
=== francisco is now known as Guest18951
coolstar-pcAny ideas on how I can improve the time it takes to log in?00:35
almoxarifedoes quassel allow a nick to initiate a pvt chat with me or must i allow said nick to pvt chat? i used pidgin till now and i am not sure how it works02:00
pangolinalmoxarife: all irc clients should allow that.02:47
almoxarifepangolin: i guess what i want is to default to deny, and allow as an option, it was a option i got used to with pidgin, never see a pm unless they are tagged as allowed to pm02:48
pangolinI believe you need to /umode +g02:49
almoxarifepangolin: is that a quassel option or a freenode option?02:49
pangolinthat will allow you to accept or deny PM02:49
almoxarifei guess now i just need to figure out how to add that to quassel02:50
pangolinprobably in your network settings, #quassel should be able to help more02:50
pangolinsure thing.02:51
almoxarifeUnknown command UMODE02:53
Unit193/mode almoxarife +g   might do it (But that client is odd)02:54
almoxarifequassel is odd?02:55
pangolina little bit02:55
pangolinnot more than any other client though02:55
pangolinsome clients know about /umode some don't02:55
pangolinthat was sudden02:55
almoxarifepidgin is my friend02:56
pangolinyou really should give quassel a chance02:57
pangolinit is a nice client02:57
pangolinjust that some commands like /umode may not have been aliased, the actual syntax is /mode nick +mode02:58
almoxarifeI stopped using pidgin only because when I suspend and return I get the 'ssl handshake error' and I didn't before, I don't think, the only fix I found was to completely restart pidgin02:58
pangolinmight want to report a bug.02:59
almoxarifeI can't be the only person on freenode with pidgin, and it may be due to stripping out ubuntu and replacing it with kde without a outright fresh install03:01
kpuljekhi, i need help with reenabling direct rendering. it used to work just fine but i suddenly lost it and a lot of kwin effects stopped working. i haven't updated anything, and i'll admit that i had this happen under more than one kde distribution, but i'm sick of running from this problem and want to finally trace why it happens03:02
PatrickCis there a package manager for kubuntu like there is for ubuntu04:13
nlsthznPatrickC: both ubuntu and kubuntu come with apt-get ... but for something more graphical you can isntall Synaptic but the latest versions of Kubuntu come with the Muon  Software Center, looks and works a lot like the Ubuntu Software Center04:51
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kroonrsPatrickC_Away: kpackagekit08:14
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beauwhat is the tool for checking which ports I have open?09:13
sneauxwolfnmap is used to find what ports I have open right?09:19
vsraoWhen I load pages like Youtube(on any browser), the images on the page don't load. However, they do on the same browsers on Windows. Has anyone experienced this?10:16
droxGood morning, I know if thunderbird is updated to 9.0.1 as it is at 11.10 Basic version 8.011:07
phoenix_firebrdmy update process using muon stopped at 80% and ended the process. What is the command to resume the installation process?11:07
yofelsudo dpkg --configure -a; sudo apt-get install -f; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:09
droxI had installed thunderbird on ubuntu 10.10 installed with the app, when I switched to Kubuntu 11.10 I copied the folder. thunderbird but not all the add-on work because I think the version of thunderbird. Can anyone help me?11:09
phoenix_firebrdyofel:  ya, its sudo dpkg --configure -a , i remember now, thank you11:10
phoenix_firebrdyofel: thats returns nothing, that means the install process completed successfully?11:11
yofeltry a dist-upgrade, but should be fine11:11
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok11:11
phoenix_firebrdyofel: returns "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded " . so mine is fully upgraded?11:12
droxno one can help me?11:14
almoxarifedrox: explain it again, plse11:15
droxI know if thunderbird is updated to 9.0.1 as it is at 11.10 Basic version 8.011:15
droxI had installed thunderbird on ubuntu 10.10 installed with the app, when I switched to Kubuntu 11.10 I copied the folder. thunderbird but not all the add-on work because I think the version of thunderbird. Can anyone help me?11:15
almoxarifecopied what folder?11:16
droxI hope that my English is understandable11:16
almoxarifeits fine, what folder did you copy?11:16
droxcopied .thunderbird in my home11:17
almoxarifedrox: copied it back to to home?11:17
almoxarifedrox: lets assume you saved your .thunderbird folder and restored it after the kubuntu install, all the extra plugins/extentions to thunderbird you previoulsy had also need to be re-installed11:19
droxalmoxarife:  So I had installed please thunderbird on ubuntu 10.10, before formatting and installing Kubuntu I moved the folder in my home ubuntu. thunderbird on a external HD, then install kubuntu I installed thunderbird termites, and I copied the folder. in my thunderbird new home but only that some add-on will not work.11:20
almoxarifedrox: the addons that do not work, are they installed??? do they need to be re-installed?11:21
droxwaiting for I send you a screenshot11:23
almoxarifedrox: ok11:23
droxmore I would need to have it in Italian but I can not find the addon to do the translation ...11:25
almoxarifedrox: was there an italian addon before?11:29
droxyes almoxarife11:29
droxI removed it trying to make it work11:30
almoxarifeopen a terminal11:31
almoxarifecopy paste the next line to terminal11:32
almoxarifesudo apt-get install thunderbird-locale-it11:32
droxthis problem are risolution11:32
droxsolved the problem of language11:33
droxbetter than continuing to use the translator heheeh: D11:34
almoxarifedont use translator, speak broken italian if needed, i speak portugues11:34
droxalmoxarife: are you italian?11:35
almoxarifeno, portugues11:35
droxwhy my thunderbird are at the version 8.0 and not 9.0 and it isn't update?11:38
tstaerkHi, I don't understand the GRUB that comes with Ubuntu.12:00
tstaerkGRUB coming with SUSE is easily configurable via /boot/grub/menu.lst.12:01
tstaerkhow do I do this under Ubuntu?12:01
Peace-tstaerk: we got grub212:06
Peace-menu.lst there is not12:06
tstaerkso I hope the 2nd version is not more complicated :)12:07
Peace-tstaerk: /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:07
tstaerkthis file tells me I should not change it12:07
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:07
almoxarifetstaerk: suse is next door12:09
tstaerkI don't have a suse question12:10
almoxarifetstaerk: changes to grub are a two part deal, first edit /etc/default/grub and second run sudo update-grub12:10
tstaerkalmoxarife: Peace- slowly I understand...12:12
almoxarifetstaerk: :)12:13
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:11
BluesKajHowdy all13:50
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crgrisomebody here14:24
crgrihello !14:24
crgriwhat are you think about ubuntu and kubuntu ?14:26
crgrikubuntu is ubuntu ?14:27
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noaXess_netubuif i suspend my asus netbook i never can bring it back.. doesn't response to any keypress16:07
noaXess_netubuany idea?16:08
noaXess_netubu11.10 kernel
yon_kubuntu sucks16:08
noaXess_netubuyon_:  thenleave this channel16:09
yon_i wont16:09
yon_actually i have a question to ask16:09
yon_actually i have a question to ask16:11
yon_actually i have a question to ask16:11
yon_actually i have a question to ask16:11
FloodBotK3yon_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:11
yon_actually i have a question to ask16:11
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:25
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folstoHi what is this thing called where we can set that setting to say 110%, logout and back in, where the desktop would appear enlarged?17:35
folstoFound it, its DPI.17:36
bob71bonjours pourquoi? mes taches fermees restent en zombie sur le panel17:37
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rork!fr | bob7117:44
ubottubob71: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:44
bob71ok escuse bye17:46
hzhozohello, i'm looking for a speech to text program for ubuntu; the language has to accept french17:48
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tylerHow can I mount my share on Kubunutu?  In windows I just use \\server\folder but I get nothing when I am doing it on Kubuntu18:41
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Peace-tyler: install samba18:43
Peace-tyler: right click on a folder , share18:43
Peace-you need to install samba btw18:43
tylerlol ok I guess I assumed it was alredy installed sorry18:43
Peace-then go on dolphin18:43
Peace-tyler: smb:/18:44
tylerPeace: Yea that worked thank you very much18:44
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Guest76850i dont want this name how do i get a new one19:20
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Peace--Guest76850: type this19:21
Peace--Guest76850: /nick yourname19:21
Peace--Guest76850: what19:21
Guest76850someone said type that word so i did19:22
Guest76850i want to be my own psuedoname19:22
Peace--Guest76850: /nick noobnick19:22
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Guest76850how bout nick the prick19:23
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fred__thats beter cuz thats me man19:24
goozllhello, i made a wifi adhoc network on windows and i was able to access it with another windows pc. however i'm failing to connect to it with my kubuntu computer. could someone help me please?19:28
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:37
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stavrosLinuxhow can I edit my favorites list in quassel?21:00
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clashingwaveHello, can anyone tell me where rekonq stores user data?, I would like to back it up before doing a fresh install, but I can't seem to find it22:58
* coolstar-pc tells clashingwave that there's better support at #kde. kubuntu's irc isn't very good, you know23:00
Unit193clashingwave: I'm not on it right now, but check ~/.config/ or ~/.rekonq23:01
coolstar-pcclashingwave: You'll probably get more support at #kde. Most of the people here are idling23:01
clashingwaveOkay, thank you23:01
RiotingPacifistkde keeps prompting me for root password but i don't have one, Is this a common issue I'm failing at google23:01
coolstar-pcRiotingPacifist: You'll probably get more support at #kde. Most of the people here are idling23:02
Unit193RiotingPacifist: Did you try your user password?23:02
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Unit193coolstar-pc: Will you please stop that23:02
coolstar-pcUnit193: Usually when I ask questions here, I don't get a reply and have to go to either #ubuntu, or #kde to get help.............23:02
RiotingPacifistUnit193: my password doesn't work23:03
Unit193It's quite active, you can help too though23:03
RiotingPacifistcoolstar-pc: thanks, I will try those channels if I don't get anywhere here, thanks, but i suspect they will tell me its a distro problem23:04
coolstar-pcUnit193: I can't really help yet. I do know a lot about Linux, and have used linux for 3 years, but only recently moved to kde because I was annoyed at Unity23:04
Unit193RiotingPacifist: Did you come across https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo or http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo ?23:07
RiotingPacifistUnit193: had found first one, just read 2nd, both are to do with sudo which works fine (as does kdesudo) the problem is kde calls something internally asking for root23:10
Unit193Weird, I haven't had that one...23:11
PhireB0mb3rHello everyone. How do I perform a distupgrade?23:39
PhireB0mb3rI just realized I'm on 11.04, not 11.1023:39
RiotingPacifistI need to be in an admin group (admin group has no other importance in my system) is this because i'm using polkit?23:43
PhireB0mb3rDisregard. Found it.23:45

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