
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
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stgrabergood morning09:19
stgrabercan I get a rebuild of Edubuntu?09:19
stgrabertoday's daily failed because of some langpacks, trying to upgrade yesterday's livefs works fine now so I'd think a rebuild should now work too09:19
brendandDaviey - ping10:18
Davieybrendand: hey!10:22
brendandDaviey - at the release meeting a few weeks ago you asked to be kept on top of server issues in certification, yeah?10:23
Davieybrendand: yes.. :)10:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 907377 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "HP ProLiant DL360 G6 has debootstrap errors during install of Precise Alpha 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged]10:24
DavieyI trustyou have good news? :)10:24
brendandi like a man who sees problems as good news :)10:25
* Daviey mutters.10:25
Davieybrendand: thanks for letting me know, tagging it for watching :)10:26
stgraberpitti, cjwatson: Can one of you trigger an Edubuntu rebuild?10:26
brendandit's a bit of a strange one because it looks like a funky hard disk from the logs, but it's 100% reproducible only in Precise and not in Oneiric10:26
brendandso maybe drivers10:26
cjwatsonstgraber: I was just going through my list of build failures10:26
cjwatsonbrendand: not d-i, at least - I'll close that task10:27
Davieybrendand: do we know when precise broke for this exactly, or just happend to notice at some point?10:27
pittitoday's failures mostly seemed like buildd lag due to langpacks and gtk?10:28
cjwatsonpitti: yes, I think so.  I'll process them10:28
brendandcjwatson - no problem10:28
brendandDaviey - Alpha1 was the first time we tested10:28
* Daviey raises his pipedream of a snapshot archive again.10:28
* brendand +110:29
brendandi wantz to go back in time. kthxbai10:29
cjwatsonwith reduced LP development, you'll be lucky10:29
pittiLP still has all the .debs10:29
pittiso in theeeeory you could download them all and run apt-ftparchive, but that'll take quite some time10:29
Davieypitti: right, fancy writing an archive proxy.py for it? :)10:30
pittinot at this time :)10:30
pittiin most cases I jsut want to downgrade a package or two10:30
Davieythe pool is easy, it's the indexing which is harder.10:30
pittivery nice for trying a previous kernel or library10:30
pittiDaviey: apt-ftparchive packages . | gzip -9 > Packages.gz is simple10:31
pittiDaviey: but you need to find the right package versions at alpha-1 time10:31
pittieasy for the packages which are on images (.manifest/.list)10:31
Davieypitti: it wasn't my intention to pre-download the debs.. but retrieve on demand.10:31
pittibut involves parsing changelogs and comparing timestamps for others10:31
pittiDaviey: on demand> like apt-get install mypackage=precise-alpha-2?10:32
pittifor a single package that's rather easy10:32
micahgISTR broder having some type of mirror w/a VCS10:32
pittijust grab it from LP10:32
Davieypitti: more like, echo "deb     http://snapshot.launchpad.net/archive/ubuntu/20111012T111800Z/ precise main" > /etc/apt/sources.list10:33
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cjwatsonall images that failed last night are rebuilding now, with the exceptions of kubuntu-mobile {omap,omap4} since those seem to be longer-term problems10:35
Davieymaybe make /alpha-1 an alias, and /precise-day-3310:35
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GrueMasterskaet, pitti: Can someone move linux-image-*-omap from universe back to main?  This is breaking my life.22:42
GrueMasterlinux-image-3.0.0-15-omap | 3.0.0-15.25 | http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ oneiric-proposed/universe armel Packages22:45
skaetSpamapS, ^ can you help?   I think you've just gone through this bit of fun recently...22:55
slangasekGrueMaster: do you know the source package names offhand?22:55
SpamapSskaet: no I can't do that part AFAIK, I don't have direct access. :-/22:57
* SpamapS will sit down with slangasek and/or pitti next week and figure out what we can do to clarify what he can/can't do22:57
slangasekseems to be from the 'linux' source22:58
skaetSpamapS, okie,  pull me in to the discussions if its convenient.    slangasek, can you help out right now?22:58
GrueMasterslangasek: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/linux/3.0.0-15.2522:58
* skaet sees slangasek helping, and says thank you.22:59
slangasekGrueMaster, skaet: binaries from the linux source package on armel have been bumped to main in oneiric-proposed23:08
slangasek(modulo the publisher run)23:08
skaetThanks slangasek! :)23:09
slangasekGrueMaster: if this affects any other flavors, I need to know what those are23:09
GrueMasterI doubt it.  omap is the only armel kernel in the main tree since Natty.23:09
GrueMasterAnd looking at my mirror of ports.u.c, it appears to be limited to linux-image-3.0.0-15-omap (and supported packages).  So everything from the current Oneiric proposed kernel.23:12
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Riddellwhere is the template for the release team meeting e-mail?  so I can copy and paste it instead of editing other posts23:32
skaetRiddell, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2011-November/000471.html23:36
Riddellskaet: but I need to add wiki formatting to those headers23:42
Riddell(I'm just wanting to minimise the effort in a repetative task)23:42
skaetRiddell, fair enough.   Just went and created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/Agenda/TeamTemplate.  Is that what you're looking for?23:49
Riddellskaet: yes lovely23:53

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