
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
Laneynigelb: I see you offered gwibber help in debian #573822 (reminded by http://identi.ca/notice/88168234) — want sponsorship? :-) :-)10:52
ubottuDebian bug 573822 in wnpp "RFA: gwibber -- microblogging client for GNOME" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/57382210:52
* Laney grins10:52
iulianGood Laney!11:07
iulianHe always has something to offer.11:08
LaneyI live to please.11:08
Davieypoor nigelb11:10
LaneyOngoing (regular) maintenance might not be that hard if a bzr branch gets set up which we can merge the Ubuntu packaging branch with…11:13
* Laney looks aruodn11:14
jtaylorI wonder how wakeup made it into the archive, that thing is full of security holes13:15
Laneylet me guess13:17
Laney...an Ubuntu local package?13:17
jtaylorsaw dozens of potential issues and one definite priv escl. just by looking at a diff ...13:18
LaneyIf only we had a good policy for kicking out shoddy apps13:20
Laneyin Debian it would be RC bugs and therefore not released13:20
tumbleweedI don't ithkn we need one, kick it13:21
stgraberfile a package removal bug (after contacting whoever got the package in Ubuntu in the first place)13:21
Laneyabsolutely it can be done, but having a policy gives things more weight, no?13:21
tumbleweedwe should review ubuntu-only packages with high severity bugs once a cycle or so13:21
Laneyand lets people stop them getting in13:21
tumbleweedwell, we're working hard on that :)13:22
tumbleweedwe stop anyone getting anything in :P13:22
* Laney can think of another time we failed ...13:22
* Laney coughs13:22
tumbleweedthat wasn't actually dangerous, just low quality13:23
tumbleweedI thought micahg was going to find a serious security problem in it? :)13:23
Laneywell I would probably put the barrier at a different place :P13:24
Laneyargh I grepped for sudo in wakeup's source13:26
tumbleweedubuntu-dev-tools also overuses sudo a bit :/13:27
tumbleweed(but safely, I think)13:27
jtaylorsudo + predicatable tmpfilename = bad13:27
jtaylorsee data/scripts/wakeup13:28
jtaylordata/scripts/wakeup +6713:28
Laneymaybe ARB does have a use :-)13:29
jtaylorand it uses os.system all over the place with non constant arguments13:29
jtaylorthough the author is responsive, it could be fixed13:29
tumbleweedyeah, I suspect we need a repo somewhere for everyone to upload their junk to, to get their warm fuzzy feelings, before they become competant, trustworthy developers13:31
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
* tumbleweed wonders if anyone has ever used a signed .changes file from -changes to mess with another developer's PPA14:42
psusiyou mean upload the same package they uploaded to main into their ppa?14:43
Laneyyes, I did once, to demonstrate why it was bad14:43
Laneywhere are you seeing a signed one?14:43
tumbleweed-changes has signed .changes files14:43
tumbleweedpsusi: yeah, you'd have to use the upload url mangling trick to do any real damage, though (to put it into a release that didn't have that version)14:44
tumbleweedLaney: glad to see I'm not the first person to wonder this :)14:44
Laneythe case I got it fixed for was from +queue14:44
Laneythis was ages ago14:44
savvasis the symbols file required for a debian library package?14:51
jtaylornot required but strongly recommended14:51
savvasthank you :) one more question: how do I file a new bug needs-packaging? Because now +filebug in launchpad redirects me to use ubuntu-bug and I cannot file a bug report without a package name14:54
Ampelbeinsavvas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug shouldn't redirect to ubuntu-bug.15:05
Laneyyes it should15:05
Laneyyou need to add ?no-redirect to that URL unless you are in bug control15:05
Ampelbein... That's interesting, thanks.15:06
savvasthank you!15:06
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
softcoderanyone here know who to ask about debian games getting puleld into ubuntu?16:35
tumbleweedwhat's the question?16:36
softcoderI worked with pabs and got megaglest to replace glest, its been in debian testing since jan 2 but it never got puleld into ubuntu16:36
softcoderjust wondering why not (pabs also thought it was strange)16:37
tumbleweedit's a new package16:37
tumbleweedthey have to be manually reviewed16:37
tumbleweedgive it time16:37
softcodergotcha, its not really new, its a 'transition' or replacement16:37
tumbleweedright, but that still means it has to go through the NEW review16:38
softcoderok, how long does that process usually take?16:38
tumbleweed< 1 month. Someone should do a final cleanup of new around DIF16:39
softcoderok thx for the info16:39
micahgnothing in NEW ATM, we need the new package sync first :)16:42
tumbleweedwell, for new packages from debian the review happens before the source upload16:42
micahgnot AIUI, they just get stuck in NEW and there they have to be reviewed16:43
ahasenackhi guys, can someone take a look at this merge proposal for python-tz? https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/precise/python-tz/day-leap-fix-885163/+merge/8740716:52
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ahasenackhi, can someone take a look at this merge proposal, or should I ask in #ubuntu-motu, since it's a universe package? https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/precise/python-tz/day-leap-fix-885163/+merge/8740718:05
broderahasenack: i can look at it. one moment18:17
broder(you are asking in #ubuntu-motu, though :-P)18:18
ahasenackbroder: thanks18:18
ahasenackbroder: oh, I thought that second question was in #ubuntu-devel, I got my tabs mixed :P18:18
broderahasenack: in the interests of getting a simple test that i can understand, tz=pytz.timezone('Pacific/Apia'); datetime(2012, 1, 1, tzinfo=tz) - datetime(2011, 12, 30, tzinfo=tz) == 1, right? As opposed to now, when it's 2?18:23
ahasenackbroder: you mean, besides the backtrace test I pasted in the comments?18:24
broderahasenack: aha, got it18:25
brodertumbleweed, bdrung: :-/ sponsor-patch started calling debuild with --no-lintian, which oneiric's debuild doesn't support18:28
bdrungbroder: really?18:30
broderit does look like it has it doesn't it?18:31
broderi wonder what my laptop was whining about18:31
bdrungbroder: i am running oneiric with latest u-d-t without having problems18:32
broderbdrung: yeah, i think something else went wrong. will dig into it later. looks like a false alarm for the moment, though18:33
broderahasenack: uploaded18:35
ahasenackbroder: that's precise, right?18:35
ahasenackbroder: thanks!18:35
broder...i was going to open the sru bug tasks for that bug, but apparently i can't. wtf'18:35
ahasenackbroder: yeah, we have to ask someone for that18:35
ahasenackbroder: but let me prepare the sru template first18:35
ahasenackbroder: with justification, impact, etc18:35
broderahasenack: unless something changed very recently, motu could open the bug tasks18:36
broderoh, i see. i'm looking at the upstream bug task18:36
* broder glares at lp18:36
broderahasenack: ok. tasks are open18:38
ahasenack broder thanks18:38
ahasenackbroder: can you also take the review from that mp? It's still "pending"18:51
broderahasenack: it got marked as merged18:51
ahasenackbroder: yeah, but the review request itself is still pending: Ubuntu branches: Pending requested 2012-01-0318:52
broderi've merged the branch - any review would just be a formality. the mp should fall off the sponsorship queue the next time it runs, because its state isn't "needs review"18:52
ahasenackah, ok18:53
l3onHi all.. I'm looking at a orphaned package, in the many lintian errors I see:19:02
l3onW: ferret: command-with-path-in-maintainer-script postinst:18 /usr/bin/update-mime-database19:02
l3onand in postinst I have:19:02
l3on# Deregister our X Desktop Group Shared MIME-info Database info19:02
l3onif [ -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database ] ; then19:02
l3on        /usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime19:02
l3onis it still necessary update mime ?19:02
l3ondoes someone of you know how can I fix it?19:03
jtaylordoes it use debhelper?19:03
jtaylorif yes dh_installmime will fill postinst correctly19:04
jtaylorwith is something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/795189/19:04
l3onjtaylor, I use dh 8, yes :)19:06
l3onjtaylor, so, have I to delete those lines from postinst, right?19:07
jtaylorif you use dh_installmime their probably redundant and can be removed19:07
jtaylorl3on: ukopp and dkopp ftbs in precise due to a zfuncs.h issue, did you get my mail?19:07
l3onjtaylor, yeeeepppp you're right!19:08
l3ondamn it :/19:08
l3onI'll look at them i19:08
l3onin one hour19:08
jtaylorupstream said he'll release a new version 1. jan if you could package that and add it to debian that would be great19:08
jtaylorbut its not very urgent19:08
l3onwell, considering that debian import freeze is coming... :P19:09
jtaylorwe can still sync manually19:09
l3onah oki :)19:09
l3onsorry for not reply, but when I received mail I was in holydays with family and a little bit busy :/19:10
l3onjtaylor, anyway... my ferret rules is like:19:10
l3on# Deregister our X Desktop Group Shared MIME-info Database info19:10
l3onif [ -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database ] ; then19:11
l3on        /usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime19:11
l3onopsss... sorry:19:11
l3ondh $@19:11
l3onI suppose that dh_installmime is called somewhere19:11
tumbleweedeasy enough to find out :)19:11
jtaylormake sure the postinst contains the debhelper token19:12
jtaylor(lintian will warn if not)19:12
nigelbLaney: I do want to help, when I find more time. Currently packed schedule.19:43
Alison_ChaikenGreetings all, my project needs a newer version of another project than upstream is offering as a package.20:18
Alison_ChaikenI want to use the recommended procedure to address this problem, assuming I can understand it.20:18
Alison_ChaikenFrom reading the Policy, I have the impression that I can package master/HEAD of project foo and distribute it with my other packages, as long as I use debian/watch to update when the latest foo is offered by upstream as a package.20:19
Alison_ChaikenIs this more or less correct?20:20
Alison_ChaikenI understand that what I want to avoid is that a year from now, my users have the old version of foo that I distribute today -- we want them to get an upstream update when it's available, which may not be long for all I know.20:21
Alison_ChaikenI see that when I git-pull the last tagged release of an upstream, I get their debian directory.20:27
tumbleweedAlison_Chaiken: why do you need a newer version? massive changes or a single patch?20:27
Alison_ChaikenWhen I pull master/HEAD, I don't get one.20:27
tumbleweedAlison_Chaiken: is this upstream a package in Ubuntu, or are we talking about a PPA20:27
Alison_Chaikentumbleweed, one of my collaborators sent a patchset to the upstream, which they liked, but which is not yet part of a release.20:28
tumbleweedwe can just cherry-pick that patch for Ubuntu20:28
Alison_ChaikenMy packages are in a PPA; what I'm patching is qjson, which is the RESTful part of Qt.20:28
tumbleweedright, qjson is part of debian & ubuntu20:29
tumbleweedyou can just package the latest head of it in your PPA20:29
tumbleweedas it's a PPA, don't worry about the watch file, just make an orig tarball from the latest upsteram HEAD20:29
tumbleweed(or cherry-pick that patch, for a qjson upload to your ppa)20:30
Alison_ChaikenI can just git-pull master/HEAD from qjson and then debuild it?20:30
Alison_ChaikenI upload it to my ppa and call it . . . qjson?20:31
jtayloruse an appropriate version number, e.g. one that replaces current ubuntu package but would get replaced by next one20:31
tumbleweedrather try and create a .orig.tar.gz from upstream HEAD, and treat it as if it was an upstream release20:31
tumbleweedbut with a version number like 0.7.1+git2011010620:31
Alison_ChaikenUpstream is at 0.7.1; I could package their master/HEAD and call it so that when 0.7.2 is released by them, users are offered an update?20:32
tumbleweedAlison_Chaiken: that looks like an upstream version, though20:33
tumbleweedit's better to make it clearer that you packaged a random revision20:33
Alison_Chaikentumbleweed, I had called the package I already uploaded qjson-`git rev-parse HEAD` but that broke all our project's build machinery: nothing linked against it. (Duh, in retrospect.)20:33
tumbleweedbut again, this is a PPA, it doesn't really matter so much :P20:33
Alison_ChaikenLearning right procedure is good though.20:34
tumbleweedyeah, don't change the package name20:34
Alison_ChaikenI don't want to do something stupid just because I can!20:34
tumbleweedand don't use a git hash in a version, they don't increment20:34
Alison_ChaikenI could just solve the problem with the usual cascade of symlinks in /usr/lib of course, too, and make postinst or whatever that script is called do the right linking.20:35
Alison_ChaikenBut I'm having trouble figuring out what the cool kids do here, since this problem obviously arises every day for everyone.20:35
tumbleweederr, why the symlinks in /usr/lib?20:36
Alison_ChaikenI could symlink qjson-123ac.so.1.0.0 to qjson.so in /usr/lib.20:36
tumbleweedoh, did it require an ABI change?20:36
Alison_ChaikenBut users still wouldn't be offered an update when 0.7.2 actually is released.20:37
Alison_ChaikenNo, no, no ABI change: sorry to be misleading.20:37
Alison_ChaikenWhat I actually did so far is package master/HEAD and call the package qjson-712b15 and put it in my ppa.20:38
Alison_ChaikenIt installs fine, but the other binaries didn't link against it, due to the stupid name, even though apt knows they depend on it.20:39
tumbleweedright, don't rename it :)20:39
tumbleweedyou can keep the same name as debian20:40
Alison_ChaikenI created my debian directory from the dh_make templates.   Perhaps what I need to do to have a happy ending is to copy upstream's debian directory and (ahem) properly amend it to reflect my use of HEAD?20:41
tumbleweedit's really just like any other modification ubuntu makes, from debian20:41
Alison_ChaikenSo if I call my package libqjson0, as Ubuntu does, and use qjson's debian directory and just change their metadata, that's cool?20:43
Alison_ChaikenAnd my users will be offered new qjson when it drops?20:44
Alison_ChaikenWhen they install my main package, which depends on libqjson0, I just need to make sure they get the one in my ppa, not the upstream.20:45
Alison_ChaikenI guess if the names are the same, that's the tricky part.20:46
jtaylorthats what version numbers are there :)20:47
Alison_ChaikenBut maybe that dance has to do with configuring the PPA, not the package.20:47
jtaylorDepends: libqjson0 (>= 0.7.1+gitwhatever)20:47
Alison_ChaikenIn the control file of the other packages, I see.20:48
jtaylorthough thats also not so great in the case of a soname bump20:48
Alison_ChaikenSo my package is called libqjson0, but the version is set in the metadata . . . like debian/changelog?!20:48
jtayloryes first line of the changelog20:49
Alison_ChaikenOh, so all I have to do is change the version number of the changelog?20:49
jtayloradd a new entry with dch -vnewversionnumber20:49
Alison_ChaikenExcellent!   Packaging is easy ;-)20:50
Alison_ChaikenThanks very much tumbleweed and jtaylor.20:50
jtaylorif you only have to patch an existing one its very simple20:50
Alison_ChaikenAs I said, it's much easier to understand how to turn the crank on these programs than to do figure *what* to do sometimes.20:50
tumbleweedyeah, cherry picking is probably simpler than HEAD, if the patch applies cleanly20:51
Alison_ChaikenI'm off to read "dch --help" or "man dch" or whatever.20:51
jtaylorits just a convinience program to add a correctly formated changelog entry20:51
Alison_ChaikenWIll do, tumbleweed.20:51
Alison_Chaikenjtaylor, I already noted that debuild is picky about changelog format!20:52
tumbleweedAlison_Chaiken: here's an example where I've supported generating both released and VCS builds with get-orig-source: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/python-apps/packages/ibid/trunk/debian/rules?revision=7444&view=markup20:52
Alison_ChaikenThank you very much, tumbleweed.    I *think* I grok all this now.    I will study your example.20:53
tumbleweed(that one uses revision numbers rather than dates)20:53
Laneynigelb: heh, OK. :-)22:17
ockhamis there any such a thing as a debian import (sync) queue? or are debian packages from testing (or unstable, for not-LTS releases) just part of the regular ubuntu upload queue?22:56
tumbleweednew packages?23:00
lifelessockham: they are mirrored across by an automatic process, no human accessible queue is involved; things that fail do need to be worked through, and that report is (or was anyhow) on MoM23:10

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