[00:01] oh ok. wanted to make sure i wasnt missing something === Muzer_ is now known as Muzer [13:59] Hmm .. I'd like to submit a simple patch to the theme but I can't find the repo .. If someone happens to know where I can find /usr/share/mythtv/themes/Mythbuntu/htmls/ that would be great, otherwise I'll just submit a bug [15:03] Hmm, would it be a good idea to add python-urlgrabber to the build-deps for mythtv, seeing as it is required for the python bindings, which is in turn required for the metadata grabbing [16:08] hello, anyone installed mythdroid and/or mythtv-mdd ? [16:09] hi lautriv, I've used mythdroid [16:11] goibhniu, i installed it a few times ago and got the mdd managed yesterday. but if i browse videos, i see only the directories and no content. any idea ? [16:13] sorry, I don't know what the mdd is [16:13] mythdroid is just a remote though, right? [16:14] goibhniu, some perl-addons for front/backend which claims between OSD (LCD) and sends this info to the mythdroid. [16:14] sorry [16:14] it's "mythmote" I'm thinking of [16:15] yes, the mythdroid itself is just remote-control via network. but it needs to get some information back (via this fake-LCD) [16:18] you may have better luck in the mythtv-users channel [16:18] goibhniu, i'm there too :) [16:27] ah ok, it sounds pretty amazing actually, I might have to try it out :)