
brycechrisccoulson, yep that'd do it :-)00:00
bryceRAOF, interestingly, I think I'm coming to the conclusion that those false gpu lockups no longer exist00:01
bryceRAOF, we've only had a small handful reported, and after going through them I think they're all mis-reported real gpu lockups00:01
bryceso, wee00:01
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
BigWhaleGood Morning.06:01
chilicuilNice day BigWha.le =)06:39
BigWhalechilicuil, this is yet to be seen. ;)06:41
didrocksgood morning07:16
pittiRAOF: colord> ah, thanks07:49
RAOFIf it's a performance problem we could probably delay colord startup.07:50
pittiRAOF: not a particular one, I'm just on a mission to kill everything from startup which we don't need, and I just wondered07:50
RAOFIt'd need cupsd to not query colord on startup and instead lazy-load stuff, and a patch for gnome-settings-daemon to not query colord if stuff hasn't been set.07:51
pittiRAOF: so, that's an option we should keep in mind once the more CPU intense stuff (nautilus, notify-osd) have been fixed07:57
pittiTheMuso: what's the current status of switching openjdk to the apt-spi2 bridge?08:04
pittiTheMuso: IIRC that mostly needed testing whether it works, right?08:04
didrockspitti: are you feeling better, btw?08:07
pittididrocks: oh, yes; first night without having to take a decongestant08:07
pittididrocks: bonjour08:07
didrockspitti: guten morgen!08:08
didrockspitti: ah, nice. Hope you will have some restfull night again before the rally :)08:08
TheMusopitti: Haven't tested yet, I actually need to find a java app to test with.08:13
pittiTheMuso: any particular requirements? should be easy to grab a .jar from somewhere and run it08:15
pittiTheMuso: apt-get install cronometer -> relatively small, but full swing GUI08:17
pittiand runs without any setup08:17
rickspencer3hey guys, is any one else getting gsd crashes on Precise?08:33
didrocksrickspencer3: do you have any issue with your connection?08:48
didrocksrickspencer3: re your gsd crash: I read some people got some. chrisccoulson was looking at it yesterday08:49
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:13
chrisccoulsonthe gsd crash could be bug 90397309:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 903973 in xorg-server "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in _XReply()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90397309:13
chrisccoulsondidrocks, rickspencer3 ^^09:14
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson, how are you?09:14
TheMusopitti: Ok cool, will test next week.09:15
rickspencer3hi chrisccoulson09:16
rickspencer3thanks for the link09:16
BigWhalesudo rm -rf usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/kazam/09:18
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ?09:23
seb128lut didrocks, ca va et toi ?09:24
didrocksseb128: ça va bien :)09:24
pittihey seb12809:25
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?09:26
pittiseb128: je suis bien, merci!09:27
BigWhaleWhat is this? I can't even ... :>09:28
pittiBigWhale: C'est un langage drôle!09:28
seb128pitti, how is your cold? getting better?09:29
pittiseb128: oh yes, a lot, thanks; should be fine by Sunday :)09:29
didrocksBigWhale: see, pitti's cold makes him speaking a weird language :)09:32
BigWhaledidrocks, :)) I speak weird language even when I am not cold! ;)09:33
pittibazillus frankophonus09:33
tkamppeterpitti, Bon jour09:50
pittitkamppeter: Germans talking French to other Germans? /me quickly checks whether Napoleon is back :)09:51
tkamppeterpitti, kennst Du Dich mit Python aus?09:51
pittitkamppeter: I do a lot in Python, yes09:52
tkamppeterpitti, can you install hplip-gui on Precise and then run "hp-toolbox"?09:52
seb128mvo, hey09:53
tkamppeterpitti, this happens only on Precise, on Oneiric there is no problem. So something is wrong with Python on Precise.09:53
pittitkamppeter: what exactly?09:54
tkamppeterI get09:54
pittiI get a dialog "No Installed HP Devices Found." which is not quite surprising09:54
pittitkamppeter: i. e. what should I look out for?09:54
tkamppeterTraceback (most recent call last):09:54
tkamppeter  File "/usr/bin/hp-toolbox", line 37, in <module>09:54
tkamppeter    from base.g import *09:54
tkamppeterImportError: No module named base.g09:54
tkamppeterThe file /usr/share/hplip/base/g.py is there and in HPLIP nothing changed compared to Oneiric.09:55
pittihm, where does it set sys.path, though?09:55
mvohey seb128, I think I found the solution for my problem, the window is not displayed anymore when the crash happens09:55
pittitkamppeter: I added a "print sys.path" right before the import, and /usr/share/hplip is the first entry; so looks ok from here09:58
pittitkamppeter: ooh, it's because /usr/bin/hp-toolbox is a symlink to ../share/hplip/toolbox.py09:58
pittitkamppeter: it always adds the directory of the program to the library path09:58
tkamppeterpitti, can it be that Precise's has a bug? The symlink was always there, also in Oneiric and older.09:59
pittitkamppeter: perhaps you have a local version where /usr/bin/hp-toolbox is not a symlink/09:59
pittitkamppeter: what does ls -l /usr/bin/hp-toolbox say for you?09:59
tkamppeterpitti, yes, it is a real copy in Precise.10:00
pittitkamppeter: I just installed the package in precise, and it's a link10:00
seb128mvo, ok, great, ken find the issue in gwibber as well, it doesn't seem a bug in gtk after all, just that the new code is less tolerant to those errors10:00
tkamppeterpitti, does "perl -p -i -e 's/.../.../' <symlinkk>" turn the symlink into a copy?10:00
pitti$ dpkg -c /var/cache/apt/archives/hplip-gui_3.11.10-1ubuntu3_all.deb | grep hp-toolbox10:01
pittilrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2012-01-06 01:27 ./usr/bin/hp-toolbox -> ../share/hplip/toolbox.py10:01
pittitkamppeter: the .deb is okay10:01
seb128mvo, in gwibber he didn't cancel a callback which was making it update an image sometime while it was been disposed10:01
pittitkamppeter: are you sure that you don't have a local version, or a "make install" or so?10:01
pittitkamppeter: sounds possible10:01
tkamppeterpitti, I am testing the not yet uploaded 1ubuntu4.10:01
tkamppeterpitti, There I have added10:03
tkamppeterperl -p -i -e 's:^\s*\#\!/usr/bin/env\s+python.*:#!/usr/bin/python:' ./\10:03
tkamppeterdebian/tmp/usr/bin/* ./debian/tmp/usr/sbin/* ./debian/tmp/usr/lib/cups/*/*10:03
tkamppeterto debian/rules, to fix bug 912625.10:03
ubot2`Launchpad bug 912625 in hplip "#!/usr/bin/env python breaks Python-based Ubuntu packages in the presence of virtualenvs, local installations" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91262510:04
pittitkamppeter: yep10:04
pitti$ echo hello > real10:04
pitti$ ln -s real link10:04
pitti$ perl -pi -e 's/hello/goodbye/' link10:04
pitti-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 8 Jan  6 11:04 link10:04
tkamppeterpitti, this is a bug in perl10:05
mvoseb128: yeah10:05
pittitkamppeter: try perl -pi -e .... `readlink -f file`10:05
seb128mvo, I knew it, it's all your fault and not gtk's one!!! ;-)10:05
seb128mvo, you are always trying to drag the good gtk name in the mud! ;-)10:06
tkamppeterpitti, yes, that's it. Thank you.10:07
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
mvoseb128: … ;)10:10
pittididrocks: I'm trying to test the upstream nm-applet; I already added it to the panel whitelist, but I get a message10:19
pitti** Message: applet now removed from the notification area10:19
pittididrocks: this string is not from nm-applet itself; does it ring a bell?10:19
pittididrocks: if not, don't worry, I'll investigate (or just start the fallback session)10:20
pittiah, I can just run gnome-panel in my unity session to see it10:21
didrockshum, yeah, it rings a bell10:21
pittididrocks: so, nevermind10:21
didrocksisn't it the indicator?10:21
didrockswith fallback10:21
pittididrocks: upstream doesn't have indicator support, I guess10:21
pittiI'm running from upstream trunk10:21
didrockspitti: oh, it's without the indicator10:21
didrocksso, let me have a quick look at gnome-panel10:21
pittiI usually develop fixes in upstream trunk first, and then port them to ubuntu10:22
pittibetter revision control, easier to forward upstream, and faster build cycles10:22
pittididrocks: don't worry, I'll just run it from gnome-panel10:22
pittiI just need to see the applet10:22
seb128pitti, what name did you whitelist?10:22
pitti(working on boot speed, not visual)10:22
pittiseb128: "nm-applet"10:22
seb128pitti, check the .xsession-errors log10:23
didrocksseb128: it's not that message anyway with the reject10:23
pittiseb128: nothing there10:23
seb128didrocks, didn't it use to tell the name of what got blocked?10:23
didrocksseb128: yeah, it's something like "rejecting (Xwindoname)"10:24
didrocksbut not "applet now removed…"10:24
seb128didrocks, right, I was looking for where "nm-applet" is the correct name10:24
didrocksyeah, it's not easy to get the right Xwindow name10:25
didrocksbut if there is nothing in .xsession-errors about a reject10:25
seb128well seems like it stopped printing rejects10:25
seb128I just tried with vino10:25
didrocks-> seems to be an icon theme issue10:25
didrockshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1602997 as well10:26
didrockspitti: don't you have the icon missing as in the thread?10:26
didrocksoh nevermind, I misread10:27
pittididrocks: well, it does work fine in gnome-panel, so I think not10:27
didrockspitti: ok, it's maybe just rejected and unity stopped printint the name, as seb told10:29
didrocksNm-Applet or nm-applet to whitelist10:29
didrocks(need the X window info)10:29
pittididrocks: is there a magic "whitelist all" entry, for testing whether it's that or something else, OOI?10:30
pittididrocks: tried these and Nm-applet, no change10:30
didrockspitti: indeed, just set ['all']10:30
didrockspitti: you need to restart unity10:30
didrocksthe new setting is not picked up10:31
pittihm, not just unity-panel-service10:31
pittididrocks: ok, rebooting then (want to test the new polkit anyway)10:31
didrockspitti: no, libunity-misc is in the compiz process10:32
didrocksnot in the panel service, unfortunately10:32
didrockspitti: seb128: FYI, it's not under the debug magic variable10:33
didrocksso yeah, not printed by default10:33
pittianyway, no need to waste more time on this -- this can just be tested in gnome-panel10:34
pittiwhich is painless and quick10:34
rickspencer3pitti, hey10:36
rickspencer3pitti, I'm seriously confused ...10:38
rickspencer3I just updated my laptop to 12.04 ...10:38
rickspencer3and I can't find *anything* wrong with it10:38
rickspencer3pitti, any issues I should check for?10:39
pittirickspencer3: did you actually upgrade? :-)10:39
chrisccoulsonif (username == "rickspencer3") { dontbreak(); }10:39
tkamppeterpitti, all working with HPLIP on Precise now, thanks for the help.10:39
rickspencer3well done10:39
* rickspencer3 tries user switching10:40
pittirickspencer3: oh, there's this release critical bug!10:40
pittirickspencer3: the unity-greeter wallpaper says "11.10"!!!111!!10:40
pittitkamppeter: gern geschehen :)10:40
rickspencer3pitti, STOP THE LINE!10:41
pittirickspencer3: seriously, we do have a couple of upgrade bugs still, and some RC bugs as well (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus#rcbugs)10:42
rickspencer3pitti, I don't recall having an upgrade to a *stable* release going this smoothly10:43
pittirickspencer3: but I don't think we actually _introduced_ a lot of major bugs into precise so far, most of above are already from previous releases10:43
rickspencer3does this mean that we haven't actually changed anything? ;)10:43
pittirickspencer3: we actually did10:43
ogra_should we just stop here and release precise next week ?10:43
pittibut the new automatic upgrade tests, also with main-all, helped immensely10:43
pittiwe fixed a ton of upgrade bugs10:43
rickspencer3ogra_, yeah, I am wondering that ;)10:43
pittididrocks: FTR, 'all' helped, I see it now; thanks!10:45
didrockspitti: great! yw ;)10:45
pittididrocks: oh, I know10:47
pittiWM_CLASS(STRING) = "lt-nm-applet", "Lt-nm-applet"10:47
pittididrocks: running from trunk, it's the libtool wrapper :)10:47
didrockspitti: ahah, funny :-)10:47
didrocksyou can chase for a long time for the right name to put!10:48
pitti'all' is much easier indeed10:48
didrocksyeah ;)10:51
pittiok, notify-osd killed harder10:54
rickspencer3pitti, nice!10:54
pittiit already fell out of the boot sequence on my thinkpad, but was still on my dell mini for some reason10:55
seb128pitti, wifi against eth?11:08
pittinope, both system-wide wifi connection11:08
pittiseb128: I'm actually not sure how I evaded notify-osd on my laptop11:09
pittiit queries server caps right at startup11:09
* pitti adds another noWerror.patch to fix FTBFS, *sigh*11:09
pitticyphermox: argh, I can't push to n-m-applet bzr; can you please pull lp:~pitti/network-manager-applet/precise into lp:~network-manager/network-manager-applet/ubuntu.head ?11:27
* ogra_ wonders why all the -common packages from the desktop seed suddenly take over 20min to unpack on arm 11:29
pittilots of help files, I guess?11:29
ogra_evo-common took even 45min11:29
ogra_pitti, that wasnt the case on oneiric, ubuntu-docs and gnome-user-docs were the only two that did that11:29
ogra_but suddenly i see it in evince-common and evo-common too11:30
pittihmm; they didn't really change a lot since oneiric11:30
pittidifferent kernel sync behaviour?11:30
ogra_did they switch to some evil compression mechanism ?11:30
ogra_like xz11:30
pittiogra_: is it any better with eatmydata?11:30
pittiogra_: no11:30
ogra_kernel is the same as in oneiric11:30
pittitry unpacking the oneiric .deb and compare?11:30
pittievolution-common | 3.2.2-0ubuntu0.1 | oneiric-proposed | all11:31
pittievolution-common | 3.2.2-0ubuntu3 |       precise | all11:31
pittinot much diff there11:31
ogra_well, i cant play with eatmydata atm, system needs all resources (i'm happy i can still type on IRC)11:31
ogra_i'll try that for the next update11:31
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
pittimvo: do we also set $RELEASE_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS for lucid->precise upgrades?12:06
pittimvo: I'm pondering bug 91181312:06
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911813 in lightdm "Lucid to Precise: debconf prompt about which DM to use during upgrade" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91181312:06
pittiif [ -z "$2" -a -n "$RELEASE_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS" ]; then12:06
pittimvo: ^ if that's true, we don't ask12:06
pittimvo: and lightdm is new, so -z "$2" ought to be true12:06
pittilog has "Selecting previously unselected package lightdm." which confirms this12:07
pittimvo: and history.log has it in "install", not in "upgrade"12:08
mvopitti: hm, odd. we do set this when the release upgrader is used:         os.environ["RELEASE_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS"] = "1"12:10
pittimvo: oh, wait -- this might actually be a debconf question from gdm, not from lightdm12:10
* pitti checks gdm12:11
pittimvo: yeah, I think that's it12:12
pittimvo: sorry for disturbing, thinko :)12:12
pittimvo: seems the upgrade logs don't show which debconf questions are asked and shown, do they?12:13
mvopitti: unfortuantely not, but that would be a neat addition12:23
pittimvo: btw, do you plan an apt upload before a2?12:26
mvopitti: yes, I was talking to slangasek about it, but there are some issues in the current bzr that needs to get resolved first12:29
stgrabermvo: I'm also looking forward to a newer apt (for multi-arch reasons), I currently have a custom build in my PPA to be able to install an i386 upstart in an armel container, though there are still bugs in apt preventing it to work as well as it should12:39
stgraberIIRC mostly has to do with considering provides of another architecture (for upstart-jobs for example)12:40
stgraberoh and we have that other bug currently affecting ia32-libs where apt doesn't consider winbind:amd64 as a potential candidate to meet the dependencies and so fails to install ia32-libs unless you explicitly ask for "ia32-libs winbind:amd64"12:41
mvostgraber: is that fixed with trunk?12:48
stgrabermvo: last time I cherry-picked a commit from the experimental bzr branch12:49
stgrabermvo: well, for the one commit I needed, I don't know if the ia32-libs problem has been fixed in trunk12:49
stgrabermvo: might be worth building the current trunk so everyone who's been having multi-arch related weirdness can check if that's fixed12:50
stgrabermvo: I believe the commit I had to cherry pick to be able to install upstart:i386 on armel was this one http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~donkult/apt/experimental/revision/2187.1.612:52
stgraberso yeah, that specific one seems to be in the trunk (according to the comment in that commit, rev2189 of mainline)12:53
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
Berethi all13:42
cjwatsonCan anyone help me with bug 912563?  I'm disregarding the NM crash for now and looking at the partman part of the crash (see near the end of the syslog) because I know that better and it looks similar; I'm as certain as I can be that ubiquity never stores None into that column of the tree model, because it would crash immediately afterwards if it did, but pygobject seems to be returning None13:45
ubot2`Launchpad bug 912563 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in _decode_value(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'decode'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91256313:45
cjwatsonIn particular I believe that the only code that ever adds rows to that model is ubiquity/plugins/ubi-partman.py lines 1208 and 1215, which are immediately followed by code that would crash if None:13:46
cjwatson                partition_tree_model.append([item, disk_cache[item]])13:46
cjwatson                dev = disk_cache[item]['device']13:46
cjwatson                partition_tree_model.append([item, partition_cache[item]])13:46
cjwatson                size = int(partition_cache[item]['parted']['size'])13:46
cjwatsonis it possible that pygobject is losing references somewhere or something?13:46
seb128pitti, ^ seems something pygobjectish, you are probably the best placed there to have a clue about it ;-)13:48
seb128cjwatson, are you sure you don't have null values in a column of the model which is supposed to have strings?13:51
seb128cjwatson, it seems that pygobject was tolerant to that but that http://git.gnome.org/browse/pygobject/commit/gi/overrides/Gtk.py?id=654711d0f940d7480d0f1cdb25a3dc9996f7a706 made it not like it13:52
seb128you could argue that there is a pygobject bug that null values should be supported13:52
pittire (sorry, was at lunch)13:52
seb128cjwatson, the s-c pointed which had a similar bt was fixed by https://code.launchpad.net/~kiwinote/software-center/bug905605/+merge/87257 which sets '' rather that nothing13:52
seb128s-c bug13:52
pittibut None values in models ought to work13:53
seb128pitti, than pygobject bug13:53
seb128pitti, http://git.gnome.org/browse/pygobject/commit/gi/overrides/Gtk.py?id=654711d0f940d7480d0f1cdb25a3dc9996f7a706 makes it not work13:53
seb128it should check for None13:53
pittitype_ == GObject.TYPE_STRING should be false then13:53
seb128+ value = value.decode('UTF-8')13:53
cjwatsonseb128: (a) I'm as certain as I can be, and yes I did read that commit (b) the partman part of this bug isn't a case of a string column anyway13:53
pittifor None13:53
seb128pitti, it's the column type13:54
seb128not the field type13:54
cjwatsonit's an object column that apparently contains None and ubiquity itself crashes on that because that's supposed to be impossible heree13:54
seb128pitti, if you have a string column and a None value in the model you get value = Nanoe.decode('UTF-8')13:54
pittioh, right13:55
pittithat's a bug indeed13:55
cjwatsonthe NM part of the bug is a case of None in a string column; again, as far as I can tell ubiquity never stores that, but I'm deferring looking at that for now since I don't know the client code there as well13:55
pittiso yes, I think we should fix that in pygobject13:55
cjwatsonI agree, but that isn't all of this bug13:55
pittineed to condense it to a small test case13:55
seb128cjwatson, sorry I looked to backtrace on the bug first, that's one valid bug even if that's not the one you asked about ;-)13:57
seb128looking to the other one...13:57
jbichapitti: did you experience this week's sudoku crash on oneiric also or just precise?13:57
pittijbicha: haven't tried on oneiric13:57
cjwatsonseb128: a pygobject change would make the NM-related backtrace go away, but I'm still not sure None is supposed to be there in the first place ...13:58
seb128pitti, do you have any clue about the "TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable" errors in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/89179568/syslog?14:00
seb128cjwatson, do you have a testcase out of running easier than trying to do an install from a liveCD?14:01
seb128(just in case)14:01
cjwatsonI wish I did :-(14:01
pittiseb128: partition == None14:01
seb128-"out of running"14:01
pittiyou can't iterate over None14:01
cjwatsonpitti: see what I wrote above14:01
cjwatsonpitti: as far as I can tell, ubiquity can never store None into that model in that column.  If it ever did, it would crash immediately after doing so, and it is not doing that.14:02
pittiright, that's the other part14:02
cjwatsonpygobject is giving back None when that's not what ubiquity put into the model14:02
cjwatsonthat's *the* part :-)14:02
=== nessita1 is now known as nessita
pittiok, have a test case for the pygobject None mishandling, will continue on that later14:10
* pitti boots daily image to reproduce14:11
pitticjwatson: I tried the back button a few times, but I don't seem to get _this_ crash (trying to delete an unknown partition got me another, but let's stay on this one for the moment)14:18
pitticjwatson: do you know how to reproduce this?14:18
cjwatsonafraid not :-(14:19
pittiand clicking "New partition table" doesn't do anything, hmm14:19
cjwatsonunless Kate's thing about having a chkdsk-requiring Windows partition is implicated someho14:20
pitticjwatson: in fact, I think the software-properties crash is exactly the same (also not supposed to be None), and trivial to reproduce14:38
pittiit should be _("Other...") and is None14:38
pitticjwatson: so it looks like a dupe of bug 90560214:39
ubot2`Launchpad bug 905602 in pygobject "software-properties-gtk crashed with AttributeError in _decode_value(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'decode'" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90560214:39
pitti(I reassigned the s-props one to pygobject, working on that now)14:39
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
cyphermoxpitti: thanks, I merged it14:49
pitticyphermox: ah, "pull" for better history and correct tags, but *shrug*; thanks!14:49
cyphermoxpitti: yeah, I had some stuff on my local branch too :/14:50
cyphermoxdah, I should have pulled and then merged my changes on top, d'oh14:50
pittirebase FTW14:50
cyphermoxI'll say, "moo"?14:51
cyphermoxdidn't know there was rebase for bzr14:51
pitticjwatson: hm, back to square one, I think; I analyzed the s-properties problem, and it's because that pygobject patch always changes the returned data type, so a previously working comparison against a str value doesn't work any more15:20
pitticjwatson: I think this patch should be reverted completely, as the original justification was wrong (will talk to upstream about it)15:20
pitticjwatson: but that still doesn't explain why there are None values15:20
pitticjwatson: they might be None values because somewhere the ubiquity code runs into the same trap (expecting str where it now gets unicode)15:21
pittibut for that it would really be helpful to be able to reproduce this, so maybe skaet still remembers how to do that15:21
pittiskaet: ^ if you have a way to reproduce which I can't easily replicate here, I'd like to walk you through a few tests15:22
* skaet looking15:22
pittiskaet: bug 912563 I mean15:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 912563 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in _decode_value(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'decode'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91256315:22
skaetpitti, cjwatson,  I think I can.   I'll be bringing the system to budapest with me.15:23
skaetmonday ok?15:24
pittiskaet: sure15:24
cjwatsonthe objects in question shouldn't be either str or unicode15:24
cjwatsonat least for the partman bit of the bug15:24
pitticjwatson: ah, interesting; then it's completely unrelated to that pygobject commit15:25
cjwatsonah well; note I won't be in Budapest, but maybe Evan can help out with ubiquity-specific bits15:25
pittiok, I'll revert that one then, and investigate the ubiquity one in Budapest then15:25
pitticjwatson: still curious, though; if the affected column type is not a string, then I really don't see how it should get past the type_ == GObject.TYPE_STRING check (as it crashes in the then clause)15:31
pittimvo: so, I'll upload a pygobject which should also fix the software-center crash, in case you want to revert the workaround15:34
cjwatsonpitti: I think you're looking at a different traceback15:36
pitticjwatson: I thought we were talking about bug 912563 ; you mean something else then?15:37
ubot2`Launchpad bug 912563 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in _decode_value(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'decode'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91256315:37
jibelmvo, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/precise-softwarecenter-amd64/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/15:37
jibelmvo, I skipped test_downloader and will add gtk3 tests.15:38
pittididrocks: when is the next unity SRU round planned?15:43
mvopitti: aha, nice, I'm curious about the diff that fixed it15:44
mvojibel: thanks15:44
cjwatsonpitti: look at the partman tracebacks in the UbiquitySyslog attachment15:44
pittimvo: reverted http://git.gnome.org/browse/pygobject/commit/gi/overrides/Gtk.py?id=654711d0f940d7480d0f1cdb25a3dc9996f7a70615:44
pittimvo: it's breaking existing behaviour, inconsistent with the rest of Gtk, and the original test case in the bug was invalid15:45
didrockspitti: it's pushed in the ubuntu-desktop ppa right now (like 30 minutes ago)15:46
didrockspitti: will be pushed in -proposed next week, once we will have the precise unity release15:46
pitticjwatson: ah, so let's retitle the bug accordingly?15:48
* pitti does15:48
BigWhaleA question!16:14
BigWhalehttp://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/GStreamerHackfest2012 Will gstreamer1.0 land in Pangolin?16:14
dobeyah that i do not know16:14
dobeypitti, seb128: ^^ have we decided on gstreamer versions?16:15
dobeyskaet: ^^16:15
pittithere was no explicit discussion/decision for this16:16
pittiif it lands well before FF and doesn't cause major issues, it's fine to update16:16
seb128no plan concerning gstreamer16:16
seb128we didn't "maintain" it for years, slomo is doing good work maintaining it in Debian and we sync what they use16:17
dobeypitti: i think it's parallel installable, so i'd guess there'd be gstreamer1.0 source vs gstreamer0.10, in debian?16:17
seb128he's part of the upstream teams16:17
seb128well it's seems not likely that we will use by default for the lts16:18
pittidobey: right, but we wouldn't want to have two sources16:18
dobeyand i suspect even if it landed, there'd be a period where some things haven't ported yet, so you'd have to keep both versions around, just like gtk2 vs gtk316:18
seb128it seems incompatible and it's late to land a new serie and port the code16:18
dobeypitti: not on the CD, surely16:18
pittiif we switch, then everything should be switched over IMHO, otherwise it's a mess16:18
seb128not for the lts then...16:18
pittiat least for main/default install16:18
pittithat's my gut feeling anyway16:18
seb128we can probably get it in universe for people who want to use it16:18
pitti^ sure16:18
seb128well I'm sure slomo will get it in Debian when it's time16:19
seb128then we can sync16:19
dobeyseb128: question is if some of gnome 3.4 stuff we ship, will require it, i guess16:19
pittiI think we'd rather stay at the gnome 3.2 version in that case16:19
seb128we stay on totem 3.0 to avoid clutter16:19
dobeytotem uses clutter now?16:20
seb128clutter-gst instead of xv for rendering16:20
seb128since 3.216:20
BigWhalecrap ... why do I have to give names to milestones? :/16:21
dobeywell you have to call a milestone something16:21
dobeythey don't have to be names like "Ed" or anything16:22
dobeythey can be versions16:22
BigWhaleyeah I know16:22
BigWhalestill :>16:22
dobeylike, for ubuntu one, we have milestones for all our releases throughout the whole precise cycle16:22
dobeyour next one is 2.99.2 on jan 1716:22
BigWhaleit's like hostnames.... 10% of time you spent on installing new computer, 90% of the time you spent on thinking about which hostname to pick ...16:23
dobeyi really don't spend that much time thinking about hostnames16:23
dobeyand it's fairly easy to deal with, if you have a theme16:24
dobeywhich most people do :)16:24
* BigWhale cringes.16:24
BigWhalenow you're expecting me to have a theme!? :>16:24
dobeywell you could name them after different species of sea mammals, for all i know :)16:31
BigWhaledobey, that would be a little too self centered ;)16:35
BigWhaleeven for me :P16:35
pittigood night everyone!16:44
didrocksgood night pitti! see you in budapest!16:47
pittiyay, you too!16:47
pittiwill arrive Sunday early evening16:47
pittilooking forward to a relaxed and uninterrupted 8 hour train ride16:47
cyphermoxpitti: good night, see you sunday16:48
pittihave a nice (half) weekend and safe travels everyone!16:49
seb128'night pitti, see you there!16:52
dobeywell, they are *your* computers, no? :)17:19
dobeyBigWhale: ^^17:22
dobeyhas anything changed recently with zeitgeist in precise?17:22
seb128that's a question for mhr317:22
seb128define "recently"17:22
seb128what is your issue?17:22
BigWhaledobey, oh ... computers perhaps, but not software milestones. :))17:24
dobeyin the past few days i guess, we have started having ubuntuone-client tests freezing for a long time, in ppa builds17:24
dobeyseb128: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/89241325/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.ubuntuone-client_3.1%2Br1176-47~precise1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:24
BigWhaledobey, my computers are currently thefish, ocean and squid :)17:25
BigWhaleoh and pinky :>17:25
dobeyseb128: and it was sat at "test_log_records_the_event ...                                         [OK]" for over an hour before whatever finally killed the process17:26
seb128hum, "fun"17:27
seb128dobey, no zg for around a month17:27
seb128but maybe something due to the new glib? which knows... or a race17:27
seb128hard to tell without a stacktrace of the hang17:27
dobeyyeah, it's odd, because the tests pass fine for me just running them on my laptop17:28
mhr3dobey, seb128, i blame gvfs for any such issues17:28
mhr3i pushed just today a patch that disables any volume monitoring in zeitgeist17:29
dobeythat wouldn't be it17:31
dobeycould be glib i guess17:33
mhr3you'd be surprised about the "fun" bugs it caused17:35
dobeynot really17:35
dobeyit's glib and everything uses it. no surprise at all if it causes weird bugs in random things :)17:36
didrocksok, time for sport and half week-end there. Have a safe travel and see you in budapest!17:37
=== jono_ is now known as jono
BigWhaleis there a wordpress plugin that would automatically create links to launchpad bug entries?17:38
BigWhaleyeah I've found that one17:41
BigWhalebut I am not sure it does what I want it to do17:42
dobeyoh, it's auth17:42
dobeyso perhaps not17:44
dobeyprobably easy to write something that does, though17:45
seiflotfyseb128: rodrigo_: how do i turn off the deprecation flags in clutter-gtk18:01
seb128seiflotfy, grep DEPRECATED *18:01
seb128it's likely set in configure.ac or Makefile.am18:01
seb128then edit it out18:01
seb128run autoreconf and build again18:01
rodrigo_seiflotfy, yes, probably what seb128 says18:02
kenvandinehey rodrigo_!18:04
rodrigo_hi kenvandine18:04
rodrigo_kenvandine, happy new year :)18:04
kenvandinehappy new year to you too18:05
dobeyhola rodrigo_18:06
rodrigo_hey dobey18:06
dobeyseb128: are they the new style, or the old style?18:06
dobeyseiflotfy: ^^18:06
seiflotfydobey: what style what huh?18:07
dobeyseiflotfy: in new versions of gtk+, deprecations are done differently, so i was wondering if clutter-gtk was switched as well. they use attributes on functions now, instead of blocks of #ifndef in the headers18:08
dobeyseiflotfy: is api missing, or are you trying to get rid of warnings?18:08
seiflotfyi am compiling clutter-gtk 0.1218:08
seiflotfywhihc is kinda old but i have to18:08
seiflotfylet me show you the error18:09
seiflotfydobey: http://pastebin.com/D91SnS6c18:10
seiflotfygrep for deprecated doesnt return anything18:11
dobeyseiflotfy: add "-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations" to CFLAGS18:11
kenvandineseiflotfy, or fix gtk-clutter-viewport.c18:12
kenvandinelooks like just one thing18:12
dobeyor yeah, patch it18:12
kenvandineuse g_type_init18:12
dobeykenvandine: well, gcc stops on the first file with errors :)18:13
dobeyor just don't use -Werror18:13
kenvandinethat is evil18:13
dobeythe gcc thing, or not using -Werror?18:13
kenvandine -Werror18:14
dobeymost people don't use it18:14
dobeywe have to use -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations in u1 stuff, actually18:14
dobeyor write a crapload of #ifdef using code18:15
dobeyand frankly, i don't want to write a crapload of code :)18:15
seiflotfykenvandine: thanks :)18:16
BigWhaleand I'm back ... I have to do something about my cat ... :/18:20
dobeysell it18:20
mdeslaurget it it's own computer18:20
BigWhaleor just prevent Mr. Spock sleeping on my modem ...18:20
dobeyremoval of the problem is the surest way to solve it :)18:21
dobeyand building this source in pbuilder works correctly18:22
dobeyso wtf is going on18:23
aquariusin the Power Settings in Precise, "Hibernate" is available as an option for "when the lid is closed", but disabled. Can I enable it? (I'd much rather use suspend, but suspend doesn't work on this laptop yet, and hibernate does.)19:04
cyphermoxaquarius: just guessing, but I'd say hibernate is disabled because there are probably tests running to check whether that's supported on your hardware, and those tests possibly fail. but I haven't looked19:10
aquariuscyphermox, I can imagine that, yeah; I'm happy to update those tests, or feed back information... but I don't know where to look.19:10
cyphermoxnow that I'm looking at it I see hibernate is disabled here too19:10
dobeyaquarius: it appears that something in precise has broken hibernate pretty much everywhere. it doesn't show up in the shutdown dialog for me either.19:11
dobeyi guess maybe it's a kernel bug?19:12
kenvandinei am not certain, but i know at one point there was talk about disabling it because we couldn't reliably know if hibernate would work19:13
cyphermoxkenvandine: yeah, I remember that too19:13
cyphermoxaquarius: fwiw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/795199/19:13
cyphermoxthat's in gnome-control-center, panels/power/cc-power-panel.c19:13
dobeykenvandine: which sucks, because you can't reliably know if *anything* is going to work19:13
kenvandineand i think someone was pushing the idea of making it use a whitelist, so it was only enabled on certified hardware19:13
dobeykenvandine: so we might as well just disable boot too :)19:13
cyphermoxkenvandine: interesting19:14
kenvandinehibernate has been a particularly problematic thing though19:14
aquariuskenvandine, yeah, I remember reading about that; I'm happy to say "look, my laptop's on the list" :)19:14
cyphermoxsupport gets called for hibernate not working on certified hardware, that's guaranteed19:14
kenvandinecyphermox, well i think the whitelist idea had lots of opposers19:14
aquariusbut suspend definitely doesn't work (cking's looking at it) and in the interim... I can't close the lid of my laptop. Which is mot annoying :(19:14
cyphermoxkenvandine: yeah, I think the more safe idea was to disable it altogether, based on how boot should normally be fast enough, and suspend "usually works", iirc19:15
dobeykenvandine: so has suspend to ram :-/19:15
cyphermoxaquarius: let me check if I can make some sense of the test, and maybe tell you why it fails19:15
dobeyhibernate worked perfectly fine on my u820 in oneiric19:16
cyphermoxaquarius: worst case though, I guess you could try to use pm_hibernate on the cli and then close the lid19:16
dobeybut neither nibernate nor suspend works now in precise on it19:16
aquariuscyphermox, that's exactly what I *am* doing19:16
aquariuscyphermox, which I can live with if I have to19:17
cyphermoxok :)19:17
cyphermoxwell, the exact test is somewhere in upower19:17
dobeyguess i should make a launcher for pm_hibernate19:17
aquariusbut it's a lot easier to just shut the lid, which I'd do if I wasn't explicitly blocked from turning on hibernate as an action there :(19:17
cyphermoxah but19:17
dobeyand i can call it "Go the Fuck to Sleep"19:17
cyphermoxnothing happens at all if you close the lid or is it that suspend starts and crashes ?19:17
dobeyfor me, nothing happens at all if i just close the lid19:18
dobeybecause i closed it to test suspend after upgrading19:18
dobeylit up the keyboard pretty well though19:19
aquariuscyphermox, suspend does not work (that is: the machine hangs when trying to suspend. Bug already reported and the kernel team are looking at it). I have not closed the lid exactly because lid-close is set to "suspend", and suspend doesn't work.19:19
cyphermoxThere used to be the "don't do anything" option19:19
cyphermoxwonder why that's no longer there19:19
cyphermoxoh, I'm not looking at the right place19:20
dobeyyeah, i'm pretty sure that's still there19:20
cyphermoxit is19:20
cyphermoxI was looking at my desktop -- no lid19:20
cyphermoxso no lid actions :)19:20
cyphermoxok, so the checks seem to be this:  can the kernel hibernate, is there enough swap, and !(swap is encrypted) || allow hibernate on encrypted swap19:22
cyphermoxswap needs to be less than 98% used or something19:24
cyphermoxand whether kernel support is available is based on the output of pm-is-supported --hibernate19:26
aquariustop says that there's 4GB of swap and it's 0k used19:26
cyphermoxhuh, same on my desktop19:26
aquariuspm-is-supported --hibernate doesn't output anything.19:26
cyphermoxand clearly it's supported19:26
cyphermoxreturn code, I meant19:26
kenvandineaquarius, echo $?19:27
aquariuskenvandine, 019:27
aquariusI tried that :)19:27
dobeyaquarius: how much RAM does that machine have?19:29
cyphermoxwait, this doesn't make sense19:30
aquariusMem:   3952048k total / Swap:  4094972k total,        0k used19:30
aquariusthere is sufficient swap to contain all the memory.19:30
cyphermoxupower reports canHibernate = 1 on my desktop, but the item is disabled anyway19:30
cyphermoxd-feet on the system bus can tell you that19:30
aquariusdid we just, like, disable it regardless of whether the system says it can support it? I remember reading a bug where design said "well, hibernate doesn't work all that well so we should turn it off"19:33
dobeyyeah, i have 2GB swap and 1GB RAM on this laptop19:33
dobeyaquarius: it would appear to be the case19:33
aquariusBut if that were the case, I could understand removing it from the menu. But leaving something in the menu which is disabled almost always means that users think (me included) that there's some way to *enable* that menu item19:34
aquariushence me asking: how do I enable that menu item ;)19:34
dobeyugh, but pm-{suspend,hibernate} requires root19:36
cyphermoxaquarius: still looking, but I can't find where it might have been disabled19:36
aquariuslooks like I'll have to continue with "sudo pm-hibernate" from a terminal then :(19:37
dobeyof course, now i've done pm-suspend, and i can't make it un-suspend19:37
cyphermoxpitti would probably be the best person to tell you why it's disabled, given his involvement in upower and patches to g-c-c, etc.19:40
aquariuscyphermox, thanks; that gives me somewhere else to look19:41
dobeywell that UI is added with a patch. but it's odd, since i don't see in that patch any code that checks if hibernate is available, and it doesn't seem to set it to insensitive by default19:48
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