
* guampa is away: I'm busy11:22
* guampa is away: I'm busy11:32
Myrttiguampa: please turn that off11:45
guampaMyrttii: sorry for the noise. was a misconfig11:55
icerootwhat do you think, are more icr-ops needed (#ubuntu, #ubuntu+1)?11:59
ubottuIf you are interested in joining the Ops team, take a look at both http://www.siltala.net/2010/03/24/ops-teams-applications-announcement/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements for info on the process and requirements.  You can also learn about what the job entails from people in #ubuntu-irc.11:59
icerootits not always fun to do support on #ubuntu and then call !ops because someone is messing up12:00
icerootpopey: thank you for the info but that was not answering my real question (didnt have a look at all links)12:02
popeyyou didnt read them yet you know they don't answer your question?12:03
icerootpopey: i dont think they answer "do we need more irc-ops" but because of your question i think "the truth is out there" so i will do some reading on that stuff12:04
icerootPlease be aware that *many* applicants will not become operators for various reasons. This will not necessarily be because we think you would make a bad operator. Only a limited number of operators are ever needed, some timezones are better covered already than others, and so on.12:09
tsimpsoniceroot: basically, the council will make an announcement when/if they feel more operators are required in a channel. if you want to suggest that more operators are needed you can email the council, or show up at one of the meetings and suggest it. but there usually are more applicants than the number of places the council wants to fill, so not everyone is going to be chosen for various reasons12:12
iceroottsimpson: ok, thank you12:12
Myrttialso take into account that the holiday season is still winding down, and not all ops are back in line yet12:36
icerootand interesting point is the "timezone" as it seems most ops are not in my timezone, maybe that would be an argument to do an request12:39
Myrttiwhich is that, Asia?12:40
icerootgermany :)12:41
Tm_Ticeroot: office hours or your night time is the problem?12:42
MyrttiEurope is probably the best represented12:42
icerootTm_T: office12:42
Myrttiif you think that it's not covered, you must keep odd hours yourself12:42
k1l_maybe that is because we have our "own" support channels with own op team12:42
icerootk1l_: i like the general (english) channels more and i am not part of any *-de channel12:43
Tm_Tto be honest, I used to be reasonably active around this time of the day, but am busy elsewhere nowadays12:44
k1l_iceroot: that is your choice. no problem. i only wanted to explain, why you dont see much germans there12:44
icerootk1l_: and i thank you for that info12:44
k1l_(regarding to you timezone :) )12:44
icerooti just dont "like" the fact that if you the most active person on a channel on some times and you have to call !ops instead of handling that of my own12:45
icerootand thats the reason i came here to ask (maybe not the reason you wanted to hear)12:45
Tm_Ticeroot: I know the feeling (:12:46
k1l_well, i cant judge on this, because im too busy on the german channels to take a look at the original channels. while this channel here is not the most acitve one i suggest you to come to a meeting or make a email to the ML with some informations about the times that need backup.12:48
icerootk1l_: i think joining a meeting is a good idea, also to see what jobs are normally done by ops and to get a better overview on that12:49
tsimpsonthe job is simple (in principal), just make sure everyone follows the rules12:51
Tm_Tthat's the easy part (:12:51
AlanBelliceroot: you can also add an item to the IRC council agenda if you think we need to discuss a call for ops14:05
christelmake me an op! i'll ban them all!14:21
Myrttichristel: just 'trip' on the cables14:25
Myrttithat'll take care of the problem14:26
Fuchsdon't make christel an op! She's horrible!14:35
Fuchschristel: as a sidenote: most #ubuntu* channels I am aware of do have @freenode/staff/* with at least o14:36
christelwell yes, but that's not the same! :P14:36
Fuchsapply for op then, it's rather easy, just bake some cookies14:37
AlanBellthere ya go christel14:40
AlanBell!info cheese14:40
ubottucheese (source: cheese): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.0-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 45 kB, installed size 320 kB14:41
ubot4AlanBell: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 62 kB, installed size 260 kB14:41
christelawww <314:41
AlanBellcan someone prod ubot4 and lubottu3 etc into oneiric14:41
AlanBellthey are providing info for natty packages14:42
AlanBelldidn't want it to go to your head :)14:42
=== guampa_ is now known as guampa
Unit193AlanBell: Talk about bots not on the right one, ubot2` is still on maverick, and you need to prefix it's nick, not prefixchar :P18:35
=== guampa|2 is now known as guampa
k1l_philipballew: cant resist do press the little X in the edge? :)20:22
philipballewits my greatest hobby k1l_20:22
PerfMSup bitches23:18
elkyPerfM, that's really not how you greet people who you would like concession from.23:26
PerfMOkay fine.23:28
PerfMHow about this23:28
PerfMWhere my dawgs at?23:28
PerfMbark with me if you're my dawg23:28
elkyHow about you call it a day and try this some other time.23:30
elkyPreferably after some consideration about how greeting ops as canines is not likely to achieve what you want.23:31
PerfMDon't tell me what to do elky.23:31
Unit193Always a joy...23:33

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