
pangolinHey folks, my son has a computer I built for him and now suddenly all the usb ports stopped working, he is ~650 miles away so makes it a little hard for me to try and figure out what is going on. I was wondering if there was anybody in the Quakertown area who would be willing to take a look at his PC and maybe fix it?01:35
pangolinI would be willing of course to compensate fairly (not full price please)01:35
pangolinI can have his mom bring it to you also if you rather, long as it isn't to far of a drive.01:36
pangolinanyway, if anybody would be willing to take a look please ping me :)01:38
JonathanDQuakertown is a bit far from me.01:56
JonathanDpangolin: stopped working how?01:57
pangolinJonathanD: they got a new KB and Mouse wireless and they "didn't work" and when they plugged in the wired usb mouse it wouldn't work either02:08
pangolinthis has been a few days and they did the whole reboot with the device plugged in thing.02:09
pangolinhard for me to give you much info to be honest.    "Everything was working fine and just stopped" is what I get from them.02:10
pangolinI find it odd that all 6 ports would just stop02:11
JonathanDI do too02:15
pangolinMy ex did reinstall windows but the usb ports still don't work02:16
pangolinwhen I  first built it I installed XP pro 32 bit and everything was working perfectly02:16
pangolinHell if I can find the specs for it now :/02:17
MutantTurkeyanyone have any ideas how to deal with screen tearing and mplayer?03:26
MutantTurkeythis is on my x220 btw03:26
rmg51morning JonathanD10:30
JonathanDhey rmg5110:30
andrewxkcd is up to 100015:01
ChinnoDoghi peeps15:55
* morecheese waves.15:59
morecheesewait, "peeps" = "peers" ... I'm 27, is that valid?16:00
ChinnoDogI'm 3216:00
ChinnoDogYou can be a peep16:00
pleia2that's very old for a marshmallow chick17:20
ssweenythat's when they finally start to get good17:21
ssweenythe staler the better17:21
pleia2ssweeny is in the business of fine vintage peeps17:22
ssweeny1988 was a good year for peeps17:22
rmg51sounds like me :-/17:22
jedijfare true peeps /only/ yellow?17:22
ssweenyno the eyes are black17:23
pleia2I am a shape purist, not color17:23
pleia2halloween ghosts? not peeps pink chicks? peeps!17:24
ssweenyi accept the bunnies17:24
ssweenythey're not as good for jousting but they seem to get stale faster17:25
ssweenymust be something to do with surface area17:25
Resistancepleia2:  ever have someone break into your home while you're in your home?17:25
pleia2Resistance: nope17:25
Resistancethat happened last night17:25
Resistanceto me17:25
* ssweeny had a roommate who came home to find someone holding our tv17:25
Resistanceit didnt help the two who broke in i heard them, and had my AK nearby17:26
* Resistance went out, encountered them with his AK-47, they ran17:26
pleia2oh my17:26
* Resistance was not pleased17:26
Resistancealthough they didnt get the chance to take anything17:27
Resistancebut that's something that noboody wants to ever have happen to them >.>17:27
pleia2yeah, that sucks :(17:28
Resistancei should just be glad that they didnt have any guns, and i didnt have to do more than threaten.17:29
* Resistance does not want to shoot anyone unless its absolutely necessary17:29
* Resistance shivers17:30
Resistanceanyways, if i seem extra hostile in channels, you know why :P17:30
pleia2maybe a break to recover is worthwhile? :) go to the spa, the beach!17:31
Resistancecant, classes start monday17:31
pleia2I've taken conference calls from the beach before17:31
Resistancekinda hard to attend classes from the beach17:31
pleia2but it's just friday! you should be good by monday :)17:32
Resistanceif there were a beach nearby17:32
Resistanceit seems though that i wasnt the only one hit by these thieves, i was just the only one who owned a mil-spec rifle17:33
Resistanceso it scared them off...17:33
pleia2well I'm glad you're safe17:34
Resistancethe police want to interview me at 2PM, to hear my end of the story.17:34
* pleia2 nods17:34
Resistancethis is the only reason i actually keep mil-spec firearms in the gun safe... to defend my home in the case of thieves (this is the second time i've had to confront intruders with weapons, first time i've confronted a thief with the AK though)17:37
Resistanceanyways, i'm off, i need to get ready for the interview17:37
Resistancenow where'd i put my suit...17:37
jedijfcorned beef or pastrami?17:39
Resistancejedijf:  both17:41
jedijfneed to pick one17:42
* waltman makes a note to not move to Resistance's neighborhood17:56
* morecheese makes a note to brush up on CounterStrike:Source skills.18:03
jedijfdid both hot on potato pancakes18:04
ChinnoDogjedijf: o glorious leader, when is the next upa event?18:13
jedijfits jot my job to have every event, but i was thinking of having a unity lovefest feb 1418:15
jedijfChinnoDog: how was hac dc?18:18
ChinnoDogBut the people were cool18:18
ChinnoDogAnd, no unity lovefests. lol18:19
jedijfuser days are coming18:22
pleia2yeah, we need some more instructors18:22
rmg51jedijf: that sounds like a party of one18:40
morecheesei know the debate of the superior command-line text editor is one of the biggest debates on IRC, and I don't care that I prefer nano over vi or vim or emacs, because I have nothing to prove. however, I'm saddened that nano lacks line number display. enough to force me to start using vim? unlikely.20:30
waltmanmorecheese: Obviously the superior editor is ed.20:40
jedijfmorecheese: -c shows it in bottom20:45
jedijfmorecheese: nano -c xyz20:45
jedijferr, nano -c ed.cfg20:46
morecheeseahh -c is perfect thx jedijf21:03
morecheesejedijf: looking through nano manual, cant find anyway to stop highlighting tabbed lines. i.e. press tab a few times then press enter, most editors the line looks blank, but with nano all the tabs are highlighted. any ideas how to turn that off?21:16
jedijfmorecheese: look thru .ini or nanorc21:22
MutantTurkeylearn vim :-)21:25
MutantTurkeyI'm really bored lately. I cant find anything to hack on21:25
jedijfmorecheese: /etc/nanorc on my archbox - let me poke around21:26
jedijfMutantTurkey: how's phone?21:27
MutantTurkeygot my cable finally21:27
morecheeseMutantTurkey: get a Nokia N80021:33
morecheeseor a Chumby21:33
pleia2chumby: http://moofi.woot.com/moofi/vivalainternet21:35
pleia2not that sales are uncommon for them, but $100 is a nice price for the c821:35
jedijfmorecheese: my nano (arch) doesn't highlight tabs, look for color x,y "^" in rc and comment it21:36
jedijfi'll check this 904 install now21:36
MutantTurkeymorecheese: after you learn vim21:37
MutantTurkeyi'm waiting on the raspberry pie21:37
jedijfmorecheese: it;s you! i'll check 11.04 later, but no highlights here21:38
morecheeseall my nanos do it by default21:38
jedijfi made a test file with nano, with tabs, saved and re-entered...nada21:40
jedijfmorecheese: look for ^ in /etc/nanorc and see what's going on21:42
morecheese# set quotestr "^([     ]*[#:>\|}])+"21:45
morecheesegonna screenshot to show u21:46
jedijfmorecheese: try nano -E ...see if highlights still there21:47
morecheesenot my code, i hate extra whitespace in my code, but apparently this author doesn't21:47
morecheesestill there21:48
jedijfmorecheese: make your own tab test file and see if it's highlighted21:48
jedijfi am just curious now21:48
morecheeseno tabs21:49
morecheeseer...no highlights on tabs21:49
jedijfit's something with that one file then21:49
morecheeseso, encoding on his file forcing nano to highlight whitespace?21:49
morecheeseive seen it before a lot21:49
jedijfwhat extension?21:50
jedijf.py .pie .crumbpie21:50
morecheesehow do i check that?21:51
jedijfwhat's the part after the . in the filename21:51
morecheeseits a php file21:52
morecheesei thought u meant what extension was nano using or something21:52
morecheesewth is .lattice?21:52
morecheeseand .merengue21:52
morecheeseare those really file extensions?21:52
* morecheese smirks.21:53
morecheesewhats also weird is when im in the file and i hit enter htne tab, the tabs are highlighted. must be something with the syntax highlighting?22:06
jedijfmorecheese: in rc # the php include22:08
jedijfshould solve22:08
waltmanmorecheese: Maybe I'm an old grump, but I don't understand how anyone can read code when there's more code visible underneath it.22:16

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