
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
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* ogra_ reboots into 3.0 on the ac10012:18
ogra_hmm, no sound istill12:23
marvin24there should be sound ...12:35
marvin24ogra_: is there a new kernel package?12:35
ogra_marvin24, yep12:38
ogra_seems stable yet12:39
marvin24ogra_: there is some instability introduced by the upstream update from chromeos to 3.0.1312:45
ogra_then its good that we are still on 3.0.8 :)12:46
marvin24if possible, hold off any further updates until this is fixed12:46
marvin24what about sound?12:46
ogra_janimo, ^^^^12:46
marvin24did you tried to "fix" the mixers?12:46
ogra_well, i get a cracking/popping sound when i unmute the world, havent digged deeper12:46
ogra_so i guess its just my old 2.6.xx config getting in the way12:47
marvin24ok, keep trying ;-)12:51
ogra_heh, will do, its not that important to me12:52
ogra_ndec, invalid passcode ??13:01
ndecogra_: it's new year bug...13:02
ndecuse 7242015013:02
ogra_k, thx13:02
ogra_better :)13:02
ndecrsalveti: ^^13:05
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ogra_marvin24, hmm, i was wrong, i have sound, its just that the pop sound is louder then the actual sound it plays (does it power up/down all the time ?)14:40
marvin24ogra_: possible14:41
marvin24ideally we should mute it before blobing14:41
marvin24I mean mute the amp14:41
marvin24the blob comes from muting the codec14:41
ogra_well, there seems ot be some distortion too14:42
ogra_playing the ubuntu login sound with paplay has some crackling in it14:42
ogra_(wasnt the case with .38)14:42
marvin24lower the speaker levek14:43
marvin24or some other mixer14:43
ogra_hmm, sad, still screen corruption with the newer kernel and binary driver :(14:48
* ogra_ was hopig it would magically vanish14:49
rsalvetindec: sorry, wasn't on-line at the time of the call17:26
ogra_excuses :P17:26
rsalvetindec: anything I missed? besides you pushing armhf drivers :-)17:26
rsalvetiogra_: haha17:26
ogra_nice article about xbmc :=17:26
rsalvetiogra_: :-) that was the reason17:26
ogra_rsalveti, we're waiting for IS to finish the hf PPA setup ... i hope thats done by beginning of next week17:27
ogra_beyond that it should just be a matter of uploading :)17:27
rsalvetiogra_: yup, would be cool to have the drivers by the time of the sprint17:27
rsalvetiogra_: are you driving again to budapest this year?17:28
rsalvetimust be quite cold I believe17:28
ogra_no, its actually warm, i think its the warmest january i can remember17:28
ogra_always around 7-10°C17:28
ogra_so yes, i'll drive :)17:29
ogra_and my car has a heating ;)17:29
rsalvetioh, ok, not that bad :-)17:29
ogra_yeah, its very strange17:29
ogra_i would actually have expected snow around this time of year17:29
ogra_but i guess we'll have that mid summer from now on :)17:30
rsalvetiogra_: which is not bad I believe ;-)17:30
rsalvetiunless you really like cold weather17:30
ogra_not at all :)17:30
ndecrsalveti: you didn't miss much... and yes nice blog post.18:48
Sycro5Hi, I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 ARM on a pandaboard and am trying to get bluetooth working.  Using a usb bluetooth adapter, I am able to turn on bluetooth and successfully scan for devices.  I am not able to connect though.  When I type 'lsmod', I am getting the btusb module, but not a22:39
Sycro5'bluetooth' module.22:39
Sycro5the device shows up successfully on a 'hciconfig -a' query22:40
Sycro5I believe there is some bug in Ubuntu arm that is causing the problem.  Does anyone know of a build that has solved this problem, or have other suggesstions for me?22:41

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