
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ccxCZis there way to address specific branches in bzr-git?12:19
* ccxCZ pokes jelmer12:23
jelmerccxCZ: hi12:57
jelmerccxCZ: e.g. git://git.example.com/foo,branch=bar12:57
ccxCZbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "https://github.com/pazz/alot.git%2Cbranch%3Dtesting/".12:59
ccxCZalso the uri that git-import created doesn't work12:59
ccxCZ  parent branch: https://github.com/pazz/alot.git/,ref=refs%2Fheads%2Ftesting13:00
jelmerccxCZ: what version of bzr and bzr-git are you using?13:00
ccxCZI pulled bz-git yesterday13:00
ccxCZbzr is 2.4.213:00
ccxCZdulwich 0.8.213:03
jelmerdoes git://github.com/pazz/alot.gitbranch-testing work?13:04
jelmerdoes git://github.com/pazz/alot.git,branch=testing work?13:04
ccxCZignoring parameters 'branch=testing', not supported in bzr < 2.5.13:08
ccxCZokay, I guess it's time to upgrade, thanks13:08
vilajelmer: nice warning ! :)13:14
jelmervila: the alternative was reimplementing all of the parsing in bzr-git, that didn't seem worth the effort13:16
jelmervila: btw, it looks like our test https server hangs if you try to do a handshake?13:26
jelmerccxCZ: you might need the latest revision in lp:bzr-git, too, for branch= usage with https13:43
ccxCZatm I have workaround via local git branch, will look into it later14:17
rgravenerI installed Bazaar on my mac but its not on path, where is it installed?16:44
Noldorin_hi jelmer16:57
Noldorin_no poolie these days :-(16:57
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== r0bby_ is now known as robbyoconnor
jelmerhi Noldorin_22:24
jelmerNoldorin_: I think he's travelling22:24
Noldorin_jelmer, ah ok, probably22:24
Noldorin_how's it going?22:24
jelmeralright, how are you?22:25
wgzhey jelmer, have you got my mobile number?22:54
lifelesshas it changed?22:55
wgznice post of futher joy with signal handlers lifeless23:06
lifelesswgz: thanks :)23:16
jelmerwgz: hey23:18
jelmerwgz: is it in the directory?23:19
wgzhm, no, I still need to update (and find a photo)23:20

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