
micahgknome: if you want the tech board to consider the Xubuntu LTS proposal at their next meeting (time permitting), then might I suggest you file one?10:13
raevolhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/204536/comments/61 my workaround for now10:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 204536 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "sound volume always resets to 100% after reboot" [Low,Fix released]10:18
raevolwoops meant to be in #xubuntu10:18
knomemicahg, ah, so when was that meeting?10:33
micahgMonday :)10:40
knomeso sending the proposal over weekend is ok?10:42
knomei'm quite busy today10:43
micahgsure, we can go for the next meeting I guess (Jan 23)10:45
micahgyou can submit over the weekend and add to the agenda10:45
micahgthey'll probably defer until the next meeting, but no big deal10:45
knomeokay, then i'll do that on monday10:46
knomebecause i've scheduled whole day for foss10:46
micahgsounds good (we have a meeting as well :))10:55
* micahg really needs to head for bed now10:55
ochosimicahg: any news on the tb icon-bug?10:56
micahgochosi: nope, but I'll try to find time to send it upstream next week10:56
ochosi(just remembered because knome showed me the list of blocked issues again yesterday)10:56
ochosithanks! and rest well ;)10:56
micahgochosi: keep bugging me :)10:56
ochosimicahg: ok, i'll try to keep it up10:57
mr_pouitgrmbl, it seems that today's alternate ships -generic and -generic-pae...14:57
mr_pouitthat doesn't help to stay below 700M I suppose14:57
mr_pouit(on i386 only, amd64 is ok)14:57
micahgoh ,it's not supposed to do that15:20
charlie-tcaUpdating from the notification area icon does not require password authentication; all other methods require a password to update15:43
micahgno, update-manager shouldn't either15:46
charlie-tcashouldn't but does15:47
charlie-tcaprecise today15:47
micahgreally?, that's a bug15:50
charlie-tcaOkay, I will file it15:50
charlie-tcaAlthough, TBH, it seems like a bug that updates can be run without a password15:51
micahgnope, that was discuss 6.5 months ago and there's a wiki FAQ for it15:51
charlie-tcaIs the next step running them without the user's knowledge now15:51
micahgno, the idea was that people get too used to typing in their password to every prompt that comes up and there's no inherit reason to require passwords for updates since the repositories can't be modified without a password15:53
charlie-tcaOh! I guess that makes sense then15:54
micahgcharlie-tca: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Update_Manager_doesn.27t_prompt_for_security_updates15:55
charlie-tcaWill verify the update-manager bug in Ubuntu if possible, then file it15:55
charlie-tcaThank you very much, micahg. 15:55
micahgthanks for testing :)15:55
charlie-tcaI don't understand why apt-get update requires the password, but maybe that is because of Debian, too15:56
micahgcharlie-tca: the update-manager equivalent does not, idk if we can use policykit on the cli15:57
charlie-tcaweird. But at least I know why it is happening now15:58
charlie-tcaHopefully, next week I will have better internet. Changing ISP's and going faster :)16:13
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charlie-tcabug 912913  reported for update-manager requiring password20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 912913 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update-manager should not require authentication password in Precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91291320:38
micahgcharlie-tca: I assume you're an admin user, right?20:40
charlie-tcabut clicking the panel notification does not require the password20:40
micahgk, mvo should take a look next week then20:40
charlie-tcaIt needs to be consistent about it20:41
ReaKOs98qwjok12hi , where can i find the source of xubuntu?22:46

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