
=== guampa|2 is now known as guampa
StepNjump_hi guys, anybody here that uses weechat here??05:21
holsteinStepNjump_: i did... this is not a support channel though... whats up?05:22
Unit193I'm sure there are, but topic seems to say this isn't a support channel, you may have better luck in #ubuntu05:22
Unit193(or #weechat)05:23
StepNjump_oh no? It's for the application programmers?05:24
StepNjump__holstein, I'm trying to learn the program but it's complex. I figured out a bit how to conf the irc.conf file but for some reason, instead of connecting the irc.ubuntu.com server, it connects the irc.freenode.... I wonder why that is and if it's not a problem, I'll just leave it like that05:25
holsteinStepNjump_: they are the same no?05:25
StepNjump_don't know... I'm new.. Ok so it's the same.. Ah I see then!05:25
StepNjump_lol ok thanks a lot my friend05:25
StepNjump_It's a great application weechat. I like it a lot.05:26
nhandlerirc.ubuntu.com points to freenode. You can connect to either of them05:26
holsteinsure.. and like Unit193 says, feel free to try #weechat05:26
StepNjump_np then thanks nhandler05:26
=== StepNjump_ is now known as ve2ebp
Resistancewhat dictates that Mint isnt supported, and therefore is offtopic in #ubuntu?16:49
Resistance(see: #ubuntu, user: manuel_)16:49
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:50
Resistancei know the factoid :P16:50
Resistancei'm asking where that policy was defined, so i can point the aforementioned user to it16:50
Resistance(so I dont have to do the IRCC or Community Council's arguing)16:50
k1l_i dont know that16:51
AlanBellrobust discussions perhaps, but never arguing ;)16:51
oCeanResistance: only the officially recognized derivatives are supported in the ubuntu channels: http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/derivatives16:53
ResistanceoCean:  thanks16:53
AlanBellResistance: I don't think there is a list of things that are not supported outside of the factoids, but there is a list of things which are supported16:53
Resistancethat'd work :P16:54
Resistancei take it that if they want an argument, directing them to either #u-ops or #u-irc would work?  (#u = #ubuntu)16:54
pangolinResistance: I believe and I may be wrong but the fact that Mint ships with proprietary codecs is/was one of the main reasons for it not being supported officially among other changes they made.17:15
Resistancei see.  that's what i assumed.  i think the user went and became quiet so that issue is dealt with...17:16
=== guampa_ is now known as guampa

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