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ohsixanyone know offhand if i can get perf to use linux-source for annotation somehow?06:27
ohsixthe vmlinux in -dbgsym is in a place it can't find it without help, too06:28
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smbMorning .+08:42
smbLooks like the other rtc revert just made it into 3.2... tight...08:43
zenithsmb: hi09:24
zenithremember yester i was trying to debug/triage my touchpad issues?09:24
zenithso i tried i8042.debug (without i8042.reset) and noticed some interesting things in my dmesg (http://tinypaste.com/09a3ef7d)09:25
smbYes, I think I do not know the ps2 protocol right from my head... :-P09:26
smbbut let me look anyway09:26
smbSo first thing about the multiple MADT, you can try to have the 2nd used. Usually it does not really make a difference.09:29
smbQuerying the Linux _OSI, in rare cases it improves things, but often it limits functionality of the ACPI BIOS.09:30
zenithok, so i should try "acpi_apic_instance=2" parameter when booting, right?09:31
smb_BCQ, not sure the function is mandatory, but it would make sense to have, an omission of the BIOS authors. Right, as hinted in dmesg. 09:32
smbBut as said, could change nothing09:32
zenithanyway I will give it a shot :)09:34
zenithhow about the i8042 errors?09:34
smbWell, I would need to look up what the various bytes mean. But generally looks a bit like the communication is having trouble. And since you can get it working with the i8042.reset it feels like the bios does not do it correctly09:37
smbGenerally it sounds like adding that machine to the exception table of the driver is the right action. The only thing that has me a bit concerned is that I do not have a real feeling about whether this is all machines of that kind or some or only certain bioses...09:39
zenithhmm.. i'm unable to find any kind of BIOS update on the Lenovo site, and looking for a it on the *huge* ibm site is daunting :(09:41
ckingit's quite an old machine isn't it?09:41
cking2007-2008 kinda era?09:42
zenithyeah. the BIOS version is from 2006 !09:42
smbSo little chance to see anything changing there09:43
ckinghttp://support.lenovo.com/en_US/downloads/detail.page?&LegacyDocID=MIGR-67616 - I can't see a BIOS update for this model09:43
zenithyeah nothing there, nothing on any lenovo forums :(09:43
smbAnd probably also having any code changed, given it can be made working by a boot option... :/09:44
zenithdoesn't the open source movement have any replacements for the BIOS ? :-p09:44
ckingif only it were that easy...09:45
smbif the open source bios would know what a every vendor has done to any machine they sold...09:46
* ppisati catched a bad cold... just before leaving... crap... :P09:48
zenithits touchpad and keyboard have been an issue since interpid ... plus, since i can't find any current users of this model, i can't discuss it with anyone :(09:48
ckingzenith, it does seem like a rare machine - I've googled around and can't find much on it09:49
smbCannot find the generic ps2 doc but the auxerr I think is because of the loopback test for the aux port fails (which would be the connection to the mouse). Can happen because of real problems or because the command is not implemented in hw correctly. And the rest looks like it fails to tell the controller it can receive data now. 09:50
ckingso it's probably an EC issue?09:50
zenithcking, yeah, though the Ubuntu forums do have many members complaining about it !09:51
smbBut as cking said it is a rare machine and old. So making a general change always will face the problem of that you cannot be sure this is the right thing for _all_ of the models and machines out there09:51
zenithso can we say for sure that the BIOS is at fault ?09:52
ckingseems more probable than not IMHO09:53
zenithis there anything else i can try/test ?09:54
zenithok, so i found this software (http://biosagentplus.com/?ref=752), recommended by the Phoenix website, but it runs only on windows09:57
zeniththe good news is i have dual-boot !09:57
zenithso will try that out to see if my BIOS has any updates...09:58
smbI can feel that this is not really satisfying... you could try to convince upstream (beleive Dmitry Thorokov or  so) to have reset hard coded for you machine... But if everything works just ba adding i8042.reset, there is at least a work around for it.09:58
zenithhmmm... i'm also getting a new laptop in a few months or so and the few(!) Y500 users around the world might also replace it in a few years...10:01
ckingany laptop > 4 years old is getting to "replacement" phase of it's life :-)10:01
* smb also worked with a boot option on a desktop until the problem resolved itself (iow the motherboard went completely nuts)...10:03
zenithlol... i know its been due for long but i'm not a frequent changer, fyi, it has been a great machine with not a *single* problem since i bought it 10:03
zenithi just installed more RAM last year10:04
ckingyeah, I've had a Lenovo 3000N200 for > 4 years and it's rock solid10:04
zenithits only that before giving up i want to make sure that it's the BIOS and i can't do anything about it10:06
zenithif i become sure, i will go to each and every post in the Ubuntu  forum (and the oh so many posts about this everywhere else) and blame the BIOS... so at least the next guy will not pull his hair...10:09
zenithanyways, so i'll try that BiosAgentPlus (its tagline is "Extend the life of your computer with a BIOS update!", if only that were true) in WinXP and get back here if i find something10:12
zenithcking, smb: until then, ciao, & thanks a lot for your help10:13
smbSure. Sorry for not having a better solution. Though at a certain age of hw things get more pragmatically. 10:14
zenithyeah. if u do find anything, i can be reached at siddhantsaraf at gmail dot com, bye !10:15
smbppisati, Sorry for ignoring you earlier on. So you should not have been close to apw on mumble the last couple of days. :-P Hope you manage to recover a good bit in the next couple of days.10:25
apwppisati, yeah get well, please try and leave it at home10:29
ppisatii'll try but it's hard... i'll bring it with me as a gift for you all... :)10:30
ppisatipreemptive Ubuflu...10:31
smbYou mean the gift as its meaning in German...? ;)10:31
ppisatiuhm... don't know the meaning in German10:32
apwi hope its the one i am just getting over10:32
diwicsmb, in Swedish, "gift" means both "married" and "poison". :-)10:32
apwheheh, no comment10:32
apw      drm/i915: Disable semaphores by default on SNB10:34
apw      drm/i915: Disable RC6 on Sandybridge by default10:34
apwcking, that first one sounds like something else bad for performance power on snb10:34
ckingsad trombone10:34
apw      Revert "rtc: Disable the alarm in the hardware"10:34
apw      Revert "rtc: Expire alarms after the time is set."10:34
apwsmb, those are the two you needed right ?10:34
ckingit's like a continuing trainwreck of silicon badness10:35
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smbapw, Mine only was the second10:35
smbbut yes it just made it10:35
stgraberhey there. Just got a usb soundcard here that seems to need CONFIG_SND_USB_6FIRE, any specific reason why this one isn't built in the Ubuntu kernel or should I file a bug so we can build it in Precise?10:38
apwstgraber, file a bug for precise at least, likely its experiemental10:40
stgraberapw: ok, will do10:40
smbapw, yep experimental, added in 2.6.3910:42
apwsmb, its not experiemental now tho.10:43
stgraberbug 91219710:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 912197 in linux "Please enable CONFIG_SND_USB_6FIRE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91219710:44
smbapw, right. strange... shouldn't that have turned up at the review...? Not that I would remember if it did...10:45
apwsmb, i guess it was before the better review s/w support10:45
apwthough i wonder why its not in the non-modular modules list10:46
smbapw, experimental was removed in 3.0-rc110:47
apwso we should have seen it transition last cycle then10:47
smbright... maybe we have...10:47
* apw regens the report to see10:47
smbprobably should look back into the spec...10:47
apwthough that takes 10 mins10:48
apw|| CONFIG_SND_USB_6FIRE || n || n || n || n || n || n || n || n || n || n || n ||  ||10:51
apwCONFIGS-info:CONFIG_SND_USB_6FIRE N/m/y m m10:52
LetoThe2ndhowdy! is there some recommended way to build modules for testing/learing out-of-tree on ubuntu? if yes, which one?12:01
apwLetoThe2nd, not sure there is a documented way.  whats the out of tree module12:12
LetoThe2ndapw: generic, like working through the ldd3 book for learning.12:12
apwthe headers packages (installed by default) should include enough of the source build infrastructure to allow building of traditional out of tree modules in the normal way12:13
LetoThe2ndapw: pointer maybe?12:14
LetoThe2ndthx :)12:15
apwwell that sounds like it has the right sort of flow, not tried those specific instructions tho.12:15
LetoThe2ndsame variation in details is ok, just looking far a basically good way to start12:15
apwi think thats debian-ish, so we may already have the build link in place, and you should have headers installed by default12:16
LetoThe2ndapw: works like a charm, thanks :)12:30
apwLetoThe2nd, good to know12:31
LetoThe2ndapw: thats why i usually report back12:32
apwyep, thats always good, rare, but good12:38
smbherton, I had hoped to have waited for the bot long enough. Unfortunately it opened up 911994 not until I had done the rebase to with 911230. What would you prefer to get out of this? Just mark the new one invalid with a comment? Or also mark it as a duplicate of the old one?13:46
hertonsmb, I saw that, I marked it as duplicate of the old one this morning13:47
smbbjf, or for you info too. Just not sure when to expect you to be "up"13:48
smbherton, Ah, should have refreshed... :-P13:48
* smb thinks he just made it back ahead of the real shit wheather...13:49
apwsmb, yeah we are having bands of vile weather too13:50
Kanohi, did anybody test rt2800pci with 3.2?13:51
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smbapw, It is now wind, pouring rain and thunder13:52
apwnot me13:52
Kanoi identified that module, as soon as i load it the system crashes13:57
Kanomust be since at least rc2 because kernel 3.2 did never boot on my netbook13:58
Kanoand on my other system i have got dmar errors in dmesg only avoidable by adding intel_iommu=off ,do you have got a system with that problem?13:59
apwthere may be some iommu changes in the 3.2 final, that seems familar14:03
apwbut no i don't have anything with either of those behaviours14:04
Kanoh55 board,nv card14:04
apwnope, i have no nvidia at all14:05
apwnot that realtek being a heap is entirly something new14:05
argesherton, hello! when verifying bugs that are tagged 'verification-needed-natty', if someone else has posted that they confirm that the problem is solved should I still verify again, or is the other users comment sufficient?14:08
argesherton, for example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/76992714:08
ubot2`Launchpad bug 769927 in linux "Kernel Oops : Dentry still in use (1) [unmount of nfs4 0:1d]" [Undecided,Fix committed]14:08
Kanort2800pci worked flawlessly at least from .38 kernel till 3.1, before i did not have got that netbook14:09
hertonarges, yes, if they test the -proposed kernel, which is the case (comment #43)14:09
hertonarges, I'll set the tag there as verified on natty14:10
argesherton, ok great! thanks, I'll update appropriately in the future.14:10
apwKano, as you see the issue i guess you'll have to bisect for it14:12
Kanofun, then i would have to compile the kernel on another box...14:12
apwyou run the dailies anyhow, you could start with t14:12
apwthe various -rcN's to get a rough window14:12
Kanoi can not go below rc2 because it did not build on 32 bit14:13
apwbut no finding and fixing bugs is no fun14:13
Kanothe error must be before14:13
apwthat cuts your window at least14:15
Kanomaybe it is possible to build just that module against 3.1 and it breaks there too14:17
ogasawaraapw: thanks for rebasing.  gcc update is finishing up it's build on arm, then I'll upload.14:19
apwor you can debug the panic14:19
apwas it happens after you modprobe you at least get diagnostics14:19
Kanowell i have got pictures14:19
Kanonot sure if you get something usefull out of em14:20
apwKano, those are all anchient mainline kernels, the newest seems to be -rc414:24
Kanoi know, it happend the same on all newer ones14:25
apwwaht is the latest you have tested14:29
Kano3.2 final, but did not make a  picture14:30
Kanoi tested blacklisting nic drivers only because it booted on other netbooks with differnt nics14:32
tgardnerogasawara, bouncing gomeisa and tangerine 14:59
ogasawaratgardner: ack14:59
apwtgardner, i assume if T is up she has come back ?15:12
tgardnerapw, yep. I'm updating the precise chroots15:12
apwogasawara, i have been cleaning up some aufs history, so you may find some odd ordering in the tree as it is15:12
ogasawaraapw: ack15:13
tgardnerapw, ogasawara: yeah, its time to start squashing some of the noise in the git history15:13
apwogasawara, i am just build testing some an update to that per the blueprint WIs, i will need to force the head so will be needing to coordinate with yas15:13
ogasawaraapw: cool.  so you think you'll be ready to push relatively soon (eg before EOD for you?)15:16
apwyeah should know in an hour if it builds ok, if so then it can go in, we don't use it either way15:16
tgardnerapw, the tangerine precise chroot seem borken. I think I'll have to re-install.15:16
apwtgardner, ack15:16
* ogasawara back in 2015:25
tgardnerapw, am looking at the kernel top 10. are you working with slangasek to backport the udev fix to Oneiric ?15:35
tgardnerbug #84256015:35
ubot2`Launchpad bug 842560 in linux "bnx2 firmware missing" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84256015:35
tgardnerjsalisbury, I don't think 842560 needs to be on the top 10 list anymore. its pretty well handled.15:36
jsalisburytgardner, ok, I'll remove it.15:37
tgardnerjsalisbury, as is bug #90456915:37
ubot2`Launchpad bug 904569 in linux "Linux 3.0.0-15 causes laptops to fail to resume from suspend (Dell XPS 1645, Sony Vaio VPCF1390)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90456915:37
jsalisburytgardner, ok, thanks.15:38
tgardnerjsalisbury, and bug #79086315:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 790863 in linux "Unable to start lxc container after update to 2.6.32-32" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79086315:38
jsalisburytgardner, great :)15:39
apwtgardner, its on my radar yep15:39
jsalisburytgardner, done.  It takes about 30 minutes for the report to be updates.15:40
apwogasawara, ok ... how is the tree, i have something to push16:13
ogasawaraapw: go for it, I've not touched it16:23
apwogasawara, ous16:24
apwogasawara, pushed16:25
ogasawaraapw: thanks16:26
* ogasawara preps upload16:26
apwogasawara, drops a bunch of old tat for aufs, much nicer16:26
wmphello, where i can found 3.2 package to 11.10 ?16:31
* cking goes and attempts to restore Win7 on his laptop .. I feel tainted...16:33
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jsalisburywmp, Oneiric is based on the 3.0 kernel.   Are you looking for the Precise 3.2 kernel?17:06
tgardnerapw, for some reason I thought we were dropping aufs in favor of overlayfs 17:11
apwtgardner, that is our desire, we are starting to see some problems, which i want to look at at rally, seems pbuilder won't work for instance which is a bit of a problem17:12
jsalisburysmb, Do you know if ext2 not supported by the -virtual kernels?  bug 91230817:12
ubot2`Launchpad bug 912308 in linux "ext2 boot partition not recognized by linux-virtual" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91230817:12
apwtgardner, so i figured i would clean up the mess aufs has become so we are in a good place if we have to fall back17:12
vanhoofwmp: poorly named ppa, but these might be of use for you17:12
vanhoofwmp: https://launchpad.net/~vanhoof/+archive/fwts-live-mainline17:12
apwjsalisbury, its likely not built in, so it may depend if they have a proper initramfs17:13
vanhoofwmp: i rebuild the precise uploads against oneiric for a project I'm working on17:13
smbjsalisbury, Let me check the config. But could be ext2 is a module. Then one would need to force probe it...17:13
apwjsalisbury, moving ext2 not builtin is new in P17:13
jsalisburysmb, apw, ahh ok. 17:13
apwsmb, wouldn't mount normally do that for you ?17:13
vanhoofwmp: feel free to use them if they're helpful to you17:13
smbapw, Hm, should be. If its put into initrd..17:14
apwsmb, ahh it could be a lack of module in the initrd, which might mean its missing from something in mkinitramfs tools or similar17:14
smbapw, or did we have it rather in extras...? trying to get hold of a package to make sure...17:15
apw                btrfs ext2 ext3 ext4 ext4dev isofs jfs nfs reiserfs udf xfs \17:15
apwthose are all in 'base-modules' so i'd expect they'd work17:15
apwsmb, oh you mean we have left it out of linux-virtual cause it was built in, so we never noticed, thats likely17:16
smbapw, yep its in extras17:16
apwahh so jsalisbury we need to convert that bug to say linux-virtyal should include ext2 module17:17
jsalisburyapw, ok, will do.17:17
apwsmb, shall i fix it ?17:18
smbapw, jsalisbury Just wondering how you do a standard install with lvm and have the virtual kernel...17:18
apwogasawara, where we at witht he uploads17:18
ogasawaraapw: there's time17:18
ogasawaraapw: I just kicked off a test build, but I can respin it pretty quick17:18
apwsmb, ok i think we use generic in the installer, which has it, then reboot into -virtual which does not17:19
smbapw, Quite likely. Well, seems at least like something that arguable is better in the main package...17:20
smbHave we changed that when going from no extras to extras?17:20
apwogasawara, so i say let your build continue if you haven't stopped them17:22
apwand i'll just test virtual with this change17:22
ogasawaraapw: ack17:22
apwogasawara, is your tip pushed anywhere?17:22
apwi'll dump this on the top and test it, then you can reorder it if it works :)17:22
ogasawaraapw: pushed to master-next, I just added an ABI bump17:22
ogasawaraapw: havne't pushed the commit to close it up yet17:22
smbapw, Ah I see, it used to be builtin anyway and we probably decideed its not boot essential...17:22
apwsmb, right, we just demoted it, and exposed this17:23
smbapw, I wonder whether realizing that setups that require/do a separate /boot go for ext2 would be something to generally rething that before release...17:24
smbnot that it is critical normally17:24
apwsmb, shove it on the rally agenda, probabally need to ask why its not ext317:24
apwwithout a journal17:25
smbapw, Likely because you not really use it much17:25
apwwhat i mean is ext3 without the journal is the same anyhow, so we can likely use ext3 to mount it17:25
smbah ok, understand17:26
apwogasawara, ok it seems we need a meta change for the next upload, will push it shortly17:42
ogasawaraapw: ack17:42
apwogasawara, linux-image should point to the recommended kernel, which means -pae now17:43
ogasawaraapw: ah, right.  thanks.17:43
hallynis a build of git head of ubuntu-precise supposed to work right now?17:55
hallynI get failure at:17:55
tgardnerhallyn, I just finished a build on tangerine17:56
hallyndebian/build/tools/tools/perf/perf: no such file or directory17:56
hallynihm, that's where i'm building17:56
hallynjust 'debian/rules build; fakeroot debian/rlues binary' ?17:56
tgardnersforshee, tangerine:~rtg/ukb/precise/amd64/master-next17:57
tgardnerhallyn, I did the whole thing. why are you targeting 'build' , and then 'binary' ? Isn't build a superset of binary ?17:58
hallyni guess a habit from those packages which refuse to build as root (i.e. under fakeroot)17:59
hallynbut, doh, that's my problem i guess, i should be doing binary-generic not just binary17:59
hallynhopefully that'll be it - thanks18:00
tgardnerhallyn, ah, I missed that. you should be able to just build the falvour you want, e.g., 'fakeroot debian/rule binary-generic'18:00
hallyn(wonder which one it was failing on then :)18:01
tgardnerhallyn, if you're missing 'fakeroot' I think some of the user space tools won't build.18:02
apwogasawara, ok fixes pushed to linux-meta, i bumped abi and tagged it ready as well18:02
ogasawaraapw: thanks18:03
hallyntgardner: interesting, though wouldn't fakeroot binaryXYZ then compile whatever wasn't compiled?18:04
argeswow i915_enable_rc6=1 gives my t420 9 hours of battery life... i wonder if the battery indicator is correct18:04
hallynanyway, this worked - thanks!18:05
tgardnerhallyn, you're assuming all of the fine grained makefile dependencies are correct :)18:05
hallyntrue :)18:17
slangasektgardner: ping re: bug #88152918:35
ubot2`Launchpad bug 881529 in debian-installer "Natty and Oneiric LTS backport kernels need to get onto the Lucid 10.04.4 point release DVD." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88152918:35
tgardnerslangasek, yes ?18:35
slangasektgardner: hi, so skaet was asking me about this and I really have no clue...18:36
tgardnerasking you what? it seems clear to me.18:36
slangasekyou said it was "in progress", but I'm pretty sure skaet wasn't making any changes to the debian-installer package for this18:36
slangasekis all you're asking for to have the kernel packages *on* the DVD?18:36
tgardnerslangasek, yes. AFAIK skaet is the one that set the state.18:37
slangasek(in that case, the debian-installer package has nothing to do with it, which is why I'm confused)18:37
tgardnerslangasek, well, the installer has to support a kenerl installation choice18:37
slangasekok, so you want support for installing any of the kernel flavors, but still only expect the DVD to boot the lucid flavor for the initial install?18:38
tgardnerslangasek, cjwatson has already done this once for the maverick kernel on 10.04.2 (or .3?)18:38
skaettgardner, no I didn't set the state to in porgress,  log has you setting it.   I just went in and added a tag to monitor it.18:39
tgardnerslangasek, maybe the installer is the wrong package? the user should have a choice of kernels to boot from initially.18:39
slangasekwell, the installer is absolutely the right package to give users the choice of kernels to boot from initially18:39
tgardnerthats the way the current DVD point release is working.18:40
slangasekI'm having difficulty confirming that at the moment, hmm18:41
tgardnerslangasek, I haven't looked in awhile, but I'm pretty sure I was able to boot and install a maverick kernel from the lucid DVD point release.18:43
slangasektgardner: I really see only a single vmlinuz+initrd pair in the archive for the hardy point releases18:43
tgardnerslangasek, lucid, not hardy18:43
slangasekoh yes18:43
* slangasek tries the right directory18:43
slangasekahh, yes, there they are18:44
slangasekright, bug state twiddled18:45
slangasektgardner: thanks18:45
tgardnerslangasek, np18:45
jsalisburyogasawara, Looks like a new duplicate of bug 911236 was reported.18:54
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911236 in linux "DMAR:[fault reason 05] PTE Write access is not set" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91123618:54
ogasawarajsalisbury: ack.  we likely need to escalate that one upstream.  I've got it on my todo list.18:55
jsalisburyogasawara, cool, thanks.  I'll keep an eye out for further duplicates.  Do you think it should go onto our hot list?18:58
ogasawarajsalisbury: it can so we don't lose track of it18:58
jsalisburyogasawara, ack18:59
* tgardner -> lunch19:01
apwogasawara, ok i've just pushed the fix for the ext2 -virtual thingy19:16
ogasawaraapw: thanks.  I'll squeeze it into the upload.19:17
apwogasawara, i don't think we need to worry toooo much if it misses, so if you get cold feet we will survive19:17
ogasawaraapw: not a big deal to respin.  builds already finished so I'll just do a quick re-build test on amd64/i386 and boot test and upload.19:19
ogasawarasmb: if you're still around, bug 911204, did you get around to testing on real hw?19:20
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911204 in linux "precise ec2 images fail to boot with kernel oops" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91120419:20
* ogasawara assumes the patch can wait for the next upload19:22
apwogasawara, i think that linus slipped in two reverts for rtc one of which avoids this issue19:23
apwogasawara, so while smb's patch or something like it should go into mainline, it believe we should be ok with wahts in 3.219:23
ogasawaraapw: good to know, I can just have smb test with what we upload to confirm19:24
Kanoapw: http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/INTEL_IOMMU_DEFAULT_ON.html20:22
Kanoapw: could you disable that by default? if somebody really needs it i am sure he finds out how to use it20:23
Kanothat causes problems on my h55 board20:24
Kanoi will test rt2800pci with one patch soon, there have been only a few20:24
* tgardner goes to pack20:26
bjfgood plan20:26
apwKano, i suspect that means your machine needs a quirk to turn it off if it is broken20:36
Kanoi would not think thats the only one20:37
Kanoits easy enough to enable20:37
Sarvattdisabling INTEL_IOMMU_DEFAULT_ON would also let us enable rc6 by default in i915 for huge power savings :)20:39
KanoSarvatt: but the default is off by default20:42
avarisclarihello people, my questioning has had me redirected here for quick help20:45
avarisclariearlier my video card completely crashed, and i had to do a force uninstall reinstall, and i found it in xorg.1.log20:46
avarisclarii want to know if you guys know where to go from there to track down the issue20:46
avarisclarican someone tell me how to find a hard shutdown in the kern.log21:02
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GrueMasterCan someone on the kernel sru team move the oneiric omap kernel from universe to main?  I can't install the proposed kernel until it is there.22:52
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