
chrisccoulsonRAOF, thanks for looking at bug 903973 :)00:35
ubot2`Launchpad bug 903973 in xorg-server "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in _XReply()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90397300:35
RAOFchrisccoulson: I'm a bit surprised that Peter didn't apply your patch as written; *everything* that calls dixLookupWindow seems to be broken.00:36
chrisccoulsonRAOF, yeah, i did wonder that at the time, but never thought to argue about it :)00:37
chrisccoulsonand then i'd forgotten about the whole issue until seb asked me to look at this bug today00:37
* RAOF builds his patched server00:38
RAOFIt's non-trivial to reproduce that problem, isn't it.00:38
chrisccoulsonRAOF, yeah, i can't reproduce it here on my machine. when we had similar issues before, it was always at session start00:42
RAOFYeah.  I won't bother whipping up testing packages; I'll just submit the patches to the list.00:42
chrisccoulsonbut i'd imagine that the trigger is rapidly creating and destroying a window, and then creating a pixmap straight afterwards00:43
chrisccoulsonwith multiple keyboard layouts enabled00:43
RAOFYeah, such as might occur during startup.00:43
chrisccoulsonyep :)00:43
RAOFTechnically it could happen at pretty much any time; yay for asynchonous protocol!00:43
smspillazrobert_ancell: poke01:58
robert_ancellsmspillaz, hey01:59
smspillazrobert_ancell: hi01:59
smspillazrobert_ancell: I think you forgot to check in a file to xig01:59
smspillazmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `hello.c', needed by `hello-hello.o'. Stop.01:59
robert_ancellhello hello!02:00
smspillazsorry about the immcounicado for a while, got pulled off into another direction with the google test stuff. but I have a standalone window manager module thats mostly working now02:00
smspillazso I'm going to start adding xig tests for it02:00
smspillazbut ... first I need to be able to compile the thing ;-)02:02
robert_ancellsmspillaz, pushed02:04
robert_ancellnow pushed02:04
smspillazthanks, all works now02:08
smspillazrobert_ancell: was xig-version.h removed ?02:15
smspillazhmm, perhaps its not installed02:16
smspillazhang on02:16
smspillazrobert_ancell: yeah, you need to add xig/xig-version.h to libxig_0include_HEADERS in xig/src/Makefile.am02:18
smspillazI can propose a branch if you want02:19
robert_ancellsmspillaz, just pushed a fix02:19
smspillazrobert_ancell: also, I guess xig_remove_client_set_log_messages has changed ?02:19
smspillaz*remote client02:19
robert_ancellsmspillaz, yes, there are signals for the messages, and you connect up the logger class if you want to log them02:20
* smspillaz adjusts test-runner.c for that then02:20
smspillazrobert_ancell: hmm. has some stuff changed recently in xig? I seem to be getting libX11 assertion failures about the loss of event sequencing03:54
smspillazI can have a look into whats going on if you want03:54
robert_ancellsmspillaz, nothing should have changed drastically - can you send me a test case?03:54
smspillazrobert_ancell: run compiz on it :)03:56
smspillazI can see if there's a particular thing that's triggering the bug though .. I'll run with XSynchronize03:56
cyphermoxoh, bluez, how I love you...04:00
smspillazrobert_ancell: hmm, well, it seems to get a SIGPIPE every time it tries to send a PropertyNotify04:13
smspillazrobert_ancell: maybe I can bisect to see what was causing the problem? I don't know the xig code that well04:18
robert_ancellsmspillaz, worth trying - does it definitely work with the older version?04:19
smspillazthere were problems with the older version too, but I'm not sure if they were the same ones really04:20
smspillazrobert_ancell: hmm, it seems like a commit that broke the build was introduced at 136, so I can't bisect :(04:49
pittiGood morning06:47
bryceh_pitti, feeling better yet?06:54
pittislightly, thanks06:54
didrocksgood morning07:05
TheMusoMorning pitti, didrocks.07:08
pittihey TheMuso, happy new year! how are you?07:15
pittibonjour didrocks07:15
didrocksgood morning TheMuso, happy new year!07:16
didrocksguten morgen pitti. Are you feeling better today?07:16
pittididrocks: quite a bit better, thanks07:16
TheMusopitti: Well thanks, not sure if I feel frefreshed or not after my break, probably because I have to travel barely 4 days after I get back from my break. :)07:17
rickspencer3good morning pitti, didrocks07:17
rickspencer3good evening TheMuso07:17
pittibonjour rickspencer3, ca va?07:18
rickspencer3ça va bien, et toi07:18
TheMusoHey rickspencer3.07:18
TheMusoAnyway, bbl.07:18
pittirickspencer3: Je suis encore froid, mais c'est mieux07:18
rickspencer3pitti, ah tu est enhrume encore? je comprendre07:19
rickspencer3je suis content que tu vas mauvais07:20
pittirickspencer3: ^ at this point both google translate and me give up :)07:20
rickspencer3pitti, you were quite comprensible07:20
rickspencer3maybe in the future we should organize sprints with 2 sites, one in Australia and one in NA/Europe so people like TheMuso and robert_ancel and RAOF, etc... don't get quite so hard in the teeth07:23
TheMusorickspencer3: I don't want special treatment, but I am not a fan of traveling, the flying in particular. I enjoy the events/getting together with everyone during the week, but its the travel itself that gets me down.07:26
TheMusoBut, thats part of the job.07:27
TheMusoReally afk now.07:27
pittiTheMuso: good night!07:27
smspillazrickspencer3: ahem07:29
smspillazrickspencer3: 30 hours wooooooooooooooooooooooooo!07:29
smspillazrickspencer3: I think its quite awesome that we get to travel so much07:29
didrocksbonjour rickspencer3 :)07:30
smspillazhey didrocks07:30
didrocks08:20:07 rickspencer3 | je suis content que tu vas mauvais07:30
didrockspitti: I won't like that if I were you :)07:30
didrockshey smspillaz07:30
pittididrocks: sounds like "I'm happy that you are wrong" or so?07:31
didrocksexactly :)07:31
pittiif "content" is the same as in English07:31
pittiah, rickspencer3 meant froid -> enrhume ?07:31
didrocks(it's "j'ai pris froid", but understandable)07:32
didrocksyou "take" the cold (for no good reason ;))07:32
pittije ne parlez pas francais!07:33
pittiDeutsch ist viel einfacher07:33
pittianyway, off to killing more useless stuff during boot; next up: notify-osd07:33
didrockswell, you really don't want to challenge the German that I have :)07:33
=== agateau_ is now known as agateau
Sweetsharkgood morning everyone!08:12
Sweetsharkpitti: apropos deutsch http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Introducing-Grande-Latte-td3632391.html08:12
pittihey Sweetshark, guten Morgen08:13
rickspencer3hey pitti I'm not surprised that my terrible French broke Google Translate for you, sorry ;)09:03
pittibonjour seb12809:16
seb128hey pitti, how are you? getting over the cold?09:16
pittiseb128: quite fine, thanks! still congested nose and some coughing, but feeling a lot better09:17
* pitti is this --><-- close to killing notify-osd at boot :)09:17
pittimeh, lots of packages failing to build now due to deprecated GTK stuff (VBox and the like)09:18
pittifor indicator-sound I reported a bug upstream and build without -Werror09:18
pittipondering to do the same for nautilus09:18
seb128released versions shouldn't use G*_DISABLE_DEPRECATED or Werror09:19
seb128or we keep running into such issues :-(09:19
pittiit's the nautilus that's in bzr, i. e. in current precise09:19
pittiupstream trunk actually builds fine ;)09:19
seb128right, I exepect they updated the new serie for the new glib and gtk09:20
seb128pitti, we should just drop the disable deprected for precise, or at least we should disable them even if we fix the issue or we will keep playing catchup on deprecation with every gtk update09:20
seb128but weird, I built nautilus yesterday here and I've the new glib and gtk installed09:21
pittihm, maybe I mislooked, hang on09:21
pitti(need to change something in the backporting of the trunk patch)09:22
didrockssalut seb128, ça va?09:22
seb128didrocks, lut, très bien, et toi ?09:23
didrocksseb128: ça va bien :)09:23
pittiseb128: sorry, just read it wrongly, builds fine09:24
pittiindicator-sound was real, I dropped the -Werror in our package there09:24
seb128pitti, right, I had that discussion with dx before09:26
seb128pitti, note that GNOME doesn't start nautilus with their session, but still a bug and something they can fix ;-)09:30
pittiseb128: right; my patch is working, sending to upstream and applying in our package09:30
pittiwith these two, notify-osd is gone in both lightdm and the session09:30
pittiso, that's gsd-printer and notify-osd, next to kill: gnome-screensaver :)09:35
pittialthough we could win a lot more by killing this weird "compiz" process; it eats CPU for breakfast!!11!09:36
bryceh_pitti, +109:37
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:37
seb128hey chrisccoulson, bryceh_09:38
seb128how are you?09:38
bryceh_heya seb12809:38
chrisccoulsonwoohoo, no more gconf dependency in upstream firefox builds: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/04244dc1f498 :)09:38
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. how are you?09:38
pittihey chrisccoulson09:38
pittichrisccoulson: \o/09:38
bryceh_seb128, I'm fine.  Family is a bunch of sickies though.09:39
didrockspitti: you start notify-osd only on demand then? (just curious)09:39
pittichrisccoulson: dropping gtk2 _and_ gconf? rad!09:39
pittididrocks: yes, as it's meant to be09:39
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks ;-)09:39
seb128chrisccoulson, no gconf \o/09:39
didrockspitti: nice! :)09:39
pittididrocks: but indicator-sound and nautilus queried the server caps right at startup; I changed that to lazy init09:39
didrocksah ok ;)09:39
pittiscreensaver's autostart .desktop has X-GNOME-Autostart-Delay=509:40
pittibut it's started at the very beginning, presumably triggered through dbus09:40
seb128right, that's likely09:41
pittiit would probably be okay to start it 10 or 20 seconds into the session09:41
bryceh_seb128, maybe I'm providing the ubuflu shipment this year 8-}09:41
seb128bryceh_, what I was thinking!09:41
pittibryceh_: argh, you too? mine should be gone right in time for Budapest09:41
seb128well I'm just out of a cold so with some luck I will not get another one09:42
pittino hugs for bryceh_ this time!09:42
bryceh_pitti, no I'm well at the moment.  but both kids and wife have it.09:42
chrisccoulsonoh, bingo! i know why the firefox IPC tests are failing now09:42
pittiseb128: if only there weren't ~ 250 different kinds of cold viruses..09:42
seb128let's see if my body has built enough defences to avoid getting something else ;-)09:42
chrisccoulsonthe child process quits with "Maximum number of clients reached"09:42
bryceh_pitti, no kidding.09:42
seb128pitti, yeah, people coming from around the world doesn't help :-(09:42
chrisccoulsonnow i need to figure out what's stealing all my X connections!09:42
pittiwith 2 colds a year it takes a lifetime to get immune against the more common half09:42
bryceh_fortunately what my kids have seems to be relatively mild; they've still been bouncing off the walls when not busy coughing.09:43
bryceh_on a separate topic, my mother upgraded herself from natty to oneiric and discovered unity09:44
bryceh_so today involved giving my mother some unity lessons09:44
seb128still not simple enough? ;-)09:44
seb128or just "how to work better with it"?09:44
pittihm, wikipedia says "more than 200 known viruses"; I thought I read a more exact number somewhere09:45
bryceh_seb128, half and half.09:46
seb128pitti, too many to be well covered in any case :-(09:46
seb128bryceh_, was the experience mostly positive? what did she like,dislike?09:47
bryceh_seb128, main issue was she likes this ancient windows card game, which requires wine to run, and the gnome-panel icon I'd made for her didn't survive the upgrade09:47
bryceh_so got to learn how to make custom launchers :-)09:47
seb128that should be fixed this cycle with some luck09:48
seb128design recommended that we package and ship https://launchpad.net/unity-launcher-editor by default09:48
pittiseb128: at least, the older we get the fewer colds we should get09:49
seb128pitti, indeed09:49
bryceh_seb128, she had trouble figuring out how to close programs (since the window decorations get hidden), and had trouble finding how to launch programs.  So most of the tutoring was for how to do those two things.09:50
bryceh_seb128, her first computer was my Commodore 64, so to her this was just yet another UI to have to learn, I think she was neutral on it over all09:51
bryceh_seb128, oh, the one regression that she definitely disliked was losing the picture slideshow screensaver.  I had her set up with pics of my kids which she adores, so she definitely misses that.09:52
seb128yeah, the screensaver stuff is unfortunate09:52
bryceh_but I figure it should be trivial to write a little slideshow tool to workaround that09:53
pittiok, it's g-s-d's libpower.so09:53
pittilooks fixable09:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - libpower.so starting notify-osd?09:58
pittichrisccoulson: no, gnome-screensaver09:58
chrisccoulsonah, ok09:58
pittichrisccoulson: notify-osd is already fixed09:58
chrisccoulsonpitti - the power plugin could probably do with some of the notification related fixes we used to carry in gnome-power-manager09:58
chrisccoulson(particularly with regards to notification priority and duration)09:59
chrisccoulsoni could probably fix those though09:59
pittiis there something particular which works the wrong way ATM?09:59
pittiI seldomly see the "low battery" stuff09:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, the critical notification appears as the fallback dialog (complete with "Ok" and "Cancel" button)10:00
chrisccoulsonbryceh_, is there any way to find out what's using up all of my X connections in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/89118807/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.firefox-trunk_12.0~a1~hg20120103r83671-0ubuntu1~umd1~test_BUILDING.txt.gz ?10:03
chrisccoulson(i'm using xvfb)10:03
bryceh_chrisccoulson, hmm, interesting.  There are several tools... let's see.  xrestop tells how many clients there are10:05
bryceh_wmctrl -l will give you a list of windows10:06
chrisccoulsonbryceh_, thanks10:07
bryceh_yeah I'd try those first.  beyond that not sure, but the info is there in the server for querying10:08
bryceh_chrisccoulson, xtrace also can be handy if you have a suspicion what specific client may be at fault10:09
chrisccoulsonbryceh_, yeah, i'm not sure yet. i'm just seeing "Maximum number of clients reached\n(<unknown>:22600): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :99" on the first test which requires an X connection10:10
bryceh_chrisccoulson, intriguing.  Well, I'd guess a particular client has a flaw that causes it to iteratively make connections until it's used them all up10:12
bryceh_I think there's only like 127 or 255 permitted, it's not too difficult to exhaust them10:12
bryceh_chrisccoulson, a test suite which opens a connection per test and is sloppy at closing them could do it10:13
chrisccoulsonbryceh_, oh, does Xvfb not do any access control? :/10:25
bryceh_chrisccoulson, it may not, it's fairly primitive10:26
chrisccoulsoni wonder if something else on the builder connects to it ;)10:26
chrisccoulsonthe problem is only reproducible on the builders10:26
bryceh_another factor is the builders are running an older release10:27
bryceh_chrisccoulson, but I would not think anything outside the test suite could possibly want to connect to your xvfb instance10:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, probably. i'm just trying to think why i can't reproduce it anywhere else ;)10:30
bryceh_chrisccoulson, there were a few changes we put in for xorg-server (2:1.10.4-1ubuntu1), such as a dependency on xauth; possibly those changes are not present in the buildd's10:34
seb128pitti, what would you think about making dh_translations use config.h before configure.ac?10:34
=== jibel_ is now known as jibel
seb128pitti, to get the gettext domain10:35
seb128pitti, the issue I come from is gdk-pixbuf which uses "GETTEXT_DOMAIN="$PACKAGE"" in its configure.ac10:36
seb128pitti, so domain=$PACKAGE and it calls intltool-update -d $PACKAGE10:36
seb128pitti, the config.h has the correct domain10:36
seb128(not sure I'm clear)10:37
bryceh_chrisccoulson, actually the xauth dependency appears to be introduced in maverick.  Still, I think the buildd's are on lucid and I'm not sure whether we backported that.  If you're testing locally on a different ubuntu release than the buildd's that could explain it.10:37
pittiseb128: sounds fine to me; config.h also has GETTEXT_DOMAIN? or is it called differently there?10:39
seb128pitti, configure.ac use AC_DEFINE(GETTEXT_PACKAGE) often, so it does land in the config.h10:41
seb128pitti, it's needed for the makefiles to be able to use -DGETTEXT_PACKAGE for the setlocale() etc10:42
seb128pitti, I will open a bug and a merge request for it today10:42
seb128pitti, danke10:42
pittiseb128: thanks10:42
pittiseb128: I wonder if we need to autostart gnome-screensaver at all -- do you know what triggers it on timeout? gnome-session or is that g-s itself?11:19
pittiI now fixed g-s-d's power plugin, but that only does the screen locking when upower goes to sleep11:19
seb128pitti, well upstream autostart it because they don't have the dbus service IIRC11:19
pitti(but that dbus-activates)11:19
seb128that's something we distro add11:19
pittioh, really? that's surprising indeed11:20
seb128pitti, I think it's gnome-session or gnome-settings-daemon which triggers it11:20
pittinot g-s-d11:20
seb128pitti, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-screensaver/commit/?id=3365eec74643773d8d5aa92901b39bdc9496e19b11:20
pittihm, it doesn't hurt, thuogh11:21
seb128pitti, I think mdeslaur didn't like that11:21
pittiif g-s crashes, then the .service file would at least bring it back on suspend, etc.11:21
seb128so we still dbus activate it to increase the chance to not run in a "locking doesn't lock"11:21
pittiseb128: do you mind if we bump the autostart delay from 5 to 20 secs?11:22
seb128pitti, well gnome-session is supposed to respawn stuff if they use X-GNOME-AutoRestart=true, that would perhaps be enough11:22
seb128pitti, not at all11:22
seb128go for it11:22
pittiseb128: hm, I can killall gnome-screensaver here and it doesn't come back automatically11:23
pittithat's how I test the g-s-d fix11:23
seb128pitti, right because /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop doesn't have that line "X-GNOME-AutoRestart=true"11:23
seb128which seems a bug to me11:23
pittia quick grep of g-s shows that it seems to do the timeout itself11:23
pittiso we do need to start it11:23
pittiseb128: well, at least it gets activated on suspend11:24
seb128pitti, you should ask vuntz in case he's around11:24
seb128or maybe chrisccoulson knows what is tracking the idle time to call gnome-screensaver11:24
seb128but I think it's gnome-session itself11:24
pittieasy enough to try11:25
pittiI set it to 30 secs, kill it, and check what happens :)11:25
pittiseb128: so, g-s handles the timeout itself, so it needs to be running11:39
pittiseb128: ctrl+alt+l works when it's not running, so it seems g-s or g-s-d spawns it then11:39
pittiseb128: but /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop doesn't seem to work right now, it never gets run11:40
seb128pitti, right, g-s-d handles the keybindings11:40
pitti^ does that disable autostarting?11:40
seb128that's ok, that means "don't list it in gnome-session-properties"11:40
pittihm, I wonder what keeps it from starting then11:40
seb128you need to add Unity;11:41
pittiooh, needs UNity11:41
seb128danke ;-)11:41
seb128add the "X-GNOME-AutoRestart=true" as well if you want11:41
seb128that should make gnome-session respawn it11:41
pittihm, do we want this?11:41
seb128it's probably not needed with the dbus service11:42
seb128it will respawn it11:42
pittiand if someone kills it, it might be deliberate11:42
pittiworking around movie players which don't inhibit it, and the like11:43
seb128or it might segfault in which case you get screen locking not working in the upstream case11:43
seb128but yeah, with the dbus service we don't have that issue11:43
seb128so NOTUBUNTU11:43
pittiscreensaver-be-gone \o/11:44
pittiadding "Unity" does the trick11:46
seb128pitti, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/pkgbinarymangler/smallfixes/+merge/8760212:00
pittiRAOF: do we really need to start colord at boot? would it be possible to add a gsettings check to only launch it if you actually configured anything?12:00
pittiseb128: could you swap it around and try config.h first? and then use the if (!$domain && ... schema?12:01
pittifits better into the existing code, and avoids reading multiple files12:02
seb128pitti, not really since config.h doesn't have the "use intltool" info12:02
pittiah, of course12:02
seb128pitti, and ups, I've a small fix to do12:02
seb128so don't merge that please12:02
pittiseb128: looks fine otherwise, so please go ahead and merge yourself with a changelog12:03
seb128pitti, ok thanks12:03
pittiseb128: what's still wrong, OOI?12:03
seb128pitti, small error in the config.h regexp12:03
seb128the format is not exactly the configure.ac one12:04
seb128just fixing that ;-)12:04
pittiah, ok12:04
* Sweetshark install half a million build deps on porter-dchroot12:07
pittiSweetshark: nice that we can now :)12:08
Sweetsharkpitti: should I test the beta2 on the porters first, or would you upload for precise as-is (with risk of breaking on ppc/armel)?12:10
pittiSweetshark: for such a major upgrade I'd test it on a porter machine first12:10
pittiI wouldn't do it for every single upload, but with that many changes it's likely that something goes wrong12:10
pittiSweetshark: I would worry less about powerpc, just armel12:11
pittiSweetshark: does that need any new MIRs?12:11
Sweetsharkpitti: not as of now, I am just using --with-system-foo when something crops up.12:13
Sweetsharkpitti: I filed one MIR, doko didnt like it as is => should be discussed at sprint maybe.12:14
Sweetsharkpitti: s/--with-system-/-without-system-.12:15
Sweetsharkpitti: so a) it builds now b) if we decide to mir, we can switch.12:15
pittiSweetshark: sounds good12:16
Sweetsharkporter-ppc is hugged with building LO-beta12:18
seb128pitti, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/pkgbinarymangler/precise/revision/23112:20
seb128that being done -> lunch ;-)12:20
pittiah, the #define12:20
pittiseb128: nice! please go ahead and upload12:21
* Sweetshark install 310 additional build deps on armel12:24
ricotzSweetshark, hi12:25
Sweetsharkricotz: re-hi ;)12:26
ricotzSweetshark, do you know if the libreoffice postgresgl plugin is meant for 9.0?12:26
ricotzSweetshark, i built the 3.4.4 precise package on lucid and needed to disable this plugin12:27
Sweetsharkricotz: you mean the postgres backend for base?12:27
pitti9.0? should be 9.1 for precise/oneiric and 8.4 for older releases12:27
Sweetsharkricotz: it requires the >9.0 headers of postgres, yes.12:28
ricotzoh, ok, wasnt really sure about the version number, but it wouldnt build against 8.412:28
ricotzSweetshark, ok12:28
Sweetsharkricotz: wait for 3.5.0 and all is shiny.12:29
Sweetsharkricotz: 3.5.0. should be a lot better than 3.4.0 for various reasons ;)12:29
ricotzSweetshark, this means it will build against 8.4 again?12:29
Sweetsharkricotz: um, no.12:29
ricotzSweetshark, ok, so i will keep it disabled then12:30
ricotzSweetshark, yeah of course i am looking forward for a new feature release :P12:30
Sweetsharkricotz: I meant it will be enabled in the default package for 3.5.0/precise as it is in there upstream and we have 9.0 on precise.12:30
tkamppeterpitti, hi12:31
pittitkamppeter: hello, gesundes neues Jahr! Enjoyed your vacation?12:31
ricotzSweetshark, of course that is fine, i just wanted to be sure about the needed versions, maybe you can push a bump for 9.0 to packaging git12:32
tkamppeterpitti, was great, also a successful New Year for you!12:32
mptmvo, hi, I'm working on the OS upgrade design again. If updates for your machine's current Ubuntu version are available, and a new Ubuntu version is available too, is there any reason for people to install the updates before they do the upgrade?13:18
mvompt: yes, sometimes we have updates that fix issues that happen during the upgrade otherwise, its not happening that often, but it does happen from time to time, i.e. updating a old app so that it does not misbehave during the upgrade13:19
mvoor to provide a feature during the upgrade13:20
mptmvo, is there a way of telling which updates fall into that category and which don't?13:21
mvompt: unfortunately not at this point and I don't have any hard data currently except for "we did need it in the past" :(13:23
mptmvo, then should the OS upgrade process automatically install all available updates first?13:24
mvompt: that would be a good idea or even better we flag the updates we really need and only install them (more work though)13:25
mptmvo, what if upgrading requires first installing an update to update-manager itself? Is it smart enough to relaunch itself?13:27
mvompt: yes13:28
mvompt: hm, mostly, the release upgrader is, u-m itself is not13:29
mptmvo, ah, I didn't realize that was a separate process13:29
mvompt: u-m just downloads the release-upgrader and verifies it, from that point on this part takes over13:30
mptmvo, so is there anything tricky that would prevent USC from downloading and running release-upgrader, instead of update-manager doing it?13:30
mvompt: no, I can't think of anything, we would "just" have to shuffle some code around13:31
mvompt: what makes it tricky is that it does not get any real testing except for when the release is done13:32
mvoi.e. we release it into unstable, but because you never release upgrade from unstable to something its sitting there until unsable becomes stable and then the next unstable becomes availalbe13:33
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mptthanks for those answers mvo13:39
mvompt: cheers, your welcome13:41
mhr3seb128, do you know anyone's been playing with systemtap for debugging on ubuntu?14:06
pittichrisccoulson: both firefox and tbird grw by 1.3 MB each between 9.0 and 10.0 -- any chance this can be squeeze again a bit?14:06
* pitti investigating our current oversizedness14:06
seb128mhr3, desrt was looking at it, dunno about "on ubuntu", do you have ubuntu specific questions?14:07
chrisccoulsonpitti - bug 894166 :)14:07
ubot2`Launchpad bug 894166 in firefox "Make hyphenation work with system hyphenation patterns" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89416614:07
pittichrisccoulson: ah, thanks!14:07
chrisccoulsoni might need some input on how to make that work correctly though14:07
seb128pitti, did you see the pad notes?14:07
seb128evince-common (Δ 1.4 MB - 3.2.0-0ubuntu1: 0.5 MB   3.2.1-0ubuntu2: 1.8 MB) due to adding /usr/share/gnome/help/evince/C/figures/synctex_screencast.ogv14:08
seb128thunderbird (Δ 0.9 MB - 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1: 18.7 MB   8.0+build1-0ubuntu1: 19.6 MB)14:08
pittiseb128: I thought it was me who added the evince one in the first place :)14:08
seb128pitti, the first one should be easy to fix by just not shipping the video, though that feels a bit wrong, but I don't see a better way, and synctex demo is not that useful14:08
pittiI agree14:08
seb128pitti, ok, the pad is not good to put names with lines :p14:09
seb128pitti, I was mentioning it in case ;-)14:09
pittiyeah, I actually forgot about it14:09
pittiseb128: I can drop the file, I'll check how the help behaves14:09
mhr3seb128, i was wondering how does it work generally as well as if ubuntu has some packages to help with it... like there are some static probes and glib has support for them, but dunno if one needs to compile glib with that or what...14:09
seb128mhr3, we need to compile glib with it, we looked at it at the rally before UDS with desrt but it didn't play well with multiarch iirc14:10
seb128mhr3, could be a topic for next week...14:10
seb128pitti, sure, I think I tried that some weeks ago, the help just skip the video so it's not an issue14:10
pittisince oneiric, firefox and tbird each grew by 2.6 MB14:11
pittiwe have 6.2 MB package growth, plus 10 MB from new packages14:11
seb128lucky that we dropped the mono stack ;-)14:12
pittithat's already included in the 10 MB balance, though14:12
pittiremoved: 78.3 MB, added: 88.7 MB14:12
seb128that's less nice14:12
pitti(most of that are new library/kernel ABIs)14:12
seb128does that include extra langpacks?14:13
seb12890mbs seems quite a lot for new libraries14:13
pittiseb128: no, I mean e. g. linux-headers-3.0.0-12 got dropped, and linux-headers-3.2.0-7-generic got added14:14
mhr3seb128, ok, good to know, thx14:14
pittiseb128: it should really be in "changed", but the script isn't clever enough to match packages with different names14:14
seb128yeah, gotcha now ;-)14:14
pittiseb128: python 3.2 adds 5.9 MB, the other 4.1 is from a bunch of smaller stuff14:14
seb128well, so it's mostly chrisccoulson's fault14:15
seb128it would be nice if we could drop a webkitgtk from the cd14:15
pittiyes, that's what I'm yearning for14:15
seb128or gtkmm2 (but that's blocked on gparted which doesn't seem actively maintained)14:15
pittilibicu44 7.0 MB -> libicu48 (8.1 MB) doesn't help much either14:16
chrisccoulsongah, i really wish i could reproduce this test hang on anything other than a PPA :/14:21
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mptmvo, <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-improve-upgrade-experience> refers to a dialog that has "Don't Upgrade" and "Ask Me Later" buttons. How can I invoke this dialog?15:05
mvompt: if you are on oneiric you can run "/usr/lib/update-manager/check-new-release-gtk -d" to trigger it15:11
mptmvo, it's like a polished version of the update-manager -cd -> click "Upgrade" dialog15:13
mvompt: yes, one of your colleges speced it, its html, we could display more interessting stuff in there if we had any15:14
mptexcept that the "Release Notes" link opens a page showing *exactly the same text*, just unformatted :-)15:14
mvompt: there is a bug open for that (maybe even fixed, not sure if that got a SRU or not)15:14
seb128didrocks, joining the pygobject hater club and reassigning bugs to it? ;-)15:34
didrocksseb128: completly! :)15:34
didrocksbut shhhh, you will make mvo upset again :)15:35
* mvo grabs a chair so that he can throw it15:36
mvodidrocks: which is your one?15:40
mvofor me threading is complettely broken, if I init threads it crashes on close, if I don't it hangs when trying to start a thread, its just not cool15:41
pittimvo: gtk.init() already initializes threads these days, hmm15:41
didrocksmvo: just a crasher creating a new object15:42
mvoright, thats what I thought too, I have no idea why its not working, but I use spawn_async() now, much more reliable for me15:42
seb128mvo, blame it on desrt ;-)15:49
seb128you can poke him directly next week15:50
chrisccoulsonseb128, aren't you meant to be doing the poking? ;)15:54
seb128chrisccoulson, oh wait, I've some for you!15:54
Sweetsharkmeh, porter-armel deadlocked itself and I cant kill the process.15:54
seb128chrisccoulson, ;-)15:55
seb128Sweetshark, talk to lamont I guess?15:55
chrisccoulsonseb128, i can't wait! :)15:55
seb128chrisccoulson, you will not leave the rally until the tb indicator behaves ;-)15:56
Sweetsharkseb128: well, I just killed the whole dchroot, which kinda "solved" it for me ...15:56
chrisccoulsonseb128, and we have overlay scrollbars?15:56
seb128Sweetshark, ok...15:56
chrisccoulsoni think i'm going to be stuck in budapest forever!15:56
seb128chrisccoulson, nobody is bothering me about the scrollbars, but since you mentioned it, did you have a look to that? or did you manage to use your holidays to not work? ;-)15:57
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: we will fight our way out!15:57
BigWhaledobey, are you around? I'd bug you with some Gtk stuff.15:57
BigWhaleOr anyone fluent in that :>15:57
mvoseb128: I get a *segfault* from GtkImage.set_from_pixbuf(pb) currently, this used to work before my upgrade this morning15:57
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i wish the builders were faster. i need to wait over an hour before my test fails again: https://launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/mozilla-test/+build/307068215:57
seb128mvo, what did you upgrade? stacktrace?15:58
dobeyBigWhale: busy atm15:58
seb128mvo, was pygobject or gtk in that update?15:58
seb128dobey, hey15:58
dobeyhi seb15:58
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: ha! just _one_ hour?15:58
mvoseb128: my test fails now bt show s gtk_image_cleear() crashes - I don't know what got updated, it was a whole bunch. sorry for not being more specific I know that its not helpful15:58
chrisccoulsonseb128, i did pretty much no work at all over the holiday, except for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71382715:58
ubot2`Mozilla bug 713827 in General "dlopen() gconf library in mozgnome component" [Normal,New: ]15:59
seb128dobey, do you request specific sponsoring from kenvandine for a reason? I started sponsoring the u1 stuff and stopped since I noticed you didn't request for sponsoring but just for review from ken15:59
BigWhaledobey, ok .. I'll be busy a bit later, I'll send you a question and answer whenever you feel like it... :)15:59
seb128chrisccoulson, good! ;-)15:59
mvoseb128: I will dig into it, its just spoiling the fun if both threading and that crash my testsuite (that runs fine on oneiric I should add)15:59
seb128mvo, lol15:59
mvoI'm sure its a refcount problem of some sort15:59
mvo(well, not sure, but I would bet it is)16:00
seb128mvo, will be another annotation issue at the end I'm sure, so you can complain about how buggy is the gobject stack :p16:00
dobeyseb128: he told me to set him as reviewer, because of the whole confusion with the "distro readiness" stuff16:01
seb128dobey, ok, I will check with him16:01
seb128or we can sort it next week16:01
seb128dobey, thanks16:01
mvonew gir1.2-gtk3.0 was in the upgrade fwiw16:01
seb128kenvandine, ^ u1 should be sponsored only by you?16:01
seb128mvo, not a surprise ;-)16:01
kenvandineseb128, nah... feel free to :)16:02
dobeyseb128: you can sponsor them if you want.16:02
mvoaren't you supposed to like … defend it or something?16:02
seb128kenvandine, dobey: ok thanks16:02
seb128mvo, well I'm sure you misuse gtk and blame it wrongly16:02
dobeyseb128: pitti put something on the desktop team agenda for budapest, to discuss the situation :)16:02
seb128mvo, I'm just not surprise that you use the "gtk was in the upgrade" card ;-)16:03
dobeyi won't be in budapest though16:03
mvoseb128: aha, that sounds more like the seb I know16:03
seb128mvo, ;-)16:03
seb128mvo, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/gtk/gtkimage.c?id=f085dde830d72b8cd0c804593631a944e9dbf45d16:06
seb128mvo, I bet that's bug in that refactoring16:06
BigWhalekenvandine, Kazam is a screen recorder I am working on ...16:06
BigWhalesorry for the lag16:07
mvoseb128: yeah, I will try to get a small testcase, but its currently a bit anoying, my test code is fine of course16:09
seb128mvo, thanks, sorry about the issues16:12
mvoseb128: I have a call now :/ If you have a debug build of gtk it would be nice if you could run "bzr get lp:software-center; cd software-center/test; python gtk3/test_views.py" - crashes for me, maybe you get a useful backtrace16:26
seb128mvo, let me try16:27
jonokenvandine, are you aware of Gwibber crashing in Precise right now?16:27
kenvandinejono, no...16:27
pittigood night everyone!16:27
seb128'night pitti16:27
jonokenvandine, it is segfaulting16:27
jonoit loads fine but when I click the Mentions icon it segfaults16:27
kenvandinewell wtf16:27
BigWhalekenvandine, quickly, blame it on the GI! ;)16:27
kenvandineit hasn't changed...16:28
kenvandinejono i just reproduced it16:28
* kenvandine hasn't run gwibber in a couple days :)16:28
dobeyisn't the UI in vala anyway, which doesn't use the GI typelibs? :)16:28
kenvandinedobey, it is fun to blame GI :)16:28
seb128kenvandine, gtk changed (cf mvo's issues with a gtkimage in s-c) and could perhaps be the gtkspell transition?16:28
kenvandineprobably gtkimage16:29
seb128<mvo> seb128: I get a *segfault* from GtkImage.set_from_pixbuf(pb) currently, this used to work before my upgrade this morning16:29
seb128kenvandine, ^16:29
seb128kenvandine, same thing?16:29
didrocksgood night pitti :)16:29
dobeykenvandine: well, if it was in python, i could see it being GI's fault16:29
dobeyanywya, must get food16:29
seb128kenvandine, ok, "great" :p16:29
seb128kenvandine, will if you confirm or get a small testcase let me know16:29
kenvandinestacktrace shows it is gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf16:30
seb128we have a winner: gtk16:31
seb128well at least it's not pygobject to debug16:31
kenvandineseb128, ^^16:34
kenvandinelooks like that refactoring was it16:35
* kenvandine goes to get more coffee16:35
seb128kenvandine, right, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/gtk/gtkimage.c?id=f085dde830d72b8cd0c804593631a944e9dbf45d16:38
mterry_kenvandine, btw, I updated that deja-dup branch16:39
kenvandinemterry_, saw it, i will get to it real soon :)16:41
* kenvandine is fighting with LP atm :(16:41
mterry_kenvandine, no worries, it's not urgent  :)16:41
kenvandinemterry_, i tried running the tests last night and everything was failing, but didn't have time to figure out why16:45
mterry_kenvandine, the "make test" tests?  yeah, ldtp is broken right now.  But this branch's test is part of the new "make check" suite which doesn't use ldtp, and is thus 10000 times as robust16:45
kenvandinemterry_, so i shouldn't use make test?16:47
kenvandineevery test fails :)16:47
mterry_kenvandine, um, certainly not right now.  And not for this branch, since "make check" will test the new thing16:47
mterry_kenvandine, in future, I'd still like it to be part of the distro acceptance tests and all that.  It's good integration testing.  But ldtp in precise is broken (fixed upstream)16:48
kenvandineok, so i should use make check?16:48
mterry_kenvandine, yeah16:49
kenvandine** WARNING **: common.vala:153: Success didn't match; expected 1, got 016:49
kenvandineanyway to get more verbose output?16:49
mterry_yeah, setting DEJA_DUP_DEBUG=1 and passing --verbose will both give you more info16:49
=== jono_ is now known as jono
* mterry_ ran make check fine...16:50
bil21alkenvandine: hello here is a bug for you which is affecting many peoples have a look16:50
ubot2`bil21al: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/902430)16:51
BigWhaledobey, I owe you a beer. Remind me on the next UDS I manage to attend. :))16:51
kenvandinemterry_, /backup/bad_hostname is what is failing16:51
mterry_kenvandine, that's not even a part of that branch.  Let me make a fresh checkout and try again.  maybe I've done something locally that isn't represented in trunk16:52
didrocksmterry_: hey, btw, I'm not sure anymore of my deja-dup encryption password. I don't find any token in seahorse, where are you storing this valuable info? :)16:56
mterry_didrocks, I send it plaintext to the NSA now.   Seemed simpler16:58
mterry_didrocks, naw, in seahorse16:58
didrocksmterry_: ah, it's why I've been contacted! :)16:58
didrocksmterry_: what should I look at ?16:59
kenvandinebil21al, weird crash, it is failing to spawn empathy-accounts?16:59
kenvandinethe crash is coming from g_spawn_async_with_pipes()17:01
mterry_didrocks, "Déjà Dup backup passphrase"17:02
mterry_kenvandine, ah, I know that one17:02
mterry_kenvandine, fixed it yesterday in glib17:03
didrocksmterry_: but but, doctor, I have none! That means that my data are not encrypted? (I was sure to choose the option)17:03
mterry_let me get a bug link17:03
kenvandinemterry_, cool, thx!17:03
didrocksnot that i don't trust my own server 2m30 from me :)17:03
mterry_kenvandine, bug 901388 (with upstream link)17:03
ubot2`Launchpad bug 901388 in glib2.0 "deja-dup-monitor crashed with SIGSEGV in child_setup(), g_spawn_async_with_pipes()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90138817:03
mterry_didrocks, um, either it's not encrypted or you didn't choose to have deja-dup remember your password17:05
mterry_didrocks, check the files in the backup location.  Do they end in ".gz" or ".gpg" ?17:05
didrocksmterry_: they end up with .gpg17:07
didrocksmterry_: and deja-dup continue backuping everyday17:07
kenvandinebil21al, i marked both our bug and the upstream as dupes of the one mterry_ mentioned17:07
didrocksso it should have the key somewhere :)17:08
mterry_didrocks, seahorse is the only place DD checks...17:09
mterry_didrocks, you sure you don't have two keyrings, one of which you have to unlock first to see its entries in seahorse?17:09
didrocksmterry_: hum, I don't from what I know, I need to go (giving an ubuntu conference tonight), let's see that together at the rally, shall we?17:11
mterry_didrocks, sure17:11
didrocksgood night everyone!17:11
kenvandinemterry_, so i dropped the bad_hostname test to get further, but now it fails at the next test17:11
kenvandine** WARNING **: common.vala:119: Mockscript file still exists17:11
kenvandineis that a file that might be left around?17:12
kenvandinewhere would it be?17:12
kenvandinemaybe the failure didn't cleanup or something17:12
mterry_kenvandine, that means that the mock duplicity program didn't process all the instructions the test told it too17:12
mterry_kenvandine, that's a legit test failure.  Which I'm not getting.   Hold on, still trying to clean room a test run17:12
kenvandinedobey, you still need libubuntuone and ubuntuone-installer sponsored right?17:19
dobeydid seb do them?17:21
dobeykenvandine: i do, and ubuntuone-client-gnome it looks like as well17:21
dobeyBigWhale: heh17:21
kenvandinedobey, seb128 sponsored that one this morning17:23
kenvandineseb128, have you looked at the others yet?17:23
dobeyoh, ok; i haven't gotten the e-mail from launchpad on it17:24
* kenvandine double checks17:24
dobeyah it was uploaded, ok17:25
kenvandineyup :)17:25
dobeyso just those other 2 then17:25
kenvandinedobey, ok... let me just make sure seb128 isn't already working on them17:26
seb128kenvandine, I'm not, I stopped after the first one because it was specifically assigned to you and not in the queue17:26
seb128so I wanted to check if there is a reason17:26
seb128but I can do them if you want17:26
kenvandineseb128, ok, i'll do them17:26
seb128kenvandine, ok, thanks17:28
BigWhaleIt stopped working ... *bursts into tears*17:36
kenvandineRiddell, any plans to update qt4 to 4.8 in precise?17:57
mterry_kenvandine, can *you* try a fresh checkout?  Works for me here..18:03
Riddellkenvandine: yes if only kde would stop making releases so I would have some time.  it's all ready in bzr I just need to test build and upload18:11
Riddellkenvandine: but I think the xinput stuff is remove for now until ported to 4.818:11
kenvandineRiddell, cool... includes a bug fix i need :)18:11
Riddellhopefully tomorrow else monday (when you'll all be busy in the spa anyway)18:12
chrisccoulsonif i cancel a PPA build that's in progress, will i get to see the build log?18:19
chrisccoulsoni don't want to wait for https://launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/mozilla-test/+build/3070682 to finish, as it's already gone past the bit i'm interested in18:20
chrisccoulsonbut i don't want to lose the log if i cancel it :)18:20
seb128chrisccoulson, try asking lamont or somebody from #is18:22
seb128kenvandine, mvo: what do you do with those gtkimages?18:36
seb128they are new GtkImages from files,pixbuf,stock icons...?18:37
seb128or things you free, reuse, reassing?18:37
kenvandinefree and reuse i think18:37
dobeyuh, no you don't free/reuse GtkImage18:42
dobeyseb128, kenvandine: what are you doing with GtkImage that you would want to free/reuse it?18:43
seb128dobey, I don't want to do anything, i'm trying to debug why s-c tests and gwibber segfault with the new gtk18:44
kenvandinedobey i think it is where we display the avatars18:44
seb128dobey, trying to write a testcase, but a simple use of gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf() has no issue18:44
dobeyseb128: oh; backtrace?18:44
kenvandineand the tile widgets (parent of the gtk_image) is reused18:44
seb128so it's something they do18:44
seb128dobey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/793902/18:44
dobeyoh, hrmm18:45
seb128basically gtk has18:45
seb128gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf (GtkImage  *image,18:45
seb128gtk_image_clear (image);18:45
seb128hum, I'm getting confused18:46
seb128valgrind says18:46
seb128==19905==    by 0x5A202C4: gtk_image_get_storage_type (gtkimage.c:981)18:46
seb128==19905==    by 0x5A20AE8: gtk_image_clear (gtkimage.c:1336)18:46
seb128==19905==    by 0x5A216D2: gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf (gtkimage.c:764)18:46
seb128gtk_image_reset (GtkImage *image)18:47
seb128  storage_type = gtk_image_get_storage_type (image);18:47
seb128that's where it segfaults for s-c and image->priv is NULL18:47
seb128somehow gtk_image_clear is called on a already cleared icon it seems?18:48
dobeyugh, it's taking 2x as long to scp this iso to a laptop, than it did to download it to my workstation across the vast expanse of the internet18:48
dobeyseb128: well that shouldn't matter; you can create an empty GtkImage, then call set_from_pixbuf on it just fine18:49
seb128how do you create an empty image?18:50
dobeyimage = gtk_image_new();18:50
mvoseb128: I load_icon() to get a pixbuf and later use gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf(pb) two times with the same pixbuf from the icon-cache, I created a test-case, but that does not segfault :/18:51
seb128the stacktrace is gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf() -> gtk_image_clear() -> gtk_image_get_storage_type()18:51
mvobut my real app does18:51
seb128where the get_storage_type tries to read image->private->something with image->private == NULL18:52
dobeyis there a bug filed with a full stack trace that got retraced by apport?18:52
seb128not yet18:52
seb128but s-c it's an issue in a testcase18:52
seb128gwibber is vala18:52
dobeywell, gwibber would be fine18:52
seb128bug #91161918:53
dobeyi can figure out the generated C in my head easily enough18:53
seb128bug #91191018:53
dobeyslow bot eh18:53
seb128bug #91161918:53
seb128dobey, they were private, I opened that one18:54
seb128dobey, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/89034243/Stacktrace.txt18:54
seb128ok, need to go for dinner but I will be back in a bit18:54
dobeyoh right18:54
kenvandinemterry_, i get the same failure with a fresh checkout of trunk18:55
kenvandinewithout merging that branch18:55
dobeylooks like memory corruption probably18:55
* kenvandine needs to eat... bbiab18:55
kenvandinemterry_, fresh checkout, ./autogen.sh && make && make -C tests check18:57
chrisccoulsondoes dbus-launch connect to X?19:04
dobeyapparently yes19:04
chrisccoulsonthat's why my firefox tests are failing!19:04
chrisccoulsonsomething is triggering a bazillion or so session buses19:05
dobeyugh, something is using dbus-launch?19:05
chrisccoulsondobey, yeah, i think gdbus actually calls dbus-launch if there isn't a bus?19:05
chrisccoulsonclearly  i need to run my tests inside dbus-launch19:05
dobeyah , yes it does19:05
dobeyno you don't19:06
dobeyyou need to create your own session bus and kill it when done19:06
dobeyi'm not sure how that dbus-test-runner deals with it19:06
dobeychrisccoulson: also, you want to have any code that talks to the system bus, talk to your "fake" session bus instead19:07
chrisccoulsondobey, thanks. i'll have a play around and see if i can get it to work properly :)19:09
dobeychrisccoulson: i'm not sure what you're testing exactly, but if the dbus using tests are in a python unit test structure, you probably want to use ubuntuone-dev-tools for them; otherwise you probably want to use ted's dbus-test-runner thing19:10
kenvandinedbus-test-runner is pretty useful19:11
chrisccoulsondobey, it's actually firefox xpcshell tests. some of the tests spawn a content process (ie, basically firefox) to test all the IPC bits, and there is something in there which uses dbus (although, we're not specifically testing that)19:12
chrisccoulsoni guess there's plenty of things in the platform that use a session bus (eg, gio)19:15
seb128dobey, no sure it's a corruption, the same codes worked before the gtk update19:28
seb128codes: gwibber and s-c19:28
kenvandinethat refactoring was exactly the same code path19:30
seb128mvo, I blame your code, I can't get a testcase to have issues :p19:30
seb128kenvandine, same for you :p19:30
dobeywhat is the new version of gtk that got uploaded?19:30
seb128dobey, 3.3.4 to 3.3.619:30
kenvandinedobey, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/gtk/gtkimage.c?id=f085dde830d72b8cd0c804593631a944e9dbf45d19:30
kenvandinethat is the commit that looks suspicious19:31
seb128the helper which got added in http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=b5d8d2c4a8cf2255cd16ba4e33365cc61c39a16419:31
dobeyooh, yes19:31
kenvandinewow it is going to be a pita to get rid of the gtk deprecations in gwibber now19:32
kenvandineso many hbox and vbox19:32
kenvandinemight be a good project for the plane :)19:32
seb128kenvandine, don't be lazy and don't replace them by gtk_box, go for gtkgrid ;-)19:33
kenvandinewe'll see :)19:33
kenvandinenumber of args changed and i have to call set_homogenous on all of them19:34
dobeyyou are so lucky19:34
kenvandinemight not be much different to go with gtk_grid19:34
kenvandinei haven't looked at that19:34
dobeyyou don't have to keep new gwibber working on lucid.19:34
kenvandinedobey, indeed :)19:34
* kenvandine merges the pygi tests for gwibber... feels good!19:35
kenvandinegwibber now has equal test coverage for python and vala :)19:35
kenvandinewhich still has a long way to go... but at least we can ensure that everything works with python and vala going forward19:36
BigWhaleI'm starting to get desperate, I've posted a question on askubuntu ... :>19:36
BigWhalekenvandine, congratz!19:36
kenvandineBigWhale, feel free to write some tests :)19:37
BigWhalekenvandine, Now I'm working on getting Kazam into 12.04 :)19:38
kenvandinemake sure you have lots of tests :)19:39
BigWhalenow there are none... :/ is this now a requirement? or just a recommendation?19:39
kenvandinea very strong recommendation19:41
kenvandinewe are all about testing now :)19:41
seb128kenvandine, mvo: I can't get gtk_image to run into issues in test cases, dunno about your issues, a testcase would help for sure19:42
dobeyman, oneiric live dvd is slow19:42
kenvandineseb128, post your test case and i'll try to make it break :)19:42
seb128kenvandine, well my testcase is a stupid one, it's basically19:43
seb128pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(argv[1], &err);19:43
seb128display->myImage = gtk_image_new ();19:43
seb128    gtk_image_clear(display->myImage);19:43
seb128gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf(display->myImage, pixbuf);19:43
kenvandinei am not using new_from_file19:44
seb128well ignore the display structure, I reused some other code as a base19:44
seb128kenvandine, what do you use?19:44
kenvandinestream i think19:44
* kenvandine checks19:44
seb128kenvandine, well it's the pixbuf which is built from file, the issue is with gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf() from what mvo and you said19:44
seb128so I don't think how we get the pixbuf matters19:45
kenvandinejust saying that is the only thing that stood out as different19:45
seb128especially that the segfault happens because priv->image (i.e the GtkImage) is NULL19:45
seb128ups, image->priv I mean19:45
seb128ie. the GtkImage seems uninitialized, which leads to a segfault when gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf() checks the storage type19:47
mvoseb128: that sounds plausible \o/19:48
seb128kenvandine, mvo: do you guys reset the GtkImage your own way or something?19:48
mvono, but GI might19:48
seb128like try to set the pointer to NULL or something19:48
kenvandinei think i do set it to NULL19:48
mvoI don't, but I'm sure its Gtk.Image() vs Gtk.Image.new() again19:49
kenvandineyeah, i only create a new one when the tile is created19:49
kenvandineand i set it to null when i change the data in the tile19:50
dobeymvo: that's definitely not the issue for gwibber at least19:50
dobeykenvandine: you set the GtkImage to NULL?19:50
mvohrm, no its not the issue for me either19:51
mvoI don't do anything fance with it in python afaict19:51
mvoI just tested .new() vs () but same behavior19:51
dobeymvo: can you give me a URL to the code?19:51
kenvandineoh, no i don't set that to null19:52
mvodobey: sure, bzr get lp:software-center; cd softwarecenter/test; python gtk3/test_views.py" should make it crash19:52
kenvandinei set_from_icon_name on each re-use of the tile19:52
kenvandinethen after the pixbuf is loaded i set the gtk.image to use it19:52
kenvandinelooks like behind the scenes gtk is doing a reset on it in the process19:53
kenvandineseb128, try that in your test case19:54
kenvandinecicon.set_from_icon_name ("stock_person", Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG);19:54
kenvandinethen set_from_pixbuf19:54
kenvandinewell that is vala, but you know what i mean :)19:54
dobeymvo: which test crashes? all of them?19:55
seb128kenvandine, tried that19:56
seb128image = gtk_image_new ();19:56
seb128    gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (image, "stock_left", 32);19:56
seb128gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf(image, pixbuf);19:56
seb128still no segfault or error19:56
mvodobey: its test_appdetails I think, but it does not crash when run isolated, just when run with the other tests (which is odd in itself). the actual line that crashes is appdetails.py:118519:57
mvodobey: self.icon.set_from_pixbuf(pb)19:57
mvohold on a sec19:58
mvoaha, no, its a 96px totem icon19:59
mvoit gets it two times, then crashes when it sets it the second time19:59
dobeyhmm; the software-center code looks odd, but i don't see why it would cause that crash20:03
dobeymvo: and the app itself doesn't crash, only the tests?20:03
mvodobey: that is actually a good question, I can't make it crash by using the app itself20:06
mvodobey: from clicking around a bit20:06
mvodobey: I mean, trying to do the same stuff that the test is doing does not crash it20:06
dobeywell in s-c case, it sounds like an isolation issue in tests20:07
dobeyperhaps creating a race condition where the object gets destroyed in the middle of setting the icon20:08
dobeywhich would make sense20:08
* mvo looks at this20:08
dobeysince the tests seem to want to do asynchronous things, but doesn't synchronize and block20:08
dobeyi'm not even quite sure how those tests never had any problems :)20:11
dobeyoh, i see20:11
dobeyseb128, mvo: yeah, i'd say it's a race, and you got lucky before, with it20:14
mvodobey: thanks for your help, I will keep searching tomorrow, its getting late in my timezone20:15
seb128dobey, race between what and what?20:15
dobeyseb128: well, the test adds a 300ms timeout which destroys the window (which would in turn, destroy everything in it)20:16
mvoI will set that to 3000 tomorrow to see if its that or something else20:17
seb128mvo, have a good evening20:17
* mvo waves and vanishes for the night20:17
seb128let's resume that tomorrow20:17
dobeynight mvo20:17
dobeythose tests are not very good unit tests indeed; they are like testing your icepick works, by standing on a frozen lake with a thin sheet of ice, and slamming it down between your feet :)20:18
seb128kenvandine, well, if the tests are buggy it let you on your own for gwibber with likely a bug in gwibber20:19
dobeyi'd say there is probably a similar race in gwibber20:19
seb128what I don't get is that if that's an use after free, why didn't it segfault before?20:20
kenvandinei confirmed the crash isn't in gtk 3.3.4 with current gwibber20:20
dobeybut i don't know where exactly that code is at in gwibber so i can't look at it in see20:20
seb128oh, and why isn't valgrind catching that it has been freed?20:20
dobeyseb128: that code didn't exist before, so it couldn't segfault20:21
dobeyseb128: before, there was no NULL pointer to try and poke at20:21
seb128dobey, right, but it's still an use of object after free20:21
dobeyseb128: i don't think so. you don't free ints :)20:22
dobeyand if pixbuf was null before, it would just set it anew20:22
dobeyplus, the code change probably introduced timing changes20:22
seb128hum, right20:22
dobeywhich could exacerbate a race condition20:23
dobeyheh, and indeed20:24
kenvandineoh interesting20:24
seb128kenvandine, I've been tested with http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/794167/20:24
seb128if you want a C trivial base20:24
dobeygwibber is doing async vala20:24
kenvandinein gwibber, it is only segfaulting in a place where it is setting the Gtk.Image back to the original image20:24
seb128but I don't think it's going to be very useful20:24
seb128kenvandine, "back to the orginal image"?20:25
dobeyso i am even more inclined to suggest this is a race in gwibber as well20:26
kenvandineoh, nm it happens either way20:27
kenvandinei have a try/except in there20:27
kenvandineit tries to set it with set_from_pixbuf20:27
kenvandineif that fails it sets it with set_from_icon_name20:27
kenvandinei am getting the crash in both20:27
dobeywell, assuming it doesn't segfault :)20:27
kenvandine#0  _gtk_icon_helper_get_storage_type (self=0x0) at /build/buildd/gtk+3.0-3.3.6/./gtk/gtkiconhelper.c:48220:30
kenvandine#1  0x00007ffff7899335 in gtk_image_reset (image=0x1ce5110) at /build/buildd/gtk+3.0-3.3.6/./gtk/gtkimage.c:133620:30
kenvandine#2  gtk_image_clear (image=0x1ce5110) at /build/buildd/gtk+3.0-3.3.6/./gtk/gtkimage.c:139220:30
kenvandineit isn't null in gtk_image_reset20:30
kenvandinebut it is null in _gtk_icon_helper_get_storage_type20:30
dobeykenvandine: i think the problem is that the variable is going out of scope, while you're inside the async method20:30
dobeykenvandine: self=0x0 isn't the GtkImage20:31
kenvandinefor gwibber it is very consistent20:31
kenvandineoh it isn't?20:31
dobeykenvandine: it's the GtkIconHelper20:31
dobeywhich becomes NULL before the GtkImage that contains it :)20:31
seb128I wonder what makes the helper being NULL20:31
dobeythe image is getting destroyed20:32
kenvandineit's clearly happening in gtk, i don't think i can work around it in gwibber20:32
dobeyat least, afaict, that's the only way this crash can happen20:32
seb128or something in gtk reset it20:33
dobeyis if the image gets destroyed *while* a call to set_from_whatever is happening20:33
seb128like when doing gtk_image_clear or something20:33
dobeyimage_clear doesn't destroy the icon helper though20:33
seb128kenvandine, you are sure you don't access the image after having its ref to 0?20:33
dobeywell he can't20:34
dobeyotherwise it would crash earlier :)20:34
seb128dobey, right, that's what I'm trying to do, figure what reset the helper20:34
seb128it's not gtk_image_clear indeed20:34
seb128but something must be doing it ;-)20:34
kenvandinethe crash happens when i change the image20:34
mterry_What's the state of metacity in Ubuntu now?  I see it's on the manifest, what does it get used for?20:34
dobeyafaict, the variable he's using for the icon, is going out of scope20:34
dobeyand vala destroys it20:34
kenvandinemterry_, unity-2d20:34
mterry_kenvandine, hrm20:35
mterry_kenvandine, still no idea why make check fails for you, btw20:36
mterry_kenvandine, maybe can look at this at the rally20:36
kenvandinemterry_, i tried in a pristine VM too20:36
kenvandineso not just my machine :)20:36
seb128dobey, "he's using", who is he? gwibber or gtk?20:36
mterry_kenvandine, pristine precise VM?  maybe I'll try that20:36
kenvandinemterry_, yeah20:36
kenvandinefresh install from monday20:36
kenvandineso pretty clean20:36
dobeyseb128: kenvandine20:37
dobeyseb128: so gwibber20:37
chrisccoulsongah, 44 minute wait for my build20:37
seb128chrisccoulson, get a beer and some dinner ;-)20:37
dobeygtk isn't written in vala and doesn't automagic dereference stuff :)20:37
kenvandinedobey, so maybe vala20:37
chrisccoulsonand only one of the current PPA builds is mine!20:38
chrisccoulsoni'm shocked ;)20:38
kenvandinemaybe i need to do a destroy and new each time i want to use it?20:38
kenvandinere-using these tiles is a pita20:38
chrisccoulson2, actually20:38
kenvandinei really need to ditch that in the smooth scrolling branch ;-)20:38
dobeykenvandine: i think it's your code that is just broken :)20:39
kenvandineworked fine before :)20:39
kenvandinedoesn't mean it isn't broken :)20:39
dobeykenvandine: no, and i am seeing some other bad code in this file :)20:39
kenvandinethere is lots of uglyness20:39
dobeyno you don't need to destroy/new each time20:40
dobeyprivate = new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("status_lock", Gtk.IconSize.MENU);20:40
kenvandinemostly with to make reuse of the tile widget work20:40
dobeyyeah; private is a reserved word. i'm surprised vala doesn't error on that one20:40
kenvandineoh... whoops :)20:40
kenvandinethat isn't related though20:40
dobeyall you need to do to re-use a widget is maintain a reference to it somewhere20:41
kenvandinelines 770 and 780 is where the crashes are20:41
dobeybut it isn't necessarily where the problem is20:41
seb128kenvandine, well, it could be gtk which is buggy but we didn't get other bugs about that yet and other stuff use pixbuf, so it's not obvious bug in normal use...20:43
dobeyi'm pretty sure this is a gwibber bug20:43
dobeyand this code is looking more complex than it probably need be20:43
dobeywhich doesn't help trying to debug it :)20:44
kenvandinedobey, if i comment out the setting of the image in load_avatar_async it doesn't crash, which helps prove it is the async crap triggering it20:48
kenvandineit still resets the image on every tile change, and that doesn't crash it20:48
kenvandinemaybe a tile is getting reset before an async operation is finished20:49
kenvandineand it isn't getting cancelled20:49
kenvandinenot sure why the gtk change would expose a bug like that... you would think it would have been crashing all along20:50
seb128well as dobey said nothing what trying to access the structure of the object before20:50
dobeyright, it's different code which exposes a problem, and gtk+ itself doesn't know to cancel your async call20:51
seb128gtk_image_clear does try to access the storage type in the new code20:51
kenvandinewe keep track of those and remove them on resetting the tile20:51
BigWhaleCan someone please run this code on Pangolin and tell me if main window is transparent: http://pastebin.com/04ayrNrv20:52
kenvandinewe iterate over all the pending jobs and remove them20:52
seb128BigWhale, no, it's grey20:53
BigWhaleseb128, thanks...20:53
BigWhalealtho, I don't like the anwers :>20:53
kenvandinedobey, oh... we aren't actually cancelling the async operation20:57
dobeykenvandine: right20:57
kenvandineon resetting the tile we should probably call cancellable.cancel ()20:57
dobeythough i don't know if it will solve the crash20:58
kenvandinedobey, it seems too21:00
kenvandinethat and removing line 78021:01
kenvandinewhich is redundant anyway21:01
kenvandinethat would reset it when it gets cancelled21:01
=== nessita1 is now known as nessita
kenvandinei am pretty surprised this didn't cause a problem before21:02
kenvandineeven though nothing tried using that... i would think it would in gwibber21:03
* kenvandine uploads distro patch :)21:03
seb128kenvandine, \o/21:04
dobeykenvandine: well, everything was ints before; so it probably wouldn't have crashed, but i am surprised that /something/ didn't at least look weird21:16
kenvandinedobey, right21:16
kenvandinedobey, mind doing a quick merge proposal review for me?21:16
chrisccoulsoni though that if "2 finger scrolling" was enabled in the touchpad settings of control center, that it should fall back to "edge scrolling" if the touchpad doesn't support it?21:16
dobeykenvandine: url?21:16
chrisccoulsonat least, that's what used to happen, seeing as we set 2-finger scrolling by default21:17
seb128chrisccoulson, seems like a question for cnd21:17
kenvandinedobey, thx21:17
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks21:18
dobeykenvandine: done21:23
kenvandinedobey, thx21:29
dobeysure :)21:29
kenvandinethe debug message caused tons of noise and was useless21:29
kenvandinei should have just removed it :)21:29
kenvandineit cancels on every position change21:30
dobeyremove it then :P21:31
=== bryceh_ is now known as bryce
RAOFpitti: colord is dbus-activated; cupsd is what pulls it up at boot.  Failing that, the color plugin of gnome-settings-daemon would pull it up during login.22:06
BigWhaleZOMG! It works!23:30
brodercyphermox: do you have any plans for an oneiric NM sru any time soon? bug #882432 seems like a good candidate for one23:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 882432 in network-manager "network-manager crashes when trying to configure 802.1x TLS network" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88243223:49
broder(i'm already patching in the fix for my use case, so i don't need the sru, but i'm also happy to put one together if you're interested)23:49
RAOFAah, sweet hybrid graphics.  Nothing prevents the entirely unconnected radeon card from claiming fb0 :)23:50
TheMusoRAOF: Let me guess! You cannot turn hybrid graphics off for the machine in question.23:55
chrisccoulsonbryce, fixed http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head/revision/1091 ;)23:56
chrisccoulson(i figured out where all those connections were going)23:56
RAOFTheMuso: I can, but not in the bios.  vga_switcheroo works once everything's up, and X (mysteriously) always comes up on the intel.23:56
RAOFOh, hah.  Not mysteriously at all.23:57
RAOFThe intel is the bios-set primary.23:57
brycechrisccoulson, sweet23:57
chrisccoulsonit was pretty simple in the end :)23:57
brycechrisccoulson, so what turned out to be the culprit?  I saw you mentioned dbus-launcher earlier?23:57
chrisccoulsonbryce, yeah, there were tonnes of them running at the point that it started to fail23:57
brycewas each test case starting one up or something?23:58
chrisccoulsonbryce, probably not all, but in this particular case, we are using one display instance for around 1100 xpcshell tests23:58
chrisccoulsonand each test runs in a new shell23:58
chrisccoulsonso the buses just accumulate until it runs out of connections :)23:59

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