
wlachis there anything I can do to get some attention to an easy-to-fix bug (just apply a pre-existing patch that has been in use by Fedora for >1 year) in Ubuntu? It would be great to see this fixed in time for the next version: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+bug/91239203:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 912392 in xchat "Please include upstream libnotify fix into package" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:52
brycewlach, yeah I can take a look03:57
brycewlach, but not before next week03:57
brycewlach, btw for reference, in general if you *attach* the patch to the bug rather than mention a link to it, that tends to get it on people's radars better03:58
brycesince launchpad then flags it as a patch, which gets it into the sponsoring review queue03:59
wlachbryce: I can easily do that, since I created a patched package myself a day ago :)03:59
wlachbryce: there's no rush, I just wanted to make sure it got attention ...03:59
brycewlach, if you know how to create debdiffs, attaching a debdiff is a *really* good way to get it some attention, since those tend to get even higher priority in the sponsor queue04:01
wlachbryce: oh cool, I didn't know that, no04:02
wlachIt's been a long time since I've messed with debian packaging but I'm sure I can learn04:02
wlachrelearn that is04:02
brycewlach, cool!  well welcome :-)04:03
wlachbryce: Can't promise I'll show up *too* often as I have lots of stuff on the go. ;-) this particular issue just happened to be driving me crazy enough to motivate me to go into #gnome-shell and debug it with the help of some of the developers there04:04
wlachbut this is good to know for future reference04:05
brycewlach, yep04:05
BigWhaleGod Morning.06:33
chrisccoulsondesrt, does calling g_settings_new result in an AddMatch message being sent over the session bus? (eg, "type='signal',interface='ca.desrt.dconf.Writer',path='/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user',arg0path='/system/proxy/'")20:32
desrtasynchronously so20:38
chrisccoulsondesrt, ah, that will be why thunderbird is spamming my session bus with millions of these messages20:38
chrisccoulsonit does this every time it creates a new http channel, to check the proxy settings20:39
chrisccoulsonwe should probably cache these :)20:39
desrtsounds reasonable, indeed :)20:39
chrisccoulsonthunderbird is also haemorrhaging memory whilst it's doing this too :(20:42
chrisccoulsonthat's going to be fun to debug20:42
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i think i'm going to have to rebuild thunderbird to turn off jemalloc :(20:55

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