
snap-lmaco: Stuff of nightmares: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_BSVqZ_9k8cU/Se6jfKFHoCI/AAAAAAAAAFc/jeCePpLNGys/s1600-h/doncha.jpg00:38
nigelbmaco: lol, where do you find these :-)03:14
=== jono is now known as Guest45463
bkerensai broke gcalc08:50
* duanedesign waves to nigelb 12:03
duanedesignnigelb: wanted to wish you a happy and prosperous new year!12:04
nigelbHey duanedesign :)12:04
akgranerDoes anyone know if the Brainstorm code base is being actively maintained and if so by whom?12:50
akgranerOH and HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody!12:51
mhall119happy new year akgraner12:51
mhall119I'm not sure if/who though12:51
akgranerok that's seems to be the answer I am getting - I have someone who wants to use it12:52
popeystgraber is probably a good person to ask12:53
popeynot because he maintains it, but because I think he knows who does12:53
akgranerpopey, thank you!12:55
jcastroakgraner: it was nicholas deschildre15:02
jcastrobut he's been gone a long time now15:02
akgranerok thanks15:02
popeybbc used the code for a while15:03
popeydunno if they still do15:03
popeynot many updates15:04
jcastrodoes dell still do their thing at all?15:05
bkerensa=o it would cost me close to $100 to get a Ubuntu hoodie with shipping15:09
bkerensajumping jigawatts15:09
czajkowskibkerensa: now you know how folks feel when they want threadless or tshirt hell stuff shipped from usa :015:10
mhall119morning jcastro, dpm, balloons15:14
dpmhey mhall119, good morning!15:14
jcastrois dholbach back yet?15:14
bkerensaczajkowski: :(15:20
czajkowskithough now I get stuff shiped to mate in canada a lot cheaper and she does package shippments to family or they are over there regualrly enough to get stuff15:21
bkerensaczajkowski: Yeah... Well I'm not doing registered mail with canonical again.... Her Majesty got my package stuck at U.S. Customs for a week :D15:22
bkerensaUPS has got to be the way going forward... I think I just need to get enough people to do a group purchase15:23
mhall119jcastro: ping15:23
mhall119got time for a quick hangout?  I want to test my new webcam15:23
czajkowskibkerensa: aye before I've gotten landded with a large VAt bill when it landed in dublin from thinkgeek almost as much as the stuff I paid15:24
czajkowskiwas not happy15:24
jcastromhall119: yeah, fire it up15:24
bkerensa:D ThinkGeek sends me free stuff if I ask15:24
bkerensaat their expense15:24
mhall119jcastro: invite sent15:25
czajkowskibkerensa: see I dont feel sorry for you now about your hoodie :)15:25
bkerensaczajkowski: It comes with strings attached.... I have to review it and usually its stuff I dont actually want and end up giving away to my neighbors kids15:25
jcastromhall119: one sec15:27
balloonsmorning mhall111915:50
JanCbkerensa: you write reviews like "this is actually useless to me" and they *keep* sending stuff?  :P16:11
bkerensaJanC: Nah... I write reviews that are favorable and they keep sending stuff ;)16:14
bkerensajk mostly16:14
* bkerensa has to blast Kingston in a review soon for their lack of supporting Linux16:14
jono_mhall119, can we chat today?16:43
mhall119jono_: any time, I have my webcam now16:44
jono_jcastro, let's sync up today too16:44
jono_mhall119, nice!16:44
jcastrofo sho16:44
jono_does that mean I need to get dressed?16:44
jcastrowell, at least waist up16:44
balloonsonly from the waist up :-)16:44
jcastroI can go any time too16:44
balloonsjcastro beat me to the punch!16:44
snap-lI think I have the new Ubuntu 12.04 tagline: Ubuntu: Pants Optional.16:48
snap-lPrecise Pangolin Pants Preferred?16:48
mhall119might be awkward for our British friends16:49
snap-lThey had their chance with Karmic Knickers.16:49
=== jono_ is now known as jono
jonomhall119, ok let's talk in the next 15 mins or so, just wrapping some discussions now16:50
snap-lEven Natty Knickers would have worked, but NOOOOO16:50
mhall119jono: send me a hangout invite whenever you're ready16:52
jonomhall119, will do16:56
jonomhall119, hangout sent17:15
jonojcastro, hey, can you join a hangout now with mhall119 and I17:24
jonomhall119, I lost you17:27
jonojcastro, ok, bringing you in17:27
* czajkowski removes jcastro caps key17:27
mhall119jono: Unity crashed on me :(17:28
jonomhall119, ugh17:28
jonojcastro is here, we will wait for you17:29
james_wmhall119, hi, is it true that scopes have to depend on the lenses they are for?18:43
mhall119james_w: to be shown as add-ons on software center, they need to use the Enhances field in debian/control, with the lens package they enhance18:44
mhall119james_w: join #ayatana to discuss that more with us18:45
james_wmhall119, I have a developer that is saying that to submit a lens and scope to s-c they have to make the scope *depend* on the lens18:45
james_wwhich is against the rules of extras18:45
mhall119james_w: I don't think that's entirely accurate18:46
james_wI'm trying to find out if it is true before I push for an exception in the policy18:46
mhall119james_w: we have been told that lens packages will get some exceptions to rules like that18:46
AlanBellthat is an interesting point18:46
mhall119james_w: bring it up in #ayatana, davidcalle, didrocks and mtp have been talking about how to get lenses into USC properly18:47
AlanBellis the lens also in extras or is that in the main repos?18:47
jcastrolook at the brand name on the back of the tablet18:47
mhall119shuttlepad, awesome18:47
james_wAlanBell, extras I assume, or this wouldn't be coming up18:47
AlanBelljames_w: so it could depend on an existing lens, but things in extras can't depend on each other right?18:49
james_was it stands, yes18:49
jonojcastro, ok to chat soon?20:03
jcastrojono: yeah, sorry I missed your ping20:42
jcastromhall119: https://launchpad.net/~markjtully/+archive/ppa20:43
jcastrothis guy fixes lenses and puts them in a PPA20:43
jcastrowe should snag him too20:43
jcastrojono: I can go whenevs20:46
jonojcastro, ok about set20:54
jonojcastro, invite sent21:01
jcastroand I'm in!21:02
jonojcastro, I don't see you21:02
jcastrojono: bah that thread has no content about the actual status, just us coordinating to have a call about it21:40
jcastrowe did have a call a day or two before the holidays though21:41
jcastroso hopefully some progress has been made recently21:42
mhall119jcastro: I'm going to put together a "highlights reel" blog post to list all the lenses and scopes I'm aware of, do you know of any others?21:44
mhall119AlanBell: is your openerp lens code public?21:47
AlanBellnot right now because it has hardcoded connection details21:47
mhall119AlanBell: is it going to be at some point?21:48
mhall119or can I get a screenshot? sanitized is okay21:48
AlanBellI would love to know the right way to do a lens that needs a bit of configuration and authentication21:48
mhall119AlanBell: me too, are you in #ayatana?21:48
jcastromhall119: I know of this one: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38772/what-lenses-for-unity-are-available22:11
jcastrothere's one for indicators too22:11
jcastrowhich wouldn't be a bad thing to highlight/steal and put on unity.ubuntu.comn22:11
jcastromhall119: the snarky comment I said to mpt was "maybe we don't want to highlight indicators, it will just encourage people to make more."22:12
jcastroI used this often: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5720/whyappindicators%3F.png22:15
czajkowskiPendulum: http://lwn.net/Articles/473007/22:16
AlanBelljcastro: can you point me at the spec for indicators22:18
AlanBellwant to see who needs slapping for the unlabled images at the top level22:18
AlanBellbah, the spec is broken22:21
Pendulumczajkowski: yeah, that's been on my radar. I'm glad it made it into LWN :)22:23
AlanBellso from what I can see the indicators have no concept of their own name22:23
AlanBellthey are instantiated with app_indicator_new taking an id, an icon name (not readable) and a category (not unique) and there is no indicator name anywhere else22:24
AlanBelland if you use app_indicator_set_label then you get the string printed (like the clock) and can't supress that22:25
AlanBellindicator-messages kind of gets it right, there is an update_a11y_desc method that gets called in a few places and cruicially sets the description property of the image.22:41
AlanBellthis is one of those things that would be so much more consistent if it was baked into the spec22:42
AlanBelloh and it even changes from "Messages" to "New Messages" when you have mail22:44
mhall119jcastro: awesome example of why systray is bad22:54
mhall119AlanBell: have you looked at lenses from an accessibility perspective?22:57
AlanBellyeah, they say "button" a lot23:07
AlanBellbut generally are kind of navigable23:07
AlanBellsometimes they read odd numbers for the total number of results in a folded up category23:08
AlanBellI think the filters are hard to get to and some are not readable like the ratings filters23:08
AlanBellI think the most broken new feature being introduced in precise is the shortcuts overlay on long hold of the super key23:10

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