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micahgtrying to fix up chromium, but failing (at least for precise)09:43
micahgI pushed up the patch refresh, so we'll see if anything else builds tomorrow09:44
* micahg is wondering HTH it built for that person in their PPA and won't build for me09:48
micahgmeh, leaving for another day09:48
gnomefreakwas chromium PPA updated for 12.04?12:26
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gnomefreakit doesnt look like it18:15
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, i'm  still catching up from christmas, and chromium stuff is generally quite low priority18:19
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: ok thats fine i was just checking in18:19
micahgchrisccoulson: why weren't the lucid kubuntu-firefox-installer replaces needed on beta?  I still need to upload a new version to lucid with the proper replaces18:39
chrisccoulsonmicahg, the lucid beta branch already has it18:40
micahgI wasn't aware of per-release bet abranchs18:49
micahg*beta branches18:49
chrisccoulsongoodbye hanging tests :)19:23
cousin_luigiIs there a forum or a mailing list to follow the mozillateam vicissitudes?20:12
micahgused to be in /topic...there's ubuntu-mozillateam at lists dot ubuntu dot com, but I'm still clearing the moderation backlog20:14
cousin_luigimicahg: I just wanted to know about upcoming stable versions without always coming here to bother you lot.20:15
cousin_luigiGoing to subscribe to that then.20:15
cousin_luigiSpeaking of which, what's stalling ff9?20:16
micahgcousin_luigi: oh, hum, well, we try to push them out as soon as possible, this time it was due to Mozilla deciding to wait to push updates along with the lack of people working during the last week of Dec in case of breakage20:16
micahgcousin_luigi: coming today, it's been in -proposed for almost 2 weeks20:17
cousin_luigimicahg: Does the team communicate elsewhere than here?20:17
micahgnot really, I should really blog, I'll try to get that set up before 12.04 is released20:18
* micahg guesses he could dent the updates20:18
cousin_luigiin what way?20:19
micahgour goal is to release within 24 hours of upstream, but the new rapid release process doesn't make this easy20:20
cousin_luigiGuessed as much:\20:21
cousin_luigiBy the way, do you think that phasing out the 3.6.x line will cause problems in corporate environments?20:21
micahgcousin_luigi: well, Mozilla is trying to work with enterprises: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Enterprise/Firefox/ExtendedSupport:Proposal20:23
cousin_luigimicahg: Interesting.20:25
chrisccoulsonmicahg, what's happening with lucid and maverick -proposed? none of the supporting packages have been uploaded yet, so it's still broken :(20:26
chrisccoulsonif at least ubufox isn't going to be uploaded shortly, we just kill the whole thing. i wouldn't have even left that incompatible in precise for that long ;)20:27
micahgchrisccoulson: gah, I meant to do that over vacation, I can get ubufox at least uploaded tonight, the rest will be done by Monday before the call for testing goes out20:28
micahgchrisccoulson: Firefox is usable without ubufox (was at least for me), that's why I copied it in the first place20:28
chrisccoulsonmicahg, sure. except without it, we lose the default startpage20:29
chrisccoulsonwe can't drop quality like that in stable releases (even in proposed), when we're committed to not even dropping the ball like that in precise20:29
micahgaye, will upload in a few minutes20:30
micahgchrisccoulson: we don't have branches for this right?, just grab from the PPA?20:30
chrisccoulsonmicahg, yeah, that's right20:30
micahgok, ubufox is building, once it's done, I'll have it copied to -proposed20:41
chrisccoulsonmicahg, thanks20:46
chrisccoulsoncousin_luigi, if you're interested in stuff, i'll porbably post occasionally to http://www.chriscoulson.me.uk/blog/ ;)20:46
chrisccoulson(in fact, i'm just about to write another post once i've got these tests working)20:47
micahgmaybe next week is a good time for me to get a blog up when I send out the call for testing (hopefully) for the lucid/maverick rapid release migration20:48
micahg\o/ chromium stable builds again20:49
micahgat least on oneiric :-/20:50
cousin_luigichrisccoulson: interesting20:51
cousin_luigichrisccoulson: especially the part about ppa for betas20:52
chrisccoulsoncousin_luigi, yeah, they're all kept up-to-date20:53
chrisccoulsonin fact, i'm done for firefox 10 already (with the exception of the remaining beta releases between now and release day) ;)20:54
micahgjdstrand: can you please copy ubufox/mozilla-devscripts from ubuntu-security-proposed to {lucid,maverick}-proposed?21:39
jdstrandmicahg: ok21:41
jdstrandmicahg: done21:45
micahgjdstrand: thanks21:45
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chrisccoulsonfantastic, all the tests run without hanging now23:47

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