
ramonsda7 and sdc7 are 2 different hard drives... one could be a usb drive.00:00
* crack05 is away (Gone)00:00
=== crack05 is now known as CRACK05
Safe_ramon: Yeah, both are permanent, one is sata and the other ide, but they keep switching on me.00:00
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
humamiazmon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 600:01
humamiazInterface Chipset Driver00:01
humamiazwlan0 Unknown rt2800usb - [phy0]00:01
humamiazmon0 Unknown rt2800usb - [phy0]00:01
FloodBot1humamiaz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:01
humamiazhelp me ...00:01
d1g1ta1stepnjump: that's my point, you cannot trust one thing.  the cloud is just like any other storage, how would you know if you lost a file on your hard drive?  if the data is important, someone has to mind the store.  and, backup, backup, backup and test the backups.00:01
usr13Safe_: If it is a USB device, then yes, it may be sdb one time and sdc another, just depends on what has been plugged in before it.00:01
Safe_usr13: That's the thing, both those drives are permanent drives so they shouldn't switch.00:02
Safe_I'm suspicious it messes up grub for me, since it wont even boot.00:02
usr13Safe_: As far as the working hard drive, whether it's sata or ide, it shouldn't be switching.  Let us have a look at your /etc/fstab file.00:02
usr13Safe_: pastebinit /etc/fstab00:02
usr13Safe_: (I think you are mistaken.)00:03
ramonSafe: I would also suspect the BIOS settings, but that's just me.00:03
d1g1ta1stepnjump: I'm not targeting Ubuntu One with this statement, but I have seen data in the cloud go poof.  gone.  irretreivable.  not deleted by end user nor crackers.  major cloud vendor said too bad..00:03
usr13Safe_: Send us the resulting URL and we'll have a look.00:04
Safe_usr13: I'm right now in liveubuntu, checked with gparted and I'm certain they switched places, and since grub is trying to boot sda7, wouldn't that mess it up when they switch since it's now located at sdc7?00:04
Safe_usr13: Just hang on a minute.00:04
stepnjumpd1g1ta1 I like the cloud because it keeps my computers synchronized BUT... I don't like that if the cloud decides to delete 'some' files out of the blue that I MIGHT not even notice it until years later and by that time, my backups old backups will be destroyed. I can't keep backups for years at a time!00:04
usr13Safe_: Oh, are you running a LiveCD?00:04
stepnjumpAh, maybe it's too new a technology. May as well give up on ubuntu one for a little while. Ok thanks for your help. Don't trust it.00:04
usr13Safe_: Or do you have an actual install on the hard drive?00:04
Safe_usr13: Yeah, since I can't even access grub.00:04
Jordan_USafe_: Grub has no problem with drive numbering changing. Grub's boot sector should always be installed to the mbr, like /dev/sda, *not* a partitition like /dev/sda1.00:05
Safe_usr13: Both00:05
Safe_Jordan_U: Oh right, gotcha.00:05
urgodfatherramon, logitech only has drivers for windows00:05
eyeothemastodoni am buggered. I can't get my audigy 2 to work on 11.10 32bit. uninstalled pulse, installed gnome-alsamixer00:05
usr13Safe_: I'm not sure what you mean by "Both".00:06
stepnjumpOk, maybe someone knows of an app supported on Ubuntu that I could install that would allow me to create tickets for tech suppport and follow up on them?00:06
usr13Safe_: Are you booting a CD or the Hard Drive?00:06
Jordan_U!bugs | stepnjump00:06
ubottustepnjump: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:06
ramonurgodfather: Sorry, I can't help you further than this.  It maybe possible to install windows drivers, but in my opinion, it would be tricky since they would have to load before the user logs on.00:07
stepnjumpNo it's just for my own use Jordan_U00:07
usr13Gotta go... ttyl00:08
Safe_usr13: I have recently installed ubuntu to sdc7 and am right now using a flash drive.00:08
Jordan_USafe_: To take away variables while troubleshooting this problem, is it difficult for you to temporarily remove all hard drives but the one currently containing Ubuntu?00:08
SVNDRwhat is /usr/bin/dbus-deamon --system ??00:09
Safe_Jordan_U: Not difficult, just tedious. But I guess I should try it. :)00:09
ramonI may also be possible to dissable a HHD through the BIOS settings.00:11
ramon...depending on your BIOS's features.00:11
Ronniesomehow an the process created by the upstart job is crashed. i had the option respawn on, but that did not do anything. now, stop <service> command wont work anymore (it hangs with a blank line)00:11
Ronnieif i do : status <service> i get the error: status: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory00:11
Jordan_USafe_: Please highlight me when you've removed all other drives (I won't be watching the channel).00:13
eyeothemastodondoes anybody know how i can get digital out working in 11.10 on a SB Audigy 2?00:13
Safe_Jordan_U: Will do. After that, should I do a boot-repair and purge-reinstall grub?00:13
humamiazwhere i can get some help with wireless isues??00:14
Jordan_USafe_: No. I'll walk you through making sure that grub is properly installed. I don't personally like boot-repair as I don't know what exactly it does.00:14
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
stepnjumpIs there an official IRC channel for ubuntu one?00:17
Jordan_Ustepnjump: #ubuntuone00:18
Hilikusdoes anyone know if it is possible to somehow interface vala from java?00:19
stepnjumpthanks Jordan_U00:20
Jordan_Ustepnjump: You're welcome.00:20
Safe_Jordan_U: Now it's just the main one installed.00:21
r4yI have a RCA th1814wm-a mp3 player which I recently got a replacement for at Walmart because it evenually wouldn't mount like it isn't right now.00:21
Jordan_USafe_: OK, still getting the blinking cursor at boot?00:21
JoakalWhen setting up a server, how do I check and/or limit access to sudo for program users?00:22
Safe_Jordan_U: Yes.00:22
=== dracoy is now known as Justin
r4yI am wondering what mp3 players you all would recommend for Ubuntu?00:22
Jordan_USafe_: Follow this guide, and when you're done please pastebin the full log of all of the commands: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot00:23
UbuntuI have been using my iPod, it seems to work well.00:24
r4yI am searching online for prices TY00:26
Safe_Jordan_U: The warn: sector 32 is in use by flexnet is something to disregard?00:28
shomonhi, I've read this EFF article on full disk encryption - what options are available in ubuntu?00:28
Jordan_USafe_: Yes.00:29
urgodfatherramon, are you still around?00:29
Safe_Jordan_U: Then I'm done.00:29
Jordan_USafe_: OK. Please copy and paste all the commands/output from the terminal and pastebin them.00:30
Safe_Jordan_U: From when I did the entire guide?00:30
stepnjumpWhere do I go to suggest ideas to ubuntu?00:30
Jordan_USafe_: Yes.00:30
Jordan_Ustepnjump: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com00:30
Safe_Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/ap2qJ6hY00:31
Safe_Jordan_U: Disregard when I stupidly tried /dev/sda7 instead of sda00:31
JoakalAnyone know how to restrict access to sudo? I don't understand this voodoo.00:32
Jordan_USafe_: OK, that should do it. If you aren't able to boot successfully now then something very odd is happening.00:32
urgodfatheris it possible to use drivers from opensuse in natty?00:32
budmanghttp://pastebin.com/Au1MMNsW - I just cant get anything to come out my intel videocard... the ati/primary works fine..00:32
Safe_Jordan_U: Then will reboot, remove the flashdrive and try. Will be back regardless of success.00:32
Jordan_Uurgodfather: No. What is your end goal?00:33
urgodfatherjordan_u: trying to get my wireless keyboard/mouse combo to work in natty00:34
urgodfatherjordan_u: apparently, my combo DOES work in suse00:35
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Jordan_Uurgodfather: Are they bluetooth devices communicating with your computer's internal bluetooth hardware, or do they have a little dongle which connects via USB?00:36
urgodfatherjordan_u: IR w/ usb dongle00:36
Jordan_Uurgodfather: What happens when you plug the dongle in and try to use the mouse / keyboard?00:37
urgodfatherjordan_u: mouse works if ~ 6 in. from dongle... keyboard is useless. confirmed working in windows.00:38
Jordan_Uurgodfather: And the mouse has a greater working range in Windows / SuSe?00:38
tjiggi_fosounds like the dongle is the problem00:38
urgodfatherjordan_u: both work in windows and mouse activity registers up to 10ft away00:38
Jordan_Uurgodfather: Odd, I have no idea. Sorry.00:39
urgodfatherjordan_u: not using suse, just found out on their site that it has been tested and working00:39
Safe_Jordan_U: No luck, same thing. I'm thinking about deleting everything except the ntfs partition /dev/sda1/ and reinstall00:40
urgodfathertjiggi_fo: suggestions?00:40
tjiggi_fourgodfather, could you pastebin the result of lsusb please00:40
urgodfatherno need to pastebin. hold on ill tell ya what it says00:41
Jordan_USafe_: Don't do that, I don't think it will help and this is a very interesting problem. Do you mind burning a CD with Super GRUB2 Disk 1.99 beta1 to try some troubleshooting?00:41
tjiggi_fourgodfather, we'll try to work out what chip the dongle is using00:41
Safe_Jordan_U: I don't have a cd rom on my computer.00:41
Jordan_USafe_: Do you see anything other than the blinking cursor if you hold shift during boot?00:42
urgodfatheri did a lsusb the other day and it did say logitech keyboard + mouse00:42
Safe_Jordan_U: I have to reboot to find out. But I was thinking, under /dev/sda, sda2 doesn't exist, sda3 is extended, and sda7 is my ext4, isn't that a little to cluttered?00:43
Jordan_USafe_: That shouldn't cause any problem with grub00:43
Jordan_USafe_: Are you still in the LiveCD environment?00:44
tjiggi_fourgodfather, we're looking for a chipset identifier that looks something like this - 1d6b:0001 - we're not interested in the vendor00:44
urgodfathertjiggi_fo: 046d:c50500:45
Safe_Jordan_U: I'm seeing now that sda1 has a warning (in gparted) about input/output error, is that something to care about?00:45
tjiggi_fourgodfather, k, one sec while I search00:45
Safe_Jordan_U: And yes, it's the only way for me to be here.00:45
Jordan_USafe_: Yes. Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?00:45
Safe_Jordan_U: ... holy00:46
Safe_Jordan_U: It doesn't even fit in the terminal even though I have unlimited scrollback.00:47
Jordan_USafe_: It's all of the kernel messages since boot (that would fit in the ring buffer), so it's going to be quite large.00:47
Safe_Jordan_U: I will paste whatever fits.00:48
Safe_Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/zdTm7RT200:49
kszkszif i open a port in iptables, is this change permanent or until reboot?00:49
Safe_I might have to scrap this disk. At the very least, reformat the whole thing.00:49
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Jordan_USafe_: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" and "mount"? I'm trying to figure out what this "loop1" referenced in the EXT2-fs errors is.00:52
tjiggi_fourgodfather, see this link - different problem but same chipset and changing the USB port solved the prob: http://askubuntu.com/questions/85304/boot-freeze-with-logitech-unifying-receiver00:52
Safe_Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/2Sdfpyxg00:53
=== unnamed is now known as Guest76275
TA5KDoes anyone know which is the fastest way to compare two directories and copy the differences in one of the folders?00:55
Safe_Jordan_U: This is a brand new flash drive too so I haven't mucked around with it anything.00:55
tjiggi_fourgodfather, and I don't see any talk about others having problems with that chip00:56
Free213423Hello, I'm on 11.10 -  I installed gnome-desktop-environment and choose. "Gnome classic (no effects)" as my WM when logging in. I cannot edit the panel - do you know where that setting is set?00:57
urgodfathertjiggi_fo: saw that already. tried before asking for help. do you think libusb or libhid could help?00:58
tjiggi_fourgodfather, heh... if they don't you can always remove them ;)00:58
urgodfathertjiggi_fo: this is true, tried hidpoint with no luck01:00
tjiggi_fourgodfather, sorry I can't help any more than that01:00
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Safe_Jordan_U: Should I just try with some other disk I have?01:02
advancedgardeHello, I've run into some trouble after attempting to intall xbmc to my ubuntu server (11.10). I'm getting "plymouth command failed" on boot and then nothing else. No login, nothing. The screen flickers a few times, looks like it might be trying to load up a gui. I can still SSH in and the webserver is still running.01:03
madhattrrAnyone got some Ubuntu One expertise?01:03
raptor34I AM A WINNER.01:03
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advancedgardeI've tried to uninstall xbmc and purge the system but still no luck.01:03
urgodfathertjiggi_fo: weird... tried booting without usb keyboard plugged in... worked for 5 secs as ubuntu continued to login then stopped01:04
shomonhow would you suggest doing full disk encryption on ubuntu?01:04
raptor34i heard ubuntu is pretty depricated01:06
raptor34any idea why?01:06
sholsappshomon: i would use the livecd01:06
Jordan_USafe_: First try this "sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm && sudo losetup -r /dev/loop3 /dev/sda && sudo qemu /dev/loop3". It should bring up a qemu window. If all you see in the qemu window is the same blinking underscore then either you're hitting a grub bug that I've never seen before or something has been corrupted by a bad drive. If you see Ubuntu start booting in the Window (but still fail at an initramfs prompt) then the problem is specific to your ...01:06
Jordan_U... BIOS.01:06
y-chrmsm-adamraptor34: try linux Mint, is the latest star out there01:07
kszkszsomething went wrong while setting shared folders in gadmin-proftpd, and it turned off. i cant turn it on again (i see its window opening but it instantly closes). tried uninstall + install proftpd and gamin-proftpd but it wont work again even from scratch, what to do?01:07
raptor34let me google it01:07
raptor34well anyways01:08
raptor34ubuntu is nice01:08
raptor34but still needs polishing01:08
advancedgardeI considered removing then reinstalling plymouth - but it looked like it might just make things worse ...01:08
raptor34its slow..01:08
y-chrmsm-adamraptor34: Linux Mint in other ways fixes Gnome3 messed up GUI. They are forking Gnome3 down to a more user friendly direction.01:08
raptor34i see01:08
Jordan_U!ot | raptor34 y-chrmsm-adam01:08
ubotturaptor34 y-chrmsm-adam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:08
y-chrmsm-adamI am using kubunte LiveUSB ATM, dunno what ur talking about.01:09
abstrakthow do I find the uuid of a given drive?01:09
tjiggi_fourgodfather, look in Admin >> Logfile Viewer >> DMesg and Boot if you can find any hints of a driver conflict or somesuch (gotto go eat now - will be back later)01:09
Jordan_Uabstrakt: sudo blkid01:09
urgodfathertjiggi_fo: how to on natty?01:10
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shomonsholsapp, what do you mean the livecd? just boot from livecd each time, and encrypt just my data?01:10
y-chrmsm-adamwhat's that CLI utility to interact with SATA drives?? I remember being scsi_ something.01:10
raptor34why do people need to buy ubuntu?01:10
raptor34i thought ubuntu was free for the people01:10
kszkszany help?01:10
raptor34i see websites selling cds of ubuntu...01:11
tjiggi_fourgodfather, search in dashboard I suppose01:11
y-chrmsm-adamraptor34: simple answer, ubuntu is straying from is roots.01:11
abstraktJordan_U, thanks01:11
Jordan_Uraptor34: Please keep questions related to Ubuntu support. Offtopic chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.01:11
technologov_anybody knows why 'Qyoto' was removed from Ubuntu ? It is a Qt bindings for C#/Mono.01:11
Jordan_Uabstrakt: You're welcome.01:12
advancedgardeI think this is an issue with the UI. I think it's attempting to start some GUI, that's no longer present ...01:12
perlsteinhey, how do i specify an alternate package download place on the command line for apt-get?01:12
technologov_(I can't find any official data about this on google and not rom Debian ppl)01:12
y-chrmsm-adamtechnologov_: cuz C#/Mono is anti-linux??01:12
Jordan_Uy-chrmsm-adam: This is your last warning about offtopic comments.01:13
technologov_y-chrmsm-adam, mono itself was not removed.01:13
technologov_If it is anti-linux, it should be removed *completely*01:13
advancedgardeHow can I check if the server is trying to launch a UI?01:13
technologov_y-chrmsm-adam, but now we have mono without Qt01:14
Safe_Jordan_U: I might have both a bad disk and a bad flash drive, since now update-initramfs locks up01:16
Safe_Jordan_U: Or rather, lzma does.01:17
Jordan_USafe_: Did you run the commmands I asked you to run?01:17
Safe_Jordan_U: I tried but it locks up when setting up initramfs-tools.01:17
Jordan_USafe_: Ahh, I didn't realize that was a part of installing qemu-kvm.01:18
Safe_Jordan_U: Give me a minute, I think it's moving forward.01:18
advancedgardeSo, since I have a server, I shouldn't need plymouth right? so is it safe too uninstall it? it looks as if it's going to upset upstart01:19
Jordan_USafe_: In general, I recommend if you want an Ubuntu install on a USB which you can update, modify, and save files in that you simply run the installer and do a normal install to the USB as you would to an internal drive. There are many problems with "persistant" installs, the main one being that you can't truly upgrade the kernel.01:20
_cbI have set up a dns server and now want my desktop to use it. Changed my /network/interfaces to use static ip and /etc/resolv.conf to point to my dns but every time I reboot /etc/resolv.conf gets changed to point to isp dns01:21
Safe_Jordan_U: Okay, didn't know that.01:21
Safe_Jordan_U: Now where getting somewhere, it boots.01:22
Jordan_USafe_: In qemu?01:22
Safe_Jordan_U: Correct.01:22
_cbFirst part of the message got cut. I have set up a dns server and now want my desktop to use it. Changed my /network/interfaces to use static ip and01:22
Safe_Jordan_U: When I try to boot it says 'error: hd0 out of disk.'01:23
abstraktJordan_U, where do I find the list of what options are contained in "defaults" for a given filesystem? neither wikipedia nor help.ubuntu.com seem to reference this01:23
abstraktbut I thought I saw this somewhere recently01:23
Jordan_USafe_: OK, it will still fail to boot completely since I had you set things up read only for safety. That means that this drive will probably boot fine with any other computer.01:23
Jordan_Uabstrakt: I don't know.01:23
Safe_Jordan_U: So BIOS problems you say. This specific hdd is IDE, maybe I have something set up wrong.01:24
Jordan_USafe_: That out of disk is because the disk is read only (as qemu sees it).01:24
Jordan_USafe_: I wouldn't expect the kernel to be able to access it if that were the case.01:24
Safe_Jordan_U: Are there any typical problems that this indicates?01:25
abstraktJordan_U, do you know this: if I specify defaults can I also specify other options that would go against the defaults? (I think I found the defaults btw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab)01:26
abstrakti.e. since defaults includes suid, could I do defaults,nosuid01:26
Jordan_USafe_: None that I know of. *Please* file a bug report about this though. Even if it turns out to be a bug in your BIOS, it's important that the grub team is aware of such broken hardware to be able to work around it or at least advise about it.01:27
Free213423aaargh. To change settings on my gnome-panel, all I needed to do was ALT+right click.01:27
Safe_Jordan_U: Right, I'll get on it. Well thanks for your help, you've been tremendously patient. :)01:28
Jordan_USafe_: You're welcome :)01:29
advancedgardeOkay. So the problem started after I installed xbmc. I assumed that apt-get autoremove xbmc and apt-get purge xbmc would have undone the damage, but apparently not.01:34
advancedgardeI think my server is attempting to launch a gui (after the plymouth error message) but failing and this is the reason why I'm not getting my normal login screen.01:35
advancedgardeAgain, I can access the server via ssh01:35
abstrakthow do I inspect a mount point to see what fs/driver is being used?01:37
abstrakti.e. so I can use that same fs/driver in my /etc/fstab01:37
advancedgardeBut I have no idea where to go from here. How I can check to see if the server is attempting to launch a gui at boot?01:37
mebigfatguyegads, i installed some software (apparently wrongly) and now i have massive problems. doing ls gave me permission errors, so i logged out and in again, but that failed because i could execute /bin/bash01:40
mebigfatguyi can come in as root fine01:40
mebigfatguyer couldn't01:40
mebigfatguyanything i should try before reinstalling?01:41
Aliv3hey i try to update and it says the inner daemon has crashes01:41
y-chrmsm-adam¿dlǝɥ ǝuoǝɯos uɐɔ 'nʇunqn ɥʇıʍ ɯǝlqoɹd ɐ ǝʌɐɥ I01:41
Aliv31110 desktop 64bit01:41
Aliv3i think i have set channel to plus one01:42
advancedgardeCan anyone see my messages?01:42
Aliv3advancedgarde: yes01:42
mebigfatguyadvancedgarde, yes01:42
advancedgardeahh, ty.01:42
madhattrrneed help with Ubuntu One on x64 Oneiric Ocelot01:42
y-chrmsm-adamadvancedgarde: noʎ ǝǝs uɐɔ I sǝʎ01:42
Aliv3y-chrmsm-adam: tell us your problem and maybe01:43
y-chrmsm-adamcan LiveUSB install NVIDIA drivers? currently it's using nouveau01:43
mebigfatguymebigfatguy, well, i can come into shell as root, gdm doesn't load01:44
Aliv3so ubuntu software center and update manager are broke, what do I do?01:44
Aliv3someone told me usc has update but i cant update it with update manager01:45
madhattrrsudo apt-get update01:46
kszkszshould i use x11vnc for remote administration if i have lxde on ubuntu?01:46
Aliv3uhg fine ill do that Again..01:46
madhattrrsudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:47
Free213423advancedgarde: Maybe try to install gdm - maybe that package would fix your loging issue?01:47
madhattrrUbuntu One will not install to my x64 Oneiric Ocelot01:47
advancedgardefree213423: but I don't want a gui, I want to run xbmc in stand alone.01:48
Free213423advancedgarde: I see. You just want your text based login back01:49
advancedgardefree213423: and sorry, when I sid it's not loading the login screen, I meant the standard CLI login that come with the server as default.01:49
advancedgardefree213423: Yes.01:49
Free213423advancedgarde: And (ctrl,alt)+f1 will not work01:49
advancedgardefree213423: Okay ... yes that worked. Thank you for that - so why isn't it automatically dropping into the CLI login do you think?01:50
advancedgardefree213423: (can't belive that it was that simple btw <_<)01:51
Free213423advancedgarde: which xbmc package did you use? As far as I know (and I only tried to use openelec.tv so far and xbmc on ubunutu) - xbmc is a graphic front end and media play. So it needs X windows and most likely some WM01:51
Aliv3Task cannot be monitored or controlled || The connection to the daemon was lost. Most likely the background daemon crashed.01:52
Free213423advancedgarde: So when you installed XBMC it would have a dependency for the X-server and tried to install it (which you can choose  not to  install on the server version)01:52
Aliv3Details: It seems that the daemon died.01:52
advancedgardefree213423: I installed xbmc-standalone, which I belive did install x windows01:53
advancedgardefree213423: sorry, xbmc-live01:53
advancedgardefree213423: Anyway, thankyou very much for that ctrl+alt+f1 tip - at least I can move forward with this now.01:55
Free213423advancedgarde: I'm a bit confused at the moment, i"ll get back to you in a few minutes01:56
=== scotted_2012 is now known as lj88
codyc1515Is there any particular reason that the apt-get packages are a bit older than the versions that are downloadable?02:00
Free213423advancedgarde: So you just installed XBMC live not a Ubuntu system?02:00
urlin2ucodyc1515, as in what packages?02:00
Free213423advancedgarde: If you connected your computer via vga/hdmi or dvi, you might want to try openelec.tv02:00
LiteAppleHow is Ubuntu compatibility with the iPhone02:01
urlin2ucodyc1515, not sure with those but ubuntu like many OS's os the tweaked versions of many packages.,02:02
codyc1515ah i see02:02
codyc1515ok thanks02:02
urlin2ucodyc1515, I use straight downloads of some like a daily FF, bleachbit and others so many run fine.02:02
sotiludecan i make a search faster than by typing sudo find / filename | grep filename?02:03
advancedgardefree213423: I realise it might be confusing, I am running ubuntu server 11.10. The server is used as a backup for other computers in the house, as a webserver and also as a media center using xbmc. When upgrading to 11.10 I decided to do a clean install. I read that xbmc did not need a window manager to run, and that I could make the system lighter by instead installing xbmc-live.02:04
haylono offense but why would you update a server version one ditro number?02:04
LiteAppleUbuntu have somalia language?02:05
hayloi think it does02:06
advancedgardefree213423: I think I'll revert to the old system of loading up a full gui and then automatically logging into an xbmc session. but I will have a look at openelec.tv02:06
dr_willisadvancedgarde:  i was toying with openelec the other day. :) worked decently well.02:07
urlin2uadvancedgarde, have you tried the #ubuntu-server channel/02:07
advancedgardeurlin2u: no, since I thought my problem was a half installed ui to begin with I thought it would be better to come here.02:08
Free213423dr_willis, advancedgarde it seems like the server is not hooked up to a tv02:08
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urlin2uadvancedgarde, cool. :D02:08
advancedgardefree213423: sorry, my server is hooked up to a TV via hdmi.02:08
chromaticwthow do I disable ldm?02:11
chromaticwtthe new gdm that ubuntu uses.02:11
xanguachromaticwt: ubuntu uses lightdm now02:11
chromaticwtyes that one02:11
chromaticwthow do I disable it?02:12
advancedgardefree213423: openelec does look very nice, but since I want my media server to do a little more than just server media (eg websites and the like) I think I will stick with ubuntu.02:12
Free213423advancedgarde: alright, so we are trying to fix a xbmc-live installation, which fails to open X (so you don't see any gui) Wihout X you will not be able to use XBMC on your TV02:12
advancedgardefree213423: xinit xbmc-standalone is launching xmbc without any problems (other than a lack of sound through the hdmi)02:14
advancedgardefree213423: when the computer boots, I see the normal loading text (fstab etc), then an error from plymouth, and then no progress. This is where I have to hit ctrl+alt+f1 to get to the cli login.02:17
Free213423advancedgarde: I see - mmh - in the old days it would have been something in /etc/init.d02:19
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const_antineWhere is a good (human-readable) documentation on how Ubuntu distro is put together?02:22
benccdoes cinamon work with 2d on ubuntu?02:22
benccor is it based on 3d?02:22
const_antinewhat the steps of boot process are, how logging is set up, what interfaces are available, etc.02:23
const_antineMaybe this is a very broad question. I'm still new to Linux, so something of a guide would be helpful02:23
Free213423const_antine, if you find something, let me know02:33
Free213423const_antine, but the way it is made, single developers make changes02:33
hayloi would study linux in general instead of trying to get an ubuntu manual02:33
puff_the ubuntu manual is downloadable in pdf format I got one02:34
const_antinereally? i thought Ubuntu is developed by Canonical02:34
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:34
hayloit is but it is just a minux distro02:34
const_antineis it still open-source?02:35
puff_umm without the manul it is hard to RTFM!02:35
hayloyes it is02:35
hayloget a guide on using the linux command line02:35
puff_no thats incorrect the best way to learn is by hitting random keys since most unix commands seem to be random02:36
haylono they really arent random02:36
Free213423const_antine, - Best way to learn what a single program does is to read the source code ;)02:36
haylobut you can type "man" to get manual pages02:37
Free213423const_antine, - then see what other program was called and read the source code02:37
puff_if I hold the back key I get a machine gun sound02:37
Free213423const_antine, - and in 50 years you probably finished reading it all and get started again with ubuntu 50.1002:37
const_antinehah :(02:38
puff_I gotta admit I really like ubuntu in less than 4 hours I can go from a blank disk to having everything including lamp and named and sendmail running02:38
const_antinethe secrets of hackers call my name, keeping me up at night02:38
ActionParsnipconst_antine: its made by a company but yes, the OS is open source, if you read /etc/apt/sources.list   you can see the source repos as well as binary ones listed02:39
haylowhat i finally did to learn linux was: gat .pdf tutorials that i could start wherever i left off and you tube tutorials02:39
ActionParsnippuff_: make an image of the installed OS partition and you can have it in fewer :)02:39
haylothe you tube tutorials on linux can really help a beginner alot02:39
hayloone of the glories of linux is ssh02:40
puff_I thought it was segfault02:41
Free213423const_antine, but really, having even a clear description (that is, exactly answering the questions I have - not more, not less ;) of the start up procedure. Of the hardware probing, etc with examples on how to change things or add something, would be perfect02:41
const_antinehaylo i know how to string together svn status to grep to awk in a subshell for svn commit, for example02:41
puff_theres always stupid shell tricks02:42
hayloi really liked the tutorial at linuxcommands.org02:42
haylobut i decided that i like my info stored on my computer as text or .pdf. instead of having to go to a website all the time02:43
const_antinepuff_ kids like tricks02:43
hiexpohow ya all   install aircrack-ng in ubuntu the repo one don't work02:43
ActionParsnip!info aircrack-ng02:43
ubottuaircrack-ng (source: aircrack-ng): wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-1.1build1 (oneiric), package size 1561 kB, installed size 2840 kB02:43
haylobut i learned the most about linux by reading LFS linus from scratch manual02:43
ActionParsniphiexpo: enable universe repo02:43
hiexpoActionParsnip, i know how just being goofy > gotta compile svn02:44
const_antineLFS linus?02:44
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.02:45
const_antine!google lfs linus02:45
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/02:45
puff_here's a good one yes no02:45
ActionParsniphiexpo: I see02:46
hiexpoActionParsnip, i am part of that project thoughtyouknew02:47
hiexpoActionParsnip, like bt & pentoo and bb    thought you knew i did that02:48
* vreg waves hello.02:48
puff_heh I wrote Pnux02:48
puff_thought it would be cool to do my own OS02:49
hiexpowhat distro02:49
vregi installed slackware to a usb stick but without a bootloader, can i do this (except for step 10): http://www.pendrivelinux.com/install-grub2-on-usb-from-ubuntu-linux/02:49
puff_1 crashed02:49
const_antinehaylo sounds amazing, i'll be sure to do LFS in my garage one of these nights02:49
dejavou42I just got some 100mg nic juice in today02:49
dejavou42time to play02:50
vregi just need to stick a bootloader on there i guess02:50
hiexpowhat os puff02:50
vregdon't even need it to get into the mbr02:50
ActionParsniphiexpo: wasn't aware, sorry, what re bt and bb?02:50
vregi'll go into the grub2 prompt from there to boot slackware02:50
dejavou42oops wrong channel02:50
puff_I called it Pnux it was based on the linux kernel I just rewrote the whoel thing02:51
maciej_Hey guys, can someone help me with usb wifi card on ubuntu? in private message.02:51
puff_removed all the errors02:51
hiexpoActionParsnip, backtrack & blackbuntu02:51
vregcould someone verify that the list of steps is correct? except for step 10 of course02:52
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:52
maciej_thanks puff.02:52
hiexpoActionParsnip, and my fav is aircrack-ng I actually have a book for it of the docs    http://www2.aircrack-ng.org/hiexpo/aircrack-ng_book_v1.pdf02:53
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puff_there was one particular nugget that kept reoccuring involving input that did not check for length stringcmp and strncmpn made it vulnerable to buffer overflows so I fixed all those02:54
urlin2uvreg, boots your OS . http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-via-grub2-using-linux/02:54
puff_sort of bulletproof02:55
puff_ran like a watch02:55
vregurlin2u: can i get the ubuntu livecd to install grub2 to the usb stick that has slackware installed?02:56
vregurlin2u: grub2 to its own usb stick sounds nice, but it'd be ideal-ish if i could get it on the stick with slackware02:57
puff_by the way I recommend the clean install rather than the upgrade for oneiric02:57
puff_have not seen a single glitch since I did02:57
vregi'd actually prefer not to write grub2 to mbr02:57
vregas long as i can get a grub2 prompt (on the same stick as slackware), that's cool02:58
vregi don't mind starting linux up manually02:58
advancedgardeFree213423: thankyou for your help, It's still not working but I'm going to call it a night for tonight and work on it some more in the morning.02:59
Free213423advancedgarde, no worries. still midday here lol03:00
advancedgardeFree213423: 03:00 here in the uk -_-03:00
ActionParsnippuff_: same here, I always clean install from minimal :)03:01
the_goathello... question, if I may: regarding 11.10 and VMware workstation... I've done some googling and it seems there are, or at least were, some problems (esp. with vmware messing with rc.d) and I wonder if anyone has anymore recent knowledge they'd care to share03:03
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ActionParsnipthe_goat: I'd ask in #vmware03:04
opticlovei know this may not be a direct ubuntu question but i want to know which distro i should switch to if i have a netbook03:05
the_goatActionParsnip: thank you sir/madam03:05
ActionParsnipopticlove: could use lubuntu, it uses fewer resources03:05
ActionParsnipthe_goat: I'm a dude ;)03:05
kszkszim looking for init.d script to launch x11vnc, or some tip how to add it on startup. i've tried some things from google with no effect -.-03:07
ActionParsnipkszksz: add it in /etc/rc.local above the exit 0     line, should be ok03:07
urlin2uvreg, I don't try loading grub unless I know the OS has grub, I use this appt it has room for many IS at one time, not worth the effort otherwise for me if possible.03:07
opticloveactionparsnip: what version of ubuntu does it run03:09
ActionParsnipopticlove: there are the same versions as Ubuntu, the metapackage is in the repos and there are ISOs from Lucid up to Precise03:09
ActionParsnipopticlove: its an official release supported here as of Oneiric03:10
opticloveactionparsnhip: one more thing, do you know what that program was to make USB installers03:11
ActionParsnipopticlove: usb-creator or unetbootin03:11
kszkszActionParsnip i added x11vnc -forever -usepw, rebooted and it didnt work :P03:11
ActionParsnipkszksz: is the service shown in:  ps -ef | gre -i vnc03:12
KamiccoloUbuntu 13.04 - Satanic Seagull03:12
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vregurlin2u: i'm not sure i understand03:14
urlin2uvreg, I'm not sure your distro even has grub, trying to get it to boot with it like your doing for me is a waste of time when apps like the multiloader or even unetbootin will load it, not sure about unetbootin thouf=gh.03:15
kszkszActionParsnip: after that i got "kszksz    1186  1129  0 04:13 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i vnc"03:16
urlin2uvreg, I don't know how in your situation as well.03:16
vreggrub(2) works with almost every linux distro though right?03:16
vregand unetbootin is kind of... not the best thing to do long term03:17
urlin2uvreg, if setup correctly it has files in the os and the mbr not just the mbr, and you have a situation that has nothing to do with ubuntu, it's cd wont load it try ##linux03:18
vregurlin2u: incorrect03:19
urlin2uvreg, excellent you can spell.03:20
urlin2uvreg, http://www.slackware.com/install/  slackware uses lilo.03:22
vregyup it does03:22
urlin2uvreg, http://www.slackbook.org/html/booting.html this might help, not sure, but you will probably not get much help here, this is ubuntu support, you can keep trying if it suits you.03:23
kszkszwhat does "!" before a file mean in rc2.d?03:25
kszkszand in other rcx.d :P03:26
puff_heh earth3D in the repos03:27
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PorkminerCan soeone help me with creating a usb boot drive?  I've gone through the setup and just get "Loading Operating System" then "Boot Error" and that's it, no other info.03:35
ActionParsnipPorkminer: did you MD5 test the ISO you used?03:36
PorkminerI'm using a Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H03:36
PorkminerMD5 was good.03:36
PorkminerAnd the stick boots on my laptop just fine.03:36
PorkminerJust not the desktop03:36
FloodBot1Porkminer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:36
ActionParsnipPorkminer: what tool did you use to put the ISO on the USB?03:36
Porkminerstartup disk creator03:36
ActionParsnipPorkminer: try unetbootin, may make different results03:37
Porkminerk, thanks03:37
me-1hi...from where i can download Kubuntu 11.1003:38
ActionParsnipPorkminer: might want to test the RAM too03:38
ActionParsnipme-1: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/oneiric/03:38
ActionParsnipme-1: remember to MD5 if you don't use torrents03:39
grammyHi All, how do I adjust the timer that prompts for password? I use a strong password, but would rather type it less often if possible. My house is secure, so securing the computer from the inhabitants is not an issue.03:39
ActionParsnipgrammy: use:  sudo -i03:40
me-1ActionParsnip,  thank you . i will MD5 . torrent is slowso i use direct install03:40
ActionParsnipgrammy: use: exit     when you are done03:40
ActionParsnipme-1: really, single source is faster than multi-source. Highly dougbtful unless your ISP throttle torrents03:40
opticlovedoes ubuntu 11.10 support i38603:41
kszkszi added "x11vnc -forever -usepw &" in rc.local, when i run it manually it works, but at boot it does not start, any hints?03:41
me-1ActionParsnip,  ok i am going for torrent per your advice03:41
tab1293anyone know of an ipod application that can add songs via command line besides gnupod?03:41
ActionParsniptab1293: add songs to what?03:42
ActionParsniptab1293: you could use ifuse03:42
tab1293an ipod03:42
ActionParsniptab1293: not sure if the ipod will see the copied files but ifuse makes the ipod appear as a generic USB drive03:42
humamiazhow i know the best drivers for my wireless adapter and fw03:42
tab1293well i need them to appear on the ipod03:43
ActionParsniptab1293: I don't use apples rubbish so haven't actually tried it. I only know of it03:43
grammyAction....it prompted me for a password, but it appears to have done nothing, it just returned to the terminal prompt.03:44
me-1ActionParsnip,  there is alternate CD and desktop Cd which one I need . I need to install kubuntu on hard disk03:45
ActionParsnipgrammy: type your password and hit enter, you will get no feedback03:45
ActionParsnipme-1: the alternate installs in text mode03:45
ActionParsnipme-1: they both give a desktop OS, I suggest you gran the desktop CD03:45
me-1ActionParsnip,  is desktop CD install-able..?03:45
grammyaction:   ok, ty....but what exactly does the command do???03:46
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ActionParsnipme-1: yes, it installs a desktop OS in a graphical UI03:48
ActionParsnipgrammy: interactive sudo03:49
reapingwohey anyone know how to make the gecko-mediaplayer firefox plugin prevent the screen from dimming in full screen?03:49
kszkszi cant put x11vnc in rc.local to start, because it needs X (hello captain obvious). so there's no way to run it automatically?03:49
daneshello, is there anything similar to tortoise svn for ubuntu?03:49
ActionParsnipgrammy: you will not need to use sudo or type your password again til you type exit. obviously be VERY careful as you can break your system with bad commands03:49
usr13kszksz: What desktop manager do you use?03:49
kszkszusr13: lxde03:50
hiexporm rf03:50
ActionParsnipkszksz: if you make a .desktop file for it and put it in ~/.config/autostart   it will autorun03:51
ActionParsnipkszksz: why do you connect to vnc? what do you do on the remote system?03:51
usr13kszksz: Ok, can't remember on lxde .... just a sec.03:51
kszkszActionParsnip: going to try that config/autostart now. i need vnc because that pc is in the basement03:52
ActionParsnipkszksz: yes, but what activities do you do on it?03:52
kszkszActionParsnip: point is that when it is in the basement it has only power connected to it, nothing else. when i want to change something i would need to grab it and connect to monitor keyboard etc etc .. :P03:53
ActionParsnipkszksz: but what are you changing. 9 times in 10 there is a sleeker way to do things than VNC03:53
kszkszActionParsnip: editing config files for example .rtorrent.rd03:54
ActionParsnipkszksz: you can do that via ssh03:54
ActionParsnipkszksz: using nano03:54
usr13kszksz:  ~.config/autostart/x11vnc-server    http://paste.ubuntu.com/794525/03:55
usr13kszksz: I think that will work       ^^^03:55
grammyaction: ty for the info......I was hoping there was a timer associated with it, so that it wouldn't ask for 20 minutes or a half hour. I'm bringing a new system into service, so not having to enter password so often is useful::> again, ty.03:55
kszkszActionParsnip ok ill google connect to ubuntu via ssh :P usr13 thx going to try it nao03:55
ActionParsnipkszksz: install openssh-server   and you can ssh to port 22 from terminal with:  ssh name@servername03:56
usr13kszksz: ~config/autostart/x11vnc.desktop   http://paste.ubuntu.com/794526/03:57
usr13Or this one ?     ^^^^^03:57
usr13I really don't know which one works.03:57
makara!offtopic ?03:57
ubottumakara: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:57
makarawhat's the more general discussion  channel?03:58
ActionParsnipkszksz: is that all you VNC for?03:59
urlin2umakara, linux discussion or chat?03:59
kszkszActionParsnip installed that openssh, tried and it works. thanks, i just lost 3 hours and u fixed that in 30 sec04:00
kszkszusr13 going to try it nao :P04:00
Kimblehey. If I run "sudo blkid", my sdcard shows up as "TYPE=ext2"; but if I run "sudo fdisk -l" it shows up as "System=W95 FAT32".  Why is this?04:00
usr13Kimble: Sure you're looking at the right one?04:00
Kimbleusr13: yep. They're both /dev/sdc104:01
makaraurlin2u chat04:01
usr13Kimble: Let us see.  sudo blkid | pastebinit  ;  sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit04:01
ActionParsnipkszksz: dont worry, loads of people automatically go for vnc and its REALLY not necessary in a lot of cases04:01
kszkszthanks a lot04:01
Kimbleusr13: sure. two secs...04:01
usr13Kimble: Send resulting URLs04:02
makaraah #ubuntu-offtopic04:02
ActionParsnipkszksz: if the system has an X server you can connect with:  ssh -X user@server    and launch gui apps and they will appear on your client screen, but be proccessed on the server, much like Citrix04:02
urlin2umakara, #ubuntu-offtopic is more chat like04:02
ActionParsnipkszksz: also gives an SFTP server too :)04:02
Kimbleusr13: fdisk command output: http://pastebin.com/AFhEVkVz04:03
ActionParsnipkszksz: its why I ask what people do on remote systems as soon as VNC is mentioned too.04:03
LinuxMercedesI've got pam_mount set up to mount a fuse folder as my home directory automatically on login. However, pam_mount won't detect that the home directory has already been mounted if I log in a second time. Any idea where I should look to fix that?04:04
Kimbleusr13: blkid: http://pastebin.com/YjfyuvC804:04
Kimbleinterestingly, sdb1 shows a mis-match too - ExFAT on one, ext2 on the other.04:05
usr13Kimble: That's weird.  So which is it really?04:05
Kimbleusr13: well, I ran sudo mkfs.ext2 on both, so they should both be ext2.04:05
KimbleThese devices were originally as described by fdisk - maybe it's reading a cache?04:06
usr13Kimble: On both?04:06
usr13Kimble: What do y ou mean on both?04:07
budmangHey Guys. I have an external(PCI) ati card(that works and comes up as the primary) and a onboard Intel GMA3100(works in windows xp fine).. ubuntu sees the intel card... but for some reason just never sends video too it..(even with my custom xorg.conf)... is there any way to tell xorg or ubuntu to try the intel as primary?04:07
user01any thoughts on resolving video playback (quicktime mov) issue: Internal GStreamer error: negotiation problem.  Please file a bug at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GStreamer.04:07
Kimbleoh, i see. I ran mkfs.ext2 on sdb1 and sdc1 within the past hour. They were originally ExFAT and FAT32.04:07
usr13Kimble: I suppose what you mean is that it was previously fat32 and you just reformatted it to ext2  Right?04:07
Kimbleusr13 : spot on.04:08
c_smithquestion: is it possible to customize the Ubuntu windows borders easily?04:09
usr13Kimble: Ok, well it is really ext2 but fdisk is just showing the drive designation as fat32.  You can fix that though.  Just do sudo fdisk /dev/sdc and change the first partition ID to Linux04:09
ActionParsnipc_smith: do you mean the top bar or each window, with close, minimise & maximise?04:09
c_smithActionParsnip, yes04:10
usr13Kimble: It's no big deal though, you don't have to change it, but you can if you want to.     t   to change it.04:10
Kimbleusr13: ah, I see.  I'll change it I think, just for my sanity :)04:10
ActionParsnipc_smith: do you use Unity session or something else?04:10
c_smithUnity, but am trying to switch to Gnome Shell.04:11
usr13Kimble:   t    1    8304:11
kszkszusr13: that .desktop worked automatically, but only after i logged in :p04:11
usr13Kimble: l    to list codes.04:11
usr13kszksz: Ok good....04:11
c_smithso, I guess my question is aimed at gnome-shell04:12
ActionParsnipkszksz: yes, it runs as your user and such. You could configure autologin...04:12
kszkszidd, thanks :P04:12
ActionParsnipc_smith: ahh now we can use that, you should have said.04:12
c_smithheh, I know. lapse of logic for me.04:12
c_smithis it possible to customize that in gnome shell?04:13
ActionParsnipc_smith: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/five-pretty-awesome-gnome-shell-themes/   is an ok start (I don't use Gnome shell but know some links)04:13
Kimbleusr13: sorry, i didn't understand your last two messages. It looks to me as though they came through incomplete?04:13
c_smithActionParsnip, thank you very much04:13
usr13Kimble: Was just giving you the commands for fdisk    p  will print partition table.   l  will list codes    t  to change partition ID   83  is code for Linux04:14
c_smithalso, does gnome shell work better with multiple monitors than Unity seems to?04:14
ActionParsnipc_smith: np :)04:14
c_smiththe positioning of the better monitor puts the launcher on it and that's what I intend to use for videos and don't need it for apps04:15
Kimbleusr13: hmm, my fdisk doesn't list -t as an option.04:15
usr13Kimble: So if you do sudo fdisk /dev/sdc   p to print existing table  t  to change it, when asked which one, type 1  when asked for code type 83  or l for list of options and then p again to look at it, w  to write the new partition table.04:15
usr13Kimble: m  for list of commands04:15
usr13Kimble: t   change a partition's system id04:16
Kimbleusr13: ah, I see, it's an interactive command too. didn't know that. got it now. Thanks :)04:16
usr13Kimble: Partition IDs are not all that important tho....04:17
usr13.... but nice to have it accurate04:18
Kimbleusr13: I managed to change it using cfdisk.  Many thanks for the assistance. Karma ++ :)  Happy New Year to you!04:20
onelinerhas anyone got updates on the realtek bug for wired ethernet?04:22
onelinerbesides the backport makeshift that is?04:22
humamiazCannot open: No such file or directory04:27
opticlovei can't connect to the network after using maccchanger, any ideas?04:27
acidfrostopticlove, ifconfig whateverdeviceyouused up04:28
humamiazcant install something hv this msg why04:28
acidfrost*sudo ifconfig eth0 up (replace eth0 with the interface you used)04:28
AukIs there a file manager where I can simply go to this dialog box... Like "Save As" or "Open"... And within that dialog box, I can right click on files/directories and do things with it, such as RENAME/Delete/Etc      Like WIndows?04:29
ActionParsnipAuk: nautilus does all that stuff04:30
ActionParsnipAuk: just right click a file, it's all there04:30
AukActionParsnip: But it has to be in a dialog box for where it asks you "Where to save file to".04:30
AukOr Open, dialog boxes similar to that.04:30
=== kmeehl_ is now known as kmeehl
urlin2uAuk, if you hit save it will bring up the save to.04:31
ActionParsnipAuk: right click a file in a file manager then be able to click 'save file to..'  do you mean 'copy to..' and 'move to..'?04:31
ActionParsnipAuk: what would the dialogue boxes that open contain?04:32
Aukurlin2u: Yea but it has to look like this: http://www.domorethanmanage.com/articles/2009/01/22/The_Save_As_window_appears.JPG        <---------- Right click on  "Shared Documents" and Rename it. In that window.04:33
AukWell, not exactly like that, but just to support the feature.04:33
AukMines only "highlights/selects" it.04:33
urlin2uAuk, ar you trying to upload to the net04:34
SyrinxPriestWould anyone be able to direct me to the best place to make a user interface suggestion for Unity?  Would I file a bug on Launchpad for something like that?04:35
Aukurlin2u: No. I just want to right click inside that dialog window and still be able to rename file/folders.04:35
ActionParsnipAuk: http://www.snapbackup.org/graphics/ubuntu-save-jar.png   what's your point? All apps that hive file -> save as   will show a dialogue like that...04:35
corvus_Got a question regarding NVidia drivers in Xubuntu.04:35
AukActionParsnip: Rightclick on "snapbackup.jar".04:36
ActionParsnipAuk: ahhhh so when you click save as in an application and files are listed, to be able to rename the files in THAT windo04:36
AukThat's the feature I'm looking for.04:36
ActionParsnipAuk: just worded clearer, the file browser is a little different to the save as window04:36
corvus_My video card is an old MX400. I'm using an older Dell 17" CRT monitor. When I go the NVidia configuration tab, I get this:04:36
corvus_Unable to load X Server Display Configuration page:04:36
corvus_Failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.04:36
corvus_Any ideas?04:37
AukI wish it supports that. Then I can like happy dance and replace nautilus/pcmanFM.04:37
ActionParsnipAuk: you could suggest it on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com   you can always fire up a real file browser and renam files and they will update in the save as dialogue04:38
ActionParsnipcorvus_: I believe you will be using the open source nouveau driver04:38
corvus_AP, why is that?04:38
corvus_My card is apparently supported under the proprietary driver.04:39
ActionParsnipcorvus_: support by nvidia, let me check04:39
corvus_Ok, thanks.04:39
AukIt doesn't haev to be in just save-as.       Open/ and any other dialog box that displays paths/folders/files.04:39
ActionParsnipcorvus_: try installing nvidia-96 package after removing the driver you installed, or did you install nvidia-96?04:40
corvus_96 is installed already, yes.04:40
AukActionParsnip: A real file browser? o_O04:40
ActionParsnipAuk: yes, open nautilus or pcmanfm and change the file(s)04:41
ActionParsnipAuk: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/21686/04:42
corvus_System works fine, otherwise. I can change resolution in display settings...but my choices are rather limited.04:42
mgeorgetotally freakin priceless04:42
mgeorgei laughed my ass off when i saw that one04:43
FloodBot1mgeorge: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:43
ActionParsnipmgeorge: how is that ubuntu related?04:43
ActionParsnipmgeorge: or support related?04:43
ActionParsnipmgeorge: please, next time, don't paste garbage like that in here. This is a support channel04:44
onelinerhas anyone had any luck with the ethernet realtek wired driver bug? besides using the backport?04:46
KimbleHi. What option do I append to an entry in fstab to make a usb drive rw to all users?04:46
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zrutyWhen will there be a new LTS version?04:48
ActionParsnipKimble: add the option:  user,guid=1000,rw04:48
ActionParsnipzruty: this april04:48
zrutyActionParsnip: Thanks!04:48
ActionParsnipzruty: think about the version numbers of past LTS releases ;)04:48
ActionParsnipzruty: 8.04, 10.04 ....04:48
zrutyActionParsnip: I ionly started with LTS 18 months ago or so04:48
ActionParsnipzruty: I see, well now you see the pattern. I assume you know how the version numbers are formed too04:49
zrutyYes, that I know... Thanks!04:49
KimbleActionParsnip: thanks. just rebooted the machine now...04:49
ActionParsnipKimble: usually udev makes it ok for all04:50
AukThanks ActionParsnip. Gee, it's been years, looks like it'll never be implemented.04:51
c_smithheh, wonder who here was using Linux on the Windows Refund Day? I certainly wasn't,04:51
c_smithoops, wrong channel..... >.<04:53
ActionParsnipAuk: stranger things have happened at sea04:53
c_smithActionParsnip, thanks again for the tip.04:53
ActionParsnipc_smith: np :)04:54
KimbleActionParsnip: hmm, my mount procedure had issues on reboot. which log can I look in for more info?  dmesg and syslog don't show it.04:54
ActionParsnipKimble: could always use:  sudo mount /mount/point    it is in fstab so will be recognised04:55
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vikkihey guys i am stuck04:58
vikkii got a new laptop for christmas and put ubuntu on it04:58
vikkiit worked great for a few days then i went away to a cabin for the new year04:58
charliehorse55HELP! my ubuntu installation won't boot... I didn't even change anything on my Ubuntu install04:59
vikkithere was no wireless there so i turned off wireless by pressing Fn+F304:59
vikkiand now i am back home and i dont know how to turn it back on04:59
txomonhi, is here anyone that really knows about vino? the VNC server included with gnome?04:59
charliehorse55it fails at grub, with a blinking cursor04:59
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y-chrmsm-adamis there ext1??05:00
y-chrmsm-adamI want to use ext105:00
txomoncharliehorse55, does grub display?05:00
charliehorse55txomon: yes, I can even edit the boot options, just when it tries to boot it hangs at the blinking cursor05:01
vikki_hey guys i am stuck05:01
vikki_i got a new laptop for christmas and put ubuntu on it05:01
txomoncharliehorse55, use recovery boot05:01
txomoncharliehorse55, normally the 2nd option05:01
txomoncharliehorse55, recovery mode*05:02
vikki_I plugged in an old USB wireless adaptor but it now says "wireless is disabled by hardware switch" under both wireless interfaces05:02
ActionParsnipy-chrmsm-adam: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_file_system05:02
charliehorse55txomon: it doesnt work, same error05:02
vikki_where's the hardware switch?05:02
ActionParsnipvikki_: try running:  sudo rfkill unblock all05:02
txomoncharliehorse55, but, what do you do in recovery mode?05:03
chachanvikki_: check your laptop sides05:03
vikki_ActionParsnip: I will do that straight right now.  it is in a different room05:03
vikki_I disabled wireless for a week while I was away using Fn+F305:03
vikki_but Fn+F3 won't turn it back on.  neither will rebooting.05:03
charliehorse55txomon: when I select recovery mode it also just fails at a blinking cursor05:04
ActionParsnipy-chrmsm-adam: why such an old file system, ext2 is pretty decent05:04
txomoncharliehorse55, directly?05:04
txomonany output?05:05
charliehorse55txomon: I see the boot list screen, I select the Recovery mode of my kernel, then it hangs at a blinking cursor. I haven't even changed anything on the Linux install... :(05:05
txomoncharliehorse55, sure you changed something05:06
chachanvikki_: figure out a way (physically) to activate it again05:06
txomoncharliehorse55, have you moved partitions, etc?05:06
atrunowhat alterrnatives are there to cheese for video recording.  my video device lights up but i don't see my reflection and i don't wan't to waste a video.  something easy to use with a gui ?05:06
charliehorse55txomon: I literally didn't have linux booted, and didnt modify the drives they are installed on05:06
atrunousing 11.10 ubuntu05:06
txomoncharliehorse55, do you have dual boot installed?05:07
ActionParsnipatruno: using cheese for video recording doesnt waste video05:07
charliehorse55txomon: I did change some EFI settings, but I've already tried loading optimized defaults and it didn't do anything.05:07
charliehorse55txomon: triple boot, windows 7 and osx05:07
atrunoActionParsnip, i can't see my face when i select video05:07
charliehorse55txomon: but all on seperate drvies, I have 5 HDs in my computer05:07
ActionParsnipatruno: then the hardware isn't recognised presently05:08
atrunothank you ActionParsnip05:08
atrunoi've actually had video's turn up two days later after reboots05:08
ActionParsnipatruno: run:  lsusb   use the 8 character hex id to find guides05:08
txomoncharliehorse55, EFI can be related, and it makes sense, as kernel might not be prepared for that, or even, the configuration05:08
txomonor not compilled to support that05:09
charliehorse55txomon: but I already tried loading optimized defaults, and tried loading a known good config. I've also installed more RAM since the last linux boot, but again I've tried taking it back out and no change05:09
txomonthere is something that has been changed and is not getting back...05:10
txomoncharliehorse55, have you partitioned /home and / separately=05:10
charliehorse55txomon: yes, I have / on an SSD, while /home is on a 1TB platter disk style drive05:11
xgt001hello i am in Ubuntu LTS, i am unable to connect to adsl bridge of my broadband :(05:11
ActionParsnipcharliehorse55: I hope you put /var on the platter based drive05:12
ActionParsnipxgt001: do you get an IP var dhcp?05:12
txomoncharliehorse55, I suggest you to reinstall ubuntu, so that it can fix the kernel configuration. You can also try by reinstalling grub, and hoping it does fix it05:12
charliehorse55here is a good question - what does the flashing cursor at grub screen mean?05:12
txomonActionParsnip, why /var ?05:12
txomoncharliehorse55, can be two things, if no output displayed05:12
ActionParsniptxomon: its temporary guff, it changes a fair bit so putting it on a devcie without limited write cycles is good05:13
txomonkernel not loaded correctly05:13
ActionParsniptxomon: also moving browser cache to platter based storage (or even tempfs) can prolong life (tempfs will make the browser faster)05:13
txomonor grub not doing things correctly05:13
jtannenbaumok so someone else has an icecast server running and I just want to connect to it and play music (I have the password let's assume)05:14
jtannenbaumwhat software would I need for that05:14
txomonActionParsnip, just to be sure, platter -> normal magnetic disk?05:14
jtannenbaumI don't want to set up a server (, Google), I want to connect to an existing one05:14
xgt001ActionParsnip: no, its fetched automatically i guess all i have is service name, username and pass05:15
ActionParsniptxomon: yes, conventional drives use disk platters05:15
ActionParsnipxgt001: so it's adsl over ethernet05:15
txomoncharliehorse55, I usually have a script done with all the packages I get installed etc so that for those cases, i can get working just right after installing05:15
xgt001ActionParsnip: yes, it is , i tried nm-applet, but doesnt work05:15
txomoncharliehorse55, if you have time, try to reinstall grub05:16
ActionParsnipxgt001: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE05:16
txomoncharliehorse55, if you don't, install ubuntu once more05:16
txomoncharliehorse55, btw, have you tried to use another kernel?05:16
charliehorse55txomon: my mods to ubuntu would mean I would spend too much time re-installing them05:16
txomonhopefully its a kernel fallback05:17
charliehorse55txomon: perhaps an update got half-wary installed leaving a grub config pointing to a non-existant kernel file.. i shall try this05:18
txomonActionParsnip, do you know something about vino (the vnc server included with gnome) and its dependencies ?05:18
ActionParsniptxomon: zero, I don't use vnc. I find it vulgar05:19
charliehorse55txomon: no luck.... none of my kernels work. Also, I turned off quiet and splash and now I just see "Booting a command list"05:19
txomonActionParsnip, the idea is that it is included with gnome05:19
txomoncharliehorse55, try asking in #kernel05:20
ActionParsniptxomon: using vlc is realy OTT in most case. There are web UIs and suchlike which are sleeker and more secure05:20
txomonthey will know more on how to put more debugging symbols05:20
txomonActionParsnip, they idea is to get it by ssh tunnel05:21
ActionParsniptxomon: there is usually a way to just not use it.05:21
txomonI want to teach my gf to use commands that will work in any ubuntu system, without sudo, but of course, with an account05:21
charliehorse55txomon: booting a command list is a part of grub, the kernel still hasn't loaded at that point i just looked it up05:22
dimas_does anyone know how can i take the most of my RAM which is only 1G and i keep having aplication to crash...i been reading some but i dont really know where to start05:22
ActionParsniptxomon: if you want to educate in a sandboxed OS, use a virtualbox :)05:22
KimbleActionParsnip: Sorry I disappeared, had to solve an internet issue.05:22
ActionParsnipdimas_: have you tested RAM health using memtest in grub?05:23
txomoncharliehorse55, so try #grub05:23
dimas_ActionParsnip, no, would you tell me what is that?05:23
txomonActionParsnip, ok, and about installation? I am trying to get my system installed in a very minimal way05:23
txomonI installed gnome-core gnome-shell, and vino is not starting correctly05:24
ActionParsnipdimas_: hold shift at boot, select memtest. Red is bad. Run it a little while then hit ESC to exit and reboot to desktop05:24
txomonthough it is a dependency of gnome-core05:24
txomonActionParsnip, apt-cache rdepends vino05:24
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ActionParsniptxomon: minimal install exists, it installs bootloader, kernel and driver modules and app install commands like apt-get and so on, no x no apps no x server05:24
txomonActionParsnip, I did so, I installed also gdm and lightdm, configured an automatic login, so that it started a gnome-session05:25
txomonI also started a gnome-session by ssh05:25
dimas_ActionParsnip, but what is the purpuse of that?...i just see in the sistem monitos that there is lots of stuff in speeping mode using the ram05:25
txomonbut there is no way to get vino started05:26
dimas_monitor sleeping*05:26
txomoncrashes all the time05:26
KimbleCould someone remind me the option to append in fstab to make a mounted fs r/w for all users?05:26
ActionParsnipdimas_: you are getting crashes, if your ram is unhealthy then it will explain the crashes as the apps run in ram05:26
dimas_ActionParsnip, is a new ram card05:27
ActionParsnipdimas_: it can be DOA05:27
dimas_ActionParsnip, the main problem is when i use blender05:28
dimas_that is when i crash05:28
ActionParsnipdimas_: if you make a new user and use the app, does it crash too?05:28
dimas_ActionParsnip, how much ram does ubuntu platform needs to run?...just cant understand it05:30
dimas_is so much from unity runnin in the background sleeping05:30
txomonActionParsnip, when is it xdg supposed to run?05:32
ActionParsnipdimas_: recommended is 512mb afaik05:32
dimas_ActionParsnip, is that what it need for the platform itself?05:33
abbadd0n1where do newbies go???05:33
Resistanceabbadd0n1:  for help, here is a good place.05:34
Resistanceabbadd0n1:  perhaps #ubuntu-beginners too, but this channel is a good place to start05:34
ActionParsnipdimas_: that as well as a few apps, should run well05:35
ActionParsnipdimas_: I've ran a full ubuntu with the usual desktop apps with no problem on 1Gb05:36
dimas_ActionParsnip, thanks, let me read a little more about blender then and see if there is something i should know05:36
Chipzzzisn't blender quite memory-intensive?05:37
dimas_Chipzzz, it says that require at least 512 of ram05:38
ActionParsnipdimas_: ram is cheap, you could double up for the price of a few packs of smokes05:38
Chipzzzmight not be such a bad idea05:39
dimas_ActionParsnip, i guess that is what i should do05:40
dimas_thanks guys05:40
kevinyounghi all how to get a ssh code  for free05:42
venkatmangudi??? ssh code?05:43
Chipzzzi don't know what you mean by it either05:43
venkatmangudinot really sure I understand you05:43
venkatmangudiwhat are you trying to do?05:43
venkatmangudiyou mean ssl?05:43
Chipzzzssh takes a regular login05:44
kevinyoungChipzzz: oh05:44
venkatmangudikevinyoung: am not able to understand your problem05:44
Chipzzzsame user name/password you use to log into the desktop05:45
chreekatIs there an "ubuntu" way to map R_Alt to Mod2, or shold I do it manually with xmodmap?05:45
kevinyoungvenkatmangudi: thanks too05:45
chreekatNothing looks promising in the keyboard layout panel05:45
Untitled_onlysup room?05:46
Untitled_onlythe sky i guess, how has traffic been 2day?05:47
Untitled_onlybeen busy with classes haven't had the time to logon...-_-05:48
Aukkevinyoung: DO you want to use "SSH"?05:48
Chipzzz*shrugs* I've been logged in a while but just started paying attention so don't really know05:49
ChipzzzAuk: i think he's got it05:49
Untitled_onlywell were here to help.05:49
frank__hi, cant find my partition dev\sda3 through the home menu in 11.1....any suggestions?05:58
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frank__if anyone could help it would be appreciated....been tearing hair out for a few hours now06:00
robbbiefrank__: huh? what are you trying to do06:00
ActionParsnipfrank__: try:  sudo blkid; sudo fdisk -l; mount      may show you what is going on06:00
Chipzzzfrank__: its /dev/sda306:01
Chipzzz(forward slashes in linux)06:01
frank__i've just installed and have created a 33gb partition for the basics and a 177gb partition for my music/video files. the partition shows up in gparted and disk editor as /sda3 but i can't find it to copy my files to...? sorry if that's too vague, just installed a few hrs ago!thx06:02
ActionParsnipChipzzz: its just 'slash' the other way is a switch06:02
wajeembahello, I'm wondering what the difference between ubuntu-server and regular ubuntu is. Does it have a smaller memory footprint? I'm planning on hosting a minecraft server, so feel free to throw other builds out as options too.06:03
ChipzzzActionParsnip: "escape", actually, but I notice he used dev\sda3 instead of /dev/sda3, so I thought he might be a recent Windows convert06:04
dr_willis!mount | frank__06:04
ubottufrank__: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount06:04
frank__is already mounted but i cant find it through home or filesystem....?06:05
frank__well gparted saya its mounted06:05
dr_willisfrank__:  whats its mountpoint06:05
Chipzzzfrank__: gparted should tell you here it's mounted06:05
venkatmangudifrank__: mounting is like putting a CD into the drive.... it makes it usable for you06:06
dr_willisits not /usr   im betting...06:06
venkatmangudiso when a drive is added, you have to mount it06:06
dr_williswhere does mount say uts mounted to...06:06
dr_willis /media/somthing  is commonly used06:07
venkatmangudifrank__: what is the output of the command df -k06:07
frank__is /usr, can send u a disk utility screenshot if ya like :)06:07
nomikeIs it possible to somehow have Ubuntu 11.10 without Unity but with the old Gnome2 desktop?06:07
frank__Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on06:08
frank__/dev/sda1             33737488  22005352  10018320  69% /06:08
frank__udev                    953720         4    953716   1% /dev06:08
frank__tmpfs                   384292       872    383420   1% /run06:08
frank__none                      5120         0      5120   0% /run/lock06:08
FloodBot1frank__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:08
frank__none                    960728       128    960600   1% /run/shm06:08
dr_willisyou do not mount data partions to the system dir  /usr/06:08
KimbleHi. I'm still having an issue trying to mount USB drives with r/w access to all users. I'm using FSTAB.  Whenever I add "gid=xx" (where xx has been either 500 or 1000), I get a fatal error and the device won't mount. Suggestions?06:08
ActionParsnipChipzzz: \ is also called a 'slosh' according to wikipedia. interesting stuff06:08
dr_willisa t least nit on purpose...06:08
venkatmangudigparted should also tell you if /sda3 is mounted06:08
frank__gparted says /sda is mounted to usr06:09
ActionParsnipfrank__: sure it doesn't have a number on the end?06:09
ChipzzzActionParsnip: that's interesting... I was unaware... it is interesting stuff, though06:09
frank__no number...can copy and paste again if u like :)06:10
Chipzzzfrank__: I gather you're running from a live disk?06:11
Chipzzz(live CD)06:11
frank__nope, it's installed, just ubuntu (it isn't a dual boot, he's got the whole hd to himself)06:12
acidfrostI just found out why ircii-pana isn't in the repos anymore so much for Ubuntu's free choice policies, removed it because of a security vulnerability.06:13
nomikeAnd I don't want this "classic" mode which is Gnome 3 but tries to fake the old desktop.06:13
acidfrostnomike, yeah your not the only one who likes gnome 2 over 306:13
charliehorse55toxomon: reinstalled grub, works now :D still no idea what broke it06:13
pnormanHmm. According to what I've read, my sata card is supported with the mvsas kernel module driver. How would I check if this is enabled, and if needed, how would I enable it?06:13
acidfrostanyhow if i want to shoot myself in the foot let me i  will always prefer ircii-pana over any other alternatives06:14
ActionParsnipacidfrost: it hasn't been updated since 2003 from what I'm finding. It's a dead project06:14
KimbleCan anyone suggest the option needed to make FSTAB mount a USB drive as read/write for all users?06:15
acidfrostActionParsnip, still no reason to remove it from the repos06:15
ActionParsnipacidfrost: they do, its not maintained any more, its dead06:15
frank__if i'm not being clear feel free to ask more...06:15
dr_willisKimble: what filesystem06:15
guest-kStKKVhelp please06:15
nomikeacidfrost: Well it's not me (I like unity on my small screen netbook as it conserves space) but i'm sysadmin of 3 workstation and our users are complaining about the lost gnome 2 desktop...06:16
dr_willisKimble: you dont overide the fs permissions . yiu use chiwn or chmod in your case06:16
ActionParsnipacidfrost: the bugs found can not be fixed and as old libs are unused, the app simply will not work. Your tout of "being removed due to vulnerabilities" is not true06:16
Kimbledr_willis: i'm afraid i'm not sure what that means. Sorry :)06:17
acidfrostActionParsnip, oh really now ? hmm kinda funny how it still works just fine on if obtained from the arch repos06:17
dr_willis!permissions | Kimble06:17
ubottuKimble: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions06:17
guest-kStKKVi change my password from terminal shift + 123456 and it shows update succesfully but when i start ubuntu and put the password it shows incorrect, help please06:17
chromaticwthow do I disable lightdm?06:17
ActionParsnipacidfrost: arch isn't supoprted here, neither is mixing debs from other distributions06:18
Kimbledr_willis: no, i know what permissions are and how to modify them. I'm just not sure what you're advising me to do.06:18
dr_willisKimble:  use chmod and chown. or groups as needed06:18
ActionParsnipacidfrost: if you like it so much, you could start maintaining it :)06:18
acidfrostActionParsnip, what i'm stating is that you said it doesn't work anymore which isn't true and i never said i got used the package from arch to use it i was merely pointing out that it was still usuable06:19
dr_willisKimble:  yiu dont just overide permissions with a mount option06:19
ActionParsnipchromaticwt: you can add the boot option:  text    and you will boot to text mode only, you staill have the option to startx and so forth06:19
acidfrost*insert /06:19
ActionParsnipacidfrost: it eventually won't, the libs will change and you will need to do a lot of work to get it working06:19
Chipzzzfrank__: dunno, I don't see a 177 Gb partition or a 33 Gb one06:20
ActionParsnipacidfrost: its not maintained upstream by the devs, so it is removed, same with gnome desktop moving to gnome3, gnome2 is no longer developed by the gnome team so Ubuntu has moved too06:20
frank__so how would i normally view this partition starting from the home folder??06:20
Kimbledr_willis: ah, you mean i just manually change the permissions on the root of the mounted device. gotcha. Thanks.06:20
acidfrostActionParsnip, yeah another reason i'll never ever upgrade past 10.10 again06:20
guest-kStKKVActionParsnip,  when i login with my username and password it says incorrect password, help please06:21
dr_willisfrank__:  /path/to/whever06:21
StepNjump_well this is weird... gksudo gedit filename no longer works! gedit aloone works, gksudo alone works but not both together! The only change was made to my system is that I changed my hostname a few hours ago... mmmmm06:21
Protheus#join ubuntu-br06:21
acidfrostStepNjump_, it should work normally06:21
Chipzzzfrank__: you'd have to mount it first but you'd have to know the mount point (/dev/sdx, where x=a-z)06:21
acidfrostif you need root priveleges just sudo gedit06:21
dr_willis!hostname | StepNjump_06:21
ubottuStepNjump_: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.06:21
ActionParsnipacidfrost: maverick will eventually be EOL, so no updates. Why not use XFCE with your normal Gnome apps and you can use the latest release :)06:22
Chipzzzfrank__: sorry... you'd have to know the device06:22
acidfrostActionParsnip, because XFCE  can't replace gnome 206:22
acidfrostActionParsnip, i don't really care about updates06:22
ActionParsnipguest-kStKKV: hold SHIFT at boot, select recovery mode, select root then run:  passwd   foo (change foo for your username) set your pasword then run: reboot06:22
pnormanDon't do sudo gedit, it can screw up a fair aount06:22
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)06:23
StepNjump_Yep, my guess was probably the right one... here is what I get now _dr_willis sudo gedit irc.conf06:23
StepNjump_sudo: unable to resolve host CENNAT-206:23
ActionParsnipacidfrost: you will if a huge security hole gets found in a version of one of the apps / packages you use06:23
acidfrostpnorman, what was that ?06:23
ActionParsnipacidfrost: it will work, you'll just have no updates. XFCE looks and smells like Gnome206:23
Kimbledr_willis: thanks for the assist. all sorted now. Night all :)06:23
guest-kStKKVActionParsnip,  thanx06:24
acidfrostActionParsnip, hah i don't care about security holes either ill just reinstall everytime someone roots my box simple enough fix06:24
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dr_willisone of the lamest things ive heard lately....06:25
dr_willisback to support....06:25
ActionParsnipacidfrost: your call dude, you also on't be supported in this channel if you have EOL release and you'll simply be told to upgrade06:25
StepNjump_yep _dr_willis, was probably that.. I will try to reboot. hosts was not changed. thanks06:26
acidfrostActionParsnip, well here lately i've not needed any support i've rather been giving it out06:26
* acidfrost == kiten06:26
ActionParsnipacidfrost: sweet, all set then :)06:27
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Kimbledr_willis: hi. I must have misunderstood your solution. On rebooting the machine, the drives I changed ownerships on revert back to root ownership. How can I make them automatically assume ugo+rwx perms?06:28
dr_willisKimble:  you change the files permissions.06:29
Kimbledr_willis: you're going to have to be more explicit.06:29
DJango_Novicehi thr06:30
dr_willischange each files permission... chmod -R.....06:30
Kimbledr_willis: I think you're talking about manually changing the permissions once the drives are mounted, am I right?06:30
DJango_Noviceim new to ubuntu and try to delete folder and subfolders...06:30
dr_willisKimble:  yes. you cant change them when unmounted..06:31
DJango_Noviceany idea??06:31
Kimbledr_willis: I'm afraid that doesn't really meet my needs.  I want the drives to automatically assume the correct permissions on reboot.06:31
dr_willisKimble:  restate the issue to the channel. i may  me mussing your needs06:32
GG_pls help me how can install yahoo messanger in ubuntu?06:32
KimbleI have two usb flash drives attached to my server. On reboot, these drives are mounted at /media/drive1 and drive2.06:32
Kimblethey have root group and owner, and rwxrxrx permissions.  I want them to be capable of being written to by any user, not just root.06:33
=== greentux|xutneer is now known as greentux
GG_how can install yahoo messanger in ubuntu?06:34
DJango_Noviceis it really hard to delete folders and subfolders with one command in ubuntu ???06:34
dr_willis!im | GG_06:34
ubottuGG_: The Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin06:34
KimbleDJango_Novice: are you using the command line06:34
ChipzzzGG_: it might run under wine but you're better off with empathy06:34
ActionParsnipGG_: Pidgin can connect to Yahoo06:34
DJango_Novice@kimble:  yes06:35
KimbleDJango_Novice: then the command you want is rm -rf .06:36
ActionParsnipDJango_Novice: rm -r foldername06:36
DJango_Novicekimble: i tried with sudo but didn work06:36
DJango_Novicelet me try this command again06:36
ActionParsnipDJango_Novice: or   rmdir -p fodlername06:36
DJango_Noviceit worked thaks guys06:38
ChipzzzKimble: did you try to chmod /media/drive1 and /media/drive2 to 777 ?06:38
toytoyguys, any of you familiar with rockwell-csp2?06:39
StepNjump_dr_willis: yep! It was EXACTLY that indeed! thank you a million!06:39
KimbleChipzzz: I chmod'd them within the last hour to rwxrwxrwx, and changed owner/group to my current user, but on reboot all of this was discarded.06:39
=== witquicked is now known as witquicked[away]
ChipzzzKimble: if you chmod -r them, do the files & folders they contain remember the permissions?06:40
ActionParsnip!away > witquicked[away]06:41
ubottuwitquicked[away], please see my private message06:41
ActionParsnipChipzzz: if they are linux filesystems, yes06:41
witquicked[away]dude... I set away, and then set my nick.06:42
KimbleChipzzz: hang on, I'll test it for you.06:42
ActionParsnipwitquicked[away]: just away, no need for the nick change :)06:43
ChipzzzActionParsnip: so the workaround is easy enough... only root can change the root directories of the USB sticks, but everything else becomes accessible to users that way06:43
sharehow do I check if multithreading and post processing is active?06:44
witquicked[away]so all those folks that are <nick>[AFK] would get barked at if they're in here? Good to know....06:44
=== witquicked[away] is now known as witquicked
thisguyis anyone else unable to boot ubuntu server from usb?06:45
ActionParsnipwitquicked: its channel policy, not my rule06:45
ActionParsnipthisguy: did you MD5 test the ISO you transferred?06:45
ActionParsnipwitquicked: thanks :D06:45
thisguylet me check06:45
KimbleChipzzz: Is this because I'm using ext2?  This just seems inordinately difficult.  From what you're saying, I have to create a 777 folder within any automatically mounted usb drive for it to be writable by anyone but root?06:45
witquickedActionParsnip: np06:46
ChipzzzKimble: I don't know why your USB sticks are mounting that way but it certainly does seem unwieldy to have to work around it that way06:48
thisguythe hash matches, the disk boots but asks me for cd?06:48
StepNjump_Kimble: Root reads everything06:49
KimbleStepNjump_: lol, I get the impression you haven't read the whole of my issue. hehe :)06:50
StepNjump_You are right Kimble06:50
StepNjump_Just got on06:50
pnormanWhere could I look for a list of ubuntu (or debian) compatible PCIe SAS/SATA cards? I'd like something that's actually supported06:50
StepNjump_pnorman: http://www.linux-drivers.org/06:52
ActionParsnipthisguy: I've seen this before, what app did you use to put the ISO on the USB?06:52
StepNjump_hi ActionParsnip !06:52
thisguyUniversal USB Installer06:52
pnormanStepNjump_: That's a list of lists, none which seem particularly helpful for drives06:54
KimbleStepNjump_: maybe you could cast your eyes over this issue: I'm running Ub11.10 server, no GUI. I have two USB sticks attached to the server. They are formatted ext2. I want them to mount automatically with 777 perms.  Do you know how to do that?06:54
KimbleI'm using fstab.06:54
StepNjump_I messed up a little bit. I stopped Ubuntu One to synchronize the Documents dir. However, on my other computer, I have Documents also. Now that I will tell Ubuntu One to synchronize everything will it crush all the other destination or will it look for differences within all subdirs? I'm a little bit worried to restart the sync06:55
cloudgeekiptables -I INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 22 -m connlimit -- connlimit  - above 2 -j REJECT06:57
cloudgeekiptables v1.4.10: You must specify "--connlimit-above"06:57
cloudgeekTry `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.06:57
StepNjump_mmmmm I'm not a long user of ubuntu, almost green but I don't THINK.. I could be wrong.. that there is such command that will change your chmod permissions when it automounts... ActionParsnip could answer you better than me06:57
StepNjump_mmmmm I'm not a long user of ubuntu, almost green but I don't THINK.. I could be wrong.. that there is such command that will change your chmod permissions when it automounts... ActionParsnip could answer you better than me Kimble sorry06:57
KimbleStepNjump_: no probs, your opinion is appreciated nonetheless. Thanks :)06:57
KimbleActionParsnip: i don't suppose you can shed any light here?06:58
StepNjump_Kimble of course you could write a script for it... but then it's out of my ballpark06:59
KimbleStepNjump_: Hmm, I think , rather than do that, I would just choose an fs that supports setting the uid/gid and perms on mount. lol.06:59
ActionParsnipKimble: there are samples online is all I can suggest, or if you use linux file systems like Ext2 it will be simpler :)07:01
KimbleActionParsnip: lol, I _am_ using Ext2...07:01
StepNjump_Kimble: I found this http://greenfly.org/tips/usb_drive.html07:01
StepNjump_I told you he would be your guy Kimble07:01
KimbleStepNjump_: that's useful. he uses FAT, and I think I may have to too.  I think Ext2 is the issue here.07:02
StepNjump_oh! you are loosing me.. Beginner's luck I guess07:04
KimbleIn the meantime I'll use Chipzzz suggestion and create a 777 folder for people to use.  It'll do in the meantime.07:05
StepNjump_I messed up a little bit. I stopped Ubuntu One to synchronize the Documents dir. However, on my other computer, I have Documents also. Now that I will tell Ubuntu One to synchronize everything will it crush all the other destination or will it look for differences within all subdirs? I'm a little bit worried to start a new sync. Could this create a planet-X running into earth kind of effect?07:05
KimbleThanks to all of you for your advice and suggestions :) Ciao!07:06
=== robin is now known as Guest35254
Free213423Cya gues07:08
Zyclopshey dudes.. ok all our macbooks just use the FileVault encryption that encrypts the entire harddrive.. but the rest of the computers just run ubuntu.  What should we be using on them?  What are the recovery options?07:09
Zyclopshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome << is what i've been reading.. but i don't know why you wouldn't just encrypt the whole disk07:09
noisyboiImpressed with xubuntu :)07:09
ActionParsnipnoisyboi: it's sweet :)07:10
l1fetimei've got a karmic server that needs security updates but nothing upgraded beyond what it's pinned to but it's not finding the karmic repos07:11
l1fetimeany documentation on what to change the sources to?07:11
* pnorman is tempted to return this marvell-based supermicro card for a LSI-based one07:11
SycPuppyWhats a really good detailed terminal with a lot of functions?  Wanting to try to get just a terminal sitting on top of X.07:12
SycPuppyfigure that kinda setup will force me to get better with the cli.07:12
gbear14275Hey guys... not sure how to get this bug report filed.  I keep getting this error when my system backs up: http://pastebin.com/htBy7V3v07:15
amigo12.04 jumping nautilus http://ompldr.org/vYzNlbg russian locale required to reproduce07:15
ActionParsnipamigo: ask in #ubuntu+1    for precise support, until release day07:16
noisyboior try xubuntu :D07:16
noisyboiI LOVE XUBUNTU!!!!!!07:18
noisyboii have tried just about all distros and not satisfied till XUBUNT07:19
cloudgeekyeah this worked !! for number of limiting connection on ssh you can use this if fin valuable some geeks help me here07:21
cloudgeekiptables -I INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 22 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 2 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset07:21
Guest35254hi, could you please tell me how to install a original Oracle version of Java JDK ? thank you.07:22
=== Guest35254 is now known as hechu
hechuhi, could you please tell me how to install a original Oracle version of Java JDK ? thank you.07:23
hechusince the 11.10, it seems there is no Sun JDK in the software repository.07:23
SycPuppyI just install ubuntu and add openbox, lxde, xfce and what not. For some reason I've never figured out when ever I'd do kubuntu xubuntu or anything that wasn't ubuntu I'd run into problems. Can't even get debian to work. i get it installed and then I get nonstop errors and since they are built off of the same base with just different desktops (sept debian) I've always been stumped. Except this ubuntu when it's loading say it can't switch ti cr07:25
SycPuppyto crt-6*07:26
OliveGreenHi all.07:26
OliveGreenIs there away I can logout of my session from the command line?07:26
dannelkillall -9 gnome-session is one heavy-handed way07:27
coolstar-ipodOliveGreen: sudo killall Xorg07:27
l1fetimeare karmic sources available anymore....or what's the deal with that?07:28
coolstar-ipodSycPuppy: what do you do with all those DE's?07:28
pangolinl1fetime: old-releases.ubuntu.com07:29
SycPuppycoolstar-ipod:  Mostly i just tweak them a little here and there. If I'm going to be doing encoding or compiling I switch to openbox to free up more resources.07:29
coolstar-ipodSycPuppy: If I run out of hdd space from installing stuff on Linux I run into problems(like any OS would)07:31
l1fetimepangolin: those just the images or there a package repo for updating apt sources for existing installs?07:31
pangolinl1fetime: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:32
aBoundHey is it a good thing to try to upgrade the standard kernel in Ubuntu 11.10 to 3.1 instead of the current kernel?07:32
gbear14275Anyone else been seeing this with deja-dup?07:32
Edicowhere can I see what packages ubuntu 10.04 has?07:33
=== salexandru is now known as SAlexandru
Edicoor any other version07:33
speedxcore /join #ubuntu-se07:34
SycPuppycoolstar-ipod:  well my tower has  a 160 gig sata and a 80 gig IDE that I install allot of distro's to to try outfrom time to time. easy to do since my main distro puppy linux is installed onto a class 10 8 gig sdhc card.07:35
hilarie_bleh, is anyone here smarter then gpg pgp? http://paste.ubuntu.com/794615/ worked, but still W: GPG error: http://repos.openvpn.net lucid InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8E6DA8B4E158C56907:40
vikki_" ActionParsnip> vikki_: try running:  sudo rfkill unblock all" : that fixed it, thanks.07:41
subdesignoh not here07:42
=== hilarie_ is now known as hilarie
SycPuppythere a reader software thats like calibre but doesn't have to document every aspect of my ebook collection or try to save everything to triplicate? Love it for converting but it sure is resource hungry for just reading a book.07:45
ChipzzzEdico: apt-cache search07:47
ChipzzzSycPuppy: you could try to convert the file to a pdf or something that evince can read07:49
dikdikhow do I find my private ip address in ubuntu? (192.168...)07:50
robbbiedikdik: ip -4 a07:50
gardenfoxso i was wondering what would be better install ubuntu and windows on a split partition or install ubuntu as host and run windows in a virtual machine?07:50
robbbiedikdik: or ifconfig07:50
dikdikifconfig just gives me my public ip07:50
shareI want to update ALSA. Should I use https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ppa ?07:50
SycPuppythat would be a really slow way to use windows.07:50
robbbiegardenfox: i really like running windows in virtualbox, seamless mode. i don't play games or anything though.07:51
dikdikip -4 a also just shows my public ip07:51
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:51
robbbiedikdik: then you don't have a private ip07:51
dikdiki thought all networkable devices had one07:51
gardenfoxrobbbie: yeah im wanting to use windows for games07:51
robbbiedikdik: nope07:51
SycPuppyThey have a arm and intel room but no amd ~_~07:52
robbbiegardenfox: you'll need to run windows natively07:52
hechuhi, could you please tell me how to install a original Oracle version of Java JDK ? since the 11.10, it seems there is no Sun JDK in the software repository. thank you.07:53
dikdikrobbbie: can I set one?07:53
robbbiedikdik: sure, you can configure it in /etc/network/interfaces07:54
gardenfoxrobbbie: ok guess i'll do it split partition07:54
dikdikk ill look into that07:54
robbbiedikdik: the point of having an ip address is to communicate with other machines on the network, just setting some internal ip 192.168.x.x won't accomplish much for you. what are you trying to do exactly?07:55
dikdikftp to my xbox07:56
subdesignhi, i want to store the current date in an .sh file, but no success. I tried DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`07:56
subdesignwith $DATE i get empty string07:56
robbbiedikdik: how is your network setup? most home networks consist of cable/dsl modem -> router/device (which has an external ip from the modem, also assigns the internal ip's usually via dhcp) -> internal network07:57
Chipzzzrobbie: you can see your local IP with "netstat -n -tcp"07:57
dikdikrobbbie: im just using a crossover cable to connect to the xbox07:58
robbbiedikdik: ahh different story07:58
robbbiedikdik: does your machine have 2 nics?07:58
dikdikim a little embarrassed that i can't answer that question :)07:59
robbbienetwork interface cards. heh not real sure how that is going to work, its been a long time since i've played with crossover cables07:59
dikdikjust one07:59
robbbiedikdik: so it doesn't really matter what your ip address is07:59
dikdikbut i have to give my xbox dns information so it can find my laptop07:59
robbbiedikdik: if you have the crossover cable plugged into your pc, then into the xbox, you're not going to be on the internet... unless i'm missing something.07:59
dikdiki know08:00
dikdikim disconnecting from the internet for a minute to copy some files to the xbox08:00
dikdikim just trying to set everything up08:00
dikdiki did this a loooong time ago08:00
robbbiedikdik: i'd find a specific howto or something that can guide you through it. there has to be one..08:01
dikdiknot on ubuntu though08:01
subdesignany idea?08:01
dikdikthere are, mostly windows08:01
dikdikill find it08:01
dikdikthanks for your help though :)08:01
robbbiedikdik: show me a windows one and i can tell you what to do with ubuntu :P08:01
robbbiesubdesign: works for me ..08:02
dikdikk. one sec08:02
SycPuppyI feel special there, added all the extensions to gparted but forgot to install it.08:03
subdesignrobbbie, i pass to mysqldump , to a filename dbbackup-$DATE.sql and theres an empty string08:03
gbear14275anyone know where I can get some help with deja-dup?08:03
robbbiesubdesign: pastebin08:04
dikdikrobbbie: this shows the basic gist of it http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/21394308:05
robbbiedikdik: no router? :{08:07
robbbieerr :P08:07
akpkHow can I play .DAT file ??08:07
sstadepends whaqt it is.  try: file filename.dat08:08
subdesignrobbbie, http://pastie.org/313614108:08
dikdikrobbbie: no08:08
=== root is now known as Guest26437
akpkssta : ??08:09
=== jman113 is now known as j-man113
robbbiedikdik: http://pastebin.com/LB1Gv46r backup your /etc/network/interfaces somewhere, replace the eth0 portion with that, then service network-interface restart08:09
dikdiki use a router to connect to my cable modem, but that's in another part of the house where there's no television which i need to set the xbox's settings08:09
sstaakpk: .dat is a generic extension, it could be anything.  The "file" command looks at the contents of the file and tries to work out what sort of file it is08:09
dikdikill give that a shot08:09
robbbiethen try pinging the xbox, not sure what 'flashfxp' or w/e program is08:10
dikdiksome ftp client, i have another one08:10
subdesignbest on window :>08:11
sstawe really ought to get ris of extensions...put mimetypes in the filesystem instead08:11
robbbiesubdesign: are all the proper line breaks there?08:11
robbbiein the paste08:11
subdesignyou mean enters?08:11
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)08:11
robbbiesubdesign: yessir08:11
subdesignhuh good question08:11
subdesignis it matter?08:12
robbbiesubdesign: yes08:12
subdesignok revisiting my script08:12
robbbiesup nigg3r08:12
nigg3rinstalling ubuntu in virtualbox08:12
akpkssta : iam trying to play a video file.dat08:12
somsipakpk: rename it as .mpg08:13
Chipzzzakpk: right click on it and open it with movie player or vlc or something08:13
sstaakpk: any of the video players will probably do it08:13
sstaproblem is there are hundreds of video formats08:13
shareHow can I downgrade from 2.6.35-31-generic to 2.6.35-30-generic08:14
somsipakpk: is it off a VCD?08:14
akpkChipzzz,somsip,ssta : Thank you.08:14
Chipzzzssta: the players usually know from the file header what codecs to use08:14
akpkIt is playin with vlc08:14
sstaChipzzz: yeah, generally08:14
Chipzzzakpk: you're welcomd08:14
akpksomsip : actually it is a vcd08:14
sstaunless it's some difficult to play format like rm08:14
somsipakpk: used to be .mpg files years ago, but you've got it working now which is all that matters08:15
Chipzzzsomsip: you may have to mount it and play it like a CD08:15
somsipChipzzz: >> akpk08:15
subdesignrobbbie, working08:15
Chipzzzsomsip: sorry08:15
subdesignonly hit enters no modification done in code08:15
robbbiesubdesign: looked like just one i saw08:16
bkerensa!rules | nigg3r08:19
ubottunigg3r: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:19
nigg3rbkerensa: ?08:20
=== nigg3r is now known as newbie_
robbbiewould nigg4 be an acceptable nick?08:21
shareDo I need to reinstall Nvidia drivers after rolling back Kernel?08:21
Guest26437any 1 knows any open mail relay server ??????08:22
robbbieGuest26437: postfix ?08:22
newbie_why are people in here discriminating against nick use?08:22
Flannelnewbie_: Because this channel aims to be family friendly.08:22
ChipzzzI was just watching "Thurman" earlier... although I wasn't offended by the original nick, maybe "newbie_" is best...08:23
newbie_I am new to Ubuntu. I am coming from Gentoo Linux and Mac OS X.08:23
Guest26437postfix ??? i don't know that ... plz explain ...08:25
pnormanGuest26437: What do you mean by mail relay server?08:25
=== vincent is now known as Vin100
sstaGuest26437: why would you want one?  They can all be configured to be open relays08:25
bkerensaGuest26437: More info on Postfix can be found here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix08:26
stepnjumpI cannot connect to my samba share I think. I get the error: Unable to mount location - Failed to retrieve share list from server, I ran findsmb and this is what I got: http://paste.ubuntu.com/794636/08:27
pnormanGuest26437: postfix is a common mail server. but if you set it up as an open relay, expect it to be blacklisted08:27
subdesignwhy gzip makes a 47 byte file from 250k sql file?08:28
tensorpudding47 bytes?08:28
tensorpuddingthat sounds a bit...small08:29
subdesign47 bytes yes08:29
tensorpuddingway too small to be an actual gzip file08:29
somsipsubdesign: does it gunzip correctly?08:29
tensorpuddingyou can do rather amazing compression, but that's ridiculous08:29
subdesignsomsip didn't try..08:30
Chipzzztensorpudding: did you cat it to see what was in it?08:30
subdesignmay I need some swtich?08:30
somsipsubdesign: because if your question is 'how does it do that' maybe it's a buit outside the scope of the channel. If it's borked, maybe someone knows something08:30
Guest26437ok ... so how to configure postfix as open relay mail server ... may b the right question ..08:30
tensorpuddinggzip doesn't require a switch to gzip08:30
tensorpuddingerr, to compress a single file08:30
pnormansubdesign: I would guess that some wrong option was passed on the command line. What command did you use to make the file?08:31
subdesignpnorman: gzip $HOME/db_backups/database-`date +\%Y\%m\%d`.sql08:31
akpkI can't tweet from my Gwibber...08:32
tensorpuddingare you sure that that file actually exists08:32
akpkBut I can read all tweets.08:32
pnormansubdesign: does ls -l  $HOME/db_backups/database-`date +\%Y\%m\%d`.sql indicate that the file exists?08:32
subdesignpnorman, it exists08:34
subdesignpnorman: mysqldump generates before the gzip line08:35
=== newbie_ is now known as c-unt
subdesignbetter using  tar ?08:36
prince_jammys!ops | c-unt , troll.08:36
ubottuc-unt , troll.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!08:36
Chipzzzsubdesign: did you open the gz file to see what was in it?08:36
c-untprince_jammys: Problem?08:36
c-untprince_jammys: Please go to hell you twat.08:37
subdesignChipzzz, 0 byte file .. :/08:37
Chipzzzsubdesign: obviously something wrong with the path08:38
sstasubdesign: I'd try each line in the script one at a time and see if any of them fail08:38
tensorpudding!language | c-unt08:38
ubottuc-unt: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:38
=== c-unt is now known as linuxguy
prince_jammyss/he's doing this in multiple channels.08:39
pnormanAs well as messages08:39
=== linuxguy is now known as londonwanker
sstasilly boy08:41
Chipzzzsubdesign: maybe something like this would work better: gzip "$HOME/db_backups/database-date %Y %m %d.sql"08:42
anonymous229hello , maybe someone know good vpn or some way to hide ip (not only in the browser) ubuntu 11.0408:42
somsipsubdesign: or even piping mysqldump through gzip...08:42
londonwankerany niggers?08:42
Humbedooh!language | londonwanker08:44
ubottulondonwanker: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:44
subdesignsomsip: yes now i try with tar if not success then piping08:44
pnormansubdesign: If you don't need to keep the uncompressed .sql around, I'd go right for piping.08:45
subdesignhehe now 147 byte with tar08:45
pnormansubdesign: my guess is something is off with the escaping somewhere08:46
duuuuuuI search the canal french for the language programation html ? what typing for connect this canal ?08:46
prince_jammysduuuuuu: ask at #html. '' /join #html ''08:46
duuuuuuok thank you08:47
=== leinad is now known as Guest65763
vartangood morning08:47
vartancan i bother some one with a question, i cant see to use "service networking restart"08:49
Humbedoohdoes it keep saying stop/waiting?08:49
Humbedoohand did you just do an upgrade? :>08:49
vartannope, fresh install ubuntu server 11.1008:50
stepnjumpIm trying to install a php application on my desktop. What do I need to know in order to run it?08:50
londonwankerPsi-Jack: Please stop PM'ing me without permission.08:50
Humbedoohmkay well check dmesg or some such to see if there's an error in networking config08:50
Psi-Jacklondonwanker: Excuse me?08:50
prince_jammys/ignore him until the ops wake up; I pinged them.08:51
londonwankerprince_jammys: Please kill yourself.08:51
Psi-JackAhh, I see. He's that troll that goes around freenode.08:51
icerootstepnjump: install an php application? can you provide more infos what application?08:51
londonwankerPsi-Jack: "Goes around freenode", huh?08:51
londonwankerActually, I'm afraid ... you're mistaken.08:52
Chipzzzplease type "/join #channeling-the-voices-in-my-head"08:53
stepnjumpiceroot, im sstill looking for one. You see Im trying to install a trouble ticket (helpdesk) app but all of those that I find are php based ready for production for people working from home. I could use a very simple program that runs in konsole but I cant find that anywhere...08:53
Justinusage of pm is merely a option publicly available, londonwanker: if you have a problem I'd suggest disabling pm's on your client08:53
icerootstepnjump: you need a webserver and php508:54
icerootstepnjump: to run php locally on your machine08:54
icerootstepnjump: or just a webbrowser to access the php-application on another machine08:54
prince_jammysexcept in the rare case that it's a console app in php.08:54
icerootstepnjump: is it a php-application for the shell?08:55
icerootstepnjump: then you just need php5-cli08:55
iceroot!info php5-cli08:55
Guest26437plz tell me ... how to configure postfix as open relay mail server08:55
ubottuphp5-cli (source: php5): command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.3 (oneiric), package size 3012 kB, installed size 8064 kB08:55
stepnjumpiceroot: seems complex to run a server here at home08:55
icerootGuest26437: dont!! configure postfix like that08:55
icerootGuest26437: #postfix08:56
Guest26437why ?08:56
icerootGuest26437: because everyone is able to send spam over that machine08:56
pnormanOther mail servers will block it, and it will be used for spam.08:56
stepnjumpthanks iceroot... I appreciate that.08:56
k6bGuest26437: what's your server's hostname again?08:56
icerootstepnjump: i dont know your application, if it is cli only you can use php5-cli else you need a webserver and php508:56
stepnjumpI think I will have to learn to program in pearl myself because I would rather use my apps under konsole than in X08:57
icerootk6b: great question so we can set that adress on the blocklist of our servers08:57
Guest26437k6b i don't have yet08:57
icerootstepnjump: perl?08:57
k6biceroot: exactly....08:57
k6bsrsly, Guest26437, don't do that bad idea08:57
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icerootGuest26437: just dont do that08:57
stepnjumpWell, you know... I like konsole applications.. for instance, Im running weechat here right now and I like it better than X applications. Easier on the eyes and quicker08:58
stepnjumpiceroot yes or C++.. Used to program a little08:58
Guest26437can u give me the reference , how it works ..?08:58
stepnjumpiceroot: Ill just end up writing my own apps08:58
icerootGuest26437: #postfix08:58
stepnjumpAm I one of the rare ones that still enjoys the command line?08:59
icerootstepnjump: start with python08:59
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:59
pnormanstepnjump: I use irssi08:59
stepnjumpiceroot: oh yes? Ok... Whyis that08:59
icerootstepnjump: and if you can NEVER use perl, also see ##programming, # python, ##c++08:59
stepnjumpiceroot: NEVER use perl?08:59
k6bstepnjump: I work in the command line everyday, 90% of my job08:59
stepnjumpthanks for the channels iceroot09:00
stepnjumpk6b I like it better. Even the applications running without an X is best!09:00
stepnjumpless distractions09:00
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Chipzzziceroot: what's wrong with perl?09:00
stepnjumpiceroot: are you suggesting I dont learn Perl?09:00
stepnjumpWhy is Python better iceroot09:01
* prince_jammys giggles.09:01
icerootChipzzz: the syntax09:01
Humbedoohnitpicking, pfft09:01
Humbedoohspaghetti programming ftw!09:01
prince_jammysand ... whatever you do, NEVER write it with emacs ;)09:01
k6bvim ftw09:01
icerootstepnjump: i would say that the common language on GNU/Linux is bash,python and c09:01
k6bHAHA nano, silly silly09:01
Chipzzzyou don't have to look very far to find a whole lot of very effective perl code09:02
icerootstepnjump: perl of course too but its to hard (to read)09:02
icerootChipzzz: yes of course09:02
HumbedoohI find Perl easier to read than Python :>09:02
HumbedoohI guess it's a matter of taste09:02
icerootHumbedooh: orthe amount of beer09:02
ChipzzzI'm much more comfortable in Python, but I also have great respect for perl09:03
* Humbedooh is one of those oddballs that use Lua instead..09:03
prince_jammysmeet 'em half way: write it in ruby.09:03
vartanHumbedooh: now my networking is up but the service still reports "stop/waiting"09:03
prince_jammys(with vim, on gnome)09:03
Humbedoohvartan, but can you connect to stuff?09:03
vartanyeah i get i a ping09:04
Humbedoohwell then...leave it be? :>09:04
vartani was just wondering why was it telling me that "service networking stop" -> "stop: unknown instance"09:05
HumbedoohI find that using /etc/init.d/networking is sometimes more productive09:05
stepnjumpiceroot ok and Python is farter to understand?09:05
Chipzzzvartan: are you sudoing those commands?09:05
_HoochMan_anyone have experience with the plymouth boot screen manager?09:05
icerootstepnjump: we should move that to ##programming09:05
stepnjumpok iceroot09:06
icerootstepnjump: but imo python is much easier to understand then perl09:06
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vartanChipzzz: yep09:06
Chipzzzvartan: "unknown instance" of what, I wonder...09:06
stepnjumpok thanks for the hint iceroot09:06
vartanChipzzz: thats the message "stop: unknown instance"09:07
_HoochMan_How do you get the latest ubuntu splash screen changed?09:08
Chipzzzvartan: yes, but I wonder what it isn't finding an instance of... you said the networking was running, didn't you?09:08
vartanChipzzz: yeah09:09
vartanChipzzz: it seems as if it tries to say that "stop" is not a valid parameter of "service networking stop"09:09
vartanChipzzz: same thing is i do "stop networking"09:10
abckidi hv download broadcom tg3 driver and run: make ; make install; success. what's next cmd to turn on wired internet09:10
iceroot!broadcom | abckid09:10
ubottuabckid: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:10
Chipzzzvartan: there's no error message from "stop networking"?09:10
vartanChipzzz: i ment that the error message was the same "stop: unknown instance"09:11
abckidi m on kindle pls type me the cmd09:11
Chipzzzvartan: sorry, I misunderstood. Same with "/etc/init.d/networking stop", I assume?09:12
_HoochMan_No one knows how to change ubuntu's boot screen I guess?09:12
prince_jammysvartan: what ubuntu release?09:12
vartanChipzzz: that where the punchline comes in, "etc/init.d/networking stop" works OK09:13
Humbedoohas I said :p09:13
Humbedooh"I find that using /etc/init.d/networking is sometimes more productive"09:13
Chipzzzvartan: lol09:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 440179 in sysvinit (Ubuntu) "service fails to start/stop/restart networking daemon" [Medium,Fix released]09:13
Chipzzzthanks, prince :)09:14
szalprince_jammys: that's an old bug that shouldn't apply any more as *buntu has been using upstart for years09:14
mecoWhat's the app where I can change the audio balance?09:15
vartanHumbedooh: i know, and i cant agree with you more, it would be nice if it didnt keep telling to use the upstart script (that does not work btw)09:15
_HoochMan_Nothing like talking to ones self.... hmmm wondering if my text is making it to the room09:16
mang0_HoochMan_: Yup :P09:17
_HoochMan_oh thanks09:17
Chipzzz_HoochMan_: My guess is nobody knows09:17
_HoochMan_ok thanks....09:17
_HoochMan_I'll keep digging the online docs then...09:18
peng_How to disable brightness control in unity? I'm using ubuntu 11.10 with Thinkpad T52009:18
afidegnumhello good mornig all, we just changed a new DSL router and I can't use filezilla to connect to the remote server, what should I do? I am currently using the latest version of ubuntut09:20
vartanChipzzz, Humbedooh: i just tired this in 10.04 i have here and its the same, the "service networking" and the upstart script dont respond to stop...09:21
szalafidegnum: check firewall settings in the router09:21
szalafidegnum: and/or port forwarding09:21
afidegnumI have disabled the firewall09:21
Chipzzzvartan: and again, the /etc/init.d... does?09:22
vartanChipzzz: yep09:22
vartanszal: is the remote server on your network or "Really remote? :)09:23
afidegnumwhat else should I do? the port forwarding menu does not exist but i think its rather the filter menu09:23
Chipzzzvartan: lol...09:23
StarminnAny ideas as to why this: http://imagebin.org/192072 would happen to some dialog screens?09:23
subdesignpnorman: with piping I can zip sql and send by email, but the zip content 'll be a 0 byte file..09:24
subdesignpnorman: 100% this dynamic date string causes the problem09:24
vartanafidegnum: can you ping the ftp server IP?09:24
ChipzzzStarminn: do you have any network drives that may not be ready?09:25
szalvartan: ?09:25
vartansorry it was ment at afidegnum o_O09:25
afidegnumvartan: the ftp server domain is working09:25
vartanafidegnum; i will take it as you get a replay, yes?09:25
_HoochMan_afidegnum: try checking DHCP in the router, is your new router communicating on the internet, are the networked computers able to see the router?09:26
afidegnumyes, I had a reply09:26
afidegnumyes, it's a network of more than 15 computers, the are all browsing successfully, the router comes with an inbuilt wireless which is also working09:27
vartanafidegnum: normally the easiest way to diagnose this is to set the computer you are connecting "from" as the DMZ, that should remove any port restrictions (normally) and then try09:27
afidegnumeuh, pls explain that09:27
vartanafidegnum: on almost all routers you can define one or more computer as DMZ, basically exposed, aka no firewall rules will be "allow all" inbound and outbound traffic09:28
StarminnChipzzz, Umm... What do you mean?09:29
DoctorDis there a way i can connect to my wireless router trough terminal ? to have the possibility to change file name or create new ones? something like creating a new .html / .php file, or copy/paste one from my localhost09:29
vartan*me reads his own words and sees he is not making much sense this morning09:29
ChipzzzStarminn: The dialog you show is looking for files and if a drive is not ready or unavailable it may prevent the entire directory structure from displaying09:31
DoctorDafidegnum: DMZ stands for Demilitarized Zone. DMZ allows computers behind the router firewall to be accessible to Internet traffic. Typically, your DMZ would contain Web servers, FTP servers and others.09:31
StarminnChipzzz, The same color scheme is present in gedit. It's not the emptiness I'm so worried about (although all I'm doing is saving a file, and it's only like that with that one program (Simple Scan).09:31
afidegnumHEEEEY, Militaries are coming here too lol09:31
DoctorDafidegnum: The DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) option lets you set a single computer on your network outside of the router. If you have a computer that cannot run Internet applications successfully from behind the router, then you can place the computer into the DMZ for unrestricted Internet access.09:32
afidegnumhere is the interface of my modem, http://imagebin.org/19207309:32
WallyModems!! 56k D:09:32
vartanDoctorD: http://blog.tplus1.com/index.php/2008/06/13/how-to-connect-to-a-wireless-network-from-the-ubuntu-command-line/09:32
vartanDoctorD:should point you in the right direction09:32
DoctorDafidegnum: what do you want to do ? cause i was not here since you started to ask questions09:33
no-name-anybody have any experience with the HD 6310 and ubuntu?09:33
DoctorD@vartan - thanks !09:33
g06|inis there a way to run déjà dup in a terminal without X?09:33
* Wally throws a fish at DoctorD09:33
afidegnumwell, this is a new added modem, and I can't have any application connected except the web browser connecing to the internet09:33
afidegnumFilezilla is not working09:33
Wallyuhh wrong channel09:33
DoctorD@afidegnum: hm...09:34
DoctorD@afidegnum: you can use DMZ to see if it's because of the router you cannot access the internet09:34
afidegnumDoctorD: the router can access the internet, only additional applications are not working09:35
afidegnumas I just discovered, utorent, and filezilla09:35
afidegnumI am nore interresteed in filezilla09:35
DoctorD@afidegnum: Ok..you must make port forwarding09:35
afidegnumok, how do I do that?09:36
DoctorD@afidegnum: you must have an option there somewhere where you put your PC's IP and PORT (fillezilla stands for 21, so your IP is, let's say, and your port 21)09:36
DoctorDi think in port mapping, can you give me a screenshot of it ?09:37
almoxarifei am getting black screen on virt-box (xp) of the current xbmc.exe, , common?09:37
* Cinober is now auto-away after 15m idle09:38
DoctorD@afidegnum: a screenshot of the port mapping page it will be nice..as i don't know what's there because i didn't have this kind of router before09:38
afidegnumok, I am starting with filter, http://imagebin.org/19207509:38
DoctorD@afidegnum - uhm..isn't what i was expecting...09:39
DoctorDat DIrection, what options do you have ?09:39
afidegnuman interface of port mapping http://imagebin.org/19207709:39
DoctorD@afidegnum: don't you have a link called virtual server or port forwarding ?09:41
afidegnumthis is a completely differnt server09:41
afidegnumeuh different interfeace09:42
DoctorDhm..let me think about a little bit, ok ?09:42
DoctorDgo to basic - > NAT09:42
Chipzzzafidegnum: set it for enet0 port 21 at source address and active09:42
afidegnumChipzzz: where is htat ?09:43
DoctorDi want a screenshot from there if you can. @ of course, maybe Chipzzz can help09:43
Chipzzzafidegnum: on the filter screen you put up on imagebin09:43
afidegnumhold this is the NAT interface09:44
DoctorDso you must go to Basic - NAT -> and there you'll have , i think, DMZ and Virtual Server09:44
DoctorDhope em i right09:44
Shakyjany workaround for this bug yet? http://ati.cchtml.com/show_bug.cgi?id=346 on ubuntu09:45
ubottuati.cchtml.com bug 346 in Catalyst Control Center "amdcccle crashes on amd64" [Major,New]09:45
stepnjumpMichael, iceroot... could you please kindly let me know what I shoud do next? I tar -xzvf the tar.gz file into it's dir and then I ran the python command.. Am I supposed to make install now? http://roundup.sourceforge.net/ Thanks!09:45
DoctorDafidegnum: so..?09:46
afidegnumyes, checking it up09:46
DoctorDalright, waiting ;)09:46
ibodii have manually installed broadcom tg3 drivers and make install successfully. however i donot know how to configure the network, can you tell me the cmd . seems 1-2 lines only. i forgot. some guy showed me yesterday.09:46
icerootstepnjump: i am out, dont have a real system here to have a look at that, sorry09:48
obakfahadCan i use ubuntu from usb drive and save session?09:49
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icerootobakfahad: yes09:49
iceroot!usb | obakfahad09:49
ubottuobakfahad: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:49
kanupatarhi all09:50
stepnjumpiceroot, yes i just noticed it still uses web capabilities! grrrrrr09:50
kanupatarhow can I find my dostro version if I dont have the /etc/isssue file ?09:50
kanupatari mean from shell09:50
Pinociao a tutti09:50
llutzkanupatar: lsb_release -sc09:50
obakfahadthanks all ...i will check.09:51
kanupatarllutz: thanks, but how can I get the dtro ? like ubuntu/redhat/suse09:51
llutzkanupatar: lsb_release -a09:52
icerootkanupatar: /etc/issue not /etc/isssue09:52
kanupatariceroot: yes, i mispelled it09:52
kanupatariceroot: sorry09:52
llutzkanupatar: if you don't have /etc/issue, it's at least nothing debian-related :)09:52
kanupatarllutz: no lsb_release command found09:52
llutzkanupatar: uname -a09:52
icerootkanupatar: hm i only now unix-systems which dont have /etc/issue  is uname -a showing linux?09:53
stepnjumpguys, I'm trying to run this sofware here. I think it's web based but I am not quite sure. I did perform the steps shown on website: http://roundup.sourceforge.net/09:53
kanupatariceroot: yes, kernel 2.6.1809:53
llutzkanupatar: uname -a   whats the FULL output?09:53
kanupatarllutz: wait09:53
bazhang!info roundup | stepnjump09:53
ubottustepnjump: roundup (source: roundup): an issue-tracking system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.18-1 (oneiric), package size 1549 kB, installed size 6084 kB09:53
bazhangstepnjump, install from repos09:54
kanupatariceroot: llutz : my ultimate aim is to take screen shot of my shell09:54
balhow to remove  corupted package09:55
llutzkanupatar: copy paste > pastebin09:55
stepnjumpoh really! bazhang ... all this !!! oh boy!09:55
stepnjumpthanks a lot09:55
llutz!paste | kanupatar09:55
kanupatariceroot: llutz so no scrot or format command avilable09:55
ubottukanupatar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:55
balE: The package libcupscgi1 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.09:55
stepnjumpanother question.. earlier I had to do sudo -i but now I cannot drop the elevated priviledges. I tried sudo -k ..09:55
stepnjumpstill up there09:55
kanupatarllutz: iceroot : Linux (none) 2.6.18-7.8 #4 SMP Mon Dec 19 18:01:03 SAST 2011 7335b0-smp unknown09:55
balhow to remove or reinstall this ?09:55
nightshade209stepnjump try exit09:56
oCeanstepnjump: sudo -i started an interactive root shell, just type exit (or ctrl-d) to quit that09:56
llutzkanupatar: well, says nothing to me, sry09:56
almoxarifebal: what are you using to install and remove?09:56
kanupatarllutz: how can I take screenshot of my shell :(09:56
bal<almoxarife> update manager09:57
kanupatarllutz: iceroot : no scrot command09:57
kanupatarllutz: so planned to install that, so stuck in distro  namne09:57
stepnjumpoh yes that is true.. I remember now thanks oCean09:58
bali tryed sudo apt-get install -f too09:58
ibodianyone help me with broadcom tg3 driver on 10.10 please stuck in the middle.09:58
stepnjumpthanks for your help too bazhang09:58
StarminnThis keeps happening: http://imagebin.org/192082 suggestions? (Ubuntu 11.10 w/ Unity, logout didn't fix it)09:58
JonRobhey, if i'm dualbooting with windows, what's the best way to share files across the partitions?09:58
JonRobif i copy, things will get out of sync, but if i use a symlink, the partition isn't automounted and banshee etc. won't be able to read the files09:59
almoxarifebal: but its installed already right?09:59
JonRobunless i mount09:59
Ben64JonRob: use a partition for storage both OSs can read/write09:59
nightshade209JonRob: automount the partition at boot09:59
b0nec0llect0ris there an alternative for mplayer-plugin or mozilla-mplayer on amd64?09:59
JonRobBen64: but, is there anyway to make it automount without editing /etc/fstab09:59
Ben64editing fstab isn't very difficult10:00
balthen what is the erro . in my tool bar there is a red -  icone is there10:00
almoxarifeb0nec0llect0r: vlc plugin10:00
JonRobBen64, maybe not, but it's not quite what i want to do in this situation.10:00
baltelling some dependcy error10:00
b0nec0llect0ralmoxarife: I vhave it installed but it doesn seem to work though..10:01
almoxarifeb0nec0llect0r: what browser?10:01
kanupatariceroot: llutz any more inputs sorry10:01
b0nec0llect0ralmoxarife: firefox10:01
JonRobthanks for the tips, anyway10:01
bali need to install synaptic  ?10:02
StarminnThis keeps happening: http://imagebin.org/192082 Ubuntu 11.10 w/ Unity, logout didn't fix it) -- Any suggestions?10:02
Ben64fstab is how to make things automount10:02
almoxarifeb0nec0llect0r: if firefox is like chromium you have to disable the mplayer/totem to get vlc to work in the plugins10:02
nightshade209Starminn: did you modify the theme?10:02
Ben64Starminn: what am i looking at?10:02
almoxarifeb0nec0llect0r: disable the plugins, not the apps10:02
StarminnBen64, Nautilus "Home" folder10:02
Starminnnightshade209, Nope, just started doing it.10:03
Ben64Starminn: yes... but whats wrong about it10:03
StarminnBen64, The colors are all wrong. I'm using the stock Ambiance theme.10:03
b0nec0llect0ralmoxarife: tnx, at least something new to try :-)10:03
nightshade209Starminn: try switching the theme back to the default ambiance10:03
balthis is what i tryed "sudo apt-get install synaptic Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: The package libcupscgi1 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.10:03
nightshade209Starminn: oh ok10:03
Starminnnightshade209, It *is* the default ambiance, though.10:03
kanupatarhow can I find my linux distro as I dont have lsb_release or etc/issue file in my distro..this is my kernel Linux (none) 2.6.18-7.8 #4 SMP Mon Dec 19 18:01:03 SAST 2011 7335b0-smp unknown10:03
Starminnnightshade209, *nods*10:03
Ben64Starminn: switch back to it anyway?10:03
almoxarifebal: can you type this in terminal           sudo apt-get install pastebinit10:03
nightshade209 kanupatar: what happened to uname -a?10:04
oCeankanupatar: it's definitely not ubuntu, so unfortunately we cannot help you, maybe try the ##linux channel10:04
balsudo apt-get install pastebinit [sudo] password for web:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: The package libcupscgi1 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.10:05
almoxarifeLinux (none) ? the none'nia distro10:05
StarminnBen64, nightshade209, http://imagebin.org/19208410:05
Ben64Starminn: have you tried switching it to something else, then back to ambiance?10:06
nightshade209Starminn: what are other themes looking like?10:06
almoxarifebal: did you do as i asked?10:06
nightshade209try radiance or something?10:06
bal<almoxarife> it is the errro it shows "sudo apt-get install pastebinit [sudo] password for web:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: The package libcupscgi1 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.10:06
bal <almoxarife>the result is i posted here10:07
bal<almoxarife>sudo apt-get install pastebinit [sudo] password for web:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: The package libcupscgi1 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.10:07
almoxarifebal: thats enough10:07
Starminnnightshade209, Ben64, Radiance: http://imagebin.org/19208610:07
=== Yarph-ar-ti is now known as beerbro
kanupatarnightshade209: oCean iceroot llutz : i have the verson file and i got my distro details : this is my linux Broadcom/97335b0-smp_be-nor-nand Version 1.3.4 --  Mon Dec 19 18:00:54 SAST 201110:08
bal<almoxarife>then what i have do for installing synapitc? or where i can get synapitc pakege manger in ubuntu 11.410:08
balsorry 11.1010:09
Ben64Starminn: try installing gnome-tweak-tool and playing with the theming in there10:09
bali did't see it in system settings?10:09
almoxarifebal: 11.10? #ubuntu+110:09
Ben64almoxarife: 11.10 is here10:09
Ben6412.04 is #ubuntu+110:09
bazhangalmoxarife, sure it is10:09
StarminnBen64, Umm.... That's what half the screenshot was of..10:09
almoxarifebal: sudo apt-get install synaptic10:09
Ben64Starminn: so it is...10:10
balsorry 10.1010:10
kanupatars1gny: I have to get the screen shot of my shell10:10
almoxarifebal: sudo apt-get install synaptic10:10
=== jblb_ is now known as jblb_lab
bal<almoxarife> same error "web@web-admin:~$ sudo apt-get install synaptic Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: The package libcupscgi1 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."10:11
bal"E: The package libcupscgi1 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."10:12
almoxarifeis apt-get 'purge' a combo of remove and purge confs or do both need to be keyed?10:12
almoxarifebal: type gksu synaptic10:13
nightshade209bal: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libcupscgi110:13
nightshade209try installing manually?10:13
nightshade209bal: u havent unchecked anything under Software Sources, have you?10:14
almoxarifenightshade209: the package exists in repos according to this http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libcupscgi110:15
balis this for me?  "<almoxarife> is apt-get 'purge' a combo of remove and purge confs or do both need to be keyed?"10:15
almoxarifebal: no10:16
nightshade209almoxarife: yes, but since his system can't seem to find it10:16
balupdate manager tells an erro"Software index is broken It is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first."10:16
StarminnBen64, nightshade209, I ran software updates and it fixed it. What broke it was an update from 2 hours ago10:17
nightshade209bal: try sudo dpkg -a --configure10:17
almoxarifebal: copy paste this to terminal          sudo apt-get update | pastebinit10:17
Knorreis it normal for apt-get distr-upgrade to take long?10:17
nightshade209Starminn: oh ok, glad to know10:17
nightshade209Knorre: yes, very long10:17
Knorrei see10:17
Knorreany estimate on how long exactly?10:18
nightshade209Knorre: depends on your net speed and what you are upgrading to10:18
Knorrewell all packages downloaded pretty fast, it's the installation process that takes long10:18
nightshade209Knorre: but i would take a nice long lunch break or something10:18
almoxarifebal: share the link10:18
nightshade209Knorre: then about 30 min10:18
nightshade209Knorre: or max 4510:18
Knorreoh i guess i'll just clean some stuff up here :)10:19
nightshade209Knorre:  :)10:19
Knorreis there any way to get mIRC on ubuntu?10:20
almoxarifebal: the link?10:20
almoxarifeKnorre: yea, if wine runs it10:20
Knorrei'll look into that10:21
Knorrei'm an avid user of its script interface and xchat and konversation don't have that, from what i've seen10:21
afidegnumhllo, how do I find the default gateway on my PC?10:22
afidegnumusing ubuntu ...10:22
oCeanafidegnum: in terminal, type  ip route10:23
afidegnumand what does metric stands for10:23
=== pAt_ is now known as Guest76100
almoxarifeafidegnum: in the network applet if you are connected10:24
vivekimsitwhat is the easiest way to run my script at particular time every hour..10:25
oCean!cron | vivekimsit10:25
ubottuvivekimsit: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto10:25
nightshade209vivekimsit: configure it in cron10:25
subdesignthank you all I solved the backup emailing problem.10:25
almoxarifevivekimsit: or gnome-scheduler, not as sexy as that terminal stuff though10:25
Name141When is the estimated month for the next ubuntu release? April ?10:26
nightshade209Name141: yes10:26
vivekimsitubottu:ok! I have some problem in cron! the changes are not reflected manually..10:26
ubottuvivekimsit: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:26
SockPantsi'm trying to use grep to search text files for the string: $user['id']10:26
SockPantsso i used grep -R '$user['\''id'\'']' .10:26
Name141nightshade209: Will it be a LTS or regular?10:27
SockPantsbut that doesn't work10:27
SockPantshow can i do this?10:27
almoxarifehow do i detach quassel chat windows?10:27
nightshade209Name141: i think its an LTS10:27
nightshade209Name141: checking10:27
xiangzihow can i package a image file with mkyaffs2image?10:28
nightshade209Name141: one sec10:28
AzjoName141: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases10:28
nightshade209Name141: yup, LTS10:28
nightshade209 SockPants: did you mistype the " and '10:29
nightshade209 SockPants: ?10:29
nightshade209 SockPants: check your post10:29
=== Tantor is now known as Beznalogov
almoxarifedoes 'grep' have a gui?10:29
NickinatorGrep's a simple enough to use command,10:30
Nickinatorand you can pipe it to a text file that I guess you could use in a GUI10:30
NickinatorWhy are you looking for one, is grep too complex or are you looking for something else?10:31
SockPantsnightshade209: when do i need to use " and '?10:32
balmy system hanged  so need restart10:32
nightshade209SockPants: you used grep -R '$user['\''id'\'']'10:32
nightshade209SockPants: the opening and closing ones are not matched10:32
nightshade209bal: yes?10:33
almoxarife!info grepui10:33
ubottuPackage grepui does not exist in oneiric10:33
tiels0hi guys, i was tried to install oss-v4 on my ubuntu 10.10, and gstreamer-properties don't launching :(10:34
iPeterneed help to start guy from terminal in ubuntu server10:34
=== airtonix is now known as smee
balwhat i have to do when you gave me some cmd "sudo -dpkg -a -configure " i din't get becouse of system stucked.10:35
icerootiPeter: sudo service gdm start10:35
icerootiPeter: or lightdm (depending on your ubuntu-version)10:35
nightshade209bal: try it now10:35
bali think what i typed is error pls give me correct one?10:35
SockPantsnightshade209: i'm not sure what you mean, i only used single quotes10:35
icerootbal: its called "sudo dpkg --configure -a"10:36
nightshade209bal: sudo -dpkg -a --configure10:36
icerootnightshade209: not -dpkg10:36
nightshade209SockPants: oh ok, my bad10:36
Knorrenightshade209: the upgrading finished, but i still get problems trying to install gnome-shell-extensions-user-theme10:36
Knorre"The following packages have unmet dependencies:10:36
Knorre gnome-shell-extensions-user-theme"10:36
nightshade209iceroot: bal: sorry10:36
icerootnightshade209: np10:36
nightshade209Knorre: does it give the dependency package?10:37
Knorrenightshade209: http://pastebin.com/C9fSgi8c10:37
Knorrethis is the full output, although not from my console.10:37
almoxarifeKnorre: from a ppa?10:38
nightshade209Knorre: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions-common gnome-shell-extensions-user-theme10:38
Knorreyes almoxarife i think so10:38
almoxarifeKnorre: that was the cause10:38
nightshade209Knorre: the ppa might have gotten deselected during the upgrade, check under Software Sources10:39
gringoireHey there, quick question - what is the default root pass for the user 'ubuntu'?10:40
Knorrenightshade209: i re-added the ppas after upgrading10:40
oCeangringoire: there is none10:40
gringoireI installed it persistant on a usb,10:40
Knorrealso, your command gave me a different output - let me pastebin it10:40
gringoireoCean: thanks, let me try10:40
oCeangringoire: no, the account is not enabled10:40
oCean!sudo | gringoire10:40
ubottugringoire: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:40
gringoireoCean: It works, thanks!10:40
gringoireI'm talking about the persistant install on usb, I'm logged as 'ubuntu' by default10:41
Knorrenightshade209: http://pastebin.com/wSVP2vzB10:41
gringoireEmpty password works10:41
iPeterneed help to start guy from terminal in ubuntu server10:41
iPeterwhat is the command start doesn't work10:42
[6502]hello... I'm using gnome and I've this annoying bug: when a program is started from a keyboard shortcut most often (but not always) the windows comes up on top, but without keyboard focus. For example I type ctrl-alt-c to start chrome and when I'm typing in the url right after indeed I'm modifying the text of the text editor behind it. Is there any way to force the focus to get to the program I just launched?10:43
nightshade209Knorre: umm, sorry, can't think of anything right now10:43
Knorrenp, i'll look further10:43
almoxarifeKnorre: see the conflict between the base system and the ppa? uninstall the conflict app, uncheck the ppa, install the app10:44
almoxarifeKnorre: there may be more conflicts down the road though, cant tell10:45
icerootiPeter: i already gave you the command10:46
almoxarifeKnorre: by the way, the gui 'synaptic is an excellent way to see where the conflicts are going to arise, but then its not as sexy as terminal, makes it much easier to disable ppas in a pinch too10:47
afidegnumhello, I have created a DMZ to my PC, but noting seems working10:48
afidegnumDoctorD: are you there pls?10:48
almoxarifeafidegnum: what was the dmz suppose to allow to happen that did not?10:49
afidegnumwell, with a new dsl router installed, filezilla is not working10:49
DoctorDafidegnum: yes10:49
afidegnumok, I have added my IP address to DMZ10:50
DoctorDdmz, alright, you are sure that you pointed correctly ?10:50
afidegnumand it didn't change anything10:50
DoctorDgive it a restart and then see if it works10:50
DoctorDrestart to the router of course10:50
cakerybest window manager?10:52
MonkeyDust!best| cakery10:52
ubottucakery: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:52
matt23how can i boot verbose instead of with splash at startup? ps, rightn ow it only boots a plain black screen10:53
cakerywhat's a usable window manager?10:53
almoxarifecakery: depends on what you want it for, ease or configuration10:54
almoxarifecakery: or bling10:54
almoxarifecakery: the default unity on ubuntu is easy10:55
Knorrealmoxarife: different error now, how about this? http://pastebin.com/sc9R1k1u10:56
gringoireAlso, another question - I'm getting "Unable to enumerate usb device on port 2", and I'm almost sure it's my webcam. Ideas on how to make it go away?10:56
gringoireIt fills all tty's, making them unusable, I can't see anything10:56
pascal_Hi, someone know if Firestarter and dhcp3 no longer work together. i run ubuntu 11.04 server with 2 network interfaces eth0 and eth110:57
almoxarifeKnorre: same error, what you have there is a cascade effect from the ppa's apps, was this from an upgrade?10:58
Knorrealmoxarife: can be, i just upgraded10:58
Knorreshould i reboot?10:58
almoxarifeKnorre: no!10:58
almoxarifeKnorre: did you install synaptic?10:59
Knorrewhy not?10:59
Knorrei dont think so10:59
almoxarifeKnorre: because you may return to no screen?10:59
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:00
Knorreokay i feel the need to put this disclaimer out - i started using linux this week, so i don't know anything11:00
Knorrei don't know what you mean by "no screen"11:00
nightshade209Knorre: your system might not be very usable if you reboot11:01
Knorrei see11:01
Knorreso what can i do to prevent that?11:01
nightshade209Knorre: don't reboot until you resolve the issue11:01
almoxarifeKnorre: would you install synaptic11:01
Knorreapt-get install synaptic?11:01
almoxarifeKnorre: sure11:01
ffk27_Knorre: whats your question?11:01
Knorreffk27_: http://pastebin.com/sc9R1k1u11:02
Knorreisntallign synaptic11:02
ffk27_knorre: you cant use dpkg now anymore?11:02
Knorre..what's dpkg11:03
Knorrealmoxarife: done installing synaptic, what now?11:03
almoxarifeKnorre: here is what has to happen, the ppa has to be purged, to purge it unless you want to get all terminal on it you will need Y-ppa-manager11:03
ShakyjHey, I am running ubuntu 11.10 with unity and I don't seem to be able to drag and drop :/11:04
nightshade209almoxarife: how about disabling the PPA and doing and apt-get autoremove?11:04
cakeryalmoxarife, thanks :) where can I learn how to use it :(11:05
MonkeyDustShakyj  from where to where?11:05
almoxarifeKnorre: got it?11:05
karthick87Error in puppet client, how to resolve it? err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Could not retrieve local facts: bad URI(is not URI?):<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>HTTP access denied</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><img src/11:05
almoxarifecakery: :)11:06
MonkeyDustcakery  you learn it, by using it, like you did for Windows11:06
ShakyjMonkeyDust, one folder to another or to the desktop11:06
afidegnumDoctorD: still no show,11:06
ShakyjMonkeyDust, last one I tried was to drag one file into a folder11:06
afidegnumdespites many configuration attempts, I still cannot get a good result,11:06
DoctorDafidegnum: ok, did you tried to use virtual server ? to point to your ip address the ports you need ?11:06
Knorrealmoxarife: unable to locate Y-ppa-manager11:07
sveinseHi. I'm trying to apt-get into a staging directory. I've used the apt config option RootDir to prefix into the staging. Then I do apt-get update which downloads the indexes to the staging dir, however it fails at the end as it tries to access /var/lib/dpkg/lock without the staging dir prefix. Bug?11:07
afidegnumok, let me try that one too and see....11:07
almoxarifeKnorre: need the ppa for it11:07
Knorrewhich one is it11:07
DoctorDdisable DMZ and use virtual server. ip: port for each software and see if it works. also, give it a reboot11:07
DoctorDafter you finish.11:08
Knorregot the ppa, almoxarife11:08
almoxarifeKnorre: using synaptic?11:08
nightshade209sveinse: how about chrooting into it?11:08
pascal_Hi, someone know if the Firestarter setup guide with dhcp no longer work or if its just here it wont work. I run ubuntu 11.04 server with 2 network interfaces eth0 and eth111:08
sveinsenightshade209: I want to avoid root. Perhaps fakeroot chroot apt-get works...11:09
MonkeyDustShakyj  just tried, opened two windows, no prob dragging, couldnt say why you cant11:09
Knorrealmoxarife: i'm installing y-ppa-manager now through the terminal11:10
ShakyjMonkeyDust, Thanks, strange one then. Going to have to test it more when I have some time. I'll stick to the term for now then :)11:10
nightshade209sveinse: sorry, no experience with a fakeroot :(11:10
sveinsenightshade209: Hmm. If using chroot, you need to install all tools and libs, like apt-get into the chroot...11:11
nightshade209sveinse: oh ok..11:11
germanxni need help11:11
almoxarifeKnorre: you can bring up y-ppa-mamager thru terminal, this is the '0% warranty statement' part , the purge has to happen, and it may fix all your issues, or not, and i cant say otherwise, its an option, please decide11:11
germanxnmy display shows input not supported11:12
matt23how to get a verbose boot instead of the splash?11:12
Knorrealmoxarife: let's do it - i'm running it all in a VM anyway!11:12
germanxnthis started trying to set resolution at 800x60011:12
almoxarifeKnorre: in the manager you want to purge the ppa that most effects gnome-shell, the one you see listed causing the errors11:13
germanxnhow could i set startup resolution?11:14
almoxarifeKnorre: webupd8~oneiric11:14
ffk27_rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to remove a ppa11:14
germanxnroot user log ok11:14
Knorrealmoxarife: how do i bring up the manager?11:15
almoxarifeKnorre: in terminal          y-ppa-manager11:15
Knorrei launched it through ubuntu's interface.. i feel so stupid :(11:15
almoxarifeKnorre: leave the defaults set11:16
almoxarifeKnorre: i am no purist, i like gui11:16
Knorrealmoxarife: thank god.. my colleague would burn me if he knew, haha.11:16
buzzmandtDo not fear the terminal11:17
Knorrei remove a ppa with y, yes?11:17
almoxarifeKnorre: no!11:17
Knorrethen what?11:17
MonkeyDust<3 terminal11:17
almoxarifeKnorre: not remove, 'purge'11:17
Knorrehey almoxarife, i see 2 versions of that webupd8 thing11:18
almoxarifeKnorre: if this was about removing we be done long ago11:18
almoxarifeKnorre: one of them is the y-ppa-manager11:18
Knorreno no i mean the ppa i'm going to purge11:19
Knorrethere's 2 versions11:19
Knorreone by gnome team11:19
Knorreone by webupd8 team11:19
almoxarifeKnorre: the web8 is the problem one11:19
Knorrealmoxarife: purging11:20
almoxarifeKnorre: but there should be two ppa from web8, the last one was the ppa-manager11:20
almoxarifeKnorre: after the purge a re-boot might be in order11:21
Knorrei'll do that now almoxarife, let's hope i still have a machine afterwards haha11:21
MonkeyDustKnorre  also consider using ubuntu-tweak, to remove ppa's http://ubuntu-tweak.com/11:21
j03is this the help chan?11:21
KnorreMonkeyDust: thanks for the tip, but y-ppa-manager works fine imo :)11:22
germanxnwhere is user dependant X11 resolution saved?11:22
j03Thanks and giga-props to you all. I purchased Fluendo through the software center ealrier on 11.10 and I just switched to 10.04 and when I search for it it wont show up. Do I need to add a certain software source?11:23
MonkeyDustj03  it is11:23
j03Fluendo DVD11:23
IbisIs it a little bit bothersome to install Wine on Linux? In my experience, some natural Linux behaviors seems to change.11:24
nightshade209Ibis: really? like what?11:24
CuliforgeHi all, so I passed an update and now after wrestling to start the correct kernel with grub (I think that's part of the problem) I am unable to access any admin functions.. (sudo.. apt.. sources.. etc)11:24
Ibisnightshade209: Like "Open with".11:25
throsturI just make modules while trying to install a newer kernel on my machine, but now the screen is black!11:25
MonkeyDustIbis  yes, i don't use wine, but some people see changes in their Firefox after wine is intalled11:25
j03Also, do I need to do anything special to re-install it as far as the license goes?11:25
almoxarifeIbis: the install is easy enough, removal as easy11:25
MonkeyDustIbis  (just an example)11:25
buzzmandtIbis. I recomend playonlinux. www.playonlinux.com. download the latest deb and install it. It is better than the one n the repos11:25
nightshade209 Ibis: that's just the associations...  you learn to ignore it..11:25
IbisIt's kinda weird. Tolerable, but11:25
nightshade209 Ibis: ya, true..11:25
germanxnis something wrong with my questions? :-(11:26
Knorrealmoxarife: my machine is still alive :D ill try installing user-theme agian11:26
nightshade209germanxn: no, it's not... it's just that no one might know the answers11:26
j03I looked and didn't see any particular software source that wasn't already selected in 10.0411:27
almoxarifeKnorre: anyone can add crap to a ppa it seems11:27
MonkeyDustKnorre  almoxarife that's why i don't use ppa's :)11:27
nightshade209MonkeyDust: ya, but there's some really good stuff that's not in the repos11:27
Knorrealmoxarife: still the same error... i should just purge everything lol11:28
nightshade209MonkeyDust: like ubuntu tweak for one11:28
MonkeyDustnightshade209  got me there :)11:28
domedagenAnyone in here knows the answer to this thread? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/cant-boot-from-same-the-device-that-ubuntu-is-installed-on-922276/11:28
nightshade209MonkeyDust: i wouldn't install it too, but the repos are updated too slowly, esp for browsers and stuff11:28
almoxarifeKnorre: pastebin it11:28
nightshade209MonkeyDust: i HAVE to use the latest version :P11:28
MonkeyDustnightshade209  i used a daily build for Firefox, once, and it ruined my system, now ubuntu-tweak is the only ppa I trust11:29
Knorrealmoxarife: you are not going to believe this11:29
Knorrei actually installed 3 versions11:29
Knorreof the same PPA11:30
afidegnumDoctorD: I did everything, still not working, Connection timed outError:Could not connect to server11:30
* Knorre cries silently in a corner11:30
nightshade209MonkeyDust: afraid i still havent learnt the lesson... tho i just download firefox manually11:30
j03domedagen you might need to install grub on the SSD or even boot into Super-Grub Disk and then do "Update-grub" maybe?11:30
almoxarifeKnorre: sudo apt-get install pastebinit11:30
Ibisbuzzmandt: Lol, too late, I installed Wine first, but now I'm installing PlayonLinux.11:31
Knorrealmoxarife: it's still http://pastebin.com/sc9R1k1u11:31
IbisThanks guys.           Playonlinux looks cleaner.11:31
almoxarifeKnorre: sudo apt-get install pastebinit11:31
j03can anyone help me. I just need to know what software source to add so I can reinstall Fluendo DVD, plz :)11:32
Ibisgermanxn: Ask a better question.11:32
domedagenj03: What do you mean install GRUB?11:32
IbisOr it could be that no one has the answer to it at this moment.11:32
almoxarifeKnorre: paste and run         sudo apt-get update | pastebinit11:32
MonkeyDust!info fluendo | j0311:32
ubottuj03: Package fluendo does not exist in oneiric11:32
almoxarifeKnorre: then share the link11:33
j03can I add it?11:33
germanxnfor some reason, "input not supported" appears when i use 800x600 resolution11:33
MonkeyDustj03  if it is not in the repos, it is not supported on the channel11:33
Meltinpothi men!11:33
j03oh, sorry11:34
buzzmandtIbis. Thats fine i usually do wone first.  Playonlinux is getting really good lately though.11:34
almoxarifegermanxn: your monitor cant use that resolution, that is the error anyway11:34
buzzmandtWine i mean lol11:35
germanxngetting around that, my user end up with 800x600, so my display shows "input no supported"11:35
j03domedagen I mean maybe installing GRUB on the SSD instead of the HDD11:35
germanxni know my monitor support that resolution11:35
germanxni used it many times11:35
nightshade209germanxn: it might support on the desktop, but when booting up, the system usually uses a lower resolution11:35
germanxnthe problem is in the desktop11:36
germanxnit boot up with 1280x102411:36
j03just one more question. If I'm back in 11.10 and I need to re-install Fluendo through the software center where I got it is it just a matter of logging in and then it will be avaialble?11:36
germanxn(login screen)11:36
nightshade209germanxn: :| oh11:36
txomonhi!, when computer autologins, is it supposed to run all that appears in /etc/xdg/autostart ?11:37
almoxarifegermanxn: share your xorg.0.log11:37
txomonhi li11:37
linuxis here any body?11:37
nightshade209linux: ya, quite a few people, in fact11:38
buzzmandtLnux lots11:38
linuxi'm chinese11:38
linuxis here a chinese ?11:38
oCean!cn | linux11:38
ubottulinux: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:38
j03I mean I purchased it through software center in 11.10 so when I switch to a new 11.10 install do I just go to software center and login or something and then install again?11:38
buzzmandtLittle buttons on my droid grrr11:38
navishi all11:38
linuxhi all11:38
navisI have a problem to enable wifi on an hp g7 laptop11:39
=== flack-Z is now known as flack
buzzmandtNavis. What is the wifi card?11:39
nightshade209j03: ya, u'll need to use the same login11:39
navisI think that the problem is in the hardware wifi switch, which is on the F12 function key11:39
linuxdo you konw what is "heheheheh"?11:40
navissupposedly enabled with Fn-F1211:40
oCeanlinux: do you have an ubuntu support question?11:40
j03Great! Thanks! :)11:40
navisbut this produces output on my terminal instead of enabling the wifi11:40
nightshade209j03: :)11:40
buzzmandtNavis. Whats the card?11:40
linuxbut my  english is so bad11:41
oCeanlinux: /join #ubuntu-cn for chinese11:41
j03I just purchased a System76.com lappy and can't wait for the unbox!!!11:41
linuxi want study english11:41
navisbuzzmandt: atheros, managet through ath9k11:41
MonkeyDustlinux  wrong channel11:41
oCeanlinux: this channel is for support, not general chat11:41
linuxdo you know where i should go11:41
navisbuzzmandt: hem, managed11:41
j03Up to 32GBs of RAM on a laptop!11:41
j03ok I'm done :)11:41
linuxhao to change channel11:42
oCeanlinux: try /join ##English11:42
buzzmandtNot sure. It should just work.11:42
linuxoh think you!11:43
j03So awesome! http://www.system76.com/laptops/model/bonobo11:43
almoxarifegermanxn: nvidia user settings configured?11:44
afidegnumDoctorD: is there a way to browse via different IP address or via VPN?11:44
navisyep, lshw recognises it, but disabled11:44
oCeanj03: please use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat11:44
afidegnumI I am still trying to trace the issue11:44
j03ok, :)11:44
j03Thanks peeps!11:44
navisand rfkill shows it as hardware disabled, so I can't enable it in software11:45
almoxarifeafidegnum: you behind a firewall you dont control? try tor-browser11:45
navisfor some reason the Fn-F12 combination seems to be intercepted by ubuntu11:45
buzzmandtNavis what does lspci show it as?11:45
afidegnumno, using ftp11:45
afidegnummy browser is perfectly working11:46
afidegnumonly the ftp is not working11:46
almoxarifeafidegnum: not working how?11:47
navisbuzzmandt: AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter (rev ff)11:47
afidegnumalmoxarife: hmm iit's a painful day11:47
afidegnumthis is a network of 15 computers with wireless connectivity as well11:47
afidegnumthis morning,  a new moded was added,11:47
afidegnumfrom there, I can't use filezilla11:48
almoxarifeafidegnum: filezilla as a client?11:48
afidegnumI tried all possible means, from DMZ to fort forwarding11:48
dvorak_Hi there! Can someone tell me please how do I display on the console the value returned by a function? Specifically, "test -n $a" ?11:48
afidegnumand no luch11:48
almoxarifeafidegnum: filezilla as a client?11:48
navisbuzzmandt: ids 168c:003211:48
germanxni think it is. i started "nvidia  X server settings", detect displays and save to x configuration file11:48
afidegnumyes, I am using filezilla client11:48
almoxarifeafidegnum: to acess what host? inside or outside your net?11:49
buzzmandtNavis have a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168228511:49
germanxnwhen i login with root user on gnome it start with 1280x102411:49
afidegnumalmoxarife: I am trying to access an FTP server wher I am developing a website11:49
throsturhow do i update kernel?11:49
afidegnuma host outside our network11:49
almoxarifeafidegnum: can you ping that host?11:49
icerootthrostur: update or upgrade?11:50
MonkeyDustthrostur  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Upgrade?action=show&redirect=UpgradeKernel11:50
afidegnumwhen pinged, the host is working11:50
icerootgermanxn: dont!! use gnome as root11:50
afidegnum Connection timed outError:Could not connect to server11:51
germanxnbut when i login with my regular user it shows "input not supported"11:51
afidegnumtaht is the error I am getting from filezilla11:51
afidegnumI tried other servers as well,11:51
almoxarifeafidegnum: is the host a web adress or ip?11:51
afidegnumthe same result appears11:51
icerootafidegnum: is ftp/sftp running on the other site?11:51
throsturcompiling it myself is stupid11:51
germanxnits this or nothing.. :-(11:51
germanxni tryed to repair it my self11:51
germanxnbut i cant11:51
icerootthrostur: why do you need a kernel-upgrade?11:52
afidegnumyes, I have been using it not to day11:52
almoxarifeiceroot: thats a good question :)11:52
afidegnumjust this morning, everyghing is messing up11:52
pascal_Hi, someone know if the Firestarter setup guide with dhcp no longer work or if its just here it wont work. I run ubuntu 11.04 server with 2 network interfaces eth0 and eth111:52
akpkI have issue with Bluetooth in my Ubuntu 11.10 (Bluetooth 3.0)11:52
throsturmy driver is incompatible with this version11:52
akpkPlease Help!11:52
throsturI have very new hardware11:52
iceroot!details | akpk11:52
ubottuakpk: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:52
almoxarifeafidegnum: what is the firewall set to as far as 'allowed out' permissions?11:52
iceroot!backports | throstur11:53
ubottuthrostur: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:53
akpk I have issue with Bluetooth in my Ubuntu 11.10 (Bluetooth 3.0) Please Help !!11:53
icerootalmoxarife: again, please post usefull details11:53
icerootalmoxarife: wrong nick11:53
icerootakpk: please post usefull details11:53
nightshade209akpk: describe the problem11:54
akpkicerrot : I can't enable Bluetooth11:54
icerootakpk: why?11:54
almoxarifeiceroot: it was a statement, no it was meant for you, and yes, it was a useless comment, you wont see one from me again11:54
icerootakpk: you dont know how? the device is not detected?11:54
throsturubottu: I don't think ubuntu would make a build specifically for what I'm doing11:54
ubottuthrostur: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:54
icerootalmoxarife: no i just put the wrong nick in front of my text11:54
icerootthrostur: depending on the problem11:55
germanxnno one where the user resolution comes from??11:55
icerootthrostur: if it will affect others to, there is a chance11:55
germanxnno one knows where the user resolution comes from??11:55
icerootgermanxn: dont!! use gnome as root11:55
icerootgermanxn: no need to debug that11:55
akpkI can right click on bluetooth ch devices.con (near time ans sound) but i cant se11:55
akpkiceroot : How can I check the issue ??11:56
germanxnif dont use gnome as root then i have to turn off the computer11:56
germanxni cant log with regular user!11:56
nightshade209germanxn: this helps? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution11:56
iceroot!who | germanxn11:56
ubottugermanxn: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:56
throsturwell if you must know I'm doing penetration testing on my network and my laptop needs the b43 driver - however my chipset is not compatible with backtrack's kernel and the one in ubuntu is outdated11:56
icerootgermanxn: is another user able to login?11:56
almoxarifegermanxn: it comes from the settings of that nvidia card configuration app, look in 'system preferences'??11:56
akpk<nightshade209> : My bluetooth is not detected/11:57
icerootthrostur: which ubuntu-version?11:57
throsturthe latest one that comes with wubi11:57
icerootthrostur: that means 11.10?11:57
iceroot!info linux-iamge11:57
ubottuPackage linux-iamge does not exist in oneiric11:57
Knorrealmoxarife: can i message you?11:57
iceroot!info linux-image11:58
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)11:58
almoxarifeKnorre: wait one11:58
icerootthrostur: so you want 3.1 or 3.2 i guess11:58
icerootthrostur: please put the name in front of a text11:58
throsturiceroot: ok11:58
icerootthrostur: 3.2 is build in 12.0411:58
icerootthrostur: but i dont think there is a driver for bc43 included11:58
germanxnubottu: ok, sorry11:58
almoxarifeKnorre: i just started using this client, i dont know how to allow pvt, try11:58
akpkiceroot : is therte anything wrong with bluetooth 3.0 and ubuntu 11.10 ???11:58
iceroot!broadcom | germanxn11:59
ubottugermanxn: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:59
icerootakpk: not that i know11:59
icerootthrostur: normally you dont need 3.2 for that11:59
icerootthrostur: bc43 devices has nonfree-firmware and cant be included into the kernel (see message from ubottu how to fix that)11:59
throsturhttp://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Supported_devices I'm using BCM4322511:59
broglinI am having trouble getting my netbook to connect reliably to a wifi network (Samsung N150P/ubuntu 11.10). How do I troubleshoot that?12:00
icerootthrostur: the firmware is the problem, not the driver12:00
broglinI'm using xfce12:00
akpk<nightshade209> :  is therte anything wrong with bluetooth 3.0 and ubuntu 11.10 ???12:00
throsturiceroot: right, so I need to update the kernel and download new firmware, is that correct?12:00
throsturie get the newer ubuntu12:01
peto_i7 Sandy Bridge processor consumes more than twice the power in Ubuntu than in Windows 7 --> 41 W vs. 20 W. Why?12:01
icerootthrostur: no need for a newer kernel12:01
nightshade209akpk: sorry, no idea... i don't use bluetooth on it...12:01
icerootthrostur: and normally ubuntu will over the specific firmware-download12:01
broglinthe card is a BCM431312:01
icerootpeto_: because your mainboard-manufactor is not using standards12:01
icerootpeto_: so the kernel-hackers deactivated some features which are not standard12:02
=== darkstar is now known as suppl
akpkAnyone know why my bluetooth 3.o (onboard) is not working with Ubuntu 11.10 ??12:02
icerootpeto_: imo fixed in linux3.212:02
throsturbroglin: if you're talking to me, I have 4357 not 431312:02
peto_iceroot, the computer is a DELL12:02
icerootpeto_: and?12:02
broglinthrostur: no, I have trouble with my card, and it's a 4313 :-(12:02
broglinbut nobody has replied yet... :'(12:02
throsturoh okay, it's probably not supported12:02
MonkeyDust!bcm| broglin12:02
ubottubroglin: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:02
throsturbroglin: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Supported_devices12:02
peto_iceroot, the fact is I don't like Windows 7 as much as Ubuntu, but if Ubuntu consumes twice the power then I prefer to use Windows 712:03
throsturiceroot: the b43 list of supported devices states that kernel 3.1+ is necessary but ubuntu 11.10 uses a slightly older kernel - how come I don't need to get a new kernel?12:03
craigbass1976I installed openbravo a couple days ago from the repos.  Is there a way I can go look and see what was installed when openbravo was?  Some packages I already had, but I want to see what I didn't already have.12:04
throsturpeto_: I have noticed that my 7-9 hour battery lasts about 3 hours with ubuntu, it's a damn shame12:04
kanupatarhi guys, this is my out put of ps -ax..can u help me to find any GUI related(X server or similar) process from it ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/794780/12:04
broglinthrostur: thanks. but I'm actually using the brcmsmac driver, not b4312:05
peto_throstur, that is what happen to me, perhaps because Ubuntu does not manage Turbo Boost, or perhaps because Ubuntu doesn't use the integrate graphics card12:05
broglinalso, the wifi card can see the access points, but the problem is that networking either doesn't work (no internet, telnet to open ports on remote servers just hang) or works very intermittently12:06
broglinand frequently disconnects12:06
icerootthrostur: ah 3.1, ok12:06
throsturpeto_: maybe it's because when I run windows I usually just have chrome and one IDE open but when I run ubuntu I have a lot of stuff happening12:06
icerootthrostur: have a look at the backports if 3.1 or 3.2 is there12:06
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:06
afidegnumhello, I have been trying hard, and no success, any answer so far?12:07
broglincan anyone help? I don't even know if this is a hardware/driver issue or if network manager is doing something funky12:07
peto_throstur, that's not my case... The 20 W vs 42 W happens in the more common state of my computer, that is, when it is under a low state of activity12:08
kanupatarhi guys, this is my out put of ps -ax..can u help me to find any GUI related(X server or similar) process from it ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/794780/12:08
dannelkanupatar, no12:09
afidegnumalmoxarife: the firewall was disabled by default12:09
throsturwhen will ubuntu 12.10 be released?12:10
nightshade209throstur: this october12:10
dannelthrostur, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%29#Releases12:10
fidelthrostur: the versioning should tell it already ;)12:10
fidelyear 12 - month 1012:10
fidelmeans: somewhere in 2012.10.xx12:10
peto_let's hope12:10
dannelso ubuntu never delays a release?12:11
dannelnow it all makes sense!12:11
MonkeyDustthrostur  oct 18 201212:11
dannelcanonical, even12:11
throsturmy bad, it's 12.0412:11
fidel2012.04.xx then ;)12:12
throsturis it normal for the update manager to hand on "Waiting for apt-get to exit" ?12:12
MonkeyDustapr 26 201212:12
almoxarifeafidegnum: thats odd then, because out to where you have been in the past is where you cant go now, can you verify the firewall is allowing out?12:12
fidelthrostur: yes thats some kind of auto-lock12:12
fidelyou cant run multiple apt-processes at once12:12
MonkeyDustthrostur  yes, you cannot run two update managers12:12
throsturbut I'm not running any others12:12
dannelthe update manager is just a façade to apt-get12:12
fidelthrostur: most likely you are - use grep to check it ;)12:13
throsturI'll just restart12:13
fidelthat doesnt help learning/understanding that part but ok12:13
dannelwhy learn to use the power button, just buy a new computer !:P12:14
DaDink@throstur, you are talking like a Windows user, now. ;-)12:14
throsturwas compining a kernel earlier so if apt-get is still running then it's probably still doing stuff I don't like12:14
fidelDaDink: and you like a fanboy from the other side ;)12:14
throsturDaDink: well, I primarily am, we don't use linux in our university12:14
akpkBluetooth is not working in my Ubuntu 11.1012:16
throsturDaDink: if it's any consolation, I use a dvorak for typing12:16
dannelthat's a shame :-\12:16
MonkeyDustthrostur  off-topic: http://xdatap1.wordpress.com/2010/03/17/university-of-siena-continue-migrating-to-ubuntu/12:17
throsturMonkeyDust: that's pretty neat12:18
dannelone linux machine in every classroom by 2009!12:19
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danneland wow, that room looks really cosy.. i'd be tempted to curl up and sleep on the rug12:20
gulzaranybody can guess which kwin theme is this http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Workspace-Strap+Effect?content=143857&PHPSESSID=caa977854bc8894e12f927e1e5c6e875 ?12:24
MonkeyDustgulzar  wrong channel12:26
anohigisavayi guess. not familiar with kde12:26
gulzarMonkeyDust: Ok12:28
dyd__i have my xp machine connected to the wifi, i've shared that connection, my ubuntu laptop is connected via ethernet directly to the win machiine (inverted cable) and i've set ip adresses correctly (i can ping each other) and on ubuntu machine gateway is win's ip and dns also. It's not working, what am i doing wrong?12:31
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loganRunI am trying to install the latest daily build for chromium. I added the repositories and did apt-get update, but I can't seem to install the latest daily build. is there a way to list all versions of a program or something. I think apt-get install is just using some other repository with an older version12:34
fidelloganRun: apt-cache policy PACKAGENAME might help12:35
godosi have an overscan problem to my tv out12:35
godoshow can i fix it???12:36
godosati 545012:36
godosi have a clone monitor with my tv12:36
godossame resolution but my tv is cutting the picture from the sides12:36
loganRunfidel: that seems to just show the wrong archive12:37
icerootloganRun: apt-cache policy packagename12:37
icerootloganRun: then your daily-build has another name, use "apt-cache search foobar" to find out the correct name12:38
godosanybody help me?12:38
godosi have the same problem on all distros12:39
godosi have tried12:39
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:40
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports12:41
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:41
fidelloganRun: yes that command is supposed to show you which versions apt knowns based on your sources12:42
godoshow can i fix overscan problem? hdmi out to panasonic 42'' tv12:43
fidelhavent you asked for a list output?12:43
godosok bye ubuntu12:43
loganRungot it, I add to do add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily, not sure how that is different than adding the respsitories to the file manually12:45
Olafurgood day, is this where i can get some help with ubuntu?12:46
fidelOlafur: yes12:46
Olafurok, I am having problem with the sound, I just dont seem to be able to get any sound from my speakers12:47
Incarus6Hello, I've tried to enhance my boot splash a little and I thought I had tomake these settings in Pkymouth, but nothing changed and now I'm confused with Plymouth, usplash and grub2. Am I wrong? (using 11.10)12:47
nightshade209Olafur: can you give your hardware descriptions and ubuntu version?12:48
loganRunnot sure what add-apt-repository does differently than editing /etc/apt/sources.list12:48
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)12:48
nightshade209loganRun: maybe importing the GPG key or something?12:48
fidelloganRun: maybe adding ppa-keys12:48
loganRunthat could be12:48
Olafurnightshade209: Hardware is nVidia, and ubuntu 11.1012:49
Culiforge10.04, I keep getting update errors returned. synaptic trying to install (or fix) sane-utils and pcmciautils12:49
throstur2how can I install a newer kernel without a full compile?12:49
nightshade209Olafur: ok, i don't have any experience with nVidia, but someone else might..12:49
nightshade209Olafur: hang around for a bit12:49
Olafurnightshade209: Im mot in a hurry :)12:50
nightshade209Olafur: :)12:50
Olafurnightshade209: I used this command in terminal "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic" and it seems like it cant lock on something12:51
bosyihi all. have anybody connect external monitor (1920+1080)  to netbook with intel gma 3150?12:52
throstur2how can I install a newer kernel without a full compile?12:52
hilarie_bleh, who knows stuff about time.. root@hilarie:~# ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com///// 6 Jan 19:50:06 ntpdate[29831]: step-systime: Operation not permitted12:52
MechdaveOlafur, make sure there are no updates or software installer  running12:53
nightshade209Olafur: i can't find anything called linux-restricted-modules-* on my system12:53
mediajunkieG'Day Gentlemen and Ladies.12:53
mediajunkieanybody had google address book not showing contacts in evolution with Onerric 11.10?12:53
mediajunkieIt worked for some time and then they were gone.12:54
robin0800nightshade209, its extras not module12:54
mediajunkieThis switch to 11.10 has been crazy, nothing but trouble12:54
nightshade209robin0800: sorry, sorry, getting sleepy i guess :(12:55
Rookie407hello all... im new to ubuntu and linux for that matter any good tips and pointers i should know about?12:55
OlafurMechdave: no updates running or installs, just my web browser12:55
Olafurnightshade209: Well, I found a site on the web which recommended this action12:55
fidelRookie407: regarding?12:55
Rookie407haha anything that would help me not feel like such a noob =P12:55
MechdaveOlafur, not even background?12:56
DJones!manual | Rookie407 This is a good starting point,12:56
nightshade209Rookie407: the best advice would be to use it12:56
ubottuRookie407 This is a good starting point,: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:56
fidelRookie407: difficult to answer- personaly i would setup a linux-vm to play with it12:57
icerootRookie407: i guess one very important point is the way how software is installed in ubuntu12:57
iceroot!repos | Rookie40712:57
ubottuRookie407: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:57
icerootRookie407: the first link from ubottu should be read12:57
Rookie407iceroot, that would be really good to know as it seems its much diff then windows12:58
icerootRookie407: it does12:58
icerootRookie407: but i a good way12:58
OlafurMechdave: not so i know, I am not installing anything now and I already have updated the computer12:58
fidelRookie407: it is - but worth getting used to it12:58
fidelbut yeah the learning curve might look hard at the beginning12:58
fidelas with everything new & complex as an operating system ;)12:58
Rookie407deff i've been a windows user for well pretty much all my life since win 3.0 im ready to learn something new =)12:59
icerootRookie407: also very important to know is that ubuntu is not just a linux distribution, its a very big community with good forums, wikis, this chat and very nice and friendly people.12:59
pksadiqdragonslay: C-c C-b is the switch for erc12:59
Incarus6For anyone who is still interested in the solution: got it working now using http://paolobernardi.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/fix-plymouth-on-ubuntu-after-installing-nvidia-or-ati-proprietary-drivers-for-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric/13:00
icerootRookie407: if you have any questions about ubuntu feel free to ask here and dont be afraid to ask even "noob" questions13:00
klaascould it be that fdisk is screwing up partition tables on 2tb discs? using ubuntu lts13:00
Rookie407haha never afraid to ask the "noob" questions everyones a noob at one point =P13:00
usr13Rookie407: You're definately in the righjt place.  Linux and oss is a big world of learning experiences, and the learning curve is very steep.13:00
icerootRookie407: of cours13:00
icerootusr13: but its not learning because you have to learn a lot but because you CAN learn a lot13:01
fidelRookie407: in case you tend to test much & heavily - i would still consider a virtual playground (as in using a virtuel machine) as it might help learning without beeing afraid of wrecking your current os ;)13:01
craigbass1976Rookie407, wow, you must be as old as me.  3.0 ?13:02
fidelbut i am a vm lover ;)13:02
throstur2iceroot: i was updated everything and asked the update manager for backports, but I'm still using the same kernel... do I have to compile it?13:02
CuliforgeRookie407: there's also #ubuntu-beginners. kinda quiet atm but nice peoples there as well13:02
icerootthrostur2: no need to compile the kernel13:02
iceroot!ppa | throstur213:02
ubottuthrostur2: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa13:02
usr13iceroot: When  a MS user first gets into any Linux distro, he or her embarks on a pretty rich learning experience ... you have to admit.13:02
Rookie407so lets start with installing. lets say for the sake of android development how do i go about installing the java and android-sdk tools things like that?13:02
usr13*he or she  sorry....13:03
icerootusr13: the same if you came from gnu/linux to windows13:03
nightshade209craigbass1976: Rookie407: you people are making me feel like a kid! :| win 3.0 is ANCIENT for me...13:03
icerootusr13: so the learning is not because of ubuntu is hard13:03
Incarus6throstur2, which version are you planning to use?13:03
icerootusr13: but because its different13:03
Olafurnightshade209: Any thoughts what is the problem?13:03
Rookie407craigbass1976, idk about old im only 25 but we was a poor fam when i was younger so when the world was on win 95 we were just geting 3.113:03
craigbass1976nightshade209, dude, that was high falootin' back in the day.  I bet you never played Atari either....13:03
usr13iceroot: True13:03
mediajunkieRookie407: I've worked with win... since its conception. ... all the way up to Vista., That took 1 day to get disgusted and made me switch to Linux in general for my desktop (Ubuntu is by far the most interesting community of all) I have never looked back since. but you will have to cut one day fully instead of going back and forth. Only then you will force yourself to learn the details of Linux in general to the point where you underst13:04
mediajunkieand its dynamics. It is worth doing.13:04
craigbass1976Rookie407, I installed it at the house (the android sdk) but it was a while ago.  I don't remember it being too much of a ruckus, but I've been at this a while now.13:04
nightshade209Olafur: not really, can't get lock seems to indicate more than one apt-get process... can't tell you beyond that13:04
usr13mediajunkie is correct, you have to use it to learn it.13:05
nightshade209craigbass1976: i have never even SEEN an Atari except in photos13:05
icerootRookie407: as you see, everyone is trying to help you and give suggestins, that is the spirit of ubuntu you will not find in any other linux-distro or on windows .)13:05
Olafurnightshade209: oh well, thanks any way, ill keep google-ing the problem13:05
biginttoshiceroot, indeed13:05
Rookie407you deff dont find it on windows13:05
nightshade209Olafur: ok...13:05
Culiforgenightshade209: gosh, I feel kinda ancient then... I cut on dos 3.013:05
craigbass1976Rookie407, which version of Ubuntu have you got?  Like I said, I've been with Linux a while now, but it took a while for me to get used to GNOME 3.  I've not used Unity yet (ran into GNOME3 in Fedora) but hear that it's similar.13:06
craigbass1976nightshade209, install stella.  Get a couple usb joysticks and play Combat.13:06
Rookie407Culiforge, i used dos along side win 3.0, 3.1 so dont feel too old =P13:06
nightshade209Culiforge: *shudder* DOS is just a nightmare i remember from school, when i was forced to learn it as part of my syllabus13:06
usr13iceroot: I wouldn't say that.  Our IRC channel is biggest for sure, but other distro's users are helpful too, just that their IRC channel is not as big.13:07
nightshade209craigbass1976: huh, what? i have no idea what either of those are13:07
Rookie407craigbass1976, im using the newest 11.1013:07
icerootusr13: like the rtfm-debian .)13:07
Culiforgehehe, I remember taking a summer course in 6th grade to "learn" Basic... very anticlimactic for a 10 year old...13:07
craigbass1976Rookie407, you're golden then.  Any ubuntu boxes I run are still Lucid, so when I put Fedora with new gnome on my laptop, it was a bit of a shock.13:08
Rookie407craigbass1976, a friend was telling me to use gnome cuz its similar to windows but i didnt know how or where to get it lol13:08
mediajunkieAnd even then , every new update will have its problems. Currently I've bought a new laptop and the new hardware is not supported in Lucid (10.04), well at least not out of the box. So I thought it is maybe a good Idea to give onerric a roll. (11.10) And pretty much all the hardware is supported out of the box. Except de Video drivers for the dual cards from ATI (AMD)  Now having said that I found this version pretty buggy, and having a13:08
mediajunkie lot of broken packages with it. I really have trouble getting everything to work on this new version. and it has costed me several days figuring out stuff, and I'm not there yet, but then again, If I would do a switch in windows from one version to another and at the same time on new hardware, the same thing would happen.13:08
Rookie407really the most important part of all this i wanna learn is the command lines i wanna wreck the terminals world XD13:08
icerootRookie407: bash hacking is always a good idea13:09
usr13iceroot: Well, yea, there is arogance on some of the other channels from time to time.  And here on #ubuntu, they set a very good example.  There are too many that answer with rtfm or google it instead of giving specific answers, but they are the minority.13:09
icerootusr13: but of course other communities are also great13:09
nightshade209Rookie407: don't be afraid to experiment then... once you install the basic system, backup the whole thing and go crazy on it... u'll learn much more that way13:10
fidelRookie407: then get used to 'apt' first and maybe 'ps' & 'grep' & 'find' and the usage of the |13:10
icerootRookie407: yes, try to install some software on the command-line using "apt-get"13:10
Rookie407haha fidel you lost me at apt =P13:10
icerootRookie407: see how the things with the repos works (apt-get is using the repos) and ubottu have you a link about repos first13:10
fidelRookie407: most commands have a manual you can access inside a terminal13:10
Rookie407iceroot, i tryed installing javajdk im pretty sure i got it installed but without other programs that require java jdk idk if it even right13:11
fidelthe command to access that manual is 'man' - so if you want to get basic info directly inside a terminal session about i.e. the command 'apt' enter 'man apt'13:11
throstur2what is the command to see how many processors I have13:11
Rookie407or how to set the environ variables for that matter13:11
throstur2aka cores13:11
icerootthrostur2: cat /proc/cpuinfo or "top" and press 1 there13:11
usr13iceroot: I remember when I first started using xfce and joined #xfce for some pointers, I got some very good info in short order.  And have had similar experiences with other projects and irc channels and forums.  I've seen plenty of rude users, and I must admit that even though this is by far the largest community, they are the most polite and helpful, I'll give you that.13:12
craigbass1976Rookie407, easy killer...  You'll get there. It's nothing like DOS, because it's actually useful.  I odn't know that GNOME is like Windows.  XFCE and LXDE are more like XP as I remember13:12
mediajunkieback to my question for someone that might know>   have Evolution working fine on oneiric.... Using gmail accounts, ... and address book. All was there and working for few days. but now it seems that my Gmail address book is empty (in evo) not on google13:12
Rookie407craigbass1976, lmfao at " It's nothing like DOS, because it's actually useful."13:13
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nightshade209mediajunkie: is there an option to manually re-sync it or something? sorry, but i never used evolution for any amount of time...13:13
mediajunkie>> and another strange thing is that evolution --force-shutdown seems not to work anymore on oneirric13:13
nightshade209mediajunkie: i know this doesn't answer your question, but what about thunderbird?13:14
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mediajunkieno it won't even allow me to delete the address book entry . I can make a new one but also that is empty at the moment. .   What I have tried is killing the password entry in the key-ring, and start it again. but no help there.13:14
godosanybody help me with overscan tvout problems?13:15
mediajunkieWell I like thunderbird, but i'm on evolution now since 2008 and have tons of emails in it. and do need a full PIM. After being a MS nut with outlook , Evo seemed the only real replacement at the time.13:15
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fidelmediajunkie: tb might offer a similar setup using lightning13:16
nightshade209mediajunkie: ok... maybe there's something that allows you to import from evolution to thunderbird?13:16
fidelmediajunkie: evolutios cal & adressbook integration was never stable for me to be honest13:16
usr13 /msg Rookie407 Here is one guy's opinion about customizing Ubuntu.  Skip the install instructions and about half way down, he gives his opinion on some ubuntu tweeks that you might find useful / informative.13:16
maciej_hi guys, i need help. im new to linux and i dont know how to have diffrents icons in diffrent pulpits, is it possible?13:16
usr13ooops.... I skipped a space.  Oh well.13:16
fidelmediajunkie: are you using pop - or why is having all mails 'in evolution' an issue in terms of a possible app-switch to something else?13:16
mediajunkiefidel: well I mix Pop and Imap accounts13:19
mediajunkieAlso there is the connection to a Exhange ... and that is were TB will be no good for me.13:20
mediajunkie(don't say.. I know, I hate exchange too13:21
mediajunkiebut that is not my choice.13:21
mediajunkieAnother Q? : I've installed Blender out of the PPA to get version 2.61.. there is a dependancy  for glibc 2.7.    anyway to install that on oneiric?13:24
icerootmediajunkie: hm13:24
icerootmediajunkie: changing glibc is normally breaking a lot of stuff13:24
iceroot!info glibc13:25
ubottuPackage glibc does not exist in oneiric13:25
pksadiq!find glibc13:25
ubottuFound: glibc-doc, libc6, libc6-pic, clisp-module-bindings-glibc, eglibc-source13:25
icerootpksadiq: thx13:25
mediajunkieI've seen that too , but blender won't start. so I need to find a way13:25
pksadiqiceroot: np ;)13:26
mediajunkiebut I notice in general that a lot of packages don't work in 11.1013:26
icerootmediajunkie: the ppa is for 11.10?13:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:27
mediajunkieiceroot yes13:27
KSi want to search text PATRON_NAME in all files but it is also searching small caps word i.e patron_name ,and i dont want to search small caps word ,i am using find for that  ex:- find /home  -type f -exec grep -il "patron_name" {} \; > /openils/PATRON_NAME1.txt13:27
pksadiqmediajunkie: have you enabled openGL? I think blender won't live without it13:27
icerootmediajunkie: and you are using 11.10?13:27
mediajunkieiceroot yes, 11.1013:28
icerootKS: dont use -i13:28
mediajunkiepksadig: that might be a problem as I seem not to be able to install catalic drivers (amd)13:28
icerootKS: -i is ignoring case-sensitiv so it will match foo and FOO13:28
KS<iceroot> thank you :)13:29
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pksadiqmediajunkie: also please note that !TAB is your friend :)13:29
MonkeyDustKS  regular expressions?13:29
mediajunkiepksadiq: the third party drivers say that they are active and installed but they are not if you try to start catalic it won't and fuzz that the drivers are not installed13:30
icerootKS: and grep -r patron_name /home  is not what you are looking for?13:30
mediajunkie..... pksadiq  ... what is !TAB13:30
pksadiq!TAB | mediajunkie13:30
ubottumediajunkie: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:31
pksadiqmediajunkie: open terminal and type blender <Enter>, you may get an Idea of what is happening13:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:31
mediajunkieubottu: ahh nice13:31
mediajunkiehow dumb, about TAB, never thought about it . duhhhh tooo much coffeeeee I guess after 2 all-nighters. .LOL13:32
icerootmediajunkie: that is also working on the shell. very usefull feature13:32
mediajunkiepksadiq: okay hold on trying now13:32
pksadiqmediajunkie: hm, ubottu is not as intelligent is fsbot,rudybot or dpkg ;)13:32
ravencinelerra+ffmpeg - possible to give edls to ffmpeg to encode it externally?13:32
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nixninecan I partition a hard drive that has linux installed on it already?13:33
schnufflenixnine: if the whole space is already partitioned you need to resize a partition first to make some space13:34
mediajunkieiceroot:  yes in shell I knew and use it all the time as I convert all my mts videos to mp4 in command line with ffmpeg and without tab key you are lost in hell ... lol13:34
nixninedo I use gparted?13:35
MonkeyDustonly a few million ciao-!list italians to go13:35
mediajunkiepksadiq: X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)13:36
mediajunkie  Major opcode of failed request:  155 (GLX)13:36
schnufflenixnine: yes you can do it with gparted, keep in mind that it's always possible to loose you data, sdo make a backup before13:36
mediajunkie  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)13:36
mediajunkie  Serial number of failed request:  3213:36
mediajunkie  Current serial number in output stream:  3213:36
mediajunkieSegmentation fault13:36
FloodBot1mediajunkie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:36
icerootmediajunkie: ok :=13:36
CalumJEadieHey All, I was wondering if anyone else has had problems with the color scheme used in gedit embedded terminal? See http://imagebin.org/192102.13:37
CalumJEadieI'm not able to use byobu on linux mint 12 or ubuntu 11.10 due to foreground and background color being the same. Would be great if someones got a fix for this>?13:37
mediajunkiepksadiq: so blender seem to have issue with the GLX not working then huh.13:38
MonkeyDustCalumJEadie  i use byobu, you can change the colors by pressing F913:38
pksadiqmediajunkie: is compiz activated on your computer?13:39
mediajunkiepksadiq: ah will have to look , let me see and try13:39
CalumJEadieMonkeyDust: Thanks for the advice, I haven't been able to change the colour succesfully though to avoid the problem. I'm also getting the same problem with the ls command.13:40
MonkeyDustCalumJEadie  what's the issue with ls?13:41
CalumJEadieMonkeyDust executable files are being shown as black rectangles, so foreground and background color the same13:41
CalumJEadieMonkeyDust see http://imagebin.org/19210213:42
MonkeyDustCalumJEadie  click Edit > profile preferences to change the color scheme13:42
mediajunkiepksadiq: compiz is on the system but how do I know it is active?13:42
MonkeyDustCalumJEadie  byobu opens a terminak, i see no terminal on that printscreen13:43
slakcphoneanyone using gkrellm?13:43
slakcphoneI set the preferences and all that but lose thr changes after exiting13:43
CalumJEadieMonkeyDust so that's the embedded terminal in byobu, byobu is running but the problem is the background and foreground color of the status is the same13:44
slakcphoneMaybe there is a config file i can put a directive in?13:44
CalumJEadieMonkeyDust using standard settings in linux mint 1213:44
MonkeyDustCalumJEadie  i'm not familiar with embedded terminal, it must be different,then13:44
pksadiqmediajunkie: in 10.04 it was available at right click  on desktop , not sure of later versions13:45
_cbhow can i permanently set up my dns servers on my machine? resolv.conf gets re-written upon boot up13:45
CalumJEadieMonkeyDust thanks for the edit preferences suggestion, gedit seems to be using it's own colour scheme as changing terminal color scheme doesn't change the embedded one13:45
schnuffle_cb: do you use networkmanager?13:45
MonkeyDust_cb  disable any netwotk managerµ13:45
MonkeyDustschnuffle  was faster :)13:45
_cbschnuffle am using ubuntu 11.10 the only 'network managment' I found was the useless network app on the settings13:46
slakcphonehey sorry,13:46
StepnjumpIt looks like since a few hours, my desktop will write to /root/desktop as it's default desktop instead of /home/user/Desktop destination. Even when I cd ~/, I actually cd to /root/....13:46
slakcphoneUse /etc/network/interfaces13:47
schnuffle_cb:  check http://askubuntu.com/questions/31023/how-to-configure-eth0-manually13:47
mediajunkiepksadiq: man, this unity thing, is a pain you know. I feel that they have wasted alot of resource time for eye candy rather than fixing bugs and upgrading functionality on apps. (it looks nice but .. ... computing is soo much more than eye candy)13:47
pksadiqmediajunkie: try alt+f2 and type compiz --replace to activate compiz,13:47
Stepnjumplooks like everything is back to normal.. sorry13:48
schnuffle_cb: if you use dhcp to get a network config, this will overwrite the DNS settings as well13:48
pksadiqmediajunkie: you can change your user interface to ubuntu classic at the login screen13:48
eltigrehey, I have some trouble with my network configuration (I think).... certain ressources on certain sites are not loaded, rendering the sites useless (blank page even though chrome and firefox say the main document is loaded correctly)13:49
_cbschnuffle I have already changed  interfaces to set a static ip. Problem is the dns servers are set in resolv.conf and that file is overwritten on boot up13:49
mediajunkiepksadiq: yes I know ,but I do want to stick and try so I'm on top of the new trends you know13:49
meerkatsfor those who play with 1st person shooters like nexuiz, is there a way to scroll the mouse out of the game window without exiting the game?13:49
schnuffle_cb: can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces?13:49
ffk27_meerkats: which game?13:49
eltigreany idea why ubuntu can't visit some sites whereas no windows user in my network has these problems?13:49
eltigreDoes Ubuntu censor the web?13:50
pksadiqmediajunkie: the latest doesn't means the best, I don't upgrade from 10.04 because I hate unity, and my next upgrade will be to debian, and not to ubuntu :),13:50
meerkatsffk27_, nexuiz, assaultcube13:50
mediajunkiepksadiq: I love 10.4 and have it on all other machines13:50
MonkeyDusteltigre  there are some websites that refuse non-windows computers, as there are that refuse windows computers13:50
pksadiqmediajunkie: so tried enabling compiz? do you have the wobly windows and such thing now?13:50
schnuffle_cb:  to uninstall it: sudo apt-get purge network-manager network-manager-gnome13:50
mediajunkiepksadiq: but this one won't work with 10.4 ... brand new hardware ...13:51
eltigreMonkeyDust, I am pretty sure that is not the case... for example I can reach one site with ff and not chrome13:51
MonkeyDusteltigre  it must be the war of the browsers, then13:51
pksadiqmediajunkie: also there is a package named compizconfig-settings-manager that allows you to configure compiz, also you can enable/disable openGL. and a lot more13:51
_cbschnuffle wow, un-installing network manager seems a bit drastic. Imagine network manager does more than just rewrite resolv.conf13:52
eltigreMonkeyDust, no not really...13:52
skilzHow can I change my startup plymouth?13:52
eltigrethis is clearly a problem with ubuntu...13:52
skilzI want to install a different theme13:52
pksadiq!plymouth | skilz13:53
ubottuskilz: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »13:53
eltigreI'd be more interested in ways to debug this instead of hearing conspiracy theories about websites or browsers...13:53
schnuffle_cb: it doesn't but if that sounds to radical, you can configure your network to work manually in the network manager as well. There'S even an option to only get the address13:54
mediajunkiepksadiq: yes open gl is active, and yes I see that now with the compiz. ... but as I said , I don't really care for eye candy lol. it just has to work, that was why I went to linux in the first place and .... this unity thing is going a complete different direction. it breaks stuff and tries to fix things that didn't need fixing and such. ... a step backwards in compatibility13:54
pksadiqmediajunkie: did you also try opening blender in classic mode?13:55
eltigreI am really frustrated not being able to use sites that have worked for years...13:55
_cbschnuffle where is network manager in unity? system settings-->network does not seem to do much13:55
eltigrejust because some ubuntu software update nukes my network configuration13:55
mediajunkiepksadiq:  still want to give it an honest try, before shit-canningit ,13:55
mediajunkiepksadiq:  how do I do that ?13:55
schnuffle_cb: doesn't have you an applet in the panel? It'S called nm-applet13:56
pksadiqmediajunkie: do what?13:56
eltigreand nobody really can help me... or wants to help me ....13:56
mediajunkiepksadiq: classic mode13:56
pksadiqmediajunkie: just login to ubuntu classic and try opening blender, that's what I mean13:57
mediajunkiepksadiq:  okay13:57
Picieltigre: Can you provide examples of what sites won't load?13:57
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schnuffle_cb: I can't check cause For the moment I'm running Mint 1213:58
eltigrePici,  tagesschau.de13:58
schnuffle_cb: But I had strange behaviour due to having the network configured through /etc/interfaces and in nm13:58
Naphidiahey guys im doing an install from ubuntu minimal, and when i bootup, i get bios screen, then screen goes black. however i am able to ssh into the box so i know its running...13:58
Naphidiawhats the issue?13:59
MonkeyDusttagesschau.de opens correctly in Chromium browser13:59
Naphidiaor what might be the issue13:59
Naphidiaim reinstalling right now..13:59
eltigreMonkeyDust, yeah I know13:59
darkstarNaphidia, are you on a laptop with 2 gpus?13:59
eltigrefor everyone that works...13:59
eltigreexcept me....13:59
schnuffle_cb: if you use nm /etc/network/inferfaces should be empty except for the loopbacl device13:59
k3Rnanyone here does "nested" virtuzalisation with kvm on intel cpu?13:59
Naphidiano, its a desktop with a ATI HD vid card, and im using hdmi14:00
Naphidiaits a 4x series14:00
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Naphidiai can pastebin lspci output shortly, im almost done installing again14:00
_cbschnuffle maybe I need to run system settings-->network as sudo but how do I do that?14:03
almoxarifeNaphidia: from a user terminal, not root, sudo apt get install fglrx and reboot14:03
schnuffle_cb: normally the system asks for the rights if you need to have them for changing a setting14:04
Naphidiawill that mess up anything when i go to install the driver from ATI almoxarfe?14:04
almoxarifeNaphidia: that is the ati driver14:05
_cbschnuffle I am just trying to figure out how to run the network manager in unity. This unity takes some getting used too14:05
schnuffle_cb: what happens if you open a terminal an start nm_applet?14:05
Naphidiaive had issues with teh default ati driver, sound doesn't want to work when im using sdl14:05
pksadiqone crazy question : What equation does the volume control uses to calculate the volume in dB ( from the percent volume)?14:06
almoxarifeNaphidia: sound and video are two different issues, hdmi is video only14:06
pksadiqMonkeyDust: :) great, but its proved to be wrong, since scientists found particles faster than light14:07
ivixoralmoxarife: hdmi is video and sound14:07
MonkeyDustpksadiq  nuclear power and gps are proof that E=MC2 is correct, now back ontopic ;)14:08
almoxarifeNaphidia: the sound is not affected by the video drivers, and yes, hdmi is sound out as ivixor said14:08
mediajunkiethanks for all feedback guys, I have to get some food on the table first. but pksadiq, I will try and see what classic mode does. but I think I should battle first the ATI driver thing for those apps I think.14:09
almoxarifeivixor: hdmi is a cable that makes a one way trip up till someone cracks it14:12
Naphidiainstalling... i hope this works14:14
vikey不懂怎么用 多关照。14:15
MonkeyDust!cn| vikey14:15
ubottuvikey: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:15
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* Naphidia crosses fingers as she reboots14:17
Naphidiahmm i got a blinking curser this time14:20
Naphidiado i still need to install the package from ATI '14:20
Narcotichum i need to merge my ubuntu system i only got 19 gig when i intsall14:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:21
paulw__good morning everyone. where would be a good place to ask about multipath iscsi on linux?14:26
Narcotichum i need to merge my ubuntu system i only got 19 gig when i intsall14:28
Narcoticpl some one14:28
MonkeyDustNarcotic  merge with what?14:29
Narcoticmonkeydust i only got 19 gig for ubuntu but now i wanne merge it to 1000 gig14:30
Narcotic1 terra14:30
icerootNarcotic: you want to resize the partition? or install on a new hdd?14:31
Narcoticno i just wane tresize it becouse steam say u don,t got enough space ???14:32
Narcoticflaws sry14:32
MonkeyDustNarcotic  copy to a 1TB disk, you mean?14:33
icerootNarcotic: i would suggest to make a backup of the important files, then boot a live-system and use gparted to resize the partition14:34
Narcoticmonkeydust i got win 8 and 7 and ubuntu on one disk i install obuntu and win 8 and 7 on one disk i putr 19 gig for ububtu now i wanne get 100 gig on it but how do i do that14:34
icerootNarcotic: i told you already how to do it14:35
ffk27_Narcotic: use a ubuntu live cd with gparted14:35
bazhangNarcotic, did you see iceroot 's suggestion or not14:35
Narcoticyes sry14:36
Narcoticthx http://www.bol.com/nl/order/basket.html?_requestid=10131314:36
bazhangNarcotic, why paste that here14:37
MonkeyDustNarcotic  kindly join #ubuntu-nl14:37
Narcotici gonne try what ice say okay14:37
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DamienCassouI've just installed oneiric and I'm looking for a timer-applet and system-monitor-applet compatible with unity14:49
DamienCassou+clipboard manager14:49
DamienCassouit seems the ones I used are not compatible anymore14:49
DamienCassouthere are alternatives and I would like your opinion14:50
xanguaDamienCassou: glippy is a clipboard manager and has indicator support, other indicators: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30334/list-of-application-indicators14:51
DamienCassouxangua: I'm having a look. Any experience?14:52
jasonlfunkI have ubuntu server installed and am trying to figure out how to configure my ethernet device so that when I plug in a cable it will get an ip address via DHCP. Currently, if I boot without a cable plugged in and then plug it in after it is up, it will not grab an IP address.14:58
bazhangjasonlfunk, sudo dhclient eth0  returns what14:58
jasonlfunkThat will get me an IP address, but I want it to do it automatically.14:59
llutzjasonlfunk: allow-hotplug ethX    in /etc/network/interfaces15:00
koppeWant to reinstall Linux.  Bought an external drive.  Want move my old /home to this, preferebly with Linux users/groups and permission.  Is there a good way to get a *compressed* Unix-type FS on it?  Or should I forsake UnixFS and use NTFS w/compression?  (Is NTFS-compression supported?)15:01
Androguywhy does it need to be compressed?15:01
jasonlfunkllutz: Use "allow-hotplug eth0" instead of "auto eth0"?15:02
Androguykoppe: I suppose you could just dd the drive.15:02
quiescensto be fair, under a lot of the most common workloads, things are faster on a compressed filesystem than regular15:03
llutzjasonlfunk: not instead, add it15:03
Androguykoppe: and then resize the partition in gparted after.15:03
koppeBecause I got lots of text-files (email backups and ebooks among other things) that it would be a great shame to let use more space than neccessery.15:03
arooni-mobilehi folks.  my volume keys don't work on ubuntu 11.10.  running lenovo t420 laptop.15:03
jasonlfunkllutz: okay, I'll give that a shot.15:04
koppeAndroguy: Guess I could, but I'm sort of hoping to continue to use the drive for more /home back-ups later, so I don't think dd would work (like to start fresh now and then)15:05
RaTTuSkoppe - I'd not bother TBH - you wont see any real imporvment15:05
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arooni-mobilehi folks.  1) my volume keys don't work on ubuntu 11.10.  running lenovo t420 laptop.     2) can i remap keys on the keyboard to do other things?  for instance, i got a replacement keyboard for my laptop  (latin america version) but want to remap one of the keys to be a shift key15:07
thundercles_in the control center15:09
thundercles_you should be able to set any global hotkey settings, single keys or macros15:10
thundercles_I usaully set ctrl+alt+end to bring up the task manager thingie15:10
jasonlfunkllutz: that doesn't seem to help. I see the "eth0: link up" in my messages file, but I don't see it tried to get an IP address.15:10
thundercles_open up a terminal window jasonlfunk15:11
thundercles_and type sudo ifconfig15:11
llutzjasonlfunk: did you disable networkmanager?15:11
thundercles_see what pops up, what is your question exactly though I missed it15:12
llutzthundercles_: ifconfig needs no sudo15:12
jasonlfunkllutz: It's possible, I don't see the process running.15:12
thundercles_it does if you try and do anything other then view15:12
thundercles_so I just usaully type it in reguardless15:12
pensfananyone having problems with ubuntu just shutting down every once in a while?15:13
pensfanit does it quite gracefully15:13
thundercles_also try running dhclient in the terminal15:13
llutzjasonlfunk: allow-hotplug eth0, auto eth0, iface eth0 inet dhcp             those 3 lines should be in your interfaces15:13
pensfanbut why15:13
thundercles_that fixes DHCP stuff a lot15:13
llutzthundercles_: bad habit :)15:13
quiescensbad things happen when people get too used to just using sudo because it might help15:13
jasonlfunkthundercles_: Thanks. My problem is getting the interface to automatically fetch an IP address when a cable is plugged in. I don't have a problem getting one manually.15:13
thundercles_yeah ubuntu has given me a lot of bad habits :(15:14
Naphidiainstall ubuntu minimal, learn less bad habits15:14
quiescenshave had to deal with people that have files in their home directory owned by root and so on15:14
jasonlfunkllutz: It doesn't look like I have network-manager installed.15:14
quiescensalways fun15:14
thundercles_lmao, well I'd just go back to fedora or debian if I wanted to do that lol15:14
jasonlfunkllutz: I may have uninstalled it because I thought it was a Gnome thing.15:15
llutzjasonlfunk: well, then it should work ™ this way15:15
jasonlfunkllutz: is network-manager required for this to work?15:15
llutzjasonlfunk: no  need for that crap15:15
jasonlfunkllutz: does "allow-hotplug" need to come before the auto line?15:16
jasonlfunkllutz: I suppose I could just try. :)15:16
llutzjasonlfunk: i always have it on top of the file... no idea if that matters15:16
Anomie21Anyone have experience using a SNES emulator in Ubuntu? I have XP installed on a partition; just wondering if it's worth trying to get it to work in Ubuntu or just go onto XP?15:17
w30quiescens, Yeah, I have had that bite me, someone said use gksu instead of sudo for graphical apps to stop that.15:17
thundercles_yeah I am pretty sure there is zsnes or something for linux15:17
thundercles_wine should be able to run an snes emulator with no problem whatsoever if there is only windows ones for some reaosn15:18
Anomie21thundercles_: Yeah I'm aware there are emulators just wondering if anyone knew how buggy, etc they were15:18
thundercles_you'd just have to keep the roms in the windows directory tree tho15:18
MonkeyDust!info zsnes15:18
ubottuzsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2.2ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 893 kB, installed size 4108 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)15:18
thundercles_well try out some of them, if you like the windows one better try running it in wine15:19
Naphidiazsnes has issues with some configs on linux15:19
Naphidianamely the sound..15:19
thundercles_it takes really really weird specialty softwares to not work in wine excellently anymore15:20
thundercles_like turbotax15:20
Anomie21Got my USB SNES controllers through the post this morning. Friday night snes party! I will try WINE, thx15:20
Naphidiai wish steam would run in wine15:20
thundercles_thats the only one besides vendor phone flashing software I've had to run windows for lately15:20
Naphidiait does but doesn;t handle it well15:20
MonkeyDustAnomie21  http://maketecheasier.com/play-classic-console-games-in-linux/2009/11/13?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MakeTechEasier+%28Make+Tech+Easier%29&utm_content=Google+Reader15:21
th^2hello. is there a bitcoin client for ubuntu?15:21
Slagwaghow do I view the version of ubuntu i have running at a command line15:21
Anomie21MonkeyDust: ta15:21
thundercles_shoot I forgot that one15:22
oCeanSlagwag: lsb_release -a15:22
xanguathere is Desura  Naphidia15:22
who_meNaphidia, Steam does run on wine15:22
xanguaa 'steam lite' Naphidia15:22
thundercles_yeah I ran steam on wine fine before, I just don't game very much15:22
Slagwagocean - thanks15:23
onelineruname -a15:23
onelinerthat one?15:23
Slagwagocean oneiric isthe codename similar to pervious ones like lenny, etch, hardy right?15:23
RaTTuSth^2 - http://ubuntuguide.net/install-bitcoin-in-ubuntu-10-0410-1011-04-from-ppa15:23
Naphidiaif steam ever ran natively on linux i would ditch windows forever15:23
oCeanSlagwag: lenny, etch are debian names. Ubuntu's names are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames15:24
who_meNaphidia,  but you do not need to use raw wine. You can use PlayOnLinux - free or Crossover Games which gives a 7 days un-hindered trial mode then you need to pay if you want to keep using it15:24
KingPinsteam doesnt even allow us to use their chat apart from their shitty client... I doubt they would ever goto linux15:24
Naphidiayeah but im jobless, otherwise it would be nice to pay for something like that15:24
Naphidiamy rent currently costs more than my current income, temp jobs is all ive been able to find lately15:25
who_meNaphidia, steam is just a content delivery platform, you need games to be actually developed to run on linux15:25
matt23naphidia http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/its-official-steam-coming-linux15:25
thundercles_Naphidia, I hear ya. I feel like a shmuck lately not being able to donate to any project I use either :(15:25
Slagwagocean - thanks!15:26
KingPinwho_me,  there already are games on steam from indie devs that run on linux.15:26
Naphidiasays coming months... that was 201015:26
KingPinthere would be more if steam catered to linux15:26
Naphidiaive yet to see it15:26
SideevHow can I gather the information of my system temperature? I just want to know whether over-heating is happening or not?15:26
thundercles_well steam caters to running game servers on linux :p15:26
KingPinthat is true15:26
KingPinI run almost 3 dozen instances15:26
KingPinI would be running like 3 if I had to run on windows15:27
Naphidiahmm found it but it looks like it uses wine15:27
thundercles_wine isn't too shabby anymore, it's really come along15:27
jasonlfunkllutz: do you know any way to debug why this isn't working?15:27
thundercles_when they had that goal of running the windows 7 directX because windows wouldn't make it compatable with XP things advanced a bit15:28
llutzjasonlfunk: not off hand, sry15:28
jasonlfunkllutz: np, thanks.15:28
thundercles_nothing like MS abusing their customers to drive a few more over to linux :)15:28
DMJChow do I disable all the gui crap at boot?15:29
llutz!nox | DMJC15:29
ubottuDMJC: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:29
thundercles_oh they changed it to shift?15:29
szalllutz: that's not the answer to the question, I guess15:30
thundercles_thanks a lot ubottu I was very surprised when esc stopped working and I wasn't able to modify grub stuff anymore15:30
thundercles_never got around to figuring it out tho,15:30
DMJChmm that didn't work15:30
DMJCscreen still went black15:31
DamienCassouwhen pressing SUPER+W I get a visualization of all the windows (great). However, the active window is not distinguishable from the other ones which makes the whole shortcut less useful. Is there a way to add some kind of highlighting?15:31
RaTTuSDMJC blank != GUI15:31
SideevHow can I gather the information of my system temperature? I just want to know whether over-heating is happening or not?15:32
DMJCRattus: I realise this, my framebuffers are not working correctly15:32
DMJCI need to disable all the weird graphics crap and get a vesa framebuffer forced all the way in until boot finishes15:32
RaTTuSaha right15:32
who_methen you prolly need to blacklist some video drivers ?15:33
DMJCI have 0 access to the system right now15:33
DMJCall I have is grub215:33
indroraI'm working on getting Awesome, Thunar, nm-applet and a few other things working nicely together. Can anyone tell me how the hell to make PolicyKit like me via SLiM15:33
RaTTuSboot fro musb?15:33
jasonlfunkllutz: I wonder if my hotplug isn't working at all.15:34
oCeanSideev: install package lm-sensors15:34
indroraDoes anyone know how to make SLiM/awesome/xinitrc's work properly with nm-applet, thunar and friends?15:36
oCeanNarcotic: why are you posting that?15:36
Slagwagim trying to install opsview on ubuntu and it had me add a line to /etc/apt/sources.list called - deb http://downloads.opsera.com/opsview-community/latest/apt <OS> main15:37
Slagwagbut im not sure what to do now15:37
Slagwagto install it15:37
AuPurchalhow do i install hamachi?15:37
MonkeyDustwhat's himachi?15:37
Slagwagits from logmein15:37
indroraDoes anyone know how to make SLiM/awesome/xinitrc's work properly with nm-applet, thunar and friends?15:37
Slagwagto create a fake vpned network15:38
SideevoCean: http://bit.ly/ws7DUW is it the one?15:38
kutenai2I just installed version 11.10 on a computer. The video card did not work - when it booted we got scrambled video then blank screen. Removed the card and used the onboard VGA and this works..15:38
indrorakutenai2: nvidia?15:38
JoeneGuys i need some help.15:38
kutenai2I downloaded the driver from Nvideo for Linux (64 bit), and tried to install it.15:38
kutenai2It said I need to shut downy he X server..15:38
oCeanSideev: that is lm-sensors output indeed15:38
indrorakutenai2: try installing them from the repos.15:38
kutenai2I tried various way to do this.. sudu init 1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop…15:38
indrorakutenai2: works better.15:38
kutenai2no dice.15:39
indrorakutenai2: also, blacklist 'nouveau' manually if you have to15:39
kutenai2okay.. I'll have to do that the.15:39
kutenai2blacklist nouveau?15:39
indrorakutenai2: Some nouveau-"supported" cards turn up trash15:39
indrorakutenai2: random striping, trashed text, cursors etc?15:40
go8765ia any matter if i write  gnome-terminal --command /home/go8765432/.jdownloader/downloads/azureus/azureus or  gnome-terminal --command cd ~/.jdownloader/downloads/azureus && ./azureus ?15:40
indrorathats nouveau doing its shit.15:40
xanguago8765: azureus and jdownloader are in repository15:41
StepnjumpAnyone would know a good app that would allow me to ALL the duplicates recursively inside a dir and it's subdirs but contrary to FSlint, I am looking for something that will either automatically remove the duplicates or will bring me through a wizard that will ask me which files I want to delete and which ones I want to keep (keep newest, keep oldest, whatever). Something similar to foldermatch. Anything that works similar to this in Ubuntu ??? I have bee15:41
Stepnjumpn searching all night!15:41
xangua!language | indrora15:41
ubottuindrora: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:41
go8765xangua, not fresh version of vuze :)15:41
JoeneIs there any other programs in linux where i can force format my usb flash drive? its write protected ;(15:41
DamienCassouJoene: try gparted15:42
JoeneGparted didn't work :( it only gives me error :(15:42
siddardhabHow do i add a fb account after i add a twitter account in gwibber.Can't see the option anywhere..15:42
JoeneIs there any other programs in linux where i can force format my usb flash drive? its write protected ;(15:43
SideevoCean: Sorry to bug you again. But how to get the output on?15:43
oCeanSideev: have you installed? Run  sudo apt-get install lm-sensors   Then run the command  sensors15:43
kutenai2Some blocked random video, then blank screen.15:43
Pici!floodbot | ET_15:44
ubottuET_: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.15:44
kutenai2The card is an NVidia Geforce 950015:44
kutenai2the onboard VGA works fine though, but only a single monitor15:44
siddardhabHow do i add a fb account after i add a twitter account in gwibber.Can't see the option anywhere..15:44
nightshade209siddardhab: Edit> Accounts15:44
SideevoCean: temp1 : 62 C Temp2 : 58 C15:44
nightshade209siddardhab: or try Ctrl+Shift+A15:44
siddardhabI did but i do not seea option to add a account15:45
kutenai2Okay.. I understand that I need to blacklist nouveau for the card. I'll look that up.15:45
nightshade209siddardhab: there is a window on the left with a (+) and a (-) sign below it - click on the (+)15:46
oCeanSideev: I don't know the details, but you need/can configure your chips in /etc/sensors3.conf15:47
onelinerkutenai2: you could simply disable it in grub boot command; while booting after biasd screen press shift to get the grub menu, select your linux boot entry and press e to edit it, find the line that says quiet splash and put nouveau.modeset=0 at the end , then hit control x to but with that edit15:47
siddardhabnightshade209 ooh,I saw it.My bad.15:47
siddardhab@nightshade209 thanks15:48
kutenai2Thanks.. I'll try that15:48
kutenai2oneliner: thanks..15:48
sam___Hi i've changed the motherboard on my ubuntu server installation and now i cannot see the network cards.. how can i cause ubuntu to re-detect network adaptors?15:48
SideevoCean: Is sensors only commands present?15:48
onelinerif that works you can then edit that line permanently in the grub default configuration file15:48
nightshade209siddardhab: sure15:48
go8765xangua, so is any difference in result ?15:49
oCeanSideev: there's also the sensors-detect command (needs sudo) there is some information available, like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto15:51
mecoHow can I set audio to mono?15:51
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SideevoCean: Ubuntu has so far been pathetic at managing power. Thanks a lot for the help. Appreciated. :-)15:52
sam___will discover do the trick?15:53
oCeanSideev: Welcome! There is some addl information at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerManagement15:53
SideevoCean: Lemme go through them as well. :-)15:54
go8765ia any difference if i write  gnome-terminal --command /home/go8765432/.jdownloader/downloads/azureus/azureus or  gnome-terminal --command cd ~/.jdownloader/downloads/azureus && ./azureus ?15:54
_jasongo8765: yes, there is a difference15:55
almoxarifesam___: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177224515:55
go8765_jason, and what is difference ?15:56
_jasongo8765: current working directory will not be the same.  Also your second command will not do what you expect I imagine15:57
go8765_jason, the last azureus in firs command - is bin file. so is any difference in commands?15:58
_jasongo8765: yes, the difference is the one I said15:58
ksx4systemany chanops here? I'd love to talk to one of them.15:59
go8765_jason, why you think that working dirrectories are not the same?15:59
oCeanksx4system: /join #ubuntu-ops15:59
ksx4systemoCean: thanks16:00
_jasongo8765: because in one you change it and in the other you don't16:00
go8765_jason, sorry:) I forgot cd in the begining of first command :) It i type it are any difference in command?16:01
nightshade209_jason: "Also your second command will not do what you expect I imagine" not sure what you mean here - it will run azureus, won't it?16:02
AmberJI remember using "Ubuntu recovery mode" from GRUB to change passwd for a user account...16:02
AmberJI just tried it but it won't work...16:02
AmberJWas this feature disabled?16:02
_jasonnightshade209: I haven't tried but I think it will be read as (gnome-terminal --command cd whatever) && (./azureus)16:03
nightshade209_jason: hmmm, ya, true..16:03
=== netsurf3_ is now known as netsurf3
pensfanhow do i get my audio to mute when i unplug my earphones?16:07
go8765_jason, It I type cd in the begining of first command - is  are any difference in commands?16:07
nightshade209go8765: ya, as _jason said, it will interpret the commands as (gnome-terminal --command cd whatever) && (./azureus)16:08
_jasongo8765: yes, arg0 will be different :)16:08
sburjan_Hello. Does anyone know a fix for the Dell XPS 15 L502x nVidia issue ?16:08
pensfanis there a way to get separate audio controls for speakers and headphones?16:09
AmberJAnyone? Why does changing passwords from "ubuntu recovery mode" in GRUB does not works?16:09
_jasonAmberJ: how did you change it?16:09
=== milind is now known as abyss42
CaBais there any repository maintaining current firefox releases for ubuntu LTS?16:09
pensfanAmberJ, because the drive is mounted read only16:09
xangua!fx6 | CaBa16:10
ubottuCaBa: Firefox 6 has been released as a security update for 11.04. For 10.04 and 10.10, you can use the unofficial and unsupported PPA at https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable16:10
pensfanAmberJ, also you may have to chroot16:10
xanguathe repository has fx 9.0,1 ;)16:10
AmberJiirc I did "passwd user", pensfan, _ja16:10
GroanI just upgraded to oneiric and it turned ipv6 on and ipv4 off. how do i enable ipv4?16:10
MonkeyDustwhat's iirc?16:10
pensfanAmberJ, pastie output from mount16:10
bindiMonkeyDust: if i remember correctly16:10
_jasonAmberJ: to be clear, pastebin the output from mount while in recovery mode16:11
AmberJpensfan, well, I don't remember but I did it long time back...may be it was not ubuntu16:11
pensfanAmberJ, pastie output from mount16:11
AmberJI'll need to reboot from it...brb16:11
CaBaxangua: hm? both lucid and lucid-updates show 3.6 as current package version at http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=firefox&searchon=names&section=all16:12
go8765_jason, and now?  gnome-terminal --command /home/go8765432/.jdownloader/downloads/azureus/azureus or  gnome-terminal --command "cd ~/.jdownloader/downloads/azureus && ./azureus "?16:12
xanguaCaBa: use the PPA16:12
CaBaxangua: well if you say it is somewhere in the official repo as a security update i'd prefer that16:13
_jasongo8765: still different.  Can I ask why you want to know?  What do you want to accomplish?  Note that while there are differences, they may or may not be significant16:13
xanguaCaBa: it's in the ppa the bot mention16:13
CaBaah, 11.04 it says, not 10.0416:13
CaBai misread that16:13
netsurf3hi all, been getting some freezes using disk encryption and splash for lucid any ideas what causes it?16:14
xanguathe ppa is for 10.04 and 10.10 CaBa16:14
pensfanis there a way to get separate audio controls for speakers and headphones?16:14
CaBaxangua: yes i know. i was hoping i wouldn't need the PPA16:15
MonkeyDustpensfan  in a terminal, type alsamixer16:15
netsurf3enter the password and the machine stops there but sending a reboot signal ie ctl alt delete will shut it down. It seems like it gets stuck waiting for something16:15
SideevHi, is it just me or anyone else also feels that ubuntu is pathetic at power management?16:15
xanguaCaBa: you can also download it from firefox.com16:15
pensfanMonkeyDust, then?16:16
netsurf3Sideev, I do believe there was an article on phoronix about the newer versions of ubuntu being worse for PM16:16
doritoDanI'm looking for a lightweight Linux distro that I can use to run Dosbox. I'm pretty much not going to be doing anything else on this system, so I'm wondering if Ubuntu would be a good choice for this task, or if I should go with another distro?16:16
xanguaSideev: if you mean kernel 2.3.35 and up, it's general16:16
MonkeyDustpensfan  start there, it shows all the audio controls16:16
CaBaxangua: thats even worse than the ppa ;)16:16
CaBai'll go for the ppa... more paperwork, but still acceptable :P16:16
pensfanMonkeyDust, i've already been through all the alsa controls16:16
xanguadoritoDan: lubuntu is the lighter flavor of ubuntu ;)16:16
doritoDanI literally only need a system on which I can autoboot dosbox16:17
doritoDanWill lubuntu do the trick, or is there something even better I can use?16:17
netsurf3DoritoDan you could heavily strip down ubuntu or another linux flavour to give more performance to dosbox16:18
doritoDanI'm not an experienced Linux user, so I don't think I could do that.16:18
hatebwindow menu bar is on the task bar in unity ? that's bizarre16:18
MonkeyDusthateb  it's called globalmenu16:19
hatebcan I disable it ?16:19
netsurf3doritoDan, if you find that you aren't getting enough power from lubuntu try installing twm and running that instead (its an alternative window manager)16:19
netsurf3its the lightest thing i have used so far and back in the day it got me a good few more frames in ut2004 :)16:20
MonkeyDusthateb  http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-disable-global-menu-in-ubuntu-11-10-tip16:20
jutnuxHowdy all.16:20
Sideevnetsurf3: So are you done with ubuntu ? looking for another flavor?16:21
AmberJpensfan, _jason yes...you guys were right. It was mounted read only. There was an additional option in receovery mode menu "remount" (as read/write). I used it and that allowed me to change the password. Thanks a lot :)16:21
Sideevxangua: So how do you people manage it? I find it too difficult to be true!16:22
sergey_русские есть?16:22
pensfanAmberJ, it's okay .. i'm a genius with a little bit of psychic :)16:22
Davespicehello all16:22
jasonledsFree PSN Store Codes   http://www.points2shop.com/?ref=uin132888101616:22
sergey_так русские есть?16:22
netsurf3Sideev, i use a desktop mainly and powermanagement isnt too much of a bother. A general rule of thumb for me is i stick to ubuntu LTS releases16:23
MonkeyDust!ru | sergey_16:23
ubottusergey_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:23
xanguaSideev: I read it will be fixed in next ubuntu release16:23
netsurf3i used to be a fedora person but got burned badly after fedora 9 and decided i wanted something that was fairly soild while not being straight debian16:23
Sideevnetsurf3: But for my HP tablet LTS releases aren't any good either. :-|16:24
WhitorI used to be a slackware person then I decided I didn't feel like look a boat load of work every time I wanted to update the system or install an application. also beryl was pretty16:24
netsurf3Sideev, as in the power is still rubbish you mean?16:24
Whitor*feel like doing a boat load*16:25
Whitorwoops wrong channel sorry16:25
Sideevnetsurf3: Yes that what I meant!16:26
dimitrishi I need to find adriver for my webcam, i am runniing latest ubuntu , what can i try? what command to see what driver i am looking into16:28
hatebMonkeyDust: thank you16:29
netsurf3Sideev, considering that xangua has said that it is ment to be fixed in later releases you could find out if there is a patch for this on the kernel side and retrofit it to the distro of your choice? its alot of faf but you learn alot and it's got a good chance of making things better? only other thing i can think of is see if someone else has solved the problem and done that hard work?16:29
doritoDannetsurf3: Alright, thanks.16:30
dimitrisplease any command to find out what my driver or device is16:30
dimitrisfor webcam16:30
urlin2udimitris, are you sure you even need a driver?16:30
netsurf3dimitris, start with providing a pastebin link of sudo lsusb16:30
netsurf3also if it is a usb webcam unplug it from the pc and then plug it back in and do a dmesg16:31
netsurf3you will see some info about how linux detects the device16:31
dimitrisi am not even sure, what can i try oh16:32
=== never2far is now known as Guest11244
dimitrisBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub16:32
dimitrisBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub16:32
dimitrisBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub16:32
dimitrisBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub16:32
FloodBot1dimitris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:32
dimitrisBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub16:32
netsurf3dimitris i did say use a pastebin :(16:33
urlin2u!pastebin | dimitris16:33
ubottudimitris: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:33
dimitriso h yes16:33
dimitrisI am new16:33
dimitrisok so what then now?16:33
netsurf3dimitris follow the link provided by the bot to put a paste16:33
urlin2udimitris, I think you need cheese installed at the least.16:34
netsurf3urlin2u, good point16:34
induzI have ubuntu running on my desktop, if i change its RAM, do i have to re-install the OS??16:34
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=== never2far2 is now known as never2farr
nightshade209induz: no, you don't16:35
urlin2uinduz, shouldn't16:35
induzalso can i add a HD as a slave16:35
netsurf3dimitris, sudo apt-get install cheese16:35
induzI read that ubuntu is Hardwares specific??16:36
netsurf3give that ago above anything else right now16:36
Slagwagprobably a simple issue16:36
go8765_jason, In man vuze I found instruction how to run it. but I cant put it one command. so I asked is any difference in this two commands. because, another command work for me16:36
Slagwaguploaded a website to /var/www but added it to a subfolder by mistake16:36
Slagwagis there a way to move all files/folders from /var/www/subfolder to -> /var/www/16:36
hatebWhen I wanna change my admin password to new one it says that it is to similar to old one, so what it is ? I want it anyway, but I can't ><16:37
ikoniahateb: just change it to 123456 then change it straight away to your new one16:37
urlin2uhateb, tyoe passwd in the terminal and change it.16:38
prowerhello everyone :> i've installed the nvidia drivers manually (290.10), but when i reboot it's trying to load the driver used by jockey instead (280.13) and causes an api mismatch...is there any way that i could stop the old module being loaded altogether?16:38
Slagwagah maybe its - mv -i --reply=no SOURCE/* DEST16:38
dimitrisI installed the cheese, but the camera doesn't work.16:38
dimitrisThe picture freezes.16:39
netsurf3but you get an image?16:39
dimitrisA fuzzy image.16:39
netsurf3if you go into the preferences is there more than one option for the webcam?16:39
netsurf3sometimes linux is weird and accesses the cam through two devices. The wrong one gives you those problems16:40
dimitrisLet me check...  since I am very new, please tell me where to find the preferences.16:40
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hatebpassword is to osimple, kill me someone :)16:41
hatebmaybe I wanna have simple password16:42
go8765hateb, ubuntu better know what password you  need :)16:43
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Sideevnetsurf3: I don't have much of information on that. can you provide me little more information on where can I find the patches & all?16:43
hatebmaybe it does but I still should be able to use weak password if I want to16:43
hateband since when 6 char password is so simple16:43
dimitrisWhere do we find the preferences for the cheese?16:44
urlin2uhateb, in case you don't know freewill is a illusion.16:44
manuel_hello guys, i have an ubuntu derivated distro, how may i force the spanish locale trough the terminal?16:44
Resistancemanuel_:  "ubuntu derived" distro?16:45
Resistancemanuel_:  do you mean mint?16:45
hatebyou wanna start filozofical discussion here, really :)?16:45
hatebok, thx for help guys16:45
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xanguamanuel_: ask in your distro channel/forum/stack exchange16:45
manuel_Resistance: yes xd16:45
Resistance!mint | manuel_16:45
ubottumanuel_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:45
dimitrisPlease help us newbies find the preferences for Cheese.16:46
manuel_xangua: the commands will be the same!16:46
Resistancemanuel_:  ask in that location, or go onto mint forums, or stackexchange16:46
netsurf3dimitris, hmm just had a look through and found the patch you'd probably need. I sincerly doubt it would work nicely with anything though as you need the 3.2 kernel (which i currently know nothing about) the regression was ment to be introduced in 2.6.37 so if you can find a kernel lower than that the issue should not be present16:46
urlin2uhateb, its not philosophy think about it.16:46
alexhanhhi, ideas why i'm getting sub-process returned an error code? http://www.pastie.org/private/sjt97jmkbkefvv3qkwcka16:47
manuel_Resistance: OMG, i think that policy is unfair, taking in account that they are almost the same and that i am seeking for command line help16:47
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proweranyone have any idea as to how i could disable the nvidia dkms module from being loaded on boot? without removing dkms altogether that is :<16:48
dimitrisSo, can we find out if we have the 3.2 kernel without breaking our heads?16:48
aendrukHow can I access the files beneath a mountpoint? I tried using 'mkdir /newpath; mount --bind /mountpoint /newpath', but /newpath still contains the files from the filesystem mounted at /mountpoint, not the files stored on the disk within the folder /mountpoint.16:48
xanguadimitris: uname -a16:48
MonkeyDustdimitris  uname -r16:48
Resistancemanuel_:  if you have an issue with the policies, its generally not my decision.  Mint isnt a supported derivative of ubuntu, hence why we have the factoid16:48
netsurf3dimitris, what distro are you running inc the codename?16:48
m_fulderI wonder, if I have some folders containing shortcuts to other folders/files. Can I somehow create a zip archive of thoes but still have the shortcuts-structure?16:48
m_fulderi.e. so the zip will contain shortcuts instead of the files the shortcuts are pointing to?16:49
dimitrisI have the 3.0.0-14-generic16:49
dimitrisSo, does that mean we can use the patch?16:51
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:52
alexhanhalexhanh: for some reason I had removed /tmp -- creating it solved the problem16:52
Resistancemanuel_:  here's the lists of othe supported derivatives.  only those derivatives are supported in the Ubuntu IRC channels: http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/derivatives16:54
netsurf3dimitris, just looking into this for you16:55
vinnyubuntu One is buggy16:56
leequarellaI have a program that I installed via `sudo make install` (the program is wkhtmltopdf) but it is failing to execute and I think it may be a permission problem.  are apps in the /bin dir globally accessable?16:56
MonkeyDustvinny  thank you for informing us16:58
m_fulderanyone? can I create a zip contingin shortcuts?16:58
Olafurgood after noon, I was wondering if someone knew how i can get some sound on ubuntu 11.10  for some reason nothing hears out of the speakers16:59
rcmaehlOkay I have a pc in which the grub appears to be deleted as the pc just blinks and never gets past BIOS because the HDD doesn't seem bootable. How do I reinstall grub from a inside liveusb?16:59
vinnyMonkeyDust  you want to know why?16:59
xrdodrxleequarella, they should be, but it's possible it isn't readable by you. what's the output of ls -l /bin ?16:59
MonkeyDustvinny  i don't use it17:00
xrdodrx!bug | vinny17:00
ubottuvinny: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:00
teageIf i compile a program like say, qt version 4.7 and install to home folder, is that some how different than the default install using sudo apt-get?? It installed just fine but another program that depends on it will not compile and is complaining that I need ffmpeg when I know its already installed.17:00
xrdodrxteage, it's much different. Did you install with sudo make install, sudo checkinstall or did you install without root and changed your --prefix?17:01
nightshade209rcmaehl: try this: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin7 (usual disclaimers apply - be careful etc etc)17:01
rcmaehlnightshade209: I didn't install windows though17:02
rcmaehlall I did was remove bootchat and rebooted17:02
nightshade209rcmaehl: yes, but the procedure for recovering grub2 might still work17:02
teagexrdodrx, cant even get to the install part. wont get past config and my prefix is this........../configure --prefix=/usr/local/tupi --with-qtdir=/home/teage/qt/qt17:03
netsurf3dimitris, okay possible easy fix17:03
xrdodrxrcmaehl, install grub via "grub-install /dev/sda", where /dev/sda is your boot disk17:03
netsurf3dimitris, you said your machine is a tablet17:03
rcmaehlxrdodrx: I have a seperate boot partition17:03
netsurf3does it have a keyboard?17:04
rcmaehland nightshade209's link should work17:04
rcmaehli think  :\17:04
xrdodrxrcmaehl, it accepts partitions as arguments as well17:04
nightshade209rcmaehl: i had screwed up my grub2 sometime, it usually works...17:04
rcmaehlubuntu 11.10 uses grub2 right?17:04
induz I have 512MB of two bar memory...I tried to change them with 512 DDR2 RAM...is it possible...r they the same??17:04
nightshade209rcmaehl: there's one in the ubuntu documentation somewhere, can't seem to find that tho17:04
rcmaehlnot grub?17:05
nightshade209rcmaehl: yup, grub217:05
induzis pc2 type RAM is similar to DDR memori sticks17:05
hatebanyone else have a problem with f.lux on ubuntu ?17:05
xrdodrxinduz, No.17:05
Piciinduz: no, and ##hardware please17:06
QuantumQuantaWhat directory should I stick my self-created scripts into so that they are on the $PATH and can be run without hassle?17:06
xrdodrxQuantumQuanta, whatever folder you want, then add that folder to your path17:06
QuantumQuantaxrdodrx: There's not a standard way of doing it?17:06
PiciQuantumQuanta: Often ~/bin/ is often used.17:06
xrdodrxQuantumQuanta, PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.scripts is what I use17:07
xrdodrxput that in your .bashrc17:07
QuantumQuantaxrdodrx: thanks, that was my next questino17:07
induzi have 1 GB RAM on this desktop... is it ok to rumUbuntu 1017:07
nightshade209induz: yes17:08
xrdodrxinduz, you might want to use 10.04 LTS as 10.10 is EOL17:08
xrdodrxoh, nevermind17:09
xrdodrxIt's not EOL yet, sorry17:09
nightshade209induz: xrdodrx: i am running 11.10 on 1GB RAM, works fine17:09
K-4USoo. i´ve got an issue here with a bash script. It works on one pc, but doesn´t on the other17:10
K-4Uhttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/530960/ <-- who can help me?17:11
netsurf3dimitris, okay we have several options you can try: 1) when you next start the computer up select the option from grub and press E to edit the boot option. Go to the end of the line where it says "splash quite" after this bit add  "pcie_aspm=force" it is important you dont add or delete anything else to these lines. press ctrl-x and see if that makes things work better.17:13
netsurf32) there is a repo you can add that potentially fixes the problem automagically17:14
netsurf3https://launchpad.net/~ptn107/+archive/ppa <- the ppa with the kernel already patched17:14
zivesteri have a 128gb SSD, is 20gb big enough for /, while having /home for the rest ?17:15
xrdodrxzivester, I use 10GB17:15
K-4ULetmetry again... Is there somebody here who can look at this output en tell me what is happening? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/530960/17:16
Picizivester: Yes, that should be fine.17:16
robbbieK-4U: what are you wondering?17:17
K-4Urobbbie: What what do you mean?17:17
zivesterdo I use an MBR or GUID for the Scheme?  I'm formatting manually because I'm migrating17:17
AwumpaHi. When I am trying to install ubuntu I get to this screen (http://i.imgur.com/rofXk.jpg) but when I try to start I have no input on the monitor. I get a boot sound, but no input. Anyone know what's wrong?17:18
robbbieK-4U: i am looking at your paste..17:18
h00kAwumpa: what version of Ubuntu is that?17:18
K-4Urobbbie: Well, why does it work on one pc, but not on the other, while it is the exact same file?17:18
h00kAwumpa: what graphics card do you have?17:18
dimitrisnetsurf3 thank you very much for the big help untill now ! I will try it later and i will come some time in again. Thank you again !17:19
h00kAwumpa: try by verifying the USB, first, then maybe someone familiar with that issue can help, alternatively, I'll throw you a factoid about nvidia17:20
h00k!nvidia | Awumpa17:20
ubottuAwumpa: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:20
robbbieK-4U: paste stat /etc/openvpn/up.sh from both17:21
Olafurso i dont repost, did someone see what i wrote? had connection problems,,, have problem with my sound17:21
h00kOlafur: you can repost, otherwise it's really hard to keep track of what people said in the past17:21
AwumpaFairly new, but how would I get to the terminal if Ubuntu won't launch properly?17:21
krineticfuck you guys17:22
K-4Urobbbie: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/530963/ <-- must say that i have just updated the file, because somehow the working pc has the files in /usr/sbin, and the not working has them in /sbin17:22
h00kAwumpa: you should be able to test integrity from that boot menu17:23
go8765Olafur, yea. Its bettaer to repost17:23
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AwumpaWhen I go into advanced options there are no other options17:23
robbbieK-4U: rm stat.sh on the one that isn't working and recreate it. first see the output of file up.sh for each as well17:24
robbbieK-4U: i mean up.sh17:24
Olafurhello,, am i connected here?17:24
xrdodrxOlafur, yes17:25
robbbieK-4U: file type should be 'regular' file, as you can see there is some weird stuff going on with stat. `up.sh' should be the file, also its 4 bytes bigger.. maybe some null bytes? dunno17:25
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K-4Urobbbie: ¨Normaal bestand¨ means ¨regular file¨. Sorry, thought i had the setup in english.. It´s dutch ;)17:26
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robbbieK-4U: oh :)17:27
ForNickAteHerClicked the 'part all' button by mistake but noticed highlighted windows...did someone mention me here before I left?17:27
RemyHey guys. :)17:27
K-4Urobbbie: Okay.. weird, it works now... :\17:27
xrdodrxForNickAteHer, your nick hasn't been mentioned in this room for the last 12 hours17:28
Olafurok, finally got connected to xchat17:28
OlafurI have problem with my sound, there isnt any. there doesnt seem to be a missing plug in or driver17:28
docmurHow do you compile against the included mongo c driver for ubuntu, it's in the apt-get repository17:28
K-4Urobbbie: Or, at least, it doesn´t give me any weird errors now :\17:28
ForNickAteHerxrdodrx thanks17:28
K-4Urobbbie: Okay! And my openvpn server started! :D Thanks! :)17:28
OlafurI am running on ubuntu 11.10, mother board is gigabyte and graphics card is nVidia17:28
opalepatrickRecently installed ubuntu 11.10, just getting around to sorting out sound out problem. I noticed with ekiga and tried sound recorder. No sound. So where do I go to start sorting it?17:29
acidfrostdocmur, apt-get source nameofpackage17:29
Olafurall are recent17:29
docmurI have it installed17:29
docmurI just need to know how to compile against it17:29
opalepatrickI can hear fine (using headphones)17:29
Olafurgraph card and mother board17:29
docmurI've always used the source directly17:29
acidfrostdocmur, compile against something means relatively little to me you'd have to elaborate17:30
docmurcompile against as in use gcc to compile against a library, hence compile against17:31
acidfrostdocmur, -L/path/to/lib17:32
RemyWill Xubuntu 11.10 recognize my Intel's drivers on an ASUS netbook (Eee PC 1001PXD)?  I can't get my system to detect my drivers (if netbooks even have any drivers worth installing).  Also, how can I force Xubuntu to give me Read AND Write permissions to my Windows partition?17:32
OlafurI have problem with my sound, there isnt any. there doesnt seem to be a missing plug in or driver17:32
OlafurI am running on ubuntu 11.10, mother board is gigabyte and graphics card is nVidia17:32
xrdodrxRemy, have you installed it yet?17:32
xrdodrxIt should.17:32
RemyNope.  I go to Additional Drivers, and it doesn't detect anything.  It just says something like "There are no available drivers to be installed."17:33
urlin2uRemy, is the live cd running good? ubuntu will automatically have read write access to windows.17:35
RemyOh, it's a netbook.  I don't have a CD-ROM drive.17:36
urlin2uRemy, right are you running a live desktop?17:36
jare1How can I change the default selection color (which is red-is) ?17:37
Remyurlin2u, I am not, but I am intrigued how using a Live USB would allow my Xubuntu partition to gain permanent Read AND Write access to my Windows partition.  You see, I want to run my Windows programs through Wine, but I've run into problems in the past because I didn't have Write permissions.17:38
urlin2uRemy, I know nothing about wine... a dual boot is a better solution in my personal opinion. Make sure when you post that all the variables are posted rather then oh by the way when I said windows I meant wine.17:39
Olafurdoes anyone know how to get sound on ubuntu 11.10, i am starting to think im missing a driver, but i cant seem to find it17:40
urlin2u!sound | Olafur17:40
ubottuOlafur: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:40
athlon3dWhere to send a bugreport?17:41
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:41
Olafurubottu: thanks, ill go over those sites and figure things out17:41
ubottuOlafur: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:41
Olafurdid not know tat17:41
Remyurlin2u, Well yeah, but both are important to each other.  I can't run my Windows programs through Wine if I can't write "executable file" permissions on my programs.17:42
RemyIt's like this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/ExecutableBit17:43
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Yaktrack5hi evrydody17:43
athlon3dI find it in bluetooth...17:43
Remyhey Yaktrack5.17:44
rts hi all, i have a question about 1gbit nics + ubuntu in general. i have here a built in RTL based nic which tends to drop frames when sending data over the network... which nics do you recommend in order to achieve high transfer rates (>40MB/sec)?17:44
athlon3dCan anybody try to send file to bluetoth device named Jheng wai GSM/"/"17:44
Yaktrack5hi remy17:44
Yaktrack5I don't know rts17:45
urlin2uRemy, All I can say is I don't know why people even use wine, there are other options, at the worse a 2 min reboot time.17:48
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Remyurlin2u, Okay. Thanks dude. Would you know of any other apps that I can use to play my Windows games on Xubuntu?17:50
MrPocketsWhat port does apt need open outbound to update?17:50
rtsapt requires either port 80 when using http or 20/21 when using ftp...17:51
Olafurfor some reasons those advises did not work17:51
bluegrueRemy; have you tried running them under virtualbox or something?17:51
Olafurit is impossible to get any sound... every thing is plugged in, not on mute and no sound17:52
urlin2uRemy, I'm not a gner so I'm not familiar with stuff there is something called playonlinux you might look at.17:52
rtsMrPockets: or a custom port, depending on whether you are using a local mirror and that mirror is configured to another port other than standard http or ftp17:52
RemyOh! I forgot about virtualbox. I'll have to install that later.  Cool, thanks for the tips, urlin2u and bluegrue17:52
RemyGtg. bye!17:52
urlin2uRemy, cool I assumed you had thought of a virtual.17:53
=== CRACK05 is now known as crack05
robdehi. I have my first server. it is ubuntu 9.1017:55
robdeand i'm wondering why there are almost no packages available in apt-get?17:56
Olafuraha, Im missing the sound file for ubuntu 11.10, where can i get it?17:56
tota-x 818117:56
Pupuser-2hi...can many Linux distros share 1 swap partition17:56
* crack05 is away (Gone)17:57
=== crack05 is now known as CRACK05
who_merobde, ubuntu 9.10 reached end of life and is not supported since april 201117:57
robdewho_me, is it possible to update remotely to a supported version of ubuntu?17:58
citadelgradAny recommendations for IRC clients? I'm using XChat and want to hide all the noise.17:59
xangua!eol | robde17:59
ubotturobde: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:59
OneSquaredHello, i installed apache, php and mysql. I added file index.php. But when i open browser. i see tag php... Do you know why ? I don't find a good conf for httpd or php.ini17:59
who_merobde, never did an upgrade remotely nor would I attempt to :/18:00
Olafuralso, I would like to get wobbly windows working, does anyone know how to do that on ubuntu 11.1018:00
citadelgradOneSquared: You should enable PHP in apache.18:00
oCeancitadelgrad: right click on the channeltab, settings > hide18:00
OneSquaredcitadelgrad, How enable php ? Where ?18:00
who_merobde, for server stuff it is a very good idea to use LTS releases. 10.04 is the latest one and there will be 12.04 later this year.18:00
rtsrobde: i have done multiple upgrades and dist-upgrades on my vserver until canonical/ubuntu decided to remove the existing older distributions from their apt repository... i worked quite well, even with the limitations of the vserver18:01
citadelgradOneSquared: Enable in the apached configure files.18:01
OlafurI am missing the sound file on ubuntu 11.10, where/ how can I get it?18:02
devmikeyQuestion: Does ubuntu.org offer paid support like redhat does?18:02
magpiii recently unchecked the show menus option in preferences menu, how can i add it again18:02
oCeanOneSquared: if you've install php5 properly it should have enabled the php5 apache module. But you can enable it anyway:  sudo a2enmod php5, then restart apache18:02
OneSquaredSorry citadelgrad but i'm a nood in unix admin. Can you tell me how to do exactly?18:03
oCeandevmikey: yes, by Canonical: http://www.ubuntu.com/business/services/overview18:03
crx890oCean, i think it depends on by which order are those things installed.18:03
OneSquaredoCean, Ok thanks18:03
magpiiwhat i mean is, where u can decide what is shown in menus, i unchecked the menus option by mistake18:03
crx890maybe he should check if php mod for apache is install18:03
devmikeyoCean: do other distributions?18:03
oCeancrx890: oh, that could be yes18:03
trippyi have a question not related to ubuntu.. but i could find no other support for this problem.. may i ask??18:04
oCeandevmikey: other supported distro's? Well, there is Suse18:04
tjiggi_fodevmikey, http://www.ubuntu.com/business/services/overview18:04
devmikeyany of the bsds?18:04
=== jutnux|tea is now known as jutnux
trippyis that a no???18:06
crx890no, go away ;)18:06
docmurdoes any one know how to fix the font issue on Ubuntu server 11.10 http://pastebin.com/PF6vDDzy,  Or does anyone know what font is missing on the system18:06
OneSquaredoCean, a2enmod doesn't exist :/ (I installed apache from source).18:07
trippycrx890: any advice where to look for debian support??18:08
pangolintrippy: #debian18:08
llutztrippy: #debian18:08
trippyi tried #debian already18:08
llutztrippy: #debian on oftc18:08
crx890i have no idea..18:08
crx890but he could try to apt-cache | filter it18:08
trippynobody is talking.. just a bunch of joining and leaving going on in there..18:08
crx890and find php module for Apache18:08
crx890it should install all deps automatically18:08
robderts: what's the best way to do such a remote upgrade?18:09
rtstippy: just ask your question :D18:09
llutztrippy: well, this is #ubuntu only. go wake some people up in the given channels18:09
drakekinHey. I'm having some trouble getting wifi working on a fresh install of ubuntu server. When I run lspci the card shows up as an Ethernet controller (which is odd, since the card has no ethernet port).18:09
trippythanks llutz...18:09
rtsrobde: ssh into the server, backup vital data, do apt-get upgrade, then modify your /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the next distribution available, for example replace all occurrences of maveric by natty, then do apt-get dist-upgrade..., finally kneel down and pray that everything works as expected :D18:10
blitzis there any way to hibernate, so I could boot up on my other partition do something, and then resume where I was18:11
drakekinCan anyone help point me in the right direction to get wifi working?18:11
perrottinoragazzi è normale che in dev/sda1/ mi dà in totale 53 Gb però dal bios in totale mi dà 60 Gb ovvero non è che ho fatto qualche casino con virtualbox, ho formattato e basta dovevo formattare prima la macchina virtuale?18:11
dr_willisdrakekin:  ubuntu has a hibnernate/suspend feature.. but i never use it. You need swap at least as big as your ram I recall. perhaps a little more18:12
blitzwell here goes18:12
prince_jammys!it | perrottino18:12
robderts: :D alright. I'm gonna try that now18:12
ubottuperrottino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:12
dr_willisOh that was for blitz  :) scrolled messages too fast18:13
rtsdrakekin: have a look at the wpa-supplicant package, if you are using the wifi card / usb stick in unmanaged mode18:13
athlon3dhi! I have some problem with sound output in gnu solfege. When I play sound via timidity there is some zipper noise.18:14
perrottinoops... sorry....18:14
syddrafDoes anyone know why it looks like SILC support was dropped from pidgin in 11.10?18:14
Awolfguys i get this error when i try to run synaptic18:15
Awolfterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'18:15
Awolf  what():  vector::_M_range_check18:15
tuskaaHello everyone!18:16
drakekinrts: At the moment it's not showing the card in ifconfig or iwconfig.18:16
rtsdrakekin: which card are you using?18:16
tuskaaAnyone with correct knowledge about sound drivers (mean PulseAudio/Alsa)?18:17
=== TNZ_ is now known as TNZfr
rtsdrakekin: have you modprobe'd the card?18:17
drakekinrts: Marvel 88w833518:18
rtsdrakekin: have you checked out http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/marvell-88w8335-chipset-netgear-wg311-pcicard-driver/ already?18:19
OneSquaredphp5 is enable in file httpd, apache is restarted. But my browser always display <?php echo "Hello World"; ?>18:19
tuskaaSo here's the thing : Just installed proprietary drivers for Nvidia (570) GPU, and lost any kind of sound in the process. Tried reinstalling PulseAudio, fail'd, tried reinstalling ALSA, fail'd, compiling ALSA, fail'd. Anyone got any idea?18:19
drakekinrts: Thanks, I'll try that18:20
syddrafOneSquared: It is saved in a .php file right?18:20
rtsdrakekin: well, the information is quite dated (2008) and it basically says that the driver is still in work...18:21
rtsdrakekin: is it an internal or external card (usb)?18:22
overdubis there a safe way to remove old kernels and related files from my /boot partition?18:22
dr_willisoverdub:  the package manager tools. if they were installed by the pacakge manager18:23
rtsoverdub: well, it basically boils down to editing the /boot/grub/grub.lst/conf file and rm'ing the unwanted kernels, initrds and configurations...18:23
drakekinrts: internal card18:23
KvaksWill installing the jack sound dæmon likely cause me issues with a stable and working standard PulseAudio, or should it be a smooth ride to have both installed at the same time? I'm not going to bother if it will cause a lot of trouble.18:24
overdubrts: I want to free up space on /boot since this install is on a USB stick and I don't have much room18:24
tuskaaSo, no one got any idea? I lurked the forums for about 5 hours now, with no compliant results.18:24
overdubdr_willis: I'll look into package manager tools18:24
dr_willis!apt | overdub18:25
ubottuoverdub: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)18:25
OneSquaredsyddraf, Sorry i have disconnected.18:25
rtsdrakekin: perhaps you try the proprietary drivers provided by marvell : http://www.marvell.com/support/downloads/ and search for linux drivers kernel 2.4.x and higher18:25
Knorrebeing a newbie to linux and ubuntu (having used windows all my life) this opens up WORLDS of comfort and awesomeness18:25
Knorrei'm on KDE :)18:25
trismsyddraf: see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=62922218:26
ubottuDebian bug 629222 in pidgin "pidgin: please remove SILC support" [Wishlist,Fixed]18:26
athlon3dIs anybody know how to fix zipper nois in timidity?18:26
OneSquaredsyddraf, Do you know my problem ?18:26
rtsoverdub: dr_willis has a point here , perhaps try apt-get remove old-kernel-version, too -- i for my part prefer the rm'ing of older kernels :D18:27
syddrafOneSquared: I've had problems with that if I didn't save it as a .php file.18:27
dr_willisrts:  if they were installed via the package managers.. that wouldent make sence to do it that way. :)18:27
source1009hi guys good new  year18:28
overdubrts: apt-get remove old_kernel_version sounds promising18:28
Knorrehappy late new year!18:28
OneSquaredsyddraf, Yet my file is index.php :/18:28
source1009i need pk all .deb aver media volar hx ,i was changed the code ,burt not works18:29
syddrafOneSquared try running : "a2enmod php5"18:29
syddrafOneSquared: That will enable the mod in apache if it isn't.18:29
dr_willissource1009:  rephrase the question.. that made No sence at all.18:29
OneSquaredsyddraf, a2enmod : Command not found :/18:30
rtssource1009: who is burt?18:30
source1009sorry but18:30
syddrafOneSquared: Are you running apache as your webserver?18:30
rtssource1009: is it an avery media volar hx card?18:30
rtssource1009: have you tried the proprietary drivers provided by the vendor, if any?18:31
xrdodrxrts, rm'ing of old kernel versions isn't good because you might still have the headers and other files18:32
xrdodrxthey'll also still appear in grub, but will be unbootable18:32
xrdodrxit's better to remove them through the package manager, that's what it's their for :/18:32
source1009but  page druivers is obsolete for  atctually kernel18:32
source1009not works in this kernel18:33
TiMiDosource1009, which kernel do you have? and which drivers are you trying?18:33
source1009we have  a problem with privative drivers18:33
rtssource1009: i am afraid that unless they provide a newer version of their drivers for the kernel you are using, sound will be unavailable...18:34
source1009aver media don't want updater this drivers for linux18:35
TiMiDosource1009, add the user name to the audio group and log out are you using alsa?18:35
rtsxrdodrx: dr_willis already pointed that one out, thanks :D18:35
source1009driver (a 827) aver media for lastest kernel18:35
source1009okey rts18:35
TiMiDosource1009, what language do you speak?18:36
source1009timido that isn't the problem18:36
source1009american english ,why?18:36
TiMiDolol no wonders,18:36
TiMiDosource1009, what have you done so far,?18:37
xrdodrxsource1009, what is your native language18:38
source1009timido all ok , i was intalled in windows ,under windows works it :D18:39
source1009is  much more faster :D18:39
TiMiDowhat the hell18:40
source1009i am not troll18:40
source1009i am linux user18:40
rtsforgot to say, troll kommt von troll dich :D18:41
source1009respect me pls18:41
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|Anthony|i am having some trouble getting a partition mounted with rw permissions.18:42
xcyclistI've been meaning to tell someone:  git pull, et al, are prompting for username with no echo.  I suspect this is a bug.18:43
|Anthony|this is my line in fstab:18:43
|Anthony|i tried defaults but same issue, no write permissions18:43
xcyclistIt would be nice to know if this git username echo bug is already known about, or if I should document it.18:43
rtscan you use auto for the filesystem spec in /etc/fstab?18:43
|Anthony|its owned by root18:43
dr_willis|Anthony|:  what FS is it using?18:44
|Anthony|yes auto is allowed18:44
|Anthony|but its on ext318:44
|Anthony|which i also specified18:44
rts|Anthony|: perhaps you need to specify the filesystem explicitly instead of using auto18:44
|Anthony|i did18:44
dr_willis|Anthony|:  as far as i know, you dont override the exec, or rw permissions on an ext2/3/4 filesystem via mount options.18:45
robdeI somehow can't really install packages.. it always fails allocating enough memory :/18:45
dr_williscan anyone else confirm/deny that?18:45
|Anthony|my original line was ext3 defaults18:45
robdememory exhausted18:45
rtsrobde: on what server/device are you trying to dist-upgrade?18:46
|Anthony|but that produced the same result... which is why i tried to explicitly set them18:46
robderts: I did't try it yet. it's a "minimal installation" of ubuntu 9.1018:46
Leinad90I've Ubuntu 10.04 on Dell Mini 10. I'm using CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor 2.30.0 in GNOME. When I try to select some governor, it is changet whitin some minutes. Who can change it?18:47
rtsrobde: no, what i meant on which hardware device/server are you trying to dist-upgrade?18:47
robderts: it's a vserver18:47
rts|Anthony|: have you tried e2fsck -n on /dev/sd618:48
robderts: 128 mb ram18:48
xcyclistI'd put it in launchpad, but it appears the bug writing access is off for me, probably because I've been too inactive.  Anyway, please someone put in a bug18:48
xcyclistsaying that git prompts for username with no echo.18:49
|Anthony|no i have not rts18:49
rtsrobde: hm, that is a little bit tight...18:49
rtsrobde: perhaps you go ask your hoster/provider to install a newer ubuntu release for you then?18:49
robderts: yes, that's what I thought too. but anyways, i'm almost unable to install anything.. it always stops due to insufficient memory18:51
rtsrobde: df -h -- perhaps your disk run out of space?18:51
taittingeranyone with hp g6000 notebook succeeded to get the built in mic to work18:51
robderts: 2.5G  681M  1.8G  28% /18:51
rtsrobde: it seems that your vserver's caps are not sufficient enought to do the upgrade, mine had at least 1024MB avail18:52
rtsrobde: -t18:53
robderts: hm.. is the something like virtual memory I could enable?18:54
rtsrobde: is it a vserver that you can manage by yourself?18:54
modI unfortunately updated my 10.10 and it killed my java plugin setup which was specificly fixed for working with Juniper's Network Connection VPN software.  The only plugin I can get to work is icedtea, but as my luck would have it, the Network Connect does not work with icedtea.  I had a sun java6 jre working before, but since updating I cannot get this to work again.  No matter what I do browers do not recognize the jre6 plugin.  Can I get some help please?18:54
sstamod: there's a howto about it somewhere...hang on18:56
robderts: ahhh! :) I just found a tiny little button in the web administation of it "reinstall vserver". and it offers 10.04 :)18:56
rtsmod: same problem with my ubuntu 10.10 installation. i first installed oracle java 1.6 jre latest release and copied the plugin from $JAVA_HOME/lib/amd64/... to the browser's plugin directory. afterwards, the browser (firefox) required me to install the then found jre1.6.x plugin...18:56
rtsrobde: great :D18:57
modrts, hmm yeah not wokring for me... ultimate would be to have it working in chrome18:57
modrts, will try FF again since I had not done that since I followed: http://pluri.blogspot.com/2011/01/ubuntu-1010-juniper-network-connect.html18:57
ecartanyone know how to use the addon blowfish?18:58
source1009netstat :D18:58
rtsmod: i am not familiar with juniper network... just my experience when trying to use the german tax administration's online portal18:58
source1009java plugin  need much kernel for work ,i not need java plugin18:59
sstajunipernc is insanely badly written rubbish...but http://mad-scientist.us/juniper.html is a decent place to start18:59
rtssource1009: for some use cases you actually do and want to do19:00
sstapersonally I maintain a Virtualbox VM specifically to use junipernc...otherwise it locks out the main machine19:00
source1009ssta virtual box is a fake ,sucks19:02
source1009the people needs  good software,not fakes19:02
source1009oke ;)19:02
source1009apple have both things19:02
FloodBot1source1009: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:02
source1009example :d19:02
syddrafssta: Seems like fanboy trolling to me.19:03
modrts, man I've copies this .so all over the place, no luck.  Which .so did you use?  ns7? ns7-gcc?19:03
sstaah, fair enough19:03
desailaHi all.  I'm doing some desktop sharing between ubuntu 11.10 and os x lion.  i setup the vncserver via vino on the ubuntu box, connected from my mac, and i can click around and what not.  when i do that, things change on the remote box, but not in my vnc client.  i can see the cursor, etc, but it just doesn't seem to update anything i do.  any ideas?19:04
rtsmod: there was a tutorial for that on the oracle site, lets see19:04
rtsmod: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/manual-plugin-install-linux-136395.html19:05
sstaOracle should just license their stuff better19:05
Naphidiawhat does ubuntu minimal install as a bootloader? And how do i change the ubuntu splash screen ?19:05
rtsmod: it is called libnpjp2.so19:05
IngForiguahi :D19:06
modrts, huh19:06
IngForiguasomeone knows tht games i can play on a lan network (no FPS) ty :D19:06
modtakng a peek, thanks19:07
NewB_Hi everyone! Is there a way to limit my cpu ? ( i have a 6 core cpu ... but i use ubuntu for regular day by day use. Web browsing, movies, music etc. and an extra disk with xp for play)19:07
rtsme too, your welcome19:07
dr_willisdesaila:  ive seen vino have similer issues -   Personally i use differnt vncservers, and i normally dont share the 'current visible desktop' but have a seperate hidden vnc session. as an alterantive theres synergy that lets you control the remote pc  but you have to be able to see its monitor. :)   Or theres teamviewer that may work better for you and shares the current desktop.19:07
nu_dormhi to all. I've been testing 2 different laptops with *buntu distributions but I've never been able to make them see the whole 4GB of system RAM. In fact, both computers just see about 3GB. How can I solve it? thanks19:08
ikoniaNewB_: why would you want to limit your cpu ?19:08
desailaya, dr_willis.  i lOVE synergy19:08
dr_willisdesaila:  i think theres a synergy2 out now,.,but ive not used it in ages.19:08
dr_willisnu_dorm:  it can often depend on the exact hardware from that i recall reading ages ago. :)19:08
desailai was hoping for a true remote experience though.. planning on remoting in from outside the office19:09
puffWhy does top show nm-applet at 2GB of memory? 1827 puff      20   0 1898m 491m 7932 S    0  6.2  30:25.66 nm-applet19:09
IcemanV9nu_dorm: kernel with -pae will see 4g of ram19:09
desailahow do you start a vncserver in ubuntu dr_willis ?  what's the command line19:09
puffAnd how can I stop/restart nm-applet?  Obviously, killing it will stop it it, but then restarting it?19:09
dr_willisdesaila:  for over the internet. you dont want to use vino.  teamviewer would be a good easy solution. or a ssh tunnle.19:09
rtsanyone tried vde2 yet? i am planning to set up multiple vlan layers with it, any experiences?19:09
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/19:09
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:10
dr_willisdesaila:  'vncserver' is the command. :) theres several differnt vncservers to pick from. but you dont want to be using them over the internet.. without a ssh tunnle.19:10
dr_willis!vnc | desaila19:10
ubottudesaila: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX19:10
spazzzhave we got netflix to work yet?19:10
kcw45hi all, i am having an annoying visual glitch on 12.04 alpha.  was wondering if anyone is experiencing this in any oneiric as well.  a screenshot found at: http://picpaste.com/bug-HCMPJ7ZH.png19:10
NewB_ikonia: want to peak cpu to 80%19:11
dr_willisspazzz:  Netflix is supposed to come out with a linux native client.. 'sometime this year'  from what  i recall reading in blog posts a few months back.19:11
desailai vpn before i connect to the vnc, so i odn't think security is an issue dr_willis and ubottu19:11
Specdr_willis: oh really.19:11
desailaunless i have no idea waht i'm taling about19:11
ikoniaNewB_: why though ?19:11
dr_willisdesaila:  vpn ;) makes it easier.19:11
ikoniaNewB_: why would you not want to use %100 of your cpu's capabilities ?19:11
ryoohkiis there a way t log power events?19:11
ikoniaryoohki: power events ?19:12
abhinavmehtaI'm trying to manually configure my eth0 interface…but getting some error. http://pastebin.com/yxjZ6YTP19:12
dr_willisnight all...19:12
spazzzdr willis is that umm moonlight or something like that,and thank you that answered my ? glad thier going to be coming out with it..19:12
IcemanV9kcw45: 12.04 is under development and things changed daily. also, there is a channel, #ubuntu+1, for any questions related to 12.0419:12
ryoohkiikonia: ac disconnect, ac reconnect, lid open, lid close...19:12
abhinavmehtaI've provided error and my /etc/network/interfaces file19:12
puffI vaguely remember, at some time in the past, killing nm-applet and then having trouble getting it restarted again, so I wanted to ask here before I kill it.19:12
ikoniaryoohki: that's logged in the syslog19:13
ikoniaabhinavmehta: why are you not using network manager ?19:13
nu_dormIcemanV9: I can tell you for sure that even installing PAE kernel will solve the problem. I've already tried that19:13
ryoohkiikonia: can't find it in /var/log19:13
abhinavmehtaI can use only terminal…its on VM, under Bridged mode19:13
nu_dormdr_willis: pls gimme more details19:13
spazzzpuff you remember helping me about the dvd was that you?19:13
ikoniaabhinavmehta: do you have an eth0 device ?19:14
abhinavmehtaits VMWare Fusion..so its there.19:14
puffspazzz: Not sure what you're talking about.19:14
rtsmake that network instead of network
ikoniaabhinavmehta: youre gateway is unreachable19:15
ikoniaabhinavmehta: remove the gateway line and try it19:15
abhinavmehtagive me a sec…let you know19:15
spazzzpuff i figured it out now btw just wanted to tell you...it was simple i was being a noob...19:16
abhinavmehtaikonia: perfect…error gone. But now while ping, its saying unknown host19:16
ikoniaabhinavmehta: because you won't have a route out19:16
ikoniaabhinavmehta: you need to use a valid gateway19:17
rtsikonia: the network line is wrong19:17
ikoniarts: yes, I an see that too19:17
spazzzpuff so if that was you pretty sure it was ty for your time..just got vlc player.19:17
abhinavmehtarts: okay I make the change to network19:18
modrts, I don't see the .so named as you mentioned.  just dl'd from that link at oracle... whcih I'm pretty sure I've done before19:18
rtsthanks, now off to watch some weird facebook relation stuff on dvd :D -- child molestation or something like that...19:18
spazzzsee you later guys have a good day...19:18
rtsit is called trust...19:18
abhinavmehtarts: By changing that network, and uncommenting that gateway line…again its showing me the error19:19
ikoniaabhinavmehta: don't uncomment the gateway, it's unreachable, it will never work19:19
ikoniaabhinavmehta: the network needs to be 1.0 AND the gateway line needs to be valid19:20
abhinavmehtaon my host os, eg. OSX…I can see that gateway is
abhinavmehtaso..I guess gateway is correct…plz correct me if I'm worng.19:20
ikoniaabhinavmehta: is this a guest or the host ?19:20
abhinavmehtaubuntu is guest os, running inside VMWare…on OSx(host os)19:21
ikoniaabhinavmehta: ok - so you are putting the guest on 192.168.1.X network, your gateway is - 1.X cannot see 2.119:21
ikoniaabhinavmehta: that is how it's meant to work19:22
ikoniaabhinavmehta: that is correct, it should not be able to see
ikoniait's a totally different network19:22
abhinavmehtabut its in bridged mode..19:22
ikoniathat doesn't change the addresses to magically work19:22
abhinavmehta:) okay...19:23
ikoniaabhinavmehta: bridge mode bridges the physical devices, not the ip layer19:23
abhinavmehtagot you..! thinking the other way round.19:23
ikoniaabhinavmehta: get it ?19:23
humamiazi need help instaling my usb wireless device any help here?19:24
syddrafDoes anyone know of a good program to host a VPN? I'm trying to set one up for my computers, but I've had troubles with pptpd19:24
abhinavmehtathanks ikonia rts :)19:24
tristan3199ushow do i install a display driver??19:24
ikoniaabhinavmehta: no problem, glad it clicked19:24
ubluntuno one else saw what that wierdo rts said ?19:24
ikoniaubluntu: if there is a problem, please report it in #ubuntu-ops, but please don't call people19:24
ubluntuikonia: call people ?19:25
abhinavmehtaikonia: yes, indeed I was struggling stupid.19:25
ikoniaabhinavmehta: nothing stupid about it, virtual networking is complex19:25
abhinavmehtaikonia: I really want to learn..more about it…whats good place to start with.19:25
abhinavmehtalike any pointers in your head../19:26
|Anthony|wtf... i have compiz running on a dual x screen setup (nvidia binary) after many-a-headache but i lost my panel on my main screen. Also desktop cube breaks compiz19:26
abhinavmehta*/ ?19:26
ikoniaabhinavmehta: tons of docs on the net, just apply common sense to what you're reading19:26
ikonia|Anthony|: tone down the lanaguage19:26
* guest009 waves19:26
abhinavmehtaokay..anyways thanks once again.19:26
|Anthony|sorry ikonia thought i did19:26
syddraf|Anthony| I had an issue where disabling Desktop Wall disabled almost every other compiz plugin. Took me a looong time to fix.19:27
|Anthony|folks on #compiz weren't too insightful19:27
|Anthony|it's nice though... compiz manages a profile for each screen19:28
grunki want to upgrade thunderbird from 8 - > 9, can i just delete the old thunderbird dir and unpack from new archive (thunderbird-9.0.1.tar.bz2) to the same dir?19:28
|Anthony|just no cube and i lost my panel on my main screen19:28
|Anthony|give and take i suppose?19:28
syddrafgrunk: I'd use a ppa and let the package manager handle it.19:29
syddrafgrunk: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/thunderbird-stable19:29
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grunkthnx will check it out :)19:31
syddrafgrunk: No problem. It should just be "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install thunderbird"19:32
zivesterso i just installed 11.10 on my desktop... booting into my account works fine but it freezes when booting into recovery mode at the menu.. i need to get to a root shell prompt... how do i do it?19:33
ubluntuzivester: sudo su19:33
zivesterim modifying the users home directory so that's not an option19:34
desailadr_willis: i installed tightvncserver and x11vncserver, removed vino, fired up x11vncserver and everything seems to work !19:37
spaceneedleStrange. Vlc player still has a bunch of weird symbols in place of letters. Tried reinstalling it--nothing changed. Wonder if i'm missing a language file.19:41
sstazivester: you'll have to enable the root account19:43
TanvirHello, how to restart Unity launcher?19:49
zivesterso i logged into the root account through the recovery console... and im trying to modify a uid ... but i get "usermod: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later"19:49
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loincan anyone help me make a bootable usb?19:54
justin__Does anyone know what can cause flex-config.xml to give "Error: null" when building with ant? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.19:54
loini'm on a non-ubuntu linux machine and i tried dd and unetbootin, both methods failed, any suggestions?19:55
genii-aroundzivester: Is the root filesystem mounted read-write or read-only ?19:55
Negat1ve-Zer0Is there a way to do an unblocked read from the bash shell? let's say I'm writing a game and I want to get a keypress but I don't want to hang my game up waiting for the read to complete, anyone know how to do that?19:55
TiMiDojustin__, locate flex-config.xml in a terminal,19:56
zivesteri just selected "drop to root shell prompt" from recovery mode19:56
zivesterhow do i get it read/write ?19:56
justin__TiMiDo: I have it open19:57
genii-aroundzivester: If you type: exit    it should bring you back to the menu from which you chose originally. There should be an option for " remount filesystems read-write" or similar. To choose that, then when it returns to menu, choose drop to root console again.19:57
n0sqwhat would cause firefox to pause after clicking on a link - moving the mouse pointer after a few seconds seems to make the browser go to the website19:58
K1rkI'm trying to get PDF embedded view working on Ubuntu, preferrably in Mozilla Firefox.  As instructed by the Internet, I installed mozplugger.  It is configured to launch evince for PDF files, which it does... however it still opens in the Evince reader as a new window.  I want to view PDFs inside the browser, so far I've only been able to do it with mozplugger+Adobe...I'd rather avoid Adobe.19:59
CampinSamHey guys, quick question.. I've got ubuntu via wubi.. and I would love to toy with it more, but my wireless adapter (a AE1000).. doesn't work just by itself.. Now I can't download any drivers for it, because it's the only connection I have.. and I can't wire it up as well. Is there a place that I can download the drivers, and any instructions.. onto a usb, via windows.. then switching and dumping all that stuff onto my ubuntu boot?20:01
CampinSamIf not.. is there any other solutions?20:01
bearcubanyone at their keyboards?20:04
sstaCampinSam: look into apt-offline20:04
reapingwoanyone else use gecko-mediaplayer plugin to stream divx in browser?20:04
bearcubquestion:  Does anyone know ofa site that will list distrtribuitions based on system requirements?20:04
rhacesHey Everyone.. the latest release of firefox 9.0.1 in my ubuntu broke a lot of things and I need to downgrade to 8.0.1. I wonder if someone knows what is the correct pin version to put on /etc/apt/preference, since if I put 8.0.1 (or anything with 8) I get a unknown pin version20:07
Negat1ve-Zer0Is there a way to do an unblocked read from the bash shell? let's say I'm writing a game and I want to get a keypress but I don't want to hang my game up waiting for the read to complete, anyone know how to do that?20:07
zivesterthat sucked but i finally got it... damn USB keyboards20:08
zipaceNegat1ve-Zer0, not possible in bash, as every bash "command" is essentially a process (unless the command is declared as function, but still, a function may, and likely will, start subprocesses)20:09
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hatebcan you guys recommend good free image viewer ?20:09
K1rkhateb: for what formats?20:10
K1rkWhat image formats doesn't ubuntu already support?20:10
bearcubquestion:  Does anyone know of a site that will list distributions based on system requirements?20:10
hatebthis ubuntu default one lacks some options20:10
K1rkbearcub...what are your system requirements?20:10
K1rkhateb gimp can view lots of images but it's also an editor20:11
bearcubP3 700, 256 MB ram20:11
sstazivester: you can do some interesting stuff with stty.  It's a hack, but works20:11
guest009why doesn't ubuntu ship with gnash? is there any reason?20:11
=== heinz_ is now known as heinz
sstazivester: there's a bit about it in the advanced bash guide at TLDP IIRC20:11
zipacehateb, eog? :P20:11
rhacesHey Everyone.. the latest release of firefox 9.0.1 in my ubuntu broke a lot of things and I need to downgrade to 8.0.1. I wonder if someone knows what is the correct pin version to put on /etc/apt/preference, since if I put 8.0.1 (or anything with 8) I get a unknown pin version20:11
Negat1ve-Zer0zipace: there's no way to do an unblocked read?? that screws me on writing this game20:11
sstaumm, Negat1ve-Zer0 even, sorry20:11
justin__Does anyone know what can cause flex-config.xml to give the message "Error: null" when building with ant?20:11
zipaceguest009, because it's very unstable and doesn't support actionscript3 (which became defacto standard)20:11
sstaNegat1ve-Zer0: yes, stty hackery20:11
K1rkbearcub, to the best of my knowledge Wikipedia's requirements list for Ubuntu is accurate.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%29#System_requirements20:12
Negat1ve-Zer0ssta: sweet20:12
K1rkbearcub, if you want a minimal type of interface that will perform well on that hardware I'd look at xubuntu.20:12
CampinSamssta, I've googled and such.. is app-offline debian only? or am I mistaken?20:12
zipacessta, didn't know about stty. if it fits Negat1ve-Zer0's requirements, discard what i said :-)20:12
guest009K1rk: but i use debian's gnash and it's smooth on utube20:12
guest009K1rk: so i don't need another download20:12
sstaCampinSam: no, it's in ubuntu.  The documentation is all Debian though I think.  It should still work.  http://www.debian-administration.org/article/Offline_Package_Management_for_APT20:13
K1rkguest009: where did you come from?20:13
K1rkI was not talking to you lol20:13
CampinSamssta, Alright thanks, I'll look into it more then.20:13
guest009K1rk: same with you20:13
hatebhmm or at least change scroll whell in default image viewer so it switches to another image instead of zooming, doable ?20:13
Negat1ve-Zer0zipace: thanks, anywho :)20:13
zipaceK1rk, i think he meant to write that to me, haha...20:13
bearcububuntu wants mor ream than is installed in teh mobo20:14
zipaceguest009, well, video streaming is pretty basic, so it's not surprising that gnash supports it20:14
guest009K1rk: we are all from korea20:14
zipacebut as soon as it gets more complex, it will barf20:14
bearcububuntu wants more ram than is installed in the mobo20:14
=== Phreak is now known as Guest16049
sstaCampinSam: there's also aptoncd, but I don't know much about that20:14
K1rkguest009: Interesting?  lol20:14
guest009K1rk: the only issue of gnash is high cpu usage but new cpus can handle it easily20:14
zipacebearcub, try a more lightweight DM like lxde or xfce?20:15
guest009lxde = chinese, strike out20:15
zipacei'm kind of boggled by guest009's preference of users, but hey if it makes you feel comfortable :P20:16
K1rkHow is my name even close to zipace, guest009?20:16
guest009chinese developers20:16
zipacehaha, i don't know20:16
guest009don't use a thing you don't know the background20:16
zipaceso what? lxde is still pretty amazing, and amazingly lightweight20:16
sstait's a FOSS project...who cares where the developers are from?20:16
guest009it's amazing for chinese, not for me20:17
zipacedidn't you ask about gnash first? just wondering20:17
guest009i use gnome on ubuntu20:17
txomon|homeguest009, we always use thing we don't know the backgroud20:17
zipaceand i use XFCE. glad we settled that, then20:17
Negat1ve-Zer0ssta: you don't happen do know how to make stty do that do you?20:17
guest009ubuntu should ship with gnash by default20:18
rhacesHey Everyone.. the latest release of firefox 9.0.1 in my ubuntu broke a lot of things and I need to downgrade to 8.0.1. I wonder if someone knows what is the correct pin version to put on /etc/apt/preference, since if I put 8.0.1 (or anything with 8) I get a unknown pin version20:18
sstaNegat1ve-Zer0: Not from memory, no/  There's a section about it in the advanced bash scripting guide I'm pretty sure.20:18
pauliaxhay, how to install ubuntu on gigabyte RAID-0?20:18
txomon|homeguest009, why not vlc20:18
hydruid_i'm not sure which I like better, mint12 with Unity or ub11.10 with unity......for some reason it feels different20:18
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:18
no-name-does anybody actually like unity?20:18
Negat1ve-Zer0ssta: ok, I'll take a look at that, I think I already have that pulled up anyways, thanks20:18
hydruid_pauliax: so you only have a single drive?20:19
zipacerhaces, don't do that, unless you really want to. rather, download firefox manually, symlink /path/to/where/you/installed/firefox/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox20:19
txomon|homepauliax, is it done via LVM or hardware?20:19
guest009i need gnash to watch utube videos20:19
hydruid_no-name-: i hate it but i love how it integrates the top panel and maximized windows20:19
txomon|homeno-name-, i don't at least20:19
zipaceno-name-, i don't, haha20:19
pauliaxRAID-0 via gygabyte on mothervboars20:19
zipaceit's a total POS imho20:19
hydruid_yea but I'm bored with gnome so i'm giving it a shot20:19
txomon|homehydruid_, use gnome-shell20:20
rhaceszipace I was hoping to be able to do it by pinning the version in /etc/apt/preferences so that I can have a sort of "standard" installation without manually installing anything20:20
guest009what's wrong with gnome3?20:20
hydruid_pauliax: if you only have 1 hard drive, that will be raid 0 by default20:20
dlentzi'm not going to pass judgement on unity for a few more revisions20:20
sstarhaces: you should be able to20:20
zipacerhaces, i understand, but manually installing firefox is really easy20:20
dlentzkde 4.0 was bad too20:20
hydruid_txomon: i've tried a lot of desktop ui's but unity isn't that bad20:20
guest009how about unity?20:20
zipacerhaces, it's essentially just downloading+unpacking+symlinking20:20
zipaceunity is awful, nuff said20:21
guest009for me, unity is acceptable20:21
bearcubthe window systems look light weight, but what I was asking about was distributions(helping somone else pick one out)20:21
sskalnikSeeking a guide for creating a local apt repo - not a local apt cache server or mirror, not an offline repo or similar - but a totally separate repo. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'll appreciate it.20:21
rhacesthanks zipace.. if can't find a way with apt I would have to do it the way you say..20:21
zipacethe missing taskbar in unity is the biggest killer20:21
hydruid_i have mint12 installed, which has a couple flavors of gnome and unity2d/3d20:21
hydruid_zipace: yea but i'm sorta getting used to tabbing more20:21
bearcubI'm berly literate myself, and don't really feel like learining how to swap window sstems20:21
rhacesssta do you have an idea on what I need to put in preferences in /etc/apt/ ??? if I put Pin version 8.0.1 or whatever it doesn't work20:22
pauliaxno its two drives on gigabyte p35-ds3, 500 seagete baracudas (yes its crap), acting as one - RAID-020:22
zipacehydruid_, yeah, *if* the app supports tabs... some don't20:22
sstarhaces: I'd have thought 8* would work20:22
zipacemost don't, actually20:22
bearcuband why do most distro wikis make it a PITA to find system requirements20:22
Jsn0327Hi I need some help with an issue that I am having with PPTP server20:22
hydruid_zipace: hmm most of what i've been using today does......20:22
zipacebearcub, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements? :P20:22
zipacequick google search for "ubuntu system requirements"20:23
bearcubcan't do ubuntu20:23
bearcubsystem requrirements too high20:23
hydruid_wow must be an old system20:23
bearcubmobo has 256 ram installed, maxes out at 38420:23
hydruid_ubuntu 8.04 :P20:24
guest009everybody has 16GB of ram, buddy20:24
rhacesssta no it does/t.. I have Package: firefox Pin: 8* Pin-Priority: 800 and I get W: Did not understand pin type 8*20:24
zipacebearcub, in that case, get alternative installation, and only install what you need20:24
bearcubyeah, 8.04 isa kinda old...20:24
hydruid_guest009: i still have only 4gb20:24
hydruid_bearcub: so is the mb20:24
bearcubthera have beena number of security fixes since20:24
dlentzbearcub, have fun with crunchbang linux :)20:24
sstarhaces: oh, syntax is: Pin: version 8*20:24
guest009if you have an old pc, just use bsds20:24
zipacebearcub, alternative installation will use the least memory20:24
tiduxI noticed something in the release notes for Oneiric that isn't explained fully20:24
sstarhaces: try that20:24
Oerbearcub, try Xubuntu20:25
tiduxN10 graphics turning into jagged diagonal stripes when a second monitor is inserted isn't an Ubuntu-specific thing20:25
mongybearcub, xubuntu or lubuntu will be ok20:25
bearcubagain, PITA to find system reqs20:25
tiduxthat's what happens when the GMA3150 tries to composite desktops that are too big for it to render properly20:25
sstarhaces: it's because you can pin on stuff other than version, so "version" is part of what you're pinning (as well as the version number)20:25
zipacefreenode barf'd again20:25
dlentzOer, xubuntu has gotten heavier with requirements20:26
tiduxI saw the same thing happen on GNOME Shell on Fedora 1620:26
rhacesssta now I didn't get the error but after apt-get install firefox I see Unpacking firefox (from .../firefox_9.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.11.10.2_i386.deb) ...20:26
tiduxif there's a way for Unity to detect N10 graphics and multiple monitors, automatically switching to Unity 2D when there's more than one monitor connected would work20:26
dlentzlubuntu will run okay on 256mb though20:26
hydruidblahhh i had to switch from unity -> unity2d20:26
Urchinsomething is rewriting my /etc/resolv.conf with the IP of my router every few minutes, which contains nothing20:27
Jsn0327I have been trying for hours to resolve this issue, and i have not been able to... when i installed and configured PPTP server it started the server and i could connect no problem.  After i restarted the ubuntu 11.10 machine, I have not been able to connect to the server.  After trying to start the server and looking at the syslog this is the error that it is logging "pptpd[20217]: MGR: PPP20:27
Jsn0327options file /etc/ppp/options.pptpd#015 not readable"20:27
hydruidUrchin: are you releasing and renewing that often as well?20:27
Urchinhydruid I may be20:27
guest009Urchin: are you using dhcp?20:27
sstarhaces: make the priority >99020:28
Jsn0327I thought that there was something wrong with the file or permissions, so i created a new file and copied just the settings (no comments) from the original config to the new file and saved it with the original config name and still got the error20:28
hydruidUrchin: is your dhcp server/router or whatever setup to hand out dns servers?20:28
sstarhaces: pin priorities are tricksy things20:28
Jsn0327i changed the permissions on the file to 777 and still get the error!20:28
guest009Urchin: check your router20:28
Urchinit's some siemens crap20:28
hydruidJsn0327: fully path the client and server, then go back thru and do the setup again20:29
guest009i don't know they make routers20:29
hydruidJsn0327: when you go back through just make sure everything is set correctly based on the guide you used20:29
Negat1ve-Zer0ssta: nvm, didn't have to use any stty tricks, read -t 0.001 -n3 key worked20:29
sstarhaces: apt will not downgrade unless priority is >=1000 for example20:29
hydruidmust be really old20:29
sstaNegat1ve-Zer0: ah, uber-hackery :)20:29
rhacesssta Pin-Priority: 1000 and still the same... should I do something different than apt-get update && apt-get install firefox20:29
hydruidUrchin: you might hae to go static20:29
rhacesssta I'm not even downgrading, I'm removing and reinstalling20:29
sstarhaces: is version 8 even availble in your source?20:30
Jsn0327hydruid what do you mean fully path the client and server?20:30
Urchinok, I've set the router to give me google's DNS (I hope)20:30
zipacessta, really, manually installing would be so much easier than attempting to fiddle around with that :P20:30
rhacesssta maybe not.. LOL!! how can I check that?20:30
UrchinI'll see how it goes20:31
hydruidJsn0327: if the client and server are both ubuntu, make sure they are fully patched (meaning install all updates)20:31
guest009google dns is insecure - multicast20:31
sstazipace: only if you plan to check for updates manually forever...20:31
rhaceszipace I know but I'm a little stubborn and want to know how to do it by pinning20:31
zipacessta, haven't had that problem, firefox updated itself just fine20:31
hydruidJsn0327: sorry my typing lol patch instead of path20:31
Jsn0327the server is ubuntu and is fully updated 11.10 and the client is my iphone and it is updated20:31
sstarhaces: apt-cache search maybe?  I'd grep through the apt lists20:31
guest009don't use google dns or freedns if you don't know what you are doing20:31
zipacessta, firefox has an internal update mechanism20:31
guest009chinese will hijack you20:31
sstazipace: I just prefer to keep everything package managed if at all possible20:32
Jsn0327i did uninstall pptp and reinstall it and reset the configs20:32
hydruidUrchin: and are pretty common20:32
zipacessta, so do I, except for firefox :p20:32
Jsn0327everything worked perfectly until i restarted ubuntu20:32
zipaceguest009, you're not making much sense20:32
Jsn0327after installing pptp the first time it said "ureadahead will be profiled on next reboot" that is the only thing that i can see that may have messed something up20:32
Naphidialol... thats like saying my wife wasn't pregnant until after i fucked her20:32
hydruidJsn0327: did you patch both systems fully?20:33
guest009hehe, believe it or not20:33
guest009yi don't want to use dns servers of honkies20:33
hydruidguest009: the sad thing is, google dns vs local ISP.....hmm which is the lesser of the 2 evils20:34
Jsn0327hydruid:  If you mean apply all available updates, yes.20:34
sstainstall your own DNS server :)20:34
guest009if you have noticed - chinese and koreans are watching you20:34
sstaguest009: let em...20:34
guest009they are everywhere while you are surfing20:35
hydruidssta: your local dns server still has to check with someone else20:35
rhacesssta I guess that's the problem.. there's no version 8 in the repo.. from 7 it jumped to 9...20:35
sstahydruid: that's what root servers are for :)20:35
guest009you should read your logs carefully20:35
rhacesssta let me change it back to 7 and see if that works20:35
hydruidJsn0327: try to connect with a different client just to verify it's not the iphone's fault20:35
hydruidssta: yea but when who is going to manage your local dns server to make sure it doesn't get hacked?20:36
sstaguest009: can you be paranoid elsewhere for a while?20:36
sstahydruid: umm, I am...20:36
hydruidahhh see i'm lazy20:36
Jsn0327Another person had this same problem and left a comment in the guide for the author of the guide.  his reply was in german, but google translated his response to this "The problem is that you have to download it when you changed the files. Since a ^ m as line breaks in it. Edit the files .. then you go"  but i have no idea what he means by that20:36
hydruidi get motivated for a week to protect my local boxes and then forget about them20:36
Jsn0327I know that it isn't the iphone.  The pptp server is not starting because of this read error in the syslog20:37
rhacesssta yes.. that did the trick..  I'm installing version 7 right now with the following in the preferences in /etc/apt/: Package: firefox Pin: version 7* Pin-Priority: 100020:37
hydruidJsn0327: do the files have this symbol in them ^M20:37
sstarhaces: cool20:37
sstaJsn0327: dos2unix (or just tr)20:37
rhacesssta thank you very much20:37
guest009are you pushing his ass?20:38
Urchinno, it's not tied to lease time20:38
Jsn0327no.  To eliminate the possiblity of that, i created a new file and just copied and pasted the actual configuration commands to the new file and saved it as the original options.pptpd file20:38
Urchinlease time is 30 minutes20:38
Jsn0327ssta:  what do you mean?20:38
syddrafDoes anyone know of a good program for hosting a VPN?20:38
guest009you can buy a router with vpn20:38
IceheartWell, I didn't expect the irc to be this full lol20:39
guest009it's solid and simple20:39
sstaJsn0327: dos2unix package can convert ^M (dos) line endings to unix line endings.20:39
IceheartI have a question if anyone is willing to assist a new user.20:39
guest009i used to use my own c app to to that20:40
UrchinI removed write permission on resolv.conf, hope that works20:40
syddrafIceheart: Just ask.20:40
chuck1go ahead20:40
Jsn0327guest009:  Thanks but I am not running this server from home.  I am using it on a vmware server that is not behind a router20:40
sstaIceheart: just ask, please don't ask to ask :)20:40
IceheartI'm currently operating ubuntu 11.04 and want to upgrade to 11.10 but the upgrade does not appear int the update manager20:40
Jsn0327ssta:  I'll try to convert the file with that utility.  Thank you20:40
hydruidJsn0327: you don't have to convert unless it has these in it ^M20:40
IceheartI have already checked the settings and it is set to normal releases.20:41
guest009Justasic: your attack surface is huge - when you take this solution20:41
Jsn0327it doesn't20:41
hydruidJsn0327: then thats not the problem20:41
syddrafIceheart: It doesn't appear at the top like http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/upgrade ?20:41
Jsn0327I don't understand why it can't read the file!?20:41
hydruidwhat command do you use to start the server20:41
sstaIceheart: at some point you would have been asked if you wanted to be told about new releases, or just LTS releases.  If you answered LTS only, then you won't have been told.  You can open a terminal and type: sudo do-release-upgrade20:41
Jsn0327I can go to the path that the syslog is pointing to and open it up as a regular user just fine20:41
hydruidJsn0327: what command are you using to start pptpd20:42
guntbert!ot | guest00920:42
ubottuguest009: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:42
_HoochMan_Iceheart: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:42
IceheartThank you, I'll try that.20:42
chuck1Iceheart: I have often had problems with updating ubuntu version by  updater too, I have everythink do it directly with the cd20:42
Jsn0327"/etc/init.d/pptpd start" without the quotes20:42
guest009you are smart20:42
hydruidJsn0327: try sudo /etc/init.d/pptpd start20:43
guest009the online upgrade is risky20:43
hydruidJsn0327: well do stop then start20:43
Jsn0327yeah i use sudo20:43
ManateeLazyCatHi all.20:43
Jsn0327i have done stop, start, restart20:43
Jsn0327all with sudo20:43
Jsn0327it doesn't produce any errors in terminal20:43
Jsn0327but it does log that error to the syslog20:43
beanJsn0327: sorry, I'm just reading now, can you tell me about your problem again?20:44
hydruidJsn0327: is there a log in /var/log ?20:44
guntbert!who | guest00920:44
ubottuguest009: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:44
Jsn0327hydruid:  not that i can find for pptp20:44
sstaJsn0327: what's the error?20:44
IceheartThe command worked, thank you lol20:44
Jsn0327bean: I am trying to start pptp VPN and am getting an error in the syslog20:44
beanJsn0327: and what is the error.20:45
Jsn0327pptpd[20217]: MGR: PPP options file /etc/ppp/options.pptpd#015 not readable20:45
hydruidJsn0327: please pastebin the error20:45
beanhydruid: it's 1 line20:45
jstooneJsn0327: Have you tried "sudo service pptpd stop" and "start" afterwards? doing it manually through /etc/init.d/file is a bit depricated in my oppinion?20:45
hydruidbean: k ty20:45
beanJsn0327: okay, what does ls -la /etc/ppp/options.pptpd looks like20:45
Jsn0327one se20:45
Jsn0327one sec20:46
robdeis there a nice cli-gui for editing users and groups?20:46
iglowhi, I know this is a rather vague question but i was trying to run the cd for ubuntu to see if i wanted to install it at all and everytime i try to run it i get the ubuntu laoding screen then after about 30 secs it crashes. can anyone give me a clue as to why?20:47
sstaJsn0327: you have \r line endings.  Did you copy/paste from notepad?20:47
sstadon't use notepad for anything, not EVER.  Notepad is *evil*, and *bad*, and just screws up *all* the time!20:47
Jsn0327-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 187 2012-01-06 14:15 options.pptpd20:47
ssta#015 is ascii carriage return20:48
Jsn0327i gave it 777 permissions to eliminate permissions from the equation20:48
Jsn0327i won't leave it like that20:48
Jsn0327ssta: how do i fix it?20:48
jstooneJsn0327: if you are familiar with the cli then pipe - "|" - it through "pastebinit", it's much easier than copy/paste all the time ;)20:49
sstaJsn0327: make a backup of the file, then: sudo tr -d '\r' < options.ppptd > tmpfile; cp tmpfile options.ppptd20:49
guntbertrobde: what is a CLI-GUI? either / or ?20:49
sstaJsn0327: or run dos2unix on it20:49
sstaJsn0327: or just NEVER use notepad, for ANYTHING!20:50
* ssta has a slight dislike of notepad20:50
Jsn0327i didn't use notepad. I used nano20:50
sstanot sure how you got \rs then20:50
Jsn0327me neither20:50
sstaJsn0327: you have pastebinit?20:50
Jsn0327u want me to pastebin it? or is that a utility?20:51
jstooneJsn0327: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"20:51
sstaJsn0327: it's a utility.20:51
Jsn0327that's awesome!20:51
Jsn0327I'll try that command to remove the return20:51
sstainstall it, then: hexdump -C /etc/ppp/options.ppptd | pastebinit20:52
sstathen we can see if there's a \r there still20:52
beanssta: Jsn0327: the line endings are not causing the issues I wouldn't think20:52
jstooneJsn0327: I would recommend to look at the man pages for pastebin, it has some truely awesome features.20:52
sstabean: the error specifically says that the issue is a carriage return20:52
Jsn0327jstoone:  I stopped and started with the service command like u suggested, but i got the same result in the syslog20:52
Jsn0327ssta: ok20:53
hydruidJsn0327: did you already pastebin your pptpd.conf20:53
sstamaybe I'm misreading it20:53
Jsn0327i will20:53
beanssta: it just has a #015 on the end of the file name, probably just a terminal error.20:53
beanor something in copy paste.20:53
zivestercan anyone tell me why my nfs mounts aren't mounting on startup? fstab is ` /media/p/backup nfs defaults0 0`20:54
hydruidzivester: did you already create /media/p/backup20:54
zivesteryah, `sudo mount -a` works after i login (or if i login via ssh and run it)20:55
hydruidi know i had something similiar happen before and I had to specify by user's UID20:55
ManateeLazyCatAll Ubuntu user, if you have time, you can try my Linux Deepin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC1wGRc1uVM20:55
Jsn0327wow i had no idea about pastebinit20:55
ManateeLazyCatLinux Deepin 11.12, much hacking on gnome-shell and software center. :)20:56
oCeanManateeLazyCat: don't advertise that here20:56
Jsn0327that is my new one that i created with just the commands and no comments20:56
ManateeLazyCatoCean: Not advertisise, just try it. :)20:56
oCeanManateeLazyCat: not acceptable, don't repeat it20:57
beanManateeLazyCat: seriously, don't.20:57
ManateeLazyCatoCean: OK20:57
ManateeLazyCatI just said, if any people like it, can try.20:57
jstoonezivester: So your server has ssh, right?20:57
beanManateeLazyCat: dude.20:57
hydruidzivester: sec i will look it up20:57
sstaokay, the line endings are fine anyways20:58
sstabean was right there20:58
hydruidzivester: here is an example, modify it to your needs: /dev/hda2 /media/data1 vfat defaults,user,exec,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=000 0 020:58
hatebinstalling ubuntu normal way from cd or usb stick when you already have windows and installing it via "run it with windows" differs when it comes to later ubuntu usage ?20:59
hydruidzivester: the important part is the uid=1000, change it to your user's uid20:59
hydruidzivester: then mix that uid option in your existing fstab command20:59
Jsn0327any other options??20:59
hydruidzivester: and if i had to guess, are you running 11.04?20:59
sstaJsn0327: is noauth legal in pptpd options?20:59
guntberthydruid: he had as issue with nfs if I remember correctly21:00
zivester11.10... and my options worked fine before i reinstalled.. defaults should work, all perms are correct.. i think21:00
hydruidguntbert: correct, but like i said the command i showed was a sample21:00
Jsn0327yeah it still uses chap21:00
hydruidzivester: i'm telling you dude, just try it and see what happens. it doesn't make sense but i had to do it before and it worked beautifully21:00
wamtywas running Oneiric on a new notebook for a week.  Notebook's built-in display plus 25" widescreen.  No troubles.  Installed Oneiric today; now when I drag a window between the two displays, the window will appear in the second display (whichever way I drag it) with the mouse cursor and the window in entirely different locations, like the mouse and the display(s) disagree about what their21:00
wamtydimensions are21:00
wamtyany thoughts?21:00
hydruidzivester: had somethign weird to do with my permission settings on /media/usb121:01
guntberthydruid: but your example has nothing to do with his problem, has it?21:01
hydruidguntbert: what do you mean? a nfs share doesn't automount at boot, however it mounts after he runs it as his user with mount -a. I had a similiar issue, and my fix was to specify the user's uid in the fstab config for that specific mount point21:02
hydruidguntbert: the example command i found that had the UID in it, was not for NFS but like I said it was an example21:03
jstoonezivester: Have you tried to use sshfs? If you haven't and your server runs ssh then look at post #8 on this thread - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170918421:03
Jsn0327Is there anything else that i can check for my problem?21:03
guntberthydruid: specifying the UID will only determine who has access to the mount, not if the mount will succeed21:04
hydruidzivester: did you try specifying the UID?21:04
zivesterweird.. it just worked on boot, rebooted again, now it doesn't work... seems like a race or something21:04
oCeanzivester: do you use _netdev as an option in fstab?21:05
hydruidzivester: is your network slow to come up?21:05
Jsn0327Anyone know of another good vpn server aside from pptp?21:05
guntberthateb: yes, there is a great difference, the "wubi" install creates the complete system within one windows file21:06
hydruidguntbert: either way, this room is about helping people and thats what I was trying to do.21:06
wamtywas running Oneiric on a new notebook for a week.  Notebook's built-in display plus 25" widescreen.  No troubles.  Installed Oneiric today; now when I drag a window between the two displays, the window will appear in the second display (whichever way I drag it) with the mouse cursor and the window in entirely different locations, like the mouse and the display(s) disagree about what their21:06
wamtydimensions are21:06
zivesterif anything my computer is faster... upgraded to an SSD21:06
zivesteri do not use _netdev21:06
hydruidwamty: are the displays the same size and running the same resolution?21:06
oCeanzivester: I suggest adding _netdev to the mountoptions. It instructs the mount command to check whether network is available21:07
zivesternetwork comes up right about the time the login window comes up.... of and if it matters, its xubuntu21:07
guntberthydruid: sure thing, every help is appreciated :)21:07
zivesteri read that _netdev isn't supported on the new nfs ?21:07
zivestersetting uid did nothing21:07
hydruidyea if it's intermittent it's definitely a race condition21:08
jstooneJsn0327: Yes, or well, I've heard about openvpn. Here is an official Ubuntu guide - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN21:08
wamtyhydruid: no and no21:08
wamtyhydruid: same aspect ratio though (for what that's worth)21:08
sstahydruid: is there anything in dmesg saying that the mount failed and why?21:08
syddrafHow do I control which hardware device audio is output to in XFCE? In gnome its under Sound Settings, but i cant find anything similar in xfce.21:09
wamtyI should clarify (meant to include this above but missed it somehow): "was running Oneiric on a new notebook via live CD for a week"21:09
hydruidssta: i dunno it's not my drive ;)21:09
mongysyddraf, try installing pavucontrol21:09
Jsn0327jstoone: thanks!21:10
wamtyanyone has an idea?21:10
hydruidwamty: the the displays the same size and same resolution?21:11
wamtyhydruid: no and no21:11
robdehello, i'm looking for a command-line tool which helps me organizing the users and groups21:11
kannanhello, when i try to run a script with ./script.sh , it says /sbin/service not found , but i can run it with the absoulte path21:11
hydruidwamty: you sure it's not just moving from a triangle to square shaped monitor that makes it "bend" weird21:11
Picirobde: organize in what way?21:11
syddrafmongy: Thanks. That shows it, but my bluetooth devide doesn't show up in that window. Yay.21:11
jstooneJsn0327: You are so welcome! Please just ask away if you have any questions. And let me know if it does any difference using OpenVPN21:12
wamtyPici: any idea on my problem man?21:12
robdePici: creating and deleting21:12
wamtyive been on it for 2 days now21:12
Piciwamty: I just got here, I don't know what you're even asking about.21:12
LiteAppleHow do i Install a .exe specifically to my new .wine directory?21:12
LiteAppleHow do i Install a .exe specifically to my new .wine directory?21:12
wamtylet me rephrase21:12
wamtyI was running Oneiric on a new notebook for a week.  Notebook's built-in display plus 25" widescreen.  No troubles.  Installed Oneiric today; now when I drag a window between the two displays, the window will appear in the second display (whichever way I drag it) with the mouse cursor and the window in entirely different locations, like the mouse and the display(s) disagree about what their21:13
wamtydimensions are21:13
guntbertrobde: just use adduser and deluser21:13
AndroguyLiteApple: it doesnt matter where the exe is to wine, as long as you tell it the path.  So just copy it where you want it.21:13
debsanLiteApple, install wine , run wincfg, run .exe21:13
jstooneJsn0327: It would probably be best to purge pptp from the system, just for good maners ;) (and to exclude eventual bugs and config errors)21:13
LiteApplehow do I make it go to the new .wine directories virtual C drive21:14
Piciwamty: Are both screens running with the same resolution?21:14
LiteAppleI want to make it install to that specific directory21:14
jstooneLiteApple: Can't you just supply that when you install?21:14
LiteApplewell it lists drive C as default21:14
LiteApplebut since a new wine directory is like a new windows21:15
LiteAppleHow do I make it install to that new drive?21:15
wamtyPici: no and no21:15
wamtyPici: same aspect ratio though (for what that's worth)21:15
Piciwamty: That sounds like it is to be expected then.21:15
wamtywhat do you mean?21:15
wamtyPici: it worked via the live CD21:16
Piciwamty: I wouldn't expect a window to show up in the same place if the resolutions differed.21:16
jstoonewamty: hm, are you forcing the screens to use the others aspect ratio instead of the native ones?21:16
wamtythank you for your input21:16
wamtyso what to do?21:18
hatebinstalling ubuntu wiht cd/ usb stick or "run with windows" differs somehow when it comes to later ubuntu usage ?21:18
wamtybut worked via the live CD21:19
wamtywhy would it ?21:19
sstahateb: wubi (run with windows) installs to a virtual disk file.  It's a little bit slower to run than a native install but should otherwise be identical21:20
guntberthateb: I answered already, why do you ask the same question again?21:20
michaelgambleI'm a newb to ubuntu.. just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu (latest version) and i have a server software i want to install but its apparently a .bin file > what do i do with a .bin file?21:20
hatebI didn't saw sry gunbert21:21
hateband thank you, thats what I was afraid of that its gone be slower21:21
jstoonemichaelgamble: Welcome to the real world ;) with a quick google search for "ubuntu install .bin file" and the first link I got - http://www.ehow.com/how_4578189_install-bin-file-ubuntu-linux.html21:22
michaelgambleyeah i think i just hit that url21:22
michaelgamblethanks :)21:22
jstoonemichaelgamble: Hope it helps (: please ask away if you have any questions at all! And not to be rude, but some people find it very irritating when people say "hi" since this a helping chat, and if everyone who joined started with a "hey", and then in a second message asked their question, the chat would be very, very clutterd ;)21:25
sstamichaelgamble: note that post puts all commands in uppercase for some reason.  Linux is case sensitive, so "CD DESKTOP" probably won't work21:25
sstaand the sudo in front of chmod probably isn't needed21:26
guntberthateb: it will not only be (a little) slower but any problem with the windows file system might destroy your ubuntu21:26
jstoonemichaelgamble: I'm just telling you, hope you don't take it badly ;)21:26
jstoonessta: michaelgamble: it isn't ;)21:26
sstain fact, I'd be wary of following that post...it appears to get some stuff wrong21:26
michaelgambleyeah i got it to run off that links instructions21:26
michaelgamblethanks guys :)21:26
jstooneyou're welcome (:21:27
michaelgambleyou guys ever hear of alfresco?21:28
michaelgambleits apparently an open source asset management server software21:28
guest009what can it do?21:28
michaelgamblenot quiet sure what it is though.. what I'm hoping it will do is be a versioning system for media file types21:28
chuck1it's a porn actor, is it not?21:29
michaelgamblei.e. replace my deprecated version cue server21:29
oCeanchuck1: don't post that nonsense here21:29
Sharpshooterhai guys I just installed netbeans in ubuntu and when I tried to run a c ++ hello world program it shows error , I dont know how to do it in netbeans I use geany , in that i got the output with no problems GUYS please help me !!21:34
jstooneSharpshooter: What error does it display?21:36
heinzSharpshooter: neither netbeans nor geany are primarily c++ development environments21:39
jstooneSharpshooter: aha, I've never heard about the *blank* error before.21:40
heinzone is java with tacked on c++, the other is a text editor with tacked on ide functionality21:40
jstooneheinz: typical, he's gone.21:41
heinzurm. sorry for the noise then ;-}21:41
jstooneheinz: Ah, you misunderstood me, I just meant that it's typical that he comes here and asks a question, which is kind of off-topic, and then when we answar he quits.21:42
Sharpshooterhai guys I just installed netbeans in ubuntu and when I tried to run a c ++ hello world program it shows error , I dont know how to do it in netbeans I use geany , in that i got the output with no problems GUYS please help me !!21:43
heinzjstoone: that's only part of the audience. the other part quits before it gets the first answer ;-)21:43
heinzSharpshooter: neither netbeans nor geany are primarily c++ development environments21:43
heinzjstoone: looks like we get a second shot ;-)21:43
jstoone!ask | Sephi-Chan21:43
ubottuSephi-Chan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:43
jstooneheinz: sure does!21:44
sstaSharpshooter: any particular error?  Or just "error"?21:44
Sephi-ChanHow can I know what is heavy in an installation ? I have a virtual machine of ubuntu server (without any GUI) and it's over 2GB.21:45
robdedoes somebody know a command-line user manager?21:45
Sharpshooterheinz, I am new to programming and i used to program in geany ! I created hello world in geany but I cant able run same program in netbeans21:45
zivesterwell i dont know what option did it... but changing my fstab to `timeo=14,intr,tcp` mounts my drives after a minute21:45
sstarobde: adduser/deluser?21:45
vasukiis there any argument for using 10.04 in prod over 11.04 for a python2.7,ngnix,mysql stack?21:45
instanceoftomI have a script which is currently being run by upstart,21:45
instanceoftom                       whats the best way to have upstart run and manage21:45
instanceoftom                       multiple instances of my script?21:45
robdessta: i'd prefer an interface for that21:46
jstooneSharpshooter: Use eclipse instead, it can handle most programming languages. Just a suggestion if you want a good IDE.21:46
sstarobde: umm, command line, that is the interface21:46
jstoonerobde: why don't you use the builtin one that ubuntu supplies you with?21:47
robdejstoone: because I only have CLI access21:47
Sharpshooterssta, I Run this file in geany #include <iostream>using namespace std;21:47
Sharpshooterint main(){cout<<"Hello World !!";return 0;}21:47
benbloomis there a way to get the adobe reader plugin working with 64b firefox in oeneric?21:48
jstoonerobde: tWouldn't you then be interrested in learning how to add/remove users and/or add/remove users to/from groups21:48
Sharpshooterjstoone,  I want to run the program in netbeans IDE ?21:48
jstoonethat sure was a post with loads slashes.21:48
heinzjstoone: eclipse is also java with tacked-on c++. and in fact I'd even think netbeans would be the better choice in this casse. but for c++ I'd go for kdevelop, or qt creator.21:49
heinzor the other way round....21:49
sstaemacs :)21:49
robdejstoone: yea, maybe I should have a look at it. I was raised with GUIs, that's the problem :D21:49
MarkusTRunning Oneiric, I experience sound stuttering/clipping after using the computer/laptop for a short time. I'm able to work around via logout and login. Before I dive into hours of diagnostics: Has anyone ever heard of a problem like this? Any idea which software could cause this trouble and get's "solved" by logging out?21:50
jstooneSharpshooter: Well Eclipse is and IDE just like Netbeans is. But as heinz says, it's maybe not appropriate.21:50
heinzssta: vim!21:50
sstavim works too, if you like that sort of thing :)21:50
jstooneheinz: ssta: vim21:50
jstoonessta: haha.21:50
heinzjstoone: or vim.21:51
benbloomMarkusT, have you tried disabling compiz/desktop effects??21:51
Sharpshooterjstoone, Now I cant Install Eclipse in my box ! Iwant to run the c++ program in netbeans only21:51
sstaSharpshooter: is there a specific error?21:51
sstamaybe we get to play "guess the error"? :)21:51
heinzSharpshooter: there's a #netbeans channel21:51
jstooneSharpshooter: Yes, when you /only/ want to do this in Netbeans, then this is getting a bit too non-ubuntuish. or off-topic as some say.21:52
MarkusTbenbloom: No, since cpu and memory usage seems to be normal. Will try that, thanks for the suggestion.21:53
jstooneMarkusT: Is it a new computer wil Dolby sounds?21:53
atamiskargh, disregard21:53
atamisk.window 321:53
MarkusTjstoone: It's a Thinkpad R60. Depends on what you consider "new" :-)21:54
benbloomMarkusT, <shift><alt>F12 is a quick way to do it21:54
jstooneatamisk: I agree.?21:54
benbloomis there a way to get the adobe reader plugin working with 64b firefox in oeneric?21:54
Sharpshooterssta, Iam a newbie to IDE's ! first I  create a project and right clicked the project and created a c++ source file and and pressed f9 to compile and then ther is no active option for run !21:55
jstooneMarkusT: Mh, well on this labtop I had some problems that sounds a bit like yours but that was a problem because I have "dolby" sounds in it, and Ubuntu didn't handle that in any good way.21:55
MarkusTbenbloom: Doesn't work here?21:56
benbloomy'know i just realized that might be a kde shortcut21:56
Jsn0327Does anyone know how to output the syntax from a process that is running in the background to a terminal window?  I set my proxy server to run on startup and would like to view what is going on with it when commands are sent to it, like I could see if i were to manually start it through a terminal window?21:56
jstooneSharpshooter: did you write anything in it? It seems kind of weird to compile an empty source ;)21:56
benbloomyou can alwas 'disable desktop effects' from your system settings MarkusT21:57
Sharpshooterjstoone,  #include <iostream>21:57
Sharpshooterusing namespace std;21:57
Sharpshooterint main()21:57
Sharpshootercout<<"Hello World !!";21:57
Sharpshooterreturn 0;21:57
FloodBot1Sharpshooter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:57
benbloomI also remember when i used to use gnome there was an applet you could install that would quickly disable/enable compiz21:58
maciej_i cant find option to disable desktop effects, ubuntu 11.1021:58
jstoonemaciej_: You could run unity 2d in stead?21:58
maciej_jstoone: yes, i select unity 2d before login21:59
jstoonemaciej_: which effects do you want to disappear?21:59
benbloomso does anyone know what will happen if i install the adobe reader plugin for firefox 32b in my 64b system?21:59
maciej_all, i have 512 ram only and it lag a bit sometimes22:00
jstoonemaciej_: aha.22:00
jstoonemaciej_: I'll think about it, give me a sec.22:00
=== Pilif12p is now known as tjf
maciej_jstoone: ok, send me private message if you can22:00
jstoonemaciej_: sure22:01
nobitanobiHI. When trying to mount an Ipod with "sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /media/IPOD" I get mount: special device /dev/sdc2 does not exist22:03
nobitanobicould somebody help me to identify where it should be in /dev?22:03
jstoonemaciej_: Actually I'm starting a series of tutorials on YouTube and one of then is about compizconfig where you can enable/disable/edit stuff, take a look at this. I start to talk about compiz at 03:20 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSWSqMRypj4 - hope it helps22:04
jstoonenobitanobi: Doesn't it automount when you plug it in?22:04
jstoonenobitanobi: that... is wierd.22:05
maciej_jstoone: Okay, i cant watch now because i use mobile internet with limits but i watch it at home, thanks anyway.22:05
nobitanobiI know :/22:05
silenihello everyone22:05
jstoonemaciej_: No problem.22:05
nobitanobiI've tried using Banshee and nothing either22:05
MaxHRHello, any recommendations for best speech recognition to control desktop, browse, and especially for dictation for emails and word processing?22:05
sileniwhen i try to ssh into a server it hangs at this part http://pastebin.com/8VGm3Rmi22:05
jstoonenobitanobi: Have you tried to see if you can mount it though the file manager?22:06
silenibut when i bring up virtualbox and a windows guest i can putty into the server fine22:06
silenihas anyone encountered this situation before? I have set the MTU size to be the same on both client and server22:06
nobitanobinop, haven't tried that jstoone. I will see how can I do that (google it) and come back22:06
sileniI'm able to ssh into other servers fine from ubuntu22:06
nobitanobijust did an ls and yes, it's mounted in /media/IPOD -22:07
gh0striderhey what do you guys think of googleearth for ubuntu?22:07
jstoonenobitanobi: it is reealy simple, open nautilus "WINDOWS-KEY+2" (by default) and then look at the top.22:07
nobitanobihowever, banshee doesn't recognize it - I suppose I can set the path of the mount point22:07
=== gigi is now known as Guest2492
sileniGuest2492: hey22:08
gh0striderdoes anyone here use googleearth for ubuntu?22:08
sileniMaxHR: I hear good things about dragon natural speak22:09
MaxHRsileni: yeah, I used that on Windows before, was hoping there was something that was linux based... and would integrate well22:11
sileniMaxHR: http://vedics.sourceforge.net/22:11
shwaiilQ: on command line how can I get a list of current files or dir structure with permissions info etc ? Thanks! Like: ls -SOME_COMAND_DUNNO:P22:12
sileniMaxHR: If you want to continue using dragon, you can use this http://thenerdshow.com/platypus.html22:13
nobitanobiCan anyone guide me where is my Ipod mounted. When I run mount in terminal I get: http://friendpaste.com/ItjLwzIGsHVZSQs75hfNE22:17
ubluntunobitanobi: doesm't look like it is22:18
budmang_is it possible to create a winXP usb boot disk with ubuntu? Ive tried tons... ive read it just wont work(windows 7 usb boot key works flawless... just winXP).22:18
nobitanobiubluntu: how can that be? What can I do? I've changed to another usb port too...22:18
ikoniabudmang_: boot disk ? as in hard disk ?22:18
ubluntunobitanobi: see it with fdisk -l ?22:19
tiduxI have a question about Firefox 922:19
nobitanobithat doesn't show anything here22:19
tiduxwhatever the latest one in the mainline repos is22:19
ikonia!info firefox22:19
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 8.0+build1-0ubuntu0.11.10.3 (oneiric), package size 16526 kB, installed size 35656 kB22:19
ikoniatidux: 8.022:19
jstoonebudmang_: I have tried SO many times, but but it simply isn't possible to make a bootable USB drive with Win722:19
tiduxthe global appmenu integration works normally except that it doesn't hide the menu bar in the Firefox window22:19
fermulatorDoes anyone remember the application one can use to capture mouse/keyboard input events through Xorg?  I'm trying to figure out which buttons on my mouse map to "Button 1", "Button 2", etc.22:19
tiduxso I'm left with two menu bars22:19
nobitanobiCan't it be the chord is corrupted even though is chargin?22:20
ikoniafermulator: /dev/input22:20
k3Rncan anyone help me with this apt problem : http://pastebin.com/tr9vqgZ8 ?22:20
ubluntunobitanobi: check dmesg whats it say about usb22:20
nobitanobiok let's see22:20
tiduxoh, wait22:20
tiduxthe menu items in the global menubar don't actually do anything22:20
fermulatorikonia: /dev/input/mouseX only shows button1/button222:21
fermulator(all buttons do actually work)22:21
nobitanobirunning dmesg  | grep usb gave me: http://friendpaste.com/qyn2Ny8MyGc1BtD34FVrg22:21
nobitanobithat doesn't look good :O22:21
ikoniaipsoft: do you have a question as saying random words doesn't give us a good idea what you need22:22
ubluntunobitanobi: yea maybe bad cord? hopefully your ipid is ok. does it show up in fdisk though ?22:22
nobitanobiit doesn't22:22
nobitanobiit's charging though22:22
nobitanobiI hope is the chord :S22:22
nobitanobieven though I can sync in OS X22:22
ubluntunobitanobi: try a reboot maybe?? if you cn sync in osx the cord is fine not sure try googling those exact errors in dmesg22:23
nobitanobiI will try googling sure22:23
nobitanobiubluntu: thanks a lot for your help22:23
nobitanobimaybe is the USB itself22:24
ubluntuon the machine?22:24
nobitanobiI've had problems with mice too22:24
nobitanobiin those ports22:24
ubluntuis this the osx machine also ?22:24
nobitanobino sorry22:24
nobitanobiI should had clarify that22:24
budmang_Like a bootable USB drive(to install windows xp).22:24
budmang_unetbootin etc..22:24
ubluntuthen maybe yes bad usb since dmesg is complaining about no 'endpoint'22:24
nobitanobiyes, but what can I do with that22:25
nobitanobinot much I suppose right?22:25
ubluntuheh google any computer problem ur not the first22:25
nobitanobiimagine that, I would patent the problem22:25
nobitanobiI will try and come back if so22:25
ubluntuI havce never seen that error so I cant help really but atleast dmesg let you know something is definently wrong22:25
nobitanobiyes, that was helpful22:25
nobitanobithank you very much22:25
nobitanobihope I can help you back someday22:26
ubluntuhaha not necessary but thanks for the thought pay it forward help someone else some time.22:26
nobitanobiI will :)22:26
nobitanobigood night22:26
ubluntuadios ;-D22:26
guest009who is still in 2011?22:29
jstooneguest009: It's called timezones ;)22:29
jstooneguest009: That isn't possible.22:29
guest009hehe, use your iq22:29
edbianguest009, nobody?  It's the 6th22:29
ubluntuunlesss you are marty mcfly22:29
guest009chinese are still in 2011, dummy22:29
edbianubluntu, or the dog, or the doc22:29
guest009i am smarter than you all22:30
* guest009 runs away22:30
ubluntuguest009: or are you the one with the most to prove.22:31
=== Phreak is now known as Guest30121
aberThey don't have the year 2011...22:32
* edbian would like to get back on topic22:33
jstooneubluntu: guest009: It's because their culture is different and they don't celebrate new years like we do. But when it comes to dates they have turned into january, which is a new year.22:33
jstooneedbian: me too22:33
fwpccould somebody help with gufw configuration? i want to block all outgoing traffic except the one i whitelist. set Outgoing: Deny and added ALLOW OUT rule for HTTP but firefox won't open sites.22:33
jstoonefwpc: May I ask why you want to do this?22:34
no-name-how do I get classic gnome in ubuntu 11.10 ??22:34
sstano-name-: install gnome-panel22:35
no-name-E: Package 'gnome-panel' has no installation candidate22:35
no-name-this is probably because I'm using the live C :/22:35
fwpcjstoone: mainly because i like to keep open only those ports i use. i know that it might make little difference in case of malware presence.22:35
no-name-CD *22:35
no-name-is there any way around that?22:36
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jstooneno-name-: simple google search for "install gnome 2 ubuntu 11.10" second link. - http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-make-ubuntu-11-10-look-and-feel-like-gnome-2/22:36
fwpcwith firestarter everything works fine, but i tried gufw on 2 linux boxes with the same result.22:37
Jordan_Uno-name-: Either use Ubuntu Software Center or run "sudo software-properties-gtk -e universe && sudo apt-get install gnome-panel"22:38
Jordan_Uno-name-: The universe repository isn't enabled by default on the LiveCD.22:38
sbsin10.04: I can view all files outside of /home/user_one but when I open /home/user_one nautilus crashes, any ideas? I've uninstalled dropbox & ubuntu-one.22:39
tiduxok, this is weird22:39
tiduxnow it's a *sporadic* problem with Firefox and the global menu22:40
tiduxit's working normally now22:40
tiduxbut I have no way of predicting when it will work normally or not22:40
no-name-Jordan_U: doesn't work22:41
fwpcjstoone: you happen to know how to configure gufw to only allow whitelisted outgoing traffic?22:43
furksI want to travel and safe my hard disk, shall I encrypt with gparted?22:46
StepNjumpguys, I am trying to send numerous commands on one line using ';' between commands but the commands are running too fast (it's rare I complain that my computer is TOO fast).. Is there a way to put a 'pause' in there almost like in a memory dialer on a phone?22:47
_jasonStepNjump: sleep N22:48
StepNjump_jason: sleep N?22:48
_jasonyes where N is a number StepNjump22:48
StepNjumpok so let's say du -s >> logfile ; sleep N ; ls -alh >> same_logfile???? _jason22:50
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StepNjump_jason: are they 1/100th of a second, seconds?22:50
_jasonStepNjump: second22:51
LoOoDAnyone looking for a sr sysadmin job? I need a vacation.22:51
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robde_how can I automatically start a certain process for a certain user at bot?22:52
StepNjump_yep works _jason thank you. I was thinking you were pulling my leg. Have a happy new year my friend.22:53
_jasonrobde_: use @reboot in the users crontab22:53
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_jasonStepNjump: no problem and you too :)22:53
robde__jason: thx22:53
StepNjump_jason: thanks.. but my think is not working... It does pause but then my listing doesn't redirect completely du -s > ~/test ; sleep 0.00001 ; ls -ahlR >> ~/test22:55
StepNjumpWith no pause, all you see is the ls output and with any pause, you see almost just the du -s22:56
DaDinkStepNjump: Try using && in between instead of colons. That way, the status return of ls has to finish before the next one starts.22:59
StepNjumpOh thank you vy mch DaDink .. I will try it right now.22:59
DaDinkOh, yeah. Using && also allows for both outputs to be on the same redirect, I believe. So a single >~/test at the end will suffice.23:02
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StepNjumpDaDink: I'm afraid it's not working: http://paste.ubuntu.com/795445/23:05
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ActionParsnipStepNjump: what are you trying to achieve?23:08
StepNjumphi ActionParsnip. I'm trying to take a snapshot of certain folders for my own sake and also would like to get the size of the folders to be appended to the file while I'm  at it...23:09
DaDinkStepNjump: du -s > ~/test && ls -ahlR >> ~/test works under cygwin....23:10
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DaDinkYou do need both redirects.23:11
oichHi. I'm having a problem updating Ubuntu 10.04. It complains about wrong default python, but update-alternatives points to the version it is asking for. I tried removing the alternative and creating the link manually, then it tries to use python2.7. Ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/795449/23:11
StepNjumpmmm... _weird doesn't work here DaDink23:11
StepNjumpWell I dropped the first one DaDink specifically and temporarily just so I don't have to erase the file before starting again my tests. It's like an initialization. Are you saying it works for you DaDink23:12
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DaDinkWell, let me re-boot to linux and I will tell you for sure.... bye now.23:13
StepNjumpActionParsnip: looks like dadink is gone.. but he is perfectly right. With the double > at the beginning, works great. Unbelievable.. My logic was good as with only one > it erases and creates the file again.. Maybe that process was taking too long. Thanks23:15
ActionParsnipoich: try:  sudo update-alternatives --config /usr/bin/python23:16
ActionParsnipStepNjump: np :)23:16
ActionParsnipoich: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64870/how-to-point-usr-bin-python-to-python2-623:16
StepNjumpbtw the roundup ticket software from this morning I was looking for ActionParsnip works great now23:17
ActionParsnipoich: looks good here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-valueerror-the-symlink-usrbinpython-does-not-point-to-the-python-default-version.html23:17
dadinckStepNjump: rebooted to Linux, now. Yes, it works. du -s > ~/test1 && ls -lahR >> ~/test123:18
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StepNjumpdadinck: I was just tyring to figure out how to write you a nickserv message23:19
StepNjumpYes it works fine here too23:19
StepNjumpThe problem was just due to the single chevron at the beginning23:20
StepNjumpmaybe it took too long to delete the file and recreated it23:20
StepNjumpThank you very much for your help! Much appreciate23:20
StepNjumpMuch appreciated23:20
ActionParsnipoich: be very careful with python, if you screw it up you will get issues23:23
dadinckStepNjump: > does not delete the file first. It truncates the file and starts at "0". > test without a command will truncate the file to 0.23:23
StepNjumpdadinck: ok.. Well something is acting up.. Probably that it has to trucate the file.. who knows23:25
subcooli know this is the wrong channel, but im sure someone has a better idea than i at the moment.23:25
subcoollil help- i got bootmgr missing on boot. i dont have a Cdrom or a Win7 disc. This is a BRAND new Inspirion Mini Duo, with NO software that came with it. I have plenty of USBsticks23:25
LiteApplehow do you change the winecfg settings of a new wine prefix?23:26
Urchinsubcool: install an OS on it?23:26
oichActionParsnip thanks. The paste started by showing that the alternative for python was installed already. Actually, removing it and reinstalling it has changed something and it's no longer complaining about the version. So maybe reinstalling was the solution. I'm not sure because there is a conflict between python-profiler and python2.5 now.23:26
StepNjumpok thanks again greatly dadinck23:27
StepNjumpwill be back in a few mins23:27
subcoolUrchin, no CD drive -23:29
mongyLiteApple, I don't use wine personally but I know winetricks has this option23:29
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CodeZombiewhat is a good way to view what a caemonized program is currently doing?23:30
CodeZombiefor example, I have an image processor that's randomly getting hung up23:30
CodeZombienothing in the logs, no errors... just hits 100% CPU and hangs23:30
CodeZombieI'd like to debug, but I can't23:30
thrilwayMy computer has been hanging when I try to shut down. I'm sometimes able to see a bit of a stack trace. is there any way of capturing it?23:31
marcox23hola soy de mexico23:32
marcox23de casualidad alguien aqui habla español??23:32
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:32
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thrilwayCodeZombie find the  process-id of the offending daemon23:35
thrilwayCodeZombie then start up gdb, and enter the command attach PID23:36
oichAnd now it's back to complaining that python does not match the default version. update-alternatives --config python shows that version as the only alternative.23:36
CodeZombiethrilway: is that a ui based app?23:36
thrilwayCodeZombie nope, terminal23:36
CodeZombieperfect, thanks I'll check it out23:36
thrilwayCodeZombie there's a bit of a learning curve though23:37
CodeZombiethrilway: story of my life23:37
heinzthrilway: or use  gdb --pid=<your_pid>23:38
thrilwayCodeZombie just curious, what's the app in question?23:38
trippehDoes Ubuntu have a snapshots apt archive with historical .deb versions like debian has? Which is valid for precise?23:39
CodeZombieit's a background processor I use for rails applications. The code being run is a rails app for processing photos23:39
thrilwayCodeZombie are there logfiles for rails that you know of?23:40
CodeZombiethrilway: there are, but not for this.23:40
CodeZombieI get generic log stuff, unfortunately, nothing points to the issue at hand23:41
JasonGriffeeIs anyone experienced with xRandR? I need help with modes.23:41
thrilwayCodeZombie well, good luck!23:42
CodeZombiethrilway: thanks23:43
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
mongyJasonGriffee, try arandr, its a gui23:44
JasonGriffeemongy, does it do the same thing?23:44
mongyJasonGriffee, depends.  what do you wanna do23:45
JasonGriffeemongy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding_undetected_resolutions23:46
mongyJasonGriffee, http://askubuntu.com/a/64125/26198  might help..23:46
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oichthanks. rebooting.23:48
hotmoma2005i have a dual boot windows and ubuntu and when i go to get in windows it just has a flashing line23:49
JasonGriffeemongy, i got a error adding mode23:50
fvillaNeed some help for some reason i can no longer send email but i can recieve?23:50
fvillai have a postfix setup23:50
fvillais there any location there is logs pointing to my issue?23:50
mongyJasonGriffee, try arandr then.23:50
hotmoma2005how do i get iget in ti23:52
JasonGriffeemongy, i can't make it add a new mode23:55
mongyJasonGriffee, are you using the right output?23:56
JasonGriffeemongy, VGA23:56
konradbhow can i remove lastlogin in motd? I seted PrintLastLog no but it is printing anyway...23:57
ActionParsnipkonradb: did you restart the ssh service (I assume you mean via ssh).23:58
konradbActionParsnip: um23:58
konradbi closed all terminals :DD23:59
konradbbut not restarted23:59

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