
mehdi2hi, we don't receive notification emails from our forum and I couldn't connect to trac to report the issue10:56
mehdi2juliux_: ^ if you can help10:57
encbladexpwhich forum?10:59
encbladexpkeep in mind -> eshu is down10:59
encbladexptrac & mail are running on them11:00
mehdi2encbladexp: forum.ubuntu.ir11:05
mehdi2encbladexp: you mean we don't have mail now?11:06
encbladexpmx.ubuntu-eu.org is an alias for eshu.ubuntu-eu.org11:07
encbladexpbut wait11:07
mehdi2any plans to have it back?11:07
encbladexpeshu is dead :-(11:07
encbladexpbut wait11:07
encbladexpubuntu.ir have to other Mailserver in DNS11:08
mehdi2no they're not working11:08
encbladexpsince when mail is broken for you?11:09
mehdi2hope you have another mail server that can handle our mail too11:09
encbladexpbeginning of december?11:09
mehdi2should be around a month or so11:09
encbladexpatm we moving DNS and Mail so new server at cologne11:09
mehdi2I thought the admins are working on it11:10
encbladexpbut this takes some time to setup :-/11:10
encbladexptomorrow apollo13 and i setup dns completely11:10
encbladexpnext 2 weeks i setup mail11:10
encbladexpthis means it should work again at the of january11:11
mehdi2wish you could set it up faster :-/11:11
encbladexpfor ubuntuusers.de we have setup a workaround11:11
mehdi2but if there is no other way we have to wait11:11
mehdi2since we don't have anyother option right now11:12
encbladexpi ask apollo13 if he can make a workaround for ubuntu.ir too11:12
encbladexpubuntu.ir.              86400   IN      MX      0 a.mx.hezardastan.org.11:12
encbladexpwhats about this Servers?11:12
mehdi2hope he can do it for us too..11:12
mehdi2no, it's not working11:12
mehdi2you can remove entries from DNS11:13
encbladexphmm, ok11:13
encbladexpi will do so11:13
mehdi2will you ask him if we can use their workaround11:13
mehdi2cool, thanks :)11:13
encbladexpkeep in mind, this workaround is _only_ for sending mails11:14
encbladexpnot for recieving mails11:14
mehdi2I know, that's enough11:15
encbladexphow can i contact you?11:15
mehdi2as I know it's just an email forwarder11:15
encbladexpi will do so if i know something new11:15
mehdi2thanks for kind help11:15
encbladexpsome bad news11:18
encbladexpapollo13 sends mail for ubuntuusers.de ober pyrox, which costs some money11:18
encbladexpe.g. it is not so simple as it told you before11:18
encbladexpbut apollo13 checks if we can send some more domains over this account11:19
mehdi2thank you and apollo13, hope we can use the workaround too11:26
encbladexpi hope too ;-)11:27
encbladexpthe new services have more redudancy11:27
encbladexpin the last years not all things at ubuntu-eu.org are done fine11:28
encbladexpcurrently we are reworking most things11:28
encbladexpbut we have not planned that eshu goes down before we are done with all11:28
encbladexpfor most data of eshu we have no backups anyway :-(11:28
mehdi2ubuntu-eu infrastructure has had lots of changes since the project beginning11:40
mehdi2hope you can set it up soon11:40
mehdi2we're happy with the service, although we've lost data sime times... but that happens ;)11:41
encbladexpi hope to11:41
mehdi2and ready to help if we can11:41
encbladexpone Problem is we dont know all contacts from all domains running11:41
encbladexpi you can give me some more infos about ubuntu.ir i will make some docs11:42
mehdi2I think there was a wiki with all these data11:42
mehdi2sure I will11:42
mehdi2yes, ubuntu-eu had a great wiki with all service details11:43
mehdi2maybe you need to ask old admins about it11:43
mehdi2it was on trac11:43
encbladexptrac was von eshu11:50
encbladexpeshu is dead ;-)11:50
encbladexpand nobody has backups of eshu11:50
mehdi2oh :/ hard work to gather info again11:55
encbladexpwe simply shoutdown domains we don't know anything about11:57
encbladexpan hope someone will contact us11:58
encbladexpif we have contacts, we must not shutdown it11:58
encbladexpso we know whats really running on our servers11:58
mehdi2and we don't know about what's going on inside ubuntu-eu12:03
encbladexpwe have a new Trac12:11
encbladexpbut this is german only, and not public12:11
encbladexpbut i can configure a contact Mail for you12:11
encbladexplike admin@ubuntu-eu.org or so12:11

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