
snap-ljcastro: Just picked up Megadeth's 1302:37
snap-land frankly, the first 2 minutes of this album make Metallica sound tired.02:37
snap-lSeriously, Metallica needs to learn how to be a pissed off asshole again.02:37
snap-lBecause Dave has it down pat. ;)02:37
jrwrenmetallica has sounded tired for 20yrs02:38
rick_h_droidnew megadeath? /me runs to look02:41
snap-lrick_h_droid: Also new Puscifer02:41
snap-lfriend sent me a Christmas care package02:41
snap-lwe get each other CDs. He got some older Christian Metal that we played on the radio show.02:42
snap-lCrucified, Believer, and Celldweller.02:42
jrwreni like celldweller.02:48
jrwreni had no idea that was christian02:48
snap-lWell, Circle of Dust was02:49
snap-lbut like most Christian Artists, he got majorly fucked over by the music industry.02:49
jrwreni didnt know that was, nor that they were related02:49
jrwrenlike 16volt? :)02:49
snap-lLike just about every single musician out thee.02:49
snap-lI hear bands looking forward to getting signed, and I just shake my head02:50
jrwrenespecially with how easy it is self publish these days02:50
snap-lbecause it's just a matter of time02:50
snap-ljrwren: Absolutely02:50
jrwreni mean, 15+ yrs ago.... I get it.02:50
jrwrenbut now?  no way.02:51
snap-lI think what bands really want is exposure02:51
snap-land someone to help foot the bill02:51
snap-lWhich is why I do the show02:51
snap-lto help with the exposure02:51
jrwrenand the labels NEVER actually help foot the bill.02:51
snap-lOh hell no02:52
jrwrenonly the super naive ever actually believe that02:52
jrwrenthe thing that the labels have is connections. they have that networ.02:52
jrwrenused to include record stores. now I guess it just includes local promoters and venues02:53
snap-lI think there's still labels that really believe they're helping artists02:53
jrwrensome indies02:54
snap-land some of them have nothing but good intentions (because they surely don't have good business sense)02:54
jrwrenwell you know local peeps. remember dave hedgie?02:54
jrwrenfuk I hate that guy.02:54
snap-lname doesn't ring a bell02:54
jrwrenhe ended up working for Sony02:54
jrwrenmoved to NYC about 7 or so yrs ago02:55
jrwrenbut he was such a self centered POS of a human, he is exactly the kind of person that fits the bill for working for a record label02:55
jrwrenand so he did.02:55
jrwrenand so when he would sign bands or promote them or wahtever... oh the success!02:56
jrwrengood intentions and no business sense sounds great.02:56
jrwreni'm all for small labels if it can help peeps.02:56
jrwrenbut I ralley against the majors.02:56
snap-lAll the majors were small once02:56
snap-lunfortunately they're so far removed from those days.02:56
jrwreni used to get info from Bill Paskins, but since he closed up store and moved away I'm completely clueless about the industry.02:58
jrwreni've no idea what it is like now.02:58
jrwrento me, record stores died entirely 8 yrs ago when east alley closed :)02:58
snap-lYeah, record stores aren't nearly as prevalent now02:59
Wolfgerrecord stores still exist?03:01
snap-lWolfger: Yep, there's several in the area03:01
snap-lFlipside, Solo03:01
WolfgerI mean, aside from as-a-dept-inside-Best-Buy03:01
WolfgerHuh. Never heard of them03:02
snap-lSolo is on Woodward03:02
snap-land Flipside is in Clawson on 14 mile / Main03:02
_stink_snap-l: how are those places?  i drive past them all the time03:02
snap-lFlipside is decent03:02
WolfgerThat's too far West for me. May as well be GR. :-p03:03
snap-lSeems to be mostly about the collectibles than actual music selection03:03
snap-lOh, and UHF03:03
snap-lbut that's more about vinyl records03:03
snap-lbut there's a metalhead on staff there that keeps me opening my wallet03:03
snap-lHaven't been in Solo, but I keep driving by it03:03
snap-lI miss Rockabillys. Went in there just as they were starting closing down03:04
snap-lAnd I miss Holland CD, only because I moved away from Holland after college03:04
jrwrenhow is that west? where are you? sarnia?03:11
Wolfgerjrwren: just about. I live in New Baltimore03:11
jrwrenoh, lol, yup, that is a trek.03:11
Wolfgerand with that... off to bed. Night all.03:11
jrwreni was in NB on xmas.... or drove through it03:11
snap-llater, Wolfger03:12
snap-lSheesh, you guys and your "distance"03:12
snap-lThis is great03:25
snap-lgot my eye care coverate from ALU03:25
snap-lstarts: 1/1/201203:25
snap-lLast day of ALU: 1/1/2012. ;)03:26
_stink_act quickly!03:31
snap-lYeah, no kidding03:31
Wolfgertotal suckage: "Shareware/Freeware, Technical/Business Forums Blocked by URL Category Filter Database "12:36
Wolfgeroh and good morning12:36
rick_h__what forums are these?12:37
Wolfgerwas following a story link from a Linux Today e-mail12:38
WolfgerI just find it disturbing that such a category exists in the Chrysler blocked sites list12:39
snap-lWolfger: I think they subscribe to a service for those12:40
snap-lit's to protect the company from "unlicensed" software.12:41
snap-lYeah, apparently you have the Great Firewall package.12:41
Wolfgerit's not so great, really :-p12:44
rick_h__well, it was a good ride, but finally had to cave and get a Oreilly DoD13:20
WolfgerReally? The API book today?13:22
brouschyou bought IronRuby?13:22
WolfgerI thought the API book looked interesting until I read the description. Too management-oriented13:25
WolfgerAskUbuntu drives me crazy with all the "I know it's easy to do from a command line, but how can I do it from a GUI app?" questions... http://askubuntu.com/questions/10712/how-do-i-know-if-i-am-running-32-bit-or-64-bit-ubuntu-through-a-gui13:26
brouschtyping is hard. let's go clicking13:27
tjagodaBrousch will make me rich with his trademarked bumpersticker one-liners.13:31
brouschthat's more like a laptop sticker than a bumper sticker13:32
brouschuse a green, monospace font13:32
tjagodahe didn't demand any share of the profits14:08
* tjagoda monetizes 14:08
* rick_h__ hangs his head14:13
brouschsomething wrong with it?14:14
brouschmaybe the spacing between rows?14:14
brouschthat'll give you a 3" sticker14:15
snap-lneeds a screen font14:17
brouschi guess i have no idea what that font would be14:25
brouschi used courier new, which is the crustiest old font i could think of14:26
rick_h__dejavu mono14:27
brouschlooks like it should be just Courier14:28
brouschslight difference using Courier http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101667/command_line_3in.png14:40
snap-lI have some blocky fonts at home.14:41
brouschhere we go http://sensi.org/~svo/glasstty/14:43
brouschnow it's hawt file:///home/ben/Dropbox/Logos/Command Line Sticker/command_line_3in.png14:53
snap-lerm... file link? :)14:53
brouschsame old link, but now i need to fix the cursor14:56
Wolfgerbrousch: ++15:02
WolfgerNeed some electronics in the shirt so that the square cursor blinks. :-)15:04
WolfgerThat could be a hot ThinkGeek item15:04
rick_h__it needs to go the other way around15:05
rick_h__"Finding options is hard...let's man it"15:05
rick_h__and the $ needs to be a #15:05
rick_h__zsh ftw!15:06
Wolfgerrick_h__: then it would lose sarcasm/parody points15:06
_stink_i can see a need for both15:06
rick_h__ok, this api book sucks15:08
rick_h__fortunately I had an error on my attempt to buy it and got it for $2 off15:09
snap-lrick_h__: yeah, it looks like the book to give to your VP, not your coders.15:11
rick_h__well it has good headings "security" "protecting your api"15:12
rick_h__but completely lacks the answer, just "yea...people can try to upload large payloads."15:12
rick_h__and ... ugh15:13
rick_h__for the python script lovers out there http://www.nicosphere.net/clint-command-line-library-for-python/15:13
snap-lhm, that's interesting.15:17
brouschdamn, that cursor was hard http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101667/command_line_3in.png15:30
brouschstill not quite right15:30
tjagodaBrousch does all the work15:51
tjagodaI just ship stickers to tens of open source geeks15:51
tjagodaI like this business model15:51
Wolfgereliminate bottom 2 rows of cursor?15:53
brouschyou can ship and do accounting15:53
brouschWolfger: it didn't go down to the lower case?15:53
WolfgerI don't think so15:54
Wolfgernot sure15:54
tjagodaIs $2 a good market price for a novelty sticker of respectable quality?15:54
tjagodaIf so, we only need like a million people to buy one, and we shall be rich.15:55
_stink_it worked for angry birds.15:55
Wolfgershockingly enough, I think Angry Birds has a larger market than this does...15:55
tjagodaOnce the brand is established we will expand into mug sales. =(15:55
brouschsnap-l is the one with all the crusty old computers sitting around. can't you fire one up and look?15:58
brouschthis shows it as going to the lowercase bottom and above the upper case top. it's also solid. http://blog.fosketts.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Hamlet-and-DEC.png16:01
brouschi think the font is too sparse16:02
brouschi don't know16:03
snap-lthe font is about right16:04
tjagodaI used that as my terminal font for ages in gnome16:18
snap-lYeah, although it's a little hard to read at smaller resolutions16:27
brouschis mdlug the same as mug?16:53
rick_h__brousch: no, definitely not16:54
snap-lmdlug is the Metro Detroit LUG16:55
brouschi thought that's what mug covered16:56
brouschor are you like us with a west MI lug and a GR lug?16:57
snap-lbrousch: It's a somewhat overlapping group17:26
snap-lthough MUG is the granddaddy, since it pre-dates Linux17:27
snap-lWas formed in 1986, covers UNIX(tm)17:28
brouschrick_h_: did you happen to go to karl swedberg's talk at dev day detroit? http://pres.learningjquery.com/1devday2/18:05
rick_h__brousch: no, I had no interest18:05
brouschno interest in jquery?18:05
rick_h__I've moved on, done with it. It's good for some uses, but nothing I need for now18:06
brouschdamn hipsters18:06
rick_h__jquery is good in small batches, but I don't like it for real web apps18:06
rick_h__bookie is in slow motion because I've ported all the JS from jquery to YUI18:07
rick_h__MUCH MUCH happier now18:07
brouschdid any of you non-hipsters go?18:07
rick_h__no, I think most of us went to other talks18:07
rick_h__brousch: so is there a question in there?18:11
rick_h__looking at the slides it seems your normal "don't abuse jquery/js" stuff18:11
brouschnext grwebdev is all about jquery. i asked swedberg to speak and he wants to give that same talk18:11
rick_h__ah, gotcha18:11
brouschhoping to also get jonathan chaffer18:13
Wolfgercall him back and say, "Thanks, but no thanks. Rick Harding say jquery is lame now."18:13
brouschwhat is this "call" thing you speak of?18:13
rick_h__heh, he knows my thoughts. I had a bit of a rant against jquery talking with him and snap-l and another guy18:13
brouschis that like those cassettes you used to put in boomboxes?18:13
rick_h__this was before I realized who he was18:13
rick_h__which led to a very interesting follow up conversation18:14
Wolfgerbrousch: "Call" is what you do when you Skype somebody18:14
brouschrick_h_: nice18:14
snap-lbrousch: Frankly, he's a good speaker, and passionate, so if he wants to give the same talk, let him. :)18:14
brouschdid you convince him jquery is dead?18:14
rick_h__brousch: ummm, no18:15
rick_h__but I think we were kind of close on more points than it seemed18:15
snap-lI think rick_h__ and Karl agreed to disagree18:15
brouschsnap-l: i've met him several times and he presented about 9 months ago. i was mostly looking for opnions on the specific talk18:15
snap-lyeah, you weren't too far off the mark18:15
rick_h__just remember, I'm a bitter crank sick of people that can't think for themselves18:15
rick_h__jquery loves to open a set of tools to people that can't think for themselves :)18:15
snap-lrick_h__ is a two year old always asking WHY18:16
snap-lWHY are you using jQuery?18:16
brouschbecause karl told me to!18:16
snap-lWHY haven't you looked at other tools that may be more appropriate18:16
snap-lWHY is the sky blue, when I think it should be AMBER!18:16
brouschthe interwebs say all other suck18:17
brouschrick_h_: come give a 15 minute talk on why jquery is dead18:17
snap-l15 minute?18:17
snap-lSurely you jest.18:17
snap-lThat's like asking Stephen King to write a short story.18:18
brouschusually we have four 15-20min talks on the topic18:18
snap-lWhat's the current hotness for presentations?18:18
snap-lIf I were to give a 5-10 minute talk at my local user group about a command, what would I use to present it?18:19
brouschthe short talks mean less pressure on each presenter, less prep time, more variety if one of them sucks18:19
snap-lI'm hijacking the conversation for a sec. ;)18:19
brouschthat apple presentation thing18:19
snap-lKeynote is right out18:19
brouschi see that, PDF, or openoffice presenter18:20
brouschor various ruby-based html5 things18:20
rick_h_droidrst plus rdt2pdf18:20
rick_h_droidpython ftw18:21
brouschi like rst2pdf18:21
snap-lWhat about landslide?18:21
brouschLandslidewww.landslide.com/Looking for a Social CRM solution?18:21
rick_h_droiddoesn't work with presentation remotes :(18:21
snap-lrick_h_droid: Ah, that's good to know if I ever decide to use a remote. ;)18:21
brouschi don't like the openoffice thing. it always frustrates me when making slides18:23
brouschrst2pdf is good, unless you have animated gifs. all good presentations have animated gifs18:23
* rick_h__ disagrees, but will leave it alone18:25
mydogsnameisrudyto stinking hot out18:34
snap-l   Temperature: 48.9 F (9.4 C)18:41
snap-lThat doesn't seem hot to me18:41
rick_h__yep, but warm enough that no gym today for me...bike ride it is18:41
snap-lrick_h__: Ah, nice.18:42
brouschin the dark?18:42
mydogsnameisrudyits not making ice so it sucks18:53
* Wolfger looks forward to another week or so of "sucky" weather.19:03
snap-lYeah, me too19:04
Wolfgerabove freezing every day for as far out as WeatherSpark forecasts :-)19:04
WolfgerGlobal Warming? Bring it on!19:05
WolfgerI should go start my SUV now and let it idle until quitting time19:05
tjagodaI dont understand what happened to winter19:39
brouschwe killed it19:40
brouschgood riddance19:40
jjesseits cold in northern wisconsin still19:41
jjesse30 degrees?19:41
jjesseand 4 inches of snow on the ground19:41
jjessewhich everyone considered warm here19:41
greg-gthey grow them right in Wausau (that's where my grandparents lived)19:42
jjessethere is a pretty decent microbrew here19:43
jjessered eye breweing19:43
tjagodaI have been to Wasau20:08
tjagodaMore aptly, through it20:08
tjagodaFly into CWA when I need to go to wisconsin for work20:08

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