
sagacihead_victim: is the event online02:36
gorillasagaci: It's happening at the state library(??) in Brisbane.02:41
sagaciyeah but I meant if anyone is on IRC03:11
sagacigorilla: ^03:11
gorillasagaci: ahhh. I was being too literal. Sorry03:20
SVNDRhas anyone in here ever sucsessfully installed Ubuntu11.10 using iPhone4 (jailbroken) running 'USB Drive' - Or any other application for that matter??04:18
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
sagacisvndr: good luck with that05:38
* head_victim waves05:54
head_victimPhotos up = http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntuau/pool/with/6651197999/06:21
sagacihead_victim: time to start planning the next one06:23
benonsoftwareWhen/Where will the next one be?06:25
head_victimbenonsoftware: we were discussing that today, we're thinking the june/july school holidays would be a good time for the next one. We're hoping to get other cities involved as well but that comes down to people in those places getting a couple of volunteers together to run it.06:27
benonsoftwareOk, I wouldn't mind helping run it06:27
head_victimCool, well I have to head off again now, I'll no doubt be back later tonight.06:30

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