
* crack05 is away (Gone)00:00
=== crack05 is now known as CRACK05
kbroulikkudos to the packaging guys that KDE 4.8 RC2 was available in the repos on the release day :) thumbs up00:14
=== michael is now known as Guest44446
graftyo, how do i axe totem in firefox and replace it with something that works?01:25
graftnever mind, turns out it's gecko mediaplayer i want, kind of. sigh.01:38
viKtor_hey guys i find oxygen little ugly as the default, but i can't find kde themes as for gnome, any help?03:40
=== b_ is now known as Guest25004
Tech-1try kde look ?04:06
mr-richOk, Libreoffice's tooltips were black on black, so I changed the settings in kde's settings. this fixed it for LO, but it changed ALL tooltips in ALL apps. Can someone go in to settings and tell me what the default colors for tool tips are?05:16
blakemr-rich, could you point me to the proper KDE changes to get rid of the black boxes?  Thanks!05:22
mr-richblake: I can, but I'm trying to undo that change now ... it needs to be fixed in LO ...05:23
blakeHmm, OK but maybe there is a kde setting which is a fair compromise.05:24
mr-richblake: it is in system settings -> Application Appearence -> Colors -> Colors tab ...05:25
mr-richdo me a favor ...05:25
mr-richbefore you change anything ...05:25
mr-richtell me the color codes for the original settings ...05:26
mr-richblake: did you find the settings?05:28
blakejust got back to it.   give me a sec.05:29
blakeOk here goes:05:29
blakewindow background:  grey05:29
blakeWindow text:  black05:30
blakeButton background: grey05:30
mr-richblake: for tool tips ...05:30
blakeButton text: black05:30
mr-richdown the list ...05:30
blakeOh thanks (lots to type:05:30
mr-richI need the color codes ... a 6 hex digit code ...05:31
blaketooltip text:  231/253/25505:31
mr-richcool ...05:31
mr-richand the background?05:31
blaketooltip background  24/21/1905:31
mr-richblake: you get a gold star on your Geek Card ... :)05:32
mr-richthank you05:32
mr-richand those are red/green/blue ... correct?05:33
mr-richis there anything in hue/sat/value settings?05:34
mr-richblake: is there anything in hue/sat/value settings?05:36
blakeHSV is just an alternative way to set colors.  you only need to set one.05:36
mr-richk .. got it ...05:37
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:09
=== sourabh_ is now known as HackNewton
DerezzedGoatHi, does anybody know why when booting from USB, a regular Desktop-iso won't work for my mini9, but the alternate-install does... Knoppix does, but Linux-Mint does not.   I think it has something to do with half mini pciexpress ssd07:31
noaXessmooorning ;()07:44
noaXessfirst week of 2012.. so... we can still: HAPPY NEW YEAR kubuntu fans, freaks, gurus, community ;)07:44
noaXessad stil a problem in ktimetracker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/794618/07:45
noaXessany hint?07:45
mohaa2009.05.20 [17:22]<mohaa> I have issues with kubuntu 9.04   Mamarok07:52
mohaa2009.05.20 [17:22]<Mamarok> mohaa: what issues?07:52
mohaahello, world (-:07:53
mohaaMamarok_san i'm still having the same issue i had 2 years ago07:53
noaXessmohaa: what problem?07:53
mohaait works on liveCD07:54
mohaabut once i installed kubuntu, the hardware is listed in networkmanager but is "unvailable"07:54
mohaa(kubuntu 10.11)07:55
noaXesswhy not using 11.10?07:55
mohaamy bad07:55
noaXesswhat about trying installing wicd?07:55
mohaa(kubuntu 11.10)07:55
noaXessconnect wire, sudo apt-get install wicd and try wlan again07:55
noaXessi prefer wicd07:55
mohaanoaXess  installing wicd without network ?07:56
noaXessmohaa: no lan connection?07:56
mohaai use wicd actually on my other machines but here...07:56
mohaano lan connection, no07:57
noaXessgrr.. bad07:57
noaXessmohaa: have you tried configuring network manually?07:57
mohaabtw what is that "enable wireless" button i can't clik on ?07:57
noaXessmohaa: what does ifconfig say?07:57
mohaaifconfig ups the hardware07:58
mohaabut it still "unvailable" in NM07:58
noaXessmohaa: you know iwconfig tools?07:58
osinclairmohaa_: from konsole run "sudo rfkill list"07:59
mohaascanning is ok with iwlist07:59
noaXesshave you trie manually connect wifi with iwconfig tools07:59
mohaabut nothing really shows in NM07:59
mohaait's freaky !07:59
osinclairmohaa_: I get this regularly.. try my tips.08:00
mohaa<noaXess> have you trie manually connect wifi with iwconfig tools     <<<  unlikely. I'd use some other distro for this08:00
noaXessmohaa: try osinclair command08:00
osinclairthen look for "blocked" and do "sudo rfkill enable 0/1" or whatever is blocked08:00
osinclairsorry should be "sudo rfkill unblock"08:01
mohaathanks i try that08:02
kroonrshi - my skype does not seem to be picking up my voice on my netbook's built in mic. my pulseaudio volume meter seems to pick up my voice, and skype is set to use pulseaudio. what app that supports PA can I use to try do a sound recording? [lucid]08:10
lethukroonrs, you can unmute your input channel and pay attention if you hear any echoes08:13
kroonrslethu: my input channel is not muted08:13
lethukroonrs, otherwise applications for recording PA sound are pretty rare08:13
kroonrslethu: and no echoes08:13
mohaawtf ???????08:14
mohaait's blocked/unblocked on whim08:14
mohaaevery damn 5 seconds08:14
lethukroonrs, I know an app you can test your mic with tho08:14
kroonrslethu: yeah?08:14
lethukroonrs, teamspeak08:14
kroonrslethu: i expect that will have the same problems as skype?08:15
lethukroonrs, nope08:15
kroonrslethu: should i install the client or the server?08:15
kroonrslethu: presumably the client, but do i need the server as well?08:16
lethukroonrs, I was in the same situation as you, and after a long research on the web for a solution, I decided to settle down with a Sip client (qutecom) and forget about skype08:16
lethukroonrs, the client08:16
lethukroonrs, you don't need the server no08:16
lethukroonrs, besides, skype has been bought by Microsoft, so you can expect no further support for the linux version08:17
mohaaif this crap is "user friendly"  why doesn't wireless work as on the liveCD08:18
mohaathis is a shame08:18
mohaahardware is blocked just like that, wtf ??08:18
kroonrslethu: ok, it seems as if teamspeak's recording also doesn't pick up the mic08:19
lethukroonrs, have you tried checking if your input (mic) is muted under alsamixer?08:22
mohaahow do i enable wireless from network manager ?08:23
mohaathe button is there, but i can not click to enable wireless08:23
lethumohaa, are you on a desktop pc or laptop?08:24
lethumohaa, do you know your wireless adapter's brand?08:25
mohaaand another usb chip  (works with rtl8187 under linux)08:26
lethumohaa, go into the applications menu then system, then additional drivers08:26
lethumohaa, and check if there are any wireless drivers installable there08:27
mohaalethu the drivers are up08:29
lethumohaa, wireless still doesn't work?08:29
mohaabut the hardware is not configured well :-/08:30
nlsthznSilly question, just installed Kubuntu 11.10 and when using Quassel it defaults to using the Message Indicator... but how do I get it not to close but minimize to tray without enabling the system tray and ending up with two different quassel icons?08:31
mohaahttp://imagebin.org/192067  osinclair, your tips did not change the situation08:32
kroonrslethu: it's not muted, it's on max, and both mic boosts are on maximum08:33
kroonrslethu: the pulseaudio volume meter (recording) behaves kind of strangely - when there's just ambient noise, it regularly spikes, and then decays, spike, decay, etc.  doesn't decay to near zero before spikes, either08:36
lethukroonrs, something must not be set correctly, I am out of ideas as to what that should be08:38
lethukroonrs, maybe try changing the priority of the sound devices if there are more than one08:38
kroonrslethu: just the internal card - have usb earphones - tried plugging them in and the machine just hard-powered-down08:39
lethukroonrs, I have an additional HDMI sound device, I had to change the order (make it the last to use) in order to get things to work08:39
lethukroonrs, have you checked the logs?08:40
lethukroonrs, after the system crash there is usually a part of the log which can give you hints on what's gone wrong08:41
lethukroonrs, the logs are usually found in /var/log/08:41
kroonrslethu: still trying to boot, but it wasn't a linux thing, since it happened when I plugged them in at the grub menu as well08:42
lethualso, try the "dmesg" command in console and watch for any line saying something about the audio08:42
lethukroonrs, I see, then it's probably a hardware issue08:42
osinclairmohaa_: then I am lost, that has always helped me. Can you post outcome of "sudo rfkill list"?08:42
lethukroonrs, had that happen to me as well with a netbook08:43
kroonrslethu: happens to me on my laptop with my external hdd on my one usb port as well08:43
lethukroonrs, must be hardware then08:43
lethukroonrs, perhaps something wrong with the port or the bios08:44
lethukroonrs, you may try updating the bios08:44
kroonrslethu: nothing in logs about the crash08:44
mohaaosinclair i rebooted and the usb chip works works08:45
kroonrsit's a dual-boot, guess I'll try the mic on windows qk, since the machine's crashed anyhow08:45
lethukroonrs, check dmesg's output after boot08:45
osinclairmohaa_: sounds like good news to me?08:45
mohaaosinclair it's 1/2 of the times08:47
mohaathis can be a problem08:47
mohaabecause my gf doesn't have such patience08:48
mohaashe may crash the laptop XD08:48
ricisomebody has knowledge in dbus?08:52
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:52
osinclairmohaa_: why 9.04 and not more recent?08:53
Peace-9.04 no more support08:53
osinclairmohaa_: 9.10 the best I had I think, kids still use it08:54
mohaaosinclair  9.04  it was the same issue i'm having now on 11.10  ;)08:54
osinclairOK now I get it08:54
mohaathe paste was from my last log in here08:54
mohaain 2009   XD08:54
ricimy problem is the kde-system always stops responding for ~15 sec.08:54
mohaadifferent version, same trouble08:54
osinclairmy w/l goes "rfkill" if I use h/w switch and forget to switch back on b/f reboot08:54
riciafter i stop dbus the system is working but i get a few new problems then.08:55
osinclairdrivers, bad h/w, who knows08:55
osinclairmohaa_: have learnt to live with it but never reboot w w/l off08:55
Peace-rici: NO WAIT ... kde version , kubuntu version08:55
Peace-rici: you get a freeze of kde ?08:55
ricikbuntu 11.1008:56
Peace-rici: you can enable the text login via CRLT ALT F1 ?08:56
riciyes, after 15 sec kde is working fine until the next stop.08:56
Peace-looks like a video issue08:57
Peace-rici: nvidia?08:57
Torchif it's related to dbus, it's probalbly plasma is waiting for something to happen and eventually times out08:57
Peace-rici: ok... driver open or what?08:57
ricino, the system install the driver from nvidia side.08:58
Peace-rici: you need to test the open driver08:58
Peace-rici:  you should use a fresh installation to understand what is doing this mess08:58
Peace-rici: try disabiling the desktop effect08:59
ricii used a new created user but doesn't help.08:59
Peace-alt shift f1208:59
riciinstallation is from kubuntu 6.x to 11.10 with all v ersions between.08:59
Peace-rici: well you should NOT install video ddriver without a repo08:59
Peace-rici: there is jokey-kde for proprietay driver09:00
riciok i try nv driver!09:00
TorchPeace-: i don't quite understand yet how we know the issue is related to the video driver?09:01
Peace-Torch: ctrl alt f1 GET the login via text mode09:01
ricii don't know, if istop dbus the kdesops are disapearing.09:01
ricibut i get a few other errors then.09:01
TorchPeace-: yes. what does that mean?09:01
Torchrici: sure. KDE needs dbus to work. if you stop it. everything more or less breaks.09:02
Peace-Torch: X is freezed , plasma is freezed ? the driver doens't work ?09:02
TorchPeace-: dbus requests hang.09:02
Peace-Torch: i don't think so09:02
TorchPeace-: that pretty much must look like "all has frozen" to a user09:02
TorchPeace-: so why does it help to stop dbus then?09:02
Peace-Torch: i have never said to stop dbus09:02
Peace-Torch: are you her to troll or what?09:03
Torch[09:55:14] <rici> after i stop dbus the system is working but i get a few new problems then.09:03
Peace-Torch: for me is the proprietary driver... that dont' work with plasma09:04
Peace-Torch: so...09:04
TorchPeace-: the nvidia driver works fine09:04
Peace-Torch: for you.09:04
riciok guys, i get a call and must leave for 2 hours. will be back and report my try's with the nv driver later. THANKS!09:04
szalPeace-: in that case we would need to know what driver and card exactly we're talking about09:04
Peace-szal: i prefer to test the standard driver...09:05
riciok, show it later.09:05
Peace-i support here since 4 year09:05
* szal doesn't have any problem w/ the current driver and doesn't see either why the driver from nvidia.com should be any different in this respect than that from the repo09:05
Peace-i have no time to waste to explain my point of view09:05
TorchPeace-: relax, dude... this is nothing personal.09:06
Peace-szal: user is the biggest virus for linux09:06
Peace-and for example09:06
TorchPeace-: that's an old topic09:07
TorchPeace-: used to happen with 11.0409:07
szalPeace-: that was w/ the 270 driver in Natty09:07
Peace-because your machine wiorks....09:07
TorchPeace-: it does.09:07
Peace-doesnt mean it works everywhere09:07
szalPeace-: and was fixed w/ the 275 driver09:07
TorchPeace-: i had that bug, fixed it, moved on.09:07
Peace-doesnt mean it works everywhere09:08
szaldoesn't mean you're more right than everyone else either09:08
Peace-ok then everyone came here to say different stuff so the user is confused09:08
Peace-i guess i will leave the channel09:09
TorchPeace-: that would probably be a serious loss for this channel. please don't do that.09:09
Peace-none is neccessary09:09
Peace-everyone is usefull09:10
szal[10:05:48] <Peace-> i have no time to waste to explain my point of view <- the 5 minutes you've now wasted w/ pointless bickering you could've done that by now09:11
oysterHi. Whenever i try to save/open a file, my kubuntu(oneiric, KDE 4.7.3) starts spinning my HDD and dialog prompt is opened in a second or two. Things look like my kubuntu tries to suspend disk wneh it's possible. What could be the problem?09:11
mohaathx noaXess osinclair  o/09:11
noaXessmohaa: you got it?09:11
oysterHDD is rather new, about a few months old.09:11
Peace-szal: ok bye guys09:11
osinclairmohaa_: you on top of it now?09:11
szalosinclair: power management, I suppose09:12
mohaanoaXess  i will probably do another gentoo install09:13
mohaashe'll get used to it eventually09:13
mohaai don't really get along with networkManager  and those rfkill surprise parties09:13
=== oyster is now known as healer
osinclairszal_: not sure about that, my hp reports 2 w/l interface when only 1 exist..09:14
Peace-mohaa: this is really weird09:14
mohaaosinclair  it works but not enough. i hate the idea of having to deal with overengineered bugs09:14
osinclairszal_: worked fine on my Dell(s)09:14
Peace-mohaa: you can use wicd.-kde if you want09:14
healerHi. Whenever i try to save/open a file, my kubuntu(oneiric, KDE 4.7.3) starts spinning my HDD and dialog prompt is opened in a second or two. Things look like my kubuntu tries to suspend disk wneh it's possible. What could be the problem?09:15
osinclairpeace_: wicd does not solve ALL problems..09:15
Peace-mohaa: for the hdd are you sure you dint' touch the stuff ?09:15
Peace-mohaa: i mean the configs fiels09:15
Peace-mohaa: b default there is an opption disabled for the hd ...09:15
mohaaPeace- i'll give it a try later today. I'm kinda saturated now09:15
szalosinclair: nick completion fail, I meant to tell that to oyster (healer)09:15
Peace-osinclair: you can try.09:15
Peace-osinclair: or trying is forbidden?09:16
osinclairPeace_: agree, but if it is weird h/w lock then nwmanager will likely not help. Note I like wicd..09:16
mohaaPeace-   what are highlights for on me ??09:16
healerszal: sry, changed nick to identify with NickServ. Power management is OK, that happens even in "performance" mode.09:17
Peace-mohaa: ys09:17
mohaays ?09:17
droxI have  aproblem with amarok, the 5 minuts continuos crash and i don't do nothing i don't understand09:22
droxit before function any problem, why now does crash continuos it?09:23
Torchdrox: did you update to 2.5?09:24
Peace-drox: upgraded?09:24
droxsomebody upgrase to do09:24
Peace-if you added the ppa  there is not support09:25
droxPeace-: no only ppa mediubuntu09:25
Peace-drox: run amarok on konsole09:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:26
azazlwhich app can i use for formatting a SD Card under kubuntu 11.10?09:27
Peace-azazl: partitionmanager09:27
azazlPeace-: thanks!09:28
droxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/794674/ questo amarok --debug09:29
Peace-drox: your database is wrong09:32
Peace-drox: you need to reset amarok09:32
droxwhat do i do?09:32
Peace-you might want to try moving your amarok configs and forcing it to create new ones. i think the data base is stored in ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok im just not sure what file exactly , but to be safe you should move that folder and ~/.kde/share/config/amarok (settings folder) it might just correct itself when you restart it.09:32
droxmy english is bad, but i think to understand09:34
azazlif i execute dolphin i can see the sd card however in kde partition manager doesn't apear it09:35
Peace-drox: vieni in #ubuntu-it-chat09:35
Peace-azazl: mm remove the sd09:37
Peace-azazl: and plug in again09:37
Peace-on partitioon manager refresh the list09:38
azazli did it09:38
Peace-by pressing f509:39
azazlPeace-: the issue persists09:41
azazli will try with disk utility09:41
Peace-azazl: mmm i guess you did something of worng on that sd card09:42
Peace-azazl: you need to fix it via konsole09:42
azazlPeace-: disk utility can see my sd card on /dev/mmcblk0!09:43
azazlbut i only can format it in FAT fs, i have a question09:44
Peace-azazl: type this ls /dev/sd THEN PRESS TABB09:44
Peace-paste the ooutput09:44
azazlls: no se puede acceder a /dev/sd: No existe el archivo o el directorio09:45
azazl 09:45
Peace-then press tab NOT ENTER09:45
azazlok. ls /dev/sda09:46
azazlthis is my hdd09:46
Peace-the other ?09:46
Peace-there is not sdb?09:46
azazlonly sda09:46
azazlbut manuel@manuel-Satellite-A200:~$ ls /dev/mmcblk009:47
Peace-so you have a panel09:47
jtheuerHi, any idea what I can do if akonadiconsole shows that "Mail Dispatcher Agent" is "unable to start"? Any way to find more useful logs? Or is it a known issue?09:48
szallist drives and partitions w/ 'sudo fdisk -l'; if a USB medium is attached, it should also list that09:48
azazla panel? sorry i'm spanish panel confuses me09:48
Peace-not panel09:48
azazlyes my laptop is a toshiba09:48
Peace-azazl: do as has said szal09:49
azazlreturns of fdisk -l:09:49
azazlDispositivo Inicio    Comienzo      Fin      Bloques  Id  Sistema09:50
azazl/dev/mmcblk0p1            8192     7741439     3866624    b  W95 FAT3209:50
azazlthat is the sd that i want format in fat32 file system09:50
Peace-ok now you have the location of your sd card09:50
azazlthat's correct!09:51
azazlsorry i traduce to english in literal mode from spanish09:51
azazlif i've located my sd device how i can format it in fat32?09:52
Peace-azazl: sudo  mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk0p109:52
b0nec0llect0ris there an alternative for mplayer-plugin or mozilla-mplayer on amd64?09:53
azazlunable to open mmcblk0pl!09:53
azazldo i need to mount it first?09:53
azazlwell, i mounted it but doesn't format the sd. (how dummie i am!)09:55
Peace-azazl: i don't remember well this suff and i have some issue here ... btw try removing  1 i mean  sudo  mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk0p09:56
Peace-azazl: unmount first09:57
azazlDispositivo Inicio    Comienzo      ok09:57
Peace-azazl: worked?09:58
azazlsorry sorry09:58
azazlthere is an another device called:09:58
Peace-azazl: there is a spanish channel btw09:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:58
azazlthere is nobody there09:58
azazlonly kubot09:59
Peace-azazl: i am going to cook pasta10:00
azazlok. no problem. Buen provecho!!10:01
azazlthanks for your lost time!10:01
azazlthe sd card was written protected!!!10:04
azazlPeace-: i've the sd card written protected. :P but now it is formatted, thanks10:08
mohaaupdate manager blocked at 57% for last 4010:14
Peace-mohaa: so.... stop it then go in the konsole .... type sudo apt.get dist-upgrade  => it will say error type dpkg stuff10:25
Peace-mohaa: copy and paste sudo dpkg stuff10:25
mohaait does not "quit"   :o10:26
mohaaevil gui !!!10:26
Peace-mohaa: ctlr alt esc and click on the gui10:27
mohaadpkg ---configure -a10:30
Peace- with sudo before10:30
mohaaat the moment, there has been some kernel update10:30
Peace-do not reboot.10:30
mohaaPeace-:  i work under "sudo -i"10:30
mohaafor not having to sudo each and everytime10:30
Peace-yes yes10:31
mohaanow, it's "generating initramfs"  (?)   let's see  XD10:31
Peace-the beste way to upgrade is always with sudo apt-get stuff10:31
mohaai've never been through such trouble under linux10:31
Peace-because muoin apper ... just sucks10:32
mohaayes, but ubuntu has sooo many freaking gui everywhere10:32
mohaathat it really not efficient AT ALL10:32
eristikophilesi didn't have any issues using the muon updater myself10:33
eristikophilesbut *shrug*10:33
Peace-crash not searching trouble10:33
eristikophilesyou can always close the gui altogether while updating if your system seems to have issues10:33
mohaalike that networkmanager stuff, the horror !10:33
Peace-wtf it's not good10:33
Peace-eristikophiles: i do via terminalthat is good10:33
Peace-works for sure and if you have trouble doens't freeze10:34
eristikophilesyeah, if you want to, it's probably stabler10:34
eristikophilesi've updated my system while running all my usual programs.. it didn't have issues :)10:34
Peace-mohaa: networkmanager here works fine ...10:34
Peace-mohaa: there is always wicd-kde10:34
Peace-and there is some fix btw for network manager10:34
eristikophilesyeah i much prefer wicd for wireless at least10:34
Peace-some config fiels is messed ... basically10:34
mohaai now install wicd10:37
mohaaif network works at reboot10:37
Peace-is called10:38
mohaaholy fucking crap10:40
mohaait displays  "unvailable" again10:40
mohaaand i can't click on "enable wireless"10:41
mohaawho the f**** created this mess ???10:41
Peace-mohaa: there is a solution...10:41
mohaascanning from konsole shows networks10:41
mohaabut networkcrapmanager nothing !10:41
mohaathe solution to quit kubuntu10:42
Peace-cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf10:42
Peace-mohaa: stay calm10:42
Peace-itp's a stupid bug10:42
mohaai am calm10:42
Peace-mohaa: cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf10:42
mohaait's a bug i'm seeing since 200910:42
Peace-oh came on10:43
Peace-mohaa: cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf10:43
Peace-mohaa: if you get managed=false change to true10:44
Peace-kdesudo kate /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf10:44
Peace-and edit and save and restart10:44
Peace-or login logout10:44
Peace-i am not sure if it is enough but... reboot10:45
mohaait was set to true already10:45
mohaai reboot with blank file10:45
Peace-mohaa: no10:45
Peace-mohaa:  sudo mv /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.moved10:45
Peace-sudo service network-manager stop10:46
Peace-sudo mv /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.moved10:46
Peace-sudo service network-manager start10:46
Peace-remopve the widget and put it again in your panel10:46
mohaawith blank file, it works just fine10:47
mohaabelieve it or not10:47
Peace-ok hten..10:47
Peace-i am going to eat10:47
mohaanow is my chance to get wicd10:47
JeroenDeDauwMy moms laptop, running Kubuntu 11.10, will for some reason not connect to the interwebs anymore. ping gives "network is unreachable". Ethernet cable definitely works though.11:15
user_hi. it takes too long for the chromium browser to run. sometimes it just doesnt run11:36
riciok i'm back. i try to use the nv driver but there is no more nv driver!11:40
ricimy chipset is: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 9300M GS] (rev a1)11:40
riciso i search around and found the nouveau driver, so i try to use this but i get no screen.11:41
Peace-rici: mmm tried with a livecd ?11:41
riciit was ok in the kbuntu versions 9.x, after the update to 10.x the problem starts.11:42
Peace-rici: have ou installed fresh? or just upgraded?11:43
ricii search for a debug tool to see where the dbus system hangs11:43
ricijust upgrade!11:43
ricisince 200911:43
Peace-have you seen the xlog?11:43
Peace-paste it11:43
ricicat /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old11:44
rici[   372.571]11:44
riciX.Org X Server 1.10.411:44
riciRelease Date: 2011-08-1911:44
FloodBotK1rici: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:44
rici[   372.571] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 011:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:45
Peace-rici: ok but this is the log for noveau11:55
riciwhat you want? nvidia? is curently running.?11:55
Peace-rici: so now ... you have the freeze?11:56
riciany few minutes11:56
ricithis is with nvidia driver11:57
Peace-rici: i have seen a lots of reports for your card11:59
Peace-rici: it seems a problem with nvidia12:00
Peace-i mean the freeze12:00
Peace-rici: when it freezes look at top12:00
ricibut mozilla don't stop when i use it!12:00
Peace-and see the cpu usage12:00
Peace-rici: LOL12:00
Peace-rici: you mean everything is blocked but firefox no?12:01
Peace-o wtf12:01
Peace-this is really kde then12:01
ricifirefox works well, only konqueror, dolphin, gwenview stops fpr 15 secounds<!12:01
Peace-then they work again?12:02
Peace-or not12:02
Peace-you need to kill dbus?12:02
riciyes! kmail, knode also!12:02
ricino i stop the dbus and the stopings disapear!12:02
Peace-rici:  i guess you kde installation is not gone well on your upgrade12:03
riciwhat can i do?12:03
Peace-11.10 right?12:03
Peace-rici: read this .... there is a huge string for 11.10 http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/reinstall-kde/ it's the last one12:04
ricisome days ago i found the same problem in the net and the answer was it looks like a dbus problem,12:04
riciso i try to stop it and it works!12:05
ricibut can't find the post yet! :-(12:05
Peace-rici: i am sure that a fresh installation will fix the situation , i guess the upgrade is gone bad12:06
Peace-rici: btw try to reinstall kde usign my link12:06
Peace-rici: then if it doesn't work i suggest toi reinstall kubuntu , that's my opinion you will save time...12:06
Peace-rici: of course you can try to fix the system without reinstallin but...12:06
Peace-if you have a home separated...12:07
ricii'm in thailand at the moment and the line is not sooo good. :-(12:07
Peace-rici: wait maybe i can do something for you12:07
Peace-rici:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall dbus dbus-x11 libdbus-1-3 libdbus-glib-1-2 libdbusmenu-glib4 libdbusmenu-gtk3-4 libdbusmenu-gtk4 libdbusmenu-qt2 libkdepimdbusinterfaces4 libnih-dbus1 libqt4-dbus libsmokeqtdbus4-3 python-dbus python-qt4-dbus qdbus12:09
Peace-rici: try this12:09
Peace-but i am not sure it will fix12:09
Peace-rici: btw i have 12.04 maybe numbers can be different12:10
riciok, i try this first and otherwise i try the link!12:10
Peace-but you at least you have the name of packages12:10
Peace-rici: btw in these cases i have seen... people fix reinstalling a fresh new kubuntu :(12:10
Peace-rici: if you could download the cd... or the iso... it will take 20 minutes to install in a good computer12:11
ricii click you link and konqueror starts and hang for few seconds but i see in terminal a dbus call for nspluginviewer.12:11
Peace-it's not a nice way to fix something on linux12:11
Peace-at least you save time12:11
ricithe problem is the download, i have a fast computer but the line is thirt world! :-(12:12
Peace-rici: i have no other options on my mind12:14
Peace-rici: you could ask on12:14
riciok thank you! i have already reinstallt the dbus and restart now.12:14
Peace-rici: but says thing well , firefox works instead ... kde applicatins ffreeze for 15 sec and i kill dbut they works again12:14
ricii don't kill dbus, i only stop it with the normal way!12:15
ricibut then kmail can't remeber passwords and so more.... :-(12:16
white-eagle|afkhey together12:16
riciok, i restart now.12:16
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dav_apps disappear when minimized. Can you help me, please?12:20
Peace-dav_: maximize it xD12:20
jtheuerwhat should they do instead ;-)12:20
dav_i can max them just with alt-tab12:21
dav_i need them on panel...12:21
Peace-right click on the desktop12:21
jtheueradd the window list to your panel12:21
Peace-dav_:  right click on the desktop  => add panel => default panel12:22
dav_ok with windows list but i want classic tab on panel...12:23
Peace-i can't understand you12:23
dav_peace, when i do minimize app, it disappears.12:25
dav_ i wanna see apps on panel not in windows list or other12:25
dav_with default panel... nothing12:26
Peace-dav_: this is the default panel and i get the apps minimized down on the task manager http://wstaw.org/m/2012/01/06/plasma-desktophk1577.png12:27
dav_worked until yesterday, i don't know whats happened12:28
dav_Can I restore system tray?12:29
Peace-dav_: you need just to delete the panel12:29
Peace-dav_: and add again the panel12:29
dav_peace, thank you very much. I have deleted the panel and added new one gain, now it works. thanks again12:32
soeeis it possible to adjust speed of switching items in krunner list when using keyboeard arrows ?13:24
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BluesKajHiyas all14:05
chiiiiiz_I q; noz on q live session trying to install on a Dell XPS in dual boot14:06
chiiiiiz_I am now on a live session trying to install on a Dell XPS in dual boot14:06
chiiiiiz_sorry, bad keyboard setting14:07
soeehi my question i posted earlier: soee> is it possible to adjust speed of switching items in krunner list when using keyboeard arrows ?14:07
BluesKajsoee:  no idea14:07
chiiiiiz_but it does not want to install, the install process aborts when choosing my partition / and /home14:08
BluesKajchiiiiiz_:  did you format the partitions?14:09
chiiiiiz_not before... I wanted to ask the program to do it14:09
chiiiiiz_partition made by windows14:10
chiiiiiz_shall I format them before?14:10
Torchchiiiiiz_: what does "it does not want to install" mean? what's the error message?14:10
BluesKajyes, so when you chose to format/finish making the partitions , it aborts , chiiiiiz_?14:11
chiiiiiz_no error message. simply closes the window and I am back to my desktop14:11
chiiiiiz_Before it formats. I choose the /, specify the filesystemm ask to format the partition14:13
BluesKajwhen formatting you must choose an ext file system, like ext414:13
chiiiiiz_then  same for /home... and at that moment it fails. But it is before it does the formatting,,,14:14
chiiiiiz_at that point, I have only told him what to do14:15
chiiiiiz_it fails before it asks me to confirm the changes I requested14:15
chiiiiiz_is there a log when installing?14:16
BluesKajthat's a new error that I haven't encountered before14:18
chiiiiiz_I have formatted the 2 partitions in ext4, I give it another try14:21
chiiiiiz_it failed again14:23
chiiiiiz_ Is there a 64 bit version of ubuntu?14:28
chiiiiiz_it does not appear on the download page of ubuntu france14:29
Tm_Tchiiiiiz_: ubuntu or kubuntu?14:29
chiiiiiz_ubuntu. since kubuntu does not want to install, I want to see if ubuntu encounters the same issue14:30
Tm_Thttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download and choose 64-bit14:30
soeehmm im tring to open mkv file in vlc but i only get green screen all the time, any idea why ?14:31
almoxarifesoee: what is inside the mkv?14:34
BluesKajsoee:  got ffmpeg ?14:34
soeealmoxarife, some anime movie14:35
almoxarifesoee: yes, but what codec?14:35
soeethumbs in dolphin are created good14:35
soeealmoxarife, H264 MPEG-4 AVC ?14:36
almoxarifesoee: look at it this way, mkv is a container, vlc handles that fine, but the codec has to be also supported by vlc14:36
soeeBluesKaj, yeah ffmpeg is here14:37
almoxarifesoee: i would think that would play, is it a link on the web?14:37
almoxarifesoee: i was wanting to see if i could play it, my system is vanilla vlc14:39
almoxarifesoee: then again it could be the super secret sauce anime not for general consumption, good luck14:42
* almoxarife thinks american english gets lots in translation14:43
soeealmoxarife, hah its Guilty Crown - just wnated to see is it worth anything :) one moment upgraing vlc14:43
almoxarifelost too14:43
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JabberwockyA19when I type "dirname $0" konsole it returns "/bin"  where gnome-terminal returns "."14:45
JabberwockyA19any idea why there is a difference between these two terminals?14:46
almoxarifesoee: look at xbmc too14:46
soeewhat is it ?14:47
almoxarifeJabberwockyA19: i got /bin in both14:52
BluesKaj!medibuntu | soee14:53
ubottusoee: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:53
mohaachiiiiiz_  tu peux utiliser le site principal. tu auras le choix de la version14:53
BluesKajalmoxarife,  xbmc is a good app if you're willing to let it take over all your media :)14:54
almoxarifeBluesKaj: it does make managing everything on a drive much simpler14:55
mohaachiiiiiz_: http://ubuntu.univ-nantes.fr/ubuntu-cd/11.10/14:55
BluesKajtoo many menus and submenus for my liking , almoxarife14:56
chiiiiiz_mohaa: Ben non justement. Sur la page telechargement du ubuntu-fr, il ne proposent pas le 64 bits14:56
mohaachiiiiiz_  tu peux utiliser le site principal. tu auras le choix de la version14:56
mohaapas le site français14:56
almoxarifeBluesKaj: too many? tame it!14:56
mohaasinon, tu peux prendre sur le mirroir de l'université de nantes14:57
BluesKajgentlemen, anglais seulement , svp!14:57
mohaaBluesKaj  apologies  ;)14:57
almoxarifehow can i detach chat windows from quassel?14:58
BluesKajmohaa,  np , just a friendly reminder14:58
mohaanoticing the difference between an irish mirror and a japanese one o_O14:59
BluesKajok brb, the fonts here aren't setting14:59
mohaairc client15:02
soeealmoxarife, BluesKaj with smplayer this file works fine15:22
soeedoesnt work with vlc, dragonplayer, bangarang15:22
BluesKajI don't have a problem with mkv files in vlc , soee ..so it's difficult for me to figure what problem might be. Smplayer doesn't work so well here , oddly enough .15:25
Peace-soee: ffprobe files15:25
Anubishi ! how can i get rid of the blueish margin of the selected window?15:30
szalSystem Settings -> Workspace Appearance -> Window Decorations -> Configure Decoration... -> Shadows -> uncheck Active Window Glow15:33
Anubisszal: thank you. i just figured out how15:35
BluesKajI'm begining to despise samba ... thank the linux gods for ssh ! :)15:40
JabberwockyA19almoxarife: thanks for trying on your side. I've found a solution by using the following: dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"15:40
soeePeace-, ffprobe ?15:41
soeeok googled already15:42
soeeRiddell, when can we expect rc2 in 11.10 beta ppa ?15:44
Riddellsoee: it's compiling now in ninjas15:44
soeeRiddell, oh great, thank you15:44
Riddellwhich it should have done last night but upstream has been confusing with adding new tars that overlap with existing ones15:44
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soeeRiddell, how does the biulding packages process works?16:57
Riddellsoee: we coordinate in #kubuntu-devel and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging, do them locally then in a PPA then in the real archive17:07
soeeRiddell, thank you17:08
MrKnecesito ayuda!!!!17:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:12
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_jam_I just installed ff9 as prompted, now when I click on links in other applications, I get a reponse that firefox is running but not responding (but it is in fact working just fine)17:38
_jam_I am running two different firefox processes (with two different profiles)17:38
rtshi all, i have a question about 1gbit nics + kubuntu -- which are the best to use for the desktop? i have an asus board here with a rtl based nic onboard but it loses frames thus dropping performance to an awkward 10mb/sec and less...17:39
Torchrts: i usually recommend intel e1000 based NICs17:51
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rtsTorch: thanks for the hint -- i will try to get some more info on that card17:53
* crack05 is away (Gone)17:57
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rtsTorch: intel e1000 sounds good, even support jumbo frames, will give that a try, thanks18:02
trippycan i ask a question or is nobody here..18:10
Torchtrippy: ask away (never ask to ask on an irc channel ;-))18:10
trippymy monitor flickers every so often.. then goes black.. i can ctrl+alt+f1 and get to a tty but thats about it..18:14
trippyhow do i fix my gui so it doesnt flicker out anymore..18:14
trippyi have two partitions and the other runs gnome perfectly.. any ideas???18:16
Torchtrippy: graphics card and driver?18:17
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trippyill see..18:17
trippyis there something i can type in the terminal to speed my search up..18:19
trippynm.. found it18:20
trippyits just saying generic background device..18:21
trippyso i guess its not using the right drivers at all...18:21
trippytorch: Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integr18:22
Torchtrippy: so intel it is, apparently.18:28
Torchtrippy: i am no expert here, but intel's open source (and afaik there are no others) drivers have a reputation of being unstable.18:29
Torchtrippy: but that's just some general hearsay i repeat here ;-)18:29
Torchtrippy: i'm aware of this not being very helpful to you, sorry.18:32
ubuntuhi there18:32
ubuntuhow to recuse my system which has been lost grub entry after another o installation?18:34
ubuntui am on Live CD., i could find my ubuntu file system., how to bring my system back??18:35
BluesKajubuntu,  did you install windows ?18:36
ubuntuBluesKaj: Nope ::)18:36
ubuntuANother Linux18:36
ubuntuBluesKaj: ping18:37
BluesKajso the other linux installed a boot loader18:37
ubuntuitz opensuse18:38
who_meopensuse is "special" like that :/18:39
ubuntuhow to recuse it? :( i have installed a tons of apps in it18:39
ubuntuwho_me: can't i then?18:40
BluesKajubuntu,  , have you tried to update grub ?18:40
ubuntuBluesKaj: how to dat? :P18:40
ubuntui am not a techie actually18:41
BluesKajopen a terminal , sudo update-grub18:41
who_meit applies to other cases of bootloader getting overwritten18:42
BluesKajdon't have to be a techie to do some simple commands in the terminal18:42
ubuntuBluesKaj: ok guys18:42
ubuntuwho_me: i couldn't follow that18:43
ubuntui have already googled that18:43
BluesKajubuntu,  did you , sudo update-grub ?18:44
who_methere is also this bit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair18:45
ubuntusudo update-grub18:45
BluesKajyou can probly do the equivalent command in suse to include ubuntu in grub menu , have you checked that out ?18:45
ubuntu*sorry there is an error18:45
ubuntuusr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).18:46
ubuntuBluesKaj: No ,Do you think that  will be a best fix18:46
ubuntuif so let me check it18:46
ubuntuthanks BluesKaj,who_me18:47
trippytorch: thats my display driver all i could find.. thank you tho.. what if i sign into my ubuntu and find the correct drivers... than what..18:54
viKtor__hey guys i found an issue18:54
viKtor__when i place my cursor next to the right side of the screen, it seems like if the cursor could go ahead, instead, in the left side it doesn't18:55
trippytorch: if i found the correct driver from my gnome partition how would i go about installing it..18:59
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ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:49
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BluesKajsoee,  visit #kde , you'll see why19:53
soeeBluesKaj, yeah i see there conversation :D19:54
Peace-BluesKaj: xD20:07
who_methat dude surely knows how to troll20:11
BluesKajspouting off , i think he's practising for the debating team , arguing about split hairs20:12
who_mereminds my of my gf when I "forget" about her :))20:13
who_meargumentative lil' $%^&20:13
BluesKajactually the 2 deserve each other :)20:15
who_meI wonder if /ignore <nut_job> will spare me seeing his nonsense in the channel. Yeah, I've been away from IRC for a long time :)20:18
keithzgThis is so strange, GIMP only visually updates to what I've done for most things (like adding text boxes, etc) upon saving. If I change the size of a font? Gotta save the file to see the changes, wtf?20:25
Peace-keithzg: #gimp ?20:25
keithzgOnly happens in KDE.20:33
keithzgWorks fine in Openbox, etc.20:33
Peace-keithzg: mm i dunno but disabled desktop effect ?20:34
Peace-maybe it doens't matter but...20:34
keithzgTried it, didn't seem to change anything.20:34
keithzgThat's always the first thing I try ;)20:35
keithzg(I'm running an NVIDIA blog driver TwinView setup...the initial jump to KDE4 was a nightmare, haha)20:35
keithzgIt had finally gotten so that I could use KDE4 exclusively in my day-to-day use, then I upgraded to oneiric, silly me20:38
randomatixwhat's a good way to set the PATH for krunner?  the default is missing ~/bin20:39
keithzgSeems like it obeys $PATH just fine, so I'd probably say that's the best way (seeing as its the standard way in general)20:43
randomatixkeithzg: Yes, it does seem to respect the PATH it inherits during start-up, which is different than what's in my .bashrc.20:49
randomatixthat PATH is /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games  # not useful20:50
nusei can't seem to keep my screen from turning off in kubuntu, i've turnt the screen saver off and set all the power profiles to not sleep or hibernate20:50
nusei don't understand why it keeps having, also i have to hit the power button to wake the laptop back up20:50
randomatixnuse: could it be something in the monitor or machine settings?20:52
nusei checked monitor settings, nothing there20:52
randomatixdid you try booting another OS, perhaps a live CD?20:52
nuseis that directed to me randomatix?20:53
randomatixnuse: yes20:53
nusewhy would i? i also have gnome3 on my laptop and it doesn't turn off20:53
nusekubuntu was doing that before i put gnome on my laptop though, so its not some gnome settings interfering with my kde desktop20:54
keithzgAnd you checked the power profiles?20:54
nusei have dim display setup but Suspend session and screen engery saving turned off on every profile20:55
nuseand yet it still seems to happen20:56
keithzgWhat happens if you disable even dimming?20:56
nuseits annoying because it disconnects my internet when it does it20:56
nusegood call, haven't tryed that yet, i was just thinking about that as i typed my earlier statement20:56
nuseguess we will find about in 10 minutes or so20:57
droxgood night i have this problem, i close window plasma desktop which to do open it21:31
genii-arounddrox: Might want to try kstart plasma-desktop21:33
droxbecause I do not need to be understood only21:34
droxinterested enough to drag the folder on the desktop and does it all21:35
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MaxHRHello, any recommendations for best speech recognition to control desktop, browse, and especially for dictation for emails and word processing?22:07
giantpunehi.  im using kubuntu 11.10.  today it started suddenly crashing and returning me to the login screen.  is there anywhere to look for a log of what could be causing this?22:18
szalgiantpune: for starters, /var/log/kdm.log and /var/log/Xorg.0.log(.old)22:19
giantpunethanks szal.  i havea couple backtraces in that log. :(22:22
MaxHRHello, every time I try to install any packages that don't have the little blue kubunut icon next to them, Muon complains that the following packages aren't verified... is there any way to fix this?22:27
giantpuneand google seems to have thousands of the same backtrace as im getting.  looks like one of those bugs that wont ever get fixed22:27
Torchgiantpune: pastebin what you have so we can have a look22:29
giantpunethis is my log.  http://pastie.org/private/y1cew9coudt15ggo4lpg22:29
giantpunei put the first line from the backtrace in google and found some bug reports that describe the same issue im getting22:30
MaxHRMuon often hangs after I ask it to install something, pointer just spins, muon is greyed out, doesn't download... anybody know a fix?22:36
MaxHRIt seems to only happen when I try to install packages that don't have the blue gear icon, and after I say go ahead when it gives the warning, it just sits there22:38
TorchMaxHR: not a solution... but in my experience, graphical package managers just aren't worth the trouble. they never really work 100% of the time and are often clusmy to use.22:38
TorchMaxHR: so my suggestion would be to get used to using the command line for package management.22:38
TorchMaxHR: might seem awkward at first, but it does indeed always work as expected.22:39
MaxHRTorch: thanks, hopefully it won't come to that, maybe I will try a different gui pm, Muon seems a little young and rough compared to others22:42
giantpunesynaptic works pretty well22:43
BarkingFishMaxHR: I'd suggest apper to you - i found muon to be a bit on the rought side too, went back to apper, which resembles Kpackagekit, which is what I started on last year22:43
MaxHRthx for the suggestions... do any of those allow parallel downloading of packages?22:46
szalaptitude ftw22:46
Torchapt-get and dpkg ftw ;-)22:46
szaland I was introduced to gdebi by some howto the other day..  also has a CLI mode that seems to be pretty much what the likes of yum and zypper are22:46
Torchszal: i never got into yum and zypper and always felt they were poor replacements for apt-get22:47
Torchszal: but i'm just an old fart, so what do i know ;-)22:47
MaxHRI will try them all and report back :) ... except the cli ones :p22:54
bentosou do brasil23:18
szal!br | Belial23:47
ubottuBelial: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:47
szaldang, he left23:47
szalsry Belial23:47
=== francisco is now known as Guest85501
Tech-1hi szal23:50
apersonhiya all.  I just got some new hardware (i5, new nvidia card, etc) and when I migrated my kubuntu install it won't boot normally.  I can go to recovery mode and hit resume, and all is fine.  Any ideas?23:55

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