
=== gatox_away is now known as gatox
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jo-erlendhow does U1DB do live replication?04:23
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mandelmorning all!09:38
JamesTaitMorning all.10:01
mandelJamesTait, hell o:)10:40
JamesTaitGreetings, mandel. :)10:41
mandelJamesTait, how is everything going in the server world?10:41
JamesTaitBusy, as always! :D10:41
mandelJamesTait, haha I think the entire team is like that :)10:42
JamesTaitYeah, there's so much going on at the moment.  It's a good place to be in the current economic climate, I suppose.10:43
mandelJamesTait, is a way to luck at it :P10:43
JamesTaitAre you still working on Windows?10:44
* JamesTait -> Post-update reboot.10:49
mandelJamesTait, atm I'm working on proxy support and fixing bugs on windows/linux10:55
Nafallohi :-)11:06
NafalloI just bought an album, and it doesn't seem to sync.11:06
Nafallobanshee just say "Queued..." for all the tracks.11:07
Nafalloit doesn't even show up in the webif.11:07
Nafalloaware of any current issues?11:07
Nafallobeuno? rye?11:12
mandelNafallo, I have not been told there are any issues11:14
mandelNafallo, usually beuno arrives a little later since he is based in argentina11:14
mandellet me ask around to see if there are any know issues11:14
Nafallomandel: okay. thanks.11:15
ryeNafallo, let me check this11:32
Nafallorye: thanks11:33
Nafallorye: I got the confirmation e-mail at 10:29 fwiw.11:33
* mandel -> quick errand11:47
gatoxgood morning11:54
duanedesign'lo all12:02
ralsinagood morning!12:08
* mandel back12:09
mandelralsina, buenas :)12:09
mandelralsina, I found how to get rid of the warnings from squid.. the conf that comes from default is wrong in squid3, lame12:09
ralsinathe all acl?12:10
mandelralsina, yes, it is a defal acl now, so you should not define it anymore12:11
ralsinamandel: yep, mentioned it on IRC last night :-)12:12
mandelralsina, oh, I did not read that part12:12
ralsinamandel, if you can take another look at the widows packaging branch I would be grateful12:16
nessitahello everyone!12:17
mandelralsina, sure, sorry if I left it behind,  do you have the link there? I can search for it if needed :)12:18
mandelnessita, buenos dias12:18
ralsinamandel: sure, just a sec12:18
ralsinamandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_809873/+merge/6791112:18
* mandel re-reviews12:19
mandelralsina, in the code, you seem to use Popen and os.system can we just one of them12:20
mandelralsina, they are both used to call bzr12:20
gatoxnessita, hi12:20
ralsinamandel: I can switch to Popen12:21
mandelralsina, that would be nice, it will make the code more consistent, right?12:21
ralsinamandel: well, with Popen it's easier to get the output, with system it's easier to get the exit code12:21
mandelralsina, maybe with this: http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.check_call12:22
mandelralsina, will make it easy to get both, error code and stdout etc..12:23
ralsinamandel: yes that would work. And subprocess sucks. ;-)12:23
mandelralsina, why?12:23
ralsinamandel: because the API is needlessly complex12:24
mandelhaha I though you meant their code :P12:24
ralsinamandel: look at this https://github.com/kennethreitz/envoy12:24
mandelralsina, hm... I don't know: https://github.com/kennethreitz/envoy/blob/master/envoy/core.py#L4612:25
ralsinamandel: sure, you have to use threads to make it work like that. But it's cute :-)12:26
gatoxnessita, ralsina when you have a moment please: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/remove-button/+merge/8752112:32
ralsinagatox: on it12:32
gatoxralsina, thanks12:32
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ralsinagatox: one note: if you don't show() the panel first, the widgets will always have isVisible() == False12:33
gatoxralsina, ahh true12:34
gatoxralsina, i'll change that now12:34
ralsinagatox: so if you remove the deleteLater() it will still pass (I think :-)12:34
nessitagatox: sure, I'm with the fix-links now12:36
gatoxnessita, i'm adding the show that ralsina told me..... uploading the code right now12:37
mandelnessita, in sd, adding a watch is always done in the main reactor thread, right?12:37
nessitamandel: hum, I would confirm with facundobatista12:38
mandelnessita, ok12:38
mandelnessita, FYI yes it is12:41
gatoxralsina, ping12:43
ralsinagatox: pong12:44
gatoxralsina, your script is working.... the only problem is: u1cp needs oauth, and storage protocol needs profobuf-compiler12:44
ralsinagatox: yay12:45
ralsinagatox: ok, protoc.exe just needs to be downloaded, and I will add oauth12:45
gatoxalmost there12:45
gatoxralsina, is it possible to add the registry file in the package and being executed along with the other process? so you can avoid to install the registry key manually too12:46
gatoxmandel, nessita review :P https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/fix-links/+merge/8660512:47
ralsinagatox: I need to do a script that does that, isntalls protoc, and sets envvars12:47
nessitagatox: I'm on that12:47
mandelgatox, ok12:48
mandelralsina, please let me know when you have move to POpen for the bzr execution12:48
ralsinanessita: about https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/908888 we have not actually done a release for that, since it's a windows-only bug12:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 908888 in ubuntuone-control-panel/trunk (and 2 other projects) "Windows: "Quit Ubuntu One" on the tray icon doesn't close syncdaemon (affects: 1) (heat: 49)" [Medium,Fix released]12:48
nessitaralsina: is released in the project, as in we already have the tarball out there12:49
ralsinanessita: starting in 2 weeks, I will try to make the windows releases in sync with the linux ones12:49
ralsinanessita: ok, strange definition of release12:49
nessitaralsina: I "released" it in the project12:49
ralsinanessita: ok12:49
mandelgatox, in test_links_target_without_lnk_extension and test_links_target_with_lnk_extension, should we assert that the file was created?12:50
nessitaralsina: I'm upstream, let's say, and the Fix Released on a project means the upstream released it. Then, each packager can do a release to each target platform12:50
gatoxmandel, that is being done in another test12:51
gatoxthat checks that12:51
mandelgatox, ah, ok12:51
ralsinatoday is going to be a difficult day for me. My wife is kinda ill, so I have to take care of the kid intermittently. Sorry for any slow pings you may experience12:52
mandelnessita, gatox I really do not like the new implementation of path_exists12:53
nessitamandel: why not? it has the same semantics as the linux one12:53
nessitamandel: perhaps we could improve that instead of adding the suffix .lnk we do a more fancy check to see if a path is there and is a link...12:55
mandelnessita, gatox now, on linux, if you say os.path.exists(blah) it does not tell you that blah.lnk exists, what I mean is, wha happens we are indeed looking for blah and not blah.lnk12:55
nessitamandel: but in that case we should change all the places that .lnk is added to do "something"12:55
nessitamandel: in linux, bla.lnk is different from bla. The thing is that in linux, if either bla is a file, or a dir, or a link, path_exists will return true12:56
nessitamandel: but the current path_exists function, will return False, in windows, for a path that perhaps exists and is a link12:57
mandelnessita, unfortunatly, it is something that has to be more carefully though of12:57
nessitamandel: perhaps we can change the code to be "os.path.exists(path) or is_link(path)12:57
mandelnessita, that would be nicer, otherwise we are returning a bad information, I hope I make sense :)12:58
mandelnessita, gatox FYI I just tested that indeed blah and blah.lnk can be in the same dir12:58
nessitamandel: but... is_link just appends .lnk to the path and check that it exists. And if I recall correctly, you implemented is_link as just appending .lnk to the name? :-)12:59
mandelok, I'm off to lunch (early today) nessita can we continued the conversation after?12:59
nessitamandel: can we wrap up really quick?12:59
nessitamandel: what I would like to know is the rationale behind the current is_link method, in windows12:59
mandelnessita, yes, I indeed appended the .lnk to the path, to ensure that the path existed, but by looking at the code, reading the target would be more correct,.right?12:59
gatoxnessita, mandel i think that checking os.path.exist or is_link is the same.... with different semantics13:00
gatoxvalid too.... but the same....13:00
nessitamandel: well, ATM checking the target path does not work well for unicode paths13:00
mandelputo windows13:00
gatoxmandel, to read the target we needed to implement a workaround at this moment13:00
nessitamandel: do you recall why you implemented .is_link just appending .lnk? perhaps you read something about that?13:01
nessitaperhaps we can trust that windows will not let you create a custom .lnk path?13:01
mandelnessita, gatox to be honest, my fear is based on the fact that we use os.path.exists for blah and we get true because blah.lnk exists13:01
* nessita wishes13:01
mandelnessita, nah, I simply appended the lnk because is_link is already stating that we are looking for a link and ergo we need to look for lnk at the end of the path13:02
gatoxnessita, what do you mean with a custom .lnk?13:02
gatoxmandel, i understand13:02
mandelnessita, on windows we must always have a lnk for a link, and the is_link function is exactly asking that13:02
nessitamandel: I see your point, and it makes sense. But we also need to have path_exists returning True for C:\blah when only C:\blah.lnk exists13:02
gatoxmandel, you can say it.... puto windows :P13:03
mandelnessita, exactly, so we have to carefully think of that.. I cannot think of a decent way now13:03
mandelmaybe change the API in our code when doing a path_exists, I dont know, I just can see the future problem :P13:03
nessitagatox: can you please change path_exists to use is_link instead, and file a bug that is_link has to be cleverer?13:04
gatoxnessita, ok13:05
nessitamandel: would that be ok with you? ^13:05
mandelnessita, sure, as long as we do know we have bad code (mine in this case) we are happy :)13:05
mandelok, off to lunch13:05
nessitamandel: ack13:05
* mandel lunch13:06
alecuhello #ubuntuone!13:15
alecumandel, ping13:16
gatoxalecu, hi!13:17
gatoxalecu, mandel is having lunch13:17
gatoxnessita, i've updated the path_exists implementation: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/fix-links/+merge/8660513:17
nessitahola alecu!13:19
nessitagatox: ack, thanks13:19
nessitaalecu: I need another wise hand of your, when you have some time13:20
alecunessita, let's dance13:20
nessitaalecu: this is a single test that has those 2 errors http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/793732/13:22
nessitaalecu: besides the obvious, that I already checked (the clear_credentials method is there and the class inherits from RemoteMeta)13:23
nessitaalecu: any idea why PB is not "seeing" the clear_credentials method?13:23
alecunessita, no idea, checking.13:25
alecunessita, did you pasted anything above "this is a single test that has..." ???13:27
nessitaalecu: nopes, before that I have your "let's dance"13:28
alecunessita, ah, ok. Then, do you want to point me at some branch to look?13:28
ralsinagatox: +113:30
gatoxralsina, thanks13:30
nessitaalecu: yes! https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/unify-signal-broadcaster13:30
gatoxalecu, nessita please when you have a moment review this branch so the functionality is complete.... the one from sso has been merged: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect13:34
alecunessita, I've ran the tests on that branch, on Oneiric, and they *all* pass.13:35
nessitaalecu: yes, this is windows (sorry I did not mention this explicitly, I implied it from the stack trace that has windows path)13:36
nessitaalecu: let me give you the cmd line to run that13:36
nessitapython C:\Python27\Scripts\u1trial --reactor=twisted -t ClearCredentialsTestCase.test_success ubuntu_sso\main\tests\test_clients.py13:36
ralsinamandel, nessita: reading backlog. The main problem here is semantics. On windows you can have a file called foo and a link called foo (really, foo.lnk) and on linux you can't13:39
nessitaralsina: right, the thing is that we need the same semantics in both13:39
nessitaralsina: and, since we're going linux -> windows, syncdaemon uses the linux semantics13:39
ralsinamandel, nessita: which is why this is a problem. We can just say "the link is called foo.lnk"13:40
nessitaralsina: not sure what that last thing means13:40
nessita(in terms of code)13:40
ralsinanessita: if the filename doesn't end with .lnk it's not a link. So not add the .lnk when checking.13:40
nessitaralsina: hum, I though about that, but that does not work in linux at all...13:41
nessitaralsina: and we isolate all the platform specific things inside os_helper13:41
nessitaralsina: where paths come without the .lnk, since syncdaemon knows nothing about .lnk13:41
ralsinanessita: why would that affect linux at all? This will have to to be platform-specific code13:41
nessitaralsina: indeed, and the platform specific code is in os_helper, where paths are given by params, and no path given will have the .lnk13:42
ralsinanessita: why not? listdir returns it with .lnk,doesn't it? Oris it just for the shares link?13:43
nessitaralsina: yeap, is for stuff like the shares link. For example:13:43
nessita- some module of syncdaemon creates a link doing make_link(C:\foo)13:44
nessita- later on, some other module of syncdaemon wants to check if c:\foo is there, and just asks for path_exists (because for this module, it does not matter if c:\foo is link or not)13:44
nessitaralsina: I personally don't see a problem with path_exists returning true for c:\foo even if in the FS we have both, c:\foo and c:\foo.lnk13:46
ralsinaSo path_exists, on windows, has to check for foo and foo.lnk and return true if either exists13:46
nessitasince, is "doubly" True :-P13:46
ralsinanessita: yes, indeed it's very true :-)13:46
nessitaralsina: that's what gatox added in his fix-links branch, but mandel is not convinced with that solution13:47
ralsinamandel: get convinced ;-)13:47
ralsinanessita: it could only be a problem if later we use the "wrong one" between foo and foo.lnk13:47
gatoxralsina, nessita what mandel says is that you can have in windows a file named "blah"..... and "blah.lnk".... so if you ask for "blah" which is not a link is going to return true.... but.... windows users don't like files without extension :P13:48
nessitaralsina: yes, though I can not imagine that scenario right now, considering how syncdaemon works. But I may be missing something for sure, I'm very sleepy (very veyr bad night last night)13:49
nessitagatox: right, but is ok to return True in that case, no?13:49
ralsinagatox: but that would be like having a file that is not a link with the same name on linux, unless I miss something13:49
ralsinagatox: so path_exists would return true, but is_link would return false13:50
nessitaralsina: right13:50
gatoxralsina, but in linux you can't have "blah" (normal file) and "blah" (link) in the same dir13:50
ralsinagatox: yes, you can't. But so what? :-)13:51
gatoxwhat mandel says is right..... but..... i don't see a way to solve that13:51
ralsinagatox: we just have to decide "if you have a filename that is both a link and a not link on windows, you get the link" (or the other one)13:51
ralsinagatox: and that's it. We have a corner case, documented, and that's life.13:52
gatoxralsina, agree13:52
gatoxget over it or stop using windows :P13:52
nessitagatox: hum I missed something, this will not work:13:54
nessita    exists = os.path.exists(path) or is_link(path)13:54
nessita    return exists13:54
gatoxnessita, why? maybe i missed something13:54
nessitagatox: at that point, path is an unicode with the \\\\?\\ prefix, and is_link expects a"syncdaemon" path (utf8 bytes string, no prefix at atll)13:55
nessitagatox: see the issue?13:56
gatoxnessita, mmmmmmm nop.....13:58
gatoxnessita, is_link is doing practically the saame as path_exists13:58
gatoxonly adding the .lnk......13:59
gatoxmaybe i'm not understanding this right....13:59
nessitagatox: you can't pass a unicode path to is_link, the windowspath decorator will explote13:59
gatoxnessita, but path_exists also has the windowspath decorator13:59
nessitagatox: right, but windowspath transforms the patch. So, a call to path_exists will be something like this:14:00
nessitasyncdaemon path (utf8 bytes) -> path_exists -> windowspath (checks that receives bytes and transform to unicode) -> call os.path.exists with unicode and is_link with unicode -> is_link -> windowspath (checks that receives path and transform to unicode) -> BOOM14:01
gatoxnessita, i see now...... so...... i need to revert the change and leave path_exists as it was before14:02
nessitagatox: not really :-/ you should have the contents of is_link in another method without the decorator, and use that from inside is_link and frm inside path_exists. See, for exmaple, rename14:02
gatoxnessita, yep14:03
nessitagatox: native_rename is called from rename itself and recursive_move14:03
gatoxnessita, ok14:04
topdownjimmyI'm running Oneiric, but I don't have an "Ubuntu One" address book in Thunderbird, even though I've set up contact syncing in the Ubuntu One control panel. Is there something I might have done wrong?14:09
topdownjimmyNever mind -- I think it is because I had disabled the Evolution Data Server extension. I'm seeing the address book now.14:14
nessitatopdownjimmy: :-)14:15
nessitaalecu: so, if this is delaying you, just drop it, I will continue debugging14:15
nessitaalecu: I don't want to make you diverge, I was just seeing if you see something obvious that I missed14:15
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
alecunessita, well, my windows VM is not working right, so I'm trying to fix it... I'll need it in a few days anyway.14:17
nessitaalecu: :-) feel fre to fix it, but do not waste too much time on this14:17
nessitagatox: did you run controlpanel tests in linux?14:18
gatoxnessita, i can't run cp tests on linux14:19
nessitagatox: why?14:19
nessitagatox: is just ./run-tests14:19
gatoxunless there is a fix and i didn't knew about it14:20
gatoxnessita, http://paste.ubuntu.com/793781/14:20
nessitagatox: do you have a natty vm around?14:20
topdownjimmyDoesn't the necessity of EDS for Thunderbird contact syncing mean that Thunderbird isn't really syncing to Ubuntu One, but is instead just syncing to Evolution?14:20
nessitagatox: well, anyways, can you run u1lint?14:20
nessitatopdownjimmy: Ubuntu One syncs contacts from evolution-data-server to the cloud, so you can sync your contacts from all your apps that use EDS14:21
gatoxnessita, i neeed to create the vms again..... i lost them.... but yes... i can ru u1lint14:22
gatoxnessita, what do you need?14:22
topdownjimmynessita: Do I need to do anything to ensure that evolution-data-server is running? I don't see it in my processes.14:22
gatoxor is for any of my branches?14:22
nessitagatox: your remove-button branch has lint issue, I pasted them on the MP14:23
gatoxnessita, ahhhhh ok14:23
nessitatopdownjimmy: did you restart your session after enabling it?14:23
dobeytopdownjimmy: it should be running anyway, since the calendar and events stuff in the clock indicator needs it14:24
nessitadobey: hi there! question, how's the twisted + gi thing going?14:25
dobeynessita: i need to change some stuff per review, but have been blocked on releases and holiday for the past couple weeks, so i'll probably get to look at it today14:26
nessitadobey: awesome14:27
nessitagatox: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect/+merge/77049 is generating a criss-cross merge with trunk, and has a conflict14:28
gatoxnessita, oops :S14:28
topdownjimmyThanks nessita14:28
nessitatopdownjimmy: you're welcome!14:29
nessitaralsina says that he's having issues with his 3G connectivity14:33
* dobey is having issues with the weather14:43
dobeynessita: and yeah, i think cellular connectivity could be spotty, as i think solar activity has been up this week14:44
dobeyand since we're closer to it right now, than the rest of the year, and the south end is tilted towards it, well, it adds up :)14:45
mandeldobey, I did udpdate the branch to remove the garbage in the terminal buffer :)14:47
dobeyyes i know you did14:47
mandelnessita, gatox I was think, how bad would be to have a method called, path_exists_or_link? does it sound like utter crap :)14:47
nessitamandel: so, we were talking with ralsina and gatox, and came to the conclusion that is ok that path_exists(c:\foo) returns True either if c:\foo exists or c:\foo.lnk exists14:48
nessitamandel: since, in both cases, is true14:48
mandelnessita, hm.. I think that we should be explicti in the fact that it will also check for link, I don't want some one to use the method without knowing that14:49
mandelnessita, I can just picture the code in a few year, when we might be somewhere else and someone using it wrongly, if not, at least in the docs of the function14:50
nessitamandel: but... why the need to be explicit?14:50
nessitais the same semantics than in linux14:50
mandelnessita, is not the same semantics as in linux, what does linux do?14:51
nessitamandel: os.path.exists(a_link) -> will give you True if it exists14:52
dobeymandel: my last comment wasn't that you should clean the terminal buffer; it was "since you did that, can we just keep this config value in, and have one conf file, instead of two" :)14:52
mandelnessita, while on linux we can have os.path.exists(partial_link_name) -> true if file with such name exists or name.lnk exists14:53
mandelwhich is completely different14:53
mandeldobey, oh, well, the problems are that the two confs are different, jumping from 2 to 3 has some funny tiny annoying diffs :(14:54
nessitamandel: I don't see the difference, sorry14:54
dobeymandel: using the squid3.conf on squid 2 works just fine for me14:55
mandeldobey, ok, let me try that in O, if it works in mine, I'll merge the confs14:55
dobeymandel: using the same conf (squid3.conf) works for me in O and P14:56
mandelnessita, ok, lets imaging I have a file called 'blah' in linux, that gets sync to a windows machine that has a 'blah.lnk' created by the user, what happens then?14:56
dobeymandel: as long as the "acl all src all" is in the conf, that is14:57
nessitamandel: user will have a blah.u1conflict14:57
nessitamandel: and is ok, since to syncdaemon eyes, blah.lnk is the same as blah14:57
nessitamandel: since syncdaemon knows nothing about .lnk14:58
nessitamandel: the problem may arise if you have a foo.lnk in linux, and want to sync that to windows (but that is not related to this path_exists issue)14:58
mandelnessita, it is the same because we make it be the same, the point being, we are making sd believe the wrong things14:58
nessitamandel: I disagree to that, since in linux they are the same thing14:59
mandelnessita, the only reason why we have path_exists is to use unicode and add \\?\ there are no other reasons14:59
nessitamandel: I disagree, we need path_exists to have the same semantics in both OS, and dealing with symlinks is one of the thing to make equvalent14:59
nessitamandel: and right now, path_exists on windows is returning False for c:\foo if c:\foo is a link, and in linux will return True15:00
nessitawe can't have different path_exists results for the same situation in each OS (and since we're going linux->windows, we need to be compliant with the linux semantic)15:00
mandelnessita, shall we have the mumble metting and chat a bit later after that?15:02
gatoxstandup or meeting call?15:02
nessitamandel, gatox: ralsina said he has 3G issues, I'm texting him to see if he can make it15:02
mandelnessita, ok :)15:03
nessitamandel: we can, of course, though I still don't see the problem for syncdaemon use case. Would you please describe a scenario where having path_exists retuning True for links is a problem for file sync?15:04
mandelnessita, let me find a code example, i might take time though :)15:04
nessitamandel: why code example? :-)15:05
mandelnessita, in syncdaemon :)15:05
nessitaah, ok15:05
dobeynessita *must* be sleepy ;)15:06
nessitadobey: what did I do?15:06
dobeynessita: it's more what you didn't do. look at the time :)15:06
nessitadobey: but today we have the weekly meeting in mumble15:07
nessitadobey: and I was pinging ralsina thru sms to see what we'll do :-)15:07
dobeyoh right15:08
mandelis 2012 where is my flying car and reliable network connection?!15:16
dobeymandel: China.15:16
alecunessita: Precise keeps crashing in my laptop where my working mumble used to be15:18
nessitaalecu: ack. ralsina seems not to be available any time soon, so...15:19
alecumandel, any idea about this 503 page? https://bitbucket.org/mandel/pykeyring-delete-password15:23
mandelalecu, shit! no idea, let me check!15:23
mandelalecu, I get the 503 for https://bitbucket.org/ :)15:24
alecumandel, me too, so I was wondering if it was happening only in south america :-(15:24
mandelalecu, maybe only in spanish speaking countries ;)15:25
alecu@bitbucket: "We're still down, but we're zeroing in on the issue. Sorry, everyone"15:25
nessitaalecu: in ussoc/trunk/ubuntu_sso/main/windows.py:877, under start_service15:28
mandelnessita, so no standup?15:28
nessitaalecu: what's the ActivationInstance used for? (besides getting the port and raising an exception if it's taken)15:28
ralsinaAnd I am back15:28
nessitamandel: I guess no.. I guess we'll have the meeting when ralsina comes back15:29
nessitaand there he is!15:29
ralsinaSorry people, 3g decided I needed to call tech support15:29
nessitaalecu, mandel, gatox, dobey: mumble?15:31
mandelnessita, I'm there :)15:31
gatoxnessita, ack15:31
gatoxi'm configuring mumble..... sorry.... new machine.... forgot that15:33
ralsinaoops, sorry I didn't notice you were not there, gatox :-(15:38
gatoxralsina, no problem.... my bad not to set that15:38
ralsinagatox: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_809873/+merge/6791115:58
gatoxralsina, ack!!15:58
mandeldobey, landing u1devtools and fix the conf in another branch16:00
mandeldobey, mainly not to block alecus work16:01
dobeyi think it's faster to just fix it in the current branch16:02
mandeldobey, I'll do that as soon as we finish with the mumble talk16:12
gatoxralsina, i'll finish fixing some conflicts in a branch and then chech out another issue from my queue... and after that i'll review your branch.... is that ok?16:14
dobeyralsina: do we need to do 1:1 chat today?16:17
ralsinadobey: I think we covered everything on the team call, if that's ok for you16:17
dobeyralsina: ah, on the roadmap spreadsheet, it still says "TBD" fo the music store :)16:18
ralsinadobey: I'll fix it in a bit :-)16:19
dobeymandel: i'm going to get some lunch, but ping me when it's ready, and i'll review as soon as i get back.16:27
mandeldobey, ok, I'm nearly done :)16:27
dobeyok, well i just need to grab food and will probably eat at my desk anyway. :P16:29
dobeybbiab :)16:29
ralsinalunch sounds interesting!16:38
mandeldobey, alecu I updated the proxy-testcase with fixes in the condif and the look up of the binary following dobeys review16:43
* gatox lunch!16:49
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mandelnessita, dobey, ralsina, alecu EOD for me, nervertheless I'll be  back later today16:53
mandelnessita, also, tom is a national holiday in spain, so I'll be in irc very little16:54
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nessitamandel: ack, thanks for letting me know16:54
mandeloh, y que los reyes os traigan regalos :)16:54
mandelnessita, alecu, gatox_lunch, dobey , ralsina ^16:54
alecumandel, gracias!16:55
mandelalecu, dobey do ping me to land the testcase branch, ahora si, adios!16:55
gatox_lunchmandel, gracias! :P16:57
nessitaok, lunchtime for me!16:57
dobeymandel: cool, ok17:22
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dobeymandel: i am landing your branch.17:49
ralsinabye mandel!18:06
gatoxnessita, conflicts resolved: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect/+merge/7704918:14
gatoxnessita, forgot to integrate a line.... uploading now18:18
alecunessita, did you finally find the error with the remote_* stuff?18:23
nessitaalecu: nopes, I'm debuggin from the opposite direction18:23
alecunessita, I finally managed to reproduce it, so I'll trying debugging it too.18:24
nessitaalecu: I have to solve a couple of things I found I missed regarding ActivationInstance18:24
nessitaand ActivationClient18:24
nessitaalecu: can you please confirm what's the goal of each one18:24
alecunessita, I think I got it... it's calling remote_clear_credentials on a SSOLoginProxy instance, but it should be using a different class18:30
alecunessita, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/794029/18:30
alecunessita, re: ActivationClient and ActivationInstance:18:31
alecunessita, ActivationClient is used from a given client process to see if a server process needs to be activated18:31
alecunessita, if no server is needed, one is started, and it waits till it's running.18:32
alecunessita, on the other hand, ActivationInstance is used on a server process just when it's started. If another instance of that server process already got the port, it means that it is already running, so it aborts.18:33
nessitaack, perfect18:33
alecunessita, does the above pastebin make sense?18:33
nessitaalecu: and thanks for the debugging... yes, it makes sense, and I feel silly for not checking that18:34
alecunessita, perhaps we should paste those two paragraphs as comments in the Activation* code18:34
nessitaalecu: and yes, I will add that do to the code :-)18:35
alecunessita, what I did was added a print of repr(self) and dir(self) in the twisted code in site-packages.... re-cabeza, no?18:35
nessitaalecu: I never considered that :-/18:35
nessitaalecu: but... why are the linux test passing? (rhetoric question)18:36
alecunessita, I also tried using pdb there first, but the thread started by either PyQt or the qtreactor break all chances of using pdb.18:37
nessitathe test code is the same in both OS18:37
nessitahum... I think I may know where the bug is18:37
dobeymandel: ping18:38
dobeyi think he tries to find ways to break his bzr whoami setup18:40
ralsinamandel's whoami? What's wrong with it?18:48
nessitaralsina: BTW, not sure if dobey mentioned this before, but could you please check that all your computers where you submit code from have as bzr whoami your name? looking at bzr logs, some has ralsina <the email>, and other only the email18:50
ralsinanessita: I'll check18:50
nessitaralsina: ideally, it should be: Roberto Alsina <your canonical email>18:50
dobeyname and correct e-mail address18:50
nessitaralsina: we use that when releasing18:50
dobeyalthough i presume ralsina's at least has the correct e-mail address, since tarmac isn't bouncing on it18:51
ralsinadobey: yes, it is a correct email address18:51
dobeyugh, mandel used the shortened e-mail address for his recent changes18:56
karniduanedesign: ping19:03
karniduanedesign: Neale has shared a folder with me. The files are available on the web UI, but they're not downloading to my PC.19:03
karniduanedesign: U1 said it's downloading 37 files, a minute later I check u1sdtool --status and it's telling me 0 downloads 0 uploads, and the files are not there.19:04
karniduanedesign: uh, finally files from Neal appeared on the downloads queue after I rebooted..19:05
duanedesignkarni: you go the email and then...go to the mesaging menu and select the folder. Then it tells you it will sync. Then it did not, until you restarted?19:10
karniduanedesign: I accepted the share few restarts ago. Perhaps I interrupted the sync. But there's something more interesting, check out u1-internal (last few lines)19:11
karniduanedesign: and hi :)19:11
* duanedesign looking19:11
nessitaalecu: you know, you're so groso. That was the issue (I was assigning "services" to an instance in a loop, and a variable was attached to the last item in the loop...)19:15
alecunessita, "grosa" are you. I can't imagine holding my attention to do a 7k-line branch like the one you just did!19:15
nessitaalecu: anyways, I will cleanup all the latest fixes and let you know so you merge in19:16
alecuI'm giving it a quick glance, and it looks fantastic.19:16
nessitaalecu: glad you like it, becuase I feel bad since I promised you no more long branches and I lied19:17
alecuwell, I happen to love *this* one.19:17
nessitaalecu: but honestly, I can't find a way to make it shorther or split it in more than one19:18
gatoxnessita, ping19:43
nessitagatox: pong19:43
gatoxnessita, about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/885292 (should i remove NetworkManager from u1-client and use just the one in sso?)19:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 885292 in ubuntuone-client "Windows: the current network manager is not calling network_connected (affects: 1) (heat: 9)" [High,In progress]19:44
gatoxnessita, or you mean something else?19:44
Fakrulis there any problem with ubuntu one19:44
nessitagatox: ideally, yes, we should use only one. And we should use the one that works ;-D19:45
gatoxnessita, roger that19:45
nessitagatox: the bug itself says that the callback network_connected is never called. If we can fix it by using the same module from sso, even better19:45
gatoxnessita, yep19:46
nessitaFakrul: what symptom do you see?19:46
FakrulI am new to ubuntu one..having difficulties to authorize my device19:46
nessitaFakrul: what kind of difficulties?19:47
nessitaFakrul: what OS and version are you running?19:47
Fakrul<nessita> it's Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS19:47
Fakrulit's showing "Errno 110"19:48
nessitaFakrul: oh, uh, a very old client... let me grab someone who can help you better than me19:48
nessitarye or duanedesign: you around to help with a Lucid client?19:48
dobeyFakrul: are you behind a proxy?19:52
dobeyFakrul: whre is it showing Errno 110 exactly?19:54
FakrulDobey: This is the full message "[Errno Socket Error] [Errono 110] connection timed out"19:54
duanedesignhello Fakrul19:55
duanedesignFakrul: are you familiar with pastebin?19:56
duanedesignFakrul: I was going to see if you could pastebin or email me one of your logs so I can take a look and see if I can help you troubleshoot your issue19:57
duanedesignFakrul: the file is ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log19:57
Fakrulduanedesign:  i am not quite familiar with pastebin...email to which id?20:00
duanedesignFakrul: I will PM you my email20:01
dobeyduanedesign: i don't think that's the log file you need20:04
duanedesigndobey: you are correct :)20:05
duanedesigndobey: just stuck at READY; Not User With Network20:06
dobeyyou need oauth-login.log20:07
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ryeFakrul, hello20:55
ryeduanedesign, continuing here20:55
duanedesigni just sent the command20:57
ryeFakrul, could you please run the following in the terminal - python -c 'import httplib2; c = httplib2.Http(); r = c.request("https://one.ubuntu.com/oauth/request/", method="GET"); print r[0]["status"]'20:57
ryeduanedesign, ok, if that comes up with 200 then we'll try the real oauth request20:57
Fakrulrye: yes output is 20020:59
duanedesignok , he saw that20:59
dobeyduanedesign, rye: does the log say where exactly it is failing to connect to?20:59
dobeyduanedesign, rye: ie, it is one.ubuntu.com that's failing, and not localhost?20:59
ryedobey, no, the log says that connection times out, does not say where21:00
nessita1alecu: ping21:01
alecuhola nessita1!21:02
nessita1alecu: branch is about to be proposed, but you can now merge in latest (and hopefully last) changes :-D21:02
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gatoxEOD for me!!21:02
* gatox needs to go and buy an air conditionar to be able to sleep again :P21:02
nessitaalecu: I need to also propose a branch for u1client, it will be a little broken in windows until then (but not in linux)21:03
alecugatox, try to get one with color-switchable leds!21:03
gatoxalecu, of course..... i don't buy other type21:03
ryeduanedesign, we need some heavy debugging. I am looking for the way to log the actual location of the message21:04
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nessitaalecu: just confirmed all test pass in every platform, and there are no lint nor pep8 issues21:06
nessitaalecu: I will review the diff tomorrow and propose (but not today since I'm tired and will likely miss something)21:07
alecunessita, cool, I'll update21:09
duanedesignrye:  let mw know what i need to pass on21:11
ryeFakrul, could you please download the following file - http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/oauthdesktop-logging.patch and patch the sources (will give the command line in a moment)21:12
ryeFakrul, sudo patch -i /tmp/oauthdesktop-logging.patch /usr/share/pyshared/ubuntuone/oauthdesktop/logger.py21:13
ryeFakrul, if you downloaded oauthdesktop-logging.patch to /tmp, otherwise adjust the path for -i argument21:14
dobeyrye: i doubt that will help21:14
Fakrulpatch done21:14
dobeyrye: the logger call that logs that message is in bin/ubuntuone-login, and gets called from a signal handler over dbus21:15
dobeybut afaict, it's definitely the request token url that's failing21:15
ryeFakrul, ok, now please killall ubuntuone-login21:15
ryeFakrul, and then run u1sdtool --connect21:15
FakrulOops, an error ocurred: Traceback (most recent call last): Failure: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 121:16
ryeFakrul, is ubuntuone-syncdaemon process running?21:18
nessitaok, I'm off crowd21:18
nessitasee ya tomorrow!21:18
ryeFakrul, u1sdtool is running as regular user, not as root21:18
ryeok, /oauth/request/ api works properly for me21:19
Fakruloh ok21:19
Fakrulno error..do i check any log?21:20
ryeFakrul, ok, now what is u1sdtool --status ?21:24
dobeyrye: i wonder if the redirect is broken21:24
ryedobey, tried it with tomboy and it is working21:25
dobeyDEBUG logging would be useful21:26
ryeFakrul, oauth-login.log should contain something after you run u1sdtool --connect21:28
Fakrulrye: ya there is some output...you can get it from http://pastebin.com/qtEbewX121:31
dobeyyou should have a browser window/tab open with a thing you click on21:32
ryeFakrul, interesting... has anything opened a browser tab or window?21:32
Fakrulrye: nope21:33
dobeyif it's going to time out, it should happen in ~5 minutes21:34
Fakrul2012-01-06 03:36:36,640:640.23900032 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth auth.py:443 Stopping temp webserver 2012-01-06 03:36:36,642:642.31300354 ubuntuone-login ubuntuone-login:118 [Errno socket error] [Errno 110] Connection timed out21:37
Fakruldobey: ya got the timeout request21:37
ryegood, this means that nothing opened the browser21:39
ryeFakrul, ok, could you please run xdg-open https://www.google.com ?21:39
Fakrulit opens my default web browser (chrome) and browse www.google.com21:40
dobeyrye: it's failing here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-client/stable-1-2/view/head:/ubuntuone/oauthdesktop/auth.py#L24421:43
Fakrulrye: i need to signout for today. if you want i can PM my email id so that you can sent me the instructions...i will execute and update you.21:44
ryeFakrul, does duanedesign have your mail?21:46
dobeyrye: so it works for me on oneiric (using a slightly modified stable-1-2 branch to test)21:57
dobeyrye: i wonder if something changed on lucid, in python, which breaks our custom url opener21:57
duanedesignrye: you want it fwd'd22:09
ryeduanedesign, I can't seem to be able to access my lucid machine22:15
ryedobey, no, it is opening auth window here22:20
dobeyrye: weird22:20
dobeyoh well22:25
dobeylater all22:25
alecuverterok, tomorrow = freaky dbus friday?23:19
verterokalecu: I wish, maybe I can dedicate a few hours to that ;)23:23
verterokalecu: we could talk a bit about what you have so far and split work23:23
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