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smoserwhere does 'apt-install' in the server installer (debian-installer) come from?03:23
smoseri'm just wondering what changed that caused bug 91243103:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 912431 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "Preseeded 12.04 grub-install failed: Wrong number of args: mapdevfs <path>" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91243103:23
smoserslangasek, cjwatson ? i'm sure one of you know.03:30
smoserwe're hoping to do work on juju doing installs via cobbler during the rally, and this is currently broken03:31
brodersmoser: i think it's in debian-installer-utils03:34
broder(source package003:35
smoserbroder, you are correct of course. thank you.03:49
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pittislangasek: no, I haven't seen it myself either07:48
pittiGood morning07:48
cjwatsonsmoser: I will deal with your bug today09:44
cjwatsonsmoser: oh, you've already submitted an MP, cool09:45
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LaneyRiddell: Can you fix ~kubuntu-dev to have ~developer-membership-board as owner or admin please?10:11
micahgpitti: can you please copy firefox,mozvoikko,ubufox from {natty,oneiric}-proposed (bug 906389) to {natty-oneiric}-security10:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 906389 in ubufox (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Tracking bug for Firefox 9 (9.0.1) transition in Natty/Oneiric" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90638910:25
pittimicahg: sure, copying to -updates as well10:33
micahgpitti: yep, that's fine :)10:33
pittimicahg: all done10:36
micahgpitti: thanks10:36
chrisccoulsonyay \o/10:58
chrisccoulsonnow we're only 3.5 weeks until the firefox 10 release ;)10:58
micahgchrisccoulson: we're still ahead of Mozilla pushing out to everyone :)10:59
chrisccoulsonand, 3.5 weeks to fix this KDE patch!11:00
chrisccoulsonit's way too late in the beta cycle to be making significant code changes11:01
micahgI'm hoping we'll have an upstream powerpc FTBFS fix by then11:01
chrisccoulsonif we care about it, then we should just fix it rather than waiting for somebody else to do it ;)11:02
micahgglandium was working on it, I'll check in with him next week (he had a partial fix, but something was wrong), I filed a tracking bug for it11:02
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sveinseI'm here because I don't know where else to ask. I hope it not OT:11:41
sveinseI'm trying to apt-get into a staging directory (on a Ubuntu system). I've used the apt config option RootDir to prefix into the staging dir. Then I run apt-get update. It downloads the indexes to the staging dir, however it fails at the end as it tries to access /var/lib/dpkg/lock without the staging dir prefix. Bug?11:41
sveinseOn a Natty system, sorry11:41
seb128cjwatson, hey, is the .maintscript use documented somewhere?11:42
seb128i.e the format of the files, the version of dpkg needed, the pre-depends stuff etc?11:42
seb128somewhere like in a manpage or a wiki, I keep looking for examples on my disk every time I set one, I didn't find a reference documentation11:43
cjwatsonseb128: Pre-Depends documented in dpkg-maintscript-helper(1), file format documented in dh_installdeb(1)11:43
sveinseWhen strace-ing the apt-get, I see that it uses the proper stage dir prefix as setup in the config, except at the end where it tries to access the host's dpkg lock file.11:43
cjwatsonand in fact the latter documents the substvar needed so that you don't need to know the precise pre-depends version11:44
seb128cjwatson, ok thanks11:45
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pittijibel: is bug 911813 covered by the daily auto-upgrade tests?12:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911813 in gdm (Ubuntu Precise) "Lucid to Precise: debconf prompt about which DM to use during upgrade" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91181312:14
pittijibel: I think I know what's wrong, but as it takes ages to reproduce, could we just wait for the next auto-run to verify?12:15
pittiThe fix I'm doing is necessary anyway, I'm just only 90% sufe it's sufficient12:15
pittijibel: ah, and it's a race condition, too; if gdm gets configured before lightm, it happens, otherwise not12:18
jibelpitti, no, the test didn't discovered it. It's on my todo to find why.12:44
pittijibel: might just have been lucky, it's a race condition12:44
jibelpitti, very lucky then because I reproduced it more than once.12:45
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mdeslaurcyphermox: happy new year: 91275813:46
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krineticjust filed bug#91281816:08
smoserbug 91281816:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 912818 in Ubuntu "Mute/unmute keyboard button does not work properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91281816:33
krineticchanged it to affect gnome-settings-daemon16:42
bdmurraypitti: might bug 911834 be related to bug 905602?16:53
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 911834 could not be found16:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 905602 in pygobject (Ubuntu Precise) "software-properties-gtk crashed with AttributeError in _decode_value(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'decode'" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90560216:53
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pittibdmurray: at first sight it's a different problem; maybe over three corners16:59
pittibdmurray: I'll follow up with a question16:59
bdmurraypitti: are there likely to be lots of dupes of 905602 though?17:00
pittibdmurray: asked and sub'ed17:00
pittibdmurray: I did a bug search for _decode_value, not that many actually17:00
pittimost of them duped themselves through apport17:00
bdmurraypitti: ah, great.17:00
pittigood night everyone, see you in Budapest!17:03
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SpamapSyou know what is *blatantly* missing from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements  ? *documentation*17:45
psusicjwatson: say, at what point do you think Ubuntu should drop grub-legacy?17:48
cjwatsonpsusi: I'm in no rush17:49
psusiwhy not?  grub2 has been in since hardy... ;)17:49
cjwatsonthere are still enough corner cases of one kind or another; I don't see a need to deliberately break them17:49
ogra_we should drop it as soon as we drop lilo ;)17:50
psusihrm... is there a list of them so that grub2 can be fixed to handle them?17:50
psusiwell, lilo still has upstream support doesn't it?  so that's just a matter of preference17:50
cjwatsonnot coherently.  xen support is a big one, which I know is in the works17:50
cjwatsonbut there are probably various odd bugs17:50
psusixen support?  what's wrong there?  I thought we recently got a xen package that you just install and it sets up grub2 to load the xen hypervisor as the kernel and the kernel and initrd as modules and off it goes?17:51
cjwatsongrub2 doesn't have any xen support17:52
cjwatsonas in guest17:52
cjwatsonI'm not talking about the hypervisor17:53
psusiI thought the guest didn't use grub... that the xen tools just loaded the kernel and initrd directly17:53
psusiohh... hrm... interesting...17:54
cjwatsonhence e.g. grub-legacy-ec217:54
cjwatsonanyway, I don't see any reason to rush.  It takes negligible amounts of my time to maintain and it's no longer the default so it shouldn't get in people's way particularly17:54
cjwatson"maintain" i.e. leave alone and occasionally fix build bugs or whatever17:55
* psusi wants to whack the bug list ;)17:57
cjwatsonthey aren't hurting anyone18:00
psusicjwatson: which partman package deals with copying partitions?18:00
cjwatsonpartman-partitioning has the UI for it; the actual copy is done by a COPY_PARTITION command to parted_server (in partman-base) which is mostly implemented in libparted18:01
cjwatson(whether that works in libparted 3 I don't know)18:01
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infinity@pilot in18:37
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: infinity
infinityI knew I forgot something today.18:37
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slangasekjodh: bug #912558> maybe it's noteworthy that in his screenshot before the crash, he's getting a lot of spam from udev due to a broken rule in /etc/udev/rules.d?19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 912558 in upstart (Ubuntu Precise) "log.c Assert failed - err=>number == EIO" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91255819:10
jodhslangasek: can you point me at the screenshot you're looking at as the one on that bug doesn't mention udev (?)19:14
jodhslangasek: the good news is that daviey and I have -- we believe -- just identified the problem causing the assert failure :)19:14
slangasekjodh: ah, what's the problem?19:15
slangasekjodh: the one showing udev is this: http://bootie.daviey.com/~dave/erk/precise-init-crash.jpg19:15
slangasekapparently Daviey trimmed the context when posting to the bug!  Bad bug submitter! :)19:15
jodhslangasek: that seriously hurts my eyes :)19:16
jodhslangasek: if upstart attempts to run a single-line *non-existent* command with no shell meta-characters in it, the assertion fires.19:17
* slangasek blinks19:17
slangasekhow specific!19:17
slangasekso he has some non-standard job on his system that's triggering it?19:17
jodhslangasek: yeah!19:17
slangasekoh, because that's tied in with getting a different return value from exec(), right19:18
jodhslangasek: I have a fix for it but it'll need atleast 1 new build test and 1 new runtime test (so prolly tomorrow).19:18
jodhslangasek: yes, so the child process fails in that specific instance and the io watch therefore has an invalid fd to watch, hence the follow-on "bad file descriptor" error.19:18
* slangasek nods19:20
jodhslangasek: so, you hit this bug if you've removed a package but the .conf files persist, as they refer to non-existent binaries.19:21
jodhslangasek: I'll update the bug with this and a script folks can run to convince me I've fully understood the problem.19:22
SpamapSjodh: nice work finding it (and hiding from your arch-nemesis, jhunt ;)19:49
jodhSpamapS: thanks. Yeah, he shadows me everywhere. Keep catching glimpses of him in the mirror... He *so* needs a haircut.19:53
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dupondjeIts still planned to removed vinage & rdesktop and switch to remmina & freerdp ?20:18
SpamapSdoes anyone else get a nice warm fuzzy when they turn on the test suite for a package build? Like.. you have suddenly done the security team and the users a nice big favor that you didn't have to? ;-)22:03
SpamapSnow if only java test suites didn't take *days* to run. :-P22:04
chrisccoulsonit's ok until the tests start hanging your builds ;)22:04
SpamapSyeah I think ZK's test suite may literally take days to run on arm. :-P22:04
lifelessSpamapS: you need a beowulf cluster of armhf then, obviously22:08
SpamapSlifeless: btw, we still can't triage bugs in the server team. :(22:08
lifelessSpamapS: the bug is still open and escalated, yes ?22:08
SpamapSlifeless: yes22:09
lifelessgood good22:09
SpamapSI know there's nothing more we can do.. but.. SQL fail is so painful to see. :-P22:10
jdstrandSpamapS: every time :)22:14
SpamapS60% of the time, it fails, every time22:14
jdstrandI was responding to the good feeling22:15
SpamapSah good22:16
SpamapS    [junit] Running org.apache.zookeeper.test.QuorumTest22:16
SpamapS    [junit] Tests run: 14, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 185.082 sec22:16
SpamapSpaging performance? performance? no, sit down java22:17
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