
brobostigonevening markjones :)18:45
markjonesugh, I hate having writer's block18:45
markjonesI need to describe what Launchpad is and how it is used for translating18:46
brobostigonthat could be quite expansive.18:46
markjonesbut it needs to be basic18:47
markjonesand i have to do it in Welsh18:47
markjoneswhich is easy, as I can translate English to Welsh18:48
brobostigonand thn cleanup the welsh.18:48
brobostigonand do corrections etc.18:48
brobostigonbrb, my food is ready,18:49
markjonesi'll just wing it :P19:02
markjonesif i try to do a presentation I'll miss something19:03
markjoneshey brobostigon, you here?20:52
brobostigonmarkjones: yes. sorry, was asleep.20:53
markjonesoh, go back to sleep if you want20:53
brobostigonmarkjones: no worries, awake now.20:53
markjonesI found this: https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0ASuIGA3SepQMZGRtdno2ODJfMTc2ZnZ2OWQzdng20:54
markjonesi'm just translating it from Portuguese20:54
brobostigonlet me look, minute.20:54
brobostigonmarkjones: interesting, if i could understand portugese.20:56
markjonesdo you have in browser Google Translate?20:57
markjonesand yeah, I opened it and went 'oh, crap!'20:57
brobostigoni dont have in browser translate, no.20:58
* markjones does20:59
markjonesso anyway21:03
markjoneswas the first slide in Englist?21:03
markjonesah excellent21:04
markjonesI'll carry on translating it then :P21:04
markjonesand slide two?21:07
brobostigonone minute.21:07
brobostigonthe title in 1 is still in portugese, and the 2nd is still in portugese also.21:10
markjonesFixed now21:11
markjonesI have it open in two tabs21:11
markjonesone is translated from Portuguese, one is my edited version21:12
markjonesso I can spot bugs21:12
brobostigonmalone ?21:12
markjonesI'll have to query that21:13
markjonesit 'might' be a codename21:13
brobostigontrue, maybe.21:14
markjonesit is a codename21:19
markjonesi don't recall signing the code of conduct or getting a PGP keu21:30
markjonesso 5 - 6 slides can be removed21:30
markjonesjust looked at something scary21:51
markjonesthere are 312790 untranslated Welsh strings in 12.04 o_O21:52
markjonesso looks like I'm going to be busy over February21:53
markjonesand hopefully Hacking Language might give us a few more translators21:53
brobostigonmaybe, yes.21:53
markjonesoh, I've also just noticed our language guides have gone down too :(21:57
markjonesright, finished the hard bits22:16
markjonesbrobostigon: do you fancy editing our Wiki page a bit?22:24
brobostigonmarkjones: can you remind me tmrw, i am pretty tired, adm just getting ready for bed.22:27
markjonesok, np's22:27
markjonesi'll say goodnight now then22:27
brobostigongood night, sleep well.22:28
cgriffNos da brobostigon22:29
brobostigonnos da cgriff o/22:29
markjonescgriff: shwmae22:29
cgriffmarkjones: Helo22:29
markjoneswyt ti wedi gweld y gwaith fi wedi wneud heno?22:30
cgriffmarkjones: Nadw, dwi heb X11 ar hyn o bryd :P22:30
markjonesa hefyd, mae'n rhaid newid y geirfaoedd ar gael yn #ubuntu-cymraeg22:31
markjoneswel blydi setio x11 'fynu de22:31
cgriffMewn bit, dwi ddim wedi penderfynu pa DE i'w ddefnyddio eto22:32
cgriffCymryd amser bach i gompile stwff22:32
markjonesfaint o lle sy gen ti yn Panty te?22:32
markjonesoes lle i fi a Natalie ar llawr ti?22:33
cgriffYstafell bach iawn, mae lle am wely, gadair a desg. Dwi ddim yn siwr os mae Amber yn dod i Aberystwyth, mae ei phenblwydd tua'r amser Hacio Iaith22:34
cgriffIonawr 25fed22:35
markjonesie, ddywedes hi fod hi'n ddod ar Facebook i fi22:35
cgriffAh reit, wel yn swyddogol, dwi'n gallu cael dim ond un ymwelwr, sa i'n siwr os 4 o bobl yn gallu fitio i fewn i'r stafell :/22:37
markjonesMae'r Wici yn eitha allan o dyddiad...22:37
cgriffWici -cym neu haciaith?22:38
markjoneswiki -cym22:38
markjonesmae gen i pythernos i sortio hwnna allan22:38
markjonesa cael y CD's yn barod...22:38
cgriffOs mae amser spar 'da fi y bydda i'n gallu efo'r wici22:39
markjones(dim byd 'last minute' eto22:39
markjonespaid becso22:39
cgriffFydd rhaid i brynu disgiau o'r wefan Canonical?22:39
markjonesna, fydd heina yn cymryd llawer o amser22:39
markjoneswnai prynu ddisgiau wythnos nesa (a pen i sgwennu arno nhw)22:40
cgriffOs ti'n gofym am ddim, fyddai'n cymryd lot o amser ond os ti'n talu am gwpl, fyddai mor gyflym22:40
markjoneswedyn ni fydd yn teimlo'n guilty yn rhoi allan ddisgiau gyda Saesneg arno22:41
cgriffWel fyddwn yn teimlo yn guilty am wici Saesneg :P22:42
markjonesdwi'n adnweyddu hynna22:42
markjonesfydd hynna'n barod22:42
markjonesy trydydd peth: wefan22:42
markjonesbeth dach chi eisio wneud? allai rhoi'r wefan ar VPS fo22:43
cgriffCwl, problem bach hefyd, bydda rhaid inni fynd i #ubuntu-eu i gael gwybodaeth DNS am ubuntu-cym.org22:43
cgriffPan dwi'n gael arian y wythnos nesaf, dwi'n mynd i dalu am VPS ma flwyddyn22:43
markjoneswnai rhoi arian iti hefyd22:43
markjonesfelly no more boom22:44
markjoneshang on22:44
markjonesmae gen i VPS yn wneud ddim byd22:44
markjones(yn rhedeg Ubuntu hefyd!)22:45
cgriffmarkjones: Wyt ti am ddod i #ubuntu-eu i ofyn am help gyda'r system DNS Ubuntu?22:45
cgriffLol -_-22:45
cgriffIf anyone's reading, if/when he returns I'm off to get a drink22:47
markjonesblydi laptops22:48
cgriffmarkjones: Dwi'n ffaelu dod o hyd i unrhyw beth22:55
cgriffAm -eu22:56
cgriffReit, wel basically, pan o'n i'n sortio allan y parth oedd rhaid imi sortio popeth efo'r grwp -eu22:58
cgriffdwi'n ffaelu dimbyd rwan22:58
markjoneso druan22:59
cgriffmarkjones: Pwy fydd danfon ebost at rt?22:59
markjoneser fy mod fi yw'r cyswllt newydd23:00
cgriffmarkjones: Cwl, ddylwn i wneud rhywbeth achos y tro diwethaf, fi oedd yn cysylltu a nhw?23:00
markjonesos ti moyn23:01
cgriffJyst CC fi a fydda i'n danfon neges atan nhw i gadarnhau beth ti wedi dweud wrthan nhw23:01
markjonesa hefyd fi'n crap am anghofio cyfrinair ebost -cym fi :(23:01

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