
sluckxzlittle late to the party i suppose.01:12
stahliehello everyone...   I was following the instruction on launchpad  and  tried to make install kqrcode....got error on it...missing header file ...not sure how to resolve that02:18
Unit193Did it say what one?02:20
Unit193sanbar: PING02:20
stahlieUnit193, you talking to me?02:21
Unit193Yeah, did it say what headerfile?02:21
stahlie/home/matt/kqrcode-0.6.0/build/kqrcode/../../kqrcode/qrcodeclistmodel.h:33:21: fatal error: qrcodec.h: No such file or directory02:21
stahlieUnit193, that's the missing header file02:23
Unit193Yeah, looking to see what pack02:24
Unit193Well, checked the repo for it, can't quite find it02:27
Unit193Ah, you see http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/packaging-new-software.html ?02:31
Unit193libqrencode-dev libzbar-dev libzbarqt-dev02:32
Unit193stahlie: ^^^02:34
stahlieunit193... i've already install them02:45
Unit193libqt4-dev kdelibs5-dev too?02:46
stahliethree of them are already in there02:47
stahlieUnit193, now checking the rest02:47
stahlieUnit193, yep got them in02:48
Unit193Right, I am not a dev, so I'm going to recommend either #ubuntu-app-devel or #ubuntu-packaging (Actually, just the second)02:49
stahlieUnit193, thanks02:50
Unit193Sorry couldn't help more02:50
stahlieUnit193, no worry02:51
bluphotonhello all.. i have a question. how to mount a drive through command line ?03:54
philipballewbluphoton, hello03:55
philipballewthats a good question03:55
Unit193sudo mkdir /media/windows; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/windows03:56
philipballewUnit193, beat me to the link :)03:56
bluphotonthanks guys :) hello pilipballew.03:57
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Ford_PI have a complaint05:44
Ford_Pand need to vent for a moment.05:44
Ford_PI've installed Ubuntu and for awhile everything worked fine.05:45
pleia2this is a support channel and we're all volunteers to help support users, venting at us won't be particularly useful and will only demotivate us05:45
Ford_Pbut in the end things start to break and with every upgrade or code release it's a roll of the dice if it breaks something or not05:45
IAmNotThatGuyHi Ford_P. Your upgrage gave issues?05:46
Ford_Pwhich leads me to my other point. I've not once gotten support that has fixed anything.05:46
Ford_Pit's more or less leading me on wild goose chases05:46
Ford_Pat the end of the day I just want it to work. Period.05:47
Ford_PI've had several issues.05:47
pleia2Ford_P: this really isn't the place for venting05:48
Ford_Pok fine. Then I have an issue with my sound card and I'm not able to get it to work. I don't have weeks to spend researching the issue.05:49
Ford_PI've checked alsamixer however it won't store my changes05:49
pleia2I've had luck with "ubuntu-bug audio" mentioned here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems05:50
pleia2it walks you through several tests and then collects data for a bug report if nothing works05:50
Ford_Pso the frustration comes as a fairly new user that getting support is difficult and you have several different suggestions which may or may not solve the problem.05:51
Ford_PThe other thing is when reading the forums the issue might not totally relate to your issue05:52
Ford_Pso maybe 50% of what's suggested may apply.05:52
pleia2please stop being mean :( we do our best05:53
Unit193Try the page she linked to, it's helpful.05:53
Ford_Pnot being mean. Just really really frustrated05:53
pleia2you can buy commercial support: http://www.canonical.com/enterprise-services/ubuntu-advantage05:53
Ford_Pand have not found adequate help05:53
pleia2you are being mean, I am trying to help you and all you've done is insult us about how unhelpful we are05:54
pleia2it's not productive, it's mean and not really appropriate here05:54
Ford_Pno insults have been directed to anyone in the chat.05:55
Ford_Pthis is directed with the product05:55
Ford_Prather, at the product05:55
pleia2we are not developers of the product, this is not the place to rant05:55
SleepyzTunzhmm maybe go back to crappy windoz05:55
IAmNotThatGuyFord_P: Try to understand that we are contributing to the community. We are not getting paid and we do our part for the community. Insulting/ talking in frustration wont give anything. I prefer you to try the solutions available. All of us here have different machines and we try different things. Its all upto your machine hardware and you can't blame us for not supporting.05:56
Ford_Pthat's always an option. I know with nearly 100% certainty that it will work.05:56
Ford_Pthis isnt blaming anyone in the chat05:57
Ford_Pmissing the point05:57
pleia2then please stop, this is a support channel05:57
pleia2if you don't want support, please take your rant elsewhere05:57
Unit193This isn't a venting channel05:57
Ford_PI want support. I've been trying to solve an issue05:57
pleia2no you haven't, I gave you a link and a suggestion and all you did was complain about us05:58
SleepyzTunzkic em05:58
Ford_PI've already looked at the site from a previous day05:58
IAmNotThatGuyFord_P: Try posting your issue in ubuntuforums.org, specifying your hardware and other stuff. you will get answers in minutes05:59
IAmNotThatGuySleepyzTunz: Sometimes, we have to understand the person seeking help. So, kicking is not a solution =]05:59
IAmNotThatGuyFord_P: Yes. Provided you mentioned all the methods you tried plus your driver details plus your current status06:00
IAmNotThatGuyFord_P: Good regarding that and you can see a sample post in ubuntu forums regarding sound issue06:00
Ford_Pat this point I guess there are very few other options06:01
IAmNotThatGuyI have to go out for a while. brb06:01
IAmNotThatGuyFord_P: If you provide enough details and methods you tried, you will get a narrow answer for your issue.. Thats how we do if we fail in solving our issues06:02
Ford_Pok I'll give it a try and see what happens.06:03
sanbarFord_P: Good Luck!06:03
sanbarI did not see the problem with Ford_P until just now (read the history).  I think you guys handled it very well and professionally.06:19
=== benonsoftware is now known as OutOfControl
rainstakeHI, I have an error when trying to run a program to update my garmin 250 maps, here is the error output: Archive:  /media/9475-A297/GarminMapUpdater_v3.0.5.exe [/media/9475-A297/GarminMapUpdater_v3.0.5.exe]   End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not   a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the   latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on  06:45
IAmNotThatGuyrainstake: Are you using Wine?06:47
rainstakeyes, I have it installed.06:47
IAmNotThatGuyI don't think you can update a .exe application06:48
Snicksiehow are you trying to run it, rainstake ? is it in terminal, did you doubleclick on it in your filemanager, did you rightclick and choose the program wine to open it with, ...?06:48
Snicksiehe wants to use it to update his GPS IAmNotThatGuy ;)06:48
IAmNotThatGuyOwh! my bad. I should better concentrate in work :P Snicksie carryon =]06:49
rainstakeYes, what snicklsie said.06:49
rainstakeThe program won't run due to the error message I posted.  Let me know if you want me to paste it again.06:50
rainstakeThank you for all the attention, by the way.  Waiting for your reply.06:50
Unit193How are you trying to run it?06:50
IAmNotThatGuyrainstake: Can you copy your application to the home folder? and there are some settings update to be done in Wine. You have to add a drive in settings.06:51
rainstakethe program is a exe file I downloaded.06:51
rainstakeOkay, can you kindly guide me to what  you suggest?  I'm so new at this, but am familiar with command line.06:52
Unit193Right, so do you have a file manager open and you're just clicking it? Try right clicking > Executable Bit06:53
Snicksielong time ago I worked with wine, but shouldn't you open it with wine, Unit193 ? :)06:53
Snicksierightclick -> open with ... -> wine06:53
Unit193Snicksie: Yeah, they changed it so it needed the bit checked06:54
Snicksieah, okay :)06:54
Unit193But by all means, carry on06:54
rainstakeOkay, I  put the exe file in the downloads folder from a USB Drive.06:54
rainstakeUnit193, I don't have the file manager open, but willdo that,now.06:55
Unit193I was trying to figure out how exactly you were trying to run it, be it type a command or otherwise06:55
rainstakeUnit193, I see. I was trying to dbl click on the file itself, it was located on my USB drive.06:56
rainstakehowever, I just put in Downloads and then right clicked as you mentioned and tried to open it with WINE06:57
rainstakeUnit193: When  using Wine, I see an popup that says 'extracting', but then it finishes and all is silent.  Nothing seems to open up, elsewise.07:01
Unit193rainstake: Right, try opening a terminal there and type   unzip THEFILEHERE07:01
rainstakeOkay, doing so now.07:01
rainstakeHere is the result: unzip:  cannot find or open THEFILEHERE, THEFILEHERE.zip or THEFILEHERE.ZIP.07:02
Unit193Well, I wanted you to put the name of the file there...07:03
rainstakeOh. I see.07:03
SnicksieUnit193 meant to say 'unzip /media/9475-A297/GarminMapUpdater_v3.0.5.exe' (where 'THEFILEHERE' is just a dummy text, which you should replace :) )07:03
* Unit193 is clear as mud on a rainy day07:04
rainstakeUnit193: here is the resulting text: unzip:  cannot find or open GarminMapUpdater_v3.0.5.exe, GarminMapUpdater_v3.0.5.exe.zip or GarminMapUpdater_v3.0.5.exe.ZIP.07:05
rainstakethe file is called GarminMapUpdater...07:05
Unit193Can you change dir to the location of the file and run unzip GarminMapUpdater_v3.0.5.exe    (If that's still the file name)07:07
Snicksierainstake, as I said, you needed to replace it; that means you can type "unzip file.exe" ; "unzip file.exe.zip" ; "unzip file.exe.ZIP"07:07
Unit193Snicksie: He moved it to downloads I think he said, feel free to chime in07:07
Snicksieyep, he said he moved it t downloads, so 'cd Downloads' should be correct, if he's in the home directory07:08
Unit193cd ~/Downloads if he isn't ;)07:08
Snicksieyou know about the autocomplete possibility of the commandline, rainstake ? it uses the [tab]-key as a autocomplete... f.e. if you have the file GarminMapUpdater.exe, you can type "Gar", press [tab] and it should autocomplete the last part07:09
rainstakeSorry, had to change a diaper.07:15
rainstakegot it, I'll type the Gar and then tab to autocomplete07:15
Unit193I hope it's a kids and not your own >_>07:16
rainstakeOkay, Unit193, here is the output:No command 'Gar' found, did you mean:  Command 'jar' from package 'openjdk-6-jdk' (main)  Command 'jar' from package 'fastjar' (main)  Command 'jar' from package 'gcj-4.3' (universe)  Command 'jar' from package 'gcj-4.4-jdk' (main)  Command 'dar' from package 'dar' (universe)  Command 'Grr' from package 'rssreader.app' (universe)  Command 'xar' from package 'xar' (universe)  Command 'tar' f07:16
IAmNotThatGuyUnit193: xP07:17
Unit193So you're in downloads, type    ls07:17
IAmNotThatGuyrainstake: try using paste.ubuntu.com :)07:17
Unit193I'm just glad07:18
rainstakeIAmNotThatGuy: what should I paste, now?07:18
IAmNotThatGuythe URL07:18
IAmNotThatGuyrainstake: Hit paste in the bottom adn then, copy the URL and share it here07:19
rainstakeI mean, I'm on the page07:19
IAmNotThatGuycopy the contents you want to show to us, paste it in the text box, Hit paste in the bottom adn then, copy the URL and share it here07:19
Unit193We are trying to get you to extract that file since it's compressed, but having problems getting there07:19
rainstakeOkay, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/793492/07:20
rainstakethank you, Unit193, really appreciate all the assistance.07:21
Unit193Well, can you  type   ls   now? Kinda need the file name to be after unzip....07:22
IAmNotThatGuyls | grep *.exe will do07:22
rainstakels typed.07:22
rainstakeokay, typing ls pipe...07:23
IAmNotThatGuyrainstake: If you get only one line result, the paste it here07:23
IAmNotThatGuyor else paste.ubuntu.com07:23
rainstakeI get a silent result.07:24
IAmNotThatGuyyou are in the downloads folder where you unzipped ?07:24
rainstakeI mean, command line accepts ls | grep *.exe07:24
rainstakelet me check07:24
rainstakeOh, I cd to Downloads.   Sorry, now I have this in red-color: GarminMapUpdater_v3.0.5.exe07:25
rainstakeIt's ready to be unzipped, right?07:26
Unit193Yep, just   unzip GarminMapUpdater_v3.0.5.exe   and a bunch of new files are now all over the place07:26
rainstakeHere's the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/793494/07:27
Unit193From what I looked at, and what another said, not looking good for Garmin :/07:34
rainstakeUnit193: Yeah, looking pretty bad.07:34
Unit193You could try   wine GarminMapUpdater_v3.0.5.exe   and then check for anyfiles it may have extracted (or already did), but that's about it07:34
rainstakeLet me try that.07:35
rainstakeUnit193: Here's the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/793503/07:36
Snicksierainstake, it seems your mono should be updated... at this moment mono 2.6 is in the ubuntu repositories, I can help you install the mono 2.8, but it'll take quite some time before it's installed... It needs to be configured first and compiled... it's quite easy though :)07:42
Snicksiehere is a script that will guide you through the procedure: http://www.integratedwebsystems.com/2010/10/mono-2-8-install-script-for-ubuntu-fedora/07:42
rainstakeOkay.  Can it be done in an hour?07:42
rainstakeOkay, I'll go to that Web Site.07:42
SnicksieI guess... open a commandline, make a special folder for your mono (it'll make it easier) and run this commands:07:43
Snicksieit'll ask for your password, it needs it for installing some extra things :)07:44
rainstakeSnicksie:here is the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/793515/07:47
Snicksiehm, seems you got an error in your packages :)07:48
Unit193Medibuntu, not a big deal for this07:49
Snicksieit has an error Unit193 :)07:50
Unit193Yeah, can be fixed if you'd like07:50
Snicksiethats not a correct url ;)07:50
Unit193Really? I thought Choeme changed it to that...07:50
rainstakeUnit193:how can I fix?07:53
Unit193You could pastebin the file  /etc/apt/sources.list07:54
hobgoblin  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list07:55
hobgoblinassuming it is there07:55
Unit193Ah, they have their own, that's nice (Did they change that?)07:55
hobgoblinmost 'other' lists go to sources.list.d now07:56
rainstakehobgoblin: I'm in cd Downloads, should I go to my home directory/07:56
hobgoblinrainstake: cat  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list then paste it to pastebin07:56
rainstakehobgoblin: here is the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/793521/07:57
hobgoblintry sudo apt-get update please07:59
hobgoblinif there are no errors try doing whatever the script thing wants again08:00
rainstakeguys  I got toput my baby to bed thlpx u 4 all the he08:04
rainstakehelp...typing w 1 hand, sorry08:04
garden92hi. i just uncompressed the teamspeak run file and it gave me this TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64 file. how do i install this?13:04
Snicksiegarden92, can you doubleclick on it?13:14
SnicksieI think it should start running then13:14
stahliewhat's the command to see how much free space on disk?13:21
geirhadf -h13:23
=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
garden92Snicksie: Thanks that worked14:01
hobgoblino/ s15:06
hobgoblino/ s-fox15:06
s-fox\o hobgoblin15:06
hobgoblinI know15:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pleasehelpcan anyone help me with wireless problems on ubuntu 10.0418:41
pleasehelpMy laptop Acer with built in wireless card Broadcom Corporation cannot  connect to wireless networks using ubuntu 10.04.  Wireless still works with Windows 7.  And ethernet works on ubuntu and W7..18:44
pleasehelpI am trying to follow this: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/internet/C/troubleshooting-wireless.html EXCEPT i dont know how to check if my device is on18:44
ubot2`Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:53
philipballewHow would i disable network-manager from running? is there a better way then un checking enable networking?21:36
bioterrorphilipballew, why you want to disable it?21:50
philipballewbioterror, to run aircrack21:50
bioterrorthat's samrted way to disable it21:51
bioterroranotherway would be stop the service as temporary solution21:51
bioterrorbut dont do anything illegal!21:51
philipballewi think unchecking doesnt fully disable it bioterror ? and dont worry, i wouldnt think of it21:54
bioterrorno it does not21:54
bioterroruntil you reboot21:54
bioterrorbut you can sudo service networkmanager stop21:54
philipballewthats what i figures. thanks21:55
philipballewbioterror, if it returns a message saying network-manager unrecognized service, how can i see all the services running to know what one to kill22:02
bioterrorls /etc/init.d/22:05
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
duanedesignthough i would pee 3 times ;P23:21
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