
Guest39666dw i'n wedi blino00:23
cgriffS'mae Guest3966600:24
cgriffPwy wyt ti? :p00:24
cgriffAh, Lauren00:24
=== Guest39666 is now known as Kaia
Kaiashwmae cgriff00:24
Kaiable wyt ti?00:25
cgriffKaia: Castell NEdd / Blaendulais00:25
Kaiaahhh gwych00:25
Kaiadw i'n yn pen-y-bont00:26
cgriffPa bont? ;P00:27
Kaiaar Ogwr00:27
KaiaRoeddwn sy'n gweithio yn y Tseiniaidd a ty cebab heno gyda Damon00:28
cgriffNewydd fwyta Chink :)00:28
cgriffDwi dwli ar hwyaden :p00:29
KaiaDwi dwli a crispy cyw iar00:30
cgriffcrispy duck <300:32
KaiaFy Tseiniaidd do an awesome crispy duck :D00:33
Kaiadydd i ddim yn hoffi hwyaden often00:33
cgriffDuck in plum sauce, sliced up and all crispy :)00:35
Kaianever had that00:35
KaiaI had crispy duck pancakes on my birthday00:35
Kaiait was lovely, we had £25 worth of duck free from my works :D00:36
cgriffI have 153 dependencies for vim, vim-spell-en and vim-latex D:00:41
markjonesKaia: oes 'da ti lle i fi a Natalie cysgu ar gyfer Hacio'r Iaith?00:41
cgriffDidn't realise that vim-latex would pull in LaTeX packages too when I only wanted syntaxing support for vim00:42
cgriffKaia: Wyt ti'n mynd eleni?00:43
cgriffi Haciaith?00:43
Kaiamae ddrwg gen i00:47
Kaiawasn't paying attention :P00:47
Kaiamight, depends on date00:47
cgriff28th Jan00:53
cgriffDwi'n cytuno gyda Hedd a Simon ar ol ddarthlen ei erthygl/traethawd.00:53
cgriffDamn sorry wrong bit of clipboard00:53
KaiaI can go this year :D00:54
Kaiamy exams are on 24th/26th00:54
cgriffOops I have no idea when my exams are -_-00:54
markjonesKaia: did you ignore my message too :(00:55
Kaiamae cgriff yn dwp00:55
Kaiamarkjones: what message?00:55
markjones00:41 :: member:Kaia: oes 'da ti lle i fi a Natalie cysgu ar gyfer Hacio'r Iaith?00:56
Kaiahmm, I will have to check with jade and sam00:56
cgriffWhat an odd interface, ":: member:Kaia"00:56
Kaiahave to be careful as well because of cat00:57
Kaiacgriff: huh where?00:57
cgriffIn his copy and paste00:57
markjonescat is fine, we'll have a sleeping bag00:58
markjonesyeah, it is00:58
markjonesjust noticed xD00:58
Kaiamy cat is only a baby and he scrams as evidence from my arms/legs and amber's arms and legs00:59
* Kaia misses amber00:59
markjonesyeah, i've got tough skin01:00
markjonesfailing that I'll have to bribe someone01:04
* markjones avoids looking in the direction of Mr__T 01:05
Kaiaeverything would probably be fine, just don't want to get moaned at by jade for not asking her first01:08
markjonesok, we can have chinese again :D01:09
cgriffmarkjones: Beth am y noson cyri?01:09
markjonesCyri > Chinese01:10
cgriffWell I prefer Chinese tbh but   they are holding a curry night01:12
KaiaChinese > curry01:12
markjonesi get my > and < mixed up01:15
Kaiasilly >.<01:16
Kaiacgriff: which chinese?01:16
cgriffKaia: Hot Dumplings? ;)01:17
Kaiaoh yeah! cgriff new oriental place opened by pier called The Orchid01:17
Kaiathey do an all you can eat for like £6 or something in the day01:17
cgriffThere's already an Orchid on the street near Subway01:17
Kaiaaye i know01:17
Kaiabut that place is expensive01:17
Kaiamy uncle reckons i ate there once when i was about 12 :S01:18
markjonesaww bechod01:18
cgriffIt's not that expensive, I used to have Thai noodles there all the time, proper meal with drink for like 6 quid01:19
markjonescgriff: you never approved of my email i copy/pasted01:20
cgriffmarkjones: It's short but should do ;)01:20
Mr__Toh waaaait01:21
Mr__Tcgriff = ianto01:21
markjonesbrainfart again, Mr__T?01:22
* Kaia facepalms01:22
* Kaia waves at Mr__T01:22
Mr__Twhy should I have known  he changed nick?01:22
cgriff/msg nickserv info cgriff01:22
Mr__Tcgriff, see link I posted on facebutte01:22
Kaiamarkjones: don't worry, i did the same thing earlier :)01:22
Kaiaeuch Mr__T01:23
cgriffYeah I did but I am not sure how an upgrade disk license can be registered to a machine for a fresh install01:23
Mr__Tsee url201:23
Mr__Tand/or talk to jeff pugh01:23
Mr__The knows his shiz01:23
Mr__Tor, ask me nicely and I can lend you a legit XP CD from my ex-employer...01:24
KaiaMr__T: are you going to Hacio'r Iaith?01:24
Mr__Taye, should do01:24
Kaia:D epic01:24
Mr__T28th is my worst case scenario return date to aber01:24
Mr__Tgig that night at the rafa too01:25
markjonesi might go along to that gig01:25
markjones(the one in Lew Du)01:25
Kaiahmm i've never been in the rafa01:26
Mr__Tahh maybe it's the llew du01:26
cgriffAnyone going to the Cymdeithas gig in ABer too? In the rugby club for the 50th anniversary?01:26
KaiaMr__T seems to live there..01:26
Mr__Teither way,  I'm going to help set up01:26
* cgriff lives in Y Cwps :p01:26
Mr__Tthe rafa is our turf01:26
Mr__Talso, close to teh boat01:28
Mr__Tfor 4am finishes01:28
Kaiacgriff: I used to go to y cwps but my locals are the fountain and aber vaults now01:29
Mr__TI went to the fountain once01:30
KaiaI've been going to the fountain since around 1301:30
Mr__Talright food01:30
Mr__Tahh, cos of teh caravan01:30
* Mr__T knows all01:30
cgriffKaia: Uch... Aber Vaults... -_-01:30
Mr__Tscholars, rummers, angel for a laugh01:31
Mr__Twent to the academy the other night, maaaan01:31
Mr__TI haven't been in there since about 200501:31
Mr__TI dunno why, the inside is cooool01:31
Mr__Tmore churches should be put to good use imo01:32
markjonesY Niwl and Sen Segur are in Llew Du on Friday nights01:32
cgriffMy surgery is a revamped church in Aber01:32
cgriffIt's rather unique01:32
Mr__Tchurch surgery....01:33
cgriffHorrendous waiting times though01:33
Mr__Tarad goch theatre is an old  church too01:33
cgriffYou can't get an appointment for two weeks01:33
Mr__Tawwwwesome building01:33
Mr__Tsuper renovated inside01:33
Mr__Topposite the commodore cinema01:33
markjonesour surgery's in a brand new building, it's been designed for /maximum/ confusion01:34
Mr__Tare all the corridors optical illusions?01:34
markjonesno, it's open plan01:34
Kaia_chani think Kaia is going to ping out soon ;/01:36
cgriffcentral can never ping out ;)01:36
Kaia_chanhouse internet went down01:36
Kaia_chancgriff: what have you been smoking?!01:36
cgriffKaia_chan: Ground up some old RAM into a pipe, that almost killed me ;)01:39
Kaia_chanaye, say hi to sam for me01:40
cgriffLol she's not here -_-01:40
Kaia_chanawww how come?01:43
Kaia_chando i have to sign up for haciath?01:43
cgriffShe spends most of her time in another house01:44
cgriffKaia_chan: You might as well01:44
markjoneshttp://direct.tesco.com/product/images/?R=205-7010&tn=/0/SS09205-7010TPS448460.jpg i might buy this for use at Kaia_chan 's house01:48
markjones(we're not making the same mistakes we made last time :P )01:49
Kaia_chanyeah i have a warning as well01:52
Kaia_channo funny business in my house please01:52
Kaia_chanif jade finds out she will go ape01:52
Mr__Tzomg, you  should see what I slept on at aimaz's01:53
Mr__Tit's called a bean2bag01:53
Mr__Tit were massive01:53
* cgriff googles01:53
markjonesthere was no funny business, as far as I can remember.... We're not bringing an airbed so don't need to pump it up in the middle of the night :O_01:53
Mr__Tthanks, I'm watching sherlock :)01:53
Kaia_chansherlock is epic win01:54
Kaia_chanis episode 2 out yet?01:54
cgriffNo Béarla was epic win :P01:54
Kaia_chanMr__T: bean2bag?01:54
Mr__Ta bed that rolls up and goes into beanbag bag01:55
Kaia_chanmy parents have been looking at buying a new house01:57
markjonesMr__T: one of these butte: http://bean2bed.com/bean-bags.html01:57
Mr__Tnot bean2bag01:58
Mr__Tthat in front of the wood burner was lovely01:58
Mr__Talas, bedtime01:59
Kaia_chan^the new house we are looking at01:59
cgriffKaia_chan: No pics?02:00
Mr__Tnossssssssssssssssss da02:00
Kaia_chanwe are thinking of converting the study into a bedroom02:01
Kaia_chanthe dining room into a games room02:01
cgriffNicely decorated the previous owners had it02:02
markjones*sigh* it's 2am and Nat wants me to go and cuddle her in bed...02:03
markjones(to help her sleep)02:03
markjonesnos da02:03
Kaia_chanawww i think my house has been taken off the market :(02:06
Kaia_chancan't find it now02:06
Kaia_chanon the site we were looking at it on02:07
brobostigongood morning everyone,11:02
markjonesMorming :)11:10
markjonesI might start hacking our Wiki pages, making it more up to date and meaningful11:11
brobostigonmorning markjones :)11:11
brobostigonmarkjones: if you have the url, i lost some of my bookmarks a few weeks ago.11:11
brobostigonyhank you.11:12
brobostigonthank you.11:12
markjonescgriff: what's this 'official' membership we have?11:13
markjonesmajor edit of the wiki page done11:32
markjonesI'm going to tidy it up11:33
markjonesIf you want to brobostigon, I've just created Welshteam/Events11:35
markjonescould you fill it up? :P11:35
markjoneswe don't need things like meetings, just events such as Global Jam, Hacking Language etc11:36
brobostigonlet me check back in my diary.11:36
markjonesand i'm at it again... all our old news (from 2010 and 2009) is on WelshTeam/News11:44
brobostigonweird, as soon i try and reload the wiki page, chromium just dies.11:48
markjonesi'm doing a lot of edits, that's why :P11:48
markjonesi've brought it up to date12:23
markjonesI need to clarify things with cgriff and dariusH_ now12:23
brobostigonlet me look also.12:24
markjones(Darius is listed as Team Contact, need to check if he still wants to do it)12:24
brobostigonin practicality, there is not many people that are candidates.12:25
brobostigonif he doesnt.12:25
markjonesit'll be lestid as a vacancy12:26
brobostigonand i cant be, having an english, welsh team contact, that lives in england, isnt really the best of ideas.12:27
brobostigonhalf english/half welsh*12:28
markjonesI'm going to be creating a few other roles12:29
markjonesthere might be something you can do :)12:29
brobostigonmaybe, if i am feeling better, and my concentration etc, is back to normal.12:29
markjonessorry, doing more changes to the wiki :P12:47
markjonesi've updated the main pages now13:26
markjonesthey look pretty decent and up to date13:27
markjonesthe events page has been populated too13:30
* brobostigon looks.13:32
brobostigonmarkjones: maybe we could use google+ hangout or similer for the meeting? could it allow for document sharing etc?13:34
markjonesyes, but we need to keep minutes13:35
markjonesand not everyone uses Google+13:35
brobostigontrue, good point.13:35
markjoneshey Mr__T13:50
Mr__Tsleep debt: repaid13:55
brobostigonafternoongs Mr__T13:55
brobostigonMr__T: markjones just updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam, our wiki page.13:56
Mr__Tah neis13:57
markjonesthey wre all out of date13:58
brobostigoni just read an interesting statistic, of all people of working age, 85% of those, diagnosed with aspergers are long term unemployed.13:59
brobostigonthe outlook isnt good for me then.14:01
Mr__Tthe trick is to make a job out of your hobbies/interests14:01
Mr__Teven if you have to go self employed14:02
markjoneshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimCymraeg is up to date too14:02
brobostigonMr__T: true point, and that is what i have tried to do, and has been a filiure.14:03
Mr__Tthe other trick is to move somewhere nice and let the gov worry about you instead14:04
Mr__Tchange is as good as a rest and all that14:04
brobostigonMr__T: i live somewhere nice, yes.14:04
Mr__Thas to be somewhere else14:04
Mr__Tthere isn't working...14:04
markjoneschanges have been made to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam/Events, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimCymraeg and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam/HackingLanguage14:05
brobostigonMr__T: change is not good, i have lived where i am now, for muist be 6 years, and i am still not proper used to, and or comfortable.14:05
markjonesyeah, it's hard for people with AS14:05
Mr__Tbrobostigon, do you think you ever will at the rate?14:05
markjones(it's hard for anyone with a disability actually)14:05
brobostigonMr__T: it is simply a fact of who i am, and the person i am, it cannot be avoided.14:06
markjonesshould I create a Twitter account?14:06
Mr__TI don't think you have anything to lose14:06
markjones(for the LoCo)14:06
Mr__Tre-phrase that so it doesn't sound insulting14:06
Mr__Tbtw, don't suppose anyone has a server I could have a shell on for an  IRC bouncer?14:07
brobostigonMr__T: last time i moved, it was bad enough, because iof the change, i tried to harm myself, if you see what i mean, about 6 months later.14:07
Mr__Tbut doesn't that also add weight to the argument that that was not the right place for you?14:08
markjonesMr__T: i do14:09
brobostigonMr__T: that was early when i moved here, upto now, certain the klast year or so, it has been mostly stable, so it is mostly the right place.14:09
markjonesbut it's being updated over the next 48 hours14:09
brobostigonMr__T: it is the initial move and change which is the issue.14:09
markjones(I have a VPS running Ubuntu)14:09
Mr__TI see14:09
Mr__Tmarkjones, bingo :D14:09
* brobostigon also has a vps running debian.14:09
Mr__TI used to have a shell on anubis til Narc kicked us off :/14:09
markjonesyeah, i did too14:10
Mr__Tthought you did14:10
brobostigoni am on bitfolk now.14:10
markjonesi'm with Zerneboj14:10
markjonesi know the <D14:10
Mr__TI'll add biscuits to the cuppa in exchange for a login >:D14:11
Mr__Tbut no rush14:11
markjonesheh, no need for bribery14:11
markjonesit'll be the host for the website too14:11
Mr__Tmy phone is flat and I haven't got a microusb cable14:11
Mr__Tso far enjoying the peace14:11
Mr__Tleft a friend's place in a hurry, gave up searching for it14:12
Mr__Tfigured my dad's camera cable might fit it,  it didn't14:12
markjonesMr__T: this is the presentation (needs translating) I'm doing for Hacio'r Iaith: https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0ASuIGA3SepQMZGRtdno2ODJfMTc2ZnZ2OWQzdng14:12
Mr__Tdon't want to pay argos prices14:12
Mr__Toh cool14:13
markjonesgo see a paki in a phone shop14:13
markjoneshe'll sell you one cheap14:13
Mr__Taye, still waiting on funnnnds though14:14
Mr__Tinvoiced yesterday14:14
Mr__Tgonna be a while14:14
markjonesi'm having to restrain myself, i don't want to break the Code of Conduct14:14
Mr__TI got a fitocracy invite yesterday14:15
Mr__Treminded me I want one of those exercise android apps14:15
Mr__Talso, had an idea of a heart rate monitor app in a dream, but then found it's been done :/14:16
Mr__Tjust like every idea I have14:16
markjonesright, time to translate!14:18
Mr__Ttime to get dressed.14:18
* brobostigon points at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Autistic_Survival_Guide14:19
markjonesugh, I hate it when people embed graphics into their background...14:28
brobostigonagreed. it is outdated.14:29
markjonesI've just had to layer elements over them...14:32
cgriffmarkjones: Beth dylet ti egluro 'da fi?15:03
markjonesdo you like the updated pages?15:04
markjonessecondly: the bottom of WelshTeam: is Darius still Team Contact? and there's an empty section - support15:05
* cgriff looks at revision log15:05
brobostigonafternoonings cgriff :)15:05
cgriffAfternoon brobostigon15:07
cgriffmarkjones: It looks okay but the Contact PAge and section still list me as PoC15:07
markjoneswill get to that15:07
cgriffI'm failing to sign into the wiki with Ubuntu's SSO -_-15:10
markjonesit's a bit sticky...15:10
cgriffJust updated my personal wiki page, rather out of date ;)15:13
markjonesyeah, mine was too15:14
markjonespowerpoint just crashed15:18
markjonesi just lost all he translation :(15:18
markjonescgriff: have you got the time to get me some Launchpad screenshots?15:22
cgriffmarkjones: It's simple yeah but of what in Launchpad?15:22
markjonescgriff: https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0ASuIGA3SepQMZGRtdno2ODJfMjgxZ3IzdmtiaGM15:26
markjonesany of those slides that say 'need screenshot'15:26
markjonesflying through this translation :P15:45
markjonescgriff: wyt ti'n deall y cyfweliad?15:58
cgriffmarkjones: Pa gyfweliad?15:59
cgriffPwy sy'n mynd i gael ei gyfweld? :p15:59
markjonesdo you like the presentation?16:02
* markjones is tired16:03
cgriffLol "glasprint" :p16:03
cgriffmarkjones: Ti wedi paratoi beth ti'n mynd i ddweud to?16:05
markjonesfydd hynna'n nesa16:06
cgriffokay cool :)16:06
markjonesdo you want to say anything?16:07
markjonesWhat i was thinking is we get one of the morning presentation slots, then we can do some registrations and help people to get started16:08
cgriffliam: Are you Mr_T?16:41
markjoneshe is16:42
cgriffCool \o16:42
=== liam is now known as Mr__T
=== markjones_ is now known as markjones

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