
duanedesign'lo all14:22
mhall119jcastro: ping me when you have a few minutes15:16
jcastromhall119: yep, one sec15:35
jcastrojames_w: app dev guy coming your way in #ubuntu-app-devel15:36
jcastroI have no dpm today but this guy has a lens in review15:36
jcastroand wants to stick more things in USC15:36
jcastrohe's pretty awesome, pretty sure you guys will want to get his feedback on the whole process15:37
jcastrojames_w: stefannopallazo15:37
jcastromhall119: I have time, que tal?15:37
mhall119jcastro: wanted to talk to you about the email I forwarded last night from Stefano15:37
jcastrowhich stefano?15:38
jcastrodpl stefano?15:38
jcastroO_O, can you resend? I don't appear to have gotten it15:38
jcastrowanna G+ then or what?15:39
mhall119yeh, already invited you to a hangouot15:39
mhall119jcastro: zack or zach?16:38
mhall119nvm,I found it16:39
mhall119man, I'm about to quick thunderbird and go back to evolution16:45
duanedesignhello mhall119, weloce to tjr  faamily17:15
mhall119duanedesign: tjr?17:28
* mhall119 assumes 'welcome to the family', as in, "back to evolution"17:28
doctormonmhall119: back to reality!17:34
mhall119thunderbird is great when it's not unresponsive and consuming 50% of my cpu time17:34
mhall119which is becoming increasingly frequent17:34
doctormonmhall119: Almost everything makes my computer unresponsive now, gnome-terminal, firefox, rythembox, flash. it's weird as if the kernel is programmed to give priority to useless crap.17:35
=== jono_ is now known as jono
balloonsdid anyone see this in kernel 3.2? http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_3.2#head-fbc26b4522e4e990a9ea1aebd4a73a68e8ee5e0717:49
snap-lballoons: No, but that's nice17:50
snap-lShould make using slow USB thumbdrives a lot nicer as well17:50
balloonsthey are saying it gives a nice desktop responsiveness boost under those conditions.. let's hope so :-)17:51
jcastromhall119: invite to run the unity G+ page sent18:13
jcastromhall119: you'll need to ping njpatel for access to the twitter account18:14
mhall119jcastro: thanks18:19
mhall119jcastro: can you invite me by my @gmail.com instead?  I don't have a separate G+ for my @canonical account18:21
* jcastro thrusts, new charm!18:33
snap-lplease to be undoing that mental image from my mind.18:41
doctormonpictures or it didn't happen18:44
mhall119doctormon: anybody who knows jcastro doesn't have any doubts :)18:45
doctormonmhall119: Do we know jcastro? do we? ;-)18:46
mhall119good point18:46
mhall119I've seen him without a redwings shirt, I think that counts as an intimate moment18:46
snap-lI think he has Red Wings footie PJs18:49
nigelbpopey: I'll still say "popey decides to shut down more mailing lists" :D19:43
mhall119what's popey doing now?19:47
pleia2truly it's #blameYokoZar19:49
popeythe most important thing is that it's not #blamepopey19:50
pleia2needs to be p-name to flow properly I suppose19:50
popeyfeel free to change your name19:50
pleia2nah, I'd hate to lose the fun of jcastro calling me "playa"19:51
popeyhmm, I am imagining that now19:52
popeyI will now stop19:52
* popey makes mental notes to also call you play-aaaa19:52
popeyit's a silent p huh?19:59
mhall119yeah, yeah, that's it19:59
mhall119like pneumatic20:00
pleia2nigelb: find anyone to do a basic Unity talk for User Days yet? :D20:00
* pleia2 will nag every 12 hours20:00
mhall119pleia2: do you have anyone particular in mind?20:03
popeybasic unity as in navigation?20:03
pleia2mhall119: nope20:03
pleia2popey: nagivation, what is a lense, tips and tricks, someone able to answer basic questions about it20:04
popeywhen is the user day?20:04
nigelbpleia2: I just got home after a 14-hour drive :)20:04
pleia2someone is already doing one exclusively on lenses20:04
pleia2popey: Saturday the 14th20:04
Pendulumnigelb: excuses, excuses20:05
nigelbwhy not get our new external dev relations guy do the talk?20:05
nigelbPendulum: haha, I love you too :P20:05
popeyoh, next saturday20:05
* Pendulum hugs nigelb 20:05
popeydrat, was going to offer but I'll be on a train20:05
popeybudapest -> vienna20:05
* nigelb hugs Pendulum 20:05
nigelbpopey: *JEALOUS*20:05
nigelbOf cour20:05
nigelbOf course, I had breakfast and dinner on the beach for a week...but still..20:06
mhall119nigelb: dholbach isn't new20:08
nigelbha, nice try.20:09
doctormonmhall119: You're external dev relations now?20:31
mhall119no, daniel still is20:35
mhall119I'm upstream liason20:35
doctormonmhall119: How far upstream does one have to be to get to be external?20:36
mhall119until you read the outside20:36
doctormonYeah the matrix, no I mean where is the line?20:37
doctormondo you hav eot be external to debian, external to open source or just external to ubuntu main?20:38
mhall119outside of Canonical20:40
mhall119specifcally I'll be working on promoting Unity development, so if an intelligent young hacker has a desire to write an awesome Launchpad lens...20:41
doctormonmhall119: So.. if I understand you correctly... an upstream dev will almost always be an external dev, except for where Canonical is the upstream as in unity and ubiquity?20:50
jcastropleia2: I am disappointed that the new mailing list purge was not named "Project Popey"20:51
mhall119doctormon: yeah, I'm kind of on both sides, work with Ubuntu's upstreams (debian, gnome, mozilla, etc), and also work with developers for whom Ubuntu technology like Unity is their upstream20:53
doctormonmhall119: M Double API Hall ;-) So if I were debian, I can talk to you about Ubuntish things. and If I were a crazy lens developer, I could talk to you about unity?20:54
mhall119*if* you were a crazy lens developer?20:55
doctormonmhall119: I'm not published yet, I'm a crazy 'secretive' lens developer at the moment.20:56
mhall119secrets?  heathen!20:57
doctormonActually I'm already running a dbus api so I think instead of running two processes, I'll try tie up that one.20:57
mhall119doctormon: we will hopefully have a lense template for quickly in the near future, based off singlet20:58
doctormonpleia2: Had a good talk with wendar about ubuntu-design, are you still in to talk about it?20:58
pleia2doctormon: yep (and thanks for your email the other day)20:59
doctormonmhall119: Do I need a service file at all if my dbus is running from my indicator?20:59
mhall119if it's already running?  I don't think so21:00
doctormonawesome beans, it's just an interface with a def in that case.21:00
mhall119I'm not sure if you can have a lens use the same dbus name/path as something else though21:01
doctormonNo need, multiple names are certainly possible. Although I wonder if you can define two [lens] entries in the def.21:03
mhall119a lens is just a GObject instance, so I don't see why you can't define as many as you like21:04
doctormonmhall119: In the same def file I mean.21:05
mhall119the same .lens you mean?21:05
mhall119doctormon: that sounds like a question for #ayatana21:06
doctormonunderstood, probably want to do projects and bugs searching if not more. multiple .lens files would be needed I guess.21:06
mhall119only one lens, you can do multiple scopes21:07
mhall119may not even need separate scopes21:08
doctormonmhall119: You're not using dbus directly in singlet? It looks like Gio/Dee or something somewhere.21:09
mhall119doctormon: singlet just hides it21:09
mhall119it's just under the surface21:09
doctormonI'll be honest, I can't find it.21:09
mhall119it's in there21:10
mhall119if you need to use GIO, Dee or DBus, you'll need to import them in your code file21:10
mhall119singlet doesn't expose it directly21:10
doctormonmhall119: See, there insn't a mention of DBus in base.py, perhaps it's coming from the Unity include?21:11
mhall119yeah, Unity.Lens and Unity.Scope both take DBus paths21:12
doctormonIs there not a way this can be done manually?21:12
doctormonOr does one have to use Unity objects like this?21:13
mhall119you mean manually talk to DBus, skipping the GObject parts?21:14
mhall119I have no idea21:14
mhall119I want to avoid that, personally21:14
doctormonNot that, in all the ways I've ever done DBus, your code looks like it doesn't do DBus at all. Which leads me to think that I'm misunderstanding this thing.21:14
mhall119give me a clean, domain specific, python API21:14
mhall119doctormon: I think the libunity does the DBus stuff, PyGObject lets us call the libunity objects from Python21:15
doctormonAh, so it goes MyLens( Singlet( libunity( DBus --> out )))21:16
mhall119with GObject between Singlet and libunity21:17
doctormonI could say the same between normal python dbus and a program. It's just one of those default things.21:17
doctormonlibunity is C based I take it21:18
mhall119or C++21:18
mhall119something I'm not very good at anyway, which is all that really matters21:18
doctormonmhall119: If I use libunity, it might kill all my existing dbus interfaces (because it's not python and is wrapping dbus) and yet I still need to be running a central account for launchpad services.21:20
mhall119I'm not following...21:20
doctormonI think I might just make it double api'd i.e. GroundControl <-DBus-> GCLens <-DBus-> Unity.21:22
mhall119that should work fine21:23

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