
nuvolario/ mornings06:08
Kiloshowdy all of you09:18
Kilosafternoon all of ya15:31
Kilossomeone asked here quite a while back if you can take a hdd with winsucks from one pc to another and i said no and no one corrected me15:32
Kilosyou can but you need a winsucks cd15:32
Kilosthen you boot from cd and go the install route till you get to F8 and then take the recovery route and it works15:33
Kiloswith xp anyway. dunno ab out 7 and 815:35
KilosMaaz, coffee on15:36
* Maaz washes some mugs15:36
KilosMaaz, hurry15:36
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed15:36
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!15:40
KilosMaaz, ty15:40
MaazYou are welcome Kilos15:40
Kiloslol inetpro ek het hulle mooi per epos gevra om my geld terug te gee15:48
Kiloswil jy saam lag15:49
Kiloseks seker hulle sal nie eers antwoord nie15:56
MeesterArendfor those who would like to know with xp "corporate" u can move the hdd from one pc to another and only need to install driver that changed with win7 i'm not sure never tried16:34
Kilosty MeesterArend 16:35
Kiloslo zeref 16:35
zerefhi Kilos 16:36
zerefMeesterArend: xp corporate??16:36
MeesterArendyes no need to register...which the other requiereas soon as something changes16:37
zerefso the main diff between xp pro and corporate is activation..o0o016:40
Kilosand costs16:43
Kilosbetter to know someone16:43
Kilosi forget xp is old16:43
Kiloswin7 one is called ultimate hey?16:46
Kiloswho knows what it costs16:47
Kilosmaybe maaz16:52
Kilosmaaz google cost of win7 cd in south africa16:52
MaazKilos: "Buy and Compare Software > Computers & Software > Software ..." http://www.pricecheck.co.za/categories/114/Software/ :: "Cheap Original Software! Windows 7 Ultimate Price Comparison ..." http://cssa.unl.edu:7777/6619=Windows-7-Ultimate-Price-Comparison-Canada.html :: "Viewsonic ยป ViewPad 10 Tablet | VPAD10" http://www.viewsonic.com/products/vpad10.htm :: "Video CD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vid16:53
nlsthznKilos, here the standard version costs R100016:54
Kiloswhew 16:54
Kilosyou still here nlsthzn 16:54
Kilosoh there you mean16:55
nlsthznYup, UAE16:55
nlsthznNo idea in SA16:55
Kilosyou were off so long we dunno where you are16:55
Kilosthe ultimate version must cost a packet16:55
nlsthznToo much I am sure16:56
zerefmeh, my mom go t a netbook, with win7 starter16:57
zerefsooo slow16:57
Kilosyeah i saw on my boets pc16:57
Kilosits very large win7 is. the dvd is 3.3g16:58
zerefbloat :P16:59
Kilosi go eat now16:59
MeesterArendbest of all one can't realy say what extra'sare using the extra space17:22
MeesterArendand unless u go for ultimate it's almost useless17:22
nlsthznUltimate has nothing of use to me...17:23
MeesterArendubuntu have the same usebility17:23
Kilosbiggest prob nlsthzn is lotsa software for other goodies like palm scanners and security stuff is all upgrading so that they only work on win717:28
Kilosclocking in and out devices etc17:30
nlsthznKilos, I use Windows... just not "Ultimate" editions ;)17:32
nlsthznTime for Witcher 2 for me... be back tomorrow most probably 17:33
Kilosall my sympathy nlsthzn 17:48
Mezenirwhat u mean sympathy17:55
Mezenirwitcher 2 is awesome17:55
Mezenirthats what i get for reading the last few lines17:56
Mezenironly reason i want windows is for games17:56
Mezenirbut i dont want professional so badly that ill pull out 2k for it17:56
Mezenirif they had the occasional 50 % off christmas special theyd do a lot better in the retail market17:57
Mezenirlarge companies usually become partners anyway so they dont care17:58
nlsthznFirst need to get another patch for witcher :/18:06
Mezenirreally ?18:06
Mezenirwas buggy at the start18:06
Mezenirbut i think it was ok after version 1.3.518:06
Mezenirthe one where they added the dark difficulty mode18:07
nlsthznMezenir, 2.0 adds a lot it seems too18:26
Kiloslol no man sympathy for needing to use winsucks18:33
Kilossorry i was making onion puffs18:33
Kiloslol i just did the same18:34
nlsthznI have been using Windows long enough to know how to handle it :p18:34
Kilosnlsthzn,  you happy to be back there in ahab land18:35
Kilosi actually tried to install 7 here but it says i must upgrade my pc18:36
nlsthznOh wow... that sucks... and Windows 7 is much less resource hungry than Vista18:36
nlsthzngot to go... toodles18:37
Kilosnight all sleep tight18:38
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