[01:55] * gilbert groans [01:55] * Unit193 slaps gilbert [01:55] What's up? [01:56] Unit193: aw nothin, just moaning [01:56] Going well where you are? (Or is this quiet time?) [01:57] yeah, things are fine, but people make hulk angry [01:58] That's people for you [01:59] yes it is [02:00] where's paultag? [02:00] grrrr [02:00] Last I knew, C-bus [02:00] really, no way [02:00] i'll have to try to track him down this weekend if he's still around [02:01] That was a tad back though [02:02] i saw his twitter or blog about meing at john carrol [02:02] didn't know he was down this way [02:02] s/meing/being/ [02:03] Ah, well you stalk him more than I [02:03] i suppose so [03:03] glad i'm not the only one trying to corner paultag. ;P [03:03] * Unit193 isn't [03:03] He isn't coming ejhre [03:04] mansfield isn't that far, compared to Mass. :P [06:15] i'm hammered in lakewood [06:15] i'll say hi in the am [06:15] love y'all, super drunk [06:17] >_< [13:18] lol. [14:59] Morning Ohio [14:59] It's been a few weeks since I've been in here [14:59] I miss anything besides drunk paultag? [15:27] morning! [15:27] hung over paultag now :) [15:35] paultag: well hallo! [15:40] jrgifford: howdy! [15:47] paultag: having fun in cleveland? [15:48] jrgifford: dude, loving it. [15:48] I miss CLE [15:48] like, a lot [15:48] i'm in Lakewood now [15:48] casually went to a gay bar for fun last night. Got super drunk [15:48] lol? [15:49] went with a bunch of my gay friends [15:49] I got hit on a lot, but I don't mind [16:11] <_bbb_> heh [16:11] <_bbb_> bounce? [16:11] nah, church [16:11] bounce is a bit too dancy [16:11] which I've also been to [16:12] <_bbb_> never heard of church [16:12] <_bbb_> madison eh [18:58] yeah. aside from the whole "boo violence" thing, it's a bit worrying that some folks have such a violent reaction to being hit on, regardless of the gender [18:58] <_bbb_> theres a term for that [18:58] <_bbb_> people use it it court all the time [18:58] <_bbb_> what is it [18:58] one has to wonder, how these people then think of being on the other end of the situation [19:00] <_bbb_> maybe im thinking more transgender [19:00] <_bbb_> like then the guy find out the girl has a dick and freaks out [19:01] yeah, that's an entirely different level [19:01] <_bbb_> yeah still trying to remember the term for it tho [19:04] <_bbb_> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_panic_defense [19:06] http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/01/tn_bill_would_give_anti-bullying_laws_a_religious.php?ref=fpnewsfeed [19:07] "it's ok, the sky fairy told me to be an asshole" [19:08] oops. sorry. I forget we try to keep it G rated in here. [23:01] moo