19:30
=== frozen is now known as frozjke
sandersonhello people!20:30
militehello sanderson20:30
almoxarifeis it possible to detach the channel windows in quassel?20:36
francesco_i have a problem with sopcast on kubuntu 64bit20:47
francesco_Traceback (most recent call last):20:47
francesco_  File "/usr/share/sopcast-player/lib/sopcast-player.py", line 36, in <module>20:47
francesco_    from VLCWidget import VLCWidget20:47
francesco_  File "/usr/share/sopcast-player/lib/VLCWidget.py", line 32, in <module>20:47
francesco_    import vlc_1_0_x20:47
FloodBotK3francesco_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:47
francesco_ImportError: No module named vlc_1_0_x20:47
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kaddii have a problem with my narwhale.. when I plug in the headphones the speakers don't get turned off... The sound is transmitted through my normal speakers and the headphone at the same time. I need to go to alsamixer and turn off the sound for the speakers manually23:15
kaddievery time I use the sound control, the speakers get turned up to full sound again23:15
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d1g1ta1can someone help get dns resolution working?23:46
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