
lickalotthas anyone ever tried to install 2x WinTV 150 cards on mythbuntu?  Can you give me any pointers?  I can get one to show up (record from DVR) but the other one (play live TV) isn't being "seen".00:26
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tgm4883lickalott, did you set up multiple cards in mythtv setup?04:17
tgm4883I haven't done it in quite a while04:17
lautrivanyone around who successfully installed mdd on a frontend ?21:56
mrandmythdroid, I assume?22:03
lautrivmrand, yes the perl-part on front/backend22:08
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Seeker`what time do the ppa builds happen?23:31
Shadow__Xcompilin time23:31
dekarlSeeker`: see https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/0.2523:33
Zinn[launchpad.net] 0.25 : “Mythbuntu Developers” team23:33
Shadow__X.25 hasnt been released yet though right23:33
Seeker`bout an hours time then23:33
Seeker`Shadow__X: no, it hasn't23:34
Seeker`it is the development version23:34
dekarlhm, then try https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/0.24 ;)23:34
Zinn[launchpad.net] 0.24 : “Mythbuntu Developers” team23:34
Seeker`its the 0.25 one that interests me :)23:34
Seeker`thanks dekarl23:35
Shadow__Xits a dev build though and unless you have a specific reason to you shouldnt run it23:35
Shadow__Xyou will not get support from the mythtv team because its not a release build23:35
Seeker`Shadow__X: Yeah, I want it to build so it'll (hopefully) update my backend schema, so I can run my own compiled trunk frontend so I can do some dev work23:37
Shadow__Xoh ok :) carry on23:37
dekarlSeeker`: you can easily run your own build, even with custom patches, see http://mythbuntu.org/wiki/recipes23:37
dekarlShadow__X: IUIC Seeker` is developing/testing some metadate stuff23:37
Zinn[mythbuntu.org] Recipes | Mythbuntu23:37
Seeker`dekarl: I want to keep my main FE/BE using the packages, because they are actually being used23:39
Seeker`I have another machine which I'm playing about with the code on. Worked fine yesterday, but I guess the DB schema was bumped in the last 24 hours23:39
dekarlSeeker`: the links hints at how to build exactly the same packages as the PPA builds... so you can catch up between the PPA cycle... and you'll can seamlessly update back to the original PPA builds (will happen automatically on next update)23:41
Seeker`dekarl: might try it at the weekend. Can't spend too long screwing with the main system or I invoke girlfriendrage23:45
dekarlyeah, just wanted to point out how convenient that recipe is as you seem to be up to some tinkering ;)23:48
Seeker`spent the evening backup up DVDs instead23:50
Shadow__Xwhat is iuic23:52
dekarlI made that one up (1am over here) tried to say: if I understand it correctly23:56

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