
astraljavalen: I wouldn't concentrate much on packaging the docs. By nature, they're bound to change (link URLs, contents), so you would have to update the package every time someone updates a wiki, for instance.00:28
astraljavalen: Just a pointer to Studio wiki should be enough, and users should be able to navigate from there.00:29
astraljavalen: But otherwise, a HUGE THANK YOU for spending time on docs!00:30
astraljavalen: I'll try to participate, too, but it seems every time I am almost catching a break, something awry happens, and I have to concentrate on something else.00:31
lenastraljava: So you want this stuff on the wiki then?01:18
astraljavalen: It'd be easier, maintenance-wise, but I'm not adamant on this.01:51
lenastraljava: Not having any idea what I would have to go through01:58
lento update a package...01:59
lenThe creation would not be hard, getting it on the repository might be.01:59
lenAt least it seems that way...02:00
astraljavalen: Making the package isn't hard. Getting it into the repository isn't hard either. But having it updated every time something changes in the docs would be tiresome.02:06
astraljavalen: Unless you just packaged links to the docs somewhere, in which case it becomes redundant, and quite frankly, useless.02:07
lenastraljava: I guess I should just try keeping up with it as a link.02:52
lenSome of the info has been the same for long time so I wasn,t thinking it would need that much updating.02:53

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