
ockhamhi, any clue why this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pysolfc-cardsets package's version is suffixed "fakesync1"? i originally (2.0+dfsg-0ubuntu1) submitted it via MOTU and have recently had an updated version submitted to debian (2.0+dfsg-1, which has now been synced to ubuntu. is it because i changed the orig tarball (some cardsets turned out to be ok with dfsg)? could it have been avoided by versioning the dfsg suffix?01:34
ockhammost of all: is a fakesync something i need to worry about?01:34
broderockham: yes. because of how apt repositories work, a repository can never hold two different files with the same file name01:46
broderwhen an orig tarball gets uploaded to ubuntu then a different one gets uploaded to debian, this would create a conflict for a normal sync01:46
brodera fakesync takes the packaging from debian and overlays it on the orig tarball that ubuntu is now stuck with01:47
broderso if debian had gotten the same orig tarball, or they had been named differently, there wouldn't have been a conflict, and we wouldn't have needed to do a fakesync01:48
brodermost of our tools will automatically detect if a fakesync is needed instead of a normal sync and do the fakesync instead (syncpackage can do this, for instance)01:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
l3onjtaylor, around? I'm patchig dkopp (ukopp already done by Ilya). Have you talked with upstream, right? There is no new release in the download page :/10:13
jtaylorl3on: hm I'll just fix dkopp as it doesn't affect debian, ping me when a new upstream comes out and you have it in debian13:57
l3onjtaylor, I applied patch in debian packages, now waiting for a sponsor.13:57
jtaylorwtf python2.7-dev amd64 2.7.2-9ubuntu1 [44.0 MB]15:25
jtaylorwhy is that so large15:25
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
KNROhello, I encountered a dependency error building in launchpad18:56
KNROlibapogee-dev : Depends: libapogee2 (= 2.2-0ubuntu1) but 2.3-0~21~oneiric1 is to be installed18:56
KNROI don't understand why the latest version 2.3 is not installed if it's available?18:57
KNROthere is no requirement for = 2.218:57
jtaylor-dev packages usually have = {binary...} dependencies18:58
KNROyes, should I say the dev package should be >= 2.3 then?19:00
jtaylorno, -dev packages should always be the exact same version as the accompanied library19:01
l3onKNRO, apt-cache policy libapogee219:01
KNROjtaylor: the problem is the 2.2 is available in universe while 2.3 of the package is available in my ppa19:02
KNROso apparently launchpad tries to use the 2.2 version but it also 'sees' the 2.319:02
jtaylordoesn't your ppa provide the -dev package?19:03
jtaylorthen apt should see that too19:04
jtaylorwhats the output of l3ons line?19:04
KNROInstalled: (none)   Candidate: 2.2-0ubuntu1   Version table:    2.2-0ubuntu1 019:06
KNRObut this is local, I'm trying to build this on launchpad using a recipe19:06
KNROso I'm trying to build a package (indi-apogee) that depends on libapogee2. The version in universe is 2.2, the version in my ppa is 2.3. launchpad says that libapogee-dev depends on 2.2, even though when it can see that 2.3 is the latest one and is going to be installed.19:08
AmpelbeinKNRO: Can you give the link to your ppa?19:12
KNROAmpelbein: Sure. https://launchpad.net/~mutlaqja/+archive/ppa19:13
KNROThis is the buildlog: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/89300412/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.indi-apogee_1.1-0~23~oneiric1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:14
AmpelbeinKNRO: The -dev package of your ppa version is named libapogee2-dev, you build-depend on libapogee-dev.19:15
KNROAmpelbein: arghhh! Ok thanks let me check!19:20
KNROAmpelbein: Spent two hours on this! Thanks for catching the problem, will have to READ carefully next time19:22
AmpelbeinHappens to all of us ;-)19:22
Ampelbeinl3on: fdm sync (#913253) accepted, thanks for your work!20:41
l3onAmpelbein, thanks for your review :)20:41
achiangugh, this should be simple, but i'm not getting it. how does one add a brand new file using quilt? a binary doesn't have a manpage, so i did:21:37
achiang1) quilt new add-manpage.patch21:37
achiang2) touch resources/man/foo.121:37
achiang3) <edit foo.1>21:37
achiang4) quilt add resource/man/foo.121:37
achiang5) quilt refresh21:37
achiangstep 5 gives an error: Nothing in patch add-manpage.patch21:38
jtaylorcan you add before touching it?21:39
Ampelbeinachiang: switch steps 3 and 4.21:39
achiangAmpelbein: jtaylor: thanks, will give it a shot21:40
AmpelbeinQuilt refresh will diff the current version versus the original version added with quilt add, so  if you edit before adding quilt will never see the original.21:41
achiangthis is a leaky difference between quilt and a real vcs like git/bzr21:42
jtaylorin format 3.0 packages just create the file and run debuild21:43
Ampelbeinbetter, run dpkg-source --commit.21:43
Ampelbeinas the default is currently to abort on uncommited changes.21:43
jtaylordoes that work < preciase?21:44
achiangjtaylor: it is a 3.0 package... but doesn't that create a debian-changes patch?21:45
Ampelbeinjtaylor: nope, was introduced in, only in precise.21:45
jtaylorrename it and fill out the templete21:45
achiangyay, that got it21:49
achiangand now i'm lintian clean21:49
ockhamwhat do i need to do about that fakesync issue in pysolfc-cardsets? (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pysolfc-cardsets  ). i've modified the orig tarball in the version that got synced from debian (some more cardsets had turned out to be dfsg-compatible), and now there's that fakesync which apparently means that the version that's now scheduled for inclusion in precise has the old orig tarball.22:11
ockhamwhat's necessary for ubuntu to have the updated orig tarball?22:12
sorenbencc: Well, essentially, from upstart's perspective the package just needs to ship two job descriptions.22:15
sorenbencc: I.e. two files in /etc/init22:15
benccsoren: now I have upstart22:16
sorenbencc: Usually, if you only have a single job, you just name it debian/whatever.upstart, right?22:16
benccsoren: so I need to replace it with /etc/init/script1 and /etc/init/script2?22:16
benccsoren: right22:16
sorenbencc: Kinda.22:16
sorenbencc: That is what needs to happen, but debhelper lends you a helping hand here.22:17
benccsoren: how?22:17
sorenbencc: You can just put another upstart job in debian/. Call it e..g debian/whatever.somethingelse.upstart22:17
sorenbencc: It'll be installed as /etc/init/somethingelse.conf22:18
benccsoren: don't I need to call it with my package name?22:18
benccjust arbitrary name?22:18
sorenbencc: Yes. That's the "whatever" part.22:18
sorenIf your single upstart job is now called whatever.upstart, your other one should be called whatever.somethinglese.upstart22:19
benccsoren: thanks22:19
sorenI.e. the first part tells debhelper which binary package the upstart job will go to.22:19
sorenThe second part tells it what the name of the job should be.22:19
sorenMakes sense?22:20
benccyes, makes sense22:20
benccso I could have mypackage.script1.upstart and mypackage.script2.upstart22:21
sorenbencc: Right.22:46

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