
StevenKwgrant: Sorry, was breakfasting00:02
StevenKwgrant: Gah, it's been so long since I've updated mawson. bzr pull in devel and then ../rocketfuel-get.sh ?00:13
wgrantStevenK: ~/bin/upgrade-dogfood-launchpad or so00:15
wgrantDoes it all.00:15
StevenK2012-01-06 00:40:09 INFO    Upload was rejected:00:40
StevenK2012-01-06 00:40:09 INFO    Invalid Maintainer.00:40
StevenKwgrant: Shall I put up a NDT?00:52
jtvwgrant, maybe you could have a look at this as well?  I feel entirely unqualified to assess or Q/A this, so the more eyes the merrier.  https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-876594/+merge/8762404:18
wgrantjtv: What does TestSyncNotification.makeUploader do that Archive.newComponentUploader doesn't?04:29
wgrantjtv: I think signingkey should be preferred to SPPH.creator04:36
wgrantBut it probably doesn't matter too much.04:36
wgrantIt also looks like it's Changed-By that gets spammed, not Maintainer.04:37
jtvPossibly.  And if so, it'll be a lot harder to hammer out of notify() without risking unforeseen consequences.04:37
wgrantThis should suppress Changed-By, not Maintainer.04:38
wgrantI don't see how this can suppress Maintainer.04:38
wgrant    if blamer is None:04:38
wgrant        debug(04:38
wgrant            logger, "Changes file is unsigned; adding changer as recipient.")04:38
wgrant        candidate_recipients.append(changer)04:38
* lifeless whispers statemachine04:40
jtvChanging notify() terrifies me.04:41
wgrantI'm not saying you need to.04:42
wgrantI'm saying that the this isn't doing what your test says it does.04:42
wgrantThe problem may have been misinterpreted, and this will fix it anyway.04:42
jtvI think I'll add a changer to the test.04:46
jtvwgrant: my eye now falls on a detail that I had hitherto ignored — is_valid_uploader.04:58
wgrantjtv: Right.04:59
wgrantjtv: That projects the only Maintainer usage that I can see.04:59
jtvMy branch replaces the paragraph you just quoted with one that also adds the changer, but only if the changer is an uploader.04:59
jtvNo match.04:59
wgrantYour branch doesn't seem to touch notifications.py04:59
jtvThat's right.05:00
jtvWho would want to?05:00
StevenKThanks ever so.05:00
wgrantThe paragraph I quoted is from notifications.py05:00
wgrantnotification.py, sorry05:00
wgrantSo if your branch doesn't touch that file, it probably didn't replace the paragraph that I quoted.05:00
jtvStevenK: Nothing personal.  For context, I've been saying I don't want to change it because I can't oversee the consequences.05:00
jtvStevenK: If I change the logic in notifications.py, it may affect lots of other things.  That's why I don't think anybody would want to touch notifications.py to change just one particular behaviour.05:02
jtvwgrant: I didn't mean that my branch replaces it textually; it replaces it dynamically by going through a different code path.05:03
jtvwgrant: the bit you quoted is for the case where blamer is None, and it adds changer to the recipients list unconditionally.05:03
lifelesshmm, notification looks roughly the right place to build up from to get a clean notification api05:04
wgrantjtv: Right, that's what I meant.05:04
wgrantjtv: It changes Changed-By from unconditional to conditional.05:04
jtvBy supplying a non-None blamer, I make it go through a different clause that also adds the changer — but only if the changer is an uploader.05:04
wgrantBut doesn't change Maintainer unless they are an uploader.05:04
wgrantWhich in this case they aren't.05:04
wgrantSo it doesn't change the Maintainer case.05:04
jtvChange Maintainer?05:05
jtvYou mean add?05:05
wgrantSo either the problem is misstated and your test is wrong, or your fix is wrong.05:05
jtvThe maintainer also gets added only if it's an uploader.05:05
jtvBut you're right that the test needs re-stating.05:06
wgrantWhich they're clearly not.05:06
wgrantThis change can only make it more likely that the maintainer is notified.05:06
wgrantIt makes it less likely that Changed-By is notified.05:06
jtvYes.  That sucks, but that's where we get into the internals of notification.py.  :(05:07
lifelessI realise you don't want to upscope this - but is the basic model I proposed for a notification service useful (even in-app) for trying to make this easier to reason about ?05:07
wgrantThe problem is not notifying people. It's working out from our terrible data model who to notify and when and how to avoid breaking things.05:08
wgrantAnd rewriting the whole thing is not a good way to not break things :)05:08
lifelessI didn't actually suggest that05:08
lifelessbut, breaking it into two problems - even conceptually:05:08
lifeless - who is involved [build the sets of involved folk, including how they are involved]05:08
wgrantThat's exactly the problem.05:09
lifeless - notify05:09
wgrantThat's how it is now.05:09
lifelessbut it sounds to me that you're examining conditional code that takes the event into account when determining who is involved05:09
wgrantI'm not entirely sure how one can determine the involved people without knowing context...05:10
lifelessperhaps I misunderstand the issue you're wending your way through05:11
lifelessI have to wrap up some stuff, so I will get out of your hair :)05:11
lifelessI may come back if you're still bloodying up the wall in a while05:11
jtvlifeless: for the record, I started out by strengthening that separation, pulling the "identify recipients" into the call site.  It didn't help this case.05:11
lifelessjtv: identify recipients is actually against my point, its not equivalent to identifying roles, if you get my drift (Again, terminology, I probably misunderstand)05:12
jtvPotato, potato.05:12
jtvwgrant: I suppose the immediate question is whether it's okay to notify changers who are uploaders.05:18
jtvSorry, no: maintainers who are uploaders.05:18
jtvwgrant: I don't suppose it's likely to be too problematic for a maintainer or change author to be notified about builds in archives they are uploaders for?05:26
wgrantjtv: I would argue that it's pointless. But it has precedent.05:26
wgrantAnd it's not harmful.05:26
jtvLooking on the bright side, it's something they're involved in and can do something about, right?05:26
wgrant"harmful" for Soyuz is roughly defined as "pissing off Debian developers who aren't involved in Ubuntu"05:27
jtvOr its derived distros.05:30
wgrantThat's not really an issue.05:30
wgrantDistros derived from us are less likely to want to kill us.05:31
jtvNot meant to annoy you; just wondering if there might be non-obvious scenarios where a Debian maintainer might be made an uploader through indirect membership, or to work around some completely unrelated problem.05:31
wgrantIt's unlikely.05:32
wgrantIdeally we would entirely ignore Maintainer and Changed-By, just notifier signer/requester + sponsoree05:32
wgrantBut we don't have that modelled sufficiently at present.05:32
jtvClutching at the straws of negativity, any chance that we might generate unacceptable mail volume for someone out there?05:32
wgrantAren't we just returning to the previous behaviour here?05:33
wgrantMm, although Changed-By was changed.05:33
wgrantAnyway, I suspect it's Good Enough for Now™05:34
jtvI'm inclined to feel the same, for what little that's worth; but good to have this sanity chat.05:35
jtvThe Changed-By author is only affected in the direction of less chance of getting notified.05:35
jtvwgrant: so… shall I just land it then?  I just added the changed-by author to the test (and they do not get notified).05:39
wgrantjtv: I'd like to see the test failing with the rest of the code reverted, at least.05:39
jtvMy word that that's what happened before I wrote the fix is not good enough?  :)05:40
wgrantThe test was wrong before, so no :)05:40
jtvNot wrong; it failed in exactly the expected ways.  It was just incomplete.  Okay, I'll run that.05:41
wgrantHmm, that's shouldn't have failed, though.05:41
wgrantMaintainer shouldn't have been notified before.05:42
jtvwgrant: is it because I made the maintainer sign the changes file?05:49
wgrantjtv: That sounds bad.05:50
jtvYeah.  The maintainer is no longer notified (by the old code) when I change that.05:52
wgrantHm, does your test actually use a build at all?05:53
wgrantIf not, it's probably not using your code at all.05:53
jtvBut then how could it fail without my change and pass with my change?05:56
wgrantAn extremely good question.05:56
wgrantOh, you hide a build in makeNascentUpload05:56
wgrantThat makes more sense.05:56
wgrantAnyway, I need to wander off for a while and prepare stuff for BUD.05:57
jtvThanks greatly for your help so far.05:57
wgrantThanks for trying to understand and fix this madness :/05:58
jtvUnderstand?  Fix?  Julian told me what to do and we gradually discover how the change works around it.  :)06:02
lifelessstub: yo07:53
lifelessstub: could you rebuild the bug search indices? If they are bloated (what are the odds... :P)07:54
stubAnd number one on the bloated index list is... bug_fti07:55
lifelessI'm shocked.07:56
stubHmmm... wonder if I should try that new script to rebuild indexes live...07:56
stublosas have a script from (isd or u1?) that should rebuild any index live08:00
stubBut not deployed on our boxes yet so I'll use my canned statements08:01
stubMaster is done08:04
stubSometimes wonder if this should be an automated, daily rebuild like data warehouse sites do. But they don't have to do it live...08:05
lifelessheh, uhm, like rebooting windows servers daily.08:05
lifelessI sure hope we can do better :)08:05
lifelessstatik was very keen to hear of your new-db-tech interest btw08:06
stubInteresting stuff there is going to be U1 with the primary backend to U1DB08:07
stubStats are saying with current usage we need to rebuild bug_fti every two weeks08:11
wgrantMay change with bug heat changes, though.08:14
stubYes, but I can schedule myself to check that now :)08:17
lifelessstub: are langpack exports in BAD_USERS or whatnot ?08:31
lifelessstub: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/68466408:31
lifelesswgrant: q for you on https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/68507608:35
_mup_Bug #685076: PPA deletion leaves unremoved publications <lp-soyuz> <soyuz-publish> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/685076 >08:35
stublifeless: yes, got landed yesterday in fact.08:44
lifelessstub: I'm guessing there is a duplicate bug then ?08:45
stublifeless: its a different bug08:45
lifelessstub: k08:46
lifelessmrevell: hey, FWIW stub has reset the fti index08:46
lifelessmrevell: so, that should help with fti searches08:46
mrevellThat's good to hear.08:46
stubAnd scheduled a recurring check every two weeks08:46
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
lifelessstub: FYI - work in progress only - bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/use-lazr-postgresql and bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-launchpad-branches/lazr-postgresql/trunk/09:09
adeuringgood morning09:10
stublifeless: I'll have a look next week probably. Ta.09:11
wgrantlifeless: Probably very negligible.09:19
lifelessanyone have an opinion on ?https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/66838109:28
_mup_Bug #668381: start_codebrowse invokes "make build" unnecessarily <canonical-losa-lp> <lp-code> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/668381 >09:28
wgrantlifeless: Pretty sure we can just use compile.09:30
StevenKallenap: How do you propose to QA r14641, given it has been rolled back three times?09:30
StevenKallenap: If you say "Wait until next week and beg myself and wgrant" I may be forced to pack a cricket bat. :-P09:31
allenapStevenK: Ha. Hahaha. HAhahahahahfahfahahah.09:31
wgrantOn the list of bad times to roll out an infamously explosive change, I would rank sprints where the whole team is in a single timezone fairly highly :)09:31
allenapStevenK: If you're offering, that would be most kind, thank you.09:31
StevenKallenap: Do I look insane? :-P09:32
allenapStevenK: Do you really want me to answer that?09:33
bigjoolsdo you really need a reply to that?09:33
StevenKNow I remember why I was happy moving from Red to Teal/Purple. :-P09:33
wgrantStevenK: You were never truly Red!09:33
lifelessgmb: oh hi; there was a bug - one you unassigned, where in the bug you said 'testing xyz needs to be done' -> I'm curious if you did said testing or not, to aid handoff09:34
lifelessok; haltingish. See you guys in buda09:34
wgrantNight lifeless.09:34
StevenKlifeless: Have safe flights.09:35
StevenKwgrant: And note I said QA. I didn't say anything about deployment. :-)09:39
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
adeuringhttps://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^210:13
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
cjwatsonBug 911943 - rollback or fix?  (garbo jobs that raise an exception don't actually break anything particularly, but ...)11:42
_mup_Bug #911943: gina imports SourcePackageRelease.dsc_binaries incorrectly <qa-bad> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by cjwatson> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/911943 >11:42
cjwatsonIf it needs to be rolled back, I'll need somebody to do that for me11:43
rick_h__adeuring: can you look this over when you get a chance please? https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/oops_912178/+merge/8767511:44
adeuringrick_h__:  sure11:44
rick_h__adeuring: ty11:45
cjwatsonOh, and can I push the fix to the same branch and remerge, or does it need to be a separate branch?11:46
wgrantcjwatson: It's not overly critical, and the fix seems trivial, so might as well just fix it.11:48
wgrantSame branch is OK if you want.11:48
cjwatsonAdd "chunk_size = int(chunk_size + 0.5)", yes?11:49
cjwatsonAnd I'm going to *document this*11:50
wgrantI suppose so :/11:50
cjwatsonFixed.  Re-review/landing would be lovely.11:52
* cjwatson idly notes that there's already a garbo job that shoots itself in the face on dogfood: http://paste.ubuntu.com/794772/11:53
wgrantYeah, but that's just DF being itself :)11:53
cjwatsonAh, unique to DF?  OK11:53
wgrantcjwatson: Can you create a new MP quickly?11:53
wgrantYeah, that table has existed on prod for a yearish now.11:54
cjwatsonwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/gina-dsc-binaries/+merge/8773211:55
wgranttimeout ftw11:56
adeuringrick_h__: the changes look good. But I think the JS code needs a test11:56
rick_h__adeuring: ok11:57
wgrantcjwatson: It breaks test_SourcePackageReleaseDscBinariesUpdater_updates_incorrect12:03
cjwatsonReally?  I ran that test here and didn't see it12:04
wgrant  File "/home/wgrant/launchpad/lp-branches/gina-dsc-binaries/lib/lp/scripts/garbo.py", line 1084, in main12:04
wgrant    raise SilentLaunchpadScriptFailure(self.failure_count)12:04
wgrantSilentLaunchpadScriptFailure: 112:04
cjwatsonmake schema12:04
wgrantAh, you changed sampledata?12:04
cjwatsonthere's a security.cfg change12:04
wgrantOf course.12:04
cjwatson(public.sourcepackagerelease += UPDATE)12:05
danilosflacoste, hi, do you happen to have a minute?12:44
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring, bac | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
rick_h__adeuring: ping, updated with test if you get another look please https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/oops_912178/+merge/8767513:28
adeuringrick_h__: cool13:28
adeuringrick_h__: r=me thanks for adding the test and the additional changes!13:32
rick_h__ adeuring yep, thanks for pushing me on it. :)13:33
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
flacostehi danilos14:13
danilosflacoste, heya, up for short skyping?14:15
flacostedanilos: sure, i have another call in 15 mins14:16
danilosflacoste, ack, that should be more than enough14:17
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
* deryck will be back online shortly, changing work locations15:27
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
sinzuijcsackett, I think you are missing a test16:22
jcsackettsinzui: you are correct. i'll add the proposed-membership test and switch to the set-based recommendation.16:27
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
abentleyderyck: chat?16:50
deryckabentley, 10-15 minutes and I'll be ready.  cool?16:51
abentleyderyck: sure.16:51
deryckabentley, great, thanks!  I'll ping shortly.16:51
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
sinzuibac, will you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/unassign-bugs-0/+merge/87785 today17:28
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
jcsackettsinzui: got sidetracked for a bit with thunderdome prep, but changes have been pushed.17:36
sinzuijcsackett, thanks17:36
sinzuijcsackett, r=me17:44
bacsinzui: i may in a bit17:45
gary_posterbac, if you have time, this should be very straightforward (doc changes only): https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug578854/+merge/8778717:48
gary_poster(I see others are ahead of me in line :-) )17:48
sinzuigary_poster, I will review your branch17:54
gary_posterthank you sinzui!17:54
gary_postersinzui, if bac doesn't get to your branch in a bit, I can take yours.  Trying to wrap a few things up for now, and will take lunch sometime too17:55
bacgary_poster, sinzui: i'll be available in a few minutes17:55
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
sinzuigary_poster, r=me17:59
gary_posterthanks sinzui17:59
bacsinzui: looking at your branch now.  sorry about the delay.18:29
sinzuithats okay18:29
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
sinzuibac, I claimed your branch for review, but is the proposed merge right?18:36
bacsinzui: no, it is not18:37
bacsinzui:  i forgot to specify the pre-req branch.  let me redo it18:37
bacsinzui: this one should be more better:  https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/904335-milestone-edit/+merge/8779618:39
sinzuithank you18:39
* bac afk for a bit18:41
sinzuibac r=me with a suggestion19:08
bacsinzui: thanks19:11
bacsinzui: excellent suggestions, especially the second19:12
bacb/c you're right, i always have to scratch my head over the other syntax19:12
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: [] | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
abentleyderyck: are you up for a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/bugcomment-interface/+merge/8780820:42
deryckabentley, I don't mind doing it, but just about to step out for day.  Can I do it through tonight/travel, or do you need it today?20:42
abentleyderyck: No rush.20:42
deryckabentley, ok, cool.  I'll claim it then.20:43
abentleyderyck: thanks20:43
deryckabentley, np!20:43
lifelessbdmurray: small request for you; we find it works better for bugs for them to description the situation, not the desire23:08
lifelesse.g. "cannot search on bugs 'left_closed_since' via the API"23:09
bdmurraylifeless: okay23:10

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