
=== StepNjump_ is now known as ve2ebp
ramonb3rdhello and good morning from USA13:29
BluesKajHiyas all14:05
induzis there someone here17:32
pangolinthere is17:33
pangolinwhat can we do you for?17:33
induzis 1 Gb RAM is ok to run ubuntu1017:37
pangolinshould be fine17:37
pangolinyou may wantto try Xubuntu or Lubuntu, they require less resources17:38
willwhlubuntu is awesome, I highly recommend for lower end hardware18:09
willwhit's quite a bit faster than xubuntu18:09
willwhbig love for lxde :D18:09
BluesKajinduz,  heh, I read something the other day that ubuntu 11.10 could run 384mb RAM , but don't beleive it . 1G is probly the minimum depending on the desktop you choose18:30
bregmaI ran slackware 2.0 in 4 Mb RAM (and a 10 Mb hard drive) on a 386 SX20:49
bregmagosh, those were the days20:49
Androguyyay Linux distros on floppy disk!20:51
genii-aroundI had a few of tseho21:04
genii-aroundmuLinux was cool, even had X21:05
Androguyugh don't talk to be about running X on a 386 with 4mb ram lol21:08
BluesKajdamn small linux might run21:10
Androguyfortunately ive upgraded from a 386.  I'm now on an Arm/Tegra 2 platform. lol21:12
BluesKajAndroguy,  never heard of that21:29
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Embedded chips like you usually find in routers and phones, etc.21:30
* genii-around ponders the ARM A1521:42
bregmaI also have an ARM Tegra, it could emulate at least two of those old 386s and leave cycles to spare for a 68K22:08
bregmaI'll be loading Precise Pangolin on it next week22:10

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