
stepnjumphello everyone00:46
benonsoftwareHello stepnjump00:47
stepnjumphi benonsoftware00:55
benonsoftwarestepnjump: Just to let you know there is #ubuntu-beginners-team for offtopic chat :P00:57
r4yHow do I upgrade banshee to the latest stable release?01:02
holsteinr4y: this is what i would used for upgrading banshee https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/ppa04:29
holsteinor, thats what i would try first04:29
holsteinwould use*04:30
r4yI am not sure if it's going to help my problem04:30
r4yI looked under plug-ins and it has mtp selected04:31
r4yI was reading about it and thought I might need to upgrade Banshee04:31
holsteindepends.. you having trouble syncing up to something?04:32
r4yI exchanged my rca th1814wm-a and this time I did safely remove it and it will not mount on Ubuntu 10.04 or Windows XP04:32
holsteinr4y: maybe its dead :/04:32
r4yI was going to upgrade the firmware but it is stuck in mtp mode and the easyrip software says it needs to be in msc mode04:33
r4yso I can't try to upgrade the firmware04:33
holsteinthat was a hardware setting for a little sansa i had04:34
holsteinwell, a setting made on the actual unit04:34
r4yI tried Qlix and it says there is no device04:34
r4yI tried mtp-detect and it says there is no device04:35
r4yI've be Googling to no avail04:37
holsteinwell, if its not mounting...04:37
r4yI hope I can return it for money04:38
r4yAny suggestions for what to buy that will work with Linux and is fairly cheap on tigerdirect and or newegg?04:39
holsteinr4y: i havent messed with anything like that since the android phone04:39
r4yDo you know who would know?04:40
r4yI mean04:40
r4yWho might know?04:40
holsteinanything with drag and drop firmware04:40
holsteinsomething that just shows up as a drive04:40
r4yI prefer hands on04:41
r4yThis was great for that until it doesn't mount04:41
r4yI haven't had this one for long.04:42
r4yIs there a mp3 hardware player channel for Linux users or something related?04:43
holsteintheres #opensourcemusicians04:43
holsteini think most will suggest something with drag and drop firmware04:44
r4yIs there hydrogen?04:44
holsteinall of them break04:44
r4yYes but less then a week04:44
r4yI get it though04:44
holsteinsure.. thats a perfect time for it to go04:45
holsteinfor a hard drive to fail... when they are new out of the box04:46
r4yIt could be worse I guess, other then hoping I can still get my money back. I wonder what the expiration date is for returning it04:47
holsteindepends on where you got it, but you should always try the manufacturer... roku replaced my roku player like a year past its warranty.. and so did kensington with a nice mouse i have04:48
r4ywhat does holstein refer to?, I didn't get a waranty for it I think04:49
holsteinr4y: im just saying, regardless of your agreement, contact the manufacturer04:50
holsteinsometimes they support you04:50
holsteinthe place where you purchased it should support you now, since its been a week04:51
holsteinbut, also since its been a week, mabye its just something with a learning curve04:51
r4yThe only thing is it is made for Windows like most things say and I am afraid I will not be able to get my money back if that doesn't work out in time before the expiration date04:52
r4yyes, I am sorry. You are right in your thinking though04:52
holsteinr4y: ?... you just return it cause its not mounting in windows04:52
r4yYes, both windows and linux04:53
holsteinim not saying you lie... but you didnt break it in linux.. unless you did ;)04:53
r4yBefore, I forgot to right click and safely remove but this time I did click safely remove which is the new on not the old one04:54
r4yI am not sure what I could have done to break it.04:54
r4yHowever it came with easyrip software designed for it04:54
r4yIt worked without it, until it would not mount04:55
r4yThis is why I want to buy a linux supported mp3 player04:55
holsteinyouve tried seeing it in fdisk -l ?04:55
r4yI will try again though04:55
holsteinr4y: you'll probably pay extra for one that says 'linux' on the box04:56
r4ynothing popped up04:57
holsteinr4y: sudo fdisk -l04:58
holsteinor, run gparted and see if you see the deivce there04:58
holsteinand consider formatting it04:58
r4yI had formatted the older one before04:59
holsteinr4y: well, it could be bad...04:59
r4yI think in my case it's Disk Utility not gparted but I could be wrong05:00
r4yI there was both05:00
holsteinr4y: ?... well you can run either and look for it05:00
holsteini want you to run gparted and look05:00
holsteinbut you can use the other if you like... let me know if you see it either place05:01
r4yI've checked over and over and it doesn't show up05:01
r4yI will check again05:01
holsteinr4y: you dont have to check.. if it aint showing up there, you'll never mount it05:02
r4yThe only thing related is called Peripheral Devices which is empty05:02
holsteinr4y: it'll be a hard drive in gparted05:03
r4yI came here earlier and said that I can mount my flash drive on the same usb port05:03
r4yhow do I open gparted in the terminal?05:04
holsteingksudo gparted05:04
holsteinr4y: careful in there!05:04
r4yIt says it's not installed05:04
holsteinr4y: gparted tells you the RCA is not installed?05:05
holsteinor you only find your hard drive there?05:05
r4yno the terminal says gparted is not installed05:05
holsteinr4y: you might have to install it05:05
r4ysudo apt-get install gparted I presume?05:06
holsteinr4y: however you install software05:06
r4yOr aptude, I messed the spelling up05:06
holsteinno need though... if its not seen, it wont mount05:06
r4yI use apt-get normally05:06
r4yOK, now what?05:07
holsteinr4y: i say, you do nothing, and return or exchange the device05:08
r4y"/dev/sda" all the way05:08
r4yending with numbers05:08
r4yNo, I know a few things05:08
r4yI was just making sure I am drawing the right conclusion from what I am seeing.05:09
holsteinr4y: you are seeing nothing.. so it cant boot05:10
holsteinyou can try unplug and replug05:10
r4yI have tried many things like that05:11
r4yThe manual said to remove batteries to reset it so I did that05:12
r4yI tried leaving it in when restarting05:12
r4yI've tried starting for listening and plugging it in05:13
holsteini would say, return it... then if that doesnt work, exchange again... throw that manual out, and just never plug it in windows05:13
r4yTY for trying. I need to move on. This has caused me too much headache.05:14
holsteinsure.. assuming you are allowed to 'move on', thats what i would do05:14
r4yWell, if I can't return it the files that I put on it still play, and I can always get a different mp3 player as well.05:15
r4yI have been trying to fix this thing all day. I am almost sick from it. I have to move on.05:16
holsteinr4y: good luck!05:16
r4yThank you. And thank you for the recommended channel. 2 people have already suggested mp3 players to try out05:17
r4yIt was suggested as well to check for an mp3 player that works with rockbox05:18
holsteinyup.. i like rockbox05:18
r4yI am finally free. Thank you very much.05:18
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CuliforgeHi all, getting my system straightened out (again!) trying to fix synaptic not fixing/installing packages.12:56
Culiforgedidn't ask for these packages but I assume they're dependencies of some sort12:57
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mybox1776Is this channel dead?20:42
holsteinmybox1776: acutally quite active... feel free and check the /topic... its an official support channel, so its for support questions... there is an OT channel for chatter20:44
pauliaxhello, i need to begin with ubuntu, but i can't becouse ubuntu disk 11.10 don't recognizes gigabyte p35-ds3 RAID-0 hard diskcs, can someone help me?20:45
holsteinpauliax: maybe you want to just install to a USB stick to begin... or install it inside virtualbox... feel free to hang out, maybe someone has more experience with that hardware20:46
pauliaxno i don't need it on virtual disk, why shoold i, i need an operating system, and i dont want one more hdd20:48
holsteinpauliax: ah... right one... well feel free and wait for someone who can help you install to that array natively... ill google around and post if i find something...20:50
pauliaxi dont find anyfing, but i am bad googler :(20:51
holsteinpauliax: im not seeing anything that makes me think it should not be supported. feel free to elaborate as to the errors you are experiencing, or try the 10.04 LTS (long term support) version20:54
holsteinif it were my hardware, i would try and boot live and see how everything is supported20:55
pauliaxeverything else is suported because - before raid it was working20:56
holsteini would assume it might be something to do with the way you have the array configured then20:56
holsteinagain, you'd just need to elaborate as to what and how it worked, and what you think broke it and how20:57
pauliaxi broke it because, i formated disk. pluged second disk - made array, installed w7 (whatever it is) on second partition, i tryed install ubuntu - and it dont saw disk or partitions - att all - sorry for eanglish21:00
holsteinpauliax: i would poke around on the forums for someone with that hardware, and see how they are dual booting on it... in not sure what happens there... i would also try the alternate installer, and as i suggested before, 10.04..21:02
pauliaxhow alternate installer - what is it? diferent version? sorry i dont understand?21:04
holsteinpauliax: its a different verion of the installer21:04
holsteini would try the alternate iso from here http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/21:04
holsteinthat will help you further diagnose as you are waiting and looking around21:05
holsteinyou might also try #ubuntu-server ... or somewhere else where hardware like that would come up...21:05
pauliaxi still think its gigabyte (not very friendly) RAID-0 driver missing, but thanks for your time21:07
holsteinpauliax: might not be friendly, but if you saw it before, that doesnt explain the issue21:09
holsteinif you saw it, and all was well.. then you reconfigured, and its not working.. its safe to assume its not the hardware, but in the configuring21:09
pauliaxhello, i need to begin with ubuntu, but i can't becouse ubuntu disk 11.10 don't recognizes gigabyte p35-ds3 RAID-0 hard diskcs, can someone help me?21:12
pauliaxups, sorry21:12
holsteinpauliax: it *did* recognize it though... maybe you can go back to that, and work from there21:13
holsteinpauliax: when starting the google search that way, it doesnt work well since it seems (and your data backs this up) that ubuntu *does* support that hardware21:14
holsteini was proposing that something in the configuration is not presenting itself to ubuntu 11.10, but might work with the LTS version, 10.0421:15
pauliaxcan you please show me where you saw it?21:17
holsteinthe 10.04 version?.. http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/21:17
pauliaxbtw 10.04 is better no gnome321:18
holsteinbetter is a matter of opionion... you can also try the upcoming 12.04 LTS version live and see if it shows up for you21:19
mybox1776Hi there.  Is there any way to modify the "dash home" _ The slider task bar thingy that pops out from the left side. I would like to 'lock it' in place and and also place it at the bottom. In system settings I cannot find a spot to make this change.21:29
mybox1776Placing it like a mac setup.21:29
mybox1776Any help would be appreciated21:30
holsteinmybox1776: this is 11.10? with the unity UI?21:31
mybox1776Linux mybox1776 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:56:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:31
mybox1776I believe so. Newest dwnld from site and install. And just ran all updates21:31
mybox1776fresh clean install on Sony laptop...fdiskd' and formatted21:32
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
mybox1776Also any time I try to run apt-get install XYZ, I get  "Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)21:35
holsteinmybox1776: i am not a unity user my self.. i know customizing it can be challengin... you might want to ask in #ubuntu, but feel free to hang here and wait21:35
holsteinmybox1776: thats likely just because another package manager is open.. you can look for, and turn off the updater21:35
mybox1776so I do  su apt-get install XYZ (whetever) and get Unknown id: apt-get21:35
holsteinyou need sudo apt-get install21:35
holsteinsudo apt-get update21:36
holsteinsudo apt-get install whatever21:36
mybox1776ah, it;s not SU?21:36
holsteinmybox1776: sudo is what we have21:37
ubot2`sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:37
mybox1776hmmm  seemed to work on other installs...  awesome..  ok.21:37
holsteinmybox1776: you can set it up where su will work AFAIK, but sudo is the way to go21:38
mybox1776Good to know.  I have also been struggling w/ my capture card - (hauppauge!) WinTV-HVR 850 (USB)  Ubuntu seems to detect it...  (when I run lsusb) I get :  Bus 002 Device 003: ID 2040:b140 Hauppauge21:40
mybox1776but, I assume, like in Windows, I need to attach drivers to it to work in say, MythTV or other TV apps so I can watch broadcast TV?21:41
holsteinassume nothing21:41
mybox1776Like TVTime... MeTV - all these devices want to detect as a device to use is my onboard laptop webcam21:42
holsteinmost things are plug and play (literally), but with specialized hardware like that its hard to say...i would search the myth supported devices21:42
mybox1776Yeah, Its supported w/ this latest Kern. And from what others have said, the drivers will work (I know, assume nothing) but...21:44
holsteinmybox1776: cool.. so it'll 'just work' then21:45
mybox1776hehe A lot of my Linux guys at work say that a lot.. "it just works"21:46
mybox1776Ihave found other wise in a few instances...   but I'm learning21:47
holsteinyup... it'll either just work, or it'll be a pain21:47
mybox1776I have found that with this new install, Ubuntu Software Center takes a good long time to load all the time...and I dont have much installed, default. I have 4gb of ram installed and after I open Firefox and maybe a few terminals doing nothing...  I see that I only have like 650MB free mem left. Even my Windows 7 install afer book left me w/ 2gb21:52
mybox1776is this verzion of the xwindow a little more bloated?21:53
holsteinmaybe... i dont use unity21:53
mybox1776yeah $ free -g  says 3GB used --21:54
holsteinim mostly running 10.04 as well... that was the last LTS (long term support), the next release, 12.03 is an lts as well21:54
mybox1776can I scrap unity easily?21:54
holsteinthough, i have several testing versions of 11.10 and 12.04 with other UI's21:54
mybox1776how can I tell what version I have?21:55
holsteinmybox1776: sure.. its all open... you can do what you like... the term 'easily' may be a bit elastic though21:55
holsteinmost folks try XFCE... in theory, you run sudo apt-get install xubuntu-destop, and logout or reboot and select "xubuntu session"21:56
holsteinbut i would do some research, and also, just generally 'get your feet wet'21:56
holsteini mean, you got more ram free than i have in most of my machines ;)21:56
mybox1776Unable to locate package xubuntu-destop21:57
holsteinyup... thats what we call a 'fat-finger21:57
holsteini suggest you *dont* just willy-nilly run that command though21:58
Unit193oCean: Hey21:58
holsteinits xubuntu-desktop though21:58
* holstein mistyped it21:58
mybox1776I copied it from you hehehe21:58
holsteintoally my bad21:59
mybox1776sall' good21:59
oCeanHi Unit19321:59
Unit193There's always !purexfce too21:59
holsteinUnit193: thats probably better to just try it out right?22:00
holsteinmybox1776: you can always download the live CD's for xubuntu, or the others, and try them without effecting your install22:00
Unit193In VM or otherwise22:01
Unit193holstein: Well, it gets as close as you can to "uninstall" the other bits22:01
mybox1776yup - I was actually on xbuntu before  but I had problems w/ it - I think it just got messed up along the way - session manager would crash...my screen saver would kick in and when i try to log in my authentication would fail.22:01
mybox1776So, I reformatted and started over. I do like XFCE tho...22:02
holsteinwell, if you are used to it already...22:02
mybox1776holstein:  xfce so much better...22:31
mybox1776I actually was uselkyd to Kbuntu - but I like this.  Seems less bu22:31
holsteinmybox1776: cool :) ... i just didnt want you to do something drastic you wouldnt be comfortable with...22:31
mybox1776Apps load MUCH quicker22:31
mybox1776tis' why I used the word "bloated"  Unity seems as such.22:32
holsteinthe #xubuntu channel is quite active as well22:32
mybox1776I bet a lot of people (mostly Windows users) would like Xfce a lot...  seems "familiar" and its a mix of style like mac/windows/linux22:33
mybox1776thanks for the command to install22:33
holsteinmybox1776: anytime... enjoy!22:34
mybox1776the developers might want to move the "log out" icon/button which sits next to applications menu. easily "clickable"22:37
mybox1776Thx again.  Now, on to getting my card to work! (Haupauge)22:37
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