
jonrafkindI just got a rejection mesage from launchpad: Not permitted to upload to the RELEASE pocket in a series in the 'SUPPORTED' state.00:16
jonrafkindI have uploaded packages before to this ppa, why do I now get this error?00:16
wgrantjonrafkind: You tried to upload to the Ubuntu primary archive, not your PPA.00:16
lifelessare you sure you uploaded to a PPA ?00:16
jonrafkindoh.. do'h00:16
shareyour website doesn't work wells with images enabled in firefox 9.0.103:27
shareI thought it was a javascript issue03:27
sharesolution: block images for bugs.launchpad.net03:28
lifelessuhm, you might like to file a bug on firefox, if its not the existing sprite one03:30
sharefunny because at #firefox they told me to file a bug for launchpad in launchpad03:31
lifelessbug 74480803:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 744808 in Launchpad itself "image sprite is packed very asymmetrically and triggers poor rendering performance in firefox3 and missing icons in firefox4" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74480803:31
sharelifeless: :)03:32
wgrantThat's a video driver bug.03:32
lifelesswhich matches the symptoms share is describing03:32
wgrantHas affected the proprietary nvidia and ati drivers, AIUI.03:32
sharelifeless: yep, images03:32
lifelesswgrant: some of yes - for instance, I don't see it on my non-intel machines around here03:33
ubot5Mozilla bug 629234 in General "Firefox for Linux is terribly slow scrolling the given URL" [Major,New: ]03:33
wgrantlifeless: It used to hit fglrx, but hasn't for a couple of years.03:33
wgrantAnd I don't have any nvidia machines around to test.03:33
shareubuntu 10.10 32bit firefox 9.0.1 nvidia 260.19 intel cpu03:34
wgrantRight, nvidia :)03:34
wgrantSee the Firefox bug I linked.03:34
wgrantFirefox + nvidia proprietary driver + large images == slow03:34
micahgI don't seem to have the issue03:44
micahgah, I better try before I say that :)03:45
micahgooh, timeout :)03:45
micahglaunchpad also shows as having a high JS memory count in Firefox, but I think that's a firefox bug03:46
rick_h__yea, there's some known issues with large image sprites. I've not looked at how large the ones on LP are03:50
rick_h__funny that it hits driver issues ugh03:50
micahgwant an OOPS, I see 2 other bugs for the same page type03:51
wgrantWhat's the OOPS ID?03:51
micahgthe bug listed there is a lie03:51
wgrantIt usually is :(03:52
wgrantNon-sql time: 6729 ms03:52
wgrantIt's that bug.03:52
wgrantWith heaps of attachments and comments, and many dupes.03:53
lifelessmicahg: JS memory is an LP bug03:53
lifelessmicahg: we don't do things very efficiently03:54
rick_h__I need to find a partner for removing mochikit next week. lifeless who else besides me/deryck are JS fans?03:55
lifelesswgrant sinzui gary benji03:55
rick_h__ty much03:55
lifelessare the first four names to come to mind03:55
lifelessI'm going to stop now, before I list the whole team03:55
StevenKsinzui has been wanting to kill mochi for years03:55
wgrantrick_h__: An excellent plan.03:55
wgrantrick_h__: Even better if we can kill YUI2 as well (we only use it for its calendar widget)03:56
rick_h__I've got deryck reviewing my removing the old inlinehelp stuff03:56
wgrantYUI3ifying it?03:57
rick_h__wgrant: cool, interesting in pariing up for it03:57
rick_h__wgrant: yea03:57
rick_h__wgrant: new yui3 module in lp/app/js03:57
* StevenK points rick_h__ at -dev03:58
rick_h__right, sorry StevenK, running with the convo03:58
micahgwgrant: sorry, was disconnected, Bug #726370 or Bug #724025 seem to be more likely04:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 726370 in Launchpad itself "BugTask:+index timeout - late evaluation of Person/ValidPersonCache" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72637004:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 724025 in Launchpad itself "BugTask:+index timeout due to high cpu time rendering many bug tasks in bug 230350" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72402504:11
micahglifeless: should I file a bug fo rthe JS stuff?04:12
lifelessmicahg: I think there is one, but if you can't find it, by all means04:13
kokoye2007Who is can help. PPA upload for04:31
EvilResistanceare you asking for help with a PPA upload?04:34
kokoye2007EvilResistance: Yes Sir04:36
kokoye2007i can upload and Success at Terminal. but no email and no change on My PPA04:37
EvilResistancekokoye2007:  did you wait at least 5 minutes?04:38
EvilResistancekokoye2007:  it takes at least 5 minutes for the upload checkers to detect the upload04:38
kokoye2007EvilResistance:  Okie04:39
EvilResistancemicahg:  is signing the Ubuntu CoC required for using PPAs?04:40
StevenKIt is, yes.04:41
kokoye2007EvilResistance: Yes My sign CoC04:42
kokoye2007 7D42A81A is my key04:42
* EvilResistance was just checking :P04:43
EvilResistancekokoye2007:  if you didnt get the email by now something must be up with the package04:50
kokoye2007EvilResistance:  how to check ?04:50
kokoye2007recheck to package ?04:51
kokoye2007thz EvilResistance04:52
EvilResistancei'm not sure how you created the package, or what methods you entailed, nor do I know what could have explodified in the package04:52
EvilResistanceor it could be tons of lag today04:52
EvilResistance(doubts it, he just uploaded 3 package updates)04:52
kokoye2007:S Thz EvilResistance04:53
kokoye2007see ya again thz for your kind04:53
EvilResistancekokoye2007:  did it work?  *assumes it did&04:54
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=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: Some backend tasks (email, branch scanning) delayed due to hadware issue | Help contact: adeuring | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
=== rick_h__ changed the topic of #launchpad to: Topic for #launchpad: Some backend tasks (email, branch scanning) delayed due to hadware issue | Help contact: rick_h | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
rick_h__sorry adeuring missed the topic change over13:55
adeuringrick_h__: no problem :)13:55
mgzif I visit <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/+bugs?field.tag=filewatcher> with javascript enabled, the new dynamic bug listings helpfully changes the url to <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/null>14:05
mgzis there already a bug open for this?14:05
rick_h__mgz: checking14:10
rick_h__mgz: I'm not seeing anything. Can you submit a bug and let me know the number and I'll make sure it gets looked at?14:12
abentleyrick_h__, mgz: could this be https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/897277 ?14:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 897277 in Launchpad itself "Going to +bugs results in incorrect URL location" [Low,Triaged]14:45
mgzabentley: yup, looks like that14:48
rick_h__mgz: can you verify your opera version? I'll try to poke at it later and want to make sure I can duplicate it.14:53
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mgz10.60 but the last comment in the bug abentley says he got it failing with 10.52 too15:01
abentleymgz, rick_h__: Right, I forgot that I managed to reproduce it later.15:02
abentleyrick_h__: I have a hunch that Opera is using the HistoryHash implementation of History, rather than the HistoryHTML5 version.  If so, fixing it might fix other HistoryHash browsers.15:07
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
mgzis there a reason tags used are written into the page with javascript rather than appearing in the html?15:54
mgzthat and the broken hiding css are the only reasons I've ever wanted to enable scripting on launchpad.15:54
mgz...in the bugs page that is15:55
deryckmgz, what do you mean written into page with js?  the type ahead search when adding tags?15:57
mgzsorry, worded that particularly badly15:58
mgzif I want the list of bug tags used by a project, the easiest way I've found is to enable js and go to bugs.launchpad.net/project15:59
mgzthen I can click on one to get the all the bugs with that tag15:59
deryckah right16:01
mgzbut the tags panel in the right bar is only populated with the tags used via js, unlike the bug status breakdown panel above it16:01
mgzit's just got the 'Edit official tags' link in the markup16:02
deryckyeah, and we're only heading more and more into the js-enabled direction.  not the other way.16:04
deryckbut I did think the counts above it were loaded via ajax too16:04
dobeyyou can just hit the API?16:06
mgzlaunchpad can't break the navigation if I don't let it run js :)16:11
mgzit's also way faster.16:12
deryckmgz, how does lp break navigation with js enabled?  the url bug you mention above?16:12
mgzright, I'd have been happily ignorant of it's existence if I didn't need to find a tag16:13
deryckok, gotcha.16:14
jonesyI need to make friends w/ launchpad in kind of a hurry. :(  What's an authoritative tutorial for someone who uses dvcs but doesn't know launchpad?16:15
* jonesy hates being in a hurry.16:15
dobeymgz: the URL doesn't change for me when i load that page. it only breaks inside the DOM or something?16:16
deryckjonesy, have you seen the help wiki?  https://help.launchpad.net/16:24
deryckdobey, he's using Opera.16:24
jonesyI think this looks like it should do me well http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/tutorials/using_bazaar_with_launchpad.html16:24
jonesythanks deryck16:24
mgz^when I'm not using lynx :)16:26
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mcclurmcis there a way to have a single PPA contain debs for multiple distro series? if I push the same source package to the same PPA, the second time with a different distro series in the changelog, the second package gets rejected because there is already a debian.tar.gz of the same name.16:48
bigjoolsyou need to copy it including binaries, or upload a different source version16:48
EvilResistance^ that16:50
EvilResistancemcclurmc:  take a look at my ZNC fork PPA: https://launchpad.net/~trekweb/+archive/znc-fork16:51
EvilResistancethose were each versioned separately (see the version numbering) so the source is included in each upload16:52
EvilResistanceit built for each version16:52
EvilResistance(failed on Lucid, but i know why)16:52
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=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
Resistanceis it possible to set up an auto-import to a branch from another branch hosted on lp?16:57
deryckResistance, I don't think so.  abentley, is there?17:21
Resistanceis there a way to manually do it?17:21
abentleyResistance: I don't know if we forbade that or not.17:21
Resistancei see17:22
abentleyResistance: Manually would be "bzr pull".17:22
Resistancethe main reason i ask is because i'm trying to not use the trunk branch for a project to do that project's packaging... granted i'm on their dev team / driver team17:22
abentleyResistance: This is a branch you want to commit to?17:23
Resistanceabentley:  yes, because i have to add some executables to it that end up in the binaries folders of the system so the program can be executed.17:24
Resistanceand they dont want me committing to the project's trunk17:25
abentleyResistance: You cannot commit to auto-imported branches.17:25
Resistancei see...17:25
Resistanceso technically17:25
Resistancei'd have to get the code as is, and then commit to a branch myself?17:25
abentleyResistance: Yes.  You could also create a packaging-only branch.17:26
Resistancethat'd work...17:26
abentleyResistance: See bzr-builder or https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds17:27
abentleyResistance: The "nest" instruction allows you to insert a packaging-only branch.17:29
dobeyResistance: they are just scripts that go in the debian/ dir which you install by hand from there, no?17:31
Resistancethat'd actually work even better...17:31
dobeyin which case you can maintain a branch that is just the debian/ contents, or you can maintain a source package branch that has all the contents, and you only modify stuff under debian/17:34
dobeythough it's odd that upstream wouldn't want useful fixes integrated into upstream :)17:34
mcclurmcthanks, Resistance17:41
kenvandineanyone around that can help me figure out why i can't push a bzr branch?17:44
kenvandinebzr push lp:~ken-vandine/opensesame-signon-ui/packaging17:44
kenvandine bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~ken-vandine/opensesame-signon-ui/packaging/": : You cannot create branches in "~ken-vandine/opensesame-signon-ui"17:44
kenvandinepublic project and public branch... can't figure out what is up with it17:45
dobeykenvandine: weird17:47
kenvandinedobey, indeed17:50
deryckkenvandine, has anything changed with your ssh keys?17:50
* deryck is guess a bit here17:50
kenvandinederyck, no... and i can push other branches for other projects17:50
kenvandinei've pushed at least a dozen today17:50
deryckkenvandine, I get the same error, both locally and through the UI.  Has to be something with how opensesame-signon-ui is configured….17:56
deryckkenvandine, but I don't see anything odd, just looking at it.17:56
deryckkenvandine, ah, I see "Inherited branch visibility for all projects in Open Sesame Project is Forbidden." at the project group level.17:57
deryckkenvandine, so perhaps you're in a group for the other sub projects that is not being used for this one project?17:57
kenvandineweird, the other branches i've been pushing are sub projects of the same project17:57
deryckkenvandine, what is a sub-project that worked?  Just for me to compare.17:59
kenvandinederyck, although that was pushing to a branch that already existed18:02
kenvandineperhaps this is a permission that changed since i created that branch?18:03
deryckI wouldn't think so.18:04
deryckabentley, sorry to bother again, but can you help kenvandine?  He can't push a branch to one sub project of a project group, but can to others.18:04
deryckabentley, and I can't figure out how the two are different.18:04
kenvandinethe opensesame-signon-ui code page says branches created will be public, etc18:05
dobeykenvandine: that assumes you can create them, though ;)18:06
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abentleykenvandine: Was lunching.  Let me look.18:37
abentleykenvandine: what branch are you trying to push to?18:37
kenvandineabentley, lp:~ken-vandine/opensesame-signon-ui18:38
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Resistancewhat web software base does launchpad use?  (i.e. language its written in)19:07
rick_h__Resistance: Python19:08
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Resistancerick_h__:  and what does it use for PGP key verification (such as for verifying you own a key when you add it to launchpad)?  still python?19:09
rick_h__Resistance: looks that way. I've not touched that bit of code, but see it in here19:10
Resistancei'll dig around it then19:10
dobeyi suspect something runs gpg --verify or something19:14
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deryckabentley, over to you, sir.19:26
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abentleyderyck: ack19:26
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: Some backend tasks (email, branch scanning) delayed due to hadware issue | Help contact: abentley | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
Quintasanabentley: ping19:45
abentleyQuintasan: pong19:46
Quintasanabentley: Can you edit git urls in import branches?19:46
QuintasanIt seems most of them was moved successfully but some of them weren't and I would like to have them moved19:46
abentleyQuintasan: I don't think I can.19:46
abentleyQuintasan: what's the branch?19:47
Quintasanshould import from git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-kde/kde-extras/telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde-contact-applet.git19:47
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abentleyQuintasan: One sec.19:49
abentleyQuintasan: Okay, I've updated it and scheduled an import.19:50
QuintasanI have two more but let's see if that one works19:50
QuintasanCould you also please change lp:~telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde-filetransfer-handler   to use   git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-kde/kde-extras/telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde-filetransfer-handler.git?19:52
Quintasanno question mark at the end :P19:52
Quintasanand lp:~telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde-integration-module to use git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-kde/kde-extras/telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde-integration-module.git19:52
Quintasanabentley: ^ Thanks in advance19:57
abentleyQuintasan: both updated20:01
Quintasanabentley: Thanks, turns out I have MORE of them so I will file a question20:01
QuintasanI was hoping to start working on dailies but they moved code yet again20:01
abentleyQuintasan: it appears all these branches have leading spaces in the URL.20:01
Quintasanabentley: Yup, works now. Thanks!20:02
abentleyQuintasan: Cool.  Yeah, it sounds like a Question is the way to go.20:03
hornerjany updates to the email issues. I'm trying to resurrect my account to update my ppa20:34
hornerjanyone having trouble changing their password?20:52
hornerjHi abentley, are you around?21:42
abentleyhornerj: Hi.21:42
hornerjthe topic states that there's issue with email? Is this still the case?21:43
abentleyhornerj: let me check.21:43
abentleyhornerj: Apparently the issue is fixed: https://twitter.com/#!/launchpadstatus21:47
hornerjHuh, I wonder why I'm not getting email instructions on how to change my password, then.21:50
abentleyhornerj: The login service is managed by a different department.  If you're having trouble, I recommend the form at https://forms.canonical.com/lp-login-support/21:52
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: abentley | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: - | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
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phillwHi, how do you convert a 'bug' into a question / feature request for launchpad?22:48
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