
czajkowskiaquarius: daft Q when you purchase U1 music and download it to the music application you use, how can change that to store it locally ?00:00
aquariusnot sure I understand the question00:00
aquariusit *is* stored locally00:01
ali1234surely that depends which music app you use?00:01
czajkowskias in my music folder I'd assumed to find my music, yet it;s not there I've to go to banshee to play the stuff I've bought00:01
aquariusit's just stored in a different folder00:01
aquariuslook in .ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One00:01
czajkowskiI don't see that on machine00:01
czajkowskihmm maybe I'm looking in the wrong place00:02
aquariusin your home folder. You may need to turn on "show hidden files", because it's called .ubuntuone00:02
czajkowskiaye found via command line00:03
czajkowskiwhy the hell is it hidden00:03
aquariusbecause the best way to play your music is through the music app, not by poking around in the file manager.00:03
czajkowskinot when I want to drag them onto my phone :)00:04
* AlanBell liberated stuff from there and put in music00:04
aquariusdrag them from Rhythmbox or Banshee to the file manager window showing your phone.00:04
aquariusyou do not need to dig around in the file manager to find the mp3 files. Trust me on this. :)00:05
czajkowskiand the bug I reported as well meant I was losing track of what music I had downloaded so was trying to keep an eye on what should and shouldnt be there00:05
aquariusspeaking purely for myself, I just put all my music in u1 and then use the music streaming app.00:05
aquariusbut that's me :)00:05
czajkowskii've not had great sucess with the streaming app00:05
czajkowskibut that was on the hero00:05
czajkowskiI may try it again on this phone00:06
aquariusshould still work, although the hero's a bit old these days. (It was good; that's why I had one too. But it might struggle a bit with more modern apps.)00:06
aquariusbe worth trying again, I suggest00:06
aquariusAlanBell, you can do that, indeed. You run a small risk of the music store losing track of whether you've bought a song and so downloading it again, though00:06
czajkowskiand if they fix my bug I reported I cna go back to downloading the rest of my purhcased music and stop bothering you :)00:07
AlanBellaquarius: I bought one CD which I can't remember what it is, and that twisted sister song00:08
aquariusthen not too big a worry. :)00:08
czajkowskithat;s what happened me I copied on one machine locally and deleted them by accident now I need to download them all again00:13
czajkowskivery timely00:13
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aquariusthe two laptops have incompatible drives00:25
aquariusdifferent connectors.00:25
aquariusgrargh. :(00:26
aquariusthe broken one is sata00:26
aquariusmy replacement is ide00:26
* aquarius sobs00:26
aquariussomewhere around I have a disc caddy which has a 64GB SSD in it, which I'd donate to the cause if I could FIND IT00:27
* aquarius headbutts everything00:27
aquariusanyone seen it?00:27
hamitronI've seen a 64Gb SSD before00:28
hamitronnot sure it is the same one ;/00:28
aquariuscan't think where I'd have put it00:28
aquariuswell, that's not true; I can think of where I'd have put it, which is in my leads box, and it isn't there. Can't think of where *else* I'd have put it :(00:28
hamitronspare hdd box?00:29
aquariuswho do I look like, Evelyn de Rothschildt? I don't have that many spare drives :)00:29
aquariusthere's the one in my old laptop, but I'm not sure I wanna give that up.00:29
hamitronmust admit, I don't have enough laptop hdd for a dedicated box either00:30
hamitronjust 200:31
czajkowskispare one here in london aquarius but a bit far to travel at night00:31
aquariusI can even tell you what colour the caddy is! where is it?? Stupid thing.00:32
* aquarius tries summoning it by telekinesis00:33
hamitronis it black?00:33
aquariussort of a teal-y greenish-blue colour.00:33
hamitronyuck :/00:33
aquariusI've already tried that thing where you flop into a chair exhausted and then let your gaze idly drop to a place and lo, there it is. Didn't work.00:34
czajkowskiaquarius: knowing you, it's with your power adaptors and passport :)00:34
* aquarius chuckles.00:34
aquariusIn the search, I found 4 (four) power adaptors.00:34
aquariusI know where the passport is :)00:34
czajkowskigood lord man00:34
aquariusyeah, that goes along with the two already in my laptop bag ;)00:34
czajkowskiare they all USA or at least half EU00:34
czajkowskispecial aq00:34
aquariusthree EU, two US/AU, one boxy thing that works everywhere00:35
czajkowskiand no hdd00:35
aquariusthis is what happens when you buy a new adaptor on every trip for two years00:35
aquariusno hdd. grrrrrrrr00:35
aquariusok, so it's give back a non-working computer, or give up my really fast spare SSD which I don't want to do, or find the old SSD which I don't mind giving up but can't find.00:36
aquariusmy life is rubbish.00:36
czajkowskiaquarius: or wait till the mornign and do a maplan run and get one and yer sorted00:36
aquariusyeah, but then I'm blowing out half my day with my daughter in order to ponce about with someone else's laptop, which I don't really wanna do :(00:37
aquariusfound a PCMCIA 10baseT wireless card, if anyone wants one00:38
czajkowskiIm sure niamh would understand given who it's for. You could show her how to put it in without breaking it :)00:39
pauljwellsAnybody help me booting 3.0 kernel on powerpc G5?00:40
czajkowskiaquarius: is it in a box in the spare room in the cubbord on the top shelf ?00:43
aquarius/!\ No results found for "where is my spare ssd".00:44
aquariuseven google is no help00:44
aquarius"All the world's information". Yeah, right00:44
czajkowskiGoogle isn't helping me sleep either00:44
hamitronpauljwells, linuxfromscratch docs may help00:45
czajkowskiaquarius: are you really sure you have a spare ssd and didnt' pawn it off to someone else ?00:45
aquariusthe thought has occurred to me that it was on the Big List Of Stuff I Gave To Adam.00:45
aquariusI don't *think* it was.00:45
czajkowskiaquarius: ring him00:45
aquariusit's quarter to one in the morning!00:46
czajkowskiaquarius: you;re up, I'm up and others are, he;s a geek he's boud to be00:47
aquariusha! not sgned into chat. So, not awake. :)00:50
czajkowskigreat logic there aquarius00:51
czajkowskiI'm totally amazed you dont know where your ssd is00:51
* hamitron is too tight to buy one to use, nevermind lose one00:52
czajkowskihamitron: meet aquarius he loses lots of things and then finds them at the wrong time00:52
hamitronhehe :)00:52
czajkowskigah I can hear bf sleeping wtf cant I sleep00:52
hamitrondoesn't help, typing on IRC tbh00:53
hamitronalthough , we ofc love you to be here ;D00:53
czajkowskihes in bed I'm in the tv room00:53
czajkowskihamitron: thanks!00:53
hamitronI wonder why geeks stay up late?00:54
czajkowskiI'm crap at sleeping00:57
hamitronI'm fairly good at it tbh, just not at the right times :/00:57
* czajkowski imagines aquarius from the lack of noise running around the house pulling bags and boxes out looking for his ssd 00:57
aquariusdead on right.00:58
czajkowskiwhats wore is I can almost hear the swearing from here00:58
czajkowskiand scratching his head and looking for a cig00:58
aquariusok, now officially annoyed.01:00
aquariusI may have to just flounce off to bed in a huff, I think. Grr. Perhaps it'll turn up tomorrow.01:01
aquariusttfn, all.01:01
czajkowskiaquarius: toodles01:02
czajkowskibet it comes to him in the middle of the night01:02
czajkowskiand then remembers where it is01:03
directhexmaybe he left it in a dodgy birmingham bar as he left in disgust, for the crime of playing "mr brightside" at him01:27
Azelphurcan you not buy ksplice any more?02:44
AlanBellmorning all07:22
shaunoafter a week in the UK, I can confirm real ales are alive and kicking in the north east, and geordies might actually be in the running for the friendliest people on earth.  fun week07:48
DJonesMorning all08:02
TheOpenSourcerermorning all - nice roundup of whats new in kernel 3.2 -: http://www.h-online.com/open/features/What-s-new-in-Linux-3-2-1400680.html08:56
matttmorning morning09:10
daubersachievment unlocked: Made the estate agents panic09:10
matttdaubers: how so?09:10
czajkowskidaubers: heh how so ?09:10
daubersmattt: Landlord let himself in again yesterday and left the door unlocked. So rang the agents today and asked for a copy of either the court order or a description of the emergency for which he let himself in with09:11
daubersNo notice == no acces09:11
matttyeah, gotta give 24 hours notice or some crap right?09:12
daubersYup, unless in an emergency or unless they have a court order granting them access09:12
matttdaubers: did you land your place in newbury?09:12
daubersmattt: No :(09:12
daubersmattt: Turns out the area is like a demiliterised zone09:13
matttwhat do you mean?09:13
MartijnVdSDemilitarized is good. No tanks roaming the streets, etc. :P09:14
daubersThe area that house was in had a lot of a reputation when we asked around09:14
DJonesdaubers: You make it sound like Tripoli09:14
MartijnVdSDJones: Newbury, Tripoli. Easy typo to make09:14
czajkowskidaubers: interesting in my old place in aldershot landlord used to come and go as he pleased one day he let himself in to use the internet, his reasons were house was still being set up (not really) and we leased rooms not the entire house but yet he was in our communal area09:15
mattti've had my apartment for 2.5 years now, never seen the landlord once since we moved in09:15
matttmaybe he's been sneaking in behind my back :P09:15
daubersczajkowski: http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/index/your_family/home_and_neighbourhood_index_ew/renting_a_home_index_ew/common_problems_with_renting.htm#The_landlords_rights_of_entry09:15
matttdaubers: familiar w/ purley?  we've put an offer on a place there ...09:16
daubersmattt: Purley is supposed to be quite nice09:16
czajkowskidaubers: aye I did look it at the time, but again we leased rooms not a house.09:16
czajkowskiI recognise that name as a train stop I pass on the way to caterham09:16
matttdaubers: i hope so ... made sure the house is outside of any flooding area :)09:16
daubersczajkowski: In that scenario I'd check your contract and ask at the cab09:16
czajkowskidaubers: tis cool I dont live there any more and he as within his rights09:17
daubersmattt: I've driven through there a couple of times. Seem's nice and quiet09:17
matttthis site is brilliant if you're looking for a place to live: http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/default.aspx09:17
daubersczajkowski: I've been tempted to ring the agents a couple of times after he's done it and say "We got home today, noticed the landlord had let himself in again and the TV is missing...."09:18
matttdaubers: lol09:18
czajkowskidaubers: what has the agent said to you regarding him letting himself in ?09:19
daubersczajkowski: He's not allowed to. They agree and weren't surprised when I told them I'd just ring the police next time he did on the last occasion he did, which is why I've asked for the documentation this time09:19
czajkowskihmm very odd they didnt ring him and warn him09:20
czajkowskiand more daft of him to then do so again09:20
MartijnVdSczajkowski: he might not care09:20
MartijnVdSczajkowski: or think it's "just a threat"09:20
daubersLast time he did it he covered half our stuff with paint and I ripped into them09:20
czajkowskiunless as one of my mates landlord said, it's still his property and he's entitled to check on things09:20
daubersczajkowski: He's not09:20
daubersHe has to give 24 hours notice09:20
czajkowskidaubers: I appreciate he has to,  I do. but ....09:21
daubersIf he supplies 24 hours notice in writing, we can't refuse him entry, but he can't let himself in without giving notice or our agreement09:21
daubersIt's in the housing act09:21
daubersor the landlord and tennant act, one of those two09:21
oimonugh..don't put your breakfast almond croissant in the same bag as an onion roll.09:22
daubersI'm done with playing games, he's proven he doesn't really care by telling me that he'll fix the building issues "Before the next tennants move in"09:22
shaunoI do wonder if it's a little bit odd in places where you're letting a room, rather than the whole property.  I've been quite clear on that bit09:22
shaunoer, never been quite clear, rather09:22
popeyMorning ratfans!09:24
* daubers goes to order a new laptop and wait for the estate agent to ring back09:25
oimonfor yourself daubers?09:26
DJonesgrr. Sourceforge is down09:30
oimoncall the cops09:33
oimonbah, their status page is broken too09:34
DJonesoimon: I tried that :)09:34
daubersoimon: Yeah new work laptop for me09:35
DJonesI guess they must still be on holiday, their twitter account hasn't been updated either09:35
oimoni'm an excellent speller but find it hard to remember the spelling of veeam , such a lame word09:36
oimonoften get veaam or veamm09:37
DJonesoimon: Is that even a word?09:39
oimonnot a word, but a product09:39
DJonesAh, that explains why I can't find a definition in a dictionary09:39
DJonesI was trying to look it up to see what it meant09:40
oimoni have my blanket again today. i wonder if i can take it to a meeting09:40
DJonesI could do with a hot water bottle09:41
oimondid that last year. tootsies get rather cold in this office09:41
oimonif you are applying for a role/project at work, is it arrogant on the form to say that $company would benefit from my services?09:55
popeydaubers: what you gettin?09:56
dauberspopey: Samsung i5 thing09:56
dauberspopey: http://www.added-dimension.co.uk/ExpertNotes/2011/Samsung/Notebooks/NP-600B4B-A01UK.pdf <- That09:57
gordoimon, if you have to ask, its probably not worth taking the risk09:58
gordonjcpoimon: maybe, maybe not09:59
oimonchanged it to "i have a lot to offer"09:59
gordonjcpoimon: you're trying to get them to buy what you're selling09:59
gordi will pay you ten english pounds if you change that to "otter"09:59
gordonjcpoimon: if you have a specific thing they can benefit from that you do, you should tell them09:59
* oimon finds a suitably ambiguous font09:59
DJonesoimon: Comic Sans :)10:00
popeynice daubers10:00
gordi had to print out some labels over the holidays, used the ubuntu font of course. something about it seemed quite comic sansey. kinda weird when it looks quite professional on all my displays10:00
oimonusing glabel? that's a great app10:01
oimonespecially for jam jars10:01
JamesTaitMorning all.10:01
gorderm, i used open office, i guess, or libre office? i don't know. i pressed the document button on my launcher and got something and it had a label button10:02
oimonshame, glabel is a joy10:02
gordwhatever it was let me select the specific paper type i was using and let me edit the text that was printed on them, pretty much all i needed ;)10:02
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:40
brobostigonhello Laney10:41
brobostigonnot in the slightest, my eczema is pretty bad. and you?10:41
Laneyoh :(10:41
brobostigonagreed, yes.10:42
Laneyback at work blues10:42
Laneylistening to uupc though, and glad to see that they propogated the "fedex arrow" disease to others :-)10:42
popeyi didnt look during the show10:43
popeyjust looked10:43
popeycan't unlook10:43
Laneyyou definitely can't unsee it10:43
Laneybut your mission becomes to spread the virus as wide as possible10:43
popeywhich reminds me10:45
* popey fires up gpodder10:45
Laneynow i feel christmassy again10:48
Laneypretty blowy out there, eh?10:50
davmor2Morning All11:03
* davmor2 tickles czajkowski 11:03
czajkowskidavmor2: hello my dear how are you this fantastic morning11:08
* davmor2 staples czajkowski hair to the back of her chair for being so damn cheerful11:09
davmor2Fine thanks11:09
czajkowskigreat thanks11:09
MooDoogood morning davmor2 kind sir and czajkowski beautiful ma'am :D11:23
MooDoooh ello popey you old git ;)11:23
popeythats more like it11:23
gordif i ever see davmor2 with a stapler in his hand, i'm going to judo chop him in the face.11:24
MooDoogord: remove the first part and just jodo chop him any way11:24
czajkowskiMooDoo: ello poppin, how was your Christmas?11:25
MooDooczajkowski: it was fabulous my darling, i hope you got everything your beautiful heart desired ;)11:25
czajkowskiI did indeed, it was great11:26
MooDooczajkowski: fabbo, i got a new camera :D11:26
czajkowskioh snazzy what kind ?11:26
czajkowskihmm that reminds me I need to get a lens protector and some cleaning fluid11:27
MooDooczajkowski: Nikon D300s with a MB-d10 battery grip :)11:27
davmor2popey: did you like the youtube video of minecraft with wii remote :)11:28
popeydidnt see it11:28
davmor2Jan 04 12:51:13 <davmor2>popey: this one is for you and the minecraft massive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgJHDPTN5gw11:31
czajkowskiMooDoo: nice11:32
MooDooczajkowski: yes it is :)11:33
czajkowskidanfish: AlanBell mattt just rang grounpon and got them to reset my code will be fixed on monday, seems to have been some issue with the codes being uploaded. you can email them to get yours reset12:11
bigcalmdavmor2: whom are you calling massive?12:11
davmor2bigcalm: I know there is big following and posse didn't sound right :D12:13
MartijnVdSJungle is massive?12:14
gordthe 90's was 12 years ago, let it go :P12:16
* bigcalm wibbles12:16
MartijnVdSgord: NO!12:17
davmor2gord: I'm stuck in the 80's dude leave me be12:17
MartijnVdSdavmor2: 1880s?12:17
gordspent a good chunk of yesterday trying to remember the name of that red headed comedian that would fake interview people on the red carpet in the 90's. finally remembered this morning -_-12:17
davmor2MartijnVdS: I ain't that old :P12:18
bigcalmgord: whom was it?12:18
gordbigcalm, that would ruin all the fun wouldn't it?12:18
bigcalmI don't remember such things any way :P12:19
monsterwizardwhat does everyone think of my set up12:20
MartijnVdSmonsterwizard: reverse nyan cats?12:20
bigcalmSomeone set us up the bomb12:20
MartijnVdSbigcalm: http://unhearit.com/12:20
bigcalmWhat I'm currently listening to has a bit of a rude name, so won't repeat it12:21
davmor2gord: I vaguely remember that12:22
Dave2I was confused and then realized that this wasn't the channel I thought it was12:22
bigcalmDave2: disturbing isn't it?12:22
* christel channels Dave2 12:22
bigcalmOh my12:22
christelI'll disturbe YOUR channel12:22
christel(did i do it right?)12:22
bigcalmYou have12:22
gordDave2, check around your surroundings for jedi's12:22
christeldo you know what i did yesterday?12:23
christeli installed ubuntu for the first time evar12:23
bigcalmNo, but I know what you did last summer12:23
bigcalmWhat drove you over the edge?12:23
christelhaving always said that it was a silly distro and i'd stick to debian etc12:23
davmor2Dave2: This is not the channel you are looking for, you can go about your business, move along, move along12:23
christelbigcalm: well, i feel it was only fair seeing how i keep impersonating an ubuntu user and attend all these ubuntu social events full of lovely people12:24
christeland you know, i sort of like it12:24
daubersthe lovely people are the big pull factor for ubuntu - *FACT*12:24
gord"Ubuntu: I sort of like it". we should put that on the website12:24
gordonjcp"Ubuntu - it's not that bad when you get your head round it"12:25
davmor2christel: Isn't that like most people saying it's the most amazing thing in the universe?12:25
AlanBellthanks czajkowski12:25
davmor2christel: Blame czajkowski she isn't breaking, damn her!12:26
christeldavmor2: don't break her, she's going in to be repaired tomorrow -- wait until she returns!12:26
bigcalmThe ubuntu-uk website needs a 'faint praise' section12:27
christelit'll be much more satisfying then!12:27
christelit also was much quicker to install than gentoo.. who would have thought it?12:27
davmor2christel: No then I have to be nice till she is better then I get to annoy her really good :)12:27
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bepoh noes12:28
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christeli may give it a try for a while, we shall see how i like it12:28
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davmor44 is better than 312:28
christeli've even decided to give unity a fair try (though xfce may be pulling me back)12:28
davmor4even better than 212:28
MartijnVdSdavmor4: why not pi?12:29
* davmor4 chuckles12:29
oimonmy brother in law "hey oimon i instaleld ubuntu on my laptop, it's brilliant, it's really improved since that time you tried to get me to use it 5 years ago". me: " hey that's great. glad you enjoy.which version?" b-in-law: "the latest one, 11.04 i think",12:29
popeyScrew you, nay-sayers!12:30
oimoni guess that means he has unity12:30
gordi read earlier that mint is going to start having its own de forked off from shell. i have no idea what the "i hate everything new" people are going to use now12:31
oimonown what?12:31
gorddesktop environment?12:32
MartijnVdSgord: terminals with vi12:32
oimoni thought you said de-forked12:32
oimonnew word12:32
popeyyay, i left a comment on omg12:32
popeyit's got 36 "likes"12:32
popeythat means I'm right, right?12:32
oimonright according to 14yr olds12:33
MartijnVdSpopey: no it means people like you12:33
popeydunno if they know its me12:33
popeyno avatar12:33
MartijnVdSpopey: nickname "The Popester", they know it's you.12:33
popey14 year olds are the ubuntu users of the future12:33
popey50 year old beardy anti-change types are the worm-fodder of the future12:33
oimon14 year old omg readers are the reactionary distro hopping wannabe mac owners of the future12:34
directhexi am the me of the future12:34
oimonhaving said that , i look forward to the release of elementary os12:34
popeythe only distro hoppers I know are mid-thirties and above12:35
gordi think its a testament to the ubuntu community that you can often not tell the 12 year olds from the rest of them12:35
popeylazy people who can't be arsed to file a bug, but _can_ be arsed to download an iso and completely reinstall their desktop12:35
christelaahh, i've done some distro hopping12:35
gordi meant that in the nice way, not in the everyone in ubuntu is a 12 year old way ;)12:36
oimonpopey link to comment?12:36
directhexstrictly speaking, i don't care how old someone is, as long as they're not an idiot12:36
directhexi tend to give idiots what they deserve, regardless of age12:36
oimonalthough most of us were eejits when teenagers12:36
christeli dunno, i think my idiocy started much later..12:37
popeyin thre12:37
directhexconveniently, directhex@debian.org can be mean to people. directhex@ubuntu.com signed a code of conduct, and he's well behaved12:37
daubersWhy do  Ikeep hearing cockney rebel on the radio at the minute?12:37
* czajkowski tickles christel hello darling 12:38
christelhey babe!12:38
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oimongord, were you referring to the cinnamon desktop?12:45
gordoimon, maybe? i dunno12:46
oimoni'm in favour of cinnamon if it makes gnome shell eaier to use12:46
oimonessentially they are repackaging gnome desktop in the same way that ubuntu did with gnome2.x series (because the stock gnome 2.x was ugly). although many people never saw stock gnome2 cos most distros prettified it12:48
oimoncurrently the gnome shell notifications interferes with the dock, so i hope i there's either an extension or different desktop that fixes the annoyances i've discovered with shell.12:50
christelmmm i want a cinnamon swirl now13:09
oimonwhen twitter says via: $app for chrome, does it mean chrome OS or chrome browser app? or both?13:09
oimonhmm it seems hotot is available as a chrome browser app, must be it the13:11
matttczajkowski: thanks for the update!13:11
oimoni just looked at www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu . it seems that a lot of people are using it as askubuntu or irc replacement . weird13:22
bigcalmA client has just told me that "you're being very modest!". I can't tell if they are being sarcastic or not :(13:24
popeyoimon: people ask their own community13:27
oimoni ask ubuntu-uk irc for advice on home appliances and tv aerials13:27
davmor2czajkowski: how come you get to tickle christel and not get your hands slapped13:34
DJonesdavmor2: She must have warm hands13:34
christeloh, she enjoys a good slap too much ;)13:46
selinuxiumHi all.   o/13:47
selinuxiumOnly just noticed Dropbox have updated there T&Cs... :(    http://www.itproportal.com/2011/07/04/dropbox-updates-terms-service-now-owns-all-your-stuff/13:47
DJonesEwww, this looks a biy icky http://regmedia.co.uk/2012/01/05/quick_2.jpg13:49
MartijnVdSHmm.. burned to a crisp13:50
MartijnVdSselinuxium: again?!13:50
MartijnVdSselinuxium: 04 July, 201113:50
gordselinuxium, those type of agreements are normally there just so they can share your files, you have to give them the rights to let other people look at them13:50
DJonesMartijnVdS: Black dye apparently, to celebrate the release os Star Wars 1 in 3D13:51
MartijnVdSThere was never a Star Wars 113:51
MartijnVdSonly IV, V and VI exist.13:51
gordmessa think you kidding yourself13:51
MartijnVdSgord: I also think they should make a sequel to The Matrix13:51
MartijnVdSbecause they never did..13:52
DJonesMartijnVdS: This is true, although the scripts for 1-3 and 7-9 were done from memory13:52
oimonDJones: is tht yoda's teeth in the jedi burger?13:52
selinuxiumMartijnVdS, I did say I only just noticed... :)13:53
DJonesoimon: Yuch, that makes the dark burger sound more appealing13:53
oimonthe dark one looks more like death star than vaders bonce13:54
Laneyhaha, that Ubuntu phone mockup13:57
oimondon't laugh too soon13:58
oimonif shuttleworth does a monkey dance with the phone13:58
popeyit wont be a phone, it'll be a toaster14:20
daubers Ubutoast!14:21
popeyanyone know if it's possible to supress the screensaver lock when you resume from suspend?14:21
daubersOr have they finally implimented coffee over IP?14:21
popeyso it wakes to the desktop?14:21
daubersDo we still use the gnome screensaver thing?14:23
AlanBellpopey: in gconf-editor14:23
popeyoh, where?14:23
Laneyit used to be /apps/power-manager/something/lock IIRC, but that might have changed with gsettings14:24
AlanBellerr, it is gone14:24
AlanBellapps/gnome-power-manager/lock I think, but it isn't there, I did it on an old laptop14:25
lubotu3Gnome bug 662432 in gnome-power-manager "No way to disable screen locking after suspend." [Major,New]14:25
popeythis is on 11.1014:25
popeysuggestions include.. blanking the password14:27
popeyand removing the screensaver package14:28
* popey tickles aquarius with SSDs14:28
AlanBellI was thinking kill the screensaver in /etc/apm/resume.d14:28
popeyanother good one14:28
AlanBell*however* that means someone can unlock your screensaver by closing the lid and re-opening it14:28
popeythis is for someone who has a girlfriend with a netbook who cares little for security14:29
popeyso 'meh'14:29
Laneybut wants the lock on normally?14:29
popeywants to never have to enter passwords14:29
AlanBelloh, just turn off the screensaver lock then14:29
popeythe old windows and osx way14:29
Laneyyes indeed14:29
popeythat doesnt work AlanBell14:29
popeyresume _always_ invokes screensaver14:29
popeywhether you have that on or off14:29
Laneygsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen 'true'14:30
Laneytry that14:30
popeythanks for the suggestions chaps14:33
gordonjcpAlanBell: re closing and opening laptop lid - that's not really important; if I decide I never want a screensaver password under any circumstances I should be able to get that14:34
gordonjcpI never want to have to enter a login password either14:35
Laneyit wasn't clear that was what was requested14:35
AlanBellgordonjcp: yes, I didn't understand the requiremnets properly14:35
gordonjcpAlanBell: ah, I see14:35
gordonjcpAlanBell: it's annoying wee niggly things like that, that really bug me14:35
AlanBellwhat I would like is if I wander off and leave my laptop it locks. If I shut the lid, walk somewhere else with it and open it then I don't have to unlock it because I never left it14:36
gordonjcpalthough what's most annoying is that suspend doesn't work at all14:36
gordonjcpAlanBell: well in that case, use bluetooth14:36
gordonjcpAlanBell: get your laptop to detect your phone and lock based on RSSI14:36
AlanBellgood point, is there a nice package for that?14:37
gordonjcpthere used to be14:37
gordonjcpthat's how the thing that did that on Macs worked14:37
AlanBell!info blueproximity14:39
lubotu3blueproximity (source: blueproximity): locks/unlocks your desktop tracking a bluetooth device. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.5-5 (natty), package size 290 kB, installed size 968 kB14:39
* AlanBell goes to poke someone about the bot distro version14:40
daubers\o/ my horrific mass of interlinked models in django work14:42
s-foxBoo MooDoo  :)14:47
KrisDouglasI love blueproximity15:05
Laneysounds like a battery sapper15:06
KrisDouglasDepends how good your BT device is/how well supported.15:07
AlanBellmy house has stopped responding to pings15:41
oimonif a a blueray writer writes BR disks at 6x , what speed does it write DVDs if at all?15:42
gordi don't think there is a direct relation15:43
oimoni seee15:45
oimonlooking further it seems that a typical 6x BR writer, will read/write dvd at between 5-8x ..so 35mbs vs 10mbs15:46
oimoni meant to say, 35mbs = 1x BR , 10mb = 1x DVD. also a 6x BR writer will prob write at between 2x-6x15:47
davmor2Laney: depends if your bluetooth device is a PS3 controller :D15:48
davmor2oimon: No it will almost certain burn as fast as the DVD will allow15:49
rascal999are there any hack talks in the uk?16:01
zleapnot sure,  you mean like in the US16:04
rascal999zleap: yeah16:05
zleapwell user groups may give talks,  on stuff16:05
zleaphacking is seen my many as breaking in to systems,  rather than hacking in the programming sense16:06
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 16:06
zleapor hardware hacking sense16:06
zleaprascal999, sorry i can't help further16:17
davmor2czajkowski: what for this time?16:20
czajkowskidavmor2: just cause :)16:21
rascal999zleap: 44con is what i was after16:23
davmor2czajkowski: that's worrying16:25
czajkowskiaww miss you too davmor216:25
bigcalmHave a hug and be happy :)16:31
MonsterKiller? stock16:34
MonsterKillerwrong one16:34
danfishpractice manager - "the screen on the server's gone all funny"16:37
danfishit's a windows 2003 server16:37
oimoni embarrassed myself the other day by asking where the base unit of a new imac was. looked identical to an apple monitor16:38
=== jutnux is now known as jutnux|revision
danfish^^^ reason 1103 why it can be bad to have a gui on a server :/16:38
zleapok,  i will look 44con up to see what it is anyway16:42
AzelphurIs it possible to create a user called "admin" which is the same as the admin group? useradd and adduser whine about the group already existing17:05
ali1234yes it's possible17:06
ali1234just edit /etc/passwd17:07
ali1234ubuntu makes a group for every user17:07
ali1234idk why, it never used to work that way17:07
Azelphurthink actually instead of creating an admin account I'll just give each person who requires it an account in the admin group, it's probably better/more secure anyway.17:09
bigcalmYou could use sudo17:09
Azelphurthat would be using sudo17:09
Azelphurif you put someone in the admin group, that gives them sudo access17:09
=== jutnux|revision is now known as jutnux
jutnuxYou can also edit the sudoers file by typing visudo17:11
directhexyou can pass --ingroup to adduser, to add a new user to an old group17:33
MartijnVdSyou don't even have to learn vi if you set the EDITOR or VISUAL environment variable17:34
bigcalmOh my17:38
bigcalmFriday tomorrow \o/17:39
zleapgedit or bluefish works fine for me,17:40
gordonjcpgedit ftw17:41
zleaphello ukaya17:43
ukayahow are you17:43
LaneyI am scared about my impending windy ride home :-O17:53
zleapok is this correct,  for apps the close button thingy is on the top bar of unity, whereas the nautilus one is on each window ?17:54
directhexi am scared about my impending attempt to get out of a tight parking space17:58
Laneyone day i'll learn to drive18:00
TheOpenSourcererquick grep question... please.18:25
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: !ask :P18:25
TheOpenSourcererSyntax to search for "..."18:25
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: grep \\.\\.\\. foo18:26
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: or grep '\.\.\.' foo18:26
MartijnVdShttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaning_toothpick_syndrome :)18:26
TheOpenSourcerergah - there are millions of "..." in the code. Am trying to find a SQL query that has a LIMIT clause and is adding "..." to the result. This will be fun. BUt now it's tea time!18:29
MartijnVdSbigcalm: grep does {x} syntax?18:29
bigcalmNo idea :)18:29
MartijnVdSbigcalm: also, escaping for shell, so \\.18:29
bigcalmI assumed containing quotes18:30
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: do you need to replace ... with &hellip; ?18:31
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: nah. I just want to find where the code is appending "..." to the result. But tea's up. Laterz.18:33
bigcalmI see18:36
AlanBellyay, home router rebooted and my house can be pinged again18:45
bigcalmWe had my grand mother's router on a timer switch that would turn it off for 1 min each day. Only way to ensure that it was working the rest of the time due to random drops18:46
davmor2popey: I wants a shuttlepad :D19:46
popeyMe too! :D19:49
davmor2popey: I'll take a couple of those Ubuntu Phones from OMG!Ubuntu too :D19:50
popeyyeah, maybe if they dial down the orange a bit19:50
jacobwmore aubergine19:52
davmor2popey: No I like the Orange and the 2inches of camera lens19:58
jutnuxI want a Shuttlepad and an American Mastiff20:04
jutnuxOr a St Bernard :-)20:06
* gordonjcp isn't really a dog person20:10
ali1234ubuntu phones lol20:12
christeli don't know what a shuttlepad is20:12
* christel googleses20:12
christelok, that does not appear to be a breed of dog :P20:12
jutnuxI have a cat20:14
jutnuxbut she's boring20:15
ali1234if your washing machine threw up a cryptic error message and then crashed more than once you;d demand a refund. why do we accept this from PCs?20:15
ali1234and why have we allowed apple and google to take over the mobile market with equally crappy software?20:16
davmor2jutnux: I have a cat too, well sponsor one, it's not so boring https://picasaweb.google.com/104244164525559506101/TigerTrip2010#547998249440881859420:17
jutnuxdavmor2: That doesn't count :-(20:18
davmor2jutnux: It's a cat20:18
jutnuxI meant a small cat capable of living in a house.20:18
davmor2jutnux: That is it's only 8feet long20:19
ali1234you know how you can get micropigs20:19
jutnuxYou know what I mean, I hope.20:19
ali1234can you get microcats? that are like mouse-sized?20:19
jutnuxali1234: Doubt it20:19
jutnuxali1234: I find it funny when people purchase MicroPigs20:19
jutnuxOnly to get a real pig20:19
ali1234i guess housecats are microcats really20:25
ali1234when you think about it :)20:25
* mattt went to ikea, and is now knackered20:47
christelah! i am ikeaing on saturday!20:50
jutnuxIkea <320:55
AzelphurI'm playing with my shiny new server :320:56
Azelphursetting up inspircd now, funny enough :D20:56
* mattt doesn't like ikea20:58
matttit just goes on and on and on :/20:58
Azelphurwhat's a good tool to get shiny graphs for network/cpu etc? :)21:11
* Azelphur loads it on his PC to take a look21:15
ali1234cacti is horrible to set up21:15
ali1234it's easier to just set up rrdtool manually21:15
Azelphurhaha, yea it doesn't seem to be being too great, It never asked me to create an account so I had to dive into MySQL and reset the password to login, once I logged in it doesn't actually seem to be generating any graphs21:20
jacobwits fussy21:20
Azelphurpreferably just want something that's click n go21:21
Azelphurzabbix does sound fancy, I did want service monitoring too21:25
jacobwworkaround.org is great21:26
jacobwhome of the ispmail tutorials21:26
matttspeaking of cacti22:10
mattti've been trying out zenoss ... it's a nice combo of nagios + cacti22:10
mgdmI played with opsview for a bit22:12
mgdmit seemed nice enough22:12
matttopsview are based in reading, thought that was kinda cool :P22:14
matttbut otherwise the interface looked a bit brutal to me, but i didn't give it much time22:14
ali1234how do i add a patch to a package that uses cdbs simplepatchsys?22:36
Laneyput it in debian/patches (use edit-patch)22:38
ali1234ok, someone want to confirm #912524 for me?22:47
AlanBellbug 91252422:47
lubotu3Launchpad bug 912524 in cairo-clock (Ubuntu) "cairo-clock has a white triangle in the bottom right corner" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91252422:47
Azelphurare system v init scripts responsible for restarting crashed things? or are they just start/stop usually22:48
ali1234just start stop22:48
Azelphurrighto :p22:48
ali1234usually they use start-stop-daemon if that behaviour is desired22:48
ali1234well they used to22:48
ali1234everyone uses upstart or systemd now22:49
ali1234they are better22:49
ali1234if you are working on some busybox embedde dsystem then anything goes22:49
AzelphurI dunno what I'm using, whatever the built in thing is in 11.1022:49
ali1234dunno, but it's not sysv init any more i know that22:49
Azelphurfair enough22:49
ali1234wow, cairo-clock sure is buggy22:52
Azelphurali1234: have you seen bitcoin prices recently? :P23:03
AzelphurMy coins have almost doubled in value since late december, awww ye :D23:04
Azelphurali1234: it's awesome, I have 500B stocked waiting for the prices to rise23:08
palnjyo dudes!23:08
Azelphuryo dude! sweet!23:09
ali1234i've only got about 7023:09
Azelphurali1234: hehe, £1300 -> £2100 in one week, my favourite interest rate/return on investment XD23:09
palnjali1234: so what's it we're discussing atm?23:09
Azelphurpalnj: bitcoin23:10
ali1234yeah but what about opportunity cost23:10
Azelphurali1234: opportunity cost?23:10
palnjjust looked it up on wikipedia...i don't really get it23:11
palnj:P so it's basically MoneyGram or something but over the 'net?23:11
Azelphurpalnj: http://www.weusecoins.com/ watch video receive answers :D23:11
palnjalrightey then, thx Azelphur23:12
hamitronAzelphur, the FTSE 100 generally gets better rewards than savings accounts, but has more risk ;)23:12
Azelphurhamitron: *shrug*23:12
hamitronI like bitcoin personally, but it is very unstable and very high risk atm23:13
hamitronvery interesting23:13
ali1234there is basically zero risk if you don't buy them23:13
Azelphurlike me :D23:14
hamitronali1234, as with any investment23:14
palnjAzelphur: ah, now i get it!23:14
ali1234you probably don't get it23:14
palnjthey say you can change BTC into USD, EUR and the like23:14
ali1234bitcoin is very complicated23:14
ali1234almost nobody gets it23:14
palnjwhy would i want Euros though? They're dead as of now :P23:15
ali1234it's not like anything else that already exists23:15
palnjali1234: that's exactly why it's so awesome23:15
palnjor rather, appears to /be/ so awesome23:15
hamitronit is awesome, until it fails23:15
palnjinnvoation may bring haters, but the pleasure gained is save for laters23:16
palnjone of my teachers said that to me a couple years back :D23:16
palnjwhat is that, a triple post or something?!?!23:17
palnjmy pc's messed up23:17
ali1234hamitron seems to be stuck in the trough of disillusionment23:17
Azelphurali1234: he always is23:18
hamitronbah, sod you all ;/23:18
palnjoverview of the Hype Cycle: a new technology is invented, and everyone gets happy over it, then everyone gets bored of it, and 10 years down the line, some people get interested in it again ;)23:18
palnji think that just about sums it up perfectly!23:18
ali1234well it's more about unrealistic expectations23:19
hamitronI think it is fine till something breaks it, so long as you don't expect too much23:19
hamitronI put 5p coins in a jar, and realise it will never make me rich ;)23:19
ali1234that's just about the worst investment idea ever23:20
palnjthe hype cycle has been in play with apple since just about forever23:20
palnjwell, 1970s America anyway23:20
ali1234eh, not really23:20
hamitronali1234, 5p coins?23:20
AlanBell2p coins are a much better investment23:20
ali1234the first dotcom bubble is a really good example of the hype cycle23:21
palnjhamitron: i did that with pennies for 2 years, and made five quid23:21
AlanBellthe old ones have a scrap value of 3.4p23:21
hamitronAlanBell, I put all loose change in jars23:21
hamitronsaves me money on new pockets23:21
ali1234why don't you put it in the bank?23:22
hamitronthat takes effort23:22
palnjhamitron: haha lol23:22
ali1234how exactly are you planning to spend it if it's all in jars?23:23
palnji read on facebook: People who harm children deserve to be strangled at birth23:23
palnjironic really23:23
hamitronI save it for years, then cash it in23:23
hamitronI bought another motorbike with the last savings23:23
ali1234with 5ps?23:24
hamitronno, 20p and below23:24
ali1234i bet the guy you bought it from was pleased with that23:24
hamitronI have a jar for each type of coin23:24
ali1234did the cash weight more or less than the bike?23:24
hamitronhmmmm, it was heavy23:24
hamitronI took it in 5 batches23:25
ali1234why didn't you just take it to the bank23:25
hamitronI did ;/23:25
hamitronjust all at once23:25
ali1234so you had to make 5 trips to the bank anyway23:25
ali1234i guess if you live in the middle of nowhere.....23:25
hamitronbut it felt good, counting all that.... with no idea how much I had23:26
ali12346 hours later "wow i;ve got £3.60"23:26
hamitronI was clever, and paid my sister £5 "to count some change"23:26
hamitronI just watched tv23:27
ali1234that's not clever23:27
ali1234the bank will do it for free23:27
hamitrontime man23:27
ali1234they have a machine23:27
hamitronthe bank wouldn't call round on a Sunday, and count it while I watch tv23:27
palnjthere is a much easier way to count money23:27
palnjmeasure the weight of one coin of a certain type (e.g. 5p)23:28
ali1234that's not reliable23:28
palnjthen weigh all of the same type (i.e. 5p's) and divide by the weight of one coin to find out how many 5p's you have, for example23:28
ali1234they don't weigh the same anyway23:28
hamitronlast time I did it, I had it in 1.25kg tins of coffee, all mixed23:28
hamitronnot now though, better organised23:29
hamitronnot gonna let it get above £100 this time23:30
palnjali1234: standard deviation of coins is usually about a 100th of a gram at most p/coin23:32
ali1234i must have lots of fake coins then23:32
hamitronali1234, I reckon you secretly count them every day, and wear them out ;)23:33
hamitrontbh, I think bitcoins are probably a better way to save atm23:36
gordonjcphamitron: http://www.gjcp.net/smash/23:43
hamitrongordonjcp, I did GCSE maths ty23:44
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