
Psi-JackAnd, we're live again.00:00
Psi-JackFinally, sheash. ;)00:00
ikoniaI half want it to break again so we can work it through00:01
Psi-JackSwap was 100% ejected by that whole thing.00:01
Psi-JackIt might, I hope not, but it might still.00:01
ikoniaI don't actually want it to break really, just nice to do something interesting for a change00:01
Psi-JackI did the updates today at 3am, so it took around 13-14 hours to get that way.00:02
RoyKPsi-Jack: porting the shite to psql will probably be better00:02
Psi-JackRoyK: Yeah. Good luck convincing R&D that/. ;)00:02
RoyKPsi-Jack: not my job, just saying it ...00:02
Psi-JackOh, i know.00:02
Psi-JackAnd there's tools to do it. :)00:02
ikoniaRoyK: easy on the language please,00:03
Psi-JackI'm hoping it was just a mysql bug that was fixed by that update.00:03
RoyKyeah, and memory tuning psql is such a stroll in the park00:03
Psi-JackMemory at the moment is maintaining solid right now.00:03
Psi-JackRoyK: Indeed. :)00:03
RoyKikonia: what?00:03
ikoniaRoyK: no need for the swearing, please try not to00:03
eagles0513875gd luck Psi-Jack :D00:03
RoyKikonia: what?00:03
ikoniaRoyK: "shite"00:04
ikoniaplease don't use it00:04
ikoniaPsi-Jack: throws my broken index theory out of the window too00:04
RoyKikonia: what?00:04
ikoniaRoyK: please don't be silly, I've asked you clearly to respect the rules of the channels in the ubuntu name space00:05
Psi-JackAbout to put up a screenshot of the memory utilization chart since the update till just now.00:05
Psi-JackWhat's a good simple photobucket?00:05
RoyKikonia: I know there are certain rules written by a set of homegrown religious fundamentalists, rules that belong in various churches and so on, but not, I repeat NOT, on IRC or in the real world elsewhere00:06
ikoniaRoyK: the rules of the ubuntu channel is no swearing, I've made a polite request 3 times for you to follow those rules00:06
ikonia!guidelines > RoyK00:06
ubottuRoyK, please see my private message00:06
ikoniaRoyK: please check the url ubottu has sent you00:07
RoyKikonia: shut up, please00:07
ikoniaRoyK: sorry, that's not going to cut it, if you can't be polite to people and follow the no swearing rules, that in unacceptable00:07
RoyKikonia: can you please stop the offtopic talk in here? we're trying to talk about things on topic, stuff like ubuntu server. this isn't a language channel, you know00:08
Psi-JackThere's the Zabbix monitor for memory utilization.00:09
ikoniaRoyK: if you want to behave like this just because I asked you to not swear - that is your issues and I'll deal with it00:09
RoyKor did someone promote you to be a anti-swearing-guardian to help salvage the world from evil people like me?00:09
RoyKwe have bots for that sort of jobs, you know00:09
ikoniaif you can't follow a simple request to not swear in the channel or be polite to people you will not be welcome in the channel until you can do so00:09
ikonia!language | RoyK00:09
ubottuRoyK: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:09
ikoniaRoyK: there the bot has told you not to swear rather then me, so if you could please comply not that would be great00:10
RoyKikonia: please stay on topic. computer professionals are known throughout the world to use their language like anyone else00:10
ikoniaRoyK: I'll explain one more time00:10
RoyKno need to00:11
ikoniaRoyK: the ubuntu channels has no swearing policy - if you can't follow that, you are not welcome00:11
ikoniaif you can, that is great.00:11
RoyKI haven't uttered a single bad word after the initial word for which you started flaming me00:11
ikoniaRoyK: totally, but when I asked you to stop you tried 3 smart answers, and continue to suggest you will continue to swear, I've simpley asked you not to00:12
ikoniasimple request, please don't swear, simple response "sure, no problem"00:12
RoyKikonia: I have not sworn after you told me, not asked me, not to00:12
ikoniaRoyK: correct, but you kept aruging it as you have been doing suggesting it was acceptable00:12
ikoniarather than "sure no problem"00:13
ikoniaif you are happy to not swear, then fantastic, thank you00:13
RoyKso unless the rules are changed and also includes suggesting the rules are stupid, then I guess I yet haven't broken more of them00:13
Psi-JackAnyway. ;)00:13
Psi-Jackikonia: Did you see that chart?00:13
ikoniaRoyK: saying "what" every time I asked you to not swear is not anything but provocotive00:14
RoyKikonia: what?00:14
ikoniawell done, enough now00:14
ikoniaPsi-Jack: I didn't00:14
AlanBellok, lets call this argument to a close now00:14
Psi-JackYeah, that's why I'm trying to distract them back into the subject. ;)00:15
AlanBellI am sure RoyK will be a model citizen from now on, lets talk about servers00:15
Psi-Jackikonia: Notice right at the maintenance window, the free memory jump up and go WAY back down the moment mysql started?00:15
ikoniaPsi-Jack: just finding the url for the image, one moment00:16
Psi-JackAnd again, around 3:45, which was after doing some tuning.00:16
Psi-JackI think it was mysql somehow.00:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #737882 in cloud-init "cloud-init bails when any mimetype is non text" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73788200:16
Psi-JackCause it just ATE the memory for lunch every time for no reason.00:16
ikoniabecause it's not going beyond the bounds it must be something non-static as an issue and internal to mysql though00:17
RoyKPsi-Jack: late lunch00:18
Psi-JackYeah. There's a kernel update as well, but I'm not rebooting this server right now. :)00:18
Psi-JackI was pushing it by pushing out an update that I should've done this morning, but oh well.00:18
ikoniait's go to be something it's doing at a regular time that's causing it rather than a bug of something just going out of control/leaking00:18
yaksterhello all….00:18
ikoniait stays within the memory boundary, so it's not a "bug" in that respect00:19
ikoniait just seems to struggle to do $X Task00:19
Psi-Jackikonia: Even now, the free memory itself is steadilly dropping.00:19
yaksterwas wondering if anyone can successfully mount a Airport-Ectreme USB drive, if so what is the FSTAB line for it00:19
ikoniabut it never oversteps that it's doing00:19
Psi-JackBut it's not at the bottom 200MB.00:19
ikoniaI can only think of that index example00:19
Psi-JackRight now, it's peeked down to around 600MB free, and is maintaining it there with a very VERY slow pace there of continuing to get lower.00:20
Psi-JackI'm betting that's just it filling all it's caches, like query cache, innodb buffer pool, etc.00:21
yaksterhaving issues getting an airport extreme USB disk to mount in… perhaps someone can help?00:21
Psi-JackI know this DB isn't TOTALLY optimal, but we have this running just fine on other servers.00:21
yaksterin smbclient i can see it as a share00:21
ikoniaPsi-Jack: are they configured in a similar scale setup ?00:22
Psi-JackThis one DB is scaled in a 2-pair cluster, Master and Slave.00:23
Psi-JackWe have others of similar setup for R&D, QC, Staging, and specialized ones for Sales Demos and Partner's Sandbox.00:23
Psi-JackAlong with that, another production pair, each of those are running under a Xen server with Rackspace Cloud servers, that pair has 16GB each for it's Master and Slave.00:24
Psi-JackThat one's over allocated by about 5% more total memory than it's got to allocate for, and it still hasn't even swapped yet.00:24
Psi-JackSo, where the Rackspace MySQL pair has 16GB RAM each, they're maximum memory allocation is around 16.5GB.00:25
mansionDoes anybody happen to know about hard drive caddies in relation to hard drive speed?00:25
ikoniamansion: try ##hardware00:26
mansionSay, the caddy says 15k on it; would i be able to put a 10k drive into it and have it work?00:26
ikoniaPsi-Jack: interesting,00:26
Psi-JackYeah. That's my thought too.00:26
Psi-JackBut THIS one server, which hasn't been updated in months, had some updates to kernel and mysqld, and before that, everytime mysqld starts up, it eats ALL free memory, and then swap gradually starts to decline.00:27
Psi-JackUntil it's almost out.00:27
Psi-JackSo, I think we have a memory leak. ;)00:27
ikoniaPsi-Jack: I'd agree with that if it was going beyond it's allowed memory00:27
ikonia(or agree easier)00:27
Psi-JackThe slave server was freshly rebuilt not but a few weeks ago, just before Christmas, and it's not had that issue.00:27
ikoniais it at the same patch level (before you updated the master today)00:28
Psi-JackThe slave?00:28
Psi-JackNo, it was ahead. ;)00:28
ikoniaare they are the same level now00:29
ikonia(assuming a reboot)00:29
Psi-Jackikonia: Yes, mysqld is exactly the same patchlevel version as it's slave now.00:30
ikoniaahh, but the kernel isn't00:30
ikoniathat's the only thing thats different from what you're saying00:31
Psi-JackNot presently no.00:31
Psi-JackKernel is different, at the moment.00:31
ikoniaif this stops after a reboot, it would be good but annoying00:31
Psi-JackMain thing that changed was mysql, I think even glibc maybe?00:31
Psi-JackNope. glibc is the same00:32
Psi-Jackapparmor, mysqld, and upstart, are the three things in effect now, that were updated, that's changed.00:33
Psi-JackAnd I just ran my tuner-primer script on the DB, and free memory shot down some more. LOL00:34
Psi-JackBut, most of it's cache. :)00:34
Psi-Jack             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached00:34
Psi-JackMem:       8196800    7990704     206096          0     111312    121503600:35
Psi-Jack-/+ buffers/cache:    6664356    153244400:35
Psi-JackSwap:       905208       1696     90351200:35
Psi-JackHeh wow.00:38
ikoniaok, I'm too curious now, I want you to reboot (I know you can't just do that) but I'm too curious00:38
Psi-JackI just turned on the graphs for cache and buffers for that same time frame.00:39
Psi-JackBuffers and cache free during that whole time, was as low as the total free memory.00:39
Psi-JackSince the mysqld update, cache rose while free memory dropped, criss-crossing over each other as it should.00:39
Psi-JackI'll screenshot that if you want to see. ;)00:40
Psi-JackShows quite a difference.00:40
Psi-JackHuge difference.00:42
ikoniaI see00:43
Psi-JackBefore mysqld update, cache skyrockets, then gradually lowers until there's none left, while free memory's already gone.00:43
Psi-JackAfter update, free memory skyrockets but gradually goes down while it's building up cache.00:44
Psi-JackAnd now, the memory is maintaining itself at it's current level steady. ;)00:44
ikonianeed to feed now, it's late00:46
Psi-JackVampire, eh?00:47
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uvirtbotNew bug: #913009 in bacula (main) "package bacula-common-mysql (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/bacula/libbaccats.la', which is also in package bacula-common 5.2.1-0ubuntu2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91300902:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #913010 in tftp-hpa (main) "package tftpd-hpa 5.0-11ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91301003:01
=== sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
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=== sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|away
=== david is now known as Guest69559
Guest69559modprobe won't load my module, I think it's a dependency thing. How do I update modprobe's list of kernel modules ?07:44
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=== vragnaroda is now known as smw
Guest69559I found it, depmod08:10
Samiccan anyone one here check if my smtp server is secured enough?09:45
* Samic wonders if anyone is actually here!10:01
=== oolala is now known as lili
koolhead17Daviey: around?10:39
Deathvalley122does 11.10 have issues with its usb drivers cause its unable to read kvm now10:44
Psi-Jackikonia: Interesting results. So far, 4 hours later, and the memory report on that MySQL server is /COMPLETELY/ different.11:25
Psi-JackFree Memory is still >2 GB remaining, which is desired and expected, cache usage is now > 2 GB, which is better than it was before where it would go up or start extremely high and plumet within an hour..11:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #910962 in postfix (main) "installArchives() failed: dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:   syntax error: unknown group 'postdrop' in statoverride file  Error in function:   SystemError: E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91096211:37
eagles0513875what is the default url for cobbler on 11.1011:58
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* patdk-lap steals def13:29
cloudgeekbest network analyzer for network !!???13:36
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:37
cloudgeekno bestbot there !!13:43
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uvirtbotNew bug: #913166 in krb5 (main) "kprop will not find slave-kdc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91316616:31
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iToastIm thinking of using my ubuntu machine to kill my freenas box.18:34
iToastWhats more important, cpu or ram?18:34
iToastIts using a amth cpu at 1.5 ghz. with 1gb of ram.18:35
iToastI'm thinking of upping its ram to 2 / 4 gb :)18:35
Onepamopaguys, some help with IP alias ?19:24
Onepamopaauto eth0:0 iface eth0:0 inet static address <IP> netmask <mask>19:24
Onepamopainterface does not appear19:24
Onepamopa"cannot assign requested address"19:24
Onepamopamask is
uvirtbotNew bug: #913252 in mysql-5.1 (universe) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91325220:01
qman__that's an invalid mask20:04
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wmphello, is possible to show what configure options is package compiling?21:05
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uvirtbotNew bug: #913286 in squid (main) "Squid not loading upon Ubuntu start up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91328622:56
jasonmchristosAnyone here able to help with libpam-rsa?23:34
jasonmchristosInstalled it generated keys checked the config the lines to require rsa seem to be in place but my systems authentication looks unchanged.23:34

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