
stahliehello everyone...   I was following the instruction on launchpad  and  tried to make install kqrcode....got error on it02:12
stahliemissing header file ...not sure how to resolve that02:12
stahliehmm...nobody is talking here02:17
EvilResistanceyeah it sometimes gets quiet here02:19
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
astraljavastahlie: If you need a certain header file, it is usually provided by a certain -dev package, which you need to add as a build dependency.09:26
astraljavastahlie: Without more details, it is hard to say anything further.09:27
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=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
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achiangi recently uploaded a brand new package in debian, and it landed in testing a few days ago. how long should i wait before i expect it to show up in ubuntu?17:22
achiangin precise, that is17:22
Laneyhopefully a new-source run will be done before DIF17:22
achiangLaney: thanks17:23
Zhenech_whe? Debian import freeze is already on the 12th? dang17:24
pdtpatrickQuestion .. im trying to make a package and i've created a <package>.install file and a tmp/ which holds files and directories I want created. However I always get an error on debuild with regards to copying the folders. What's the best method to achieve this?17:39
jtaylorpdtpatrick: whats the error?17:40
pdtpatrickrm: cannot remove debian/tmp/directory/filename: Permission denied .. dh_clean rm -rf debian/tmp returned exit code 117:42
jtaylorhave you run debuild with root rights once?17:42
pdtpatricki thought you just run debuild -S -sa without root permissions ? should i use sudo debuild -S -sa? won't lintian complain?17:43
jtayloryou should run it without17:44
jtaylorbut when you don't ahve permissions then you probably ran it with root once by accident17:44
pdtpatrickin that case, do i have to start anew? or just delete the folder and ensure the folder is at least 664 to be able to traverse it?17:45
jtayloryes try to delete it manually17:46
pdtpatrickQuestion .. debuild keeps complaining about secret key not available (gpg) .. do i need to export it in .bashrc to avoid this? if so can someone give me an example of their setup18:20
jtaylorput DEBSIGN_KEYID=... in .devscripts18:23
pdtpatrickjust create a .devscripts file in ~ and add that one line?18:23
jtaylorreplace ... with your keyid of course18:24
pdtpatrickhehe thanks for clarifying that :)18:24
pdtpatrickjtaylor: here's the error i keep getting now18:51
pdtpatrickthis is after debuild -S ran just fine. I then run sudo pbuilder build <file>.dsc18:51
pdtpatrickand it yells at me18:51
jtaylorwhy is that file in root?18:51
jtaylordebian/tmp should mirror the layout of the installation18:52
jtaylor- package splitting and files not installed18:52
jtaylorhow does the .install file look like?18:53
pdtpatricksorry I do not follow. What's the preferred method and if you can give me an example of where to put the files. Are you saying it should be in debian/tmp/tmp ? since debian/tmp == root then /tmp/tmp would actually be /tmp ?18:53
pdtpatricklet me show you the .install18:54
jtayloryes, but why would you install something to /tmp?18:54
pdtpatricki was using tmp to test .. and if it worked then i would recreate to the proper location18:56
Resistancewhy can't you just make the package and put it to the proper locations, then issue updates if it doesnt work?18:57
Resistanceafaict, nobody uses /tmp for testing package installs18:58
pdtpatrickIn that case - I got a question. So let's say i wanted a file in /data/www/location/ .. would that mean i would put the file in debian/tmp/data/www/location/<file> ? if so do i still need the .install file?18:58
jtaylorif you have more than one binary package yes18:59
jtaylorelse no18:59
pdtpatrickno to both or just the .install file? sorry i'm trying to learn the proper way of doing things18:59
jtaylorthe location would be correct19:00
jtaylorthough data is no FHS path19:00
jtaylorso you should not do that19:00
pdtpatricki c19:01
pdtpatrickcool let me try this again. You guys are very helpful.19:01
pdtpatrickthere should be a video for this :)19:01
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
jtaylorudebs should not depend on non-udebs or?20:25
Ampelbeinjtaylor: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/doc/internals/ch03.html looks to me like non-udebs are allowed as Depends.20:31
jtaylorlooks like it20:34

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